Standard sizes of interior doors with frames. Dimensions of interior doors How to calculate the size of an interior door with a frame

During construction or renovation, especially related to the redevelopment of premises, the question usually arises about the required dimensions doorways, intended for installation interior doors. What are the standard sizes of doorways, what are the standard sizes of the door leaf, the door block (the leaf together with the frame), how to correctly determine the required width and height - this will be discussed further. In addition, cases in which it is undesirable to follow the GOST recommendations will be considered, and there is a very high probability that your case is one of them.

What standard regulates the dimensions of interior doors?

The dimensions of interior doors are established by GOST 6629-88 “Internal wooden doors for residential and public buildings.” This standard, of course, is very outdated in general, but at the same time, most interior manufacturers comply with it, at least regarding dimensions. The same standard defines the requirements for the size of doorways, and most of them built in the late Soviet period, meet this standard. Another thing is earlier development, but this is a separate topic for discussion.

Most manufacturers still comply with GOST GOST 6629-88 in the production of interior doors

What are the standard door sizes determined by GOST?

For all door leaves there are two possible height sizes:

  • 2000 mm;
  • 2300 mm.

And the corresponding dimensions of the door block (leaf + frame):

  • 2071 mm;
  • 2371 mm;

The following possible dimensions are set for the width of the door leaf:

  • 600 mm;
  • 700 mm;
  • 800 mm;
  • 900 mm;
  • 1100 mm;

And the corresponding widths of the door blocks (leaf + frame):

  • 670 mm;
  • 770 mm;
  • 870 mm;
  • 970 mm;
  • 1170 mm.

Attention! It should be noted that if the dimensions of door panels according to GOST are observed by almost all manufacturers of interior doors, then with frames the situation is somewhat different.

Due to the fact that many new materials and technical solutions In this regard, the dimensions of door blocks from different manufacturers may differ by up to several centimeters.

Measuring the doorway before installing the door

For example: GOST defines the standard size of the leaf as 600x2000 mm, and the door block for such a leaf as 670x2071 mm. Doors made of MDF, which are quite widespread today, equipped with a collapsible door frame made of MDF, have a leaf size of 600x2000 mm, and the size of the door block is 650x2050 mm. At the same time, door blocks with larger dimensions than those prescribed by GOST, for example 680x2070 mm, with the same standard leaf 600x2000 mm are also found less frequently.

What are the standard sizes of doorways

GOST 6629-88 establishes the following standard dimensions of doorways:

  • Heights - 2100 mm or 2400 mm;
  • Widths – 710 mm, 810 mm, 910 mm, 1010 mm, 1210 mm.

For example, according to GOST, a door leaf 800x2000 mm assembled with a door frame should have an installation size of 870x2071 mm, and the doorway for this door should be made with dimensions of 910x2100 mm.

Attention! As can be seen from the above, if you make a doorway in accordance with GOST, and purchase a door, as in the previous example, with a door block size of 850x2055 mm, you will encounter problems during its installation: such an opening is too large for this door block to be securely fastened in it.

Scheme of door and door frame measurements

Here it is necessary to take into account that GOST was compiled at a time when polyurethane foam was not used when installing doors, and is designed for the installation of doors “ wet method", when the gaps between the wall and the door frame were filled with plaster. In itself, this method has completely discredited itself - the consequences of such an installation are still memorable, when in absolutely new apartment from the first days, not a single interior door closed normally: under the influence of moisture from the plaster, the wooden door frames twisted even before use began.

Advice. Doorways must be made 20mm smaller in width and 30mm smaller in height than GOST recommends.

If, after creating an opening for installing doors, you plan to screed and lay floors, the height of the opening must be increased by an amount equal to the height to which the floor level will subsequently rise.

Let's consider two cases separately:

  1. When you need to match doors to an existing doorway;
  2. When you are going to form an opening, and you need to decide on its size.

In the first case, it is important to consider the following: no matter how much you would like to do differently, you need to decide on the choice of door before the stage finishing walls and This is necessary because, as mentioned above, the dimensions of door blocks from different door manufacturers may have significant deviations from the standard ones, and if you have to take measures to expand or, conversely, narrow the doorway, this must be done before completing finishing works. But you can install the doors afterwards.

Right installed door long years will please the owners

In both cases, we check the tables below, and in the first case we select the size closest to the existing one, and bring the existing opening to this size (we expand or reduce it accordingly), and in case No. 2 we form an opening according to the size from the tables.

And for double doors:

The height of the openings for 2000 mm panels should be 2060-2070 mm, for 2300 mm panels – 2360-2370 mm.

Attention! The height of the openings is indicated for the option of installing an interior door without a threshold. If you need a threshold, then the height of the opening should be increased accordingly by the height of the threshold.

We hope that the information provided about standard door sizes will protect you from standard size errors, which are so often the result of lack of awareness.

Video: Measuring interior doors

In order to bring the production of interior elements to a single standard, standard sizes of interior doors were introduced and approved at the state level. This greatly simplifies the selection of products if they need to be replaced. It is enough to correctly measure the parameters of a typical opening and buy a suitable model.

If there are no problems with domestically produced products, then when purchasing an imported interior door, a difficult situation may arise, since in foreign countries there is a different standard. In addition, when purchasing alternative types of doors (double doors, sliding doors, hidden doors), you need to know some of their design features.

State standards

There are certain approved state standards (GOST), according to which domestic manufacturers produce interior interior elements. These are GOST 6629-88, as well as SNiPs 21-7, 21-8, 21-9, 21-10, 21-13. For ease of review, this data is summarized in a table that displays the most common standards:

If the choice falls on a product of imported origin, then the dimensions of the interior door can be checked for compliance with European standards DIN 18100-18102, as well as DIN4172, which indicate the clear dimensions of the opening:

These dimensions must be taken into account if you are planning to order, for example, an Italian door. Most likely, imported models will have non-standard dimensions, which should be taken into account when laying out doorways during construction planning or major repairs.

For doorways with a height exceeding 2000-2040 mm, our own standards have been developed, indicated in the table below.

The development of state standards takes into account the needs of the main segment of the population living in standard buildings. In choise standard models of one size or another plays an important role and its functional purpose. In other words, the place in the apartment where this product will be located is important. In accordance with this requirement, the dimensions of the canvas, design features, and equipment with special fittings are selected.

The nuances of correct opening measurement

In some cases, it becomes necessary to independently measure the parameters to purchase an interior door. This happens if the house or apartment is located on long distance from the manufacturing company, in another city or in another state. Self-measurement is also carried out in cases where there is no time to wait for a surveyor’s visit or it is more convenient for the customer to take the dimensions on their own. Regardless of the reason, this event must be carried out as accurately as possible so that the selected model fits perfectly into the existing opening without the need to adjust it. This means that the height, width and thickness of the interior door leaf should be as close as possible to the corresponding parameters of the opening. To carry out correct measurements, you should focus on the following rules.

Determining the width of the opening.

To do this, measure the distance between the walls at the narrowest point of the opening. If the wall becomes narrower closer to the door, then you need to measure in this part. In the case of a uniform wall width without narrowing, the location where the width is measured is not of fundamental importance. If the old door has not yet been dismantled, then the measured distance from the middle of one platband to the middle of the opposite platband is the width of the interior doors.

Determining the height of the opening.

To determine the indicator of this dimension, it is necessary to measure the distance from the point of the finished floor to the lowest point of the upper part of the opening. If the doorway narrows closer to the hinges, then the measurement should be taken in this area. If the height of the opening is uniform, then the location of the measurement is not critical. The easiest way is to take measurements using the old door, if it has not yet been dismantled. In this case, the height of the interior doors will be equal to the distance from the middle of the upper trim to the zero point of the finished floor.

Determining the depth of the opening.

To do this, you will need to measure the thickness of the wall in which the doorway is located. This will be the depth of the opening. The measurement should be made in three sections: in the upper, middle and lower on both walls. This meticulous event is necessary in order to identify the widest place in the wall. If the old door has not been dismantled, then it is necessary to measure the dimensions of the frame and the wall (thickness), if it protrudes beyond the frame. To correctly measure the three key dimensions, it is best to use the services of a professional. Possessing a body of knowledge, the installation specialist will take perfect measurements and give practical recommendations on choosing a standard or non-standard interior door. We remind you that when ordering doors from the Porta prima company, a visit from a specialist to measure dimensions and consultation on the choice of door leaf is absolutely free.

Formulas for measuring door leaves

Often a situation arises where you need to make a doorway, but the choice of door leaf model has not yet been made. In this case, to measure the parameters of the opening, the following points must be taken into account:

  • dimensions of the door leaf (width, height, thickness);
  • box dimensions (thickness, width);
  • indicator of the width of the platbands.

For greater clarity, an example of calculating the dimensions of a doorway will be given.

Let’s assume that a standard size door leaf will be used for installation, having the following dimensions:

  • Airborne – door leaf height – 2000 mm;
  • Шдв – standard width of an interior door – 70 0 mm.

With these parameters of the interior product, a box will be installed whose thickness (Tk) will be 30 mm. The size of the installation gap (Mz) will be equal to 10 mm, and the value of the door block (BD) will be equal to 20 mm. With these standard values, the threshold height (Vp) will be 20 mm.

Formula for calculating the opening width of a future door:

W of the opening = Wdv + 2×Tk + Mz +2×Bd = 700 + 2×30 + 10 + 2×20 = 810 mm.

The height of the opening is calculated using the following expression:

Opening = Vdv + Vp + 2× Tk = 2000 + 20 + 2×30 = 2080 mm.

Therefore, for an interior door leaf with dimensions of 2000 × 700 mm, it will be necessary to make a doorway 2080 × 810 mm.

The door frame is manufactured according to the standard opening depth of 7.5 mm. If the thickness of the interior door leaf does not correspond to this indicator, it is necessary to either order the frame according to individual sizes, or use extensions in the design. Therefore, it is recommended to make calculations in advance.

How to calculate whether a door will fit into an opening?

A common situation is when a standard door is selected to fit an existing opening. Usually, a good clue for choosing is the marking of door products, which indicates the main dimensions.

At this stage, doubts may arise whether the product is suitable and whether additional difficulties will arise in its installation.

To dispel doubts, you need to reason as follows:

  • Let's say we have a doorway of 900 × 2040 mm, which corresponds to the standard.
  • We calculate the width: we add the standard width of the canvas 800 mm with the thickness of the box (on both sides) and construction intervals of 15 mm. Please note that there is an interval to the left and right of the door, so you need to multiply it by two. When calculating, we get 880 mm.
  • We calculate the height using a similar scheme. The leaf height of 2000 mm is added to the box thickness of 25 mm and the upper installation distance of 15 mm. We get the value 2040 mm.

Therefore, an interior door with a standard size of 800 × 2000 mm will ideally fit into a typical opening with dimensions of 900 × 2040 mm. This once again proves the need to create state standards in the construction industry. You can safely buy a standard product without worrying about whether it will fit.

What to do if the door is selected incorrectly?

However, there are situations when the purchased canvas with the box was chosen inaccurately. When a purchase cannot be returned objective reason, you can use some construction tricks:

  • when only a few millimeters are missing in the width or height of the doorway, you can carefully cut a wider hole in the wall;
  • if the box is narrower than the wall thickness, it is recommended to use an extension that will cover the prominent area of ​​the wall thickness;
  • if the thickness of the box is much narrower than the dimensions of the doorway, then along the perimeter of the box (except for the bottom) they form an even slope;
  • If the above methods are not acceptable, it is recommended to order doors according to individual non-standard parameters.

At Porta prima you can buy high-quality standard interior doors or order an individual design for your project. A wide range, convenient service and unsurpassed high consumer characteristics of our factory’s products have been appreciated by thousands of Muscovites. Prices are reasonable and correspond to the high quality of interior doors.

Replacing doors during the process is a very responsible matter. It is important not just to choose, it must fit into the opening. Adjusting the dimensions is often impossible without disturbing the structure of the coating. Taking risks in this case is very expensive. Therefore, when choosing, you need to take into account not only the design, but also the standard sizes of interior doors, standard markings, opening methods, and prepare as much as possible before going to the shopping center.

The purpose of interior products differs from those that are intended to protect housing from intrusion by strangers. First of all, they must be highly functional and provide comfort in the premises. Requirements for different rooms, differ, but the main criteria can still be identified:

  • Protecting the premises from unwanted visits. For example, it is necessary to create confidence that no one will accidentally interfere during procedures. In addition, protection is needed from increased noise, light, odors from the kitchen or drafts;
  • division of space– this is necessary to delimit the premises into separate zones and organize the area according to its purpose;
  • – the canvases must correspond to the general design of the premises.

Structures can be glazed or sheathed tightly. According to the opening method - cassette. The main selection criterion is that the canvas must completely cover the entrance.

Dimensions of interior doors according to GOST

Dimensions have been approved by the state standard interior designs. In this case, it is necessary to take into account several parameters simultaneously: the length, width and thickness of doorways. All manufacturers adhere to certain standards. If necessary, structures can be manufactured according to individual measurements, but this will not be cheap for the customer.

Here are the main standard dimensions of interior doors with a frame for a leaf thickness of 44 mm:

Dimensions of the canvas, mm Opening dimensions, mm
Width Height Width Height
Single door models
550 2000 2100 2200 630/650 2060/2090 2160/2190 2260/2290
600 680/700
700 780/800
800 880/900
900 980/1000
Double-leaf models
1200 (600/600) 2000 2100 2200 1280/1300 2060/2090 2160/2190 2260/2290
1400 (600/800) 1480/1500
1500 (600/900) 1580/1600

You should know this! Standard parameters allow you to select and install the design as accurately as possible. However, its functionality will not be impaired.

How to correctly measure an opening

If it is not possible to invite a measurer, you need to measure all the dimensions yourself. To do this you will need a tape measure, a pencil and a piece of paper.

  • Width measurements must be taken at the top and bottom at a distance of 20 centimeters from the top and bottom borders and in the middle;
  • height is measured in two places: from the floor surface to the upper border. If there is a threshold, it should be taken into account when taking measurements;
  • measuring the thickness of the door frame of an interior door. Moreover, if it is more than 100 mm, it will be necessary to additionally install additional elements in the form of slopes.

The gap between the box and the wall should be 15 mm. After installing the structure, it is filled with polyurethane foam.

If you plan to install non-standard structures, for example, in the form of an arch, you need to contact professionals. It is quite difficult to perform such measurements correctly. You can draw a design on paper and give it to manufacturers.

Calculation of the proportionality of the box to the opening

If you don’t have a proportionality table at hand, you can calculate it yourself required parameters. To do this, you need to add the width of the box and the thickness of the installation gap on both sides to the width of the canvas.

  • The standard width of the door frame is 25 mm;
  • The recommended gap on each side is 15 mm.

Let's calculate the parameters of the opening width for a sash with a width of 550 mm:

550 + 25×2 + 15×2 = 630 mm.

To calculate the size of the opening for interior doors in height, you need to take into account:

  • distance from the floor surface to the sash 10 mm;
  • box thickness 25 mm;
  • gap 15 mm.

The height parameters without threshold will be calculated as follows:

2000 + 25 + 15 + 1 = 2031 mm.

To install a box with a threshold, you need to add the height of the threshold instead of the indentation to the floor surface, and take into account the method of its fastening: with foam or screws.

Construction dimensions do not always fit into these formulas. In case of discrepancies, you can use the following tips:

  • if a few millimeters of the opening width is missing, you need to expand it a little manually;
  • if the frame is much narrower than recommended by building codes, you should select the appropriate dimensions for the extensions for the interior doors, they will close the free partition;
  • if the product is installed in load-bearing wall, its thickness may exceed the thickness of the box. For such a case, slopes are installed.

If none of the proposed options is suitable, the unit should be made to order.

Corridor Product Parameter Definitions

When choosing a product for a room, you need to take into account the dimensions of the openings. They must differ from the parameters of the valves. You cannot rely on standards; you must take your own measurements.

The standard height of doorways in the corridor is 2.01÷2.05 m. The width can vary within 1.28÷1.6 m.

In order to select a product according to these parameters, you can choose a double-leaf design with identical leaves of 60 cm, or different widths 0.6 + 0.8 or 0.6 + 0.9 m. The total width allows you to install them in opening 1 .6 m.

Product marking

There is product marking in accordance with GOST; in practice, manufacturers make their own adjustments and designations. Let's first consider generally accepted norms.

Type of design
DIn the box
Blade type
ABOUTWith glazing
UReinforced with continuous filling
Additional markings
PWith threshold

The height and width of the structure are indicated in decimeters.

You can find individual manufacturer markings with other designations for the sizes of interior double doors, indicating the material of manufacture and the name of the product. Dimensions can be indicated in centimeters.

Standard sizes of swing interior doors with frames

Swing structures are installed in wide openings. Most often - in the living room. They attract attention and become the central element and decoration of the room. It is important to correctly determine the dimensions of interior doors with frames, as errors will immediately be evident.

Canvas dimensions

In apartments built in the last century, swing doors with a leaf width of 65 cm and a structure height of 230 cm were most often used. Currently, manufacturers have expanded the production of models and offer door frames with the following parameters.

Height, cm Sash parameters, cm
200 60 + 60 = 120
40 + 70 = 110
40 + 80 = 120
40 + 90 = 130
50 + 70 = 120
55 + 80 = 135
60 + 90 = 150

Door frame dimensions

Boxes swing doors are made in a U-shaped design without thresholds. This is enough to completely fix the product around the perimeter. As in conventional models, when calculating the parameters it is necessary to leave a gap between the box and the opening.

When making a door frame it is used different material. The width can be between 15-40 mm, optimal size The width is generally considered to be 30-35 mm.

Door opening dimensions

Manufacturers often indicate standard door opening sizes along with the product labeling.

The width can be determined using the formula:

width of two sashes + double frame width + double gap

The frame width is usually 30 mm, for the gap width you should leave 15 mm on each side.

To determine the height without threshold, you should include in the calculations the distance from the floor surface to the canvas of about 5÷20 mm:

sash height + frame width + gap + height from the floor surface

When installing a threshold, calculating the height is similar to determining the width.

Blade thickness

This is the third characteristic of interior structures. The strength of the entire structure and sound insulation depend on it. The standard thickness of the sheets is 40 mm. Manufacturers also offer thinner blades 20, 30, 36, 38 mm.

Products with a parameter of 50 mm can be made upon individual order.

Interior doors of non-standard sizes

Free layouts of apartments and the construction of private houses require a non-standard approach to the design of premises. Often designs from . For such planning, standard parameters of door products may not be suitable.

By individual order it is possible to produce not only canvases of non-standard parameters, but also of an unusual design. In this case, it is important to take into account the thickness of the material, since drywall is limited in the perceived loads.

If you plan to produce a canvas of non-standard size, it is important to take into account some features and limitations.

  • Reducing the height of the product is not recommended. Structures of increased height can be installed in rooms with high ceilings;
  • when changing the width, it is important to consider the uniformity of load distribution. If the opening is more than 2 meters, additional supporting elements should be installed in the middle of the structure.

As a non-standard technique, you can change the width of one sash to a third or half of the standard width. This model is usually called one-and-a-half.

This is important to know! Manufacturing custom-made structures will increase the cost by 30÷40%.

Standard sizes of interior doors: main types and range

The modern market is filled with a variety of products. You can choose quite budget models or elite exclusive samples in different colors and designs. When choosing, you should take into account the basic design of the room.

Basic materials for making products:

Photo Material



, or MDF


Classification of models by opening method

Manufacturers offer samples with a hidden box. To install such structures, certain requirements must be met:

  • the thickness of the walls should not exceed 80 mm;
  • the opening parameters must comply with the manufacturer’s recommendations, the vertical deviation is no more than 1 millimeter.

You can choose designs with a non-standard opening method. They save space and are also attractive appearance will bright accent in design.

  • Swing models with a classic opening method, they can be left- or right-handed, with the hinges mounted on the opposite side.

  • Sliding– significantly save space. They have one or two canvases moving along the floor surface along special guides.

  • Harmonic- several canvases are folded in the form of an accordion; wide openings are required for their installation.

  • Rocking are made from 1÷2 panels, the mechanism allows you to open the panels both inside and outside the room.


Interior doors complete the interior design. High-quality installation depends primarily on correctly performed measurements and calculations. When choosing a product, you need to take into account many parameters: material, weight and dimensions of the structure. Manufacturers offer a wide range of models that will fit into both regular and non-standard openings. If desired, you can make an individual design of structures.

Have you ever encountered the problem of determining door sizes? Share your experience with us. Our team will be happy to discuss different nuances.

Features of sizing can be seen in the video.

The door is a real interior element and is an integral part of the entire composition. In order to simplify the selection task, manufacturers have agreed on universal sizes of interior doors. – knowing them makes the purchase much easier. Let's look at what dimensions exist, how the opening is measured, and what formulas there are for measuring the door leaf. The article will help you choose the size depending on the purpose of the room, and will tell you about all the existing GOSTs and SNiPs that relate to doors and everything that adjoins them.

This is what standard size interior doors look like Source

basic information

For high-quality installation all parameters are taken into account (width, height, depth). The opening should be much wider than the door leaves, because there should be room for the frame (the form to which the hinges, extensions - end boards and the door itself) and trim are attached. In addition to all this, the fittings must be suitable for the door design, and the overall composition must be suitable for the interior.

Doors, as a rule, are part of the overall design, which in addition to them is complemented by wallpaper, furniture and small decorative elements. In this regard, the dimensions may not be according to the standard and therefore, in order to install the doors, competent calculations are required. It is needed not only so that they fit into the interior, but also because their incorrect installation will cause discomfort.


Size according to GOST

Manufacturers rely on approved state standard and to existing building codes and rules (SNiP). According to them, the doors between rooms have the following dimensions (the first value is width, the second is height)

Values ​​for the dimensions of the canvas (calculated in millimeters):

  • 550X1900, 600X1900;
  • 700; 800; 900; 1200 (600+600); 1400 (600+800); 1500 (600+900): X2000.

Values ​​for opening dimensions (also in millimeters):

  • 660-760; 770-870; 880-970; 980-1100; 1280-1300; 1480-1500; 1580-1600: X 2040-2010;
  • 630-650; 660-760: X 1940-2030.

For imported models, the standard is the so-called DIN - 18100-18102 or DIN - 4172.


When renovating or arranging a space, you should always remember what the dimensions of doors, windows, furniture, etc. are, especially when it comes to imported items. This will help you plan your budget correctly in advance, knowing how much money will be spent on purchasing door leaves, frames, additional fittings, baseboards; this is the whole point of their versatility.

If the doorway is more than 2 meters in height, then there are completely different parameters for it, which are radically different from the previous ones.

Table for doors with an opening height of more than 2 meters:


GOST is designed for all standard buildings in which people live most of population. Based on this, each door and, accordingly, its size have its own function (for different rooms).

A new parameter appears related to the room for which the door is - this is the depth of the opening.

  • For the kitchen - width 70 cm, height 200 cm, opening depth 7 cm;
  • For the bathroom and toilet - width 60 cm, length 190-200 cm, opening depth 7 cm;
  • For living rooms - width 80 cm, length 200 cm, opening depth from 7 to 20 cm;
  • Living room, hall - width 120 cm (consists of two canvases of 40-60 cm + 80 cm), height - 200 cm, depth from 7 to 20 cm.

How to calculate values ​​for an opening using measurements

The opening does not always comply with GOST or another standard. Then you have to measure them. Each parameter has its own scheme.

  • The height is measured from the lowest point on the floor (if there is a baseboard, it must be taken into account) to the highest. The opening can be uneven, then measurements begin in the narrowing area and go to the casing;
  • Width is measured based on height. It is important to note that the measurement is not taken from the top, but exactly in the middle - the height is divided in half and measured from the center point of the right casing to the center point of the left. Again, if the opening is uneven, the narrowing is also fixed;
  • The depth is measured from above and below and in the center, the maximum value is found and then based only on it.

Width measurement (from middle to height) Source

Well-known schemes to simplify opening measurement

At first glance, it always seems that measurement formulas are complicated. But if you look into it, you can be convinced of the opposite. Moreover, such methods significantly simplify installation and are one of its stages at the planning stage - they allow you to accurately determine the values ​​​​for each of the opening parameters based on the dimensions of the canvas.

First you need specific values ​​for:

  • Canvases (width, thickness, height);
  • Door frame (width and thickness only);
  • Platbands – width;
  • Installation gap;
  • Door block;
  • The lower threshold is only height.

When you have all these values ​​for each structural element, you need to use the following two formulas:

Width for the door leaf + 2*Thickness of the frame + Value for the installation gap + 2* Value for the door block - the value of the opening width is obtained;

Door height + Lower threshold height + 2* Frame thickness - the value for the opening height is obtained. Thus, the initial data of the canvas and a few more additional values ​​allow you to find out what the height of the doorway is and what its width is.

Video description

How to measure the opening in this video:

Doors to the living room

Due to the presence of two leaves, the calculation of dimensions for these doors is slightly different from others. The width of the doorway plays a big role. It goes on average from 1.2 to 1.6 meters. The sashes can be the same width, or they can differ (as a rule, exactly by the length of one part, for example, 60+80 cm). More universal values ​​for height, width and depth have been made for them, because living rooms in different layouts have radically different sizes openings.

The measurement scheme is no different, but the box is usually larger than average (25 mm), so it has its own table.

Size of openings, frames and leaves for doors to the living room Source

Algorithm for combining a door frame and a door leaf

The frame has a very important role in the door structure - it and the supports hold the door tightly, the hinges are attached to it, so it is necessary to pay special attention when installing it in order to increase the reliability and service life of the door being installed. It is also necessary to take into account the so-called technological openings (they are 15 mm on each side, including the top and bottom), this makes it possible to identify inconsistencies in the dimensions of the door and the space between it and the inserted frame, more on this later.

There are cases when the values ​​of each value at the opening are known, and for it it is necessary to select a box that fits well in size, and then select the door itself for it.

The algorithm for finding the ideal values ​​when combining these elements is not complicated:

  • The value of the opening is taken, the average thickness of the box (25 mm) and the value of technological openings (presence of gaps) is taken into account;
  • Carefully, just as when measuring an opening, measure the resulting width, height and depth, taking into account the frame and opening.
  • The resulting values ​​are correlated with standard door sizes. If there is a sash that has a “GOST” size and it fits well, then this means a good option. If it is not possible to find a standard door that fits the existing dimensions, a product with individual parameters is ordered (All the resulting values ​​are used, taking into account the opening and frame).

Preparation for installation of the box - diagram Source

Interior doors with frames have their own size table:


What are the benefits of standard sizes?

Standard sizes of interior doors make life much easier:

  • There is no need to spend money on ordering door leaves with unique parameters (which increases their cost);
  • This significantly speeds up the readiness of repairs and makes the process much easier;
  • Allows you to order doors for all available rooms in bulk (simply indicate all the values ​​​​for the opening and frame).

Just for early stage When planning your future premises, you can safely push the door problem into the background, because that’s what versatility is for.

Assortment of door designs

The market is developing because everyone wants to create their own interior and complement it with unique details. The manufacturer takes into account the requirements and requests of people and every year more and more different designs appear that have a unique shape, size, material, different from other models of some kind. important detail. All this has a positive effect on the emergence of new standards.


  • Glass;
  • PVC (high-quality plastic);
  • Wood of different species;
  • Metal;
  • MDF (dense laminated wood panels).


But the whole point is not even in the variety of materials, but in the device door designs. Everything is done in such a way as to simplify the task of using the doors as much as possible - they open and close conveniently, the hinges are made not to creak. The fittings create a clear and expressive ensemble, and the variety different styles allows you to use both fittings and door leaves to match one style, no matter what it is.

The dimensions of doorways continue to matter, as more and more universal models are being created that fit different openings.

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About the sizes of interior doors in the video:


Versatility is a principle that should be partly guided when choosing interior doors. They must match the design and, if desired, match the interior. A large number of sizes allows you to install doors of any style in almost any typical room.

In computing required sizes there is nothing complicated, but the presence of tables, according to which you just need to compare the resulting data and find perfect option based on these parameters.

Sometimes it happens that you have to order a door to individual parameters, but this happens rarely and the market can offer an option for everyone.

Interior doors are designed to separate two interior spaces. Depending on what rooms they delimit, they distinguish the parameters of the openings, door material, opening methods, availability decorative elements and geometric parameters of the canvas. The standard box size may vary in each case.

Door block dimensions

Domestic door blocks can be 60-90 cm wide (depending on whether single-leaf or double-leaf doors) and 1.9-2 m high. Such standards, taking into account the frame, were already established by Soviet GOSTs for standard buildings.

European parameters of a single-leaf door: height - up to 2.3 m: width 60-90 cm (in the bathroom - 55 cm). For a double-leaf door - the width is 1-1.8 m. Moreover, if the door has the same leaves, the width of the leaves will be 0.7 m, with different dimensions - 0.6 and 0.8 m.

The frame can come as a kit or be a set of beams that must be assembled immediately before installing the door. It can be 1.5-4.5 cm in thickness, which means the width of the opening should be twice the width of the canvas. The same rule applies to height, taking into account the presence or absence of a threshold.

Standard sizes of interior doors with frames according to Euro standards are often indicated in modules (one module is equal to 10 cm). If the marking says M21, the door height is 2.1 m. What options can be found on modern market shown in the table in the photo.

If you take measurements yourself, you must take into account the requirements of SNiPs: the door must open in such a way as not to block access to other rooms or passages. In addition, you need to think in advance about what material the door will be made of (plastic, MDF, wood). In some cases, it is more expedient to widen the opening itself and order doors to non-standard sizes with a different opening radius, for example, if the door covers furniture or the entrance to a nearby room. Here more profitable installation telescopic door.

How to determine the right size

Using a plumb line or level, determine the verticality of the slopes, measuring them on both sides, and drawing a horizontal line, find the width. The height is measured from the highest point on the floor to a horizontal line drawn from the corner of the opening.

The depth of the opening is measured along both walls and from above. On all slopes, measurements are taken at the top, bottom and middle. When not removed old door, determine the thickness of the box and the parameters of its projection beyond the wall.

Standard and custom sizes

Regulated heights interior fabric: 190-200 cm. They are used for openings of 194-203 cm and 204-211 cm. A 190 cm door is made with a width of 55 or 60 cm. For leaves of 20 cm - 60, 70, 80, 90 cm and double doors, width - 120, 140, 150 cm. The width of one door is 60 cm, the second can be as follows same or 80, 90 cm. Conventional dimensions in the table Further.

Which doors to choose are standardized by GOST. The living room needs a double door. The width of one leaf is 60 cm or 40 and 80 cm, which gives a total of 1.2 m. Height is 2 m with an opening depth of 7-20 cm.

A door with dimensions of 80x200 cm can be installed in a living room, with the same opening depth. For the kitchen: 70x200 cm, and for the bathroom - 55x190 cm or 60x200 cm, wall thickness - 5-7 cm.

If you need a door of non-standard sizes, you will have to make a custom order. In terms of price, it will be 25-40% more expensive. An increase in cost can also be expected with extraordinary design solutions(stained glass, forging, bas-reliefs).

Before purchasing a door, it is simply necessary to measure the dimensions of the opening. The fact is that GOSTs of past times adopted a standard height of 2 m. But modern manufacturers are guided by new parameters of 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 m. However, not all new buildings are built according to these standards. It is important to remember that if the door is larger than the opening, the situation can be corrected, but if it is smaller, nothing can be done.

If the home has high ceilings, interior doors should also be higher than standard sizes. Here the costs of an individual order cannot be avoided. Therefore, the dimensions of future canvases with a box and the mechanism for opening them need to be calculated at the roughing stage repair work. It is up to the owners to choose which model to install based on the ease of opening.

To determine the height of the opening, you need to decide whether the doors will be installed without a threshold elevation or with it.

As an example, let’s take the following parameters: height – 2 m, width – 0.8 m, box thickness – 0.03 m.

Calculation of the opening width: 0.8 + 2x0.03 + 2x0.015 = 0.89 m. Here 0.015 m indicates the approximate size of the gap that is needed to align the box relative to the slopes.

In the absence of a threshold, the width calculations are as follows: 200+3+1.5+1=205.5 cm (2.055 m). In this case, 1 cm will be needed for the clearance left under the door. If there is a threshold, 1 cm is added to its height. Parameters required for the door: 0.89x2.055 m.

Door material

Plastic is the lightest - up to 5 kg. Such a door cannot cause serious injury when opened if there is another person behind it. It will not cause trouble in operation for people with disabilities or children. Suitable for common areas: bathrooms, kitchen, utility room, as well as for a nursery or bedroom.

A glass interior door can weigh up to 19-23 kg. It is usually installed at the entrance to the living room or delimit the space in the kitchen into work area and a dining room.

Wooden doors are the heaviest - 26-45 kg. Such models are suitable for offices and libraries. With stained glass inserts - for the living room or dining room.

When choosing what the door will be made of and what size it will be, you need to know the characteristics of the partition: what it is made of and whether it is load-bearing.

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