Tera farm craft recipes wiki 1.7 10. Terra Firma Craft - Global mod


While the server was resting, I decided to search news about new version fashion TFK 0.79. I found something interesting. I won’t indicate the website where I got the information from, so as not to promote it, but I will say that it’s very good project with decent TPA.

Added ore dictionary support for many items.
Added stand for scraping skins. The soaked skin must be placed on the top of a horizontally mounted log, and then all parts of the skin must be processed with a knife.

Added a set of colors.
Hot springs restore lives.
Barrels display their contents. Open barrels are collected rainwater.

Added chests made of different types of wood.
Added new animal and environmental sounds, including frogs and crickets at night.
Added gravel from different rocks, generated under the soil.
Added a large ceramic vessel for storing liquids and items, used as an early version of the wooden barrel.
Large and heavy objects (anvils, barrels and large jugs) cannot be carried in the inventory. You can only carry one such item on your back at a time (quiver slot).

Added salads and sandwiches, changed the cooking interface.
All food has a certain set of taste characteristics. A player's food preferences are determined by his nickname and world seed.
RMB with a tag to give a name (?) At the time of writing, the item is being painted by the client.
Improved fishing mechanics.
Octopuses spawn only in oceans, perches - in lakes.
Increasing the Geologist's skill will produce fewer false results when searching for ore. This also plays a role in ore washing: increasing the skill will allow you to find new ores (for example, the Adept level will allow you to wash silver).
The butcher's skill increases when killing animals. The amount of meat lost from animals depends on it. At zero level of development in this area, only 1% of the current value will fall.
Added recipe for tag.
Added a loom for creating fabric from threads (silk from spider webs and wool from wool).

Added fog as a weather effect.
The torches go out after approximately 48 game hours. They can be easily lit with an existing torch in your hand. You can also make torches from sticks by lighting them using already installed torches.
Armor stands have been added again.
Added a recipe for anvil scissors, they are made from two knife blades.
Added iron grill grate to cook 6 items at once.
Added metal hatches made from sheet metal and ingot for hinges. Combinations of any metals are possible (perhaps someone would like to make a gold hatch with platinum hinges for their warehouse).
Added a bunch of different settings.
Added adobe bricks (items, not blocks). No use yet.
Added a server slowdown effect that turns on when no one is online.
Skeletons carry quivers.
Food now has two stripes: one is responsible for the percentage of unspoiled portion, the other for weight.
Added hotkeys for working with food. S for connecting all the pieces into one, and D with a knife in the inventory - for cleaning all the food from rot.
Added a numerical value on top of the lives bar.
Forging skill affects the durability of tools and the damage dealt by forged weapons.
Lava blocks generate sulfur deposits on the blocks above it.
Changes (part, full list can be found on the TFC website)
Cooked food can be salted.
A coal pile cannot be covered with burning blocks.
The doors are now on fire.
Crops do not die immediately when it gets too cold. Instead, there is some chance of death, increasing every day.

o Dead crops now leave seeds on the ground in a "block" like rocks and sticks, instead of an item that disappears in 5 minutes.
The ability to harvest crops using RMB has been removed. Now you need to break the plant to collect it.
All localization files except English have been removed. They will be added later. Fixed in 0.79.5
The interface of barrels has been rewritten and the ability to store things in them has been added.
Tannin can only be obtained from a full barrel of water and one log of oak, birch, chestnut, douglasia, hickory, maple or redwood.
Leather processing requires precise ratios: 3 buckets for 1 small skin, 4 for a medium one, and 5 for one large skin.
Lime water is made in a barrel using a ratio of 2 units of flux per bucket of water.
Mortar also made in a barrel. 1 block of sand for 1 bucket of lime water. Must be kept for at least 8 hours.
Updated appearance mills.

The skills tab now displays progress bars instead of the old numeric values.
Wolves are not tamed using bones, but only follow the player
All animals now have a devotion indicator that must be increased.
This indicator can be increased by performing certain actions every day:

o wolves need to be petted;
o feed cows, sheep, chickens and pigs with grain;
o feed the bears fish;
o horses must either be fed grain, or, after reaching a certain level, must be ridden for at least half a minute every day;
o deer need to be fed salt.
The way animals are tamed has been completely changed: no more armies of wolves using a handful of bones.
Added /transfer command<ник>to transfer the animal to another player.
Expert level in agriculture allows you to view the level nutrients agricultural crops.
The jungle has been renovated so that it is no longer just a terrible and barren place.
Reduced stone durability to make mining easier.
The durability of logs placed by the player has been reduced to make it easier to build from them.
The appearance of the gateway has been updated.
You no longer need to use a fire to light a coal pile. Instead, you need to throw a torch on top of the pile and then close it.
Zombie children disabled.
Sheets of metal can be processed in a crucible.
Disabled taking damage from hunger. Instead, the level useful substances decreases 3 times faster.
Edible algae.
Added clay bowl.
Oceans are reduced from 0.78.
Added lake biome.
Major changes to the world generator.

We are waiting for the release of the new version in " light".
We comment, share our emotions and impressions from what we read.
The main thing is not to flood.

Damage from the surface.


After quite a long period of time, Bioxx shared another portion of Napoleonic plans for the development of the food system and crop production.
One of the innovations in the next build will be different types gravel - for each type of stone, as is now done with soil. At the same time, gravel generation has been added throughout the map separate layer underground. It will also generate a "drainage map" that determines the ratio of gravel to soil.
An indicator of soil acidity will also be added, depending on the coordinates and seed. Both of these factors will affect plant growth.

But most strong changes food will be affected. Firstly, the food will add taste, which will be determined by five indicators: sweetness, sourness, saltiness, bitterness and spiciness. Each player will have their own food preferences, determined by their nickname and world seed.
This means that if you cook something from meat, cheese, potatoes and blueberries, and you like it, then it is not at all necessary that your neighbor will also be delighted with the proposed dish.

The suitability of a particular dish to your tastes will influence the amount of hunger it satisfies. The coefficient can vary from 0.8 to 1.3.
To find out your own preferences, you need to develop your cooking skill - each new level will give you more accurate information.

Now let's get back to the plants. Numerous properties of the soil in which you will grow your vegetables (type of soil bed, type of soil underneath, ratio of gravel to soil below, soil acidity) will affect the taste of the grown vegetable. This means that a tomato grown in one place will be different from a tomato grown in another place.

But since such variety can lead to storage difficulties, different vegetables can be put together. If you combine vegetables with different properties, then you will get a stack of food with some "standard" taste.

All of the above looks quite complicated, but in fact, you can simply ignore the new mechanics if you don’t feel the strength/desire to understand it. Even in the worst case scenario, your food will restore 20% less than usual.

On top of that, it will be added a large number of different foods with different properties. All food will be divided into 5 types: soups, stews, salads, sandwiches and casseroles.
- Soup allows you to eat more economically by adding water to the ingredients, but the food is less nutritious.
- The stew will take longer to make because more food and less water, but it will be much more satisfying.
- The salad will be the simplest and fastest food, like the dishes already existing in TFC. But at the same time, it will deteriorate faster, which makes it not very suitable for travel.
- The sandwich will be prepared from slices of bread and several “fillers”.
- The casserole will allow you to cook greatest number food at a time. But you will have to cook it in the oven and it will take some time.
In addition, skills will change somewhat. Instead of the old numbers there will be levels: beginner, adept, expert, master. An example of the new skill window can be found in the previous article about build 79.

The sound environment will also be slightly updated. New animal sounds will be added, as well as environmental sounds: sounds of frogs, crickets, birds, etc.
Barrels can be used to store not only liquids, but also solid objects.

Quote: I will not indicate the site where I got the information from, so as not to promote it, but I will say that it is a very good project with decent TFC.

Damage from the surface.
I visit a fludilka. Take a look there.
Those thanks to whom the shkver remained in my heart - Olviz, Sony, Alexa, vynder, Shin_B, Winzor, jokervs, gamarjoba. The guys filled the game and helped Shkver prosper.


I’m a little stuck here on TFK 1.7.10 I can add and clarify that the developers have not fixed it yet or will leave it that way.

- "Large and heavy items... you can only carry one such item on your back (quiver slot)." At first, the barrel is an excellent thing, 12 additional slots, but the main thing is that now it can be carried in the inventory, being overloaded. If there is a free block above your head, you can move by JUMPING. If only you had a full inventory of filled barrels;

- "Improved fishing mechanics." I doubt this can be called an improvement. The mechanism of hooking, pulling and breaking fish is cumbersome (if you are not a fisherman in life, but for such people there are much more realistic games). The result from the fish is generally scanty. Fishing was essentially eliminated from the game. IMHO (I may not know something);

- “The Loom”, if you try to insert a spider’s thread into it, it glitches ungodly. A couple of threads are inserted and then let’s create half-blocks “above”, “under” and “at” the machine. I hope they fix the bug;

- "Torches"... Now the only constant source of light in fashion is Jack pumpkins. This is not gud. In the mines, because the torches are going out, there is tension;

- "Armor racks have been added again." And again glitchy to the very top. In private, anyone can destroy them or remove the belt from them. It is advisable to keep the racks in a secret back room;

- "Iron grill grate for cooking 6 items at the same time." Very necessary thing! The fire began to work very slowly;

- “Metal hatches made from a sheet of metal and an ingot for hinges...” Judging by the number of combinations of hatches... This is exactly what the designers of the company who bought the toy spent all their efforts on: D

- "Skeletons wear quivers." But I never managed to knock the quiver off them :(

- "Forging skill affects the durability of tools and the damage dealt by forged weapons." Exactly what? I’m still a beginner in forging weapons, for example, so I didn’t know this trick. Newbie with red and blue weapons... Because you need to forge too much to even get to the next level:D

- "The ability to harvest crops using RMB has been removed. Now you need to break the plant to harvest it." Inconvenient, by the way.

- "Leather processing". By the way, now from a small skin there is 1 skin, from a medium skin - 2, and from a large skin - 4 skins;

- “Credit of trust” in animals is a very inconvenient thing. If you accidentally miss a day of feeding, you will have to do it again. And without such trust, no piglets will be born, no wool will be allowed to be cut, no milk will be given to you;

- "You no longer need to use a fire to light a coal pile. Instead, you need to throw a torch on top of the pile and then close it." Let me clarify - close exactly the last block. The rest should already be closed as before. Otherwise there will be a world fire);

- "Zombie children disabled." Kudos to Notch. You have no idea what a relief this is;

- "Edible algae." In fact, your first “stable eater” at first. tear off better with a knife- faster, and the block under the algae does not break;

- "A clay bowl has been added." And the usual one has been removed. Wash craft - regular. The bowl is fired in an earthen oven and has its own clay shape;

Fresh water is where the reeds grow ;)

A sandwich is a convenient thing. The pot fits 4 pieces. And the sandwich fits 5 ingredients. Different. Do you know what I mean?)

By the way, the supports work poorly in the mines; collapses occur more often and are more massive. There are ways to avoid using supports, but it's a secret-ssss.

A chest, even in someone else’s private space, can now be destroyed by dropping a loose block on it;

- The “stair” mode of operation of the chisel has been updated, now it cuts out a cube - 1/8 of the block, which allows you to make corner steps;

But the stairs, when any loose block is dropped on them, stupidly disappear... They say that they are fixed.

Overall, I really liked the direction of development. The main thing is that the pricing policy is adequate! So that if blue and red buckets are sold, then only for real money. If the spawn egg is for the game, then so that you have to work on it for a week. Least. I personally have always been in favor of complication gameplay, more precisely, not even the gameplay, but the process of survival in the game: D

How to make a saw in Terra firm craft

It is clear to everyone who has played at least a little with the TerraFirmaCraft mod that if not do saw, then you can forget about the workbench, chests and boards in general. I'll tell you how do saw and boards!

How do saw in TerraFirmaCraft fashion

Necessary metals and how to find them:

The first thing you need to do is look for small pieces of metal that sometimes spawn in the world:

Let's get acquainted with the metals that we will need in the development of the first tools, including saws:

  1. Tetrahedrite - copper comes out in pure form.
  2. Malachite - produces copper in pure form.
  3. Copper - it will be the same in pure form copper.
  4. Bismuth - in pure form bismuth.
  5. Sphalerite - in pure form zinc.

And so, I will teach you how to make copper and bismuth bronze tools and weapons.

Clay saw mold and clay vessel:

You need to find clay, dig up at least 10 pieces with any shovel!

Press with clay RMB and the interface opens, remove the squares along the edges - we get our clay vessel:

Then we do the same thing, but there will be a clay shape of the saw:

Great! Now we dig a hole in one block, take the clay saw mold in our hands and click RMB into the corner of the pit, we do the same with the vessel, but in a different corner:

We need 8 straw, straw can be obtained using any knife - by breaking ordinary grass. Then RMB put it in our hole:

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Very good! You need to get 8 logs, they can be obtained using any ax, cutting down any tree. We also put it in the hole (as if we were covering it with a tree):

Prepare one torch in advance and throw it on the finished structure:

If you did everything correctly, you will get a picture like this:


HOW DO SAW AND WORKBENCH IN TerraFirmaCraft 1.7.10

I play on a server with a mod TerraFirmaCraft: My group VK: Playlist: .

Now you need to wait 8 game hours. When time will pass we will receive our fired items:

Why do we need a clay vessel? For melting metals!

How to melt metals in a vessel:

On the right you will get copper tools, on the left side you will get tools bismuth bronze:

On the right side I put tetrahedrite (pure copper), and on the left side I put the metals that are needed for the alloy bismuth bronze- that is, 3 pieces of sphalerite, 5 pieces of malachite and 2 pieces of bismuth. The proportion in the vessel is only for 1 instrument, if you want do more, then increase by 2 instruments, etc.

Do you still remember what copper metals look like?

  1. Tetrahedrite - produces copper in pure form.
  2. Malachite - produces copper in pure form.
  3. Copper - will also be in pure form copper.
  4. Bismuth - in pure form bismuth.
  5. Sphalerite - in pure form zinc.

What is the difference between copper and bismuth bronze?

Brass tools- a pickaxe, a shovel, an ax are slower when digging/cutting; in general, you extract resources more slowly. However, I advise you to make a saw, a sword and any tools that you do not use for speed, so as not to waste the resources that are needed for the rafting.

Bismuth bronze- a pickaxe, a shovel, an ax are faster for digging/cutting and generally extracting resources, however saw, a sword and any tools that you do not work at speed are no different from copper ones. Only more strength.

Well, we figured it out, we make a hole and do the same with clay forms with these vessels:

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Details Super User Minecraft Instructions Updated: March 15, 2016

I think many fans of hardcore survival liked the TFC mod. This small guide to TerraFirmaCraft will help you understand the basics of life in this completely different world.

The key difference between survival in TFC and the original mode is the more thoughtful realism of this process - wood can no longer be mined by hand, ore can no longer be noticed from a distance, the change of seasons, slowly growing crops and much more.

The beginning of all beginnings

Making basic stone tools takes a lot of work. The stones are now lying on the ground, we collect enough of them to make blanks for tools. Blanks are made by placing two stones in the crafting window and carving out the shape of the item of interest to us. You can find out how and what is done by looking at the recipes for TerraFirmaCraft.Now we need sticks to make full-fledged shapes: a shovel, an axe, a knife or a spear. To do this, we break the leaves, with some probability sticks will fall out of them - we install them in the crafting window, the stick is at the bottom, the blank is at the top and we get a ready-made device.

Sticks also serve as a resource for making a fire, on which you can cook food and make torches; to make a fire you need to make a flint - put two sticks in a row, then throw three sticks on one block and, picking up the flint, click on this block with the right button, if you did everything right, it may not be the first time, but you will light a fire.

Moving forward

Now it would be nice to get some food. If you are lucky and you killed a spider, then you can make a fishing rod and go fishing, if not, we will hunt for living creatures. To do this, it is advisable to first arm yourself with a spear; see how to make it in the same recipes - the link can be found at the end of the guide. Now since you have a spear, you can look for and kill a pig or cow, they drop a lot of meat and leather, so you can immediately make armor. Armed with an axe, we chop down a tree, get logs, put the ax and logs in the crafting window and get planks, after which we put 4 planks and get the coveted planks - we make a workbench and a bed out of them, for which you first need to kill a couple of sheep and get wool.

Looking for minerals

When not a pebble falls from a stone, but a piece of ore, it means there is more nearby - this must always be remembered. We break the pebbles and collect 16 pieces of ore, they are enough for exactly 3 ingots, and this is already a pickaxe. So, be sure to stock up on logs - they will be needed for smelting ore. We also need to find about a glass of clay - we will use it to make molds for melting. You can see how this is all done in the same recipes - link at the end of the article.

How to make an anvil in TerraFirmaCraft? We take a hammer in our hands and look for a rock, right-click on it, if you get an anvil, cool - no, we look further. If an anvil has formed, build your first shelter around it. Making a fire - we learned how to create one in the first chapter. We create molds for melting from clay and fire them over a fire. Now we put the form in the bottom slot of the fire and throw in pieces of ore until the form is filled.

Now let's move on to forging. Let's open the anvil interface and put the hammer in the slot intended for it. We place the mold in the ingot slot and begin forging,in order to forge an ingot, you need to combine two sliders and fulfill the conditions for the last 3 strikes written in red on the right. For an ingot, they require that the last 3 hits be of the type - Hit, respectively, move the slider further to the right and with three hits (as the conditions are met, they turn green), set it within the upper slider (for ingots, unlike tools, accuracy is not important) we get the finished ingot.

Well, in addition, a short video to reinforce everything you read in the TerraFirmaCraft guide.


TFC - Beta 2 Build 52e For MC v1.3.2​

So there is a fundamental difference!
Labor intensity - Welcome to the Stone Age, rapid development no longer.
Distances- Even for basic ore you will have to run around, all resources are scattered over a large area.
Realism “You can’t cut down a tree with your bare hands anymore, and there won’t be a mine without metal either.”
Cognition - Real existing ores and their locations, as well as types of stone and wood.
Minimalism- There are much fewer types of blocks and crafting, which suddenly only benefits.
Dynamics- An ever-changing world - there are real seasons, and 130 biomes for starters.

What's the downside?
Incompatibility - Almost no compatibility with other mods, no official build for Bukkit.
Incompleteness - a world that has not been brought to mind. There are rocks and trees hanging in the air.
Not enough information - Weak description of the mod. I had to spend a lot of time figuring out the nuances.
Inconsistencies- Fast growing trees and slow growing crops. Stone blocks made from pebbles.

And now, first things first - a small guide to the mod:

0. Installing the mod
Let's go to http://www.terrafirmacraft.com/download/ and download the mod itself and the PlayerAPI and Forge included here. If desired, download the Mini map (rei_minimap) and Optifine. We find it on the computer by searching - minecraft.jar and make a copy of it. Open it with any unpacker and throw the contents of the mods inside (in unpacked form). Rei_minimap is added to the \mods package. All.

1.We arm ourselves
Long live the Stone Age. We collect stones scattered on the ground. The only way to make something hard is to hit one stone against another, so in the crafting window we place two stones (of the same type) next to each other and in the resulting window we cut the workpiece under the right tool. Next, we go to the nearest tree and hit the foliage - sticks fall out of it. The result is that we have the first weak tool, only there is no pickaxe in the stone set. We craft a hatchet, knife, shovel and, to taste, a spear (Javelin).

2. Getting ready for a walk
There are no stone or wooden pickaxes; it takes more than a minute to remove one block of rock by hand. And something urgently needs to be done about this. Therefore, we begin to prepare for the big walk. First, it’s worth hunting a little, or fishing (if a spider turns up). I’ll note right away that pigs and cows provide a lot of meat and leather, so it’s not a bad idea to make leather armor at the same time. Have you collected the meat? Now we are learning how to make a fire, for this we will need sticks (at least 5 pieces). We throw three of them on the ground on one block, from the other two we make flint and use it on the block with thrown sticks, if you’re lucky, a fire will be lit, no, we continue to click. If after using 1-2 flints the fire does not form, it means you are doing something wrong. In the fire you can fry meat and prepare torches (from sticks, coal is no longer needed). The only downside is that you can only cook one item at a time. Additionally, armed with a stone axe, we go to chop down a tree. Then we make planks from the logs (an ax and a log in the crafting area), after which we assemble boards familiar to MS from the planks (4 planks = 1 board). And from them we make a work table and a “camping” bed, for which you need to find the nearest sheep and borrow wool from them. Everything is ready and adventures await.

3. Geological exploration.
This is where the fun begins, I hope you have already installed the Mini Map, you will need it to mark interesting places, if not, then F3 and paper will save you. What we are looking for and noting: Ore outcrops (When a nugget of ore falls out of a pebble instead of a stone) the main thing here is: we found one piece, there are others nearby, and to start you need any 3 ingots (16 pieces of ore go per ingot), clay deposits (stacks of enough for the first time), redwood forests ( big trees), fruit trees(Attention: We do not cut the trunk and foliage. Sprouts fall out of thick branches!) and it would be nice to determine and record the type of stone in the biome. All this equipment can be scattered over a very small area, but it will be very useful in the future. Also along the way it is worth stocking up on feathers, paper (from reeds), ink and leather and a couple of stacks of hickory wood (burns with high temperature). And of course, choose a place for your home. Attention: craft the hammer, take it in your hand and right-click on the top edge of the bedrock (not every stone is suitable) if an anvil is formed - great, no, let's look for another place for the house.

4. Fundamentals of metallurgy
So, we built our first modest house, and it was modest because our tools were still weak. Let's move on to preparing for the first mine. If you manage to collect enough ore and start smelting it, for this we will need a fire, we have already learned how to make it in point 2, wood (only logs) that burns hotter (hickory) and fur (optional) to raise the combustion temperature, which sharply reduces consumption wood Attention, to use the bellows, press the right key on them without stopping and they will gradually increase the temperature in the oven. We craft molds for ingots from clay and fire them in a fire.Now we put the form into the lower slot of the fire and begin to throw in ore nuggets. The mold will be gradually filled (two incomplete forms are added together) and as soon as we fill it completely, we move on to forging. Open the forge interface in bedrock (see point 3) and place the hammer in the slot intended for it. Please note that forging can only be done at a certain temperature, which is different for each metal. We put the mold in the slot for the ingot and start forging. In order to forge an ingot, you need to combine two sliders and fulfill the conditions for the last 3 blows written in red on the right. For an ingot, they require that the last 3 hits be of the type - Hit, respectively, move the slider further to the right and with three hits (as the conditions are met, they turn green), set it within the upper slider (for ingots, unlike tools, accuracy is not important) we get the finished ingot. We need to do at least one.

5. Product number one.
For further development, we will need one tricky tool - a chisel. At this stage, we craft a drawing table and draw (with ink from octopus ink) on paper with its help a drawing of a chisel. The thing is that melting metal in a fire is still a pleasure. we need a powerful foundry furnace, and to craft it we need bricks. And for crafting bricks... suddenly - a chisel! So, take our ingot, heat it up to desired temperature and open the anvil. In it, we place the scroll with the drawing in the appropriate slot, and the heated ingot (if it is not heated correctly, forging will not work) in the slot for ingots, and we begin to forge according to the same principle as the metal form. We combine the upper slider with the lower one and at the same time follow the rules for the last 3 strokes written on the right in red. In the case of a tool, the more accurately you combine the sliders, the better the initial state of the item being made will be. Most likely it won’t work on the first try, it doesn’t matter the number of attempts is not limited!

6. Fuel complex
Have you made a chisel? Time will take care of the fuel - our fuel is charcoal. Charcoal formed during the pyrolysis of wood without air access. It's clear? If not, I’ll explain - you need a coal pit. I hope you have already found the redwood forest? We go there after first discarding everything unnecessary from our inventory. The thing is that a lot of wood falls from a sequoia with minimal effort.Therefore, we cut down the tree stock (3-4 sequoias) and put the logs in woodpiles as shown in the figure (the direction of the logs is notimportant). Attention, the woodpile will fall when you hold Shift, otherwise an ordinary tree will fall. We open the inventory of each woodpile (without holding a log in our hand) and fill it to capacity with logs (the more there are, the more coal). We place a burning fire in the center of this structure, place a second level of woodpiles and cover everything with earth. Leave one block of the woodpile uncovered - if it lights up after a couple of seconds, everything is fine, close it and wait about 18 hours (in-game) (during this time you can make more holes, they won’t be superfluous), open the ground and scoop out the resulting coal with a shovel.

7. Foundry
We have been preparing for a long time and are now starting to build a blomery for mass production of metal. To do this you will need a stone brick and a blacksmith's forge block. We build a forge out of bricks according to the attached diagram, and as soon as it is ready, you can insert the forge block. And an immediate improvement - next to the forge block, we put furs on the side (with a hole in the forge block).
You can add a couple more levels, the larger the space inside (maximum 4 blocks) of the forge more metal and you can put coal in it once, but climbing to the top is also more inconvenient. And finally, we insert a metal mold into the forge block and pour coal and nuggets in approximately equal quantities from the top into the inside (Q button by default) and start melting.
Please note that you can only melt one type of metal at a time. If there is more melted metal than will fit into one mold, simply place the next one and the metal will flow into it, you can insert partially filled forms.

8. Mining
Now let’s make two picks, a regular one and a miner’s one, and go to the place where you picked up the nuggets. There is definitely a vein there, usually near the surface. Using a shovel, we remove the layer of earth down to the stone and with a prospector’s pick (right button) we click on the stone; it will be shown which vein and its value are located in a 25x25x25 square with the center in the test stone. Attention, a prospector's pickaxe does not give a 100% reliable result, so it is worth checking several stones at once in one place. Nothing? Let's move on, we've found a vein and, preferably, we'll start digging deeper. The whole joke is to determine the location of the vein by its boundaries. Tactics can be different - for example, dig down a vertical pillar, make sure that the miner's pickaxe shows the absence of a vein, return 12 levels up and dig horizontally until the vein disappears again, and again return 12 blocks back and dig in the other direction. And eventually find what you are looking for. A large vein will cover all your metal needs for a long time. Attention, while you are digging 1x2 tunnels, most likely nothing will fall on your head, but once you start cutting the vein, the risk of a collapse increases with each block of rock freed from support, so use supports (and for them you need a saw or a metal ax).

10. Epilogue or the beginning?
According to fashion, you can write the same amount and there will be blank spots left, I deliberately do not do this full description fashion In order to leave room for independent research, and to get comfortable in the world of TFC, there is enough information here. Additional information can be found in the official wiki http://wiki.terrafirmacraft.com/Main_Page or in another guide http://minecrafting.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=6778

With little hope that a server with this mod will appear on minecraft-moscow.ru, I am finishing my story.

First, let's look at the interface of the anvil itself:

  1. Eight buttons act as a mini game. Red buttons move the green arrow (which is below) to the left, green buttons move to right side. Each button has its own name, let's look at them:
    • First row of buttons: weak blow, medium blow, stamp, bend.
    • The second row of buttons: strong blow, stretch, crimp, shrink.
  2. When you place an ingot, you select a blueprint depending on what you want to forge.
  3. There should always be a hammer here, stone or any other, I advise you to keep an additional hammer at the ready. Sometimes the hammer breaks at the wrong time and you will be able to quickly replace it.
  4. Here you can weld sheets into double sheets and ingots into double ingots.
  5. Flux is consumed 1 for each welding.

How to forge armor and tools on an anvil?

There are many ways to forge, but many simply don’t want to or don’t understand the forging formula. Here we have calculated the formulas for some tools and armor for you. But first, preparation.

You need any ingot from which you are going to forge. On the ingot itself there are tips on when to forge and when to weld. If you are reading this guide, then you already know how to build and use a furnace to melt starting metals, such as copper ingots.

We have the ingot ready, let's start forging. If you are going to weld, you need flux. We place the ingot and select the desired tool or piece of armor in the drawing. Check the hammer. Now use any buttons to connect the green and red arrows; they must be level. When your skill improves, there may be a minimal error, but now you need to do it exactly.

Most likely your ingot will cool down, it’s not a big deal... the progress you made on the ingot will remain. Well, now we need a formula, below there will be a table of items and 100% correct forging. Tested by different players and many times. Before starting forging, check the arrows again to see if they are as shown on the screen.


Proper forging of an item

Sheet bend - stamp - small blow - small blow - small blow
Axe strong blow - squeeze - medium blow - stamp
Hammer strong blow - seat - strong blow - stamp
Knife seat - seat - bend - stretch - stretch - strong blow
Pick stamp - stamp - stamp - stretch - bend - stamp
Shovel bend - strong blow - stamp
Chisel bend - bend - bend - stretch - weak blow - weak blow
Saw bend - stamp - medium blow - weak blow
Lance middle blow - stretch - bend - bend - bend
Ice chipper stamp - stamp - bend - stretch - crimp - strong blow


Processing for producing wrought iron

Scream iron stretch - crimp - stamp
Wrought iron stamp - bend - weak blow - weak blow - weak blow


Forging armor for all stages

Helmet strong blow - stamp - stamp - bend - bend - strong blow
Bib stamp - squeeze - medium blow - strong blow - stretch - bend
Trousers seat - bend - medium blow - strong blow - stretch - bend
Boots stretch - stretch - shrink - bend - bend

Of course this is only one option, but during the forging process you may accidentally make it using a different formula that you don't know.

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