Selection and application of facade paint on plaster. What and how to paint plastered walls? Moisture-resistant plaster paint for interior work

Plastering is one of the most simple ways leveling walls, thanks to which it enjoys wide popularity for both exterior and interior decoration. After drying, the surface needs additional protection from adverse influences; in addition, the protective layer significantly improves the appearance of the structure and gives it a particular color.

The most commonly used paint is for walls; it is quite easy to work with on plaster.

Main types of compositions and features of their application

As you know, with help both indoors and outdoors. And if the interior decoration is almost not exposed to various adverse influences (the only exceptions are rooms with high humidity), then the exterior walls require the use of very reliable compounds that can withstand the most difficult conditions.

Water-based types

One of the most widely used options, this plaster paint for interior works has a number of undoubted advantages:

  • Low price compositions makes them accessible to the widest range of buyers.
  • Widest range of colors and shades allows you to select best option for almost any interior. In this case, you can purchase white paint and a special colorant, and prepare the composition yourself, adding pigment to obtain the shade of the desired intensity.
  • Easy to paint: You can do all the work yourself, and you can use a variety of tools for applying paint.

But these solutions also have some disadvantages:

  • Low resistance to high indoor humidity, the coating begins to peel off.
  • The surface cannot be washed or cleaned, so this solution is not suitable for high-traffic areas.


The features of this group of products include the following factors:

  • The acrylic composite included in the composition provides the layer with much higher stability, both to various unfavorable factors, as well as to damage and abrasion. The surface is reliable and resists deformation well.
  • Due to its high performance properties, the paint can also be used in rooms with high humidity..
  • The mixture is made on a water basis, so after finishing work, tools and hands are very easy to wash with plain water and soap.

Such paints do not transmit moisture very well, so surface treatment should begin after the base has completely dried.


One of the relatively new types of paints, which nevertheless enjoys wide popularity due to a number of positive properties:

  • Due to the polymer components included in the base of the mixture, the coating is elastic and can withstand even significant deformation effects. The surface, like a layer of rubber, can stretch and shrink without cracking.
  • The layer perfectly resists moisture, therefore often used in bathrooms and.
  • The surface can be washed with a damp sponge, which allows you to maintain fresh color and purity for many years.


This group of products is characterized by the following features:

  • The coating has high emissivity, which guarantees the brightness of the facade for many years.
  • The silicate base allows the solution to withstand precipitation of any nature well., including acid rain.
  • The layer is vapor permeable, which eliminates damage to building structures due to excessive dampness.

The only disadvantages include a too hard coating, which can crack due to thermal expansion of the plaster layer and low resistance to mechanical abrasion.


If you need the highest strength and excellent performance properties of the coating, then you should not pay attention to the high price, you should choose silicone paint.

Judge for yourself:

  • The layer has antistatic properties, due to which it does not attract dust, which is especially noticeable when painting building facades.
  • The surface becomes water-repellent: drops simply flow off the wall. Thanks to this, the structure lasts much longer.
  • Walls can be washed however you like– even from a hose, which is very convenient outside buildings.
  • The paint is vapor permeable, which allows excess moisture to leave the plaster.
  • The composition has excellent adhesion to any plaster, which guarantees the durability of the coating.

It is especially convenient to use such silicone-based paints in places with high humidity: you do not have to dry the walls, because water will not be absorbed.

Other types

Naturally, this is not a complete list of options; we have considered only the most optimal ones from the point of view of reliability and distribution in retail networks. Therefore, it should be especially noted that if there are metal elements on or near the walls, then it is better to use special solutions for them. Electrically conductive paint Zinga and fire retardant paints for metal Polistil (they will not only protect the material from corrosion, but will also allow the surface to withstand even open fire).

Whatever paint you choose, you must study the instructions for its use, so you will know under what conditions the manufacturer guarantees the best result. For large volumes of work, it is better to use a spray gun - for plaster this method is more suitable, as it ensures an even layer of paint over the entire surface.


It is very important to choose correct composition, because if it is of poor quality, you will have to repaint the walls again, and this will cost a lot of time and money. The video in this article will tell you some features that are worth knowing when painting surfaces.

Facade plaster is always a winning option: a plastered building looks more aesthetically pleasing, original, stylish, and besides, this type exterior finishingthe most affordable option for the price.

But in order for the plastered walls of the facades to look perfect longer, so that they are not destroyed by negative external factors, such as acid-base rain or temperature changes, they must be painted.

Which coating to choose, after all modern market Are there a lot of varieties of paints and varnishes? You will find the answer to this question in this article.

What are façade paints for plaster for exterior use?

Facade paints are type of materials decorative finishing , which, in addition to their aesthetic purpose, also serve as additional protection for plastered surfaces.

For this protection to be long-lasting, paints must meet several requirements:

  • UV resistance;
  • quality;
  • reliability;
  • environmental friendliness.

Based on this, facade paints perform two work tasks:

  1. Firstly, this is an aesthetic task: painted plaster looks more impressive and attractive.
  2. Secondly, the paint becomes extra protective layer for plastered surfaces, preventing premature destruction from dampness and unfavorable climate.

Main types

Today it is known a huge number of types of paints on plaster. Let's study the most popular of them in more detail.


The most versatile and economical paint option is acrylic. His the main connecting link is polymer compounds, they provide that strong, reliable structure that makes the paint resistant to adverse environmental factors.

Another advantage of acrylic is the fact that bacteria do not multiply in it, so it becomes an excellent protection against mold formation.

Acrylic paints are divided into two categories: those made on water-dispersion and organic bases. Water-dispersion type is odorless paints, they are suitable for people who have allergic reactions for paint and varnish products.

A high level of adhesion to almost any surface makes the water-dispersion type of paints and varnishes high level quality and reliability.

Organic-based materials are famous for the fact that don't freeze in the cold, so they can be used even in the cold Russian winter; they can be painted even at -15 degrees and below.

Acrylic consumption is as follows: 140-150 ml. per sq. surface meter.


If impeccable aesthetics for you main criterion choice, you should pay attention to silicone-based products.

Textured processing, creating a stunning tinting and polishing effect - these are the main results of processing with silicone paint.

As a rule, the composition includes " liquid glass"and other fillers, allowing you to achieve amazing results, which is simply unthinkable with any other paint.

Viscous structure able to penetrate into the smallest crevices, which allows for additional insulation. But this is not all the advantages of silicone: creating a protective film against negative impact external factors, weather-resistant paint allows oxygen to pass through, which is the main condition for creating a comfortable atmosphere in the house.

The only thing you need to consider when working with silicone paints and varnishes is its increased level adhesion, therefore you need to wear special clothing to work while wearing safety glasses and gloves.

Consumption: 130-140 ml. per 1m2.


Silicate paints – perfect option for those who want to do high-quality repairs for little money. Low consumption has made the silicate option one of the most popular today.

Adhesive properties are excellent, but one thing to consider important nuance: removing silicate-based paint is very problematic, therefore, if you plan to repaint the surface over time, you will have to choose some other option, because the silicate type is paint, if not for centuries, then for decades for sure.

Consumption: 100-110 ml. per sq. meter of wall to be painted.


Cement or silicate-ash paints are famous for their excellent vapor permeability properties; they moisture resistant and easy to apply.

Dye Suitable for dry cement-lime plastered surfaces, it is suitable when all other types of facade coating are unable to cope with their work task.

The only condition that must be observed when working with cement paints is they need to be diluted otherwise the application process will be problematic.

Good for everyone cement paints, but still they have one minus, this high consumption. 170-200 ml. per 1m2 work surface.


The buyer has a wide selection of lime paints: solutions, pastes. Unlike the above types of paints and varnishes, the lime look does not contain polymer compounds and resins.

Like cement, lime paints and varnishes cannot be pleased with their economical consumption. This figure fluctuates from 170-180 ml. per sq. meter.

This type of paint is famous for the following properties: the substances included in its composition, are excellent antiseptics, which allows you to avoid such troubles as mold on the wall.


Another type of paint used for exterior work is oil paint. Her The advantage is the widest color variation and rich shades.

Also noteworthy is the fact that the consumption of oil paint is minimal, approximately 100-130 gr. on square meter surfaces or liter per 9-10 meters. The consumption is influenced by such a factor as color intensity: the darker, more saturated, you want to make the surface to be painted, the more layers you will need to apply.

A technological feature of oil paints is the drying oil and other fillers included in its composition, which eliminates the need for dilution when painting.

Plasters are the most common and affordable type of cladding for low-rise buildings. They protect walls from moisture, heat loss and minor mechanical damage. The disadvantage of this coating is the lack of aesthetic appeal. Exterior plaster paints help decorate and diversify the appearance of your home.

The main purpose of the color coating is to complement and enhance performance.

  • Waterproof - prevents excessive moisture and destruction of the facade. As a result, the service life of the building increases.
  • Vapor permeability – painted walls “breathe” well (allow water vapor to pass through). Therefore, condensation formed due to the difference in temperature outside and inside the house does not accumulate in them.
  • Weather tolerance – paints and enamels for exterior use are slightly susceptible to weather conditions. They don't fade under sun rays and retain color saturation for a long time.
  • Biological stability - the coating serves as a reliable barrier to the penetration of mold, mildew and other harmful microorganisms into the plaster.
  • Heat resistance - the properties of dyes are maintained over a wide temperature range.
  • Self-cleaning – they do not hold dust particles well and are easily washed off with streams of slanting rain or water from a hose.

Types of facade paints

1. Acrylic.

The most popular and a budget option. Suitable not only for plaster, but also for almost all types of wall materials. The base contains acrylic polymer, due to which the paints are weakly hygroscopic and highly resistant to abrasion.

Classified by type of base:

  • Water-dispersed - have good resistance to high temperatures and the absence of a pungent odor, and are distinguished by a favorable price.
  • Organic – suitable for use in cold climates. Recommended for painting worn-out facades with weak plaster. The cost of organic coatings is an order of magnitude higher than water-soluble ones.

The acrylic composition is easily tinted and has a rich color palette. There are no conditions for the growth of microorganisms in the paint, so it is considered completely safe.

2. Silicone.

Are considered the most the best option paints for the facade of the house. They have multiple advantages:

  • Hydrophobicity – rainwater and drops of fog are not absorbed by the painted plaster, but flow down along it.
  • Vapor permeability - the layer consists of many microscopic pores through which water vapor passes freely.
  • Adhesion – high level of adhesion to any type of finish.
  • Atmospheric stability - the indicator tends to maximum values. The facade is not afraid severe frosts and the burning sun.
  • Safety – odorless and does not emit toxic substances. Recommended for external decoration of children's and medical institutions.

Most silicone-based paints are water-based. Disadvantages include low wear resistance and elasticity, as well as high cost.

3. Silicate.

The composition contains liquid glass (silicate glue), mineral pigments and filler. Such components provide reliable resistance to ultraviolet radiation and various precipitation (including acidic). Extends the service life of the external coating to 20 years. Disadvantages include weak abrasion resistance and lack of elasticity, which leads to cracking of the plaster.

4. Calcareous.

The basis is slaked lime, which has good vapor permeability and bactericidal properties. Fungi and mold do not settle on external walls even in high humidity.


  • fragility - easily washed off by rain and become dirty;
  • limited color range - the palette consists of white and light pastel colors.

5. Cement.

Plaster paints are mineral-based and consist of white Portland cement with the addition of multi-colored pigments. They have higher resistance to humid environments than limestone analogues. They have an almost complete absence of bactericidal properties and resistance to harmful microorganisms. Without a special external coating, walls quickly become overgrown with mold and mildew. Despite their low cost, they are practically not used in private housing construction.

6. Latex.

Managed to gain popularity due to their strength, reliability and excellent performance qualities. The base contains acrylate latex, which provides an elastic consistency. After drying, paint with rubber filler forms a thin film similar to rubber on the facade. It fills all cracks, seams and perfectly levels the top layer of plaster.

Before buying paints for exterior use, you should carefully study the composition and instructions for use on the packaging. All brands vary in temperature conditions, maximum humidity parameters, biosecurity level.

You need to pay attention to the date of manufacture. The shelf life of outdoor products does not exceed 2 years. Over time, the paint dries out, loses its elasticity and forms an uneven coating when applied.

The surfaces can be matte or glossy. The latter are distinguished by brightness and color saturation. They shimmer beautifully in the sun, but require a perfectly smooth base, as all the irregularities appear on them. Matte compositions look more restrained, but they perfectly hide all the imperfections of the plaster.

In order to get a unique shade, you can buy a base mixture, a set of pigments and mix them yourself.


Before you start painting work for plaster, it is important to correctly calculate the required volume. To do this, you need to perform several mathematical operations:

  • Calculate total area for painting - first, the area of ​​each wall is determined using the following formula: (length × height) - the area of ​​​​all windows and doors. If the facade has complex geometric shapes, then they are divided into simple rectangles and the area of ​​each of them is calculated. The results obtained are added up.
  • Multiply the facade area by the standard consumption for 1 m2 indicated on the packaging.
  • Multiply the total by the number of layers (most often by two).

On average, consumption for typical types looks like this:

  • 0.1-0.14 l/m2 – silicone and latex;
  • 0.1-0.16 l/m2 – water-dispersed;
  • 0.5-0.7 l/m2 – acrylic.

When calculating, it should be taken into account that the average rate is indicated for primed surfaces. Therefore, if you paint external walls directly over the plaster, the consumption will increase. The less often coloring composition, the thinner each layer and the higher the quality and uniformity of the coating.

Instructions for painting external walls

The following tools and devices will be needed for work: a spray gun (pneumatic or electric), a container, a lint roller middle length, wide brush, spatula, wire brush, scaffolding, stepladder.


  • Remove the old cladding from the working surface, fill the cracks with putty and smooth out any unevenness.
  • Clean areas affected by fungus or mold with a wire brush.
  • Rinse the walls with water and dry.
  • Cover the façade with penetrating primer to strengthen the surface and improve adhesion.

According to construction experts, it is best to plan work for late spring or early autumn. Usually at this time the air temperature stabilizes within the required limits, and solar activity decreases and does not harm the painted surfaces when drying.


  • Mix the paint with a mixer.
  • Cover the wall with a base coat. Apply strokes horizontally, vertically and diagonally, constantly alternating directions, this ensures uniformity.
  • Leave the façade to dry.
  • After 6-8 hours, apply a fixing layer.

According to the instructions, all mixtures are applied 2 times. The exception is lime-type solutions - they are applied three times.

Cost of facade paints

Name Brand Manufacturer country The basis Price, rub./l
Beckers Akrylatfarg Beckers Sweden Acrylate latex 880-950
Dufa base Dufa Russia Water and siloxane component 400-476
Fassadenfarbe mix base Dufa Russia Acrylic 390-425
Dulux Classic Color BW Dulux Russia Acrylic 310-386
LUXENS LUXENS Russia 135-255
LUXENS base LUXENS Russia Aqueous dispersion of acrylic copolymers 169-216
All-season LUXENS base LUXENS Russia Acrylic resins in organic solvent 220-252
Marshall Maestro BW Marshall Maestro Russia Acrylic 200-257
Latek Latek Russia Styrene acrylic dispersion 15-60
Latek textured L305 Latek Russia Styrene acrylic dispersion 53-65
Optimist F310 rubber Optimist Russia Styrene acrylic dispersion 198-228

Paint for external plastering work should be selected according to the environment. After all, this coating can be used in any room, including outdoors. So its parameters are important here; for this there are instructions on the packaging and you need to study them. Dyes are also selected according to their composition; the compatibility of surfaces and the durability of the coating will depend on this.

These are the questions we will consider today. Also in the video in this article and photos you can find out a lot of additional and necessary information.

Plaster paint is divided into two types. This is a paint on plaster for interior work and for internal surfaces. For exterior finishing, it can also be used for interior work. And in turn, internal ones can only be used for internal surfaces (see Paint for interior wall decoration: how to choose).

Any of them can be applied with your own hands, and then the final cost of finishing is significantly reduced, although you must first choose the right dye, this will be discussed further.

Attention: If you have a large finishing area, then it is better to use a spray gun for plaster, in this case you will significantly reduce the painting time and apply the dye layer as evenly as possible.

Facade paints

A direct indicator of the quality of façade paint is its resistance to fading, contamination and peeling. Choosing a good product and preparing the foundation is the key to the durability and beauty of our home.


  • Even after several years, the painted facade should please the eye. If the walls become dirty, then returning to their original appearance should not be a problem, nor should the paint fade, no matter how dark it is.
  • While in the jar, the branded paint should have a thick consistency, and when stirred, it should gradually become more liquid. This helps to apply it evenly, which, however, should not mean paint running off the roller.
  • All these advantages of high-quality paint have, of course, a direct opponent - a high price, but this is also a guarantee of the desired result. In addition, the process of painting the facade itself (see How to paint the outside of a house with your own hands) is not the easiest thing, which means calling painters, using scaffolding, and also indicates that you should not save on paint.

Attention: Using a quality product from the very beginning will help protect the facade from repainting much better than its cheap counterpart, due to its resistance to various adverse factors.

What colors are there?

IN highest degree The properties that the paint will have depend on what it consists of. The most important component not only of paint, but of any paint and varnish material: primers (see Primer for walls for painting - types and tasks), putty, varnish - is a binder that determines the quality of the future coating.

It is also called a film former due to its interaction with solid surfaces, namely the formation of a film (this occurs after evaporation or drying), differing in the degree of adhesion to the substrate.

According to the possible types of solvents, paints are divided into:

  • Paints based on organic extractants (such as white spirit) form a distinctively compact film with a low level of water vapor transmission (this does not apply to paints based on plyolite resins). Their disadvantages include toxicity and unsafety when used in a fire building. This is counterbalanced by weather resistance and the ability to be used without loss of quality at sub-zero temperatures.
  • A well-known advantage of water-soluble paints is environmental friendliness, which is achieved by replacing flammable (and often poisonous) solvents with ordinary water.
  • This type of paint, in turn, is divided into paints based on water dispersion (here there is a large number of different polymers). They are also called latex (see Latex paint: how to work with it) and emulsion. And the second subtype is paints in which the role of a binding material is played by mineralite, lime or liquid glass, and they are mineral.

Water dispersion paints

Water-dispersion paints for external use retain adhesive substances in their structure as if “suspended” in the format of micro-particles in H2O.

Attention: The main basis on which such specialized paints for facades are produced are synthetic polymers and various emulsions of silicone resins. Their pleasant feature is that they are absolutely non-toxic, can be diluted in water to the desired density, and dry quickly.

  • The film former in vinyl paints is a dispersion of polyvinyl acetal or other vinyl acetate copolymers, which are not very expensive, but are also resistant to water.
  • Acrylic (acrylate) paints, in which the role of a film former is occupied by a dispersion of acrylate copolymers, are very well connected to the foundation. Among their other characteristics: reduced vapor permeability, which determines their use, for the most part, for concrete and cement-fiber surfaces. On the other hand, they cannot be used for application to silicate or lime coatings.
  • Silicone paints (siloxane, silane, organosilicon) are made from a dispersion of silicone resins. They are distinguished by their resistance to moisture levels and “magical” self-cleaning features. Compared to other polymers used in industry binder material These paints do not become softer in the heat and the galvanic charge in them is always neutral.

Attention: Paints based on acrylic and vinyl, as well as silicone resins, are not only water-soluble, but also solvent-soluble.

Mineral paints

Mineral paints are divided into:

  • Lime paints, created on the basis of slaked lime. They owe the reliability of the lining to the process of lime carbonization occurring in the air. Therefore, these paints are stored either as pigmented mixtures or as pastes to which pigments are added immediately before application. Pigments need to be alkali-resistant in order to interact properly with paint, and this somewhat narrows the range of available colors.

Lime paints seem attractively cheap among their counterparts, but they are also not durable and durable. Every year they are used less and less, but when it comes to the restoration of architectural monuments, other paints cannot be used.

  • Silicate paints, in which liquid glass plays the role of a film former. This fact significantly limits the possible color palette. In addition, the application of such paint should be left to an experienced painter.

Attention: Please note that it cannot be applied over silicone paint, no matter how good it is in condition. The same goes for acrylic. But if before this there was lime or silicate paint on the surface, then you can safely apply more and more layers.

  • In cement paints the connecting substance is Portland cement (situationally: white or colored), which in itself already requires the use of alkali-resistant pigments. Since such paints themselves do not retain water very well, up to 15% slaked lime is added to them to increase this parameter, and 1% water-repellent substances due to low weather resistance.

The result is weather-resistant and vapor-permeable paints, the scope of which is the same as that of lime paints. However, cement paints are superior to even them in fragility, so they do not peel off for so long.

Criterias of choice

Home owners, mostly residents of busy streets or industrial areas, often confirm that after a few months their façade is already losing its color. For this reason, they are looking for paints that provide maximum stain resistance.

Attention: No paints have yet been invented on which dirt cannot settle, but there are those that prevent it from being absorbed into the surface.

  • Such paints form hydrophobic shells with self-cleaning properties. As a result, the dirt is simply blocked on the surface, after which it is easy to wash off, which often happens during precipitation.
  • The hydrophobic properties come into full effect approximately a month after staining. Silicone paints have the best “repellent” attributes, silicate and acrylic ones have good ones, as well as paints modified with silicone polymers. Alas, when purchasing, you cannot find out what the resin content is in the paint (this is what has the greatest impact on its effectiveness). For this reason, it is worth using a product that has already been tested by someone you know.
  • If after several years the facade does not lose its original color and remains without blots, this is a significant argument in favor of the brand. Next time you should buy their product.

Attention: When choosing a paint, special attention should be paid to the gloss level: the higher it is, the higher the resistance to stains, i.e. the dirt will be washed off better. And one more little tip: on dark paint, compared to light paint, it is not so easy to notice dust.

  • On the packaging of most paints you can find information stating its vapor permeability. This is a deliberate step by the manufacturer, because every person wants their home to “breathe” and be “healthy.”
  • Another reason why the importance of this is not diminished: depending on the density of the outer part of the facade, the transition of water into liquid from gas occurs, which flows from the room to the street. It is possible that subsequently the paint will peel off not from the outer surface, but from the inner one. The likelihood of this happening increases significantly if the paint was applied to an unprimed surface.

Any developer, when choosing what the facade of his house will look like, where what color should be used, is faced with problems: how to succinctly and unclutteredly combine each element of the facade; how to make buildings individual among those around them, but not create confrontation?

In cases where contacting an architect is not possible, it is recommended to adhere to some simple but effective rules that will help you achieve a positive result when using home decoration:

  • For the facade, it would be wiser to take light paint from a palette of pastel colors. A facade painted in this way will blend more easily into its surroundings and in this case it will be easier to choose the color of the roof.
  • If you are afraid that your home will look monotonous, then use two shades of the same color, for example, highlight window openings and other individual elements with the lighter one.
  • Obviously, the color of the roof should be darker than the color of the walls. Of course, you can do the opposite, but in order to end up with a beautiful and aesthetic appearance, the intervention of specialists in this field will be required.
  • If the facade after painting should be multi-colored, then when considering various options all paints and materials must have one common “parent”, so that ultimately the chosen combination is harmonious and orderly.
  • Even the most serious and gloomy facade can be made more alive by highlighting its individual elements in color: door and window openings, beams, railings, chimneys, footings, etc. If possible, it is worthwhile to definitely use this technique, not forgetting, of course, about general style building.
  • By using several tones of paint, the horizontal division of the façade can be highlighted, completely changing the feel of the architectural object. For example, if the lower part of the house is darker than the upper, then the building will seem to “stretch upward” and will look more sophisticated.
  • If, on the contrary, the roof and attic space will be darker, then the whole house will gain depth and solidity. It is wrong to forget that the impression of a building also depends on the external background, the environment in which it is located, therefore it is extremely important that the appearance of the room does not contrast with the local surroundings.

Paint for walls on plaster is quite different in its characteristics and its price can be high, but the main thing in this matter is the durability and quality of the coating. Therefore, you should give preference to proven European manufacturers; you should not save on this.

In order to after plastering works the room has become beautiful and cozy, in most cases it is not at all necessary to additionally putty the walls and glue wallpaper - why do this if in some situations it will be enough to simply paint the surface.

Such an “accelerated” completion of repairs is quite suitable, for example, in the following cases:

  • If painting plastered walls is done in the office. And indeed, if the goal is not to “inflate” the estimate to the maximum or turn the office into some kind of “super cozy” room, then what is the point of the same wallpaper? Believe me, you can paint it so that no wallpaper will look better.
  • If any production room. Agree that in a workshop for the production of, for example, bricks, there is clearly no need to glue wallpaper on the walls. And there’s really no need to putty there.

In general, if they don’t spread too much, then we can confidently say that painting plastered walls will be relevant where you need to give the room a pleasant appearance without much time and financial investment.

But it’s worth talking in more detail about what is the best way to do this, how, and whether there are any pitfalls here.

Let's start with the most important point.

How can you paint plastered walls?

Before we begin the review, it is worth noting that there is no universal council, which paint is optimal to use. In each individual case, there may be nuances due to which this or that wall paint for plaster will not be suitable for you specifically.

Please also note that the same type of paint can vary greatly in quality.
The difference, as a rule, lies in the beauty and richness of the colors, or in the consumption per square meter.
Quality, of course, depends on the manufacturer and, of course, on the cost of the material.
Truly high-quality things simply cannot be cheap.
However, this does not mean that you need to buy the most expensive material - try to consult with sellers and look for a “golden mean”.

Well, we will provide you with “basic” information on paints.

Acrylic materials

In this case we mean paints with an acrylic base. This is a fairly good and very popular material among the people, which is used for painting. standard rooms and even rooms with high humidity.

Main characteristics of such paints:

  • Excellent abrasion resistance - the finished surface can be easily wiped with damp cloths, the appearance will not be spoiled.
  • A wide range of colors and shades for tinting. In principle, thanks to this quality, you can easily choose paint to suit any interior style.
  • After painting, your walls will have a pleasant matte texture.
  • The price of acrylic-based materials is quite affordable and one can even say that this is the “golden mean” between cost and quality.

As for the disadvantages, of course they exist - you should not buy this paint for rooms where there is a risk of direct water contact with the surface of the walls or ceilings. Such premises include bathrooms, for example, or car wash bays - in these cases it is better to use latex-based materials.

Let's consider this option.

Latex paints

The principle of “work” of this type of paint is that after drying the material turns into a thin, but nevertheless quite durable film layer. This property allows further frequent and intensive wet cleaning of such a surface; in addition, walls painted with latex paint are not afraid of direct contact with water.

The material can have either a matte or glossy texture, and is perfect for painting standard stone surfaces.

By the way, if you are painting the walls decorative plaster, then in this case latex paint is the best option. Because no other material emphasizes volume and this type so favorably.

It is also worth noting that it is quite easy to navigate the types of latex paint. As a rule, buckets of such paint of the same brand have different numbers on them. The higher the numbers, the higher the gloss level and the less material afraid of water.

Please only note that glossy paint with a latex base has one important feature– it seems to emphasize all the unevenness of the surface.
For a surface with a textured pattern, this is certainly good, but painting walls over plaster may not look so good.
Because the wall should then be as smooth as possible, without any depressions or protrusions.
Otherwise, everyone will see all the “waves” on the plane.
So be sure to take this property of latex into account when choosing.

As for the cost, the price of this type of paint is not low. Therefore, it is worth purchasing material only when the characteristics of the room do not allow the use of other options, and, of course, when you want to achieve a certain external effect, gloss.

Now let's talk about a fairly budget solution.

PVA-based water-based paints

In fact, this is a very convenient option in cases where you want to paint the walls quickly, cheaply, and with a more or less pleasant appearance.

Although this type of paint does not have a very wide selection of shades, they are perfect for rooms that do not need any special design and rich color of the walls.

It is only important to remember that this material is not suitable for rooms with high humidity, as well as for places where the surface will often be wiped after painting.

Advice: if the room is suitable for using such paint, and at the same time you still want to save money and at the same time make the plastered walls more beautiful, then you can apply the material with a PVA base in several layers - this will add richness.
To make the effect even better, prime the walls very carefully before painting.
This will reduce paint consumption and the level of its absorption into the structure of the plaster layer.
And, of course, the adhesion of the paint to the plane of the wall will be much better in this case.

And let's look at another type of paint that can be used for plastered walls.

Alkyd and oil paints

This material is distinguished by good layer strength after drying, excellent color saturation, but at the same time there are some disadvantages that can be significant criteria when choosing paint.

We are talking in particular about the following points:

  1. The paint has a strong toxic odor. Therefore, working with it is quite difficult and not everyone can do it. When it dries completely, there are no fumes, but during operation and drying the material will cause a lot of unpleasant moments for both you and your neighbors.
  2. Not good a good choice colors and shades.
  3. High consumption of paint and its considerable price.
  4. Low painting speed when working with rollers and brushes.

In general, of course, improved painting with oil compositions for plastering walls is used quite often (including in rooms with high humidity), but does this make sense?

However, if you have a well-ventilated production area, have a spray gun for painting, and there are no high aesthetic requirements for appearance walls, then in principle, why not use this material - the service life of such a surface will be long and there will be no problems with intensive care should not appear behind the surface.

This concludes the review of materials and consider step by step instructions on painting walls with your own hands.

How to paint walls: work order

In fact, there is nothing complicated in this matter, it’s just important to understand general principle works and know a few secrets - then the painting of plastered walls will ultimately turn out to be of high quality.

The sequence of work here will be as follows:

  1. Before we paint the plastered wall, we need to prepare the surface. Moreover, please note that preparation is a very important stage, during which you need to repair all cracks and chips on the wall plane using a small amount of putty or the same cement-sand mixture.
    If this is not done, then the cracks (even if they are painted over with thick paint) will expand over time and, accordingly, “split” the paint layer. As a result, you will have a monochromatic wall that is unpleasant to the eye, and a “cobweb” of chips.

  1. We remove all debris and dust from the surface and prime the walls using a special brush or roller. Priming, as already mentioned, is necessary to reduce paint consumption and increase the level of adhesion of materials to each other. For this operation will suit any acrylic primer. (See also article.)

Just pay attention to the fact that if you use a concentrate primer that needs to be diluted with water, be sure to follow the proportions indicated on the material label!
If you add little water, then the primer will not stick to the plane of the wall and will not be absorbed, but will simply “move away” from it.
And vice versa - if there is too much water, the liquid will simply be absorbed into the structure of the plaster and nothing will remain on the surface of the wall.

  1. Choosing a painting method. At this stage, you need to focus on what kind of paint you are using and what features the object has. If alkyd paint is used for plastered walls and this is a production room, then the easiest and fastest way will be to “blow out” the surface with a spray gun. If this is a living room and there are certain requirements for the appearance of the walls, then it is wiser to use a roller and brushes for painting. It will look neater and richer in the end.
  2. Preparing the paint. The point is that if it is alkyd or Oil paint, then you need to achieve optimal density using a regular solvent.
    If it is a water-based material, then most likely you will have to tinker with the color before you can achieve the desired color. There is nothing complicated here - fill it in required quantity tubes into a bucket of paint and stir the mixture thoroughly.
    Then apply a little, and when it dries a little, look at the painted area again - you will immediately see whether additional tinting is necessary.

  1. And now the actual painting of the walls with plaster begins. They paint with a roller in a top-down motion, and in order for the wall to subsequently look monochromatic and without streaks, you need to follow the edges of the roller and try to level out all the prominent stripes. They are obtained from the fact that more paint is usually collected on the edges of the spool than on the main area of ​​the foam or pile.

Tip: regardless of whether you work with a roller or a spray gun, cover all objects in the room and the floor with film, and also seal the ceiling at least around the perimeter (if you don’t need to paint it too) with masking tape or the same film.
This is necessary so as not to stain unnecessary surfaces or furniture, for example.

In principle, that's all. The painting is finished - and the plastering of the walls, if it was done conscientiously, without the presence of strong “waves” and falling pieces, then such a plane will please the eye for a long time and will not cause problems.

Let's summarize.


We have figured out what can be used to paint plastered walls in one case or another, and also looked at how this is actually done. We hope that this brief instructions will be useful to you in practice when independent work. Well, or at least, you will now be able to better control the actions of the hired team.

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