Fresh water pollution. Facts about water pollution in the world

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Fresh water pollution groundwater occurs almost unhindered both from above - through the aeration zone, and from below - by pressure water from deep-lying aquifers. The penetration of contaminated water from above is controlled by the degree of natural protection of groundwater. The influx of water from below is caused by the disruption of natural impermeable strata by numerous wells and artificially created discontinuities in the seals of oil deposits. A forced increase in reservoir pressure intensifies the penetration of brines, oils, and gases into the upper horizons through tectonic disturbances and lithological windows of different genesis.  

Industrial wastewater of high mineralization can also be a significant source of pollution of fresh groundwater. Their quantity can reach 3 m3 per 1 ton of oil produced. The main pollutant is chlorides, less often sulfates, sodium, calcium and hydrocarbons from crude oils. During well flooding, the same waters can become pollutants of fresh (artesian) horizons, penetrating through the annulus of wells, as well as due to upward flows into overlying aquifers during ejection mode of field operation.  

A significant source of pollution of fresh groundwater in oil and gas and gas condensate fields is surface water, since part of the industrial wastewater is discharged into surface reservoirs and watercourses. In addition, the components of the runoff under consideration enter the aquifers of subzone I as a result of infiltration from their reservoirs. Industrial wastewater is the associated reservoir water of the II subzone of technogenic pressure on the underground hydrosphere. Their quantity depends on the geological and hydrogeological conditions of the field, the rate and technology of hydrocarbon extraction, and the period of its operation. The main polluting components of industrial wastewater are chlorides (less commonly sulfates), sodium, calcium and hydrocarbons from crude oils.  

A final and unambiguous conclusion has been made about the predominant (82 - 90%) contamination of fresh groundwater as a result of surface spills of highly mineralized formation waters and oil products due to depressurization of oil field structures and communications. A basis has been prepared for the design of systems for forced desalination of contaminated springs.  

A final and unambiguous conclusion was made about the predominant (82 - 90%) contamination of fresh groundwater as a result of surface spills of highly mineralized formation waters and oil products due to depressurization of oil field structures and communications. A basis has been prepared for the design of systems for forced desalination of contaminated springs.  

The results of hydrogeological studies carried out in the areas of oil fields in the Cis-Ural region allow us to conclude that contamination of fresh groundwater occurs mainly from above, that is, through the aeration zone. The vulnerability of upper production aquifers to pollution, high concentrations of pollutants in them, high rates of vertical and lateral migration of the latter in a number of oil fields are explained by the high filtration properties of the rocks of the aeration zone and water-bearing sediments, the lack of stable reliable aquitards, and the regional interconnection of aquifers. horizons by downward flows through clay layers. As a result, the zone fresh water the entire thickness (up to 250 m) becomes saline within several years from the moment of entry of pollutants.  

In this paper, the issue of water quality at a water intake is considered primarily in connection with natural substandard waters, which are hereinafter referred to as salt waters for brevity. However, the solutions presented can also be used to predict water quality in connection with pollution of fresh groundwater, although in this case additional issues may arise that relate to the field of physicochemical hydrodynamics and require special consideration.  

If it is impossible to continue drilling for geological and technological reasons, conservation and liquidation plans are also coordinated with the emergency rescue service and Gosgortekhnadzor. In case of detection of oil, gas or formation water outputs in the area of ​​wellheads that are subject to liquidation, as well as contamination of fresh groundwater with petroleum products, measures are taken to eliminate sources of pollution according to an additional plan.  

Technogenic pollution of groundwater is the appearance in it of harmful impurities in quantities that disrupt the medium’s ability to self-purify, which makes this water partially or completely unsuitable for use. Certain MPC standards for individual components serve as a quantitative characteristic of pollution. Pollution of fresh groundwater is expressed in an increase in their mineralization, an increase in the content of atypical components (chlorides, sulfates, calcium, iron, etc.), the appearance in water of substances unusual for them (inorganic and organic), changes in temperature, pH value, the appearance of odor, coloring, microorganisms.  

Assessing the natural protection of groundwater from pollution is one of the important hydrogeological tasks. Currently, the processes of technogenic impact on groundwater in Bashkortostan have turned from local to regional. In this regard, the threat of contamination of fresh groundwater poses many times greater danger than the threat of their quantitative shortage. Under these conditions, assessing the natural protection of groundwater from pollution is not only of theoretical, but also of great practical interest.  

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Water is the most valuable natural resource. Its role is to participate in the metabolic process of all substances that are the basis of any life form. It is impossible to imagine the activities of industrial and agricultural enterprises without the use of water; it is indispensable in human everyday life. Water is necessary for everyone: people, animals, plants. For some it is a habitat.

The rapid development of human life and inefficient use of resources has led to the fact that Environmental problems (including water pollution) have become too acute. Their solution comes first for humanity. Scientists and environmentalists around the world are sounding the alarm and trying to find a solution to the global problem.

Sources of water pollution

There are many reasons for pollution, and it’s not always to blame human factor. Natural disasters They also harm clean water bodies and disrupt the ecological balance.

The most common sources of water pollution are:

    Industrial, domestic wastewater. Having not undergone a system of purification from chemical harmful substances, when they enter a body of water, they provoke an environmental disaster.

    Tertiary treatment. Water is treated with powders, special compounds, multi-stage filtered, killing pests and destroying other substances. It is used for household needs of citizens, as well as in Food Industry, in agriculture.

    - radioactive contamination of water

    The main sources that pollute the World Ocean include the following radioactive factors:

    • nuclear weapons testing;

      radioactive waste discharges;

      major accidents (ships with nuclear reactors, Chernobyl nuclear power plant);

      disposal of radioactive waste at the bottom of oceans and seas.

    Environmental problems and water pollution are directly related to contamination by radioactive waste. For example, French and English nuclear plants contaminated almost the entire North Atlantic. Our country has become the culprit of pollution of the Northern Arctic Ocean. Three underground nuclear reactors, as well as the production of Krasnoyarsk-26, were clogged largest river Yenisei. It is obvious that radioactive products entered the ocean.

    Pollution of world waters with radionuclides

    The problem of pollution of the waters of the World Ocean is acute. Let us briefly list the most dangerous radionuclides that enter it: cesium-137; cerium-144; strontium-90; niobium-95; yttrium-91. All of them have a high bioaccumulating capacity, pass through food chains and concentrate in marine organisms. This creates a danger for both humans and aquatic organisms.

    The waters of the Arctic seas are subject to severe pollution various sources influx of radionuclides. People carelessly dump hazardous waste into the ocean, thereby turning it dead. Man has probably forgotten that the ocean is the main wealth of the earth. It has powerful biological and mineral resources. And if we want to survive, we urgently need to take measures to save him.


    Rational consumption of water and protection from pollution are the main tasks of humanity. Solutions environmental problems water pollution lead to the fact that, first of all, great attention should be paid to the discharge of hazardous substances into rivers. On an industrial scale, it is necessary to improve wastewater treatment technologies. In Russia, it is necessary to introduce a law that would increase the collection of fees for discharges. The proceeds should be used for the development and construction of new environmental technologies. For the smallest emissions, the fee should be reduced, this will serve as motivation to maintain a healthy environmental situation.

    The education of the younger generation plays a major role in solving environmental problems. From an early age it is necessary to teach children to respect and love nature. Instill in them that the Earth is ours big house, for which every person is responsible. Water must be conserved, not poured out thoughtlessly, and efforts must be made to prevent foreign objects and harmful substances from getting into the sewer system.


    In conclusion, I would like to say that environmental problems of Russia and water pollution probably worries everyone. Mindless waste water resources, the littering of rivers with various garbage has led to the fact that there are very few clean, safe corners left in nature.Environmentalists have become much more vigilant, and numerous measures are being taken to restore order in the environment. If each of us thinks about the consequences of our barbaric, consumerist attitude, the situation can be corrected. Only together will humanity be able to save water bodies, the World Ocean and, possibly, the lives of future generations.

Pollution of groundwater can occur through the atmosphere through precipitation and subsequent infiltration of already contaminated atmospheric precipitation; through contaminated surface waters in areas where they are absorbed into pound aquifers; during infiltration of pure atmospheric precipitation and surface water through contaminated surface of the earth And soil layer(when making mineral fertilizers and pesticides); by filtration of liquid products or production waste And sewage in case of leaks from pipelines and networks or at their storage sites (sewage pits, settling tanks, sludge storage tanks, etc.) in the absence or insufficient reliability of anti-filtration measures; during infiltration of atmospheric precipitation and surface water on solid waste storage areas(municipal or industrial landfills, mining dumps, etc.). The source of intense pollution, including deep-lying groundwater, is burial of liquids And industrial solid waste(usually the most harmful, highly toxic or radioactive waste) by pumping it into deep absorption wells or “burial” in exhausted mines and quarries.

Sources of pollution may include unused wells, but not isolated from the surface, boreholes, mine shafts, as well as deep wells, exploration or production (oil, gas, industrial waters) or wells used for injection industrial waste when they are not enough reliable insulation from overlying aquifers.

Chemical pollution. The most important sources of chemical pollution of groundwater are various liquid effluents, as well as solid waste. industrial enterprises. They contain a wide variety of organic and inorganic substances. Not far from industrial pools of production, as a result of the filtration of their waste and process waters, heavy and toxic metals (iron, zinc, copper, mercury, zinc, lead and others) may be present in groundwater. Chemical pollution especially susceptible groundwater, into which pollution penetrates from the soil surface through aeration zones, as well as when liquid and solid pollutants are discharged into absorption wells and wells. In the territory rural farms, groundwater is polluted mainly due to the use of various chemical fertilizers and pesticides in the fields.

Rin. – this is an increase in the temperature of groundwater, which occurs for a number of reasons when using a water intake. Water temperature may increase due to the attraction of surface water (pond, river, lake) from more high temperature. This often happens if there is a body of water near the water intake, and the aquifer consists of highly permeable sediments (pebbles). In addition, the temperature in groundwater may increase due to the discharge of waste thermal process wastewater into absorption wells or wells.

Radioactive contamination. The source of radioactive contamination of groundwater can be experimental explosions of hydrogen, atomic and neutron bombs, as well as various industries that carry out activities related to the manufacture of nuclear reactors, weapons, or simply use radioactive substances in their work. The source may also be nuclear power plants, as well as leaks from enterprises where they produce nuclear fuel. This may include radioactive burials. In addition, there are natural sources - uranium ores and other rocks containing natural radioactivity.

Decomposing into aquatic environment, organic waste can become a breeding ground for pathogenic organisms. Water contaminated with organic waste becomes practically unsuitable for drinking and other needs. Household waste is dangerous not only because it is a source of certain human diseases (typhoid fever, dysentery, cholera), but also because it requires a lot of oxygen to decompose. If household wastewater enters a reservoir at very large quantities, then the content of dissolved oxygen may fall below the level necessary for the life of marine and freshwater organisms. Contamination of fresh groundwater used for domestic and drinking water supply not only affects people’s health and condition environment, but also leads to the need for enormous costs for water treatment, repair and reconstruction treatment facilities, additional health care costs. It's happening! against the background of insufficient knowledge of the state of pollution, the influence of many harmful components on the health of people and animals, and the underdevelopment of research methods for many new types of pollution.

PV pollution also causes environmental pollution. PVs carry the 3B they contain into surface watercourses and reservoirs. Although the input of pollutants with underground runoff is significantly less than the input of pollutants with wastewater discharged into surface waters, studying it chemical composition is big interest in case of detention in PV toxic substances, the entry of which into the river can have an impact Negative influence on its biological regime. It is especially important to take this process into account in small river basins. A man-made gas (steam) cloud is formed above the surface of contaminated hot water, caused by the evaporation of contaminated liquid from the level of hot water. Steam includes the lightest, most volatile substances found in contaminated water. Most negative impact clouds of gaseous hydrocarbons formed on the surface of oil and gas caps and even horizons formed on the surface of aquifers in oil and gas production areas. location of underground gas storage facilities (UGS), oil pipelines, oil and gas processing plants, gas stations etc. The formation of a gas cloud over the surface of contaminated PV is an example of the feedback of PV pollution and its response influence, causing pollution of the environment (soils and rocks of the aeration zone, the surface layer of the atmosphere and surface waters, if the cloud is formed near the PV discharge area). this cloud can also reach the surface of the earth; Such cases are recorded in the territories of underground gas storage facilities, where abnormal pressures are observed in aquifers, facilitating the spread of clouds from great depths to the surface of the earth. To identify areas of distribution of gas clouds and delineate areas of air pollution, gas photography of subsurface air is used.

Groundwater protection How complex problem has two main directions: protection of groundwater as a mineral in exploited or explored groundwater deposits and protection of groundwater as one of the main components of natural(surrounding) environment. If there are existing or potential sources of groundwater pollution within the calculated area of ​​influence of the operation of existing or potential sources of groundwater pollution, the forecast of changes in the quality of groundwater must necessarily take into account their possible influence during operation. The presence of groundwater pollution (even if it does not currently represent specific danger) should be established according to two main indicators: the appearance in groundwater (primarily in the ground aquifer) of components of the chemical composition, the presence of which in natural conditions uncharacteristic for groundwater in the area under consideration; the presence of areas within which the content of “ordinary” components of the chemical composition of groundwater, characteristic of natural conditions, sharply exceeds background values, established for this area. In this case, the main objectives of the research are to identify specific foci (sources) of pollution, determine the composition of pollutants, assess the speeds and routes of their migration, followed by organizing systematic observations at such sites of changes in the composition and quality of groundwater and the application of a set of special measures discussed above.

10.. Geochemical conditions and geochemical barriers. Redox potential and geochemical barriers in natural waters.

Geochemical barriers(Perelman, 1961) - areas of the earth’s crust in which a sharp decrease occurs over a short distance migration intensity chemical elements and, as a consequence, their concentration.

Geochemical barriers are divided into two types: natural and man-made. Both types are divided into physicochemical, biogeochemical and mechanical. The first is associated with changes in the physicochemical situation in waters with different redox and acid-base conditions. Mechanical barriers are formed where the intensity of mechanical migration sharply decreases. Biogeochemical barriers are essentially the accumulation of elements by plants and animals.

Macro and meso microbarriers are distinguished. So in deltas there is a zone of mixing freshwater river waters and salty sea waters is a macrobarrier hundreds and thousands of meters wide (with a length of rivers and sea areas of thousands of kilometers). Ore bodies in aquifers of artesian basins have a width of tens and hundreds of meters with a length (along the dip) of aquifers of thousands and tens of thousands of meters (mesobarriers). Mesobarriers also include the marginal zones of swamps, where many elements leached from watersheds and slopes accumulate. Ore veinlets several centimeters and millimeters thick are classified as microbarriers.

The phenomenon that is now called geochemical barrier, attracted the attention of researchers earlier, in particular when studying the conditions for the formation of minerals and ores, when interpreting the processes of precipitation of elements from waters. In soils, silts of seas and oceans, weathering crusts, aquifers of artesian basins, groundwater of fault zones and other systems of the earth's crust, similar processes occur element concentrations. This allowed us to establish common types such processes, formulate the concept of a geochemical barrier, which we attribute to the fundamental concepts of geochemistry. main feature barrier - a sharp change in conditions and concentration of elements. This is the area where one geochemical situation is replaced by another.

Between concept geochemical barrier and geochemical environment there is a deep connection: a decrease in the space occupied by the environment leads to the transition of quantity into quality, the transformation of the environment into a barrier (and vice versa).

Ore bodies of most deposits are formed on geochemical barriers; the concept of barriers is one of the methodological foundations for the study of geochemical anomalies and, therefore, it is important for the development of geochemical prospecting techniques. The study of barriers is also important in the fight against environmental pollution, when organizing underground leaching of ores, consolidating soils in construction, and when solving other practical problems.

IN Earth's crust there is a combination and integration of various geochemical processes, and therefore complex barriers are identified that are formed as a result of the superposition of two or more interrelated geochemical processes. Also highlighted bilateral barriers, which are formed when various elements move towards the barrier from different sides. A heterogeneous association of chemical elements is deposited on the two-sided barrier. They differ the same lateral barriers, formed when water moves in a subhorizontal direction, for example, at the boundary of facies and radial (vertical) barriers formed during vertical migration of solutions in fault zones, weathering crusts, etc. Depending on the method of mass transfer, they differ diffusion and infiltration barriers.

ORP. Oxidation– electron donation, recovery– acceptance of electrons!!

An indicator of the redox potential of natural waters is Eh. The value can be measured using potentiometer and is measured in Volts. May have positive values under oxidizing conditions and negative under reducing conditions. Natural water has an oxidation-reduction potential, since any reaction of electron removal or addition has an energy characteristic, therefore the same conditions can be oxidizing and reducing. According to redox conditions, 3 classes of natural waters are distinguished:

· Oxidative(practically only one oxidizing agent O2, that is, oxygen waters).

Most Me is able to migrate in the form of cations, and only 2 reducing agents - organic matter and H2S, so there are waters:

· Reductive without hydrogen sulfide(gley waters), enriched with organic matter, O2 is completely consumed for the oxidation of organic matter, and it still remains, Fe and Mn are mobile, others are inactive;

· Reducing waters with hydrogen sulfide, occur in waters rich in sulfates and inhabited by sulfate-reducing bacteria. Organisms are not viable. Water appears in the deep layers of seas with weak water exchange (the Black Sea, in the Norwegian fjords), and in groundwater they form with pollution (in oil refining areas).

Geochemical barriers are formed between different types waters, which depend on the content of O2, H2, H2S and other gases in water. Fe2+, Fe3+, S2-, HS-, H+, OH- and other ions, as well as molecules of organic matter, also play an important role.

For type oxygen waters(with an oxidizing environment) the presence of free oxygen or other strong oxidizing agents in waters is typical. Many elements are in high degrees oxidation – Fe3+, Cu2+, S6+, etc. In the oxidation zone of sulfide deposits at pH 1-2 (acidic environment), Fe can also be in divalent form. Sedimentary rocks formed under oxidizing conditions usually have red, brown and yellow colors. Since associations of oxidizing and reducing agents may be present in natural waters, the indicator of the oxidizing situation is free oxygen, and if it is not there, then ferric iron

Type hydrogen sulfide (sulfide) waters characterized by H2S, HS-, and sometimes S2-. Fe and many other metals often do not migrate because they form sparingly soluble sulfides. The color of the rocks is black, gray, green.

An indicator of a restorative environment gley water type(with reducing hydrogen sulfide-free conditions) is CH4 and other hydrocarbons, dissolved organic compounds, Fe2+, H2. In a gley environment, many metals migrate easily, often in the form of organic complexes. The color of the rocks is white, gray, green.

At abrupt change reducing conditions to oxidative conditions arises oxidative barrier (oxygen, etc.). It also occurs when sharply reducing conditions change to weakly reducing or weakly oxidizing – sharply oxidizing conditions, that is, when sharp increase in Eh(redox potential). This barrier is especially characterized by the formation of Fe and Mn hydroxide minerals, as well as native S. With a sharp decrease in Eh, restorative barriers– hydrogen sulfide or sulfide, and gley.

Hydrogen sulfide and sulfide barriers play huge role in mineral formation, since they are concentrated big number minerals, mainly sulfides(pyrite, galena...), as well as some oxides(bleach pitch, etc.) and native elements (Au, Ag, Se, etc.). For gley barrierMineral formation is less typical(siderite, vivianite, native Cu, Au, Se, etc.).

Most of Water resources on Earth are polluted. Even if our planet is covered with 70% water, not all of it is suitable for human use. Rapid industrialization, misuse of scarce water resources and many other factors play a role in the process of water pollution. Every year, about 400 billion tons of waste are generated worldwide. Most of this waste is dumped into water bodies. Of the total water on Earth, only 3% is fresh water. If this fresh water becomes polluted continuously, then the water crisis will turn into a serious problem in the near future. Therefore, it is necessary to take proper care of our water resources. The facts about water pollution around the world presented in this article should help in understanding the seriousness of this problem.

Facts and figures of water pollution in the world

Water pollution is a problem that affects almost every country in the world. If proper steps are not taken to control this menace, it will lead to disastrous consequences in the near future. The facts related to water pollution are presented through the following points.

Rivers in the Asian continent are the most polluted. Lead content found in these rivers is 20 times higher than in industrial reservoirs developed countries other continents. The bacteria found in these rivers (from human waste) is three times higher than the world average.

In Ireland, chemical fertilizers and wastewater are the main water pollutants. About 30% of the rivers in this country are polluted.
Groundwater pollution is a serious problem in Bangladesh. Arsenic is one of the major pollutants that affects water quality in this country. About 85% total area Bangladesh's groundwater is contaminated. This means that more than 1.2 million citizens of this country are exposed to harmful effects arsenic-contaminated water.
The King River in Australia, the Murray, is one of the most polluted rivers in the world. As a result, 100,000 different mammals, about 1 million birds and several other creatures died due to exposure to the acidic water present in this river.

America's situation with regard to water pollution is not much different from the rest of the world. It has been noted that about 40% of rivers in the United States are polluted. For this reason, water from these rivers should not be used for drinking, bathing or any similar activities. These rivers are unable to support aquatic life. Forty-six percent of lakes in the United States are unsuitable for supporting aquatic life.

Contaminants in water from the construction industry include: cement, gypsum, metal, abrasive materials etc. These materials are much more harmful than biological waste.
Increased thermal water pollution caused by runoff hot water from industrial enterprises. Rising water temperatures are a threat to ecological balance. Many aquatic life is losing its life due to thermal pollution.

Drainage caused by rainfall is one of the main causes of water pollution. Waste materials such as oils, chemicals emitted from cars, household chemicals etc., are the main pollutants from urban areas. Mineral and organic fertilizers and pesticide residues constitute the bulk of the pollutants.

Oil spills in the oceans are one of the global problems, which are responsible for water pollution on a large scale. Thousands of fish and other aquatic creatures are killed by oil spills every year. In addition to oil, huge quantities of virtually non-degradable waste, such as all kinds of plastic products, have also been found in the oceans. The facts of water pollution in the world indicate an impending global problem and this article should help gain a deeper understanding about it.

There is a process of eutrophication, in which the water in reservoirs deteriorates to a significant extent. Eutrophication causes excessive growth of phytoplankton. The oxygen level in the water decreases to a great extent and thus the life of fish and other living creatures of the water are threatened.

Water pollution control

It is necessary to understand that the water we pollute can harm us in the long run. Once toxic chemical substances will fall into food chain, people have no choice but to live and carry them in the body system. Reducing the use of chemical fertilizers is one of the the best ways to purify water from polluting elements. Otherwise, these leached chemicals will continually pollute the water bodies on earth. Efforts are being made to solve the problem of water pollution. However, this problem cannot be completely solved because effective measures must be taken to eliminate it. Considering the rate at which we are damaging the ecosystem, it becomes necessary to follow strict rules in reducing water pollution. Lakes and rivers on planet Earth are becoming increasingly polluted. Here are the facts of water pollution in the world and the efforts of the people and governments of all countries need to be concentrated and organized to properly help minimize the problems.

Rethinking the facts about water pollution

Water is the most valuable strategic resource Earth. Continuing the topic of facts of water pollution in the world, we present new information that scientists have provided in the context of this problem. If we take into account all water reserves, then no more than 1% of the water is clean and suitable for drinking. Drinking contaminated water causes the death of 3.4 million people every year, and this figure is only increasing in the future. To avoid this fate, do not drink water anywhere, especially from rivers and lakes. If you cannot buy bottled water, use water purification methods. At a minimum, this is boiling, but it is better to use special cleaning filters.

Another problem is accessibility. drinking water. So in many regions of Africa and Asia it is very difficult to find sources clean water. Residents of these parts of the world often walk several kilometers a day to get water. Naturally, in these places some people die not only from what they drank dirty water, but also from dehydration.

Considering the facts about water, it is worth emphasizing that over 3.5 thousand liters of water are lost every day, which splashes out and evaporates from river basins.

To solve the problem of pollution and lack of drinking water in the world, it needs to attract public attention and the attention of organizations that can solve it. If the governments of all countries make an effort and organize rational use water resources, the situation in many countries will improve significantly. However, we forget that everything depends on ourselves. If people themselves save water, we can continue to enjoy this benefit. For example, a billboard was installed in Peru with information about the problem of clean water. This attracts the attention of the people of the country and improves their awareness on this issue.

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