Dymkovo painting drawing lesson notes senior group. GCD for drawing "Dymkovo toy" outline of a drawing lesson (senior group) on the topic

Summary of direct educational activities in decorative drawing in the senior group

Getting to know the Dymkovo toy

Saprygina Anna Nikolaevna


To introduce children to folk crafts - the Dymkovo toy.


Introduce children to the history of the origin of the Dymkovo toy.

Introduce the variety of Dymkovo toys, the specifics of decor, characteristic elements and color combinations.

Teach children to see the beauty of the Dymkovo toy, its expressiveness, imagery, and brightness of the pattern.

Foster a love of folk art.

To cultivate respect for the work of folk craftsmen.

Learn to paint a paper silhouette of a Dymkovo toy.

Teach children to independently choose painting techniques and elements, color combinations.

Develop creativity, imagination, interest in drawing.

Improve your watercolor skills - paint with the whole brush, its end.

Integration of educational areas:



Artistic and aesthetic development

Speech development

Using EOR:

Presentation for children on the topic of the lesson.


- Parsley toy

- Dymkovo toys

Cut out silhouettes of Dymkovo toys

Paints, brushes, palette

Progress of the lesson.

Organizing time. The children take their places.

1. A toy appears in the group.

I'm a funny toy

And my name is... (Petrushka).

I'm the funniest in the world

This is why children like me.

I didn't come to you alone,

I brought my friends.

Parsley takes one toy out of the box.

Guys, look what beautiful friends our Parsley has as toys.

Did you recognize them? (This is a horse, a cockerel, a duck, a lamb).

Parsley addresses the children:

Guys, did you like my friends? (Yes).

What did you like about them? (Beautiful, bright).

Indeed, these are very beautiful toys. My faithful friend Pencil introduced me to these toys.

They are called Dymkovsky.

Do you want to know why they were called that and where they came to us from? (Yes).

Pencil invites us on a journey to the city of craftsmen, where such wonderful toys appeared.

Are you ready to go on a trip? (We agree).

Then sit back, we're going.

2. Sloboda Dymkovo.

This toy is affectionately and tenderly called “haze”.

From the high bank of the Vyatka River, on which the city of Kirov stands, you can see the settlement of Dymkovo across the river.

In winter, when the stoves are lit, in summer, on cloudy days, when there is fog, the whole settlement is as if in smoke, in a haze. Here, in ancient times, this toy originated.

In winter, when people did not have work in the fields, they made whistles from clay. All winter the women of Dymkovo sculpted them for the fair. From a small clay ball with holes, the whistle turned into a duck, a cockerel, or a skate. And on the trays and counters of the crowded fair they sell cheerful goods.

The Dymkovo toy is made of red clay.

The clay was soaked, sand was added and mixed thoroughly. A duck, cockerel, turkey, horse or deer appeared from a small ball.

Then the craft was dried and fired in a Russian oven. They mixed milk with chalk and whitened the toy, then painted it with paints.

If you look at the pattern of the Dymkovo toy, it is unusually simple: circles, straight and wavy stripes, cells, spots and dots.

But the colors are so bright! Crimson, red, green, yellow, orange, blue, light blue colors.

Pay attention to our guests - Dymkovo toys and look at their patterns. Name the main colors with which they are decorated.

My friend Pencil wants to introduce you to the elements of Dymkovo painting.

All the toys are not simple, but magically painted. Snow-white as birch trees, circles, squares, stripes - a seemingly simple pattern, but you can’t look away.

Many toys are united by a plot. They are fun to play with and come up with your own stories. And some of the toys are so bright and colorful that they just beg to be picked up. But you must remember that these products are very fragile, and you need to play with them very carefully. And there are toys that you can only admire.

Guys, did you like the story of the pencil? (Yes)

What are these toys made of? (Toys are made of clay).

How many of you remember how these toys were made? (They sculpted figures from clay, then fired them in an oven, whitened them and painted them).

What patterns were used to decorate the toys? (Circles, dots, cells, stripes).

What colors did the masters use for decoration? (Red, yellow, green, etc.).

Do you want to try to become Dymkovo masters and help me paint these toys? Parsley shows toys cut out of paper: a cockerel, a deer, a horse, a duck. (We want).

Then I suggest first resting a little and then getting to work.

Parsley conducts a physical education session:

And now, guys,

I invite everyone to exercise!

Turn left, turn right,

Bend over, rise up.

Hands up and hands to the side,

And jump and jump on the spot!

And now we're skipping,

Well done all the kids!

Let's slow down, kids.

And stand still! Like this!

And now we will sit together,

We still need to work!

The children take their places.

I turn you guys into glorious masters of Dymkovo toys and suggest you choose the toy you like and paint it using the Dymkovo painting techniques you already know.

During independent work, Petrushka monitors compliance with the sequence of work, the technique of executing the pattern, and, if necessary, shows individually and gives advice on the use of color in the pattern.

Upon completion, all work is displayed on a stand. Parsley looks at the completed work with the children.

They are sleeping by the highway

In the hoarfrost,

The trees are sleeping, the river is sleeping,

Bound by ice.

The snow is falling softly,

Blue smoke billows,

Smoke comes out of the chimneys in a column,

It’s like everything is in a haze,

Blue distances

And the village was named Dymkovo.

They loved songs and dances there,

Miracle fairy tales were born in the village,

The evenings are long in winter,

And they sculpted there from clay

All toys are not simple,

And the magically painted ones:

Snow-white like birches,

Circles, squares, stripes -

A seemingly simple pattern

But I can’t look away.

And the glory went about the “haze”,

Having earned the right to this,

They talk about her everywhere

Amazing miracle

We will bow more than once.

Today we made an exciting journey to the city of masters.

What new things have you learned, what have you become acquainted with? (We got acquainted with the Dymkovo toy and learned how to paint it).

You guys made some very nice toys.

The pencil says goodbye to you and says: See you again in the city of masters, friends!

Parsley says goodbye to the guys.

Our lesson is over. Goodbye!

Olesya Regina

Target: continue to develop children’s imagination and imagination, teach new ways unconventional drawing -"monotype" And "poke method"; make you want to become master artists and decorate the silhouette nesting dolls in a new way.

Material: white silhouettes nesting dolls, paints, brushes, cups of water, wet wipes, cotton swabs, wooden matryoshka, pictures with images nesting dolls, educational game "Collect matryoshka» , projector

Preliminary work: conversation about history Russian folk toy -« matryoshka» , looking at illustrations, real products nesting dolls, games with matryoshka dolls.

Progress of the lesson

Morning greeting circle:

Let's stand side by side, in a circle,

Let's say "Hello!" each other.

We are too lazy to say hello:

Hi all!" and "Good afternoon!";

If everyone smiles -

Good morning will begin.


Guys, do you like riddles? (children's answer). Dasha knows one interesting riddle and now she will tell it to you, and you try to guess who it is about mystery:

Scarlet silk handkerchief,

Bright sundress with flowers,

Hand rests

On wooden sides.

And there are secrets inside:

Maybe five, maybe six.

I got a little flushed.

This Russian.

(children guess « matryoshka» )

Well done! Of course it is matryoshka.

The teacher shows the children pictures on a projector depicting different nesting dolls(Semyonovskaya, Polkhov-Maidanskaya, Zagorskaya, author’s, etc.) and real wood matryoshka, opens it and exposes everyone nesting dolls, children look at them and hold them in their hands. The teacher comments.

Look how beautiful they are!

These wooden ones toys also occurred from ancient times and were made Russian folk craftsmen. Matryoshka is one of the symbols of our country. What is the name of our country? (Russia). Our traditional toy - matryoshka They are known not only in our country, Russia, but also far beyond its borders. WITH matryoshka Not only do children play all over the world, but people also give each other as a souvenir - a small gift from Russia. To do matryoshka They use wood - birch or linden. It’s not easy to make a matryoshka. First, you need to turn the workpiece out of wood so that there is no knot or crack. And the master begins work with the smallest nesting dolls, only then their size becomes larger and larger.

Then the figurine is processed and sawn into two parts, painted, decorated and varnished.

Each nesting dolls It also has its own name. Alone nesting dolls Semyonovsky and they are made near the city of Semyonov, others nesting dolls made in Sergiev Posad and called Sergievskie nesting dolls. Another kind nesting dolls made in Polkh-Maidan and called Polkh-Maidanovskie nesting dolls.

Guys, look how amazing these are! toys. On aprons are also painted on matryoshka dolls, and scarves, and beautiful patterns. Natasha, please tell us a poem about matryoshka.

Painted sundresses,

The cheeks are glowing.

AND nesting dolls as if alive

Sending smiles to everyone.

Look, guys, how beautiful they were! What scarves they have, what sundresses, what sweet and rosy faces!

Guys, tell me Matryoshka dolls are all the same? Or not? (different on the project matryoshka dolls 2 pcs)

What is the difference? (patterns, drawings on sundresses) on matryoshka - flowers, leaves, curls, berries.

What else are they like? (ornate, painted, beautiful)

Why is it painted? (sundress decorated with flowers)

What is it made of? matryoshka? (made of wood)

What's on her head (kerchief)

And on the torso (sundress)

Artists painted them with pink, red, yellow, purple, blue and green paints.

Do you want to be on your own? matryoshka dolls?

Physical exercise.

We, nesting dolls, these are the crumbs.

(Hands on the belt, children perform squats with turns to the right and left)

Look, here we have red boots.

(Hands on the belt, movement "pick", completed by three floods)

We, nesting dolls, these are the crumbs

Look, we have rosy cheeks

(Rubging cheeks with hands)

We, nesting dolls, these are the crumbs

(Hands on the belt, squats with turns to the right and left)

Look, here we have bright scarves.

(Turns the head left and right, holding the "tips of handkerchiefs")

And now I suggest you become master artists for a while and decorate these nesting dolls(silhouettes) .

To begin with, I suggest you stretch our fingers a little before performing tasks:

Finger gymnastics « Matryoshka dolls»

We are beautiful nesting dolls- Multi-colored clothes

Once - Matryoshka, Two - Cutie,

Mila - three, Four - Masha

But we will decorate not as usual, but in different ways drawing and different materials (show). These are wax crayons, paints, brushes and cotton swabs.

Now look at the different ways drawing.

Each nesting dolls the aprons are decorated with different patterns, we will decorate them in our own way, called the method drawing"monotype"- this is when a piece of paper is folded in half and multi-colored paint is applied to half of the paper in spots, and the other half is printed onto the paint. Opening the silhouette nesting dolls and look at a drawing similar to a pattern (teacher showing, children doing work with "monotype") .

While the apron is drying, use a brush to pick up any paint and paint the scarf.

On your face matryoshka dolls paint on the cheeks, sponges.

Then, if the handkerchief is dry, take a cotton swab to drawing in another way -"poke". Using a stick, paint on a different color so that it does not match the scarf and on the surface of the scarf. draw the dots like peas.

Also with a cotton swab draw beads on the matryoshka doll.

Now that everyone has finished work, even in the group became lighter, and as if ours group turned into a large workshop, and we became real master artists, but we painted our nesting dolls in unusual ways. Which ones? (Children share their impressions, the work is analyzed.)

How beautiful yours turned out nesting dolls - elegant and bright. Together look at the resulting nesting dolls and discuss.

Well done! This is our class is coming to an end. Goodbye, guys! See you soon!


in the senior drawing group

"Dymkovo toy. Drawing a pattern of stripes and circles"


BDOU "Kindergarten No. 3 of Tara"

Ermolovich E. G.


Continue to introduce the Dymkovo toy, the means of expression: pattern elements, color combinations, composition;

Make a pattern on a rectangular sheet of paper, alternating vertical stripes and circles decorated with dots; choose combinations of two colors and black for dots.

To cultivate respect for the work of folk craftsmen and admiration for their creativity.

Preliminary work:

1. Organization of an exhibition in a group on the topic: “Fun Fair of Dymkovo Toys.”

2. Conversations about the Dymkovo toy, about the features of the pattern, composition, color combination.

3. Examination of decorative and applied arts products.

4. Coloring coloring books.

Material:objects of decorative and applied art,drawings of Dymkovo toys, pictures with elements of the Dymkovo pattern; white exercise paper,gouache paints, brushes, brush stands, sponges, sippy cups,napkins, silhouettes of the Dymkovo young lady.

Progress of the lesson.

Organizing time.


I am the lady madam!
I came to visit you.
I'll tell you a riddle,
And guess it, friends!
Merry white clay,
Circles, stripes on it
Goats and lambs are funny,
A herd of colorful horses,
Nurses and water bearers,
And the riders and the children,
Dogs, hussars and fish.
Well, call me.
( Dymkovo toy )

That's right, well done! Today I invite you to an exhibition of wonderful craftsmen. Look how many beautiful, bright, elegant objects there are around. These things delight us with their beauty. What are these toys called?( Dymkovo toy ) Let's look at them. (Children on their ownlook at toys painted in the style of Dymka).

Why are they called that?

Far, far away, behind dense forests, behind green fields, on the banks of a blue river there stood a large village. Every morning people got up, lit the stoves, and blue smoke curled out of the chimneys of their houses. There were many houses in the village. So they called that village Dymkovo. Cheerful and mischievous people lived in that village. They loved to sculpt funny, bright, colorful toys and whistles. They will make a lot of them over the long winter. And when the golden spring sun rises in the sky, the snow runs away from the fields, cheerful people bring out their cheerful toys and, well, whistle - drive away winter, glorify spring.

Funny toys were sold in different cities and villages. And after this name, the village and toys began to be called Dymkovo.

Please listen to what beautiful poems they wrote about these toys! (Children read).

The nanny is wearing a kokoshnik,
In Vanya's arms.

Vanya is both good and handsome,

Don't forget the nanny

When you grow up.

Rider on a horse
Steep sides, golden horns,

Hooves with frill,

And on the back is Egorka.

What color are Dymkovo toys? (Always white only)

The teacher, running his finger along the strip, asks: “What is the pattern on the Dymkovo young lady’s skirt? What colour?"

Look at the same distance between the stripes.

What other patterns are there on the young lady’s skirt? What colour? (Circles and dots).

Look at these young ladies: how are they similar to each other? (Everyone has wide dresses, skirts, aprons, beautifully decorated).

Right! But these dresses remained white! They stand aside, offended. How can you and I help them? Let's help the young ladies and paint their dresses. Let them also stand proudly at this exhibition, and be glad that they, too, were decorated with beautiful colors. But first, let's practice.

Take the brushes in your hands and let’s try to draw stripes at the same distance on the practice sheets with a dry brush. We move the brush from top to bottom without stopping.

Now we try to draw circles with the whole brush, without stopping, in one circular motion, the brush looks up, then the circles will turn out wide. And we draw dots with the tip of the brush.

Now practice drawing stripes and circles with paints. (Children choose a color for the stripe and circle, draw one or two lines on the exercise sheet, and draw a circle).

You and I will paint the Dymkovo young lady. Let's remember how we will paint it, where do we start drawing a pattern on a young lady’s skirt? (draw straight lines-stripes from top to bottom at the same distance, then draw circles of a different color and decorate the circles with dots).

Physical education minute:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
We went for a walk in the woods,
This finger is on the path,
This finger is along the path,
This finger is for mushrooms,

This finger is behind the raspberries,

This finger is lost
Came back very late.

Sit back, you are now masters, let's start working.
During independent work, the teacher keeps all the children in sight, helps those who have difficulty creating a composition, monitors the landing, and the technique of performing the work.

Now finish your work, the young ladies are very happy, they like your skirts.

Summary of the lesson.

To summarize, the teacher hangs up all the drawings, offers to choose the most elegant young ladies and answer the questions:
1. What job did you like best? Why?
2. What did you like most here?
3. What's special about this job?
4. How is this job different from others?

The teacher notes work that has straight lines, identical circles, and beautiful decorations.

The teacher reads the verse: All toys are not simple,
And magically painted,

Snow-white, like birch trees,

Circles, squares, stripes -
A seemingly simple pattern

But I can’t look away.

Well done, everyone tried to create new beautiful Dymkovo patterns. Thank you for your work.

Guzel Ziganshina
Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group on the topic: “Decorative and applied arts” (based on Dymkovo painting)



Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group


« Decorative and applied arts based on Dymkovo painting»

Performed: Ziganshina G. A.

Kazan 2013

Program tasks:

Introduce children to Dymkovo toy;

Clarify children's understanding of the specifics Dymkovo toys; from what, how, by whom it was created; how decorated (formatted); what kind of character (cheerful, festive);

Consolidate knowledge about Dymkovo toys;

Strengthen your skills drawing elements of Dymkovo painting(circles, dots, stripes, grid, ring, wavy arcs);

Strengthen children's ability to create decorative composition in the genre of Dymkovo painting;

Learn on your own, create a pattern on a product of a new shape from familiar elements. Reinforce techniques drawing smooth lines when working with a brush and skill paint with the tip of a brush.

To cultivate respect for the work of folk craftsmen and admiration for their creativity.


Several drawings Dymkovo toys, pictures with elements Dymkovo pattern; acrylic paints, brushes, water, napkins, ready-made (white) Dymkovo cockerels

Preliminary work:

The teacher's story, looking at albums, paintings about Dymkovo toys; conversations; clay crafting Dymkovo toys; coloring coloring books, talking about Dymkovo toy.

Progress of the lesson:


Today, children, I invite you to the exhibition Dymkovo toys. Look how beautiful it is here! And how many different toys there are. Let's look at them. (Children independently examine toys painted in the style Dymki). They are all so bright, beautiful and very different. But they also have something in common! Guys, think and tell me what are the names of all these toys? (Dymkovsky) .

Why are they called that? Now I will tell you and show you. Far, far away, behind dense forests, behind green fields, on the banks of a blue river there stood a large village. Every morning people got up, lit the stoves, and blue smoke curled out of the chimneys of their houses. There were many houses in the village. That's why they called that village Dymkovo. There were cheerful and mischievous people living in that village. They loved to sculpt funny, bright, colorful toys and whistles. And they did (sculpted) they made them from red clay, and dried them in the oven - so that the clay dries faster and is durable (strong). And then the toys were whitewashed or painted with white paint, and then they began to paint them with multi-colored paints. This guys is the most interesting and exciting process, because during murals the toy comes to life and turns into a real one in the artist’s hands. I think you guys will also be imbued with this magic. They will make a lot of them over the long winter. And when the golden spring sun rises in the sky, the snow runs away from the fields, cheerful people bring out their cheerful toys and, well, whistle - drive away winter, welcome spring.

Funny toys were sold in different cities and villages. And after this village they began to call toys Dymkovsky.

Educator: What colors are there? Dymkovo toys?

Children: white.

Educator: (Always white only)

Educator: And what patterns on Dymkovo toys?

Children: Straight line, wavy line, dot, circle, ring, cage, grid

Educator: Which color is more? What colors are used?

Children: Red, yellow, blue, green, orange, pink.

Educator: What techniques are used to make patterns?

Children: By dipping, with the end of the brush, brush flat on the pile.

Educator: Yes, right. Our guys have prepared poems, let's listen to them.

They sculpted there from clay

All toys are not simple,

And magically painted,

Snow-white like birch trees

Circles, squares, stripes -

A seemingly simple pattern

But I can’t look away.

Sasha. (Waterbearer)

Behind the icy water

Waterbearer is a young lady,

Like a swan floats

He carries red buckets,

Slowly on the yoke.

Look how good she is.

Clay horses race

On stands as best we can.

And you can’t hold on to your tail,

If you missed the mane.

Educator: Well done boys.

I have a surprise for you, I brought it to you Dymkovsky cockerel. Look how handsome he is. And the surprise is these little cockerels, but I didn’t have time to paint them. I hope you can help me with this?

Children: Yes.

Educator: But before we start murals, we will rest and do some physical education.

Physical education minute:

We are painted toys, (hands on the belt,

Vyatka laughter, (hands on the belt, head to the right, left,

The dandies of the suburbs, (hands in front,

Town gossips. (hands on the belt, body to the right, left,

We have pretzel hands (pretzel hands,

Cheeks like apples. (point to cheeks,

He has known us for a long time (hand to the right to the side,

All the people are at the fair. (left hand to the side)


Sit down guys, let's get started.

The teacher distributes white cockerels. Under the guidance of the teacher, children begin to paint Dymkovskaya the toy step by step, until the end.

During independent work, the teacher keeps all the children in sight, helps those who have difficulty creating a composition, monitors the landing, and the technique of performing the work.

After 10 minutes of independent work, there is a physical education break.

We tried to draw(hands to the side)

It was hard not to get tired (torso bends to the sides)

We'll rest a little (sit down, arms forward)

Let's start drawing again(stand up, put your hands down)

Now finish your work, complete the patterns, and then we’ll look at your cockerels.

To summarize, the teacher puts all the work on the stand and asks to choose the most elegant cockerels and answer the questions:

1. What job did you like best? Why?

2. What did you like most here?

3. What's special about this job?

4. How is this job different from others?

5. What did we talk about?

6. What material are toys made from?

7. How is it different? Dymkovskaya a toy from other toys?

8. Do you like your toys?

At the end of the lesson there is an exhibition. The children place their toys on a special stand.

Well done everyone tried create new beautiful ones Dymkovo patterns. Class is over.

Municipal educational institution Belyshevskaya school

Program content:

· Continue introducing children to the Dymkovo toy. Learn to examine and highlight pattern elements (circles, stripes, dot decorations).

· Teach to see the beauty of a clay toy, its expressiveness, imagery, and brightness of the pattern.

· Create the necessary conditions for the subsequent independent use by children of knowledge about the features of Dymkovo painting in decorative drawing.

· Continue teaching children how to decorate Dymkovo toys with patterns, strengthen the skills of constructing a pattern composition for decorating toys (arranging the pattern in vertical rows).

· Teach children to independently choose painting techniques and elements, color combinations, and convey their attitude to the drawing.

· Improve your skills in working with gouache.

· Fix the color combination characteristic of Dymkovo painting.

· Use different brush positions when drawing (draw with the whole brush and the end).

· Cultivate interest in folk art.

· Development of musical and artistic activities.

· Develop creativity, imagination, interest in drawing

Preliminary work:

Learning poems about Dymkovo toys, learning nursery rhymes and ditties. First tell us about the work of Dymkovo masters. Exhibition of Dymkovo toys.


Russian folk costumes for children and teachers; objects of folk art - Gzhel, Khokhloma, haze, Filimonov toys, samovar, pictures depicting objects of folk art, towels, spinning wheels; gouache, brushes, jars of water, paper napkins, silhouettes of paper horses, soundtrack of Russian folk music.

Progress of the lesson:

Vosp.: Hey, honest gentlemen,

Come join us here!

I invite everyone to the fair,

I wish you fun and shopping!

Children join a group listening to Russian folk music.

Vosp.: Guys, in Rus' people have long loved to organize fairs. The fairs were fun: with dancing, ditties, jokes, gingerbread and pies... And most importantly, with toys. So I invite you to the fair.

Children approach the toy exhibition. (Folk art products are placed on the tables)

Playback: Don’t be shy, come closer and get to know each other.

Children walk and look at toys.

Playback: Guys, look how many beautiful toys there are here.

Notice how beautiful and different they all are, because they were painted by different masters.

You like?

Playback: Come to me.

I'm standing at the table with Dymkovo toys. (Children independently examine toys painted in the style of Mist.)

Play: Look at the patterns on these toys. Let's look at them. They are all so bright, beautiful and very different. But they also have something in common! Guys, think and tell me what are the names of all these toys?

Children: Dymkovsky.

Vosp.: That's right, Dymkovo. They are made in the village of Dymkovo, near the Russian city of Vyatka. These toys were sculpted from clay - young ladies, nannies, turkeys, horses, goats, etc. In winter, after the holidays, these toys were placed between the window panes. They decorated houses. The craftswoman fashions a toy and then decorates it with frills. Then it is fired in a kiln and whitened. Only whitewashed ones were painted; any paint can be applied well to a white coating. The colors are bright and shiny. To make such toys, you need a special talent.

Vosp.: And I know that our children know poems about Dymkovo toys. Come out and tell me.

Children go out and read poetry.

1 child: Here is a smart turkey,

All so nice...

...The turkey is fabulously beautiful,

He is pompous, proud,

Looks down on everyone around

An important bird is the turkey.

Our hands are pretzels

Cheeks like apples.

Have known us for a long time

All the people are at the fair.

Oh, lyuli, oh, lyuli!

The horses went to the meadow.

Daring horses,

Proud, dashing.

Our cockerel is loud,

In the morning he shouts:

Hello! –

On his feet are boots,

Earrings hang on the ears,

There is a comb on the head,

That's what he is, a cockerel!

Vosp.: Well done! Put your guests' ears on top of their heads,

Now they will sing ditties for you.

Children sing ditties.

I'll go out, I'll go out and dance

In brand new shoes.

All the guys say

That I am like a picture.

My darling is good,

But the sprout is very small.

He walked me home

I sneezed and he fell.

There are two flowers on the window:

Blue and scarlet.

I'm a fighting boy

Although small in stature.

We sang ditties for you.

Is it good or bad?

And now we ask you,

So that we can be applauded.

Playback :We visited the fair. On the way to the fair, I met Dymkovo craftsmen and asked me to help them paint toys. Do you want to help me?

Vosp.: Do you know that in the workshop each master has his own place, his own paints, his own brushes, and everyone is busy with his own work, does not bother anyone. And now I invite you to the Dymkovo toy workshop and invite you to become masters for a while. And the workshop is closed. To enter it, you need to answer questions.

What are Dymkovo toys made of?

What other materials are needed?

What tools are needed for the job?

I open the door, the children come in and sit at the tables.

Vosp.: The craftsmen are not here now, but they left all their tools for you and one product for each of you, which you will have to decorate, and then at the next fair they will sell them. Therefore, today everyone must try. Try to make your work beautiful and neat. A good master's workplace is always clean and tidy.

Children: Okay.

Play: Guys, in order for you to get beautiful patterns, we will now warm up our fingers.

I do finger exercises with the children.

We chop and chop the cabbage (alternately hitting the edges of our palms on the table surface),

We salt the cabbage, salt it (with small pinches of the left and right hands),

We three carrots, three (rubbing our palms),

We press and press the cabbage (we squeeze and unclench our left and right hands into fists).

Vosp.: Before we decorate the products, let's remember what patterns Dymkovo craftsmen decorate their toys with?

Children: rings, circles, dots, stripes...

Vosp.: Okay, but remind me what colors do Dymkovo masters like?

Children: red, orange, black, green, blue….

Vosp.: Yes, masters love such bright colors, they lift the mood.

All toys are not simple,

And magically painted:

Snow-white like birch trees,

Circles, squares, stripes -

A seemingly simple pattern

But I can’t look away.

I remind the children how to draw circles (draw the outline of a circle with a continuous movement, then paint it in shape or straight lines), draw rings and dots with the end of a brush.

I invite the children to get to work.

While completing the task, I monitor the sequence of the drawing, the drawing technique, and remind you if necessary. If there are difficulties, I advise the child to look carefully at the sample. In the middle I do some physical education.

Physical education minute.

We tried to draw (arms to the sides)

It was difficult not to get tired (torso bends to the sides)

We'll rest a little (sit down, arms forward)

Let's start drawing again (stand up, put your hands down)

After the children have decorated their work, I suggest they lay it out on one table and then summarize:

What job did you like best? Why?

What did you like most here?

What's special about this job? How is this job different from others?

Song: Those who worked with all their hearts, now have fun and dance!

Children go to the middle of the group and dance to the Russian folk song Zainka.

Vosp.: Our fair is over.

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