Water baptism Protestants. The question of rebaptism in Orthodoxy and Protestantism

In Orthodox and Catholic churches, children are washed with water with prayers, and this is called baptism. However, the Bible does not mention any baptism of infants or children. All who were baptized were baptized as adults, including Jesus Himself. What is baptism, and why then are children baptized?

John the Baptist began to baptize with water, “preaching baptism of repentance for forgiveness of sins "(Luke 3:3; Mark 1:4; Acts 13:24).

« Peter said to them: repent, and yes gets baptized each of you in the name of Jesus Christfor forgiveness of sins "(Acts 2:38).
"Get up, be baptized and wash away your sinscalling on the name of the Lord Jesus» (
Acts 22:16)

This means that the meaning of baptism is REPENTANCE for one’s sins, a request for forgiveness of one’s sins, as well as faith in Jesus:

"John baptized baptism of repentance telling people to believed ..in Christ Jesus"(Acts 19:4). " And he said to them: Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Who will be believe and be baptized , will be saved; and whoever does not believe will be condemned"(Mark 16:15-16).

« Go therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,teaching them to observe everything I commanded you"(Matt. 28:19-20).

Baptism is not only repentance for one’s sins:« baptism, not carnal uncleanness washing , But promise to God of a good conscience » (I Pet. 3:21). Therefore, baptism involves the person being baptized changing his sinful ways and trying not to sin again.

Let's look at other examples from the Bible.

« Do you not know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? So we were buried with Him by baptism into death so that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life. For if we are united with Him by the likeness of His death, then we must also be [united] by [the likeness of] the resurrection,knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, so that the body of sin might be done away with, so that we would no longer be slaves to sin» (Rom.6:3-6).

« formerly buried with Him in baptism , in Him you and co-resurrected by faith in the power of God, who raised Him from the dead"(Col. 2:12).

« For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus; all of you, in Christ those who were baptized have put on Christ" (Gal. 3:26-27).

When Jesus died on the cross, He, who had no sin, paid for our sins with His death. Through baptism we are united with Christ (put on Him) in fulfillment of the death sentence for sin. We are baptized into His death. We, who are unable to be resurrected because we are sinners, join Christ, and together with Him we die (immersion in water) and are resurrected (emergence from water).

Baptism symbolizes the death of a sinful person and the resurrection of a new person in Christ.

Therefore, baptism is a conscious, impossible and meaningless act for unreasonable, sinless babies. Baptism is a choice of path; commitment to God; signing an agreement with God that repentance and striving for a righteous life will guarantee your salvation. This is the mercy of God.

« Meanwhile, continuing their journey, they came to water; and the eunuch said, Here is the water; What prevents me from being baptized?Philip said to him: if you believe with all your heart , Can. He answered and said: I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. And he ordered the chariot to stop, and both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water; and baptized him"(Acts 8:35-38).

Baptism can be likened to the passage of the Israelites through the Red Sea after leaving the land of slavery. Baptism can be likened to Noah's family's passage through the Flood. Baptism is leaving our old sinful, worldly ways behind and taking the yoke of Christ upon our shoulders (“ My yoke is easy and My burden is light"Matthew 11:30).

Then what does the verse mean?one Lord, one faith, one baptism"(Eph.4:5)? Does this mean that if a person was baptized in infancy, it is a sin for him to be baptized again?

It says here that with repentance and baptism, all past sins are forgiven forever and at the same moment. A person becomes clean from all past sins. He starts his new life with a blank page. He does not need to ask for forgiveness again and again for what he did in his past life. She is forgiven and forgotten. She died at the moment when a person was immersed in water during baptism. Therefore, REAL baptism is one.

Why do churches practice infant baptism?
This unbiblical practice has a long history. In 416 Emperor Constantine, who wanted to Christianize the entire Roman Empire, ordered the baptism of all newborns. Anyone who disagreed with the imperial command was severely punished. Similar laws were issued by several other emperors. And later by the church itself. Many of those who did not agree with this doctrine of the church were killed by it during the Inquisition. The consecration of infants with water came from the Babylonian mystery and was widespread in all pagan rites of that time. It has nothing to do with the teachings of Christ.

Baptism with water - for salvation (1 Peter 3:21) - is given by the mercy of God (Titus 3:5), but the baptism with the Holy Spirit - for the Kingdom of Heaven - must be achieved.

“Truly I tell you, if anyone does not born of water And Spirit , can't log in Kingdom of God"(John. 3:5).

What the baptism with the Holy Spirit is is a complex topic, and we will talk about it another time.


A child, like an adult, is not guilty of original sin, therefore original sin is NOT imputed to an infant. Repentance is required for your own sins, and not for the sins of your parents. Faith cleanses you from original sin automatically.

It's never too late to be baptized. But it may be too early. Read again Philip's answer to the eunuch. He asked if the eunuch was ready for baptism. For this, a person must be ready.

A person will probably never be absolutely ready for baptism. We simply take the first step and rely on God for the rest. Baptism is not a magical ritual that makes a person sinless. This is his promise to God that he will try to live a sinless life. And retreats are possible, that’s why we are human, but the intended path is straight and the goal is clear.

On January 19, Protestants celebrate the feast of the Epiphany, which is also called Epiphany. The Feast of Epiphany, along with the Feast of Easter, is the oldest Christian holiday and is dedicated to the Baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist in the Jordan River. The holiday received its name “Epiphany” because at the baptism of Christ the Holy Trinity appeared to the world: there was the voice of the Father, there was the descent of the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove, and the baptism of the Son took place from John the Baptist. Protestants sometimes call it "Great New Year."

This holiday is permanent, i.e. with a fixed date of celebration.

In Protestant churches, as a rule, adults are baptized, although in some Protestant churches infant baptism is retained (Lutheranism, Reformed). Protestants do not baptize infants, believing that a person must make the decision to be baptized consciously (since, according to Protestants, baptism is possible only on the basis of a person’s personal faith, and not the faith of his parents and successors). Therefore, Protestants who do not practice infant baptism specially emphasize on this holiday that Christ was baptized at a conscious age.

Protestants have different ideas about the essence of the Sacrament of Baptism. Protestants from the "Church of Christ", Campbellites and a number of other Protestant denominations, see Baptism as a means of God's saving grace. They agree with Orthodox and Catholics that Baptism is the beginning of salvation, and without it, a person’s salvation is in principle impossible.

Lutherans, Presbyterians, Reformed, Anglicans and representatives of other Protestant denominations who practice infant baptism see in Baptism a sign and seal of the Covenant with God. As a rule, in such churches a person baptized in infancy must undergo confirmation (confirmation of faith). This is a kind of exam that teenagers undergo, after which they can be considered full members of the church.

Evangelical Christians, Baptists, Mennonites and others see Baptism as a symbol of salvation. They believe that salvation occurs solely by faith in Jesus Christ, and baptism is just a symbol, an act expressing the saved person's obedience to God. Therefore, they perform baptism only on adults who are able to confess their faith in Christ.

Among Protestants, the ritual side of baptism is also ambiguous. There are basically three forms of baptism: complete immersion in water, pouring over water, and sprinkling with water. Moreover, even these forms of baptism can vary. For example, a dive can be either single or triple.

1. What is the name of our temple? What event is it named after?

Church of the Nativity of the Mother of God in honor of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated on September 8 (Old Art.) (September 21 (New Art.) and has 1 day of pre-celebration and 4 days of post-celebration.

When the time approached for the birth of the Savior of the world, a descendant of King David, Joachim, lived with his wife Anna in the Galilean city of Nazareth. Both of them were pious people and were known not for their royal origins, but for their humility and mercy. Their whole life was imbued with love for God and people. They lived to a ripe old age and had no children. This made them very sad. But, despite their old age, they did not stop asking God to send them a child. They made a vow (promise) that if they had a baby, they would dedicate him to serving God.

At that time, every Jew hoped, through his descendants, to be a participant in the kingdom of the Messiah, that is, Christ the Savior. Therefore, every Jew who did not have children was despised by others, since this was considered a great punishment from God for sins. It was especially difficult for Joachim, as a descendant of King David, because Christ was to be born in his family.

For their patience, great faith and love for God and each other, the Lord sent Joachim and Anna great joy. Towards the end of their life they had a daughter. At the direction of the Angel of God, she was given the name Mary, which means “Lady, Hope” in Hebrew.

The birth of Mary brought joy not only to Her parents, but also to all people, because She was destined by God to be the Mother of the Son of God. Savior of the world.

2. What is an announcement and why is it needed?

Cm. The first public conversation.

3. How many catechetical conversations do you need to undergo before receiving the Sacrament of Baptism in the Church of the Nativity of the Mother of God?

To better consolidate the material you have read and heard, you need to listen to three public conversations and answer the questions provided.

If the material is not mastered, additional time is assigned for public discussions.

4. Who is necessarily invited for conversations?

Adults who wish to be baptized, as well as parents who wish to baptize their children and their future godparents, are necessarily invited to the conversations. Anyone can attend the discussions.

5. When and at what time are the conversations held?

The first conversation is held on any day after the conversion of those being baptized (their parents and godparents). The second conversation is scheduled (usually on Fridays at 14-30). The third conversation takes place before receiving the sacrament of Baptism.

6. The main content of public conversations?

The Christian faith is based on Divine Revelation, announced by the prophets and apostles. “God, who at times and in various ways spoke of old to the fathers through the prophets, has spoken to us in these last days through the Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, through whom also he made the worlds” (Heb. 1:1-2). One of the most common appeals in the Gospel to Christ the Savior, who showed us the fullness of Divine Revelation, is the Teacher. He heralded the approach of the Kingdom of God and taught the people in both words and deeds, setting a personal example of obedience to Heavenly Father and sacrificial service to people. The Savior commanded His disciples and apostles to continue His teaching ministry: “Go and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20). “The members of the Jerusalem church who were baptized on the day of Pentecost continued constantly in the teaching of the Apostles, in fellowship and in the breaking of bread and prayers” (Acts 2:42).

The teaching of faith is connected with the communal, liturgical and prayer life of the Church. At the center of this teaching is “the Word of God, which is living and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword” (Heb. 4:12). Therefore, as the Apostle Paul testifies, “both my word and my preaching are not in persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and power, so that your faith may not rest on the wisdom of men, but on the power of God” (1 Cor. 2: 4-5).

Church teaching is fundamentally broader and deeper than the intellectual process of transferring and assimilating knowledge and information. The focus and meaning of church enlightenment is the grace-filled transformation of man’s entire nature in communion with God and His Church.

The practice of spiritual edification, dating back to apostolic times, is reflected in the Tradition of the Church, including the canonical decrees of the Ecumenical and Local Councils and in the works of the Holy Fathers:

Canon 46 of the Council of Laodicea decrees: “Those who are baptized must study the faith.”

Rule 78 of the VI Ecumenical Council confirms this decree and gives it a church-wide character: “Those preparing for Baptism must learn the faith.”

Rule 47 of the Council of Laodicea speaks of the need for catechesis for those who were not taught the faith before Baptism: “Those who received Baptism in illness and then received health should study the faith and recognize that they have been granted a divine gift.”

Rule 7 of the Second Ecumenical Council also prescribes the announcement of “those who join Orthodoxy and some of those saved from heretics,” while defining the manner of their announcement: “and we force them to remain in the church and listen to the Scriptures, and then we baptize them.”

Saint Basil the Great spoke about the same thing: “Faith and baptism are two methods of salvation, related and inseparable. For faith is accomplished by baptism, and baptism is founded on faith” (“On the Holy Spirit,” chapter 12).

This practice is also reflected in the works of ancient Christian authors, liturgical-canonical monuments and church services.

The educational ministry of the Church, based on teaching, includes catechesis and religious education. Catechesis is helping a person who has believed in God to consciously and responsibly enter the life of the Church. Religious education is the instruction of an Orthodox Christian in the truths of faith and moral norms of Christianity, introducing him to the Holy Scriptures and Church Tradition, including the liturgical life of the Church, patristic prayer and ascetic experience.

7. What does preparation for Baptism and Communion consist of?(For women: about the inadmissibility of Baptism in uncleanness. Women during women's days cannot proceed to the baptismal font (except in exceptional cases of mortal danger).

See Rule for Communion and Baptism.

8. Conditions for admission to Baptism?

Anyone can be admitted to Baptism, but under the necessary condition that the person receiving Baptism freely and consciously accepts the Orthodox faith, that is, he is ready to confess before people his faith in the Personal Living God - the Creator of the world and Heavenly Father, and in the Son of God Jesus Christ as the Savior everything, all people and the world. " Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved“- said the Lord Jesus Christ and commanded the Apostles to first teach and then baptize (Mark 16:16; Matt. 28:19). And in the Holy Spirit, who is worshiped equally with the Father and the Son.

9. Denial of admission to Baptism?

It is unacceptable to perform the Sacrament of Baptism on adults who, not knowing the basics of faith, refuse to prepare to participate in the Sacrament.

“What prevents me from being baptized?” (Acts 8:36).

Admission into the Church should be made only after certification that there are no obstacles to it. Since ancient times, the Church has carefully examined the reasons that prompted a person to ask for admission to the Church. It was forbidden to admit to baptism those who were prompted to accept it by need or benefit, who did not want to leave a way of life or activities not characteristic of a Christian, in general, all those who could be suspected of feigning conversion to Christianity.

To the number obstacles to baptism The following situations apply.

Lack of desire to attend public conversations or in any other way become involved in the life and teachings of the Church

According to the canons of the Church, catechumens are obliged not only to express their desire to comprehend the faith of the Church, but also to give a report on this to the bishop or presbyter (78th canon of the Trullo Council; 46th canon of the Laodicean Council).

Participation in conversations about the foundations of the Orthodox faith is a sign of the conscious desire of the catechumen (preparing for Baptism) to join the spiritual life and an expression of obedience to the Church. Unreasonable refusal of the announcement is an obstacle to receiving Baptism.

The beliefs of the catechumen are incompatible with basic Christian dogmas.

Baptism is performed according to the personal and free will of the person being baptized. Without a free decision, it is impossible to be admitted to Baptism, just as the Sacrament of Baptism itself is impossible. The greatest untruth lies in allowing someone who does not believe or does not believe enough to be accepted into the Church, in the expectation that faith and sincere affection will appear later. This is a sin against the Holy Spirit, against the Church and against the one who is not ready for Baptism.

According to the 7th rule of the Third Ecumenical Council, the measure of faith is the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed: “ The Holy Council determined: let no one be allowed to pronounce, or write, or formulate a faith other than that of the holy fathers, in the city of Nicea, gathered with the Holy Spirit. And those who dare to formulate another faith, or present, or propose to those who want to turn to the knowledge of the truth, or paganism, or anti-Judaism, or from any heresy: such, if they are bishops, or belong to the clergy, let them be alien, bishops of the episcopacy, and clerics of the clergy; if they are laymen: let them be anathematized.”

If a person preparing for Baptism deliberately clings to non-church mythologies and does not recognize at least one of the dogmas of the Creed, such a person cannot be baptized: “ Those who do not have true and sacred faith, and so proceed to baptism, (God) does not accept such people. Such was Simon, who, although baptized, did not receive grace when... he did not have the perfection of faith.”

If, even after receiving Baptism, a Christian shares the teachings of sects and movements incompatible with Christianity (paganism, Gnostic cults, astrology, theosophical and spiritualist societies, reformed Eastern religions, occultism, witchcraft, etc.), and even more so contributes to their spread, then by doing so he will excommunicate himself from the Orthodox Church.

Lack of desire to participate in church life.

Baptism is a Sacrament, that is, a special action of God, in which, with the response of the desire of the person himself, he dies to a sinful and passionate life, is removed from it and is born into a new life - life in Christ Jesus. Baptism is a sign of a revolution that has already taken place in a person’s life, and at the same time it is a gracious guarantee of further following Christ.

A person who knows that after baptism he will have little to do with the Church, and who is baptized “just in case,” cannot be admitted to Baptism.

Reluctance to give up sinful habits or committing acts incompatible with the high title of a Christian.

Baptism outlines the boundary that separates the old man from the new man born in the Church. Repentance as a condition for admission to the Church manifests itself not only in the awareness of one’s sinfulness, but also as a real renunciation of a previous sinful life, “ so that the order of the previous life would be stopped"(St. Basil the Great) .

It would be wrong to understand Baptism as a sure way to enroll in the ranks of Christ’s soldiers without a real desire to go to war with one’s own sin and temptations: “ The font provides remission of sins committed, not those committed(not those that still dominate the soul).”

If the person being baptized has no intention of living like a Christian, that is, forcing himself to fulfill the commandments of the Gospel - "water remains water"(St. Gregory of Nyssa), since The Holy Spirit does not save if there is no human will to do so.

Blazh. Augustine wrote a whole work " About faith and works", which condemns the practice of baptizing those who refuse to live according to Christian commandments: " There are people who believe that everyone without exception should be admitted to the source of rebirth, which is in our Lord Jesus Christ, even those who, being known for their crimes and terrible vices, do not wish to change their evil and shameful ways, but honestly (and publicly) admit that they intend to continue in their state of sin... With the help of the Lord God, let us be diligently guarded against giving people false assurance in the future by telling them that if only they are baptized into Christ, no matter how they live in faith, they will achieve eternal salvation.” .

The occupations that a catechumen must renounce in order to be admitted as a member of the Church primarily include those that are incompatible with the dignity of a Christian:

- work related to abortions,

- prostitution, maintenance of brothels,

- adulterous cohabitation (without marriage registration),

- homosexual relationships,

- work associated with lewd and/or corrupting actions (striptease, etc.),

- all forms of occultism: wearing amulets, witchcraft, seeking help from fortune-tellers, healers, psychics and astrologers, belief in reincarnation (transmigration of souls), karma and omens .

Before accepting Baptism, the catechumen is obliged to repent of the crime of the Law of God and express the desire to fight his passions: “ One must approach baptism by first renouncing one’s sins and condemning them.” “Whoever has not corrected his moral shortcomings and has not prepared himself for virtues should not be baptized. For this font can forgive past sins; but the fear is not small and the danger is significant, lest we return to them again, and the medicine becomes an ulcer for us. After all, the greater the grace, the more severe the punishment will be for those who subsequently sin.”

If a person repents and wants to change his way of life, then no degree of his previous moral decline is an obstacle to his acceptance of Baptism: “ There is no sin that could surpass the generosity of the Master. But even if someone is a fornicator, an adulterer, an arm-fornicator, a homosexual, a libertine, a robber, a covetous person, a drunkard, an idolater, so great is the power of the gift and the Lord’s love for mankind that He erases all this and makes the one who showed only good intentions brighter than the rays of the sun.”

10. Wrong motives for those wishing to be baptized.

In some cases, Baptism is perceived as a magical rite, that is, as bringing “benefit” in itself - without the internal rebirth of a person.

Sometimes a person is baptized because his relatives wanted it, for the sake of good health or marriage. There is no doubt that the Lord protects a baptized person from various troubles, but this is more a consequence of faith and Baptism than its purpose. Such motives show not so much a firm intention to become a Christian, but rather a search for a way to make life easier.

The wrong motive is also the desire to be baptized in order to be “like everyone else,” when baptism is perceived only as a sign of belonging to a Russian or some other ethnic group.

A person striving for Baptism with the wrong motives will take on obligations that he does not intend to fulfill, but for which he will have to answer. Such people must be warned against this kind of action, because feigned Baptism is unlikely to bring them closer to God: “ To those who firmly believe the Holy Spirit is given immediately upon baptism, but to the unfaithful and evil-believing, it is not given even after baptism.”(Venerable Mark the Ascetic).

Therefore, without repentance, but only with a complacent impulse “toward something sublime, heavenly and beautiful,” one cannot be baptized: “ Be careful not to come to those baptizing(to the priests) , like Simon, is hypocritical, while your heart does not seek the truth... for the Holy Spirit tests the soul, and does not cast pearls before swine, if you are a hypocrite, then people will baptize you now, but the Spirit will not baptize.”

11. Tell us about the peculiarities of infant baptism.

When performing the Sacrament of Baptism on infants and children under 7 years of age, it is necessary to remember that the baptism of children is performed in the Church according to the faith of their parents and adoptive children. In this case, both parents and recipients must undergo minimal clerical training, except in cases where they are taught the basics of the faith and participate in church life. Public conversations with parents and recipients should be conducted in advance and separately from the celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism. It is appropriate to encourage parents and recipients to prepare to participate in the Baptism of their children by personally participating in the Sacraments of Penance and the Eucharist.

Baptism is performed only on children of persons who are members of the Church. Therefore, the condition for the baptism of an infant is either the churchliness of the child’s family, or the willingness of the closest relatives and at least one of the godparents (godparents) to undergo catechesis, as well as their obligation to raise the child in the Orthodox faith: “ Infants are baptized according to the faith of their parents and adoptive parents, who are obliged to teach them the faith when they come of age.”(Long Catechism, paragraph 289).

The grace of God is given to infants as a guarantee of their future faith, like a seed that is thrown into the ground; but in order for a tree to grow from a seed and bear fruit, the efforts of both the recipients and the person being baptized are required as he grows.

12. Who are the recipients and what are their responsibilities?

Recipients (“godparents”) who belong to the Church and are not under penance take part in the baptism of infants. Explanatory conversations should be held with parents and recipients of baptized children, who do not actually participate in the grace-filled life of the Church, about the meaning and significance of the Sacrament of Baptism and the need to live a full church life and raise children in the faith: “ let us turn our word to your recipients, so that they too can see what reward they will receive if they show great zeal for you, and, on the contrary, what condemnation will follow them if they fall into carelessness... And let them not think that what is happening has no meaning for their meanings, but let them know for sure that they will become partners in glory if with their instructions they lead those being taught to the path of virtue, and if they fall into idleness, they will again have much condemnation. For this is why it is customary to call them spiritual fathers, so that they may learn through the actions themselves what kind of love they should show in the instruction of spiritual things.”

The godfather, the godfather, is the one who promises to help the parents raise the child in the purity of life and the Orthodox faith.

13. The main criteria for an Orthodox Christian who wants to become a successor?

· real desire and ability to raise a child in the Orthodox faith, piety and purity,

· churchgoing (experience of church life), for only such a person can become a good godfather.

14. Who cannot be recipients?

· completely ignorant of the Orthodox faith, nominal Orthodox Christians who belong to the Church only by virtue of their Baptism;

· having no experience of church life(those who have not participated in the Sacraments of Confession and Communion for several years, who do not have a prayer life and who do not know the basics of the Orthodox faith);

· persons living at a distance from the family of the infant being baptized and not having the opportunity to actively assist the family in raising a child;

· parents baptized;

· monastics;

· minors. Recipients must be of legal age to understand the full responsibility they accept;

· lost their minds;

· criminals And obvious sinners .

It is not permitted to select a Christian of another confession as a foster child for an Orthodox child.

The so-called "correspondence adoption" has no ecclesiastical basis and is in conflict with the whole meaning of the institution of succession. The spiritual connection between the recipient and the baby he has received is born from participation in the Sacrament of Baptism, and this participation, and not a clerical entry in the registry book, assigns responsibilities to him in relation to the received one. In “absentee reception,” the “receiver” does not take part in the Sacrament of Baptism and he does not receive anyone from the baptismal font. Therefore, there can be no spiritual connection between him and the baptized baby: in fact, the latter remains without a recipient.

In the church-canonical consciousness, the relationship between the successor and his goddaughter and, accordingly, between the successor and her godson, as well as between the successor and the goddaughter, acquired the character of spiritual kinship, which is an obstacle to their marriage.

The custom of having two successors is a Russian tradition dating back to the 14th century. From the decree of St. Synod of the 19th century it follows that only one of them is the actual recipient of baptism (depending on the gender of the person being baptized: a man for males, and a woman for females).

15. What does it mean to be united with Christ?

Cm. The first public conversation.

16. Who is a Guardian Angel and what is Angel Day? What are name days and how to celebrate them?

Guardian Angel - An angel assigned by God to a person at baptism for protection and assistance in good deeds.

Angel Day is the day of human baptism; also sometimes symbolically called name day.

Angel's Day (this name day name recalls the fact that in the old days heavenly patrons were sometimes called the Angels of their earthly namesakes); However, one cannot confuse saints with Guardian Angels sent to care and protect people.

Name day is the day of remembrance of the saint whose name a person is named or whose name was given to a person at Baptism by a priest. Each day of the church calendar is dedicated to the memory of a saint (most often more than one). The list of saints' days of remembrance is in the month book. Veneration of a saint consists not only of praying to him, but also of imitating his feat and his faith. “Let your life be according to your name,” said the Monk Ambrose of Optina. After all, the saint whose name a person bears is not just his patron and prayer book, he is also a role model.

But how can we imitate our saint, how can we at least follow his example in some way? To do this you need:

First, know about his life and exploits. Without this, we cannot truly love our saint.

Secondly, we need to turn to them in prayer more often, know the troparion for him and always remember that we have a protector and helper in heaven.

Thirdly, of course, we must always think about how we could follow the example of our saint in one case or another.

On the day of the Angel and name day, you should visit the temple and, if possible, take communion.

Orthodox Christians visit church on their name days and, having prepared in advance, confess and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. The days of “small name days” are not so solemn for the birthday person, but it is advisable to visit the temple on this day. After communion, you need to keep yourself from all fuss so as not to lose your festive joy. In the evening, you can invite your loved ones for a meal. It should be remembered that if the name day falls on a fast day, then the holiday treat should be fast. During Lent, name days that occur on a weekday are moved to the next Saturday or Sunday.

In celebration of the memory of the patron saint, the best gift will be something that contributes to his spiritual growth: an icon, a vessel for holy water, beautiful candles for prayer, books, audio and video CDs with spiritual content.

17. What is the Creed?

Cm. The first public conversation.

18. What is the difference between Orthodoxy and other heterodox confessions, faiths and sects? How is it different from Islam?

19. What does the Creed tell us about God?

Cm. The first public conversation.

20. What and from whom is the person being baptized denied?

Cm. The first public conversation.

21. What does the Creed tell us about the second Person of the Blessed Trinity?

Cm. The first public conversation.

22. What is original sin?

Cm. The first public conversation.

23. Who is the Savior, and what does he save us from?

Cm. The first public conversation (1,2).

24. Name the twelve holidays and tell us briefly about them.

Twelfth holidays - this is the name of the cycle of the twelve most important annual holidays of the Russian Orthodox liturgical calendar. The definition of “twelve” comes from the Slavic cardinal number “twelve” (or “twelve”), that is, “twelve”. (Easter, as a “holiday holiday,” is outside this classification.)

Birth of the Virgin Mary.

The solemn raising of the Cross (“exaltation”) after its discovery in the ground by the holy Queen Helen.

The celebration of the solemn introduction into the temple of God by Joachim and Anna of their daughter, a three-year-old girl, the Most Pure Virgin Mary.

Birth of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The appearance of the Holy Trinity during the Baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ by John the Baptist. And also the holiday of the appearance of God in the flesh (incarnation).

The meeting of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ by righteous Simeon, who was brought on the fortieth day after Christmas by the betrothed Joseph and the Most Pure Virgin Mary.

8) The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem—the Sunday before Easter—transitionable;

9) Ascension of the Lord - the 40th day after Easter, always on Thursday - moving;

10) Trinity Day - the 50th day after Easter, always on Sunday - moving;

25. Tell us about the Annunciation.

26. What is the Cross of the Lord? How and when do we cross ourselves?

27. What is Resurrection?

28. Tell us about the Ascension.

29. What is the Church? What does the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church mean?

30. What is the Eucharist. What is Communion?

31. What is fasting? When do they happen and what are they? What is fasting?

32. What does the Creed say about the Sacrament of Baptism? What kind of Sacrament is this? Purpose of Baptism? What is Confirmation?

33. Tell us about Pentecost.

34. What is a blessing? From whom and when is it taken?

35. The essence and content of the baptismal vow. What duties does the Holy Church impose on a person from the font of Baptism?

36. What responsibility does a Christian have as a member of the Church?

37. What responsibility does a Christian have as a church member?

38. Why is it necessary to pray, what prayers to read, when and how much?

39. What spiritual literature should I read and in what order?

40. How regularly should you visit church, and how should you fast correctly?

41. Why is it important to have spiritual guidance in the person of a clergyman and how to find a confessor?

42. How to properly enter the temple and stay there? How to dress properly for prayer?

43. Tell us about a church marriage.

44. What is a funeral service or memorial service? When and where do they happen? Tell us about other requirements.

45. How to properly submit a note to the altar and why?

46. Tell us about the social work of the parish and other works of mercy.

47. The most important indicators of readiness for Baptism.

48. What is churching?

Churching is the introduction of people to a Christian life pleasing to God according to the commandments in the bosom of the Holy Church. The Church is a treasury that contains all the fullness of life, an inexhaustible source of all blessings and our salvation.

By churching we do not mean a set of knowledge and various external church actions, but a real transformation of the spirit, character, relationships and way of life of a person in accordance with the Gospel image of the personality of Jesus Christ.

To become a church member means to introduce a person into the organism of the Church, to assimilate a person to the grace-filled spirit of the life of the Church, to help to find moral and spiritual connections with the rest of the people of the church community, to become Christlike in one’s spirit, character, relationships, and through this - a living cell of the divine-human organism of Christ’s Church.

We can draw comparative parallels that reveal to us the meaning and high purpose of the Mother of the Church. Just as in the womb of each of us our body was formed and the life of the soul began, so in the womb of the Mother of the Church, into whose bosom we entered from the baptismal font, throughout our entire earthly life, under Her guidance, formation must take place, or rather “ maturing" of the soul for the future life - eternal life.

The church-parish community has four most important properties of the Church, thanks to which it belongs to it: unity, holiness, conciliarity and apostolicity.

Unity - integrity of the individual and steadfastness in the confession of faith in God and the Church;

Holiness is the preservation of chastity (moral purity and integrity) and piety (Christian honor, dignity, honesty and fear of God) in relationships, behavior and life.

Conciliarity is the unanimity and unanimity of the church community in confession, deeds and service.

Apostolicity is collaboration with Christ in spreading the faith and witnessing a godly Christian life in the world around us.

Thus, to become a church member means to introduce oneself into the life of the church community in order to assimilate the properties of the church organism and become their bearer.

49. Read the Creed by heart.

50. What sins are you aware of and what do you want to repent of before God?(Sins are mentioned only to the priest).

Augsburg Confession on the essence of Baptism:

“Item 9. About Baptism. They teach about Baptism that it is necessary for salvation, for through Baptism the grace of God is given, and that children should be baptized so that those dedicated to God in Baptism would be accepted in God's grace. We reject the Anabaptists who do not recognize the baptism of children and claim that children are saved without Baptism.” (L.81 p. 12)

Luther's view of the essence of Baptism:

“Therefore, in Baptism these two things are done: the body is sprinkled with water, for it is unable to receive anything else; moreover, the word of God is spoken so that the soul may receive it. If this water and the word together are Baptism, then both body and soul should become holy and should enter into eternal life - the soul through the word that it believes, and the body because that it is united with the body and perceives Christ in the same way as only it is capable of.” (L.82 p. 124)

“From here, learn to correctly understand and answer the question of what Baptism is, namely, that it is not only simple water, but the water that is included in God’s word and command is sanctified through this, so that it is nothing other than God’s water, It is not water in itself that is more sublime than any other water, but the word of God and the commandment go with it.” (L.82 p. 119)

“In Baptism we once received forgiveness of sins, and it remains with us every day as long as we live, that is, we carry the old man around our necks.” (L.82 p. 130).

Different views of Protestant theologians:

“What do dogmatists say about baptism? Luther retains almost all elements in the act of baptism, including abrenuntiatio and even exorcism. Dogmatists viewed baptism as the acceptance of new members into the community. The word “yes” seemed to guarantee the grace of God. Lutherans almost until the 18th century. They immersed the person being baptized in water, sometimes they only sprinkled the forehead of the person being baptized with water, but already in the 19th century. They just sprinkle it. The Pietists allowed home baptism, for the people are the “priest.” Socinists doubted whether Christ commanded baptism, but nevertheless they preserved baptism as a good custom. Rationalists rejected abrenuntiatio and exorcism. Schleiermacher said that baptism is an act of the will of the community. Social will takes over individual will. Two wills unite into one common will. In baptism, an individual unites with Christ and His Father - God, but Schleiermacher cannot ask a Christian to be a completely Christian, because it cannot be argued that with baptism a person would begin a new life. Baptism should not be catholicized, i.e. to think that in the act of baptism, by pouring water on the person being baptized, they poured the grace of God into him.” (L.73 p. 212)

Protestant teaching about what a person receives in Baptism:

“The sacrament of baptism has the following elements: 1) introduction to a new community, i.e. in connection with Christ, Christ's love (Gal. III ch. 27). 2) Undoubtedly, in baptism there is a certain withdrawal from the past (Rom. VI ch. 6). 3) In baptism they receive certain property. We become baptized into the sacrifice of Christ's death; this flower of death is the flower of life. The main thing is not death, but that after death there is life (Rom. VI ch. 4). 4) Baptism bestows God's grace. 5) The beginning of the sprout of a new life (Acts II ch. 38 - 39) It is known that the precondition is faith. If children were nevertheless baptized, then already in ancient times confirmation (firmatio) was required. Now they require (confirmatio)? For in confirmation one can consciously confess baptism.” (L.73 p. 213)

The dogmatic view of Protestants on what is received in Baptism:

“It should be dogmatically interpreted that baptism (John III, chapter 5; Titus III, chapter 5) is the action of the Holy Spirit, in which the baptized person inherits all the gifts of God’s grace.” (L.73 p. 214)

Spectrum of opinions

the action of the Holy Spirit in which the baptized person inherits all the gifts of God's grace

in Baptism the body is sprinkled with water, because it is unable to receive anything else; the word of God is spoken so that the soul may receive it;

Baptism results in forgiveness of sins

introduction to a new community; some kind of withdrawal from the past; receive some property; the beginning of a new life

baptism as the acceptance of new members into the community;

it cannot be argued that with baptism a person would begin a new life;

They doubted whether Christ commanded baptism, but still they preserved baptism as a good custom.


Orthodoxy teaches that in Baptism a person dies to the carnal life and is born to a new spiritual life, receiving forgiveness of all sins.

In Protestantism there is no generally accepted formulation of the Baptism received in the Sacrament. Opinions range from teaching close to Catholic to completely denying the essence of baptism and perceiving it as a simple custom or rite.

Some churches practice baptism by sprinkling with holy water. But, in most parishes, they lean towards the baptismal font. Full immersion with your head is preferred. It symbolizes death. After it, the believer is resurrected together with Jesus, no longer for the flesh, but for the spiritual life.

Water baptism commanded by Christ. He himself immersed himself in the waters of the Jordan three times and ordered his disciples to perform the sacrament with other people throughout the earth. Let’s find out how the ritual is carried out now, which requires preparation and what types it is divided into.

Water Baptism is a Visible Sign of Faith

The ritual is figuratively compared to marriage. If people love each other and decide to go through life together, they need to secure this agreement. They become married, get married. At the same time, the young begin to live according to certain rules, otherwise the union is considered sinful.

Yes and water baptism - video, confirming the seriousness of the intention to serve God and other people, to live according to the laws of Christ, without sin. Just like in marriage, this doesn't mean there won't be missteps. it only means that the believer will try to prevent them and repent if they are relaxed.

Water baptism in different denominations

Pass water baptism Protestants, Orthodox, Catholics. But they all look at the ceremony differently. Let's take the Pentecostals as an example. This is the name given to Protestants whose teaching is based on the giving of grace by the Holy Spirit.

If you truly believe in God, adherents of the Christian “trend” believe, you will begin to speak in unknown languages. At this moment grace descends. That's why, Pentecostal water baptism considered just an additional formality.

Psychologists consider conversations in unknown languages ​​to be a consequence of a weakened psyche. Believers are brought to religious ecstasy during sermons. In such conditions you start shouting whatever you want. Because of these considerations, many consider Pentecostals to be a cult.

But, they, like other Protestants, as well as Catholics, confirm the presence of God within. In Orthodoxy, a sacrament is the path to Christ. You find it only after washing, swearing allegiance and tasting the flesh and blood of Jesus in the form of bread and red wine.

Preparing for water baptism

Preparation for baptism in a font or in an open body of water is the same. Those who wish to “enter” the temple of God are required to have at least a minimal knowledge of religious books. You need to read one Gospel. Without this, the priest will not give the go-ahead for the ceremony.

The priest will ask for an understanding of the Scriptures and commandments, and check the readiness to participate in the life of the community. According to the decree of Patriarch of All Rus' Kirill, a minimum of two conversations with a clergyman and one visit to a temple service are required.

Sermon on water baptism listens to those who decide to undergo the ceremony if they have reached 14 years of age. Until this time, godfathers vouch for the child. They are announced. This is the name of the process of spiritual preparation for the sacrament.

However, in addition to the spiritual attitude, the material aspect is not overlooked. Purchase a cross, light shirts, or shirts in advance. For infants, special baptismal kits are taken. Take flip flops and a towel with you to dry yourself after leaving the waters.

Not only in memory can you imprint water baptism. Photo and video filming at the ceremony is not prohibited. Therefore, preparation sometimes includes finding an operator, or putting your own camera in your bag.

There is also a physiological aspect to the issue of baptism. It is not recommended to undergo the sacrament during menstruation. Therefore, women calculate the date of baptism especially carefully. Ladies are considered dirty even after childbirth. If they are preparing a child in the first month of life, they understand that they will not be able to attend the temple. In this case, the child is introduced to the faith and church by the father and other relatives.

But the main thing in preparing for the ceremony is faith. The clergy oppose the sacrament for the sake of tradition. The path to God is not a social norm, but a conscious decision and spiritual need. Otherwise, it makes no sense, no matter where and how it is carried out. Water will wash away sins and allow the Lord to enter a person only in case of true faith. So, the first stage of preparation for the sacrament is to acquire it.

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