100th anniversary of the internal affairs bodies. Police officers of the Volgograd region accept congratulations and words of gratitude

A solemn event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the formation of the Tsaritsyn, then Stalingrad, and now the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs took place in Volgograd. Russian Federation in the Volgograd region. The guests of the big holiday were representatives of different levels of government and law enforcement agencies, faiths and fields of activity: heads of administrations, deputies, journalists, builders, doctors, teachers.

Today we celebrate our centenary. This is a solid worthy date. In such cases, certain results are drawn. I will say without undue modesty: Glaucus works stably. According to the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the governor, deputies regional Duma, and most importantly - the residents of the Volgograd region, we work well. We do not let down those veterans who worked 30, 20 years ago and who are in service today or are no longer in service for various reasons. These results are achieved through building constructive business relationships with all law enforcement agencies. We are also actively working with the leaders of the faiths who are present here: we have a multinational region, and this is very important. In the hall today are business leaders, educational institutions, medical institutions- all those with whom we work together. I would like to emphasize that representatives of the funds are also here mass media: Glavk is open for interaction, we are transparent in our work, we do not hide anything and, of course, we share our successes,” said Lieutenant General Alexander Kravchenko, head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Volgograd Region.

The governor of the Volgograd region Andrey Bocharov took part in the ceremony. The head of the region thanked the police officers for their high professionalism in ensuring public order and courage in performing official and combat missions. Special words were addressed to veterans today.

Throughout its 100-year history, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Volgograd Region has been inextricably linked with the formation and development of our region. Police officers and Volgograd police have worthily fulfilled and continue to fulfill the tasks set by the state to protect the lives, rights and freedoms of citizens, protect public order, ensure public safety and fight crime. Volgograd police officers serve to protect public order in the Volgograd region and throughout Russia. They carry out service and combat missions and special missions, including in territories with a difficult operational situation. Show high professionalism, courage and heroism. Special words of gratitude, of course, to the veterans for your active work and assistance in training and educating highly professional and responsible employees of the Volgograd police. It is thanks to you and your comrades that experience and traditions are passed on from generation to generation, which are strictly observed by the employees of the Main Directorate. For many years, the Volgograd Department has occupied a leading position among the regional Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, noted Andrei Bocharov, recalling the “difficult exam” that all law enforcement officers passed with dignity, ensuring security during significant events for the region and the country as a whole - the celebration of the 75th anniversary of Stalingrad Victory and holding matches of the World Cup.

We have ahead of us very complex and large-scale work to solve socio-economic problems, to implement priority development projects, to ensure the comprehensive safety of residents and guests of the region in all spheres of life. I am confident that the tasks facing the Volgograd region will be achieved. And the employees of the Main Directorate will make their worthy contribution to the implementation of the planned plans for socio-economic development,” the governor added, wishing the personnel of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the region well-being.

So that when completing tasks, everyone always returns home alive and healthy,” Andrey Bocharov emphasized.

Support from the leadership of the region, according to the head of the Main Directorate, it is important for police officers to feel the support of the leadership of the Volgograd region, especially when performing tasks in difficult operational territories.

We tell our employees that by working in Dagestan, you are protecting your families here,” Alexander Kravchenko emphasized, recalling the horror Volgograd residents experienced in 2013, when three terrorist attacks occurred in the city. “And for the fifth year in a row, the governor travels with our police officers to Dagestan, puts on camouflage and goes high into the mountains. Of course, the police understand this, feel respect for them and appreciate them. We really need this support.

Coordinated interaction between everyone security forces in order to ensure public safety, counter extremism, corruption, and drug trafficking, noted the head of the FSB Directorate for the Volgograd Region, Major General Anatoly Gulevsky, congratulating the region’s police officers on their holiday.

The results of this work guarantee the security of the Volgograd region and the peace of its residents, the head of the department emphasized.

Centenary anniversary of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Volgograd Region, according to the Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the South federal district Dmitry Safonov, is a good opportunity to express words of gratitude to those who guard public order and the law.

The cause to which you serve and have dedicated your life is the most difficult and responsible. It requires daily dedication, mobilization of strength, energy and courage. And this has been the case throughout history: operating in difficult conditions, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have always been on the front line in the fight against crime, ensuring the security of society and the state. Continuing the traditions of the older generation, you demonstrate responsibility and efficiency in solving official problems. Many of you for your courage and heroism. Undoubtedly, there is still a lot of work to be done, but I want to express confidence that the staff of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Volgograd Region will be the guarantor of the security of society, the preservation of civil harmony, peace and stability in it, and a reliable basis for further economic and social transformations in the region , - noted Dmitry Safonov.

On November 10, Russian police officers celebrate their professional holiday, Internal Affairs Officer's Day. This year this day is special. The modern “tradition” of the Russian law enforcement system is celebrating its centenary. Exactly 100 years ago, on November 10, 1917, the People's Commissariat for internal affairs published a decree “On the Workers' Militia”. As Soviet Police Day, this date remains in the memory of millions of Russians, despite the numerous upheavals with renamings and reforms that the domestic law enforcement system has endured over its 100-year history. So, we can say with confidence that it is “Police Day” that is genuine, popular name holiday date November 10th.

Although in “State and Revolution” Vladimir Ilyich Lenin expressed almost anarchist thoughts about the imminent withering away of the state, about the need for universal arming of the people, the Bolsheviks realized the need to create personnel law enforcement agencies almost immediately after the revolution. If at first the idea that groups of specially mobilized workers - the workers' militia - could cope with crime dominated in their ranks, then very soon this utopian idea was replaced by a more rational approach. The need to create a professional police force was dictated by life itself. Following the revolution and the collapse of the tsarist law enforcement system, there was a colossal increase in crime. As you know, Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin himself once became the “victim” of a criminal attack, whose car was stopped in 1919 by criminals from Yakov Koshelkov’s gang. All these circumstances forced the Soviet leadership to become concerned about strengthening the workers' militia and transforming it from an amateurish to a professional structure. In just a decade, the Soviet police turned into a powerful and extensive law enforcement apparatus, which over time surpassed its predecessor, the tsarist police.

By the way, the experience of the tsarist police was actively used later in strengthening the Soviet internal affairs agencies. If previously the tsarist police were perceived exclusively as “punishers”, “executioners” who served the exploitative regime, then, as crime grew, it became clear to the Soviet police officers that without the accumulated experience of their predecessors in difficult matter fighting crime is indispensable. However, unlike the Red Army, where former tsarist officers served in huge numbers and many of them made a dizzying career already in Soviet time, in the law enforcement system everything turned out differently. The Soviet police used the experience of the tsarist police, but the overwhelming majority of the police themselves could not serve in Soviet law enforcement agencies. The attitude towards former law enforcement officers of the tsarist era in the 1920s - 1930s was the coolest, many of them faced trials, prisons and even executions.

Nevertheless, Soviet Russia Almost “from scratch” it was possible to staff the new law enforcement agencies - the Soviet police. This was not so easy to do. There are many ways scientific research, as well as works of art dedicated to the first steps of the Soviet police. In those years, the militia was truly a people's force and was staffed primarily by workers and peasants, the poor and middle peasants. After graduation Civil War Many Red Army soldiers were drawn to serve in the police. The Soviet police were staffed only by people from the working population, primarily by active workers. It was almost impossible for a representative of the “exploiting” strata to get into police service, unless we were talking about people with pre-revolutionary experience in underground activities in the ranks of the RSDLP (b).

A separate and very complex area was the training of national personnel for the regions of the North Caucasus, Transcaucasia, Central Asia, where it was also necessary to deploy police departments and departments, to establish the effective work of the criminal investigation department and other police units. Special departments were opened at the Novocherkassk and Saratov police schools, where representatives of national minorities were trained Soviet Union for service in internal affairs bodies. The process of formation and development of the training system for Soviet police officers stretched over two post-revolutionary decades. As the police's needs for qualified personnel grew, the number of special educational institutions and the number of cadets increased. In 1936, schools for senior and middle-level police officers were transferred to a two-year training cycle, which was supposed to help improve the level of education and qualifications of police personnel. The old cadres - revolutionaries with pre-October experience - were replaced by a new generation - the younger generations of Soviet police officers, raised and trained in the Soviet Union.

The Great Patriotic War was a serious blow for the Soviet police. A huge number of policemen were mobilized to the front, to the active army. In many populated areas Due to the shortage of young male police officers, women, as well as older men, began to be actively recruited into the service. In the west of the Soviet Union, police officers took an active part in the fight against the occupiers, even without being called up to military service- they participated in the defense of their cities, joined partisan detachments, and created underground groups.

After the Great Patriotic War served in the internal affairs bodies a large number of front-line soldiers. Many officers and soldiers of the victorious Red Army after the war wanted to continue serving, if not in the army, then at least in the police. It was they, the people who went through the front, who broke the backbone of crime, which gained strength in the war and post-war years.

It should be noted that the demands on police officers grew as the general level education Soviet citizens. If in the early 1920s. there were no special requirements for candidates for police service, then in the second half of the twentieth century an effective system was already in operation vocational education. However, not only graduates of police schools, but also people from civilian backgrounds ended up serving in the police as middle and senior commanding officers. As a rule, these were university graduates who had a military department behind them and, therefore, the military rank of “lieutenant” or “senior lieutenant.” Yesterday's engineers, teachers, and representatives of various humanitarian professions flocked to Komsomol vouchers for the police.

Even now, among the police chiefs of the older generation, there are quite a few people who joined the police in the 1980s on Komsomol vouchers. Junior commanding officers were also recruited in a similar way, but here the emphasis was on yesterday’s demobilization. Soldiers and sergeants who served in the internal troops of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs were especially valued, border troops ah KGB of the USSR, units of the Airborne Forces, Marine Corps. They were sent to the police on the recommendations of the command of units and units, or some time after demobilization - on the recommendations labor collectives, party committees of enterprises. It must be said that this system of personnel selection for the Soviet police worked quite effectively.

The history of the Soviet police is full of heroic exploits of its employees. The names of the policemen who fell in battle with criminals remained forever in the memory of descendants. As you know, the period of several years turned out to be very tense for the Soviet policemen. post-war years When brutal criminal gangs raged in war-ravaged Soviet cities, large numbers of street children reappeared. In the west of Ukraine, Belarus, and the Baltic republics there were detachments of nationalists and simply criminals hiding in the forests. Together with the soldiers of the internal and border troops, the police also took an active part in their destruction.

The Soviet police managed to solve the assigned tasks with honor and cope with high level crime in the country by the early 1950s. Then there were a couple of decades of relative calm. But even at this time, the Soviet police were always at the forefront - not only in the fight against crime, but also in general - in protecting citizens. On May 25, 1973, a column of 170 cyclists followed along the Novosibirsk - Pavlodar highway. At the head of the column was an escort vehicle Moskvich-412. It carried the senior traffic inspector of the State Traffic Inspectorate Dmitry Baiduga and inspector Alexander Shabaldin. A Zaporozhets car was driving towards the column. Suddenly appeared freight car"Kolkhida", loaded with rubble, which tried to overtake "Zaporozhets". Realizing that a collision between the truck and the column could not be avoided, the police put their Moskvich under attack and thereby saved the column of cyclists. Posthumously, Dmitry Baiduga and Alexander Shabaldin received the Order of the Red Star.

Already in the 1970s - 1980s. The Soviet police were faced with such new and previously unprecedented types of crimes as, for example, hostage-taking. So, on November 2, 1973, four students hijacked a Yak-40 plane. It was for the heroism shown during his liberation that Alexander Ivanovich Popryadukhin received the Gold Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union - at that time a senior police lieutenant, senior inspector on duty of the 127th police department in Moscow, who was included in the operational group due to his excellent sports training (Alexander Ivanovich was a master of sports in sambo).

A new wave of crime swept the country at the turn of the 1980s - 1990s, and unusual crime, which the Soviet police had not encountered before. Powerful organized criminal groups and mafia structures emerged that had strong connections at the very top in the same law enforcement agencies. It was very difficult to resist organized crime, especially since there were temptations for the police officers themselves. It was during this period that many negative stereotypes about employees of internal affairs bodies and their widespread corruption took root in the public consciousness. Although in the 1990s, many police officers not only honestly carried out their service, but died in clashes with criminals, defending the life and peace of ordinary citizens.

At the end of the 1980s. Police special units were also formed, first of all, the legendary Special Police Unit (OMON), then the Special Rapid Reaction Unit (SOBR), which had to solve complex and dangerous tasks of power support of police and anti-terrorist operations. Today it is difficult to imagine a law enforcement system without police special forces (although not so long ago they were transferred from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the Federal service National Guard troops).

During the collapse of the Soviet Union, many “hot spots” appeared, in which a huge number of Russian police officers also served. It is impossible to underestimate the contribution of the Russian militia/police in the fight against terrorism in the North Caucasus, and then in other regions of the country. Through the “meat grinder” of two Chechen wars Thousands of Russian police officers passed through - both riot police and sobrovets, as well as representatives of more “peaceful” police professions, including district police officers and juvenile affairs inspectors. The 1990s - 2000s gave the Russian police many real heroes. Unfortunately, many of them received their well-deserved awards posthumously.

Service in the internal affairs bodies is difficult and dangerous work. But citizens, due to a number of factors, perceive police officers, and then police officers, ambiguously. Many judge from their experience of conflicts with law enforcement officers at the “everyday level” - there they argued with a traffic cop, here the district police officer does not respond to complaints. Others are influenced by media publications, which, it must be said, are very unfavorable towards Russian police officers. Of course, there are many problems in the “system” and the police themselves know much more about them than people from the outside. Personnel turnover, low level of qualifications, corruption and cronyism, basic reluctance to work - all this, unfortunately, is present in the Russian law enforcement system, as indeed in all other spheres of society. However, when any problems arise, the first thing people do is run to them - to the police.

On the Day of the Internal Affairs Officer, which for the people still remains “Police Day”, to all former and current policemen and police officers, “Military Review” wishes all the best, and most importantly, health and success in a difficult, but much-needed country and people service.

Transport police officers, like a century ago, confront crime in the most difficult conditions: among the flow of people, at the crossroads of cities and countries, in the center transport interchanges, which are so attractive to criminals of all stripes.

History has not preserved the names of those who, in the early post-revolutionary years, protected the law on the young railway arteries Soviet republic. For the first time, police units at the Moscow-Kyiv railway station date back to the pre-war years.

One of the first leaders of the Road Department of the Moscow-Kyiv Police railway there was police major Pyotr Emelyanovich Volchkov, who headed the department in 1937. Today, the LO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the Moscow-Kyiv station is headed by police colonel Roman Vyacheslavovich Sribny.

IN modern conditions came to the aid of police officers modern technology tracking and recording, however, high professionalism and operational flair still remain the main components of the successful detection and suppression of crimes. Victims contact the police, hoping that the criminals will be found and brought to justice.

As, for example, two passengers of an electric train with the message Art. Aprelevka - st. Moscow - Kyiv, who discovered the disappearance of wallets from handbags after leaving the train vestibule. One of the victims was shocked, because she lost 82 thousand rubles, prepared for a large purchase. The women could not really explain what had happened, since in the crowd in the vestibule they did not remember the faces or signs of the other passengers.

Information from video surveillance cameras located in that same vestibule helped. Investigators discovered that a group of young people, starting from the Peredelkino station in the Kyiv direction of the Moscow Railway, were artificially creating a crowd by entering and exiting the cars. And so on at station. Solnechnaya, Skolkovo platform, Ochakovo station, Matveevskaya platform. Investigators assumed that it was during this crush that the thefts took place. The police immediately drew up information sheets describing the suspects, and they were soon detained. During the search, personal belongings of the victims were found on the young people.

In transport, extreme situations often arise that require the immediate participation of law enforcement officers. This happened during Operation Illegal, when transport police officers, while working on an electric train with the message “Moscow - Kyiv - Kaluga - 1”, were suddenly informed that a fight had broken out in the vestibule of a neighboring car. The police immediately proceeded to the scene, but in order to separate the three men they had to use physical force and handcuff two. As it turned out later, these two were persons of Roma origin and stole the third’s passport and money. The unfortunate man tried to stop the criminals, but at the same time came under a hail of blows. The participants in the fight were taken to the duty station of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs at the Moscow-Kyiv station.

When the operator of the Qiwi payment terminals located at the Kievsky railway station discovered a 91 thousandth banknote with obvious signs of counterfeit, he immediately contacted the police.

The operatives got to work, established the period in which the funds were deposited, compared the information with data from surveillance cameras, and as a result, a group of four people - immigrants from the Central Asian republics - came to the attention of law enforcement officers.

A similar fact occurred during the same period of time at the Paveletsky station in Moscow: cameras confirmed that the defendants were the same. The operative managed to find out the make and license plate number of the car the criminals were driving. Having detained the owner of the car, the police conducted a fingerprint examination, which showed that he was one of the wanted people. A search in his apartment and car yielded results: about 200 more counterfeit bills were seized. Further operational search activities made it possible to detain all members of the group. As the investigation found out, the criminal group had several more similar episodes.

In the operational service area, transport police also have to deal with corruption. Last fall, an engineer from one of the enterprises located near the station filed a complaint with the duty department of the Regional Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the Moscow-Kyiv station and reported that the fire inspector who was inspecting his enterprise was demanding a bribe.

It was decided to hold special events, during which the extortionist inspector was detained at the moment of handing over the money red-handed. The transport investigation department opened a criminal case, and later the inspector appeared in court.

This is only a small part of the work of transport police, nothing more than a collective sketch of one day on duty. Employees of the LO Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the Moscow - Kyiv station of the UT Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Central Federal District keep up with the times, maintaining optimism, confidence in the necessity of their profession, the importance of their business for people.

November 10, 2017 marked the 100th anniversary of the Russian police - a commemorative medal was issued for this anniversary. The activities of the law enforcement agency begin on November 10, 1917, because on this day the NKVD adopted a corresponding decree on its organization.


The anniversary medal was awarded on the eve of the professional holiday:

  • veterans of the Soviet and Russian police;
  • current officers - for special merits;
  • civilians actively assisting law enforcement agencies.

The anniversary series includes several awards:

  • Soviet;
  • Russian;
  • just the police.

The samples differ in inscriptions and design elements, but the main symbolism is present on all memorial signs.

The award is in many ways reminiscent of an analogue issued for the 50th anniversary of law enforcement agencies. It is round, metal, made of brass. The size is standard - a circle with a diameter of 3.2 cm. In the center on the front side there is a red star with five rays. Its edges are framed by golden decor, and in the lower semicircle there are two oak branches. They extend from the two lower rays of the star.

In the upper beam there is a sickle and a hammer, on its front part there is a shield covered with blue enamel with the inscription “100 years”. The inscription “Soviet police” is placed in the upper semicircle. On the reverse side, the dates “1917-2017” are carved in the center, separated by a red star. At the top it says “Serving the Law”, at the bottom – “Serving the People”.

The medal is attached to a standard pentagonal block. The main color of the moire tape is blue, on the right and left sides of the block there are three vertical stripes of red, white and blue color- by analogy with the Russian state flag. On the back of the block there is a pin for attaching the award to clothing. In some variants, the triangular shield on the obverse is not blue, but white, and the awards themselves are cast from a white metal alloy with silver.


The design of this award is very similar to the previous one: a circle of yellow metal standard size It is attached using an eyelet to a pentagonal block. The block is covered with a blue ribbon, but there are no stripes in the center - along the edges there are two narrow stripes of red and gray, yellow and gray shades.

The central part of the obverse is occupied by a five-pointed red star - ears of corn extend from its lower rays. In the center is a golden shield with the coat of arms of the USSR. In the upper semicircle there is the inscription “Russian Police”, in the lower part there is the phrase “100 years”, located in two lines, and the dates “1917-2017”. There are no inscriptions on the reverse - in the center of the circle there is double headed eagle– coat of arms of the Russian Federation.

Another example of “Russia”

There is another reward option. It is made of brass and cold enamel, round in shape, size - 3.2 cm. A pin clamp is used as fastening. The commemorative award is worn on a pentagonal block: in the central part there are wide red and blue stripes, along the edges - narrow white ones.

The obverse is embossed, with thin even stripes extending from the center along the entire circumference. In the center there is a shield covered with blue enamel. It says “100 years of Russian police.” On both sides of the shield are military figures. In the center of the upper part there is a red star with a golden sickle and hammer. On the reverse side is engraved “Legality. Order." The dates "1917-2017" are centered and highlighted on both sides by small red stars.

Just the police

The “100 Years of Police” medal is unusual in that it follows the shape of a five-pointed star. The main part of the obverse is occupied by a silver shield with the coat of arms of the USSR. Below it is a red anniversary date “100”. Even lower is a blue ribbon with the gold inscription “Police”. On the back there is the inscription “In commemoration of the hundredth anniversary of the Soviet police” (the last two words are written in capital letters) and the dates “1917-2017”. The award star is attached to a traditional block covered with moire ribbon.

From the history

After February revolution In 1917, the tsarist police were liquidated - its functions were performed by the people's militia, guided by the April decrees of the provisional government. In October of the same year, when the Bolsheviks finally won and proclaimed the formation of the Soviet state, the provisional government and the bodies subordinate to it were disbanded.

A new structure was needed to protect law and order and fight criminal elements and enemies of the young state. On November 10 (new style), the NKVD established a voluntary police force. People joined it at will, and the newly formed volunteer body was subordinate to local councils. Since then, Police Day has been celebrated on November 10 - this was the case first in the USSR, and then in Russia and some CIS countries.

The law enforcement service, which consisted entirely of volunteers, worked ineffectively, so after 6 months the NKVD issued another document. According to the order of May 10, 1918, it was to be as soon as possible make it professional, recruit a staff of specialists on an ongoing basis.

The process took just over five months. The police existed until the beginning of spring 2011. On March 1, 2011, it was renamed the police, but the professional holiday was not postponed.

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