Andrey Simanovsky biography. Andrey Simanovsky and Sima-Land: cache, corruption, lawlessness

Kuyvashev presented the award to Simanovsky at the end of August, at the same time as the head of the Sverdlovsk Regional Court, Alexander Dementyev, the governor presented him with an identical badge.

Meanwhile, the day before it became known that fraternization with Simanovsky could result in unexpected consequences. An interesting intelligence report about the shadow side of the Sima-Lenda business was leaked to the media; the document with attachments was also addressed to the head of the regional FSB Directorate Alexander Vyatkin, the head of the Ural division of Rosfinmonitoring Alexey Kardapoltsev and the head of the Sverdlovsk Federal Tax Service Sergei Loginov.

You can read about who Andrei Simanovsky and his Sima-Land are by following the link. Among other things, we are talking about signs of financial fraud in especially large size, associated with gigantic volumes of illegal cash withdrawals - during a crisis, such schemes are under special control of security forces and supervisors; the state, to put it mildly, does not encourage or forgive the inappropriate imagination of businessmen.

In addition to Simanovsky, other members of the Kuyvashev circle appear in the analysis about manipulations with money: the main Sverdlovsk United Russia member Viktor Sheptiy, Kuyvashev’s representative in the legislative assembly Viktor Babenko and chanson singer Alexander Novikov, accused of housing fraud (who is either in pre-trial detention, sometimes under house arrest, sometimes under subscription; but everywhere he loves the financial support of “Sima”).

In general, the Kremlin curators will have a hard time understanding the chicks of Kuyvashev’s nest. And the project observers will not disdain and will find out new information about the governor with an expiring term.

After all, he himself will be modest and will not tell, as at the meeting with Vladimir Putin, where Evgeny Kuyvashev talked about the best roads, percentages of economic growth, billions and billions. But, to his regret, he never received the public go-ahead from the GDP to extend his powers...


This week the editors received a document called “Certificate on Andrei Simanovsky.” Due to the increased social significance of this document, we decided to provide selected excerpts from it to our readers.

EDIT: Andrey Moiseevich SIMANOVSKY

Circle of “sponsored” friends:

Tyshchenko (through him - Artyukh), a branch of Sima-Lenda was located in the Megapolis shopping center.

Sheptii – monthly salary in an envelope.

Babenko is in custody.

Novikov is an idol, a friend, 10 million for the campaign, bought by Gelik (probably a Gelendvagen - approx.), constantly sitting in Churchill.

Korostel (ex-Alpha) is the new head of the Security Service.

Nikolay Chufarov

Lev Borisovich + a certain Artem (Lysy) - the inner circle of security officers.

Korostel's daughter Nastya Lukicheva - right hand– married to clause 2.7. Responsible for GR and transfer of money in envelopes. Easy to track and drink. The second Assonova (Larisa Assonova is Novikov’s colleague in criminal and other cases - approx.).


Residence permit in Hungary. He actively uses it when ordering tickets and flying to countries near and far abroad. WITH A RESIDENCE PERMIT CANNOT APPLY FOR ANY OFFICIAL POSTS, STARTING WITH MUNICIPAL POSITIONS. He is very afraid that they will find out.

Light articles:

Illegal use of the GDP image on your souvenir products. Not agreed with the AP, if it comes to the latter this information, will fly VERY hard. Because it is used for commercial purposes.

Logo on Sima-Land products

Illegal use of the Russian Army logo – a patented trademark. If the copyright holder finds out about this, there will be a big scandal. Simanovsky’s argument: “Let them arrest me for being a patriot.”

Actively working to become the next city manager. He considers himself to be a member of the anti-Tungusov team, lobbying for interests through Sobolev-Novikov (the Governor’s inner circle).

Heavy articles:

Cache output. 2-3 times a week, a gray Mazda (easily identified by the presence of armed guards, just post a post) from the 5th and 15th entrances (they change periodically, but the Mazda is still the same) takes out a huge amount of unaccounted cash in black bags from under garbage. Personal account in Alfa-Bank (VIP office in Khimikov Lane, 3 / 8 Marta St., 15). Tax evasion on an especially large scale, 115 Federal Law (legalization and laundering). The ultimate beneficiary is connected with the family of the ex-minister... All cars without passes are photographed by security and checked.

Acceptance of money for goods at personal cards employees (Sberbank) - tax evasion on an especially large scale, 115 Federal Law, cashed. The final beneficiary is (presumably) Sobolev.

The territory of the Chkalovsky terminal (partially property, most of– rent, received at rates below market rates with the assistance of the Sobolevs. In fact, it controls the territory of the Chkalovsky terminal - see below. Construction of Ural-Yuan - development and withdrawal of budget funds by Sobolev through Simanovsky and the terminal structure.

It is one of the operators of Chinese construction in Green Grove.


We are not asserting anything. This certificate came into our hands from fairly well-known and most importantly reliable sources. In view of the stated political ambitions, this information may have public significance.


What’s interesting about the material is that earlier Andrey Simanovsky began to actively “move” along political line. In particular, at the end of 2016 he received the title “Person of the Year”. Moreover, the founder of Sima-Land actively invested in other PR. A number of sources claim that, in their opinion, Simanovsky openly bought the “Man of the Year” trinket by paying the organizers of the competition.

In contact with


Informants of The Moscow Post sent a letter that talks about the life and features of the business of the owner of the Sima-land company, Andrei Simanovsky. The owner of the company bases its policy on ostentatious patriotism. This is done in order to attract influential Russian people - politicians, entrepreneurs, public figures.

As stated in the letter, for this purpose, methods are used that can hardly be called anything other than window dressing. Just look at the obligatory performance of the Russian national anthem every morning.

Why not a temptation for powerful of the world this! According to newspaper insiders, this looks simply duplicitous, if not cynical. After all, Simanovsky himself made his business on openly criminal matters that have nothing to do with the prosperity of the country.

The authors of the letter, citing the Internet, state that Simanovsky made his initial capital, it seems, from smuggling. As the authors of the message note, at one time he imported obvious Chinese-made consumer goods into the country.

Goods were imported in huge quantities, stored in a gigantic hub near Sverdlovsk (Ekaterinburg), from where they were transported to shops and flea markets. As insiders note, the goods were counterfeit, and Simanovsky could smuggle them into the country through the border and customs by paying bribes to the same customs officers.

Through these companies, Simanovsky seems to carry out transfers of funds that were received for the imported goods. And the money is cashed out through the payment systems of Yandex and by transferring it to the cards of Simanovsky’s employees.

At the same time, the letter says, Simanovsky’s employees themselves seem to receive their salaries only in envelopes. That is, black. Accordingly, Andrei Simanovsky simply evades paying taxes.

Referring to rumors, insiders claim that there is a special secret room in Andrei Simanovsky’s office. There, it seems like cash is saved right in the boxes of goods. It happens that their lump sum amounts reach 50 million rubles.

There, right from the boxes, the workers of Sima-land are given their salaries. The authors of the letter calculated that in this way over half a billion rubles pass through Simanovsky’s company every year.

Of course, beyond all budgets.

In the same way, settlements with Sima-Landa counterparties are carried out in cash. If only for wages goes under half a billion under the budget, then imagine how much goes through the entire company as a whole? - insiders are perplexed.

As an ex-employee of Sima-Landa told the authors, the company consists of 100 departments. And each of them brings from 50 to 200 million rubles every month net profit. It’s easy to estimate, and the authors of the letter did, that the company’s monthly turnover is at least 10 billion rubles.

This, according to the authors, is no wonder. Since in Sima Land there is a taboo on working with goods if the markup on them does not exceed 100%. The average margin for the company is 300-400%. Accordingly, 2 billion a month remains in China, and 8 billion in black cash is at the disposal of Simanovsky and his accomplices.

Why does all this pass by the regulatory and law enforcement agencies, the authors of the message ask. And they themselves give the answer to this question. According to their information, in Andrei Simanovsky’s office there is also a room for donating certain amounts to what is called the right people.

Politician Alexei Kudrin and director Nikita Mikhalkov are among such people. As stated in the letter, every month up to 8 billion rubles go into the pockets of the same officials. Often, the authors of the letter note, funds have to be issued not in envelopes, but in suitcases.

Referring to their sources, insiders note that materials about Simanovsky will soon appear in the authoritative Forbes magazine. Of course, of a custom nature. With an emphasis on the fact that Andrei Simanovsky is a model of patriotism among entrepreneurs.

However, according to the newspaper's sources, clouds may be gathering over Simanovsky. Under the new head of the customs service in Yekaterinburg, widespread inspections of the local customs service for corruption began.

There is a possibility that Andrei Simanovsky will also fall under the distribution, long time fed the servants of the law. So, it makes sense for Simanovsky to involve influential Russian people.

“I was never afraid to set exorbitant goals, because I understood: if it doesn’t work out, then it’s okay - they are exorbitant.” Rules of life and business of the founder of the Sima-Land company.

Owner trading company“”, winner of the main award “Person of the Year 2016,” calls his business unsystematic, emphasizing that the advantage of his company is people whom he can trust. Mr. Simanovsky himself lives by rules tested in practice.

1. My motto - “He who loves his work turns it into art” - formed by itself. Because luck turned away from me when I did what I didn’t like, that is, what I didn’t like. And only when I did what I liked, everything worked out for me. An intuitive understanding helped me achieve success: you have to love what you do and try to be the best. After this, there are serious reasons that there will be money (although this is not the main thing).

2. I was never afraid to set exorbitant goals, because I understood: if it doesn’t work out, then it’s not scary - they are exorbitant. Probably, it also has to do with my recklessness, my reluctance to accept any systemic framework. Usually people who do not see boundaries fail to achieve anything - they are carried away by a wave of indifference, difficulties, family life and other factors that are known to everyone. In my opinion, it is impossible to accomplish extreme tasks without work becoming your life, leaving family, personal desires, friends and relaxation in the background. There is a global difference between working in the generally accepted sense and doing what you love, no matter whether you handle billions, bake bread or repair shoes.

In the late 90s, I was engaged in shoe repair, adapting a 10 sq. m room as a workshop. m, rented from Rubin. I had no idea about this craft. I was surrounded by professionals who had been studying this matter for decades. They passed on the secrets of their craft from generation to generation. But, having taken on this work, I lived with it for almost two years. Result of activity: $3 thousand per month net.

3. A person deprived of talent can achieve what even gifted people cannot, if he works hard. There were enough examples of this in my life. In the army, I served in a communications battalion, where I was required to know Morse code. They took people with an ear for music who could pick up sounds and transfer them to paper. For those who managed this without difficulty, the service was not a burden. But God didn’t give me hearing - I studied 16 hours a day. And after two months of intensive training I became the best - this allowed me to take a command position.

4. An aphorism stuck in my head: “You need to be able to ask the right questions that lead to the future.” The deep meaning of this seemingly simple phrase may not be understood by everyone. This is due to the fact that you need to be able to ask such questions to yourself and others. And these questions are asked only by those who do not work in the generally accepted sense of the word, but find the strength and will to entrust routine work issues a large number of people. And, thanks to this, they can be called lazy with a capital L, because they are the locomotive of humanity, since they set the task of transforming the world, and not making money.

“Mad men who think they can change the world actually change it” is a phrase by Jobs. There are many such people in China. Having lived there for a total of about six years, I observed the gigantic transformations of this country, the speed at which the infrastructure changes, and the apparent ease with which new objects are created, global in their designs. Returning to Yekaterinburg, I saw contrasting differences. Of course, I picked up its greatness from China and tried to transfer a piece of this spirit to my company.

I started working with China alone. Later he rented an apartment in small town and placed the first employee in it, who was engaged in searching and sending goods. Then the number of both employees and apartments began to increase sharply. For a long time we worked 16 hours a day and seven days a week. It happened that we slept in our clothes.

Finally, the number of apartments increased to 38, and the number of personnel during the procurement period increased to 170 people. Chaos ensued. The idea arose to create a single complex. As a result, in three months a base was built, including an eight-story building with 120 apartments with all household amenities, including air conditioning, an office, a large warehouse, a restaurant with a bar, a sauna, a swimming pool, a gym and a solarium (it turned out that it was five times cheaper and 15 times faster than building in Yekaterinburg). Free food for employees is prepared by a Russian chef.

Today, the Chinese branch supplies goods from 20 thousand Chinese factories. Some employees have been living there for six years and have already started families. I go there regularly. Just like 15 years ago, I put on sneakers, jeans and work with my people.

5. The most important thing in my life is people. And usually everyone perceives this phrase as hackneyed, banal and uninteresting. And for me this is the most important thing.

I try to work with people who have a conscience moral principles, a sense of patriotism and love for one’s country. An expression of this can be seen every morning, which 2,000 employees begin with the Russian anthem. I explain the success of the company by the fact that I have always counted on loyal and honest people, many of them have been working with me for 12-15 years. This is truly a team. Its core is probably 40 people - people who will never let me down. If we have problems tomorrow, they will remain, knowing that the black streak will not last forever.

6. Every entrepreneur comes to a point in life when he asks himself: “Why am I dragging this cart? Wouldn’t it be easier to give up everything?” There is no answer to this question. The only way out is to push this question away and move forward. Otherwise, in my opinion, a person falls into a trap from which he cannot get out - the search for the meaning of life can kill any business.

There is a story about this with a touch of mysticism that is hard to believe. In February 2007, I flew to China once again. The timing was not the best: there were problems in Yekaterinburg and there were no less problems in China. I boarded the plane in a bad mood. There was a six-hour flight ahead to Beijing, then a flight to Hangzhou and another two hours by car to Yiwu. My head was spinning: why the hell do I need all this? I could have given up everything, gone to the sea and lived for my own pleasure, but instead I had to do routine things. There was a book by Omar Khayyam in the bag and, leafing through it, I came across the lines:

“Do not mourn, mortal, yesterday’s losses, / Do not measure today’s deeds by tomorrow’s standard, / Do not believe in the past or the future, / Believe in the current minute - be happy now!”

I thought about it. He turned the book over, rewrote the verse right on the cover, and underlined the word “now” twice. I thought: “What am I really doing? I’m flying business class - the seat is comfortable, the caviar is red, I have enough money and I’ve made a lot.” And, having calmed down, he fell asleep. Upon arrival in China, I read news on the Internet about Vladimir Putin, who was sitting at a meeting and preparing theses for a press conference. Reporters photographed his notes with good optics: on a sheet of paper - the same lines: “Do not mourn, mortal, yesterday’s losses...” Moreover, the word “now” is underlined by two lines.

I take out the book in which I copied the poem from my bag, and I see that the handwriting is very similar. And it turned out that in terms of time we wrote almost at the same moment. Then I realized what was in Putin’s head at that moment, what was in my mind on the plane - the same thoughts, only the level of the president’s problems was many orders of magnitude larger than mine. And then it became easy for me.

7. I can't work with people who are insincere. Their professionalism no longer matters. Several years ago we had a marketer with an MBA degree working for us. He taught our people how to work. He said it beautifully: “the market is showing negative sales dynamics.” Translated into Russian, this means that sales are poor? - we asked. He didn’t find what to answer, and we parted with him - the brains of such specialists are completely formatted: they think in templates, they don’t know how to think. The word “dynamics” obscures the fact that sales are still lousy.

8. I am grateful to all my competitors for pushing me to do better. As an example, we can cite a company run by, in my opinion, one of the best entrepreneurs in the region - Mikhail Aleksandrovich Korepin. We are friends with him, despite the fact that his company is partly our competitor.

9. The main problem is in our head, not in the outside world. But people don’t understand this and try to look for someone to blame. And only those who constantly delve into themselves and find motivating factors for work can manage even a small team. Only then does he have the moral right to try to change something in the minds of his subordinates. This is what a good leader is.

Material prepared by Vitaly Pavlov

IN Sverdlovsk region signatures for Putin will be collected by the one who is considered a “crook”? Vladimir Putin submitted documents to register as a presidential candidate. For many residents of Russia, the long-awaited step of Vladimir Vladimirovich is the threshold of a huge work - after all, he is running for elections as a self-nominated candidate, without party support, relying solely on the support of the masses.

To get on the ballot, Vladimir Putin will have to collect 300 thousand signatures of Russians. This is a serious figure, which means that organizing such work will require the mobilization of forces in the regions of the Russian Federation. At the same time, they want to give signatures for Vladimir Putin as worthy citizens Russian Federation, and rather dubious personalities: they want to join the nomination of Vladimir Putin and get him on the ballot.

Such a dubious personality in the Sverdlovsk region is Andrei Simanovsky - the director of the notorious “Sima-land” was going to mobilize the employees of his “shops” to collect signatures in support of Vladimir Putin.

According to a number of sources, trainings have been taking place in Sima Land for the last couple of weeks on the topic of mobilizing the population for patriotic actions and street actions in support of Vladimir Putin. It would seem that the initiative is good. But no matter how it is.

"Paid" patriot?

To celebrate, Simanovsky even joined the United Russia party. True, for the news about this, he allegedly paid tidy sums to local bloggers and media outlets, all of whom are his information services. Simply put, the media, which he pays for silence, for once found an opportunity to write at least some information about Simanovsky personally, which he considered not shameful - about his entry into United Russia.

Simanovsky was counting on the fact that Vladimir Putin would be nominated by Edra, but he, apparently, screwed up quite well. After it became clear that Putin would become a self-nominated candidate, “Sima” became depressed, but not for long. And now there is a new idea - to collect signatures in the Sverdlovsk region. The employees themselves will be required to hand over signature sheets in support of Vladimir Putin, regardless of their political views.

Simanovsky apparently doesn’t think about who this will make Putin look like. Is the result much more important to him than the reputation of a national leader?

IN corporate culture“Sima-land” stipulates that all company employees are required to publicly declare support not only for the company’s management, but also full loyalty to the political leadership of Russia. The craving for patriotism in Sima Land is understandable - after all, the company has been on the hook from law enforcement agencies for several years.

"Pyramids" by Simanovsky?

Andrei Simanovsky has developed an extremely negative reputation in business circles. Especially among entrepreneurs located in China. As evil tongues report, one of the favorite forms of work of companies (and their directors) affiliated with Simanovsky is building a “trading pyramid” with counterparties. The scheme is simple - consistently increase turnover with the counterparty and build a prepayment scheme for the products with him... As a result, when the volume of turnover grows to significant amounts, and the goods are shipped with payment for the main part of the amount, the supplier can simply be “thrown away”.

A few years ago, such schemes were easy to implement, but in recent years, when entrepreneurs from China work with orders from the Sverdlovsk region, they agree to work only in the form of almost full prepayment of the order. Thus, the entire business community of the region suffered from such schemes of one entrepreneur.

Simanovsky’s reputation is so sad that he even hired armed guards and travels exclusively in a protected Mercedes Maybach car. He drives from his home in the elite residential complex "Tikhvin" early in the morning under close security and the looks of stunned people. local residents. They say that “Simanovsky’s muzzle gates” regularly frighten residents of an elite residential complex. In addition, according to rumors, not so long ago these same guards were rude to the relatives of an entire vice-governor.

The craving for patriotism is also indicative - after all, Simanovsky always made good money from it. It is his “Sima-land” that actually illegally produces products with the state symbols of the Russian Federation (!). The flag and coat of arms of Russia in Sima-land are sculpted not only on toys and Appliances, but also for socks, underpants and hygiene products.

...and other tricks

At the same time, on the territory of Sima Land there is supposedly a special hangar for storing goods that cannot be sold (usually these are just toys made of toxic materials). Instead of recycling such products, they are stored and compacted using a special loader. In other words, on the territory of “Sima-land” there is not only its own cash system, but even a landfill.

As for paying taxes, in the previous article we already indicated that despite the huge turnover of companies associated with Sima Land, most of the funds from trade are paid in cash. The company's employees accept payments for the company's products via Yandex wallets. It is clear that there is no talk of any normal tax payment scheme.

Thus, under the patriotic wrapper of “Sima-Land” there is essentially a large flea market where goods of dubious quality are sold, which are not taken into account by Russian fiscal authorities, and the activities of the company’s employees bypass the budgets of the Russian Federation (money in an envelope = no pension contributions).

Representatives of the Russian elite are also named as recipients of financial support from Mr. Simanovsky, up to Vladimir Solovyov (propagandist) and director Mikhalkov (regular guest of Sima Land). Officials of various levels also visit Simanovsky. One of the regular guests (and friend of Simanovsky’s “night adviser”) was an employee of the embassy, ​​Maria Sergeeva, who recently got a job in the public projects department of the Presidential Administration. With such connections, anyone will be blown away.

Political ambitions?

Sources claim that Simanovsky’s possible interest in collecting signatures for Vladimir Putin is an attempt to obtain political immunity, and therefore complete immunity from law enforcement officers. Last year The FSB and the police are actively interested in Simanovsky’s financial schemes, against whose leadership Simanovsky can finance an information campaign.

After collecting signatures and joining United Russia, Simanovsky will be able to begin advancing in the political field, 4 years later launching his campaign as a candidate for State Duma deputy from “ United Russia" Among the immediate plans is the struggle for influence on the administration of Yekaterinburg and gaining control over mandates in the Yekaterinburg City Duma. Simanovsky’s assistant in this is the head of the SRO United Russia, Vasily Sheptiy.

And this man intends to start preparing the presidential campaign. But rather, he undermines it with his lack of authority and his reputation, and at the same time frames the national leader. It seems it’s time to put Simanovsky in his place before he completely goes too far?

The Ural businessman has his sights set on joining the Russian business elite. Won't it break?

As a correspondent of The Moscow Post learned, a famous Ural entrepreneur, owner trading network Sima-Land LLC Andrei Simanovsky expressed a desire to be included in the list of the richest people in the country according to the authoritative Forbes magazine.

“He has long dreamed of getting into Forbes. However, Moiseich would be satisfied with any rating richest people. The most ideal situation for him would be if he topped this rating, or was presented in this rating with some special note. It seems to me that he took up charity work just for this,” said one of the sources close to Simanovsky.

The desire, of course, is laudable. People who appear on the pages of the publication, as a rule, occupy a very significant position in Russian society. You can talk as much as you like about the moral qualities of each of them, but at least they all achieved success while working in the real sector of the economy.

But why Andrei Simanovsky, who in Yekaterinburg is almost to his face called a “shopkeeper,” decided to worm his way into Forbes - this is a very big question.

The sad story of Sima Land

Andrei Simanovsky is proud of having created such a trading empire as “Sima-Land” (judging by the name, it consists of the first syllables of the founder’s surname). The network does not sell the most branded goods, but, simply put, Chinese second-class consumer goods.

In the company, as experts note, not everything is clean with accounting. Since 2015, paper turnover, revenue and profit of the Sima-Land company have been declining, but the welfare of its founder has not. In 2015, official turnover alone exceeded 5 billion rubles. But the official profit is nothing at all - only 8 million rubles in the same 2015.

Why is this happening? Evil tongues claim that the lion's share of the company's income is simply taken out in cash. Moreover, right in the bags and personal vehicles of top managers.

Where this money goes is a big question. Rumor has it that allegedly into the personal wallets of Simanovsky and his inner circle. For example, according to some media outlets, Simanovsky sponsors such people as Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region Viktor Sheptiy. Rumor has it that this is done in an envelope.

In addition to Sheptia, a number of other remarkable people appear on Simanovsky’s friendly list. This includes Governor Kuyvashev’s representative in the Legislative Assembly, Viktor Babenko, and chanson singer Alexander Novikov, accused of housing fraud (who is either in a pre-trial detention center, sometimes under house arrest, sometimes under subscription; but everywhere he loves financial support for the trading network of businessman Simanovsky).

But the most interesting thing is authorized capital companies with billion-dollar turnover is 10 thousand rubles. Simanovsky's companies actively participate in government procurement. The amounts are small, but in total it brings him tens of millions of rubles from government contracts.

Among Simanovsky’s purchasers you can find State Unitary Enterprise SO “Ural-2018” (preparation for the 2018 World Cup), LLC Beloyarskaya “AES-Service”, and even secondary schools. It is possible that even these small amounts have a corruption component.

Many people also note some contradictions in the state of the financial affairs of Simakovsky’s office. Debts in his numerous companies reach several million rubles. At the same time, the businessman himself allows himself to drive a personal Mercedes-Maybach car worth more than 10 million euros.


Profited from the leader of the peoples?

Andrei Simanovsky became notorious in the capital of the Urals for winning a very good jackpot by packing his goods to customers in bags with a portrait of... Joseph Stalin. Whether Simanovsky had the right to do this is another question. Most likely he did not. The use of images of historical figures in trade is generally not encouraged by law. And here also the relatives of Joseph Vissarionovich can present their claims.

In addition, the personality of the “leader” is generally a subject for discussion, but in any case this does not at all amount to an innocent prank. But Andrei Moiseevich Simanovsky does not seem to care at all about this. After all, money has no smell. Moreover, historical attributes.

Souvenir bags with Stalin

Perhaps this is why Andrei Simanovsky and his office allow themselves all sorts of pleasures. Thus, corporate events in the company are held on a large scale. “Sima-Land” has the opportunity to invite the most sought-after and popular presenters and artists to its parties.

In addition, celebrities are invited not only to entertain the group, but also to educate. Thus, in September, closed lectures on patriotism and Russian history were given privately to company employees by film director Nikita Mikhalkov and Russian Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky.

And the famous bard Alexander Novikov (today he is under criminal prosecution) is even listed as close friends of Andrei Simanovsky. Whisperers claim that the artist also receives money in envelopes from the businessman. They're probably still speculating.

But the desire to get on Forbes lists is truly cool. Be on par with the big ones Russian oligarchs- It’s not for you to sell clothes at the Chinese market. I wonder how much “shopkeeper” Simanovsky has stored in his pockets for this?

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