What and how to paint plastered walls? Paint on plaster for exterior use Acrylic paints on plaster.

For comfort in the room, after plastering works It is not necessary to glue wallpaper or putty on the walls; it would be normal to simply paint the entire area. Typically, such repairs, where the plaster is painted, are carried out in several cases:

  • if the office is painting plastered partitions and walls, this room does not need wallpaper;
  • if this is a large production area, then somehow wallpaper and putty will be inappropriate in this room.

We can draw the appropriate conclusions and confidently say that painting plastered surfaces will be relevant in places where the room needs to be given an aesthetic appearance without any monetary costs and a small amount of time.

Painting plaster walls can be a worthy replacement for wallpaper.

Painting tool

Currently, it is difficult to say which paint is best to use after plastering, since it may be that the paint for interior walls at home will not work in your case. The main thing is to pay attention to the fact that the same paint may have qualitative differences. This is mainly manifested in the brightness and saturation of its shades, or in consumption per 1 square meter.

Typically, the quality of such material depends on the manufacturer and pricing policy. But this does not mean that you need to purchase the most expensive paint. To begin with, it is best to consult with sales consultants so that they can help you find the “golden mean”.

Acrylic paints

Acrylic-based paints are a good and quite popular material among people. It is used for painting living rooms and rooms with high humidity.

Such compositions have the following characteristics:

  1. They react well to evaporation, which is why during operation they can be wiped with damp wipes without any problems, their aesthetic appearance will in no way be spoiled;
  2. For tinting, manufacturers have produced a large assortment of different shades and colors; thanks to this quality, the coloring composition can be found to suit any interior of the room;
  3. After applying the composition to the plaster, the walls of the house will have a matte surface;
  4. The material, which is made on an acrylic basis, is affordable, in a trailer it is the “golden mean” between quality, modern technologies, production and price.

There are nuances that you should pay attention to. This type of paint is not recommended for purchase in rooms where there is a risk of liquid getting on the walls or ceiling. This can easily include bathrooms and car washing facilities. For contact with water, it is best to choose latex-based coatings.

Acrylic paint is recommended for use in rooms with high humidity

Latex compounds

The main point of working with this type of dye is to dry the material, which gradually transforms into a thin but durable film layer. Thanks to this property, you can carry out wet cleaning in the house, as well as outside, because all compositions made on this basis are not afraid of direct contact with liquid.

The composition of this paint has both a glossy and matte surface, which is well suited for painting plastered walls. If the wall has decorative plaster, then the latex composition is most suitable for it, this is all because no other material can highlight the volume and texture of a putty pattern of this type.

PVA-based water-based paint

Water-based paint, which is based on PVA, is quite a convenient option for painting walls in the “cheap and cheerful” style, and also with a good appearance. Although this water emulsion does not have a wide choice of colors, it is simply created for a room in which there is no need for a special design and color saturation.

The main thing to remember is that water-based emulsion material cannot be used in rooms with high humidity, as well as in places where it can be wiped with wet wipes.

Need to know! For color saturation, PVA-based water emulsion must be applied in several layers. For a stronger effect, it is advisable to prime the wall of the house before work. Such an event, first of all, will strengthen the adhesion of the paint to the plastered surface, and will also reduce the consumption of the water-based composition.

Water-based waterproof paint based on PVA with the addition of acrylic

Oil and alkyd paints

  1. Such paints are characterized by rich color and a durable layer after drying, but they have some disadvantages. Namely:
  2. Strong toxic odor. It is difficult to work with such paint, and not everyone can do it. After it dries, there will be no odor, but even your neighbors will feel the paint fumes during operation.
  3. Small selection of colors and shades.
  4. If you work with a roller or brush, the painting speed will be slow.

In general, painting plastered walls with such materials is often used, especially in rooms with high humidity. The service life of such surfaces will be long and will not require intensive care.

Painting the wall surface

In this case, when painting walls with any material, be it water-based emulsion or latex composition, outside or inside the house, you should remember some nuances, then your plastered wall will turn out beautiful and of high quality. Work process:

  1. Before painting external or internal walls, you should prepare its surface. In this case, such preparation is one of the important stages before holding special events. Thanks to the latest technologies Before painting, the surface can be cleaned using special device, as well as putty or cement-sand mortar. If this is not done, then your eyes will catch a “web” of cracks and chips.
  2. Using a brush or roller, all dust and debris are removed from the surface, then it is primed, as mentioned above, all measures are carried out specifically in order to reduce the cost of materials. For this type of painting, you can use any acrylic-based primer.
  3. To choose a painting method, you should focus on the paint used, or what features a given structure has. If an alkyd composition is used during the work process, and this production room, then there is no way to get by with a spray bottle. When all these activities are carried out in the living room, it is best to use a brush or paint roller.
  4. Preparing the paint. If we are talking about alkyd or oil paint, to achieve normal density, a solvent is used, if the composition has a water-based material, then in this case you will have to resort to color saturation before you can achieve good result at the paint.
  5. Painting the outside or inside of the house on the surface is done with a roller, all movements are performed “from top to bottom”. In such work, internal or outer wall will look in one tone.

Need to know! Whatever you work with, a roller or a spray bottle, it is advisable to cover all surfaces with film so as not to stain the furniture and all other things in the room.


This article discussed methods of painting a finished plastered surface and the process of performing this action, at home or outdoors, on interior or exterior surfaces. Now anyone can buy a special painting composition and carry out all the necessary activities in their home for painting interior walls with plaster.

In interior work ah, today a huge number of materials can be used. The greatest demand is for wall decoration and painting.
This method of decorating a room allows you to constantly change the color schemes in the interior. Let's look at what types of paints there are for interior decoration walls and how to apply them.

Painting walls can only be done on well-prepared and flat surface, since it is not able to hide defects, and when using bright colors on surfaces it even increases them.

Surface cleaning

Any type of paint should only be applied to a clean surface.
To clean it you will need:

  • Rags and foam sponges.
  • Water and regular detergent.


  • The surface is treated with a cleaning agent and then washed well with ordinary water. After this, you need to give it time to dry thoroughly.

Advice. Such actions can only be performed on a plastered surface. If it was painted before, then the work process becomes a little more complicated.

  • If the surface is painted, then initially you need to remove layers of paint from it. This can be done using a special solution.
    Of course, he will not be able to completely remove the paint from the surface and in some places it is necessary to use a spatula. For this reason, small holes may appear, which are covered with plaster and sanded after it has dried.
  • Then the surface is washed and dried well.
  • If you need to paint drywall, then there will be no problems with its preparation. It will be enough to go over it with a vacuum cleaner to remove construction dust and then prime it with a product.
  • After drying, the same actions are performed on the plastered surface.

Paint should only be applied in a clean room so that construction debris and dust do not get into the composition. To do this, the room must also be cleaned and wet cleaned.

Leveling the surface

The technology for finishing walls for painting is very simple.
Several material options are used to level the surface:

  • Drywall (see Finishing with plasterboard: work order).
  • Plaster.
  • Sheets of thin OSB.
  • Sheets of plywood.

Application of drywall

Drywall is a universal material that no one can do without. this moment none renovation work. There is plasterboard for the walls and ceiling.
It is also moisture-resistant and fire-resistant.

Advice. In order to use paint in finishing, you need to use moisture-resistant drywall.

Finishing walls for painting using plasterboard begins with the production of a special frame on the surface for mounting sheets of material.
For this you will need:

  • Metal profiles.
  • Dowels and screws for metal.
  • Metal scissors.
  • Building level.
  • Ruler and chalk.
  • Hammer or regular drill.
  • Screwdriver.

Note. Metal profiles very soft and can be easily cut into the right size regular metal scissors.

You can use other tools for such work:

  • Bulgarian.
  • A hacksaw for metal.


  • Initially, profiles are mounted vertically on the surface; its height will be similar to the height of the room itself. The distance between them should be from 50 to 80 cm.
  • They are fastened with dowels using a hammer drill or drill.
  • Similar guides are mounted on top of them to form a box. Then the profiles are cut, the size will be similar to the distance between the guides.

To attach the horizontal profiles to the main guides, you need to cut them a few centimeters larger. The edges are folded for installation on vertical rails.

  • Another profile of a similar size is also mounted on top of them to form a box and a flat surface of the sheathing elements. All actions are carried out using metal screws.
  • As soon as the sheathing on the surface is ready, you can begin installing the drywall sheets. A utility knife is used to cut the size of this material.

Advice. Since drywall consists of sheets of thick cardboard, between which there is gypsum dough, you need to work with it very carefully so as not to damage its structure.

  • The sheets on the frame are attached joint to joint. You need to try to keep the distance between them very small.
    This will make it possible to create a perfectly flat surface.
  • Drywall is mounted using self-tapping screws and a screwdriver. All actions can be done with your own hands without much difficulty.

The joints of the sheets are coated with putty solution. After it has completely dried, it is treated with sandpaper.

Using plaster to level surfaces

Finishing for painting walls using plaster (see Types of plasters for interior decoration: choosing the right one) differs in the duration of the process. If the installation of drywall can be completed in just one day, then with plaster the work will take several days.
All this is due to the fact that the solution that is applied to the surface must dry well.
There are only three types of plaster that are used in the work:

  • "Start".
  • "Finish".
  • Universal.

Material Features:

  • Everything is clear with the starting plaster. It is used at the very beginning of surface leveling work.
    It has a coarse-grained structure and a finishing plaster with a fine structure must be used on top of it to mask defects in the application of the starting plaster.
  • There is one type of finishing solution that is not so often used due to its low popularity, it is called “pieces”.
  • Its structure consists of lime and sand. This type of plaster breathes and is the safest for human health.
  • In order to apply the plaster solution to the wall, you need to prepare it. There are instructions on the package.
    The loose plaster mixture is poured into a container and a certain amount of liquid is added to it.
  • Then the mass is mixed with a construction mixer until completely homogeneous.

To apply starting and finishing plaster you will need:

  • Building level.
  • Large and small spatula.
  • Sandpaper.

Advice. If the surface is wooden, then a special mesh must first be attached to it for plastering the surfaces.


  • The choice of tool should depend on what size it will be more convenient for the master to work with.
  • The “start” and “finish” plaster is applied in several layers of small thickness. All of them, after drying, can be processed with sandpaper.

Advice. For the starting layer it is best to use a large sandpaper, and for the finishing one - small.

  • Concerning universal plaster, then this solution is quite rare. It is already on sale finished form.
    It is applied only to those surfaces that do not have too pronounced defects, since its main task is to prepare the surface for finishing.

After preparing the walls for painting is completed, you need to carefully select the coloring agent itself.

Choosing paint for painting interior surfaces

Paints for interior wall decoration are found different quality and technical characteristics.
They can be:

  • Water-based.
  • Silicate.
  • Silicone based and so on.

No one will argue with the fact that water-based emulsion is most often used in finishing work.

Water-based paint and its characteristics

Water-based paint is an environmentally friendly paint, since the basis for its production is water.
It is applied to the surface quite simply. Also dries quickly.

  • It has a large assortment of shades and the photo shows a variety of colors of its implementation, which makes it possible to use it to decorate any room.
  • It fits well on any type of surface.
  • The most common way to use it is to paint drywall.
  • It can be washed without foaming detergent, with a simple damp cloth.

Advice. Over time, this type of paint can absorb a large number of dust or various types of pollution.
A surface that is painted with water-based emulsion may lose its original appearance. To restore it, you need to use a detergent that will remove the outer layer of paint from the surface and only then paint the surface again.

The main advantage of water-based paint will be its price, which is several times lower than other paints.
It is applied to the surface using:

  • Roller made of natural material.
  • Natural brushes.

When choosing a tool for such work, you should give preference only to natural fibers, since foam rollers can leave marks on the surface. It will be quite difficult to paint them after drying.

  • Brushes are used to paint those places on the surface where it is difficult to reach with a roller - at the top of the wall, in the corners, and so on. The roller does all the main work, as it can evenly distribute the paint on the surface during the work process.
  • The roller is soaked in paint and squeezed out well so that no streaks of excess paint remain on the surface. It rolls over the surface with smooth and careful movements.
    You should not go through the same place several times. This may cause uneven coloration of the surface.
  • The water-based emulsion applied to the surface will leave a wet mark after absorption. It will already show gaps in the paint, which should not be corrected immediately.
  • You need to wait for the first layer to dry completely and only then apply the second, third and large quantity layers of paint.

In this case, everything will depend on the desired color saturation. The video shows the process of painting a surface using water-based paint.

Plaster paint for interior work is a very important component of the future interior. From her the right choice depends not only on the design, but also on the quality of the covering of walls, ceilings or floors. Today there is a wide variety of compositions, but it is quite difficult to navigate them.

As a rule, interior paints are considered very durable due to the resin they contain. After drying, a film is formed that will protect the pigment. Let's consider the highest quality and suitable species materials for this purpose.

Epoxy and polyurethane paints

Polyurethane and epoxy paints - perfect solution for plastered surfaces. They do not require special preparation of walls for painting. They are usually produced in double packs. To improve properties, both should be mixed before use. The proportions are always indicated on the packaging, and they must be observed very strictly.

These paints are very high quality. They perfectly protect the surface and further strengthen the plaster of the walls. The coating will be so durable that the paints are even used to paint concrete floors. But you need to work with such a composition carefully. This is due to the fact that the fumes are harmful to humans. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the skin and respiratory organs during work.

They dry quite quickly - about 3-4 hours. But they finally set on the plastered surface only after a week. Only then will it be possible to additionally decorate the wall with a pattern (if desired).

Another disadvantage of polyurethane and epoxy paints is cost. As a rule, this is a very expensive material. The more unique the color and texture, the more expensive it will cost. But at the same time, the surface will withstand any impact on the surface, even aggressive chemical ones.

Emulsion paints

Wall plaster goes well with emulsion paint.

This is the simplest and at the same time one of the the best colors for interior work. The paint contains polyvinyls and acrylics, and the solvent is water. Thanks to this, the pigment penetrates well into the pores of the plaster and is securely fixed there.

Emulsion paint dries quickly - only a few hours, depending on the specific type. And it does not cause any particular harm to humans. It can even be washed off from the skin easily if you use soap and warm water.

Experts advise that before applying the composition to the plastered surface, treat it with a detergent. This is necessary to neutralize the alkali so that in the future the paint will hold sufficiently firmly and reliably.

It should also be remembered that when using glossy emulsion paint, the same durability will not be achieved as when using matte paint. But at the same time, the matte type is more resistant to abrasion. If you need to wash the surface frequently, then this factor becomes especially important.

High-quality textured emulsion paint used for interior decoration. As a rule, the surface can then be further decorated. It is very convenient to paint on wet plaster with water-based paints - it always looks very beautiful and unusual.

The texture of such emulsion paint for plaster can be different. The finely textured finish looks beautiful on the wall, but tends to crumble over time. Therefore, it is recommended to apply it to plaster in places where frequent contact with anything is not expected.

Water-based paint with a rough texture is more durable and does not crumble as much. But it will constantly attract dust and dirt. But in order to partially avoid this, after drying it will be possible to coat the surface with an additional conventional water-based emulsion.

It is important to understand that textured emulsion paint has a very high consumption for plaster. Especially it concerns relief walls for painting. Therefore, it is necessary to stock up on it in advance.

Non-drip ceiling paint

It is very convenient and profitable to cover a plastered ceiling with a special non-drip paint. In composition it is very similar to alkyd and emulsion types. But the so-called jelly is added to the non-drip paint, which makes the solution optimally thick.

This makes painting a plastered ceiling easy and enjoyable, even by hand. The composition will not drip, being evenly absorbed into the plaster and distributed over the surface. This paint should not be shaken or mixed vigorously before use. So, the texture may deteriorate, and as a result, it will not be possible to apply it correctly to the ceiling.

You should be careful and reliably protect all other nearby surfaces when working with such paint on plaster. The thing is that when it starts to dry out, it becomes very thick. It is almost impossible to wipe it off afterwards.

Special attention should be paid to paints, which are strictly not recommended for use on plastered surfaces inside the house. You cannot use alkyd and oil-based compositions, as they will not stick, and characteristic hairiness will appear on sections of the wall, which looks very unsightly after drying.

Do not use wood, metal or fireproof compounds. The first paints are intended exclusively for painting wood, the second ones will only paint pipes and taps with high quality (as a result they will shine). The third type is ideal for a brick wall.

Choosing paint for plaster is a responsible matter. It is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons before purchasing a solution to apply to plaster. Then the coating will be beautiful and will last for many years without deforming or changing color.

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The plaster on the facade looks neat, stylish, and solid. The coating is durable and strong, but it requires protection from negative factors(precipitation, sun). To preserve the natural beauty of the walls as much as possible, while ensuring their protection, use facade paint on plaster for exterior work. It can be given any shade that will make the facade even more attractive.

Good facade paint must have certain operational, technological and decorative properties. Performance characteristics include:

  • resistance to sudden changes in temperature, changes in humidity;
  • vapor permeability, allowing the walls to “breathe”;
  • the ability to maintain the brightness of colors for a long time without fading under the influence of ultraviolet radiation;
  • good adhesion to any substrate;
  • inertness towards microorganisms, fungus, mold.

Facade paint should not be damaged by impacts, chipped or scratched by mechanical impact. A coating for exterior use should not only adhere well to the plaster, but also be easy to apply. There are a number of technological requirements:

  • low consumption - determined by the composition, particle size, quality of pigments;
  • ease of use - determined by the density and uniformity of the composition, ensuring even coloring without drips;
  • Drying time – accelerates Finishing work, allows you to carry them out at different times of the year.

Of course, the main indicators are decorative properties. They are determined by the ability to give the solution the desired shade by tinting.

Depending on the ability to reflect light, paint can be matte, glossy, or semi-gloss. The glossy finish is highly resistant to any impact. Thanks to the dense film, it is easier to clean and less dirty. However, its vapor permeability is lower than that of matte. At the same time, the glossy surface reflects sunlight well and all defects in the plaster become clearly visible. Therefore, glossy paint is more often used for windows and other small elements, and for painting large areas, matte paint is preferred.

Any paint for plaster consists of binding components, solvent, and pigments. To improve performance, manufacturers introduce various additives. Acrylic, silicates, silicone, cement, and lime are used as binding components.

Acrylic paint

To create a durable, weather-resistant layer for painting the facade, acrylic paints are used. The binding component in them is acrylic polymers. Thanks to them, the material is plastic and easy to apply. By adding pigments to it, you can give it any shade or color. Main advantages:

  • increased resistance to moisture and temperatures;
  • durability;
  • ease of application;
  • dries quickly;
  • can be washed under pressure;
  • variety of colors.

After finishing work, you should immediately wash your brushes with plain water. If you do not do this, then after drying the brush will no longer be possible to wash and you will have to throw it away.

Paint can be with an organic solvent (for example, white spirit) or water-based. The advantage of an organic solvent is the ability to perform outdoor work at any temperature. Even a slight frost will not prevent the coating from laying well on the wall and drying. It quickly polymerizes, creating a durable protective layer.

Water-based paints adhere well to the plastered surface and do not have a specific odor. They also create a durable coating that protects walls from corrosion. Affordable cost makes them popular for finishing.

For exterior work, acrylic paint is diluted special compounds specified by the manufacturer. They give the coating a matte or glossy appearance. It is recommended not to dilute the entire jar, but to do it in parts in a separate container so that the paint does not thicken. The jar with the remainder must be tightly closed, the edges must be cleaned first. For application use a spray bottle, brushes, rollers.

Silicate paint

If you do not plan to use bright shades for the facade or textured plaster, That the best option will become silicate paint. It consists of liquid glass with the addition of calcium borate, alkali-resistant fillers. This mixture penetrates deep into the plaster. It has a reinforcing effect, gluing cracks. The walls do not lose their vapor permeability. Advantages of the material:

  • waterproof;
  • refractory;
  • UV resistant.

The disadvantage of the coating is the small variety of colors due to the peculiarity of the composition. The disadvantages of the material include its low elasticity. Due to this, when the house shrinks, cracks may appear on the walls. In addition, before starting work, you will need to carefully prepare the surface of the facade. The walls need to be cleaned, dirt removed from them, and the absence of peeling areas checked. Damage and cracks need to be filled with putty. When choosing a putty composition, it is necessary to take into account that silicate putty will be required for silicate paint. It is poorly compatible with other types.

Silicone paint

All the most best qualities assembled with silicone paint. It consists of a water-based solution of silicone resins, which provides a waterproof film. The material is used for external work on any basis. It combines hydrophobicity and vapor permeability. Moisture simply rolls off the painted surface.

Silicone-based facade paint has the following advantages:

  • elastic – covers even small cracks well;
  • easy to apply;
  • has no smell;
  • non-toxic and safe for skin.

The only disadvantage of the material is its high price. However, the combination of excellent operational, technological and decorative properties quickly compensates for this drawback. Using it to decorate the facade, you get a durable coating that has an attractive appearance.

Before painting, old materials and loose elements are removed from the walls. The surface is cleaned, washed if necessary, followed by drying. Having eliminated all damage, the walls are primed. It is better to use a special primer for silicone paint. After the primer has dried, begin painting. For application you can use a spray gun, brushes, rollers.

Perchlorovinyl paint

Low price, rich shades, and the ability to paint facades in cold weather make perchlorovinyl paint a popular material. It also has anti-corrosion, water-repellent properties. It is resistant to chemical substances, mechanical shocks, scratches.

The presence of flammable components (solvent and xylene), which are also toxic, limits its use. The coating is not durable and ductile.

Cement and lime paints

The main advantage of these materials is their low cost. They are sold dry, so before starting work the painter must dilute the solution and paint it. The coating is not durable and requires periodic repairs.

Lime paint is made from slaked lime. The coating made from it gets dirty easily, the color range is limited. The advantages are high vapor permeability and resistance to fungus formation.

basis cement paint is white Portland cement. Its properties are similar to those of lime paint. At the same time, it tolerates moisture better, but the surface is susceptible to the appearance of fungus. Despite the affordable cost, the popularity of these compounds is low.

Painting walls - quick and easy inexpensive way make them attractive appearance. With a successful selection of colors and shades and perfectly evenly plastered walls, the surface will look no worse than after finishing with other types of materials. In this article we will look at what paints are used to cover the walls after leveling them with plaster, as well as how to do the painting work yourself.

Choosing paint for plaster

To paint interior walls and decorate facades, paints of different compositions are used. After all, the requirements for them differ significantly.

For interior work

The following types of paints are most often used for painting plaster indoors:

form a matte surface, easy to apply, economical, does not contain toxic substances, but are able to absorb moisture and quickly wash off upon contact with water, so for wet areas not recommended. Water-based paint can be applied to Various types surfaces: plaster, concrete, wood, brick, wallpaper, plastic elements. Available in various colors and white for mixing with water-based coloring pigments. You can dilute it with regular clean water. Material consumption per 1 m2 is 0.1 - 0.15 liters. That is, one 10 liter can of paint is enough to paint approximately 80 m2 of surface in one layer. Drying time no more than 1 hour.

Acrylic dyes are the same aqueous dispersions, but due to the higher acrylic content they give a more durable and durable coating, which can be easily wiped with a slightly damp cloth, but excess water ingress is also unacceptable. Fits well on all types of surfaces. Consumption is slightly higher than that of water-based emulsion.

The coating can be either matte or glossy. For example, Tikkurila acrylic paint is suitable for interior work in dry rooms and with high humidity, for example, in the kitchen or bathroom, without wet walls damage the plaster. Also suitable for painting ceilings.

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