How to water cucumbers for a good harvest: folk remedies. How to feed cucumbers during the fruiting period to increase the yield. Is it possible to feed cucumbers at home?

Cucumber is considered the most unpredictable vegetable crop. Improper care will ruin the entire future harvest. Today we will pay attention to such a problem as feeding. The quality of the fruit depends on them. Let's look at how and what to fertilize cucumbers with.


Therapeutic and nutritional supplements should be provided from an early period of development. Accordingly, the seedlings must also receive the necessary components. This is the key to the health and fertility of the plant. Feeding at this stage is divided into different time periods. Let's look at each of them separately:

You learned how to fertilize cucumbers at the seedling stage. Let's move on to the next important stage.


The next important step is to move the seedlings into open ground. For every cucumber, this is a huge stress, which proper care and high-quality feeding will help to cope with. Before the procedure, pay special attention to the following points:

  1. The soil should be loose and nutritious. Moisture needs to penetrate well.
  2. Cucumbers have small roots, so add organic fertilizer to the trench before planting. This will additionally warm the soil during frosts.
  3. The bed with cucumbers should be warmed by sunlight, it is advisable to avoid strong drafts.
  4. If you cannot avoid the wind, you can plant corn next to the cucumbers. It will protect from drafts and, in addition, plants can spread their long vines over it.
  5. For ideal growth of cucumbers, a temperature of 25 to 30 degrees must be maintained. It is advisable in the northern and middle regions to protect the bed with covering material.

Now it’s worth moving on to the question of how to fertilize cucumbers in open ground.

Feeding in the fresh air

Fertilizing vegetables in open ground should be carried out systematically. The very first time is carried out during transplantation of seedlings. To do this, prepare the following solution:

  • potassium salt;
  • superphosphate;
  • ammonium nitrate;
  • potassium chloride.

Everything is thoroughly mixed and added to the garden bed. After this fertilizer, the cucumbers are not fed for two weeks. Then it is allowed to add diluted cow manure. This is done in a ratio of 2-3 kg of substance per 10 liters of water.

For cucumbers growing in open ground, these two times are enough. But, as practice shows, you need to monitor the condition of the plants in your garden bed. If necessary, you can feed much more often.

Ash is considered another miracle cure. It is allowed to be used at any stage of cucumber development. A useful solution is prepared in the following way:

  • 250 grams of wood ash;
  • 10 liters of water.

To stir thoroughly. About four feedings are allowed per month.

Important! To prepare fertilizer, use only wood ash. Under no circumstances should you take the substance after burning garbage. Plants will get poisoned.

Once you find out, in the open ground, you can reap a rich and tasty harvest.

For reference

As you already know, cucumbers need to be fed on demand. How can you determine whether the right moment has come or not? We'll tell you. A lack of nutrients and nutrients can be determined by the following signs:

  1. The cucumber leaves changed color and curled.
  2. The tops begin to dry.
  3. The fruits turn yellow and change in shape.
  4. The taste of cucumbers spoils.

Now many summer residents grow vegetables in special structures. Let's consider how to fertilize cucumbers in a greenhouse.

Within four walls

Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse differs from how it happens in open ground. Vegetables need to be fed several times a season. Greenhouse cucumbers do not accept:

  1. A large number of organic and chemical preparations.
  2. Lack of water. It should be applied along with fertilizers in large quantities.

The main substance in fertilizing greenhouse plants is nitrogen. Its deficiency affects the growth and development of cucumbers. Bird droppings are considered the best remedy. It is worth familiarizing yourself with some of the nuances of feeding:

  • Fertilizing is allowed only before flowering;
  • the frequency of application of substances should be every two weeks;
  • If the condition of the plants is good, then you don’t need to fertilize.

If you begin to notice changes in the cucumbers, then the amount of fertilizer can be increased. You know how to fertilize cucumbers in a greenhouse. Now you can move on to the next question.

A bountiful harvest

To grow tasty and crispy cucumbers, you need to carefully care for them. To do this, it is important to consider the following question: how to fertilize cucumbers for growth? It’s easy to get a harvest if you feed the plants:

  • magnesium;
  • potassium

But fertilizing with nitrogen during this period should be stopped. It is best to give preference to potassium nitrate. It has a beneficial effect on the fruit. Namely:

  • improves taste;
  • eliminates bitterness.

Do not forget that fertilizing in itself is useful. If there are a lot of them, then the soil is oversaturated with useful substances, and then fertilizers only cause harm. This affects:

  • on the growth of vegetables;
  • fruits fall and yellow spots appear;
  • even dark green and fleshy leaves indicate an excess of nitrogen in the soil.

In such a delicate matter, you should be careful, then you will get a positive result from your work. But you can collect tasty fruits only when there are many ovaries present.

Abundant flowering

The key to a good harvest is a large amount of ovary. To increase and preserve it, you need to study in detail the question of how to fertilize cucumbers during flowering. For this purpose, preparations and substances rich in nitrogen are used. To obtain abundant flowering, fertilizing is carried out in several ways:

  1. Root fertilizer for the plant.
  2. Fertilizing by spraying.
  3. Drip watering of cucumbers.

We answered the main question about how to fertilize cucumbers. Remember that saturating the soil and plant roots with useful substances is included in basic care.

Now you know how to grow vegetables properly. Put work and patience into them - and a positive result will not keep you waiting long. We answered the important question about how to fertilize cucumbers. Having received ripe fruits, you can use them for pickling, pickling and fresh consumption. Having figured out how to properly fertilize cucumbers, go put your knowledge into practice!

Feeding vegetables in the hottest month of the year is no less important than watering. Fertilizing in July is needed both mineral and organic. Among mineral fertilizers, complex and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are chosen; wood ash is also suitable. Infusions of mullein and bird droppings are used as organic matter. Such feeding will help the ripening of a rich harvest, large, healthy fruits.

How to feed tomatoes and cucumbers in July

Tomatoes and cucumbers can also be fed three times in July, with an interval of 10 days. For this it is advisable to use:

  1. wood ash (100 g per 1 liter of water is the norm per 1 m²)
  2. or mullein (1:10, norm – 1 liter per 1 m²).

Feeding against chlorosis

In a greenhouse, it may appear on tomato and cucumber leaves. chlorosis

  • On tomatoes, the oldest leaf blades usually turn pale, while the veins remain normal color.
  • In cucumbers, young leaves most often turn pale along with the veins.

Treatment with a 0.15% solution of the drug will help restore plant health. HOM

  1. Consumption rate – 0.35–0.40 g per 1 plant.
  2. Treat cucumbers and tomatoes with the drug solution HOM better in the evening.

How to feed cabbage in July

All types of cabbage also require feeding during this period.

  • You can use any complex fertilizer containing, among other things, microelements.
  • 18–22 g per bucket of water is enough.
  • The solution consumption rate is 1.5–2 liters for each plant.

2 weeks after this feeding, you can carry out another one - loosen the soil, scatter wood ash over the surface (250 g per 1 m²) and then water it (5-6 liters per 1 m²).

Photo: Nutrition system for Cabbage - a set of fertilizers and recommendations for their use

How to feed onions and garlic in July

At the very beginning of July, onions and spring garlic reach the finish line of bulb formation. Now they really need feeding.

Anything will do for this. complex mineral fertilizer .

  1. Dissolve 25–30 g of fertilizer in 1 bucket of water.
  2. The resulting solution (1 liter per 1 m²) must be applied so as not to get on the leaves.
  3. After application, it is advisable to wash the leaves with water from a hose, just in case.

After 2 weeks, around the 20th of July, you can repeat feeding:

  • Use potassium sulfate (12–16 g) and superphosphate (18–22 g).
  • The solution consumption rate is the same.

What to feed pumpkin in July

Pumpkin and zucchini, like other pumpkin crops, can be fed 3 times in July, every 10 days. You can use both organic and mineral fertilizers:

  • organics - bird droppings (1:20), mullein (1:10), consumption rate - 0.5 l per plant.
  • mineral - nitroammofoska (25 g per 1 bucket of water), consumption rate - 1 liter per plant.

The second and third fertilizing can be done with a solution of wood ash (200 g per 1 bucket of water). Consumption rate – 1 liter for each plant.

How to feed potatoes in July

Around mid-July, potassium sulfate should be sprinkled on the potatoes (you can directly on the surface of the soil, preferably between the rows). The application rate is about 40 g per 1 m². After applying fertilizers, you need to loosen the soil, thus sealing them. After application, it is advisable to water the soil with a small amount of water (5–6 liters per 1 m²).

Microelements are now available in tablets. They can additionally treat plants by dissolving 1 tablet in 1 bucket of water. The solution consumption rate is about 0.5 liters per plant. Such treatments will stimulate the outflow of nutrients into the tubers, which will increase their mass and accelerate ripening.


Pay attention to the fertilizer brand "BIO MARE" - BIO FISH and BIO ALGO. These are powerful organic fertilizers, biostimulants - anti-stress agents, obtained from the flora and fauna of the Far Eastern seas using unique technologies that currently have no analogues in Russia.


  • stimulate photosynthesis, as well as chemosynthesis (in the dark)
  • reduce internodal space
  • stimulate the development of organic activity of microorganisms
  • provide the plant with the necessary nutrients during the entire vegetative growth and maturation of the crop, creating favorable conditions for the development and absorption of nutrients
  • contribute to the protection and rapid growth of plants in unfavorable climatic conditions
  • allow you to grow environmentally friendly products

Mode of application:

50 ml per 10 liters of water, root treatment – ​​1:250, leaf treatment – ​​1:300, applied at intervals of 1 time every 10-14 days, from 3 to 6 treatments depending on the crop.

Photo: Organic fertilizers of the BIO MARE brand

During budding, flowering and fruiting, cucumbers in greenhouses and open ground need a lot of nutrients. However, this crop does not absorb fertilizers well, especially if they are improperly diluted and have a high concentration. Therefore, in order to grow a good harvest of cucumbers, you need to know how best to feed cucumbers in a greenhouse and open ground.

During flowering and fruiting, plants need a complex of various fertilizers. For good growth, cucumbers are fed with fertilizers that contain nitrogen, and for plants to form buds and ovaries - potassium, phosphorus, and microelements. This vegetable crop loves organic matter, to which mineral fertilizers can be added.

Feeding recipes:

  1. Mullein diluted with water 1:10 or bird droppings 1:25. Per square meter of bed - from 4 to 6 liters of solution.
  2. Nettle infusion prepared from 1 kg of chopped fresh herbs and 10 liters of boiling water. When the infusion has fermented, it is filtered and the plantings are watered, using 2 liters for each bush.
  3. If plants are delayed in development, feed them with onion infusion husks. The recipe is simple: pour a liter of boiling water into a glass of onion peels and leave for 2-3 days. After this, add a tablespoon of infusion to a bucket of water (10 l) and water the bushes.
  4. Ash extract contains a large amount of microelements. To prepare a nutrient solution, you need to take 7 liters of water and pour it into 3 liters of ash. After a day, add 1 liter of ash extract to 10 liters of water and you can water the cucumbers.
  5. To speed up the growth and fruiting of cucumbers, you can prepare a solution that includes organic matter and microfertilizer with boron: add a solution of a liter of water and fertilizer granules with boron to 10 liters of mullein solution.
  6. Twice in July, add compost to the soil before loosening.. The effect of such fertilizer will be long-lasting.
  7. For good development of bushes and roots, you can use yeast feeding. You can use it for watering cucumbers 3 times during the summer. Fertilizer is prepared from 3 liters of warm water, in which 100 g of live yeast is diluted. Add 8 tbsp to the mixture. l sugar and put away for 3 days in a warm place. Before feeding, 1 glass of yeast infusion is diluted in 10 liters of water.
  8. In order not to bother with preparing infusions, you can use ready-made fertilizers, which are simply diluted in water before use. Fertilizing with zinc sulfate (0.1 g), manganese sulfate (0.4 g) and boric acid (0.5 g) will compensate for the deficiency of many elements in the soil. This amount of fertilizer is diluted in 10 liters of water.

Attention! Use all fertilizers only after watering, so as not to burn the roots of the cucumbers. You should also know that root fertilizing is not carried out in cold weather, since in cold soil plants do not absorb nutrients.

How and what to feed cucumbers in cold weather

If there is long-term cold weather with a temperature of about +15 degrees, cucumbers are fertilized with foliar fertilizers.

The best recipes for foliar feeding of cucumbers:

  1. Ash infusion brewed for 24 hours(per 10 liters - a glass of ash) is filtered and used for spraying foliage as a potassium fertilizer.
  2. Herbal infusion It takes about 10-14 days to prepare. To prepare it, a barrel or bucket is filled with grass (thistle, burdocks, dandelions, nettles), which is filled with water. While the solution is infused, it is stirred every day. For foliar feeding of cucumbers, the infusion is diluted with water (1:20).
  3. Crystallion, Mortar or Kemira solutions. To spray leaves, weak solutions are prepared from these mineral fertilizers (10-15 g of fertilizer per 10 liters of water).

It is important! In open ground, foliar feeding is carried out in dry, windless weather in the morning or evening. In a greenhouse, it is better to spray cucumbers in the late afternoon, when the sun's rays do not reach the building. In cloudy weather, foliar feeding can be carried out during the day both in the greenhouse and in open ground.

In closed ground, it is necessary to carefully monitor the nutrition of plants:

  • fertilize once a week;
  • alternate organic matter with mineral fertilizers;
  • provide the plants with carbon dioxide, which is necessary for the formation of fruits (containers with slurry will help, which will ferment and release the necessary gas);
  • carry out foliar feeding with a solution of mullein infusion (1:10), which will additionally protect the cucumbers from powdery mildew.

Keep an eye on the leaves of the cucumbers, by which you can recognize what elements the plants lack, and apply the necessary fertilizers, you can find out by clicking on the highlighted link.

Features of feeding cucumbers in open ground

During active fruiting in July and August, cucumbers in open ground are fed every 10 days. However, the frequency of fertilizing and the type of fertilizer used depends on the composition of the soil in the cucumber bed.

Growing on fertile black soil Cucumbers are fed with a small amount of organic matter, and complex mineral fertilizers are completely excluded. If poor soil, it is fertilized with both organic and mineral fertilizers.

Sample recipes for feeding cucumbers in July and August:

  • at the beginning of fruiting– ash and nitroammophoska;
  • during active fruiting– a solution of mullein infusion or chicken droppings;
  • at peak fruiting we stimulate the second wave of flowering with yeast infusion.

Between the main feedings, fertilizers are used, which are selected according to the condition of the plants.

Properly selected fertilizers and timely fertilizing will guarantee a good harvest that can be harvested before the autumn cold.

22.05.2019 88 260

How to feed cucumbers for good fruiting?

With the onset of the summer season, gardeners begin to wonder what to feed the cucumbers so that they grow well and bear fruit for a long time? Fertilizer application is of paramount importance when growing vegetables. Without additional nutrition, it is very difficult to collect good harvests.

When is it necessary to fertilize?

The correct fertilization regime will ensure healthy development of cucumbers, good growth and fruit set. Throughout the entire growing period, the lashes are fed 3-4 times. What fertilizers to feed greens with, mineral or organic, each summer resident or gardener decides independently, but some general principles need to be taken into account:

  • the first stage of introducing nutrients is carried out two weeks after planting the young animals in the ground;
  • the second feeding is carried out during flowering;
  • the third time of fertilization occurs during the massive period of fruiting and ovary formation;
  • The last fertilizing is carried out in order to prolong the fruiting time. It is carried out during the period of formation and active growth of fruits (July-August).

Oversaturation with microelements has a bad effect on the development of vegetables. Carefully monitor the fertilizers applied and their quantity. When growing cucumbers on good fertilized soil, the number of feedings is reduced to two (after planting, during fruiting). According to agronomists, the most optimal option for using fertilizers in small volumes in gardens and household plots would be a combination of mineral and organic fertilizers.

According to the methods of application, fertilizing is divided into root and foliar. The latter are carried out when plants have poor absorption of nutrients through the root system (cold rainy summer, various).

Mineral fertilizers for cucumbers

The use of mineral fertilizers in the right combination with agricultural technology and irrigation helps to achieve rapid development of green mass, the formation of a good harvest, and the quality of grown cucumbers. When applying fertilizers for the first time, the following compositions are used:

feeding greens with urea. 40-50 grams of urea are diluted in 10 liters of water, 200-250 grams of the finished solution are poured under the root. The finished urea is enough for 40-50 seedlings. Urea cannot be mixed with ordinary superphosphate, dolomite, lime; as a result of chemical reactions, most of the nitrogen needed by the crop at the initial stage evaporates;

in the photo - fertilizer for cucumbers

ammophoska fertilizer. 20-30 grams of the substance are evenly distributed over the soil surface between the rows, followed by loosening and embedding into the soil. The use of this fertilizer is effective on all types of soil, especially sandy and clay. A special feature of ammophoska is the reduction of the amount of nitrates in grown products; it can be used in greenhouses and open ground.

Healthy bushes do not need to be fertilized during flowering. The cucumbers are pale, grow poorly, you need to take care of additional nutrition, you can use the following fertilizer options:

  • in ten liters of water, dilute one tablespoon of ammonium nitrate, 1 heaping spoon of superphosphate, ½ tbsp. potassium nitrate, feed the plants;
  • dissolve 30-40 grams of superphosphate in a bucket of warm water and spray the plants. Foliar feeding is carried out early in the morning or in the evening, excluding the possibility of bright sunlight hitting the cucumbers;
  • mix five grams with potassium permanganate on the tip of a knife, dilute in 10 liters of water, spray on the cucumbers.

Fertilizing cucumbers during fruiting helps to increase the number of ovaries and improves the quality of the fruit. It should contain more potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus. Do not forget about the microelements that plants need throughout the entire cultivation period. It is better to combine with mineral ones. Dilute potassium nitrate (20-30 grams) in 10 liters of water, fertilize the cucumbers. The use of nitrate at this stage optimizes the functioning of the horse system, which promotes better absorption of nutrients and leads to good yield.

Throughout the entire fruiting period, a urea solution is used for foliar spraying, which allows to extend the period of ovary formation and fruit ripening. After the third treatment, the time interval between feedings is observed at intervals of 14-15 days.

Use of folk remedies

Organic fertilizers are applied throughout the entire period of cucumber cultivation, following the regime, taking into account the quantity. An excess of nutrients can cause rapid growth of foliage, accompanied by poor formation of ovaries and more. Using the means at hand, at home, you can prepare nutrient solutions for feeding greens:

yeast fertilizer increases resistance to diseases, promotes the growth of the root system and the entire plant as a whole, the number of fruits increases, and the quality improves. Yeast contains significant amounts of nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, iron, and other elements. Dissolve one packet of raw yeast in a bucket of water, stir thoroughly, and leave to ferment for 22-24 hours. Water the plants at the root at the rate of one liter of solution per bush. Yeast tincture is used additionally in combination with mineral fertilizers no more than once every 15 days;

feeding with ash. Dissolve 200-250 grams of wood ash in a bucket of warm water. Cucumbers are watered under the bush, the consumption rate is one liter per plant. To prevent diseases, dust the root trunk and the ground around with ash;

fertilizing cucumbers with chicken droppings. You can use rotted chicken excrement or fresh ones. Before using the solution, water the bed thoroughly so as not to burn the plants. Fresh droppings are diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1:20, the cucumbers are carefully watered at the root (0.7-0.8 liters per plant). After applying the fertilizer, the remaining solution that gets on the bushes must be washed off from the watering can with clean water;

feeding cucumbers with bread infusion. An ordinary bucket is filled 2/3 with the remains of stale bread and filled with water, pressure is placed on top, and it is removed for fermentation in a warm place for a week. The finished bread starter is diluted (1:3), watered under the bush;

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