What to do with strawberries after harvest. Caring for strawberries after fruiting, pruning

It is necessary to care for plants in the garden not only so that they bear fruit, but also after fruiting. For example, processing strawberries after harvest is very necessary, because it affects the formation of future berries. Therefore, if you want to collect annually a large number of strawberries, then you should familiarize yourself with what it is.

How to properly process strawberries after harvesting?

Proper care of strawberries after harvesting involves comprehensive implementation of the following measures:

  • watering;
  • loosening the soil and collecting weeds;
  • feeding;
  • pruning;
  • treatment against diseases and pests.

Let's look at each of these types of work in more detail.

How often to water strawberries after harvesting?

It all depends on the weather. It is necessary that the soil in the strawberry bed is deeply moistened, so it is recommended to water abundantly, but not often. To retain moisture in the soil, it is recommended to mulch the plantation. Perfect for this.

It is very important to prevent the formation of an earthen crust around the delicate roots of strawberries, so be sure to loosen the top layer after each watering. The row spacing is deeper, but not near the bushes, so as not to damage the strawberry rhizome.

How to feed strawberries in the summer after harvest?

For good harvest strawberries higher value It has to be fertilized not in the spring, but in the summer, after it stops bearing fruit. After all, it is in the second half of summer and early autumn that flower buds are formed, which determine the future harvest of berries.

For summer feeding, it is recommended to take a complex mineral fertilizer specially developed for this plant. It is added at the rate of 25-30 g per 1 m2. You can also use ammophosphate, wood ash or humus. You should only avoid chlorine-containing preparations, since strawberries do not like this element.

Any fertilizer must be well incorporated into the soil, combining this process with abundant watering, removing weeds, loosening and hilling the bushes.

Do I need to prune strawberries after harvesting?

If you want large and sweet berries, then yes. In July, the second wave of foliage growth begins, so you should get rid of last year's leaves while preserving new ones. First of all, it is necessary to trim off those that are already drying out and damaged; healthy ones can be left on the bush. This will help the strawberries survive the winter better.

In addition to young leaves, mustaches begin to actively grow on strawberry bushes in the summer. They should also be removed. If you want to get several new seedlings, then they should be rooted and left, and all the rest should be cut off. This must be done regularly, since too many of them only take away excess strength from the plant, which will then affect the harvest.

How can you spray strawberries after harvesting?

The summer months after picking the berries are the most optimal time to take care of the health of your strawberries. This plant can be infected by various pests and diseases, such as:

You can cure strawberries from them by getting rid of the infected parts of the plant and treating them with special preparations. As a preventative measure, it is recommended to water the soil in the garden bed and spray the strawberry leaves with a weak solution.

When to prune strawberries after harvest

In mid-August the last ones finish bearing fruit. remontant varieties strawberries and wild strawberries growing in open ground. Many gardeners miss the fact that after harvesting it is necessary to continue to care for the plant, otherwise next year the fruits may become smaller, and the bushes may be infected with pests and diseases.

Strawberries after harvesting what to do with the bush

Knowing when to prune strawberries after harvest is fairly simple as there is a second wave of fresh foliage growth. Old greenery fades. Sometimes redness of the cuttings is observed, which indicates the bush’s desire to get rid of the leaves on its own. To help the plant, gardeners remove them. Typically, strawberries are pruned no later than July 20th. Otherwise possible Negative consequences for buds (damage during plant care, disease).

Strawberries begin to actively produce whiskers in August. The first two rosettes (the shoots with which it reproduces) can be left, the rest can be cut off. The remaining rosettes are buried in drops without cutting the tendrils that connect them to the mother bush.

At the moment when all the strawberries are harvested, pruning of leaves and tendrils is done using pruners or scissors. This is necessary to prepare the plant for winter: it will not waste its energy on feeding the foliage and will provide itself with a supply of microelements to survive the cold.

Beginning gardeners often ask about when to prune strawberries after fruiting. It would be right to start cleaning on the second or third day, especially if the plant is sick. This tactic will help reduce the risk of the occurrence or spread of infection of healthy plants by various diseases.

It is considered correct to prune as close to the base of the bush as possible, since disease spores can persist even on cuttings. The tool must have sharp and clean blades so as not to cause the spread of infections. Do not tear off the tendrils and leaves with your hands - this can damage the roots.

How to mow strawberries in summer and why you need to do it

If novice gardeners doubt whether they need to prune strawberries after harvesting, then experienced gardeners are confident in the need for the procedure.

Pruning strawberries after fruiting is a special mowing method, which has its own characteristics:

  • a high increase in yield is possible if you mow the foliage on the second or third day after harvesting to prevent the spread of possible diseases throughout the area;
  • mowing and cleaning up the removed leaves will help protect the plant and the entire plantation from pests and diseases;
  • Immediately after mowing, the bushes are fertilized and watered.

For young plants, it is better to carry out individual pruning with special attention using scissors or pruning shears. Bushes from three years old can be treated with a scythe or a trimmer with a fishing line (you need to work at low speed), especially if you do not intend to get new shoots from them for propagation. Mown three- and four-year-old strawberries after harvest will certainly delight you with healthy fruits in the next season.

Processing strawberries after harvest

Both during the period of ripening of berries and after harvesting, it is important that the soil in the garden bed is constantly moist - this will ensure fast growth young foliage. Knowing what to do with your strawberries after harvest will help increase the plant's fruit production the following season.

After cutting, to irrigate the bushes you need to use warm water. Watering should be done at sunset or in the morning to avoid sunburn. After irrigation, the soil is loosened and mulched. If you constantly water strawberries, despite the lack of fruits, then by spring they will produce much more flower buds.

What to do with strawberries after fruiting: protection from insects

Every experienced gardener knows how to treat strawberries after trimming the leaves to protect them from insects. The first plant prevention is carried out during the growing season before flowering. When all the strawberries have been harvested, processing after fruiting is carried out again, no later than mid-August.

Usually, the drug "Aktelikom" is used to protect plants (15-20 ml per 10 liters of water, if there are a lot of pests, the procedure can be repeated after 8-10 days). The product will effectively cope with the strawberry transparent mite that eats young leaves. Spraying with iodine solution (5-10 drops per 10 liters of water) will protect you from weevils.

Treatment of strawberries after harvest against pests includes complex fertilizer with urea in the proportion of 30 g per 10 liters of liquid or infusion: 2 tbsp. l. nitroammophoska, 10 liters of water and 1 cup of ash.

Many people are interested in how to feed strawberries after trimming the leaves without using expensive products. Nettle is used for this. It is poured into a bucket of water and left for a week. Water the bushes after harvesting, mowing and at the stage of bush formation to protect it from pests.

Processing strawberries after fruiting: disease prevention

After harvesting, as well as to reduce disease incidence, it is better to use Fitosporin (against fungal diseases in the proportion of 1 tablespoon of liquid solution per 10 liters of water per 2 sq.m. area) or Fitop (prepared similarly).

How to feed strawberries after harvest

Complex fertilizer with mineral substances ("Shungite", "Elegy", Bui fertilizers "For strawberries", etc.) is considered universal. However, feeding with organic matter also gives good results. Therefore, having chosen how to fertilize strawberries after harvesting: manure or legume siderites, start cultivating the land.

How to process strawberries after fruiting and pruning:

  • remove weeds and loosen the soil;
  • water the beds with organic matter dissolved in water (mullein, horse dung);
  • mulch the area with peat or pine needles;
  • water through mulch.

How to treat strawberries after pruning to form flower buds

You can use universal fertilizers (for example, Ammofoska, Nutriflex S), which are available in an assortment in any specialized store. Typically, the solution is made in the proportion of 10 grams of product to 10 liters of water. But you can feed the berry with a composition of nitrogen substances with ammonium nitrate.

Strawberry leaves live for about two months. When they wither, various spots appear on them: faded white, red and even scarlet. These are signs of aging foliage and the development of a variety of diseases on it.

There is no point in thinking about whether it is necessary to cut strawberries after fruiting, since it is the cutting of strawberry (strawberry) leaves that helps protect future fruits from diseases.

Pruning and processing strawberries after fruiting

Knowing how strawberries are processed after harvest is very important. After 3-4 years of growing berries in one place, it is necessary to fertilize the soil with compost, rotted manure, and mulch the soil with sawdust and ash. This will help cover the strawberry roots visible from the soil. For those who are interested in how to care for strawberries after harvesting, it is worth noting that mulching and hilling will ensure good root development.

Bottom line

Using tips on how to properly process strawberries after harvest will help you protect the plant from infections and prepare it for winter. Keep an eye on the bushes, provide them with proper care and prune them after fruiting, as a result, you will have a large and abundant harvest next year.

All gardeners and gardeners begin the development of their plots by planting garden strawberries (commonly called strawberries). Strawberries open the fruit season; they are tasty and aromatic. Adults love them, but especially children. Growing strawberries seems to be a simple task, but it is troublesome.. The plant needs constant care, especially attention should be paid to strawberries after harvesting.

With the harvest of the last berries, the time immediately begins to prepare the strawberry bushes for the next year's harvest, since with the arrival of spring, strawberries take strength for the growth of young foliage, flowering and fruiting from the accumulated reserves of last year's season.

That's why the fight for the future harvest must begin immediately after harvesting the current one and it consists in ensuring that the strawberry bushes have time to grow good root system and stock up on nutrients.

To do this, immediately after harvesting you need to:

  • if the strawberry beds were covered with mulching material(straw, sawdust) it is better to remove it now, since diseases and pests could accumulate in it;
  • weed the beds with strawberries to remove weeds, because they take nutrition from the soil;
  • loosening the soil under the bushes and between the rows it is necessary to carry out for better air exchange of the roots, this must be done carefully, trying not to damage the root system and at the same time it is necessary to hill up the strawberry bushes, sprinkling the growing roots with earth (the main thing is not to cover the heart);
  • remove old foliage and an extra mustache;
  • do timely watering strawberry beds;
  • fertilize plants;
  • carry out a series of treatments strawberries to avoid plant diseases and pest control.

Autumn feeding of garden strawberries

Removing foliage and tendrils, pruning diagram

In garden strawberries, leaf renewal occurs three times per season.: spring, summer and autumn. On average, the lifespan of strawberry leaves is 60-70 days, after which they age and die.

Spring foliage regrowth plays main role for fruiting. In the period after fruiting, the second stage of the formation of new foliage begins - this is the period of laying flower buds and accumulating nutrients for the future harvest. Autumn foliage is important for good wintering of bushes.

Signs of aging leaves are the appearance of whitish, red or red spots on them. While the leaves are dying naturally, they take additional nutrients and deplete plants. That's why It is advisable to remove old leaves from fruiting bushes 2-3 days after the end of fruiting without damaging the growing young leaves and hearts.

At the same time as the leaves, we remove the excess mustache. If necessary planting material To increase the strawberry plantation or replace old bushes with new ones, you need to leave the first rosette from the mother bush. She is the strongest and most productive. We remove all other regrown mustaches so that they do not deplete the mother bush, which is already weakened by fruiting.

As a result of mowing the foliage, we partially get rid of diseases and pests, which populate aging foliage.

All clipped foliage should be removed from strawberry beds. It cannot be used as mulch, so put it in compost heaps Can.

We prune with pruning shears if the strawberry beds are not large. If the size of the berry plantations exceeds the ability to process them manually, The trimming process will be helped by an electric trimmer or lawn mower.

The mowing height should be 5-7 cm, the growing point (hearts) should not be removed. Pruning of old foliage is performed on bushes older than 2 years; on one-year-old bushes, only dried and diseased leaves are removed. After pruning, berry plantings must be loosened and watered.

Is watering necessary in the fall?

The soil in the strawberry beds must be moist, since after fruiting and pruning the foliage, the plants must recover as quickly as possible, lay fruit buds, and grow the root system. Watering should be plentiful, at least once a week during dry periods.. To avoid sunburn of the leaves, watering should be done in the morning or evening. After watering, it is necessary to loosen the beds to prevent the formation of a crust on the surface of the soil. To keep the soil under the berry bushes moist and loose, it is best to mulch the beds.

Mulching is the best way to retain moisture

Mulched soil becomes looser. During the decomposition of mulch in the soil, nutrients accumulate and are enriched with beneficial microorganisms. Mulching inhibits the growth of weeds, which makes planting easier to care for.. Berry beds look more aesthetically pleasing.

Garden strawberries under black covering material

Sawdust, straw, chopped dry grass can be used as mulch.(if you have a lawn, then after cutting it, dry the grass in the sun and spread it between the bushes and between the rows), compost or leaf humus, pine needles. You can cover the ground under the bushes with spandbond(preferably black, practically no weeds grow under it) or plant new plantings of strawberries immediately on high ridges covered with black covering material.

Feeding after fruiting

During the post-harvest period, the strawberry bushes are weakened and all their strength is spent on fruiting. To restore plants, stimulate growth processes and lay flower buds during this period, fertilizing is especially necessary.

Experienced gardeners recommend feeding three times. Immediately after pruning the leaves in August, you need to fertilize with nitrogen fertilizers to stimulate the growth of young foliage. Two weeks after the first, fertilize with organic matter with the addition of phosphorus and potassium; it will promote the formation of flower buds. In mid-September, the third feeding is carried out with mullein solution.

There are many feeding options, the choice is yours. E it can be mineral fertilizers or organic.


  1. Ammofoska– contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, as well as magnesium, calcium, and sulfur. Consumption of 20–30 grams per 1 m2 in dry form is scattered on the beds, then embedded in the soil with a hoe and watered. You can water the bushes with a watering can, preparing a solution at the rate of 20 grams (matchbox) of fertilizer per 10 liters of water.
  2. Nitrophoska and nitroammofoska at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water.
  3. There are also special mineral fertilizers for strawberries, containing all the fertilizers necessary for it.

You cannot apply fertilizers containing chlorine to strawberries; it is contraindicated for them.

Water-soluble fertilizer Kristalon for strawberries and wild strawberries


  1. Mullein.

It can be carried both in dry form, used for mulching between rows, and in the form of an infused solution.

To prepare the solution, add one part of mullein to 10 parts of water., leave the mixture for a day, after which the solution can be applied to the plants. To enrich this infusion with microelements, you can add one part of ash.

  1. Bird droppings.

It is better not to apply it in dry form under growing bushes, as it can burn the roots and destroy the plantings. To prepare the infusion 1 part bird droppings diluted in 10 parts water and insist for at least two days. Then 1 liter of solution is diluted in 10 liters of water and watered the plants.

  1. Herbal infusion.

In a barrel or other large container, half the volume is filled with grass (weeds from weeding, nettles mowed from the lawn), ash is added, everything is filled with water to the full volume and left to ferment in the sun for 10 days. You can add 200 grams of yeast to the barrel; it will speed up the fermentation process and enrich the infusion with microorganisms. The finished infusion is diluted in a 1:1 ratio with water and watered over the strawberry bushes.. The infusion not only fertilizes the plants, but also helps deoxidize the soil.

It is useful to apply wood ash to strawberry beds, which is rich in potassium-phosphorus fertilizers and microelements and helps reduce soil acidity. Add ash after trimming the leaves, water and loosen the soil.

The main thing is not to overfeed the strawberries so that they do not begin to fatten (increase the green mass of leaves, and not lay flower buds). It is better to underfeed than to overfeed.

Disease and pest control

After harvesting, it’s time to start fighting diseases and pests, because this cannot be done during fruiting. After trimming the leaves, the strawberries are treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate in order to disinfect the remaining petioles and treat the soil under the bushes from fungal diseases.

If there is a weevil on strawberries, then the berry plantings are treated with the drug “Intavir” twice with an interval of two weeks. You can prepare an iodine solution: 10 drops of iodine per 10 liters of water and treat the plants.

To avoid damage to strawberry plants by strawberry mites, plantings are treated with broad-spectrum insecticides (Fitoverm, Fufanon, Actellik, Kemifos) immediately after harvest and in the fall.

When processing strawberries, it is advisable to add fertilizers to tank mixtures, thus combining foliar feeding with the fight against diseases and pests.

Autumn care of garden strawberries, preparation for winter

Caring for strawberries in the fall consists of removing weeds and loosening the soil, mulching the bushes and row spacing with humus and leaves. Single diseased and old leaves are removed from the bushes. It is impossible to radically prune the foliage; the bush will not have time to grow foliage, will go into winter weakened, and may not tolerate cold weather and freeze to death.

The exposed roots of plants need to be covered with earth or well hilled up, but the heart (growing point) cannot be covered.

The beds are covered from frost with branches, dry leaves, and spruce branches. You should not cover with hay or straw - mice can live under them and gnaw on the roots..

If you properly care for strawberry plantings after harvesting, and do not leave them to their fate, then next year you will definitely have a bountiful harvest of sweet, aromatic berries. This will bring joy and pleasure not only to you, but also to your children and grandchildren.

Pruning after fruiting is one of the mandatory items caring for strawberries. This simple procedure will help you get even larger and sweeter berries next season.

The formation of tendrils in strawberries is an absolutely normal process. This is how the plant reproduces. But if there is no task to grow strawberry seedlings, then you definitely need to prune them.

Although not all tendrils are needed to propagate the berry. The most powerful are considered to be the first ones released by the mother bush. They can be rooted, but all the others will not produce full-fledged offspring, so they should also be removed.

The tendrils take a lot of strength from the plant, and only timely pruning can preserve the potential of strawberries. If you do not remove them, every year the beds will become more and more neglected, and the berries will become small and tasteless.

Why and how to mow strawberries in summer?

For large plantations, mowing strawberry bushes after fruiting has ended should become the norm. This will not only save time and effort on removing tendrils and old leaves, but will also prevent the development of fungal diseases, ensure sufficient ventilation of the bed and help the roots accumulate strength for the new season.

The best results are obtained by mowing strawberries that are 3-4 years old. This has a rejuvenating effect and guarantees an excellent harvest next year. But it is better not to mow young bushes, but to carefully trim them.

To do this you need to use pruners or sharp scissors. Be sure to treat them in a solution of potassium permanganate before use. It is strictly forbidden to tear off leaves and tendrils with your hands. So there is a risk of deleting not only aboveground part, but also damage the spine.

When to prune strawberries?

The procedure is carried out 5-10 days after the last fruit harvest. Most often this happens before July 20, but much depends on the variety, weather conditions and other factors. You can understand that the time has come to do this by the appearance of new young greenery on the bushes. Often you have to repeat it, up to 3-4 times per season, because the tendrils continue to grow and the leaves age.


If you mow your strawberry beds, you won't need to trim again.

The day before, you need to water the strawberry beds well. You need to mow with a very sharp scythe and not at the root, but leaving the stems to a height of about 3 cm.

If the bush is sick or weak, pruning should be done as early as possible. It is permissible to carry out the procedure on the second or third day after harvesting the fruits and preferably as close to the ground as possible in order to remove possible fungal spores.

It is very important to remove not only aged, but also damaged leaves. The first pruning is carried out 3-10 days after harvesting the fruits, and the last one is carried out immediately before sheltering for the winter.

Don't put off pruning strawberries. It is necessary that young leaves have time to grow before the onset of cold weather. Bare bushes may not tolerate cold weather and the strawberries will die.

Time spending

To make it easier for strawberries to withstand stress after removing tendrils and old leaves, you need to carry out the procedure at the most appropriate time. It is optimal if the day is cloudy. Then pruning can be done at any time of the day, but if it’s hot, do it better evening, about two hours after watering. After heavy rain Also, you should not trim the tendrils and leaves.

How to feed strawberries after pruning

Traditionally, it is recommended to use mineral preparations Elegy for strawberries, but organic preparations also give excellent results. After harvesting, it is optimal to use freshly cut green manure, solutions of litter or manure. Good result provides mulching with peat or Christmas tree needles during the formation of young flower buds.

You can feed the berries with ammonium nitrate. Just remember that excessive nitrogen in the soil will lead to vigorous growth of foliage, but will reduce the quality of the berries.

In general, according to the rules of agricultural technology, after trimming strawberries, they need to be fed three times. The first time nitrogen is used, which stimulates young foliage to grow. After 14 days, fertilizing with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers is carried out, which will help to lay flower buds. And around mid-September, mullein or other organic matter is used to water the beds.


To make the mullein solution more beneficial, add a glass of wood ash to it (per 10 liters of water).

When fertilizing strawberries, you need to act on the principle - it is better to underfeed than to overfeed.

How to properly care for strawberries after fruiting

After harvesting strawberries, it is very important to maintain soil moisture.

It’s good if, before watering, you can dig a small trench around each bush so that the water gets to the roots faster. But if you don’t have time, at least loosen the soil a few hours after moistening.

For feeding, you can prepare a “slurry”. To do this, any weed (best of all is nettle, hops, etc.) is placed on a third of the barrel, filled to the top with water and placed in sunny place before fermentation. To speed up the process, you can add a little yeast.

Water 0.5-1 liter under each bush, depending on the age of the strawberries. The remaining grass can be spread between the rows.

Caring for strawberries after harvest in July

In July, most strawberry varieties stop bearing fruit, so the main work is carried out during this period.

To make the bush easier to bear pruning, it doesn’t hurt to feed it first. Per square meter you need to add a mixture of potassium chloride (20 g), ammonium nitrate (30 g) and superphosphate (50 g). The soil along with fertilizers must be thoroughly loosened to a depth of about 10 cm and slightly moistened.

It is necessary to loosen the soil carefully so as not to damage the roots, which are located almost on the surface. After fertilizing, be sure to sprinkle the bushes with soil so that the adventitious roots are thoroughly covered.

5-7 days after pruning, when new young leaves begin to grow, it will be necessary to re-feed with a solution from a bucket of water 2 tablespoons. spoons of nitrophoska and a glass of wood ash. It is necessary to water a liter and a half for each plant, depending on the age of the strawberry bushes.

After a week, you can fertilize the strawberries with a solution of chicken manure. It is diluted with water in proportions of 1:20 and watered at the root. 10 liters of solution is enough for 10 adult bushes and 20-25 young ones. In order for fertilizing to have the best effect, you must first moisten the beds.

Mineral fertilizing gives excellent results. To do this, you need to purchase a product specially designed for strawberries, dissolve it according to the instructions and treat the bushes. Amophoska is considered universal. It contains not only potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus, but also sulfur, magnesium and calcium.


Fertilizers should not contain chlorine. Strawberries cannot tolerate it.

In addition to mineral fertilizing, you can use humus. Strawberries always react positively to it. Compost is simply added to a hole dug around the bush. The top must be mulched with peat.

Caring for strawberries after harvest in August

The last month of summer is dry and hot during the day, so watering comes to the fore. It should be done at least twice a week. Sometimes there is a need to do this more often. You can determine that a plant lacks moisture by looking at drooping leaves.

Watering is carried out at the root or according to the principle of sprinkling.


If the leaves continue to turn yellow and dry out, they need to be trimmed.

Feeding also continues in August. To do this, use a solution of bird droppings (1:20 with water) or mullein (1:15 with water). A ten-liter bucket should be enough for 10-15 bushes. If there is a need to replant old bushes or plant new ones, this should also be done at the end of August so that the plants have time to take root.

In September, flowers begin to form on some varieties of strawberries. The berries will not have time to ripen, so the plant will simply waste its energy. Therefore, you need to pick off the color and continue to remove the tendrils and old leaves.

Before the onset of cold weather, strawberries must be fed. To do this, you can use a solution of chicken manure, which will provide additional warmth during wintering. It wouldn't hurt to dust the beds wood ash. Be sure to inspect the bushes, removing yellowed leaves and plants that did not take root after transplantation.

Watering strawberries after harvest

It is advisable to water even more often than before picking berries. In order for moisture to remain in the ground longer and reach the roots in sufficient quantities, it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil around the bushes and mulch.

The frequency of watering is individual in each case. The soil in the garden should always be moist! A dry earthen lump should not form. But there is no clear schedule. There are only recommendations. You need to focus on the weather. If it rains, there is no need for watering. If it is hot, then it should be done at least once a week. On average, 2-3 buckets of water are consumed per square meter.


For irrigation, water that has been settled and heated during the day should be used.

The most suitable option for strawberries is drip irrigation. Indeed, with this method the soil will always be sufficiently moist. You can use plastic bottles for this. You just need to cut off the bottom, dig them up to their “hangers” into the ground and fill them with water. They can use any volume, but it is more profitable to take five or even ten liters. They will need to be filled much less often than 1.5-2 liter bottles.

You can create a drip irrigation system using hoses. They are laid out along the beds, holes are made in the required places and connected to a water supply. This can be a water supply, but it is better to install a large barrel on a small hill and fill it with water. This way it will have the opportunity to heat up. But when choosing this option, you must take care of a filter that will protect the drip irrigation system from leaves, pebbles and other small debris.

In terms of growing strawberries, Oktyabrina Ganichkina places special emphasis on spring care of the plantings. As soon as the frost ends, you need to remove the artificial cover from it and carefully move aside the foliage or other natural “blanket”. This way the young shoots will develop well. There is no need to water; at first, the soil moisture is more than enough for strawberries.

But pest control won't hurt. The most proven method is dusting with wood ash. This will repel dangerous insects and provide additional feeding to the bushes.

After 2 weeks, you can fertilize with a solution of bird droppings (1:20) or mullein (1:15).

After another week, you can start watering. While it is not too hot, it is enough to do this once every 10-14 days, then the procedure will need to be carried out 2 times a week.

Be sure to regularly weed and loosen the soil, as well as mulch the beds. Oktyabrina Ganichkina advises placing peelings of potatoes, carrots and other vegetables between the strawberry bushes. She claims that this will help enrich the soil with additional nutrients, as well as retain sufficient moisture.

Autumn care for remontant strawberries

Remontant strawberries bear fruit several times a season, so caring for them differs from ordinary ones. Pruning work begins around early to mid-September. Mowing is not recommended, because new foliage will not have time to grow before the cold weather. You need to trim off the tendrils and old or diseased leaves with sharp scissors or pruning shears. Before this, you need to slightly moisten the soil, but if the nights are already cold, then it is better to do this during the day.


Removing tendrils and weeding on remontant strawberries should be carried out throughout the growing season.

After the procedure, it is necessary to loosen the soil, mulch with straw, hay, fallen leaves or freshly cut green manure.

Unlike conventional varieties, it is not possible to feed remontant strawberries three times, so it is optimal for them to use complex fertilizers that contain all the necessary nutrients, necessary for the plant for wintering and full development for the next season.

Caring for Victoria after harvest

Victoria finishes bearing fruit in late August and early September. Caring for it involves the correct formation of bushes. Victoria’s plants are compact and should not grow, otherwise it will negatively affect the quality of the fruit.

How to care for strawberries after planting in the fall

After planting strawberries in the fall, the beds are mulched with peat, sawdust, straw or freshly cut green manure.

Strawberries will not require any further interventions until wintering. You will only need to water it once a week while it is hot, and two weeks before sheltering, fertilize it with a solution charcoal(a glass per bucket of water) or bird droppings (1:15 with water).

Before the onset of cold weather, you need to loosen the soil between the rows, carefully examine the bushes for damaged, diseased and weakened leaves, and you also need to pay attention to the possible presence of pests. They often spend the winter in a warm shelter that is created around strawberries. To scare them away, you can use special means or simply spread onion and garlic peels along the rows and dust them with wood ash.

Covering strawberries for the winter

Young strawberries must be covered for the winter! She is not yet strong enough to withstand frost on her own without additional help.

For shelter, you can use agrofibre, ordinary pieces of fabric, old blankets, etc. Fallen leaves or straw will reliably protect you from the cold. But the natural shelter must be additionally secured so that it is not blown away by gusts of wind. The stalks left over from growing corn or thin trimmed tree branches are great for this. They are laid out along the row spacing.

The first option is more acceptable, because with the help of artificial shelter, while the cold is just beginning, the beds can be covered at night and opened during the day. This way the bushes will be more hardened. You can’t do this with a natural “blanket”.

You can treat strawberries against pests or in early spring or after the end of fruiting. It is dangerous to do this during flowering and fruiting.

After pruning, the strawberries should be treated with a light pink solution of potassium permanganate. This helps to disinfect the cutting areas and remaining sprouts, as well as the soil around the bushes.

One of the most common attackers strawberry beds The pest is the weevil. To protect against it, the drug Intavir is used. The treatment must be carried out twice, once every 14 days. It is also used to kill insects. If affected, the solution is applied once a week.

An iodine solution (10 drops per bucket of water) helps to ward off pests from strawberries. Spraying is carried out once every 10-14 days.


Before treating pests, it is necessary to weed and loosen the beds.

Strawberries suffer from fungal diseases. The causative spores are carried by the wind, by the tools used for work, and even by drops of water when watering or during rain.

High humidity, thickening of plantings, placement of beds in lowlands, as well as excessive amounts of nitrogen during fertilizing contribute to the development of diseases.

Biological products Fitosporin or Fitoplus help protect strawberries from rot.


To protect the berries from rot, it is necessary to pick them from the bushes in a timely manner, not allowing them to become overripe.

The drug Zircon is considered a new product. It is used for foliar treatment. It is absorbed into the leaf and helps the plant activate its own forces to resist diseases and viruses.

A remedy that has been proven over the years is Bordeaux mixture. A solution of a teaspoon per 500 ml of water is sprayed on the plantings before flowering, after harvesting and after mowing or pruning.

It is necessary to regularly inspect the strawberry beds, promptly removing affected leaves or plants if it is too late to take action.

One of folk remedies to combat diseases and pests is to plant marigolds, garlic and other fragrant plants next to the berries.

Growing strawberries is a complex process only at first glance. To get an excellent harvest, simply follow these recommendations:

  • planting should be carried out from May to early June or from late August to mid-September;
  • For propagation, the first tendrils from the mother bush are best suited, all others must be removed;
  • processing of strawberries is carried out exclusively before flowering and then after fruiting;
  • all work with strawberries should be carried out either early in the morning or after sunset;
  • cutting leaves and removing tendrils should only be done with sharp scissors or pruners;
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Every gardener loves to harvest large harvests of strawberries. But its cultivation does not end there. In this article you can find out what actions are necessary to prepare strawberries for the new harvest season.

Many gardeners who grow strawberries on their plots will not be able to answer how strawberries develop after harvesting and what to do after fruiting. But proper care of strawberries after picking the berries becomes the basis for a good harvest next year. It is necessary to carry out preparatory measures in the fall.


Strawberries begin to bloom and bear fruit very early. Around the middle of the season, the first berries begin to ripen. However, during this time, the plants simply would not be able to obtain all the necessary substances in sufficient quantities to form sweet and large berries.

A natural question may arise here: how is such a harvest formed? The future harvest begins to form at the end of summer of the previous year. As soon as the harvest of fragrant berries is harvested, new buds begin to form, flowers grow and mustaches grow. It is very important to take care of your strawberries at this time.

Please note that different varieties of strawberries will ripen differently. The majority of varieties finish bearing fruit at the beginning of summer. However, the latest varieties of remontant strawberries can ripen until mid-August. Therefore, the timing of events may shift.

Mulching with straw


After the end of the fruiting period, the foliage on the strawberry bushes begins to die off and be replaced by new ones. Thus, the strawberries themselves get rid of old leaves after harvesting, what should a gardener do (video) in this case? It is necessary to help the plants get rid of excess old leaves and trim them.

Reasons to get rid of leaves:

  • Old leaves can no longer participate in the process of photosynthesis as effectively. They require much more nutrients to maintain them than the benefits they can bring. If the leaves begin to turn yellow and die due to their old age, then you should help the plants and carefully remove them.
  • Leaves need to be removed if they have been affected by diseases or mites. Such leaves must not only be trimmed, but also burned to completely destroy the infection. Tools that will be used to trim leaves must be disinfected so as not to spread the infection to all plants.

After this procedure, it would be appropriate to feed the strawberries so that the strawberry roots have time to gain nutrients before the winter period.

During this same period, the mustache begins to actively form. When processing strawberries after harvest, it is important to know what to do with the mustache. Strawberry whiskers are a means of reproduction. If there is no need for this, then you can cut them all off. Otherwise, 1-2 best copies are left. They dig in carefully.

It is not advisable to start trimming your mustache. In this case, all the nutrients necessary for the formation of new buds will be spent on the development of mustaches and rosettes, which will still be trimmed.

Treatment of strawberry bushes should be carried out constantly, but the bulk of the work occurs in the period after fruiting. If after such treatment the strawberry bushes are completely without leaves, you should not panic. Before the onset of winter, it will have time to grow new foliage.

Weed removal

There is nothing complicated in loosening the soil, although there are some features that should be taken into account when carrying out this agricultural activity.

  • The soil between the bushes is loosened thoroughly, but carefully and not deeply. The main part of the roots is located at a depth of 10 cm. It is necessary to loosen so as not to affect the roots.
  • When loosening, you should lightly hill up the soil so that the side roots are underground.
  • When caring for strawberries after harvest, the question may arise, what to do with weeds. Weeding and weed removal is very convenient to carry out simultaneously with loosening.


During flowering and fruiting, it is not recommended to apply nitrogen-containing fertilizers. They promote the formation of new foliage. And this is not very good for ripening berries. But after fruiting is completed, everything changes dramatically, and fertilizers containing nitrogen are especially necessary for strawberries.

Fertilizing strawberries


Before the onset of winter, watering should be carried out regularly. Watering is very important for caring for strawberries after fruiting; what to do next and how to water correctly can be found below.

  • The soil must be kept moist. This can be ensured by regular watering.
  • Frequent and superficial watering does not give the desired result. It is better to water strawberries rarely, but abundantly. Heavy watering every 7-10 days is considered optimal.
  • To protect the soil from drying out quickly, it should be mulched with peat or use non-woven covering material.
  • Watering should be done in the morning or evening, otherwise the strawberry leaves may get burned.

Carrying out proper irrigation after harvesting will have a positive impact on the quality of the crop that can be obtained in the next harvest year.

Treatment for diseases and insects

Diseases and insects can cause enormous damage to strawberry plantings. In some cases, this can lead to the complete destruction of all plants. Therefore, it is necessary to treat plantings annually against the most common pests and diseases. It is better to do this after harvesting so as not to disturb the flowering and ripening of the berries. How signs of disease appear on strawberries after harvest, and what to do (video) to combat them, can be found below.


Powdery mildew

  • Powdery mildew. The disease occurs quite often and manifests itself in the form of white plaque. Fungal spores overwinter in the affected parts of plants and are carried by the wind when favorable conditions occur. May lead to slower development of berries and further drying.
  • Gray rot. A small spot of gray or brown color begins to appear on the berries, on which a gray mossy coating then forms. Such berries begin to rot very quickly and become unsuitable for food. On foliage such signs are much less common.
  • Brown spot. The fungus develops on old leaves from mid-summer. A sign of the disease is the formation of brown spots. The fungus negatively affects the formation of flower buds, which can have a bad effect on the future harvest.
  • Late blight rot. Brown spots appear on the berries, which gradually spread to the entire surface of the berries. The berries themselves acquire a bitter taste and fall off. Dark green spots of heterogeneous shapes form on the foliage.
  • White spotting. It manifests itself in the appearance of brown spots on any part of the strawberry bush. Later the spots turn white. The fungus reduces the yield of bushes on which it has managed to develop.


Pests can cause the destruction of the entire crop. They easily overwinter in plants, and in the spring they begin to feed on their juices. Therefore, it is very important to know the signs of their appearance on strawberries after harvest, and what to do to get rid of these pests.

Spider mite

  • Nematodes. Small and poorly distinguishable worms that usually live in the soil. They reproduce very quickly. They stick to accessible parts of the plant, feeding on its juices and poisoning it with their enzymes. They are very difficult to remove, and in advanced cases it is necessary to change the soil.
  • Strawberry mite. Quite a small insect. Overwinters at the base of leaves. Mite larvae feed on plant sap, after which they become wrinkled and yellowish, and then die off altogether.
  • Strawberry-raspberry weevil. A small black beetle, only 3 mm long. They overwinter under the remains of leaves. With the onset of warmth, young individuals begin to feed on leaves and buds. As flowering begins, female beetles begin to lay eggs in the buds.
  • Small black mower. Small black bugs, up to 5 mm long. They overwinter underground, where they lay eggs. The larvae prefer to feed on roots, and the young beetles prefer to feed on leaves.


The best way to protect your crop from pests and insects is to take preventive measures.

The structure of a strawberry bush

  • Growing resistant varieties will help protect plants from diseases and pests.
  • It is not for nothing that compliance with the rules of crop rotation is considered fundamental in gardening. You can grow strawberries in one place for no more than 2 years in a row. Then it should be transplanted to another place.
  • Most strawberry diseases are fungal. Therefore, after harvesting, the area can be treated with fungicides for preventive purposes. This is strongly recommended if signs of disease have been detected
  • The use of insecticides will help destroy most insects that live on plants and feed on their juices. This procedure should be carried out after harvesting so as not to interfere with flowering and not turn the berries into an inedible poison.
  • Weeds often harbor pests, so they need to be removed from the area as soon as possible.

Compliance with these simple rules will help prepare strawberry bushes for winter, and in the spring the efforts spent will pay off in the form of a rich harvest. Knowing how strawberries develop after harvest and what to do (video) after removing all the berries, you can develop the optimal plan for growing these plants.

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