Design of a village house inside with photos: how to create a unique interior with your own hands. Wooden house inside: original ideas for a stylish interior Interior of a house in a village

Every resident of the metropolis dreams of hiding from the bustle of the city in a cozy village house, sleeping on a feather bed fluffed by a caring grandmother, and having breakfast with fresh milk and buns. But if fresh milk with buns is an impossible dream, then it is quite possible to recreate the rustic comfort not only in a country house, but, if desired, in a city apartment. It is only important to choose a direction in a given style and follow it exactly.

Features of the interior of a village house inside

Village houses differ depending on what territorial area they are located in and what culture they belong to. For example, decoration village house in the Siberian outback will be significantly different from the hut of the inhabitants of the south of Russia.

And a traditional Japanese house is incomparable to provincial style French village.

Uniting moments of all houses rural residents are the naturalness of materials, simplicity of finishing and hand-made household and decorative items. Most often, arts and crafts items were used, since any thing, even the most exquisite, for example, a knitted tablecloth or embroidered towels, had a completely practical use.

In Russian village houses, which were located in forest areas, the house itself, pieces of furniture: beds, tables, benches and chests were made of strong, durable wood.

In mountainous areas, solidity was emphasized in the design of the house and in the interior using stone.

Interior styles

  • Provence and country

Country style, the style of a simple country house, with functional handmade things, has gained popularity in many countries and has received many directions. American country is based on practicality, functionality and comfort. Brickwork, high-quality furniture, although well-worn, copper dishes and a lot of homespun textiles, including those made using the patchwork technique. The main color is the color of the American prairies - terracotta.

Provincial French Country - Provence style epitomizes the charm of the lavender region of France, filled with the colors of the sea, herbs and flowers. Interior in Provence style is a combination of simplicity and romance. Bright rooms with furniture from natural wood as if bleached by the sun. Textiles are durable and delicate in shades of nature: blue, green, white, lemon, sand. A characteristic feature of this style is the presence of ceramics - in external and interior decoration, home decoration.

  • Interior in the spirit of France

Classic house interior french style can be expressed by the phrase “chic without pretension.” The entire furnishings and decoration of the house are exquisite, filled with antiques, but with a touch of slight negligence, expressed in an abandoned shawl, a bouquet of wild flowers in an antique vase or asymmetrically arranged furniture.

Chalet style

A house for shepherds, this is how the word “chalet” is translated, which gives the name to the interior style. A chalet-style house is a real fortress made of powerful stones and durable logs, with a gently sloping gable roof and huge windows. The main decoration of such a house is the picturesque landscapes outside the windows. This interior is not particularly light-filled, because the main finishing is natural wood. Interior items are brutal in everything: in structure, in color shades. Soft carpets, furs, leather bring a bit of coziness to the interior.

English style

Distinctive features The English style is not only good quality, simplicity and restraint, but also luxury:

  • finishing of wooden walls requires the presence of stucco;
  • classic furniture implies convenience and comfort;
  • accessories are varied, with an abundance of exotic gizmos.

The colors of the English style are rich and noble: red, burgundy, chocolate, dark green. Lighting fixtures are characterized by interesting finishes.

Textiles play a big role in home decoration: heavy curtains and light draped curtains, colorful furniture upholstery made of expensive fabric and colorful pillows decorate the house and create an atmosphere of comfort.

It is in this style that paintings serve as wall decoration.

Japanese style

Japanese style is based on the principle of free space, in which sliding structures are present in everything: as walls and windows, in furniture elements.

Japanese home furnishings are designed to live on the floor. Therefore, low furniture is expected. All shapes are simple geometric without abundance decorative elements.

Authentic objects are used as decoration: fans, lithographs and hieroglyphs.

Mediterranean style

The style of port cities, elegant, romantic and unpretentious, remains one of the most popular for home interiors. Its characteristic features:

  • a lot of light and color;
  • abundance of stone and wooden furniture;
  • handmade textiles of fine workmanship: lace, openwork embroidery;
  • stained glass windows and mosaic panels;
  • wicker furniture and a variety of house plants and flowers;
  • the paintings are bright and colorful;
  • windows decorated with light curtains.

The Mediterranean style includes many colors and ethnic shades, therefore it is very democratic, multifunctional and extremely decorative.

Russian style

The basis of a Russian village house is a log hut with a huge Russian stove, with icons in the corner, with an abundance of bleached and unbleached linen.

Furniture and household items are made thoroughly and reliably. There is no frivolous romanticism or deliberate decoration in the interior; everything feels practical and functional.

Decorative elements are based on a mixture of different styles and trends, attracting attention and decorating the room. And this is also an indispensable cleanliness and a hospitable table.


The time of globalization, when all boundaries are erased, brings to the fore a style that contains all the best that other styles have - eclecticism. In order to create a work of art in a mixed style, you need to choose some neutral style for the canvas and apply it to it. bright accents and color spots. It is considered harmonious to use no more than three bright colors and no more than three styles against a classic background. In this style there is a place for the most amazing things: an abstract painting or stuffed animal, unusual furniture or a painted wall.

Mandatory elements of a wooden village house

A rustic wooden house is designed for the life of a busy person agriculture. Therefore, its main purpose is to create comfort and coziness in a simple way. Furniture for storing things and dishes should be spacious, without decorative frills, and not require polishing or painting.

Textiles for curtains and table linen should be in bright colors and set off the discreet walls. Beds and bed sheets ordinary but durable.

A mandatory attribute of a village house should be a chest, preferably not a “remake”, but one that served faithfully to the ancestors.

Dolls made from scraps, rugs made from remnants of fabric, knitted lampshades, curtains with hemlines, lace valances and even embroidered carpets will find a worthy place in a country house.

Advantages of wooden houses

Wooden house- a living organism, with a unique atmosphere, designed for more than one generation. A wooden house is warm in winter and cool in summer. It maintains a certain level of humidity because wood allows it to “breathe.” Owners of wood smoke inhale medicinal air filled with phytoncides released by the tree.

  • The living warmth of a village hearth

All village houses had a hearth with a real fire; this was vital for heating the home and for cooking. There were different sources of heat, but the main ones were and remain relevant today are the stove and fireplace.

  • Russian stove

The Russian stove returns to space country houses and serves for its intended purpose and as a decorative element. No worthy replacement has been found for this device, which is characteristic of Russian culture.

  • Fireplace

A fireplace is a hearth with an open fire that serves to heat the room and attracts the opportunity to admire the flames. It is often an accent in modern houses. There are many shapes and designs of this device capable of decorating a home and creating an atmosphere of warmth.


In order not to disturb the harmony of a village house, the first step is to abandon plastic dishes. The choice is to choose dishes in the style that fills a country house:

copper and ceramic for Provence;

  • clay and wooden for Russian style;
  • earthenware for English.

Of course, you can use modern products, but stylized in antique or country style.

Appliances for a country house

Appliances will not disturb the decoration of a village house if it is properly built in and hidden in cabinets. Even the television panel can be covered with painted shutters.

Design in different rooms

  • Kitchen

The kitchen is the center of a village house; in the old days it replaced the hall, the hallway, and the living room. Therefore, the traditions of honoring cuisine have been preserved to this day. This room should be bright, the ceilings and walls in which are whitewashed, covered with wallpaper with floral or floral patterns. You can use modern material and decorate the room with wood panels. Self-knitted rugs, embroidered table linen, and bouquets of natural dried flowers: wheat ears, oregano, St. John's wort or tansy will add color. You can choose dishes made by designer workshops, clay, ceramic or wood.

  • Living room

The interior design of the guest room of a modern country house is distinguished not only by functionality, but also by comfort. A mandatory component is the presence upholstered furniture with embroidered pillows, cozy curtains and a fireplace. The carpet will create additional comfort.

  • Bedroom

The central place in the bedroom is intended for big bed made of wood or metal. All bedding should preferably be made from natural high-quality materials. A the best option is a feather bed with a mass of fluffed pillows.

The bedroom furniture, like the bed, is massive, simple and durable. You can give preference to carved or painted furniture in ancient traditions.

  • Children's

A nursery in a rustic style will allow kids to grow up in an environment filled with natural materials. The simplicity of the interior and the absence of deliberate decorativeness will only stimulate the development of children's imagination.

  • Corridor

The corridor must match the style of the house. Wooden furniture, hangers made by master carvers, wicker storage boxes, stools for convenience, metal accessories and original lighting everything should be aimed at solving practical problems.

How to decorate a village house with your own hands

You can start filling up a village house by bringing in household items left over from your grandparents: a poker, jars, a clock with a walker, wicker baskets or a spinning wheel.

Only a person trained in carpentry can make furniture. If you don’t have such a skill, you can start restoring old furniture.

You can sew textiles for the entire home yourself, even using a mechanical sewing machine. sewing machine: curtains, tablecloths, potholders and even bed linen.

On long winter evenings, gathered in front of a live fire, you can crochet napkins, embroider tablecloths using the cutwork technique, sew patchwork quilts or knit multi-colored rugs.

In summer, prepare dried flowers and make bouquets filled with them solar energy.

You can paint the furniture yourself using a stencil or decoupage technique.

In a village house, compositions from natural materials as decorative elements for decorating hangers, beds, stairs.

In order to return to your roots and raise your children in the spirit of your ancestors, you can create or recreate the interior of a village house. Enjoy the simplicity of the interior and human relationships, see the big in the small and be able to appreciate this small.

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This is how it looked before the renovation... Rotten wooden frames, covered on the outside with double film, from the cold and wind... On the left is an old veranda with a sagging porch canopy...

For those who are about to make repairs in their home, it seems...

These were the windows and window sills.

We started putting the house in order from the foundation.

We open the corners of the house one by one, remove the rotten logs of the crowns using a chainsaw, put up the formwork, lay big stones and crushed stone, we lay the reinforcement so that its ends remain open (for subsequent fastening it to the poured foundation), we wrap the crown log with roofing felt and fill it with concrete. Here is the finished cabinet.

And so on all four corners of the house and its middle, around the perimeter. Total - 8 cabinets. The process is labor-intensive and difficult, but the result is worth it... When the cabinets were finished, we made a pile around the entire perimeter. The continuation of external work was postponed until next summer. And we got busy internal renovation Houses...

This a large room and let's start with it. This is what it looked like before the renovation:

This is her right corner... and this, in the photo below, is the left corner. In the process of writing the topic, I will stick to these two corners...

First, we completely tore off all the layers of old wallpaper. The windows were still old, but we were already waiting for specialists to install plastic windows.

The old stove was dismantled...and the stove maker put together a new one.

AND THE RESULT DID NOT KEEP MYSELF WAITING LONG...I decided to close one window completely and make one big one - there will be a dining room there.

After installing the windows, the men began to dismantle the old floor, level the joists and place brick cabinets under them...

Then they laid the floors with old boards (they will last for a very long time, since they are thick and dry), and in places where there were rotten ones, they replaced them with new boards.

I installed a metal profile frame for the walls and ceiling... my mistake was that first you need to do the ceiling, and then the walls, and not vice versa. I found the technique for performing this work on the Internet, I won’t go into detail on it. If you If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer what I know...

Attaching the frame to the ceiling is much more difficult, my neck hurts...

When the metal frame is completely ready, you can sew gypsum boards onto it, preferably in a checkerboard pattern, starting from the ceiling! Don’t forget to spread out the electrical wiring and hide it in the corrugated channel, behind the profile, and install the distributor boxes in a place convenient for you.

In this photo you see wooden blocks, I screwed them on for later mounting of bookshelves. I attach exactly the same ones, only thinner, under the ceiling above the windows (for attaching cornices).

When all the walls and ceiling are covered with gypsum board, we putty with a putty knife and level all the joints between the sheets and the places where the screws are screwed in with this compound...

We lay reinforced mesh along the corners and seams to strengthen the joints, and after everything is dry, we sand it and apply a primer to the walls and ceiling.

And now the most interesting moment - wallpapering. I took white vinyl for the ceiling and with delicate roses for the walls...

When the wallpaper was dry, I mutually agreed

I invited a team of craftsmen to finish their work in this room on the windows (slopes and window sills).

After that, I glued the ceiling plinth, hung the shelves on the wall, put my flowers on the window sills, which the guys from the company had already installed for us...

The carpenter helped install the interior door, only later did I find out that it was upside down... (what a difference!) as long as it functioned normally...

Doorways pasted a white corner on liquid nail. WITH right side The stove is new and heats all the rooms at once.

The firebox itself is located in the bathroom...

I laid underlayment on the subfloor, then fiberboard and linoleum. Then floor skirting boards I screwed it on with self-tapping screws and voila - beauty!!!

Here's the thing about this big room...

Some of you wanted to see more details about the concrete cabinets, so I added the details... So, the windows are installed, the house is sheathed on the outside flat slate and a pile was made around the house until next summer...

Now let's continue with exterior work, after the cold winter and summer.

When all the cabinets are ready, gradually, opening each side of the house from the rubble, we remove the rotten logs of the lower crown, wrap the dry ones with waterproofing,

we install the formwork, lay the reinforcement, connecting it to the ends of the reinforcement of the corner pedestals and fill it with concrete...

We do this together with a man, under my strict guidance...

Who among us does not dream of a cozy beautiful house in a village where you can relax calmly from the bustle and noise of the city? A country home can also be furnished quite comfortably and stylishly. There are many different ideas village house design. Let's look at some of them.

Today in interior design Vintage style is very popular in rooms. Do not rush to get rid of old, sometimes even rare things in pursuit of modern innovations. Retro elements give the room a certain zest and make them more comfortable.

For example, if you still have an old cracked chest of drawers, even with scratches, do not throw it away, but think about how to organically fit it into the living room or bedroom. Worn antique wood cabinets can also be used in the design of rooms or kitchens. They are even specially artificially aged if they do not look rare enough.

Also, old chairs on wheels will create a peaceful and rustic atmosphere in the house - they can just be covered with new fabric. It is very comfortable to sit in such chairs with a book in your hands on quiet evenings.

Another rare item that will organically fit into a rustic interior is an antique carpet. The vintage design will be complemented by a fireplace stylized as a stove and candlesticks from past centuries. Being in such a room, you will feel like you have been transported back in time a couple of centuries ago.

The combination of old things with new looks very original. Worn parquet flooring and raw oak beams will look great not only with aged furniture, but also with modern interior items. This mix gives the house a special character and originality. Things that are completely unusable can be restored or you can purchase decorative vintage elements of unique furniture in a store or shops. For example, like on the legs of this bathtub.

You can arrange rooms in different styles. For example, combine two adjacent ones and make one in Victorian style, the second in classical style.

An original design addition to any room in a village house will be a large painting depicting rural landscapes, huts, barns or herds of cows. Choose any piece of art at your discretion.

Simplicity and at the same time versatility will add to the home wooden benches, tables and stools. They can be placed in all rooms and even on the veranda. Believe me, these pieces of furniture will be appropriate everywhere.

Such unusual lamps also add to the modern rustic interior a touch of antiquity. As a rule, they are hung above kitchen table and in the dining room. Lamps will suit any style.

The very popular country style is perfect for a country house. It can be created in American, Russian, and even Scandinavian styles.

Since mixing styles is encouraged today, feel free to combine several trends in the design of rooms. A modern country-style country house can contain, for example, elements of an American ranch and a French chalet.

The traditional and somewhat prim English style will also look advantageous in the interior country house. This style is characterized by dark wooden furniture and leather chairs. Sometimes modern kitchen in a country house they are complemented with elements of English style.

The classic arch as an alternative does not go out of fashion interior doors. For the design of a village house, this solution will be one of the most optimal.

Woven rugs, various small pillows, embroidered curtains, fresh flowers in vases, paintings, textiles and lace will perfectly complement the decoration of a house in the village. It is advisable to choose all decorative elements in pastel colors.

A wooden house gives its happy inhabitants warmth, harmony of nature and a healthy atmosphere. But besides this, it is important to decorate its interior in accordance with your preferences and modern trends. Especially for you, in this article we have collected 30 photos with examples of what an interior can look like. wooden house inside - in different styles and sizes. Chic alpine chalets, small Russian huts and much more!

Interior design of a wooden house: choosing a style

Among the styles for the interior design of a wooden house, today they are an example of exemplary design. Wooden walls, stonework, traditional fireplaces, high ceilings, big windows, decor in the form of animal skins and accessories for hunting - the entire appearance of the interior of a wooden house speaks of comfort, prosperity and a country lifestyle.

Interiors of little ones wooden houses logs are often decorated in rustic country, Provence or Russian hut styles. In the following photos you can see that the inside is often decorated with colorful and lace fabrics, carpets, oversized furniture and traditional decor.

Also among the leading trends in the interior design of wooden houses, minimalism should be mentioned. Both of them are characterized by painting the walls in light colors, as well as the use of simple, but comfortable furniture. Scandinavian interiors are also complemented with ethnic-style fabrics, skins, and florists. It is especially good to use these styles when decorating modern houses from laminated veneer lumber to highlight their smooth and straight lines.

Decorating the walls of a wooden house inside (ideas with photos)

The main advantage of any wooden house is a natural material that breathes and retains heat. Covered with a special varnish or wax, the wood will highlight the unique and natural look your home. If you think that the interior of a wooden house looks too cramped and stuffy, then you can decorate one or more of the walls in a cool, light color. Typically, plaster or drywall is used for this, which is then primed and covered with paint or wallpaper.

Also read:

How else can you cover the walls of a wooden house inside? Popular options include:

  • facing stone;
  • brick.

All of them are much more durable than drywall or plaster, but they are more expensive - both the material itself and its installation. Examples of such interiors of wooden houses are in the photo:

It is also worth noting that to complete the picture, the ceilings in a wooden house are decorated with beams and massive chandeliers, and solid wood, high-quality parquet and laminate or stone-effect tiles are used to finish the floor.

How to decorate the interior of a wooden house inside

Furniture and decor for the interior of a wooden house are selected depending on the tree itself. Bleached wood will be an excellent backdrop for design in modern style or Provence. More suitable for a chalet dark shade wood, and country style fits perfectly into any log house. It is important to remember that light wood in the house creates a feeling of lightness and warmth. Dark wood, on the contrary, gives the interior a more secluded and elegant look. Remember that the lighting inside a wooden house should be brighter or more targeted, so that there are no dark corners.

The heart of almost every wooden house is a living room with. Lay a beautiful carpet next to it, move the chairs closer and enjoy a cozy conversation! At the end of our article, we invite you to enjoy 15 more photos of the interiors of wooden houses.

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