Design of a hallway in a private house: photo ideas for creating an original interior. Interior of a hallway in a private house Cold hallway in a private house

The hallway is one of the most important premises in the house, because it is she who immerses us in the atmosphere of the home from the first steps. However, when renovating this room, little attention is often paid: they say that the bedroom, living room or kitchen are much more important.

Let's break stereotypes.

Today we’ll talk about how to create the design of a magnificent hallway in a private house so that it matches the overall atmosphere, surprises guests and delights the owners. And we look beautiful photos for inspiration.

Design of an entrance hall in a private house with a staircase

When you start arranging your hallway, remember that this room is as important as the rest in your home. It should be as ergonomic as possible and not look cluttered. Match the style of the house, but not be pretentious.

The design of the hallway in a house with a staircase will be harmonious and stylish if you add functionality to the room. Since the staircase takes up a lot of space and immediately attracts the attention of those entering, bulky cabinets and furniture sets are clearly unnecessary here.

The question arises: “Where should I put my outerwear?”

It's very simple! Equip functional space under the stairs to your liking, and the room will sparkle with new colors!

The maximum that can be placed in a hallway with a staircase is a pouf for sitting. It will be more convenient to change shoes with it.

Design of a small hallway in a private house - options in the photo

If your hallway was originally designed to be cramped and uncomfortable, don’t despair. With the help of several design tricks you can make it quite beautiful and ergonomic.

Technique one: “Mirrors”

Not everyone will like mirrored walls from ceiling to floor. However, in conditions of a small hallway, they can create the effect of significantly expanding the space. Hang mirrors so that light is reflected in them, and visually there will be more space in your hallway.

Technique two: “Glossy surfaces”

Decorating the walls in light colors and furnishings using glossy surfaces eliminates the feeling of lack of space. Remember that the color scheme of the entrance room should be harmonious, and the furniture should match the overall style of the house.

Technique three: “Built-in niches”

Pull-out shelves, built-in wardrobes and sliding doors will help get rid of the cluttered effect of a small hallway.

Technique four: “Spot lighting”

A small hallway in a private house should be well lit. In addition to the central chandelier, we recommend illuminating dark areas using spot illumination. This technique will allow you, firstly, to adjust the lighting depending on the time of day, and secondly, it will visually expand the space with a small square footage.

Large entrance hall in a private house: design and layout options in the photo

It would seem that you can take a walk here! However, do not rush to fill a large hallway with unnecessary decorative elements and bulky furniture.

Since you are lucky with the square footage of the hallway, try to maintain a feeling of spaciousness and remember ergonomics.

Poufs for sitting, a laconic wardrobe for outerwear and a mirror in full height- these are the three necessary elements in any hallway, even a very spacious one.

If it seems to you that a large space is simply empty, place a small round table with a stylish flowerpot right in front of the front door. This will immediately involve guests in an atmosphere of comfort and give a hint of the host’s hospitality.

Veranda-hallway in a private house: design, photo ideas

If your home has a covered veranda, it can also be used as a hallway. To do this, visually divide the space into two. At the front door, place a wardrobe for outerwear, a laconic pouf and shelves for shoes. Separate this area with a sofa, a wicker chair or a floor structure in the form of shelves, and voila - a stylish place for relaxation and evening gatherings by the window is ready!

Design of an entrance hall-living room in a private house

The hallway, smoothly flowing into the living room, has its own characteristics. It should not draw attention to itself, since the first and main thing that the person entering sees is the living room.

Equip the hallway-living room in unpretentious pastel colors, equip it with a stylish minimalist wardrobe and focus on bright color accents in the living room area. Then, having fulfilled its main functions, the entrance room will not interfere with the perception of the living room and the entire house as a whole.

As you have already seen, stylish design a hallway in a private house is a simple matter. The main thing is to clearly understand what exactly you want it to be. Remember, the hallway is the calling card of your home. Create an interior wisely, with inspiration, and don’t forget about individuality. Only then will the entrance room please the eyes of not only guests, but also the owners of the house!

What do we expect from the hallway? Dark and gloomy is unlikely to cheer you up before going to work. And a futile search for a scarf, lost somewhere since last winter, in a hurry can completely unsettle you for the whole day. Reasonable organization of space will help to avoid minor troubles. And aesthetic appeal will add emotional comfort to our lives. Ergonomic design The hallway in a private house is designed to take care of our convenience in every possible way.

The hallway is a passage place, which is why it got its unromantic name. Dirt and mechanical damage to the finish are common here. Therefore, when decorating the hallway, use durable, waterproof, wear-resistant and easy-to-clean materials!


Suitable for wall decoration:

  • vinyl wallpaper. Main advantages: possibility of wet cleaning, durability, variety of colors and patterns, reasonable price;
  • liquid wallpaper. It is worth considering for owners of hallways with original openings for doors, windows, and niches. Liquid wallpaper can easily help you finish it. A varnish coating easy to wash;
  • decorative plaster. Long-lasting, easy to apply and daily care. A wide selection will allow you to choose the color and pattern to suit your taste;
  • dye. Suitable option wall coverings in the hallway. But it will require additional time and material efforts. Walls to be painted must first be plastered and puttied. Or cover it with special wallpaper;
  • panels. MDF and PVC - board materials are very easy to install and maintain. There are sheet, tile and slatted panels. Durable and inexpensive. It is better to choose moisture-resistant ones. Often panels are used to finish the lower half of walls, combining in the upper part, for example, with vinyl wallpaper, as in the photo below;
  • natural finishing materials. Decorative stone, wood is not a cheap pleasure. They are also often used in combination with other types of finishing materials. The wood in the hallway is varnished or treated with a moisture-resistant compound.
Wall decoration with panels Decorating walls with paint
Wall decoration liquid wallpaper
Decorating walls with decorative plaster
Wall decoration with vinyl wallpaper


What types of flooring can withstand regular testing from hairpins, suitcase wheels, and even sports equipment? Among these coatings:

  • linoleum. For the hallway it is better to choose a commercial or semi-commercial type of linoleum. A household appliance may not be able to withstand the increased loads of the hallway and quickly become unusable;
  • laminate. The choice is huge. Therefore, pay attention to the strength and water resistance of the variety. It is also necessary to take care to protect the joints between the sheets of coating using moisture-resistant grout;
  • tile. Floor tiles for the hallway should not be fragile and slippery. A more expensive but reliable choice is porcelain tiles or a coating made of natural stone.

A combination of floor coverings can serve as an effective touch to the hallway interior. For example, tiles and parquet, as in the photo below.

Floor tiles
Linoleum for flooring
Combined option


The design of the hallway ceiling can also be different:

  • finishing ceiling. This includes whitewashing, painting, wallpapering, decorative plaster, installation of ceiling tiles. Don't forget that work surface before whitewashing, painting must be leveled, plastered and zashpa To to the left ;
  • suspended ceiling. The most expensive type of finishing. It is durable and easy to maintain, but installation requires specialists. A PVC film sheet will cost less than a fabric tension system. It can be multi-level, of various shapes, colors and textures. Fabric fabric, unlike PVC, has no seams, but there is also a wide variety of choices. But you can print any image on it. For example, as in the photo below;
  • suspended ceiling. Please note that its use will “shorten” the walls by 10 cm. If the ceiling height allows you to bear their loss painlessly, you can choose between plasterboard and plastic panels. After installation, the first one will have to be plastered, wallpapered or painted. The second one does not need additional finishing. Often in suspended structure A multi-level lighting system is installed on the ceiling.


The spacious entrance hall is good because it does not limit the owner when choosing colors for decoration. It is enough to be guided universal principle harmonious color scheme: the walls are darker than the ceiling, but lighter than the floor. It is especially important to adhere to it in a small hallway. In addition, the use of light shades will help to visually expand the space. If you prefer your hallway to feel warm and cozy, take a closer look at warm, natural tones.

Cool shades of light colors will give the room a more representative look. However, many consider this coloring of the hallway impractical. Even if easy-to-clean finishing materials are used. This is where combination comes to the rescue again. For example, a contrasting combination of “black bottom and light top” will make the hallway not only more practical, but also give it a stylish look.

Decorating one of the walls with a bright, rich color will add dynamics and life-affirming positivity to the interior. And at the same time it will help you adjust the space or defects in the hallway layout the way you want. Wide, vertical decorative inserts on plain walls, for example, made of finishing stone, will visually increase the height of the hallway ceiling.

The atmosphere of solid mystery created by dark tones also has its fans. You can confidently experiment, provided that the hallway is spacious and well lit. Remember that the decoration of the hallway and the adjacent corridor must be done in a single color scheme and style!

Reasonable organization of space

The next stage of decorating the hallway interior is choosing furniture. Of course, a wooden set looks better and is more durable. But its cost is impressive. An alternative can be laminated wood from different types of wood (MDF or chipboard). The materials cost an order of magnitude cheaper and have a wide range of texture and color variations, including natural wood. Some design styles involve the use of metal furniture in an ensemble with forged parts.

The design of a spacious hallway in a private house is the dream of any interior decorator. In addition to the main storage system, it is reasonable to allocate an area for placing an open hanger for drying wet outerwear, a chest of drawers, a shoe rack, an umbrella basket, a seating area or a whole rest area. All these details, when properly designed, will bring style and comfort to a room in the house that is not the most comfortable for its purpose.

However central place The hallway is occupied by a storage system. A popular option is spacious furniture sets made from unpainted wood. The use of a corner set rationally organizes the space. Moreover, if you equip open or closed shelves below for storing shoes, combined with a seating area. And at the top - for accessories and hats.

More economical option– purchase of modular furniture for the hallway, which consists of many separate segments, made at the factory, in the same style. From them you can create an ensemble that suits your needs.

Often the hallway doubles as a corridor. If at the same time it is elongated, it is better to place the furniture against a wall with fewer doors, as in the photo below. And a free wall can be decorated with a mirror, paintings, photos, or filled with shelves. Please note: pieces of furniture cannot be placed on both sides of a narrow hallway-corridor! Unless you want it to turn into a labyrinth with sharp corners.

When decorating a small hallway, it is better to make custom-made furniture. At a minimum cost, it will make it possible to “squeeze out” maximum benefit of square meters:

  • make hanging drawers above the storage system;
  • above the front door there is a mezzanine;
  • wardrobe - to the ceiling.

An option that combines all three possibilities is shown in the photo below. Holders small hallways Don’t forget about the ability of mirrors to reflect light and the environment, visually enlarging the space. All glossy surfaces have this property. For example, suspended ceiling, plastic panels, any glass trim or decor.

Combination of several techniques visual expansion space gives maximum effect. The photo below shows just such an interior option. small hallway in a private house. Decoration of walls and floors in beige tones, mirrored wardrobe doors, glossy surfaces of stretch ceilings and compact furniture, properly selected lighting.


Often, hallways do not have enough light even during the day. Proper lighting will complement and highlight the interior of a hallway in a private home. A good way out is to equip the room with a multi-level artificial lighting. But only if there are high walls that make it possible to create a suspended or suspended ceiling into which the system is mounted.

At traditional way lighting the hallway with ceiling chandeliers or shades is organically complemented by illumination of specific areas using lamps and sconces. Will dilute the classic application LED strips, which will effectively highlight the mirror, decorate a niche or ceiling. Hallway decor is fun creative process. But don’t forget: its result should not only be pleasing to the eye, but also be convenient for daily use.

The hallway is the calling card of every home. Therefore, it is so important to carefully consider the interior. can be ascetic or luxurious, dark or light, muted or bright. This depends on the placement and size of the corridor.

Apartment buildings cannot please us with a large area, therefore, the interior of the hallway in them involves exclusively necessary furniture: a mirror, a wardrobe, a telephone table, a shoe cabinet, a hanger.

in the house: we design the entrance to the house correctly

If we talk about decorating a corridor in a house, cottage or country villa, it is worth noting that there is room to expand. The owner arranges the entrance to the house at his own discretion. And, if necessary, he can also complete the corridor in which to organize the desired interior.

The hallway in a private house provides its owners with the opportunity to fantasize from the heart. Let's look at the different settings and layouts of this room.

Hallway size

The entrance to a private house can be long and narrow, square and wide, irregular or regular in shape. For all cases, you should choose yours in a private home. Examples beautiful design we will give in this article. And the tips below will help you with this.

Long hallway

Such a room can easily be divided into two: a hall and entrance area. You can put a door between them, or simply visually separate them with different floors or walls. For example, at the entrance you can lay linoleum on the floor or tile it, while laying parquet or carpeting in the hall. The steps going up from the door and separating the hall from the entrance area look great. In general, the interior of the hallway can be decorated in a very original way.

You can put cabinets with huge mirrored fronts in the entrance room, while in the hall you can place a shelf with a neat pull-out pouf. If the width of the hall allows, place small table, chair, figurine or large vase. With this zoning, the hall will already be internal part at home, therefore, it is recommended to decorate it in the same design style.

Wide hallway

In the design of a wide entrance room, they usually adhere to the same rules as for other cases: the floor must be durable (thick linoleum or tiles), the walls must be easy to clean, decorative plaster or washable painting is suitable here. To highlight such a hallway, a variety of finishing materials, colors, multi-level ceilings or floors are also used.

To illuminate the hallway sufficiently, you should not install a bright lamp above the door, creating good interior. The hallway in a private house can have several sources that will provide muted warm light: 2-3 spotlights or small lamps, a compact chandelier or sconce near the mirror on the wall.

Since you have plenty of free space, you can also arrange roomy and comfortable furniture:

  • chest of drawers - you can put a bronze figurine or one of the lamps on it;
  • wardrobe - outerwear, capes, bags and umbrellas can easily fit here;
  • bedside tables with soft top.

Often in a spacious and wide hallway you can see a grandfather clock. The cozy, measured tapping of the pendulum creates an amazing aura of serene calm in the room, which is conducive to confidential and pleasant communication.

Small hallway

The hallway area can be very small. There are two ways to increase it in the house. Can be built to required sizes entrance room. In addition, you can sacrifice a piece of the adjacent room, thus increasing the hallway. When creating the interior of a hallway in a private house, you also need to choose the right furniture. In the second case, the door can be left, and you can also make an arched open doorway.

Open hallway

Fans of space can completely demolish the walls and only visually highlight the entrance area. This can be done using multi-level ceilings and floors, lighting, different designs floors and walls. In that case, everything interior decoration the premises will be as if in the palm of your hand - the front door opens and you immediately find yourself in the house. Although there are many here too interesting options how to make an interesting interior.

The hallway in a private house is mainly laid out in such a way that it represents a separate area that unites all other rooms. Thanks to this, its furnishings should echo the various decorative elements of the dining room and living room, bathroom and bedroom.

How can you give the hallway interior unique and individual features? Use our tips below.


The floor covering must correspond to the purpose of the room: a room that will be the link between the clean interior space and a dirty street. When creating the interior of a hallway in a private house, you need to take into account that the main coating for such purposes can be ceramic tiles or linoleum. In front of the threshold it would be appropriate to place rugs with an unobtrusive pattern or plain colors, and preferably wicker mats. And away from the door, for example, under a hanger or near a mirror, you can place a small rectangular or round rug.


The decoration of this room, like all others, begins with the walls. At the same time, the impact on the walls here will be colossal. We lean against it very often while putting on our shoes. The wall covering suffers greatly from splashes that fly from umbrellas and jackets in rainy weather. Material that is too delicate may also suffer from the buckle on the bag. If you promise yourself to be careful, then you cannot guarantee the appropriate behavior of your guests.

But not only aesthetic, also practical requirements the interior must match. The hallway in a private house suggests the absence of simple paper wallpaper or textiles. It is necessary that the material is wear-resistant and durable.


In order for guests to find themselves in a bright room when they come to the house, it is imperative to provide high-quality lighting. Therefore, it is better to take care of availability spotlights. Currently, the use of LED strips is especially relevant - in interior design this is a win-win option. The use of lighting above the mirrors will powerful weapons to achieve an optical increase in space. In addition, the lower part of the walls, shelves and niches will give the room a spectacular look.


To avoid blocking the passage area in the hallway, use furniture with mirrored sliding doors. When choosing a hanger - the main symbol of every hallway - give preference to small open vertical ones, as well as one, yet spacious, horizontal hanger. If the size of the room allows, you can purchase a bedside table for shoes, an ottoman and a stand for a mirror. When decorating the corridor, avoid glass products and bulky furniture.

Decorative elements

Each of the elements must be very carefully thought out so as not to create the effect of clutter and disorder in the interior. The main design moves can be stands for hats and umbrellas, small key holders, clothes brushes and decorative boxes. An interesting way of decoration would be to place some kind of porcelain or bronze sculpture. Wicker baskets for your pet will harmoniously fit into the interior of the hallway; in addition, wall photographs also look good.


The beauty of living outside the city is that you can decorate the interior of the hallway in a private house as you wish. (you can do it with your own hands without any problems) should be in harmony with the rest of the furnishings of the living space. You can drape the walls from ceiling to floor with fabric or trim them with wood. Place any elements that match common interior Houses. For example, a carved chair, a grandfather clock, an antique chest of drawers or a table, a bronze figurine.

Also pay close attention to the combination of the terrace and hallway. Having glazed the first one, you can closed hallway turn it into a cozy and bright room. At the same time, removable double-glazed windows will turn the terrace into a summer veranda, thereby allowing fresh air into the house. Openwork chairs and a table, a small sofa and a rocking chair will look great in this room.

A well-organized corridor in a private house creates an excellent impression of the living space and its owner.

U different people attitude towards the hallway own home different, but everyone understands that this is the one room in which people spend the least time. Therefore, some refer to this room as a transshipment base where... Others believe that she is the face of the owner, which first of all catches the eye of guests at home. The latter are right, so you need to treat it as a full-fledged room, where certain laws of design and furniture distribution reign. So, in today’s review we will analyze the design of a hallway in a private house. Photos of furniture, finishing materials and other accessories will be considered without fail.

Getting into the hallway of a house, a person, paying attention to the design style, will definitely think that all the other rooms will be decorated in exactly the same way. And that's probably right. But no one can forbid the owner of the house to make exceptions to the rules, because the house is still his. But there are people who are always trying to get out of strict rules, some even try to surprise with their behavior and manners. So why can’t, for example, make the hallway in a minimalist style? That is, prohibitions on design decoration No.

But there are certain standards that are used to make the room comfortable to use. This will mainly be influenced by the overall dimensions of the room. If it is narrow, then, for example, you shouldn’t make it dark. So let's look at all the possible options. By the way, the interior of the hallway in the apartment is not much different from many positions. The main thing here is to place the accents correctly.

Interior design with a small hallway: photos with options

There is no need to despair if the hallway is a small room in which two people can hardly fit. After all, we don’t spend most of our time in this room. But I would like to open it and find myself in a cozy and beautiful place.

So, what needs to be done first so that the design of a small hallway does not press, scream or push away. The main task is to organize three main places that make the hallway as such. This:

  • a place where you can remove outer clothing;
  • the place where it will need to be stored;
  • a place where you can change your shoes and...

That is, these three areas must be present, the rest is possible. For the first of them, a site measuring 0.85×0.85 m is allocated. These parameters were used during construction as best option. You should not neglect them in a small hallway in a private house.

It is better to adapt the second section as an open one. That is, space is created for clothes that are currently in use. If square meters allow, then you can build a small or pencil case against the wall. The second one may have open shelves.

As for where to store shoes, best option– these are open or closed shelves 10÷15 cm deep with inclined shelves. Additionally, you can install a shelf for hats and a folding seat. That is, it is necessary for a small hallway, creating ease of use of the room (the attached photos make it possible to evaluate the correctness of our reasoning).

Decorating a small hallway

As for finishing the floor, the materials for it are chosen regardless of whether the room will be finished with them is small or large. That is, the same materials are used in all types of hallways.

Choosing a floor finish

  1. Strength.
  2. Wear resistance. Sand, dirt and dust from the street will first penetrate the hallway floor. This means that there is a high probability that these abrasive particles will negatively affect the quality of the floor covering.
  3. Moisture resistance. Everything is the same associated with the street, only in the form of precipitation that enters the house on shoes, umbrellas, raincoats, and so on.
  4. Practicality. It is necessary to select the material in such a way that it can be used with any household detergents.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the following are suitable for finishing the floor in the hallway: ceramic, stone, commercial type and with certain characteristics.

Ceiling and wall design

Now the ceiling design. There is no need to fantasize here. The optimal solution is the exact same design as in the adjacent rooms. Better yet - white no frills. But there are no restrictions for walls, although moisture-resistant materials will feel better here. Therefore washable, water-based paint, plastic panels are just a small list.

Materials for walls in the hallway: photos of finishing options

The materials for finishing the floor were discussed above, and some positions with the walls were considered. I would like to dwell on some materials that have not been used in hallways before. For example, wooden or wood-shaving options.

For example, if the design of the house is in country style, then wood trim it should be the main one. In this case, several options are used for the hallway:

  • wallpaper imitating wood,
  • plastic panels,
  • lining,
  • boards,
  • Laminated.

Attention! Natural materials today are not painted. They are either coated with colorless varnish or antiseptic compounds.

If selected classic style, then it is better to use water-based ones. It should be noted that water-based emulsion for hallways is the best option. First of all, it's inexpensive. Secondly, it is easy to repair. Thirdly, practical.

At the same time, in large hallways there is no need to save square centimeters. Therefore, very often the leveling of walls is done using or sheet materials, rather than fiddling with leveling solutions.

Regarding color palette, then it all depends on the preferences of the owner of the house. Although there is an unspoken rule among designers - the walls should be lighter than the floor, but darker than the ceiling.

Ceiling materials

What can you say about the ceiling decoration? It shouldn’t be overloaded - that’s for sure. Although today designers are breaking all the rules and coming up with options that sometimes look unrealistic in this room. It can be a mirror ceiling, glass, multi-level, combined. In general, who is good at what.

But there are also rules that are not violated under any conditions when creating a ceiling surface design:

  1. If the ceilings in the hallway are low, then they should be decorated in light colors.
  2. It is better to make a high ceiling a little dark. This color will give the room coziness.

As for materials, any will do: paint, wallpaper, and others.

Hallway lighting

Designers often use it as a tool for visualizing space. But there are also a number of purely functional requirements for it. It is clear that in the hallway people dress, put on their shoes and even look in the mirror. This means that the lighting here should be complete. At the same time, the light should be pleasant and soft, because moving a person from the street inside the house takes some time to get used to. And the better the light, the faster the process of adaptation will go, and in some cases it won’t be necessary at all.

Don’t forget that the hallway is a transit room. Therefore, you should not neglect the transition rules. This is when the lighting in one room completely matches the lighting in the neighboring ones. Today, more and more often, designers offer zoning of rooms using. If the hallway is a large room, then this approach is justified. In small children it is better not to use this option.

There are two layouts of light sources: symmetrically and along the perimeter. Which one to give preference is up to everyone to decide for themselves. In addition, we can say that for the hallway the shape, size and type do not matter. The main thing is that it fits exactly into the design of the room.

Hallway furniture: photo options

It is difficult to talk about what is presented on the market in such a huge variety. Besides large number small manufacturing workshops make any products to order, which simplifies the issue of filling the hallway. To help you understand the variety we are talking about, let’s look at a few photos of the furniture already placed in the hallway.

This is a bachelor direction in which the masculine principle is felt. Such furniture already indicates that a woman does not yet live in this house.

And this, on the contrary, is a woman’s wardrobe, laconic with a correctly selected color accent. I would like to add how clearly the furniture fits into the interior.

This type of furniture is often used in apartments, although the photo shows the design of the hallway of the house. Pay attention to its compactness, which will allow you to install the hallway almost anywhere in the room.

The original shape of the furniture, contrasting colors, a large number of storage spaces, both open and closed.


The hallway room is a kind of “calling card” of the house, because it is the first place where your guest ends up. Accordingly, you should not underestimate the importance of interior design in this part of your home and approach the design issue quite seriously.

Of course, you can design the interior of a room in your own way, but there are tips from experienced designers that you should familiarize yourself with.

    • First of all, you must remember that the interior of the hallway should not differ radically from the overall design of the house. On the contrary, it is better that it fits harmoniously and complements the overall picture.
    • The functional arrangement and filling of furniture is also extremely important, because this will shape the atmosphere of the room. Of course, everything will depend directly on the size of the corridor area, as well as on individual tastes and wishes.
    • Do not clutter your corridor with unnecessary small things and accessories. The space in it should be free and spacious.

    • Speaking of walls, it is recommended to use wear-resistant materials, especially if there are small children or pets in the house.
    • The same will apply to the floor. It should be moisture-resistant and easy to clean, because when we come in from the street, we can pick up dirt on the soles of our shoes. It would be good if the floor was slightly heated. This will help you get rid of excess dampness and moisture.
    • Since hallways do not always have enough lighting, it is best to use light colors when decorating walls and furniture. Make the lighting itself multi-level, add lighting for cabinets and wardrobes to the general ceiling light, and don’t forget about mirrors.

    • A mirror is a fairly important item in the interior, as it visually expands the overall perception of space. But you shouldn’t hang it in front of the entrance doors. Firstly, it is not aesthetically pleasing in terms of Feng Shui arrangements and personal comfort. Secondly, if the room is elongated, then such placement of the mirror will make it even longer.
    • When you have a long hallway, use several switches, placing them at the beginning and end of the hallway. This way, you can control the light and not wander around in the dark.

  • Pay attention to the design of your doors. It must be the same in all rooms, including interior and entrance doors. If you do not want to buy all the doors of the same option, then they should at least be in the same color scheme.
  • The big advantage in a private home is that it is usually possible to design a window for lighting. This will provide you with even more comfort and coziness during your stay.
  • One more important point It can be emphasized that it is advisable to additionally think through a small “vestibule” in the hallway of a private house, where it would be possible to leave dirty shoes, an umbrella, and other similar items. It can be separated by a small screen or doors that would go into the main part of the corridor. In this way, we will not only be able to prevent dirt from getting into the house, but also insulate it a little, because if there are doors there, the cold air flow will not get inside.
  • It is advisable to allocate a separate place in the hallway for storing clothes and sports equipment (if any). Also, household items can be stored there, such as: household baskets, pots, etc.

Decoration and interior of the hallway

We have covered some of the main points. Now you can move on to a more detailed study of each of the elements of the hallway room.


When talking about walls, first of all, you need to take into account that they must be made of moisture-resistant and durable materials that can be easily cleaned when wet. In general, most of them meet this requirement. modern materials, but be that as it may, do not forget to pay attention to this.
The wall finishing material can be very different. Here are some popular ones modern options, which are universal.

    1. Wallpaper. If you have chosen wallpaper, be sure to buy vinyl coverings, because they are quite durable and washable. It is important to know that you can clean wallpaper with a brush, but this will only be a dry cleaning option. If you decide to do wet cleaning, use a soft cloth or rag.
      They are glued using a special glue; before that, the wall must first be treated with a primer and antimicrobial elements.

    1. Liquid wallpaper. Perfect for those hallway options that have arches, curved partitions, niches and other similar structures. Very often, such wallpaper is coated with a transparent varnish on top, which makes it possible to wash it without any problems.

    1. Decorative plaster or paint. This is another one of possible options wall decoration in corridors and hallways. Basically, this option is chosen due to its efficiency in financially and the ability to easily repaint it to a different color if you get tired.


In private houses, the load on the floor is usually much greater compared to apartments. That is why the material must be sufficiently resistant to stress, of high quality, as well as practical in operation and maintenance.

Some of the most frequently requested materials are:

    • Linoleum. A cost-effective coating that can be easily replaced when it reaches its end of life. If you choose the right type of linoleum, it will not be scratched or pressed through by heels. That is why pay attention to the type of wear resistance. It should be higher than the household version.

    • Laminate. In fact, it is not the best in a private home, unless you use combined option type of floors Choose a laminate with increased strength and wear resistance, the seams of which must be rubbed with moisture-resistant grout.

    • Tile. At correct selection and use you can enjoy it for many years. This flooring option is the most optimal for private homes. If you have a large front hallway, you can use natural stone tiles for interior decoration. It is recommended to install an underfloor heating system for comfort and warmth.

Ceiling finishing options

To be honest, the decoration of the ceiling in the hallway is practically no different from the rest of the rooms. It can be done using painting, whitewashing, wallpaper or decorative plaster. Sometimes I do finishing ceiling tiles, suspended or suspended ceiling.

Interior details

We figured out the basis of the hallway, namely the walls, floor and ceiling. Now let's move on to objects that may be in the interior.


This may be a variant of a regular wardrobe, but most often a sliding wardrobe is installed. It is very important that it consists of several sections for each season of the year. There should also be a shelf for hats and other outerwear, a couple of drawers for scarves, gloves and scarves. If the hallway area is not very large, it will be equipped with a hanger and a small chest of drawers for things.

Space for shoes

This can be a shelf, which in turn is divided into closed and open type. Remember that when she closed type- shoes must be placed there clean and dry, otherwise there may be negative consequences. Additionally, think of a place to store her care products.


It looks quite beautiful in the interior of the hallway, moreover, it has an important function in the convenience of putting on shoes. It doesn't have to be a bench. An excellent analogue would be a soft ottoman or high chair, as well as a sofa. small size.


A must-have attribute for a real hallway. If the space does not allow you to hang a full-fledged mirror, make one of the cabinet doors mirrored.

You can hang a small mirror above the chest of drawers or console. In any case, even if it is small in size, it should hang in the hallway. It is recommended to install additional lighting.

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