Designer Igor Chapurin biography. Biography

In the life of the famous fashion designer Igor Chapurin, who dresses the wives of Putin and Medvedev, Mexican passions are in full swing. Journalists found out that the designer was caught up in a love triangle.

Russian clothing designer Igor Chapurin, who became famous, among other things, for his work on the wardrobes of the first ladies of Russia - Lyudmila Putina and Svetlana Medvedeva, became the subject of discussion in the social circle.

Earlier, ubiquitous reporters declassified Chapurin's boyfriend. A revealing photo of his passionate kiss with a handsome brunette appeared on the Internet. The photo shows naked men lapping at the pool.

According to media reports, the chosen one of 48-year-old Chapurin was 39-year-old gallery owner Eduard Bagrationi, a well-known person in social circles. The couple recently vacationed by the ocean. There, in a corner of paradise, the lovers did romantic photo as a keepsake.

“The photo leaves no doubt that the Chapurin-Bagrationi tandem has a wealth of creative plans ahead,” the journalists note.

Pen sharks contacted the designer's boyfriend and found out how the provocative photo got onto the Internet. According to Eduard, an intimate photo was stolen from him by a young man who for a long time is haunting him. Allegedly, a certain Alan Karimov persistently and unsuccessfully sought the attention of the gallery owner. He even hacked Bagrationi's mailbox and stole personal photos in which Eduard was captured in the arms of Chapurin.

"Alan stole from my Email pictures with my boyfriend, with whom we have been living together for many years. “He stalked me, blackmailed me, threatened me,” the gallery owner complained about the offender. “I wrote a statement several times, security was assigned to me, and a criminal case was opened against him. He has no right to appear on Russian territory, otherwise he will be arrested.”

According to Edward, the young man could not survive the refusal and thus takes revenge. Karimov managed to annoy Bagrationi because Chapurin tried to keep his personal life under seven locks. And now, thanks to Alan’s efforts, everyone has learned about Igor’s affair with Eduard.

According to media reports, Bagrationi and Chapurin worked together on an exhibition of Cuban paintings from the fashion designer’s personal collection, the presentation of which took place last summer in Moscow.

Many of the exhibition guests noticed the happy appearance of the designer who organized the event. However, perhaps it was not so much the exhibition as the presence of the mentioned friend Edward. The latter acted as a co-organizer of the action.

According to information from open sources, Chapurin became famous for his work on the wardrobes of the first ladies of Russia - Lyudmila Putina and Svetlana Medvedeva. Graduated from Vitebsk Technological College with a degree in design women's clothing" Igor began his design career in 1992, winning the competition of young fashion designers of the Nina Ricci company, where he represented Russia. Three years later, he presented his first signature haute couture collection.

Subsequently, Chapurin worked on the costumes of the Miss Russia-95 competition, developed the style for the helmsman of MuzOboz Ivan Demidov, the host of the TV show “You'll Lick Your Fingers” Tatyana Lazareva and People's Artist of Russia Alla Demidova. Twice awarded the Golden Mannequin Award (in 1999 and 2003).

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Designer Igor Chapurin personifies modern Russian fashion - he is one of the most popular and relevant Russian fashion designers. He invented a unique method of embroidery (“professionals are not able to repeat this”) and was the first to weave clothes from straw. He entered the institute to take part in the Paris competition of young fashion designers Nina Ricci. Won, trained in Paris. In 1997, he received an invitation from Princess Irina Golitsyna to work at her Fashion House in Italy. He created his own brand, Chapurina Fashion House, and opened his own boutiques. Works as a jewelry designer, interior designer, theater and film artist. Fulfilled “an old dream - to make costumes and scenery for the Bolshoi Theater ballet.” He “maniacally” loves ballet and participates in car rallies. Doesn't like to go on the catwalk after the show. Member of the Snob project since December 2008.


Where he was born

Velikie Luki

“I was born in Velikiye Luki, a small northern town in the Pskov region.”

Who was born to

“ father and mother worked in a huge knitting factory, where all the cycles were present: they created the fabrics themselves, dyed them themselves, then made sketches and things. ... Mother was even the chairman of the board of directors of this factory, despite the fact that in essence she was not a careerist at all, but simply really loved her job...."

“My grandfather... was one of the largest specialists in flax processing. One of his last places of work was the Pskov land, famous for its flax. A large flax mill was built in Velikiye Luki, which my grandfather directed until his retirement. This is partly why I was born in Velikiye Luki. When he died, I was only in the third or fourth grade, but the seed of love for work that he sowed certainly sprouted...”

Where and what did you study?

Children's art school in Velikiye Luki.

He graduated from the Vitebsk Technological College and studied at the Technological Institute there.

“After the army I entered the Vitebsk Technological Institute. I had a motivation to enter: I wanted to participate in the competition of the French house Nina Ricci in Moscow (only students were allowed to participate).”

“As a result, my two official specialties: women’s clothing designer and fashion designer help to give a design solution high-quality technological execution.”



Where and how did you work?

After graduating from college, he worked for a year as an artist-fashion designer in a Vitebsk studio of the highest category.

Participated in the development of jewelry design together with the American jewelry company Vasily Konovalenko Art (1999).

Created costumes for many theatrical productions.

"Peculiarity theatrical works is that by creating costumes for each hero, you by and large you don't create anything. Only when you think about common space and about those emotions and feelings that will occur at this moment on stage and what should happen in these conditions with the costume - only then will success be achieved. Theatrical costume is not just a person’s perception, but a continuation of emotion, a continuation of the sensory series that the director sets. This is another theatrical language, another opportunity to captivate the viewer in the right direction.”

In 1999, he opened the first boutique of the Chapurin House on Myasnitskaya Street in Moscow.

“It was not easy to start: at that time, in 1998, the fashion industry in our country was in its infancy... We began to build the company in the year when the crisis broke out. But to some extent he helped us. We opened a boutique on Myasnitskaya, the number of our clients gradually increased, new projects appeared... Over time, we became a full-fledged design house, which produces prêt-a-porter clothing, haute couture, furniture (CHAPURINCASA), is engaged in industrial design, etc. At first, I set myself the task of overcoming the chronic dislike of Russians for Russian design (in the 90s this was a serious problem). Today I can state that this stage is behind us. Consumers in Russia have become interested in domestic brands and buy products from Russian designers.”

What did you do?

He created costumes for Oleg Menshikov’s production of “Woe from Wit” and for Leonid Myasine’s ballet “Omens” at the Bolshoi Theater.

“I dreamed about it, afraid to dream about it. And the fact that this is happening is a great honor for me.”

In 2003, he created costumes and scenery for the ballet Madame Lionel. The premiere of the play took place on the stage of the theater of the St. Petersburg State Conservatory named after N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, and then in London concert hall Albert Hall.

“I am not only interested in new developments, but also monitor our customers’ reactions to them. Whitney Houston... Cher... Pink... I watch these people and understand that I should not lag behind them. I shouldn't be a monopolist of my passions. Therefore, every six months at the famous Première Vision exhibition in Paris, where the most famous companies, the most famous fabrics are exhibited, I feel like a child. Every season I rediscover the world."


Together with the Swarovski company, he created costumes for Russian champions in sports especially for the Olympic Games in Athens. rhythmic gymnastics Alina Kabaeva and Irina Chashchina.

In October 2005, the CHAPURIN Fashion House became the first Russian fashion brand to show its collection as part of the official schedule of the Parisian pret-a-porter Week. The collection was dedicated to ballet and was the story of one day of a ballerina: from morning class to her appearance on stage. The show took place within the walls of the Gaveau Hall, the most famous ballet rehearsal hall in Paris.

Public acceptance

Winner of the competition for young designers in Paris, organized by Nina Ricci (1992).

“...I won the competition, and this opened many doors for me in Moscow and abroad. For the competition, a dress was created with a black skirt and a white top with large black buttons.”

National Russian award "Ovation-1999".

Member of the Russian High Fashion Association. Chapurin collections received the Association's "Golden Mannequin" award (1998, 2003).

"Style 98" award from Harper's Bazaar magazine.

Important life events

In 1995, at the Metropol Hotel in Moscow, he first showed his author’s collection called To Russia with love. This show culminated in the order of thirty costumes for the Miss Europe-96 show.

At the personal invitation of Princess Irene Golitsyna, in 1996-1998 he developed the design of the first line Italian House Golitzine fashions.

“My creative career began with Princess Golitsyna, an artist who dressed Jacqueline Kennedy, Audrey Hepburn, Liz Taylor, was friends with Greta Garbo and Onassis, and created clothes for the entire Rothschild family. This amazing woman spent her time and energy on me and gave me the opportunity to work for her brand for a season and a half - my creative life began so beautifully, strongly and powerfully.”

First created and invented

Invented his own method of embroidery.

“In February 1995, my collection “Transit to Russia” was shown for the first time in Moscow. At that time I was better known in the West than in Russia. There was very little time to prepare the show; there was no time to hire embroiderers. Therefore, during the day I carried out fittings, and at night I embroidered, coming up with new moves. As a result, I combined gold, beads and corals in one embroidery. When professional embroiderers looked at the finished collection, it turned out that none of them simply could repeat it. Because the embroidery was done contrary to all the canons..."

For the first time in the Russian fashion industry, he developed a line of ski clothing CHAPURINRG (2005). When developing this collection, all the most fashion trends and high technological requirements for all elements of ski clothing.

“As a big fan of alpine skiing, I launched the CHAPURINRG collection, which is updated once a year. Our signature style is extended sleeves, sophisticated cuts and dazzling fur. Plus practical zippers, improved membranes that change the level of waterproofness and breathability depending on the temperature environment. In the new women's line of ski clothing, sports and high fashion merge into one. In these suits you can feel equally comfortable both on the slopes and on the city streets.”

Successful projects

Implemented a major project in the field of furniture design and home environment - CHAPURINCASA. Russian presentation line of furniture, lighting and parquet CHAPURINCASA took place on October 14, 2003.

Known for…

He introduced “Russian straw” into high fashion.

“Of course, as a truly Russian person, born and raised here, on Russian painting, music, everything Russian, I feel all this normally. But if they write that the straw on my products is a Russian motif, then this is very funny. My straw threads are the sun. Straw captivated me with its possibilities, it is a texture, and such a category as texture is extremely important to me.”

I'm interested


“I became interested in skiing several years ago, after which the idea of ​​​​creating the CHAPURING collection arose. The Alps are especially close to me..."

“...every year during the Christmas holidays I go to the mountains. AND New Year's Eve I also try to meet in the chalet on ski resort in the company of people close to me..."

auto racing

“... I drove the car very often and with great pleasure. I even had the experience of participating with friends in the French Master Rally 2002 race, similar to the Paris-Dakkar run. In 10 days, we drove a Mercedes-Benz G-Class from Monte Carlo to Petra along the route: France - Italy - Greece - Turkey - Syria - Jordan. It was a journey of incredible beauty and an amazing experience."

I love

Sports: running and diving

“I enjoy running and scuba diving, which I indulge in occasionally when I visit exotic countries.”

theater, ballet, opera

“My hobbies include theater, primarily musical theater: ballet, opera...”

clothes different brands

“I like to wear clothes from different brands. In Moscow, I live at such a crazy pace that, unfortunately, I don’t have the opportunity to take care of my wardrobe... If we talk about classic suits, then I wear, of course, our men’s couture line. IN Everyday life- jeans, knitwear, shirts. As for shirts, I am friends with a wonderful descendant famous house Lanvin by Jean-Yves Lanvin, and all my shirts are either this brand or, of course, Chapurin. In general, I prefer to mix different design concepts, because this is the only way to create something new, something that will surprise you.”


Well, I don't like it

“For me, probably the least favorite state is going on the podium. Maybe someone doesn’t like it, that I take half a step and leave. But I show the design, not myself."


Create a design for a new object.

“I would love to participate in the creation of some new object, because it is certainly interesting. The fact that our company is now actively working in the field of industrial design gives us at least the right to dream about it. And if I once thought about furniture and this dream came true in such a successful context, that’s wonderful, it’s important to be able to dream.”

And generally speaking…

“A person has many both positive and negative qualities. Sometimes maximalism plays a positive role, sometimes a negative one. Sometimes snobbery plays a positive role, sometimes a negative one. You need to feel all this subtly and not be static. It also seems to me that you should always be able to look closely at the world around you, maybe not listen, because this is also maximalism, but at least look closely at the people around you. Try to see and absorb. If all these nuances are taken into account, then there will be fewer mistakes in people’s lives.”

“On the one hand, I am a workaholic, and on the other, I have taken the concept of “design” beyond clothing. I am a designer".

“Fame is when you are known by people you have never seen in your life. But personal popularity is the last thing that interests me. The last thing I thought about was the fame of a fashion designer when I started my career. In the history of fashion there are great figures whom I admire: Coco Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent, Jeanne Lanvin... But “role models” are not about me. I learn a lot from people, but I try to create something of my own, not following someone else’s path, but trying to find my own.”

Today Igor Chapurin is even recognized on the street, but few people know him interesting biography, which is full of many facts and solutions. There were turning points in his life that he easily overcame. How did the young designer start his life?

Several events from the biography

Igor Chapurin was born in 1968. At the Vitebsk Technological College, he received an education as a designer of clothes for women and after that began working as an artist-fashion designer in one of the studios in Vitebsk. He received his second specialty at the Institute of Technology, where he entered in 1991. Now he had the opportunity to work as a “fashion designer”. His collections now have quite unusual design solutions. His dream came true in 1992, when Igor Chapurin took part in the Ricci competition. He even managed to get into the top ten winners and in 1992 already represented Russia in France at the festival of young fashion designers. Kenzo and many others were on the jury at that time. When the internship was completed, he was offered a job at Max Mara in Paris. But he chose to return to Moscow, where he began creating dresses for girls who won beauty contests.

Career turning points

In 1994-1995 Igor Chapurin demonstrated his own collection for the first time in the Russian capital. Then he was famous only in the West. He specially invited Roger Seiler to the show, French President Committee of Elegance It was he who placed an order to the young designer for three dozen costumes for Miss Europe. Tamara Gverdtsiteli, a famous singer, asked him to sew an outfit for her for a gala performance. She liked his clothes so much. At the end of 1995, Igor Chapurin was able to demonstrate his collection, which was called “Evening Fashion: Yesterday and Today.” Then the famous Russian artist could be seen on the catwalk. A little later, the famous fashion designer developed costumes for Rene Garraud employees and even collaborated with Estee Lauder.

The most famous collections

Igor Chapurin created his clothes under the CHAPURIN COUTURE brand. At this time, he was invited to develop designs for the first line of clothing in one of the most famous Italian houses, Galitzine. His CHAPURIN-97 collection was so unexpected that even the Women's Day newspaper reported that his outfits were the most important event evenings. He even took part in a gala performance that was dedicated to the 850th anniversary of Moscow. The designer even used straw in his collection, which could make it a real work of art. His show was a triumph, and the designer receives the highest award, which is called the “Golden Mannequin”. Chapurina's fashion house was recognized as one of those who have an original artistic concept.

First boutique

On Myasnitskaya Street in Moscow in March 1999, the grand opening of the first boutique of the famous master of his craft took place.

It received the same name as his first collection, CHAPURIN COUTURE. But, in fact, this is not just a boutique. This is a real creative laboratory. This is where unique ideas are born. Igor Chapurin, in the company of the best artists and designers, is working on creating ready-to-wear collections. In addition, a huge number of exclusive items appear here that cannot leave anyone indifferent. This establishment is extremely popular. Many reports and publications allowed him to become quite famous in the cultural life of the capital. Igor Chapurin, whose photo has appeared in many fashion magazines, pays special attention to the fabrics of his collection. You can see the variety here knitwear, a variety of accessories and shoes that quite successfully complement the new pret-a-porte collections. The Vasily Konovalenko ART company helped in creating jewelry that sparkles with pearls, Ceylon sapphires, Colombian emeralds and others gems. They are able to perfectly complete the creations of the House. And in 2000, another boutique appeared, which became a significant step in the designer’s work.

Works for theater and cinema

Igor Chapurin works hard to create costumes for the actors. He collaborates with such famous directors as Rustam Khamdamov and Oleg Menshikov. Many characters in the TV series “Kitchen” wear clothes from this designer. He became quite interested in the history of the Middle Ages and studied it for a long time. So he came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a new collection, which was called It tells viewers about some Scandinavian legends and introduces the beauty of women of that era. Modern ladies could not remain indifferent to this show and found a lot in common with the female half of that time.

Popularity outside the country

Russian fashion has been repeatedly represented by the Fashion House CHAPURIN COUTURE outside the capital. For example, in 1998 she could be seen at the European Ball in Paris; in 1999 at interactive screenings in Switzerland, and in 2000 in Germany. The Elite Model Look competition, which took place in 2000 in Moscow, was also not without the works of the famous designer. Igor Chapurin, whose personal life is unknown to few people, managed to glorify his name in the fashion world. He works to bring joy to other people, although this is quite difficult to do in our country. But the designer liked his work. He is recognized on the streets, a lot is written about him in newspapers and magazines, and his clothes are worn by thousands famous people. This result can be called truly amazing.

The spring-summer 2011 pret-a-porter collection of the master of Russian fashion Igor Chapurin was shown in Moscow.

The most devoted fans of the designer have already been able to appreciate this collection in France, during its “debut” at Paris Fashion Week. Inspired by Russian painting of the early 20th century, it turned out to be bright, minimalistic and quite “wearable”.

Neon is in fashion

The creation of a new collection by Igor Chapurin, by his own admission, was inspired by Russian painting of the first third of the twentieth century - the abstract art of Wassily Kandinsky, the Suprematism of Kazimir Malevich and the constructivism of Vladimir Tatlin. Her leitmotif is the sculptural design of images and contrasting color solutions.
Using classic techniques of avant-garde art, the designer experiments with form and color: in his new collection, clear silhouettes are harmoniously combined with soft lines, and rich shades (fuchsia, yellow, emerald and red) with delicate, air tissues. Igor Chapurin transforms the principle of “point and line”, proclaimed by artists of the first half of the twentieth century, into a balance of form and color. By the way, the line, both straight and curved, is of paramount importance here: it “appears” everywhere - in the bias cut, in the clear shoulder line, in the curved contour of the sequin insert. Point - a point of asymmetry relative to which the model is built.
As Igor Chapurin noted, a must-have for the coming spring is a silk jumpsuit of an unusual color with aged sequins. Guests of the show especially liked floor-length dresses, minimalist jackets with geometric draperies and cocktail dresses in neon colors, fashionable for the new season.

Maria Conte chose to stay with her husband

Almost nothing is known about the personal life of one of the most famous Russian designers on the world stage. He makes friends with many women (and how else - he dresses them!), attends fashionable parties and clubs, including homosexual ones). The latter fact, by the way, gave rise to conversations and gossip. And then two years ago, Alena Doletskaya, being the editor-in-chief of Vogue magazine, satisfied her curiosity by directly asking: “When did you realize that you were gay?” Almost at the same time, the designer opened a bar named after himself, where fashion-conscious homosexuals whiled away their time.
True, some time ago Igor appeared in the world exclusively with the writer Maria Conte. It was even rumored that they were connected by something more than friendship, but Maria turned out to be an exemplary wife. And Igor Chapurin is still a bachelor. And it seems that talk about the orientation of the Russian fashion star will not diminish.

> The symbol of Igor Chapurin's CHAPURIN Fashion House is a bird with long legs. The designer himself explains its appearance this way: “It turns out that the surname “Chapurin” may have another spelling - with an “e.” In the dictionary of Russian surnames I read that the word “chepur” means “bird with long legs" I liked this discovery so much that I decided to include the bird in my logo.
> Fashion house CHAPURIN was founded in 1998. The CHAPURIN brand produces pret-a-porter and haute couture lines, ski and children's clothing lines, and accessories. Since 2005, the House has been a participant in the official schedule of Paris Fashion Week.
> The first Russian couturier, Igor Chapurin, launched the production of the CHAPURINCASA line of furniture, lamps and parquet in 2003.
> When creating the Haute Couture CHAPURIN 98 collection, the designer used straw as a material.
> Igor Chapurin collaborates with dramatic and musical theaters, creating sets and costumes for three ballet productions of the Bolshoi Theater.
> CHAPURIN boutiques are open in Moscow and Riga. The press office of the House is located in Paris. The brand's show-room operates in Milan.

Refused to work in Paris

Igor Chapurin seems to have inherited his interest in fashion: his grandfather opened the first Soviet textile factories for the production of linen fabrics, his father modernized knitwear factories, and his mother still runs a large Russian knitwear factory. “When I was little and couldn’t be left at home alone, she sometimes took me to work. I saw machines, machines, workshops there... Probably, these childhood impressions later formed into such an idea of ​​myself that I wanted to make clothes,” the fashion designer recalls.
He was born in 1968 in the city of Velikie Luki. He graduated from the Vitebsk Technological College with a degree in women's clothing design. He worked for a year as an artist-fashion designer in a Vitebsk studio of the highest category. In 1991 he entered the Vitebsk Technological Institute. True, for a selfish purpose: I wanted to take part in the competition of young fashion designers named after Nina Ricci, and only students were allowed to participate. Igor was lucky: he was among the top ten winners and in December 1992 he represented Russia in Paris - at the X International Festival of Young Fashion Designers. The jury then included such big names as Sonia Rykiel, Kenzo, Pierre Cardin... Parisian newspapers wrote that after Chagall, a second star lit up in Vitebsk.
After an internship in Paris, Igor was invited to work at Max Mara. But... he refused: in Moscow, very tempting prospects also opened up for him.
In December 1994, the young fashion designer Chapurin showed his collection in Bulgaria, at the International Fashion Festival. And in February 1995, he demonstrated the collection for the first time in Moscow. The debut was called “Passage to Russia”, since at that moment Igor was better known in the West. After this show, singer Tamara Gverdtsiteli ordered a dress from Igor for a performance at Carnegie Hall, and President of the French Committee of Elegance Roger Seiler ordered 30 costumes for the Miss Europe 96 show.
The talent and success of the young fashion designer did not hide from the eyes of the Italian designer Irene Golitsyna, whose designs were worn by such celebrities as Greta Garbo, Jacqueline Kennedy, Elizabeth Taylor, Audrey Hepburn, Sophia Loren. She appreciated the work of Igor Chapurin and suggested creating a line of women's clothing under the Galitzine brand.
By the way, Chapurin dedicated the CHAPURIN 99 collection, for which he was awarded the highest award of the Russian High Fashion Association “Golden Mannequin,” to Princess Golitsyna and all Russian emigrants, their courage in exile, their fortitude and beauty. The fashion designer was awarded the second “Golden Mannequin” in 2003.

“We made a whole wardrobe for Putina”
(Fragment of an interview with Igor Chapurin)

- Igor, have you ever dressed beauty queens, how was it working with them?
- I'm lucky. All the contestants I have encountered: Miss Russia, Miss Europe, Miss World are people with their own character, with their own ideas about themselves and about those around them. But they turned out to be sweet, spontaneous and charming.
- Is it easy to come up with ideas for dresses for such people?
- Fashion is the ability to use contrasts. If you know how to use contrasts, you win. In 1995, we put a Russian kokoshnik embroidered with pearls on a black Parisian model, Eugenie, and the public was shocked. And if you follow standard ideas, you will be boring and uninteresting. For Vice-Miss Europe 1993 Yulia Alekseeva, I made a green dress in the Rococo style, which took 45 meters of fine silk. Then the foreign press wrote that “Russia was represented by young Natasha Rostova in a malachite-colored dress.” And for Vice-Miss International Elmira Shamsutdinova, I made a dress the color of wheat, because she had hair that color.
- You also had the opportunity to work with the then first lady of the state, Lyudmila Putina. Did you create any special style for her?
- We made a whole wardrobe for Putina, how can we classify it as one style? Sometimes a formal suit can easily become frivolous - just change shoes, accessories and jewelry. The same classic small black dress can be used for both office and evening wear. But it should be comfortable in any situation.
- Do you ever have free time?
- Yes, regularly. It's a night. In fact, I don’t suffer at all from the fact that I spend a lot of energy on my business, because this is my business, I’m not an employee, and I have no one to blame. Therefore, I may have to sacrifice my free time and give it to work. But my work is not routine, it is so beautiful, wonderful, I just don’t notice how the day flies by.
- Is work your passion?
- Well, passion is probably something external, but fashion is more connected with inner world. And my hobby... let's say I get incredible pleasure from skiing. If I could afford it more often, I would probably spend all my time on these mountains...

Last year, the collection of a fashionable Russian designer at Paris Fashion Week was represented by 39-year-old supermodel Naomi CAMPBELL.

- In general, I can say about Russian fashion the same thing that they used to say about the capitalist system: it is rotting. Previously, when friends claimed that there was no fashion in Russia, I argued with them. And now I really understand that things are very bad for us. But on the other hand, maybe this is good - everything unnecessary will be eliminated, and only the real thing will remain, those who have talent, creativity, financial support and a head on their shoulders. Perhaps soon a new breakthrough awaits us, new faces, new names and new creativity. And I think about Chapurin this way: it’s good that we have him. Because who, if not him, would glorify Russia in the West? His collections are always of very high quality, there is no shame in them. Look around: judging by his clients and connoisseurs, one can easily conclude that Chapurin is one of the best Russian fashion designers.


- Igor Chapurin is one of the few Russian clothing designers recognized in the West and has weight in Europe and in the world. Now he is in fashion among the Moscow elite. I personally want it stylistic decisions often seem imperfect, but apparently this is a matter of taste. As for his popularity, here, I believe, his active social life plays a role. He knows many stars. He dresses many people, and most importantly, communicates with them at parties. He seems to be more popular than his brand. For example, I don’t know anyone in Krasnoyarsk or any other non-capital city who would purposefully want to purchase items from Chapurin’s collection. And in Moscow - yes, Moscow sometimes goes crazy. People who often attend social events are very concerned about choosing clothes. It is very important to stand out from the mainstream, and God forbid you come across with someone else wearing the same thing. Therefore, designer clothes - one-piece, often individually tailored - allow you to be calm in this regard. Therefore, I think such designers are in great demand in the capital.

Daniil Erokhin,

- Modern Russian designers are divided into two categories for me: those who deserve attention, and those who are not worth wasting time on. About those with whom we are working now, I can say that they are talented designers who understand well the quality of materials and fabric processing and have good taste. Many of them understand what the market is and how to behave in it. Chapurin is one of those with whom we have been working for several seasons in a row. In my opinion, CHAPURIN is so far the only brand in Russia that has every reason to claim the title of luxury, premium. Igor is incredibly meticulous about the selection of materials for collections, carefully monitoring everything production process. Plus his talent. It seems to me that CHAPURIN has the brightest prospects in the near future. The brand is actively developing, new clothing lines are appearing, there is an excellent line of accessories, and many grateful customers.

TV presenter of the media holding AS Baikal TV:

- Igor Chapurin, in my opinion, is one of the most talented fashion designers in our country, moreover, he is recognized and quite widely known abroad. The style of his clothing is very close to me, these are modern stylish things without unnecessary pretentiousness or pomp. In contrast to the collections of our masters - Vyacheslav Zaitsev, Valentin Yudashkin. Chapurin's collections are a good casual luxury class. His clothes are recognizable. Igor Chapurin himself is enough interesting person, I saw several of his interviews on television, and I liked the way he presents himself and the way he carries himself. In general, he is actually worthy of respect, because he was able to declare himself on the world podium. There are many designers and fashion designers in Russia, but today Chapurin has achieved the greatest recognition.

PR manager of “Karaoke ModaCLUB” (Irkutsk):

- Igor Chapurin is exactly the designer, looking at whose work many women can close their eyes and literally squeak, scream and say to themselves: “God, I want all these dresses!” And not only because he received recognition and fame in Europe, became a very popular and famous designer, fashion designer, and his clothes became a kind of indicator of class. But in many ways also because he feels what exactly women want! I think this is partly the secret of Igor Chapurin’s success. Therefore, his work, each new collection is always highly appreciated. I believe that this couturier’s career will continue to develop like this - recognition, applause, success. I’m very glad that another Russian designer is proudly bringing his art to the whole world!

Mexican passions are in full swing in the life of the famous fashion designer Igor Chapurin, who dresses the country's first ladies. Journalists found out that the designer was caught up in a love triangle.

Earlier, ubiquitous reporters declassified Chapurin's boyfriend. A photo of his passionate kiss with a handsome brunette appeared on the Internet. The photo shows naked men lapping at the pool.


According to media reports, the chosen one of 48-year-old Chapurin was 39-year-old gallery owner Eduard Bagrationi, a well-known person in social circles. The couple recently vacationed by the ocean. There, in a corner of paradise, the lovers took a romantic photo as a souvenir.

Pen sharks contacted the designer’s boyfriend and found out how the provocative photo got onto the Internet. According to Eduard, the intimate photo was stolen from him by a young man who has been stalking him for a long time. Allegedly, a certain Alan Karimov persistently and unsuccessfully sought the attention of the gallery owner. He even hacked Bagrationi's mailbox and stole personal photos in which Eduard was captured in the arms of Chapurin.

“Alan stole pictures from my email with my boyfriend, with whom we have been living together for many years. He stalked me, blackmailed me, threatened me,” the gallery owner complained about the offender. “I wrote a statement several times, security was assigned to me, and against him a criminal case was opened. He has no right to appear on Russian territory, otherwise he will be arrested.”

According to Edward, the young man could not survive the refusal and thus takes revenge. Karimov managed to annoy Bagrationi because Chapurin tried to keep his personal life under seven locks. And now, thanks to Alan’s efforts, everyone has learned about Igor’s affair with Eduard.

“His goal was to attract my attention, he wrote that he loved me. Igor Chapurin is aware of this whole story and is very unhappy about it, just like me. He prefers to hide our relationship with him,” the Life website quotes the confused Bagrationi as saying .ru .

According to information from open sources, Chapurin became famous for his work on the wardrobes of the first ladies of Russia - Lyudmila Putina and Svetlana Medvedeva. Graduated from the Vitebsk Technological College with a degree in women's clothing design. Igor began his design career in 1992, winning the competition of young fashion designers of the Nina Ricci company, where he represented Russia. Three years later, he presented his first signature haute couture collection.

Subsequently, Chapurin worked on the costumes for the Miss Russia-95 competition, developed the style for the helmsman of MuzOboz Ivan Demidov, the host of the TV show “You'll Lick Your Fingers” Tatyana Lazareva and People's Artist of Russia Alla Demidova. Twice awarded the Golden Mannequin Award (in 1999 and 2003).

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