Where to learn to be a tester. Software Tester (SW)

The problem is systemic, because it’s not bad when HR is searched for by keywords like “load testing”, “functional”. But when, in the process of consideration, the emphasis is not on testing skills, not on the activity and flexibility of the candidate, but on a specific tool, this is already a problem, especially when there is no testing at all (there is monkeying), and it’s not a fact that the required tool is more effective than the one which the applicant knows. The problem is that the knowledge of a small nuance or a tool that will take several hours to master is put at the forefront, above the knowledge of programming languages ​​or theory. In one of the interviews, it was quite funny to answer the questions: “name some book on testing” and, answering about Sam Kaner, to hear: “we don’t know this, but have you read anything about the life cycle of a bug?”. It would be funny if it weren't so sad. It's sad when HR reports a rejection due to a candidate's lack of experience, although it's about the wrong emphasis.

Finding a good tester is a big problem, because a test engineer is, ideally, a person who solves technical problems related to software development, a kind of problem solver. In addition to technical skills, it is very important for such a person to have attentiveness, an inquisitive mind, be active and be able to convey an idea and defend his point of view at any level. In a way, testers are researchers from the software development world. Therefore, in the hands of a test engineer, an easily recognizable symbol is a magnifying glass (lens) that watches the bugs. It characterizes the work of a tester in the best possible way: it is used both for its intended purpose for detecting defects and for “burning holes”, with its help you can make fire and even, having a whole system of lenses, observe the stars. The main thing is to be able to do it.

Remark No. 5

At Intel, the approach is dominated by choosing tools based on the preferences of the people on the project. This means that, in general, it does not matter which tool and language to choose to solve the problem, the main thing is to solve it. The coexistence of three different test engineers writing in three different languages ​​is perfectly acceptable, as long as the problem is solved, solved efficiently, and the maintenance overhead is reasonable, and the process is documented. In addition, many of the tools used are free, open-source, or proprietary. To date, there are a huge number of tools with which it is possible to solve various problems, and the choice of tools should not limit the capabilities of an engineer. However, if the task really requires the use of some tool other than freely available, then with a clear understanding and justification, you can buy and use it. This, again, is in line with the business goals of not hammering nails with a microscope, not working efficiently, squeezing the maximum out of the tools, if the qualifications of the engineers make it possible to get by with “small losses”. A good alternative is also to participate in open projects and invest in them for later use for your own needs. This approach kills two birds with one stone (its own needs) and tasks and creates tools for the whole society to use freely.

Instead of conclusions

A tester is more than a profession. This is an image of a proactive life and the desire to make this life better for everyone by feasible and effective means. The goals of the tester in relation to the product are closest to the business goals and the strategic goal of the company in relation to this product, and at the same time deep within the company in the role of a researcher. And if so, then its main qualities are energy, knowledge and flexibility. But at the same time, the work of a tester is not universal knowledge and responsibility for the quality of the product and the quality of services. Testing has boundaries: on the one hand, limited by the project and the requirements in it (project management and the established life cycle of the program), and on the other hand, by the processes for which QA is responsible. But the difference between QA and testing is a completely different story.

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The problem is systemic, because it’s not bad when HR is searched for by keywords like “load testing”, “functional”. But when, in the process of consideration, the emphasis is not on testing skills, not on the activity and flexibility of the candidate, but on a specific tool, this is already a problem, especially when there is no testing at all (there is monkeying), and it’s not a fact that the required tool is more effective than the one which the applicant knows. The problem is that the knowledge of a small nuance or a tool that will take several hours to master is put at the forefront, above the knowledge of programming languages ​​or theory. In one of the interviews, it was quite funny to answer the questions: “name some book on testing” and, answering about Sam Kaner, to hear: “we don’t know this, but have you read anything about the life cycle of a bug?”. It would be funny if it weren't so sad. It's sad when HR reports a rejection due to a candidate's lack of experience, although it's about the wrong emphasis.

Finding a good tester is a big problem, because a test engineer is, ideally, a person who solves technical problems related to software development, a kind of problem solver. In addition to technical skills, it is very important for such a person to have attentiveness, an inquisitive mind, be active and be able to convey an idea and defend his point of view at any level. In a way, testers are researchers from the software development world. Therefore, in the hands of a test engineer, an easily recognizable symbol is a magnifying glass (lens) that watches the bugs. It characterizes the work of a tester in the best possible way: it is used both for its intended purpose for detecting defects and for “burning holes”, with its help you can make fire and even, having a whole system of lenses, observe the stars. The main thing is to be able to do it.

Remark No. 5

At Intel, the approach is dominated by choosing tools based on the preferences of the people on the project. This means that, in general, it does not matter which tool and language to choose to solve the problem, the main thing is to solve it. The coexistence of three different test engineers writing in three different languages ​​is perfectly acceptable, as long as the problem is solved, solved efficiently, and the maintenance overhead is reasonable, and the process is documented. In addition, many of the tools used are free, open-source, or proprietary. To date, there are a huge number of tools with which it is possible to solve various problems, and the choice of tools should not limit the capabilities of an engineer. However, if the task really requires the use of some tool other than freely available, then with a clear understanding and justification, you can buy and use it. This, again, is in line with the business goals of not hammering nails with a microscope, not working efficiently, squeezing the maximum out of the tools, if the qualifications of the engineers make it possible to get by with “small losses”. A good alternative is also to participate in open projects and invest in them for later use for your own needs. This approach kills two birds with one stone (its own needs) and tasks and creates tools for the whole society to use freely.

Instead of conclusions

A tester is more than a profession. This is an image of a proactive life and the desire to make this life better for everyone by feasible and effective means. The goals of the tester in relation to the product are closest to the business goals and the strategic goal of the company in relation to this product, and at the same time deep within the company in the role of a researcher. And if so, then its main qualities are energy, knowledge and flexibility. But at the same time, the work of a tester is not universal knowledge and responsibility for the quality of the product and the quality of services. Testing has boundaries: on the one hand, limited by the project and the requirements in it (project management and the established life cycle of the program), and on the other hand, by the processes for which QA is responsible. But the difference between QA and testing is a completely different story.


  • application testing
  • testing
  • project management
  • qa management
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Software tester- a person who plays a primary role in software testing. The profession has a technical bias, it will appeal to applicants who are prone to computer science and mathematics. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in computer science (see choosing a profession for interest in school subjects).

Short description

Software testers are one of the most sought after professionals in the IT industry. They evaluate software from the point of view of experts and ordinary users, the main goal of their activity is to identify and eliminate software errors. Sometimes testers create technical documentation in Russian or a foreign language. Without fail, they prepare reports, as well as develop tools and scripts that are used during testing. They are conditionally divided into 2 groups:

  • Alpha testers who work with software that is under development;
  • Beta testers who specialize in ready-made versions of software.

The prospects for professional growth open up before software testers, because they can always choose a different area, which is somehow connected with the IT segment.

Features of the profession

Software testing is a fun and creative process. A tester spends most of his working time at a computer or tablet, smartphone and other types of gadgets. The responsibilities of a software tester include:

  • development of optimal testing methods, creation of test cases, modeling of common behavioral situations;
  • creating schedules and plans, performing various types of testing: for security, load, functional, automated, configuration, gaming, usability and others. A generalist tester can do all of these types of testing, but most often they specialize in 1-2;
  • creation of databases and reports based on the results of testing;
  • classification of errors, in-depth analysis of the results of the work;
  • assisting the development team in fixing bugs;
  • consultations for developers and customers, analysis of complaints received from real users.

All of the above responsibilities should be divided into 3 main stages: development (indirect participation), testing and analysis, preparation of technical reports and debugging. This type of activity requires involvement, the profession is suitable for boys and girls who are prone to painstaking and sedentary work.

Pros and cons of the profession


  1. Software tester is a prestigious profession that will open the way to other IT professions, where there is an even higher level of pay.
  2. Many software companies are interested in software testers.
  3. The tester can work from the office or at home, which allows you to combine activities with travel, hobbies or education.
  4. The salaries of testers are high, the sphere is open to ambitious people of any age.
  5. Access to modern software, games and other interesting products.
  6. The ability to run your own blog or vlog, which allows you to popularize your services and receive additional income.


  1. The work of testers is very well paid, which entails high competition in the labor market.
  2. To fulfill orders, you need experience, in its absence it is not easy to find a job.
  3. Occupational diseases characteristic of all people who work at a computer.

Important Personal Qualities

The following professional qualities are important for a software tester:

  • logical thinking,
  • ability to concentrate
  • multitasking,
  • moral flexibility,
  • categorical,
  • increased accuracy,
  • professional responsibility.

A software tester communicates with developers and customers, so communication skills and the ability to correctly formulate thoughts, as well as literacy, are important.

Software tester training

A novice tester can graduate from college or get the necessary skills in courses - it all depends on the requirements of a potential employer and personal skills. However, higher technical education should be considered as a priority. An applicant can choose the following university areas of study, for which the core USE is mathematics:

  • "Applied Mathematics and Informatics" (code: 01.04.02);
  • "Informatics and Computer Engineering" (code: 09.03.01);
  • "Information and analytical security systems" (code: 10.05.04);
  • "Information Security" (code: 10.03.01) and other technical areas related to computer science, mathematics, digital information security and computer technology.

If you decide to start your career path with a college, then consider the directions "Information Systems and Programming" (code: 09.02.07), "Computer Networks" (code: 09.02.02) or "Applied Informatics (by industry)". You can start studying at a university after the 11th grade, an applicant can enter the college after graduating from the 9th grade.

Best Universities for Software Testers

  1. MIPT.
  2. MSLU.
  3. NRU HSE.
  5. REU them. G. V. Plekhanov.
  6. Moscow State University M. V. Lomonosov.
  7. FEFU.
  8. SPbU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  9. RGUNG.

The best colleges

  1. COP number 54.
  2. KAIT No. 20.
  3. PC them. N. N. Godovikova.
  4. PKIPT (IT-College).
  5. TKUiK.

An international educational institution specializing in computer education. Works since 1999. 42 branches in 16 countries of the world. The largest authorized training center for Microsoft, Cisco, Autodesk. Students receive international certificates and an international diploma. The main goal is the employment of each graduate.

Students of specialized universities (3-5 courses), practicing testers who want to gain new knowledge and improve their professionalism are invited to study. Training is conducted in the evening, in a group of no more than 10 students, the duration of the course is 3 months. Talented graduates can get a job at EPAM.

UTs "Specialist" at MSTU im. N. E. Bauman

On the site of the training center, a large selection of quality programs is available for people who decide to become software testers. Any course consists of theoretical and practical blocks, the form of training can be full-time or distance learning. The duration of training is 16-64 ac. h., the minimum cost is 11850 rubles. and higher, which directly depends on the selected profile.

Place of work

Software testers are required in an IT company. They are needed in other areas of business that are engaged in the creation or implementation of software, applications, services.


Salary as of 07/09/2019

Russia 25000—90000 ₽

Moscow 40000—140000 ₽

The salary of a software tester is high, but its amount depends on a number of key factors:

  • direction of the tester;
  • level of professional knowledge;
  • desire to learn;
  • region of work and company;
  • format of cooperation (permanent work, freelance).


Usually, after 3-5 years of successful work, testers move on, because they study hard to become a programmer, an expert in the field of cybersecurity, etc. They will also be able to work as IT managers, business analysts.

Professional knowledge

  1. Methods used in software testing.
  2. Test automation.
  3. DBMS, SQL, Oracle, IBM Rational Robot.
  4. Databases, knowledge of at least one programming language is desirable (priority is C#, C++, PHP and Java).
  5. English is not lower than Upper-Intermediate.

"All professions are needed, all professions are important." These words of Vladimir Mayakovsky have remained relevant for more than a decade. Today we will talk about the profession of a software tester (or just a tester). You will find out whether the profession of a tester is relevant, how much you can earn with it, and how this specialty can be mastered.

The relevance of the profession

In the world of development, many put the profession of a tester at the lowest level of the hierarchy, but in vain. It is thanks to the testers that there are relatively few errors in the existing software - and after all, after the software came out “from the pen” of the programmer, there were hundreds of times more errors. And this is not just speculation or fiction. In my life I have tried many professions - up to the head of the company. I had to be a tester.

September 9th is Software Tester Day. Although the holiday is unofficial, testers still have their own holiday and this indicates how important this profession is in the world. It is all over the world, not just in the world of software development. Your multicooker or washing machine was also tested by specially trained testers. I’m even afraid to imagine what would have happened if these devices had not been tested before they were put into production.

Why September 9th? It was on this very day more than 70 years ago that scientists from Harvard were testing a computing monster called the Mark II Aiken Relay Calculator. Do not be confused by the word "Calculator" in the title: the weight of the first "Mark" is known exactly and was 35 tons. The weight of the second, I think, was not much less.

The word tester, you guessed it, comes from the English tester - a person who checks something.

How much do testers earn?

Some five years ago, it was believed that any 1st or 2nd year student could be a tester. Testers were treated lightly - as "underprogrammers". The format of such work meant only a part-time job while studying at a university, and few people managed to earn serious money as a tester.

So how much do testers earn? I bet that the answer to this question interested you the most, since you started reading this article. Testers with 2-3 years of experience can easily earn about 100,000 rubles per month. The minimum wage is from 30 thousand rubles, the average is about 50-60 thousand rubles. I will not give beautiful graphs, I will give two vacancies that I found in 5 seconds on the Yandex.Job website: in the first case, they offer up to 90 tr. (which is quite normal), in the second - from 30 to 45 thousand rubles.

In general, if you search, you can find vacancies up to 120 thousand rubles, which even exceeds the amounts I promised.

As you can see, the profession is quite relevant and if you have the desire and certain skills, you can easily find a fairly well-paid job. Yes, this is not Gazprom, but enough for life.

Conditions, requirements and obligations

After reviewing a dozen vacancies, I can tell you good news. You can work both in the office and at home - choose the way of working that is more familiar to you. If it takes a long time to get to the office, you can easily find a remote job with a free work schedule. And this means that you can study at a university and work as a tester. Nothing has changed in this regard. Of course, remote workers pay less, but working conditions are more convenient.

Higher education is required, but work experience is needed. Most often, they require at least 1 year of work experience in the specialty. The question, where to get experience, if experienced ones are needed everywhere, remains open. However, this is a misfortune not only for this profession, but for any other. The salary directly proportionally depends on work experience - decent money starts to pay testers with work experience of 2 years or more.

But do not think that the tester does not need any skills other than the ability to press buttons! At a minimum you need:

  • know the basics of the programming language in which development is carried out;
  • be able to work with bug trackers;
  • understand what functional testing is;
  • have skills in working with automated testing tools (like Selenium for Java or PHPUnit for PHP);
  • be able to use MS Office to document results.

The responsibilities of the tester include:

  • formation of test sets;
  • writing a testing methodology;
  • preparation of test data;
  • documentation testing;
  • localization of defects;
  • communication with business, analysts and developers;
  • solving technically complex problems.

As you can see, the list of requirements and responsibilities is very solid. I hope now you will not think that a tester is just someone who presses buttons and checks if the program is buggy.


What are the prospects for a tester? First of all, there is the prospect of salary increases as work experience grows. Today you receive 30-40 thousand rubles, in two years - almost 100 thousand. Why not perspective? Even if the current company does not offer you that kind of money, you can always switch to another: you already have work experience.

Another perspective is to become a programmer. After working as a tester for several years, it is quite easy to move to another area of ​​IT: for example, “turn” into a developer, analyst, or even a manager. Everything depends on you and your interests.

Where can you get a job as a tester?

Despite the fact that the profession is very relevant and there are many vacancies, there is no such specialty in our universities. If you do not have a higher education, but have a desire to get it, you can enter any specialty that is somehow related to programming (for example, applied or system programming), in which you can earn money as a tester, and then start working as a programmer.

But it should be noted that studying at a university is not always justified, especially when it comes to testers. First, study at the university for a long time. And if you already have a higher education (even if not technical) and you want to master the profession of a tester, then there is no point in enrolling in a university again: at the second higher education you will be forced to attend lectures for 2.5 years. Lose as much as 2.5 years! And if you don’t have a higher education, then you can lose as many as 5 years, during which you could not only master this profession, but also turn into a very sought-after specialist.

Secondly, having received a programmer diploma (and having spent 2.5 to 5 years on it), you still won’t be able to get a job in your specialty: after all, you don’t have experience in practical development, which universities don’t give you.

Alternatively, you can offer courses that allow you to master the profession of a software tester. For example, . The advantages of the courses are that you save both time and money: they last only 2 months and will cost you much less than studying at a university as a programmer. In addition, during the course you will receive:

  • effective online learning at a convenient time for you;
  • videos of all classes, all presentations and tutorials.
  • interesting homework assignments to consolidate materials;
  • the opportunity to ask any questions to the teacher;
  • certificates for each course and guaranteed internship (2 months);
  • the possibility of an internship in an IT company with subsequent employment;
  • the opportunity to participate in real startups and create your own projects;
  • real portfolio and resume to start a career;
  • knowledge and skills that will pay off the cost of courses for a month of work in the company.

Within 4 months you will have the following skills:

  • good command of terminology;
  • experience in creating test cases and forming test kits, developing and writing acceptance tests;
  • knowledge of the levels of access to the program and protection;
  • testing skills according to a pre-prepared test plan;
  • the ability to evaluate the effectiveness of testing;
  • knowledge of errors and problems encountered by users when working with software products;
  • experience in developing test scenarios, documenting the defects found;
  • understanding of functional software testing;
  • skills in manual software testing;
  • knowledge of testing methodology and techniques;
  • knowledge of types and types of testing, their various classifications;
  • Experience with bug tracking systems (Atlassian JIRA)
  • understanding of the software development life cycle, various software development methodologies and the place of testing in this process.

And most importantly, you do not have to wait several years, but you can immediately start working!

In general, the time spent is minimal. Although the training lasts 4 months, it takes place online, which means that you can work / study and master in parallel. There is no need to travel somewhere and waste precious time.

But what if the employer requires the presence of crusts? Well, in most cases it is still not required. If you already have a tower, then a certificate will be added to it, which you will receive at the end of the course. And if you don’t have a higher education, then it’s okay: on the other hand, you will have the whole set of skills necessary for successful software testing. When you work for the first year in your specialty, no one will look at the absence of a higher education institution - the main thing is that you already have experience and skills. In addition, at the end of the course you will have the opportunity of a two-month internship in a real company!


The conclusions are as follows: the profession of a tester is in demand and allows you to earn about 60 thousand rubles on average. per month. It makes no sense to study at a university as a tester: it takes a long time, it is expensive, and there is officially no such specialty as a tester. In addition, after the university you still will not have work experience - only a few lost years.

In the case of you, you can get all the skills you need to start a career and do an internship at a company to get the minimum work experience. Everything about everything takes only 4 months, and training takes place online at a convenient time for you.

It's great, right?

Special project with GeekBrains


For friends!


A tester is a specialist in the field of IT technology who evaluates the functionality of a software product and meets quality requirements. Conditionally, testers can be divided into specialists who work on the program together with a team of programmers. They conduct research when the product is first created. And specialists whose work is the evaluation of the finished product.

Demand for the profession

Little in demand

Profession Tester is considered not very in demand, as there is a decline in interest in this profession in the labor market. Testers have lost their demand among employers either due to the fact that the field of activity is becoming obsolete, or there are too many specialists.

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Description of activity

The activity of a tester is work in IT companies that develop software products, as well as work as part of independent testing groups or in the development and testing departments of any organizations. It includes the analysis, comparison and interpretation of data, as well as the proposal of new solutions.


average in Moscow:average for St. Petersburg:

The uniqueness of the profession

rare profession

Representatives of the profession Tester really rare these days. Not everyone decides to be Tester. There is a high demand for specialists in this field among employers, so the profession Tester may be called a rare profession.

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What kind of education is needed

Secondary education (school)

As the results of the survey show, it is not at all necessary to receive a special education at a university or college in order to become Tester... Necessary training Testers take place directly upon employment or at the workplace during the probationary period. For work Tester all that is required is a desire, a satisfactory state of health and the presence of personal qualities recommended for this profession.

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Job responsibilities

The tester performs testing of the software product. Engaged in the improvement of the software product. Develops a plan and considers individual situations for testing. Tracks errors and writes their description. Uses special tools for test automation.

Type of labor

Mostly mental work

Profession Tester- this is a profession of predominantly mental work, which is more connected with the reception and processing of information. In work Tester the results of his intellectual reflections are important. But, at the same time, physical labor is not excluded.

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Features of career growth

A tester starts his career as an intern tester or programmer. The specialist learns the main professional skills at the workplace. There is career growth. The tester can become the head of the testing team or the head of the quality control department.

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