Instructions on how to make slime at home. How to make slime in simple ways

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By now, everyone has probably heard about this funny toy. For millions of children, interesting colorful chewing gum is one of their favorite toys. As it turns out, making slime at home with your own hands is quite simple.

We need to figure out what slime is and consider a certain number of options on how to make slime at home, with your own hands.

What is "Lizun"

Slime - that’s the original name for Lizun. The creators of the toy are considered to be Mattel. Date of birth of the toy: 1976 They started calling the toy Lizun in the 90s of the twentieth century, when the cartoon “Ghostbusters” was released. One of the cartoon characters was Lizun (ghost).

He was too similar to Slime: just as green, he could easily pass through walls. And on the surface, after it, there remained sticky mucus of a greenish tint.

One to one, just like Slime, slime is a soft jelly-like substance that can easily change shape, but does not melt in your hands. It can be both hard and elastic; if there is a sudden or strong impact, it sticks to the surface of the ceiling, flows down the wall, leaving an unattractive mark behind it. If desired, the toy can accept the most different shapes.

When the child has had enough of playing, the toy is placed in a jar. If stored in accordance with the rules, it can be used for a long time.

According to psychologists, the Lizun toy is a wonderful anti-stress. With its help, the baby can relax. His imagination will be busy. The child will grow up with a good imagination. In addition, with the help of Slime, motor skills and motor activity begin to develop well, and the nervous system is strengthened. Memory, vision, and attention are trained.

Slime is great entertainment for kids.

Children not only have fun playing with slime, but also get relief from stress. Nervous system receives a beneficial effect. The small muscles of the hand develop well during the game, as do motor skills.

The toy has a gel consistency. It cannot melt, but can take the most unexpected form.

In every store that sells toys for children, you can buy slimes. But you can make this toy yourself at home. Why not do this together with your child? It's not difficult at all.

This process will not take much time. Here too expensive materials and tools will not be needed. It's worth considering options that are affordable and fun to make this interesting toy.

How to make slime with your own hands at home

The easiest way: starch slime

This recipe is simple and safe. This result is achieved because there is no boric acid, glue or detergents. If you make slime using starch, the steps of the process will be simple. All actions are easy to do for both children and adults.

What you will need (materials):

  • potato starch (150 g);
  • warm water (75 ml.);
  • food coloring (2.5 g);
  • You need to prepare a bowl and spoon to mix the ingredients.

Step by step instructions:

  1. Pour starch into a bowl.
  2. Add dye. Mix it with starch.
  3. Slowly add water while stirring the mixture.

At first glance, at first, it will seem that the slime did not work out, and it is just a simple jelly. But when stirring continues for a long time, it will become visible how the liquid has become an elastic slurry.

You can play with slime, which is completely safe. For a child, the resulting toy is usually of interest for the first two days.

Then you will have to do everything again, in accordance with the recipe, to get a new slime.

Sparkling Slime made from PVA glue with glitter

To make slime using glitter, you need to have on hand:

  • glue with glitter (100 ml);
  • water (250 ml);
  • borax (1 tsp);
  • water (1 tablespoon)

Pour water into a glass. Stir borax in it. Shiny stationery glue is poured into a bowl. All. Here you will need 1 tablespoon of water. It is poured into a bowl of glue.

Mix thoroughly until the mass becomes flexible and pliable. After this, a borax solution is introduced and mixed to the required consistency to form a Lizun.

Slime without sodium tetraborate and without glue with detergent

If a trip to the pharmacy is not in your plans, but you want to make Lizun right now, this option is more suitable than others.

Manufactured Lizun, in appearance, is almost indistinguishable from purchased one. Since making this type of Lizun requires the use of detergent, you will need to wash your hands thoroughly.

Need to take:

  • dishwashing liquid
  • bowl for mixing ingredients
  • hand cream
  • dye.

How to do:
In a ratio of 1:2, you need to combine dishwashing detergent with soda. Mix everything well.
Add hand cream. Stir the mass. How much glue is needed will be visible when the ingredients are mixed.
Pour in the dye.

As soon as all these components are mixed, you should pay attention to the mass. It should be slightly runny.
Slime that is not yet 100% ready should be put in a bag. Then, for 4 hours, put it in the refrigerator. As time passes, they pull out the toy and have fun with it.

How to make slime from shampoo

You can get a funny slime if you use ordinary shampoo, add dyes and polymer glue (Titanium is great)
Shampoo (100 ml) is poured into the container.
Pour in food coloring (1 tsp).
4 tablespoons of glue are combined with colored shampoo.

The resulting liquid mass is poured into a bag and kneaded by hand to obtain the required thickness.
They take out the resulting substance. All! Shampoo slime for children is ready. Place it in a container with a lid to keep the toy there.

The most harmless - made from wheat flour

If you take flour, the fun will be absolutely harmless for children. What to do?

  • Sift 2 tablespoons of flour through a sieve.
  • Pour 50 ml of cold water on top.
  • Then 50 ml hot (boiling water cannot be used).

  • Mix the ingredients to obtain a homogeneous consistency.
  • Pour in food coloring (3-5 drops).

  • If desired, add salt or sugar.
  • Stir the dough until the whole mass acquires one shade.
  • Place in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

  • They take it out.
  • Knead with hands.

Slime made from alcohol and sodium tetraborate

Yes, this method cannot be called standard. But how interesting it is to make this toy! Just so that the result does not disappoint, you should not “deviate” from the recipe.

We need to stock up:

  • Polyvinyl alcohol;
  • Water;
  • Sodium tetraborate (brown);
  • Dyes (if desired).

It's not a problem to buy borax at the pharmacy. It is sold without requiring a prescription. The price of the product is low. It should be noted that polyvinyl alcohol is sold as a powder, not a liquid. This component is the most important in the recipe. That is why, in this case, neither vodka nor medical alcohol are suitable.

What to do:
Pour polyvinyl alcohol into a bowl (a little). Mix. Put on fire. Cook for 40 minutes. You must stir all the time. To prevent the mass from burning, the fire is kept low. After the bowl is removed from the heat, the mass should cool.

Preferably before room temperature. When the alcohol has been given the opportunity to cool, the other components are mixed at this time. Water is poured into the glass.

Pour in 1 or 2 tablespoons of sodium tetraborate. Mix everything thoroughly until the borax crystals are completely dissolved in the water.

After this, the resulting liquid must be filtered. Add alcohol (it will have cooled down by this time), in a ratio of 1:3. Mix well. If desired, add food coloring. You can use the toy!

Colored slime made from glue and borax with water

This method has gained popularity. A lot of different ways have been invented. And what ingredients are not used! You can consider one of the methods in detail.

Have to take:

  • warm water (200 ml);
  • a jar of PVA glue (or two);
  • food coloring;
  • borax (2 bottles).

Before you start working, shake the tube of glue. Then it is poured into a deep bowl. (You can also use ordinary glass jar use.)

You will need another bowl. There they mix water with dye and pour it into a jar of PVA. Mix all components until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

After this, boric acid should “go” into the mass containing the glue. As a result, you will see how the mixture will become viscous and dense in consistency. After viscousness appeared and the mass became thick.

It needs to be kneaded while wearing gloves. If you don’t have them on hand, then mix them in a plastic bag. Place the resulting slime on the leaf for half an hour or an hour. All. The child can play.

How to make from plasticine with gelatin

Plasticine, as a rule, is found in those houses where children live. It is this material that will be useful to make a popular toy. Everyone will be happy with the result!

What you will have to prepare from materials and tools:

  • 1 pack of plasticine;
  • 1 pack of edible gelatin;
  • a spatula to mix the ingredients (or a spoon);
  • jar or bowl for mixing;
  • iron bowl to heat the gelatin.

How to do:
First, pour gelatin into an iron bowl. Fill cold water. Mix thoroughly. Leave for 60 minutes. How time will pass, you need to heat the gelatin that has been soaked. Bring to a boil, and immediately set the container aside by removing it from the heat.

You need to take a container (preferably plastic). Using a spatula, mix water (50g) with plasticine (100g).
Slowly add gelatin, which has already been prepared, into the resulting mixture. Mix with a spatula to obtain a plastic, homogeneous mass.

Place the bowl with the mixture on the shelf of the refrigerator so that the product completely hardens. After this, you can take it out and give the baby the slime.

Slime made from perfume and hand cream

If you use hand cream, it may turn out to be slime. But there is no 100% guarantee. But why not take a risk?

  • Squeeze the cream into a bowl.
  • Add dye. Stir.
  • Add perfume a little at a time. The resulting mixture is stirred. It should start to thicken.
  • Once the desired consistency is achieved, knead the toy with your hands.

Fun transparent slime

There will be no difficulties in making such a toy. To manufacture it you need to prepare the following components and materials:

  • Transparent PVA glue (100 ml). It is sold in stationery stores.
  • Boric acid, in powder form (1 tbsp);
  • A bowl for mixing the ingredients;
  • Wooden stick or a spoon.

Step-by-step instructions for making it at home:

  1. Pour glue into a glass jar.
  2. Send boron powder there.
  3. Mix thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous elastic slurry.

All. You can play with slime. Only the child needs to be told that he will need to wash his hands with soap after playing.

Simple toothpaste slime

What you need to have to make this toy:

  • A tube of toothpaste.
  • Cup.
  • Food coloring.

Step-by-step instructions for making slime at home:
Squeeze a tube of toothpaste into a glass. It is advisable to buy either a gel or a thick paste. Send the dye into the glass. If you add more of this component, the shade of the slime will become richer.

To obtain a homogeneous mass, you need to thoroughly knead the mixture. You need to make sure that all the grains of dye dissolve.

Once you have a homogeneous mixture, you need to send it to water bath, about 15 minutes. This is quite enough. This needs to be done to remove excess moisture. As a result, the mass will acquire a dense structure.

You need to make sure that the slime does not turn out too dry. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to smear your hands with oil and stretch the toy. The size of the slime will depend on the amount of toothpaste you use.

Slime made from soap and toothpaste

To make a toy, you need to stock up on:

  • toothpaste
  • liquid soap;
  • dry dye;
  • flour.

Step-by-step instruction:

Mix soap and toothpaste in a 1:1 ratio.

Mix the dye with flour. When adding flour, it is necessary to stir the mixture without stopping. If you take soap and paste in an amount of 20 g (of each component), then 5 tsp of flour will be enough.

When all the flour is poured out, the whole mass is thoroughly mixed so that the dough does not acquire a homogeneous structure.
It is advisable to pour in a little water. Then the mass is kneaded until the slime becomes viscous.

An easy way to make slime from hydrogen peroxide

Since the cost of making such a toy is low, this method has become very popular. But some people are disappointed because they were hoping for a different result. According to this recipe, the toy will be hard, but it will jump well.

You will need:

  • 1 glass of water;
  • 100 g starch or soda;
  • 100 g PVA glue;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • dye.

You need a medium sized container. There you will need to mix water with soda (or starch) in equal proportions. It is necessary for the mass to form a jelly-like state. Then you need to pour in the glue. Mix well.

Hydrogen peroxide must be poured into this mixture. Add dye. Mix again. It should be noted that the slime eventually becomes airy precisely because of hydrogen peroxide. If it becomes clear that the mass is too thick, you need to change the proportions by adding more water.

Slime using washing powder

To make such a slime, you will need to use a liquid analogue of washing powder. There is no need to try using gel or liquid soap. The toy will not work, because the consistency will be different.

Before you begin production, you must have:

  • PVA glue;
  • liquid washing powder;
  • food coloring;
  • thin rubber gloves;
  • container.

Manufacturing stages:

Pour PVA glue (1 cup) into the prepared bowl. You can pour in large quantity, or maybe less. This will depend on what size you want to make the slime.

Place 5-6 drops of food coloring in PVA. Stir until the mixture acquires a uniform color.

Take 2 tbsp. liquid washing powder. Pour into mixture. Mix the solution thoroughly. You will see how, over time, it becomes sticky. It is necessary to bring the solution to the state of putty. In the event that the solution is very thick. Drop by drop, you should add liquid powder to dilute the mass.

Wear gloves. Remove the solution from the bowl and start kneading it like dough. You need to get rid of excess drops of powder.

If this is not done, the slime will be similar in consistency to soft rubber.

It is necessary that the toy is stored in a closed container. When it becomes clear that the toy is losing its properties, it needs to be put in the refrigerator for three to four hours.

How to make slime from magnets

Magnetic slime is considered an original toy. He will be able to emit a glow in the dark. You can make this toy yourself at home.

  • Neodymium magnets;
  • boru;
  • water;
  • glue;
  • iron oxide.

Pour 1 glass of water into a bowl. Add 0.5 tsp. burs. Mix well to completely dissolve the boron in water. A mixture will be needed to activate the second half of the composition.

Pour 1 cup of water into another bowl. Add glue (30g). Mix well. Pour in paint. To make the slime shine in the dark, it is advisable to use phosphor paint.

A boron solution is gradually poured into the glue mixture. At the same time, you need to stir all the time glue mixture. At the moment when the mixture begins to harden and acquires the desired consistency, there is no need to add boron solution. What is left is poured out.

The resulting slime must be leveled on a table or board. Iron oxide (a little) is poured into the center of the toy. Knead the slime until it all turns gray.

The magnetic toy is ready. When the slime comes into contact with the magnet, it will crawl behind it.

DIY shaving foam slime

As is clear from the title, the main component in the manufacture of the toy will be shaving foam. The recipe is popular because it is simple.

You need to prepare materials:

  • Shaving foam (150 g);
  • 100 ml PVA glue;
  • Medium sized bowl;
  • Spoon for mixing ingredients;

How to make slime at home from men's shaving foam:

Pour glue into a container.
Gradually pour foam into it. Keyword"gradually".

When the slime has become viscous and elastic, this indicates that enough foam has been added. That's why 150g is a rough guide. The person making the slime must take control of the amount of foam.

The components are mixed until a ball is formed, the structure of which is dense. It shouldn't stick to your hands.

Then they knead the slurry until the structure becomes elastic. If the slime is mixed well, it will not stick to your hands.
If you want the toy to be bright and beautiful, add food coloring during the manufacturing process.

What to do if the slime doesn't work out

In the event that the slime failed to do so. As intended, all errors are easily corrected.

  1. To give the toy elasticity, you need to add a few drops of vinegar. Then it will stretch better
    If you add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide, the mass will turn out more fluffy. This is usually done when making fluffy slime.
  2. To make the slime slippery, you need to use glycerin.
  3. A luminous toy is made using fluorescent paint.
  4. When the slime is very soft, put it in a jar and sprinkle a little salt on top. Close with a lid. So the toy should stand all night. The toy will become elastic as the salt absorbs excess moisture.
  5. When the slime turns out to be hard, you can soften the structure by placing the slime in a jar, adding water, and leaving it overnight under the lid.
  6. To give the toy a pleasant aroma, it is advisable to use essential oil, vanillin or food flavoring.
  7. By adding tiny sawdust or iron oxide, you get a magnetic slime. The toy must be kneaded thoroughly to distribute the additive evenly. As a result, the toy will be attracted to any magnets.
  8. An “anti-stress toy” will work if the mucus is in balloon. This is done using a large syringe without a needle.
  9. In order to make the slime larger in size, place it in a bowl of water for 3 hours. Don't worry if it breaks into several pieces. Everything is according to the rules. You need to add a little body or hand cream and salt. Mix. The slime will become elastic and increase in size.

On a note! You can add foam balls of different colors to the toy. This will not only increase the size of the slime, but also make it bright.

Rules for caring for slime

The toy, which both children and adults are delighted with, sticks to surfaces and leaves no marks behind - this is the famous slime. It can be compared to thick jelly or jelly.

It is made using a jelly-like material. That is why, over time, it ceases to be elastic and attractive.

If you know how to care for your slime, you can extend its lifespan. It is necessary that the toy “be neat.” So that it would be pleasant to play with.

Where to store

For slime, you need to select a separate container with a lid. Store it on one of the refrigerator shelves. Storage in the freezer is prohibited.

How to care for slime

The main thing to follow is to make sure that the slime is not dirty. Slime has sticky properties, so small particles of debris easily stick to it. It is advisable that the toy should not be in places where there is dust.

For example, dust accumulates under the sofa. Do not allow the slime to come into contact with surfaces covered with lint. If the slime is dirty, remove the debris using alcohol. The second option is to remove it carefully using tweezers or a needle. You can also remove particles of debris with your finger, if possible.

Slime “doesn’t like it” if the air in the room is too dry, or vice versa – very humid. If the room is dry, it may become hard and lose its sticky properties. And if there is excess humidity, it swells and becomes more humid.

How to act in such a situation? What should I do to prevent the shape of the toy from becoming deformed? If there is not enough moisture, the slime will dry out. We need to save him by pouring a little water (5-7 drops) into his “apartment” (container). The slime will absorb moisture. This will help him recover.

If suddenly the toy becomes liquid due to excess moisture, using regular table salt can help. Pour a few grains of salt into the container. Cover the top with a lid. The “house” is shaken in the air.

To make the slime grow, pour a few drops of water into the container overnight. Close with a lid. Place it on the refrigerator shelf. You cannot store the toy in the freezer, otherwise the slime will become covered with frost.

When a toy is not played with for a long time, it may become moldy. If mold is found, it is advisable to throw away the slime.

Video: how to properly store Lizun

Slime (or slime, which means “slime” in English) is a jelly-like mass that does not spread and is easy to assemble with your hands. The product was first released by the American company Mattel, which produces children's products. It was a green guar gum based formulation and was sold in plastic jars. Due to its properties, it has become a popular toy for children.

We have selected best videos Lessons on making slime at home, including slime recipes without sodium tetrobarate.

From shampoo, glue and activator

A review is presented on Yulia Rai's channel self-made slime at home. The video clearly describes the entire process and gives a clear recipe. To work, you need to prepare regular shampoo, shaving foam, water, liquid office glue and an activator, for example, eye drops, boric acid or washing gel. To get color, you can add any dye. You will need a glass or plastic container and a spoon for mixing the components. In just 10-15 minutes the toy will be ready.

Based on tetraborate and glue

A short video from HelloPolly describes a simple idea self-creation slime. This does not require any special skills or abilities. You will need several tubes of liquid glue and sodium tetraborate, which is used as a thickener. It can be purchased at any pharmacy. To make the product bright and colorful, it is recommended to add dye. An ordinary plastic jar and spoon are suitable for mixing - in just a few minutes the slime will be ready for use.

Simple and easy

Klementina Loom presented a video on her channel where she shared the most simple option creating slime at home. It takes a few minutes of free time and only three components: PVA-k glue, a drop of washing gel and dye to give the desired color. After reviewing the instructions, anyone can do this. If you want some toys different color, you can take more necessary ingredients and various dyes. At the same time, the lecturer works on mistakes that she made in the processes.

Without tetraborate

An easy way to make slime from available ingredients from the MARFFA channel. You will need regular liquid soap, PVA glue, toothpaste, a little baking soda and dye to add color. The peculiarity of the recipe is that to create slime you do not need to use sodium tetraborate, and all the ingredients can be found in any home. The author draws attention to the fact that for suitable for work not every glue. The whole process takes no more than 10 minutes.

Made from soap

Video blogger Stasya Mar tried several popular ideas at once to make slime with her own hands. But only in two cases was it possible to achieve the desired result, since they used a thickener. In the first case, you will need: liquid soap, moisture, dye and PVA glue, sodium tetraborate. Stasya suggests experimenting and adding glitter to the mass that has not yet thickened, then the product will turn out to be very unusual and interesting. The components of the second option are liquid soap, salt, water and contact lens solution, and the thickener will be glue.

From toothpaste and shampoo without thickener

Lena Zolotova, host of the Miss Melodi channel, demonstrates a way to create slime without adding a thickener. The process is simple, so even a child can handle the procedure. All you need is a small container with a stir stick, shampoo, toothpaste, spray and salt. To make the craft look more interesting, you can add dye of any color. It will take a little more than an hour, since Lena recommends putting the unhardened mixture in the refrigerator for a while. As a result, the mass will be elastic and will not stick to your hands.


An original idea from video blogger Anna May. She demonstrated how two slimes of different colors can become one if you mix them together. To repeat the experiment, you need to collect two small containers and components - water, baking soda, PVA glue (recommends a certain brand) and eye drops. Anna decided to add sparkles to the resulting mass, as a result of which the composition takes on an unusual galactic coloring. The recipe does not require much time or hassle.


Anna Chi conducted an experiment to create transparent (glass-like) slime. The recipe is simple, does not require many ingredients, and the work will take no more than 15 minutes. You will need a small container, a spoon for stirring, water, liquid colorless glue, solution for contact lenses and baking soda. The result is an original, transparent slime. The author recommends storing it in a tightly closed jar so that the toy does not dry out and remains soft for a long time.

From paper

We make an unusual toy - from toilet paper. All that needs to be prepared are tools (a container and a spoon for stirring), shampoo, toilet paper, liquid lipstick and tetraborate. The softer the paper, the better. If you don't have lipstick on hand, you can replace it with colorless glue. Stasi Mar asks you to make sure that the paper dissolves completely. It will take about an hour - long and thorough mixing is required here. As a result, slime turns out airy and light.

The second option is with the addition of light plasticine, hot water and thickener. In addition to the usual tools, you will need a strainer. It takes time, since the finished mass for the toy must be left for a day for the moisture to evaporate.

Made from plasticine

Ekaterina Slime is conducting an experiment on making slime from such components as light plasticine, shampoo (or shower gel) and ice water. The tools you will need are a container, a mixing spoon and oilcloth. At the end, Ekaterina decided to add a little tetraborate - this makes the toy more elastic. Please note that you will need very little thickener and it is better to dilute it, otherwise you risk ruining the finished craft. You can mix glitter and choose any color of plasticine.

Four types without glue

The number of ways to make slime has increased significantly since 1976. Most of the ingredients are on hand in every home, you just need to choose the right idea. You can involve children in this fun activity and diversify the games.

I welcome you to the pages of my blog, dear readers. A variety of slimes can be purchased at the store, but you must admit that doing something with your child is much more fun. This kind of work won’t take you much time; I’ll tell you in detail how to make slime, delighting yourself and your baby with a fashionable toy.

How to make slime with your own hands: 18 ways

Today I propose to talk about a toy that actively attracts the attention of children and even adults - this is a slime that you can easily make at home.

Starch is the basis for slime

At home, it is easy to make a popular anti-stress for adults and children based on corn starch, which is familiar to every housewife. To work you will need:

  • a tablespoon of corn starch (do not replace it with potato starch);
  • a glass of warm water;
  • a tablespoon of PVA glue;
  • dye - you can use food dye for eggs or dye for handmade soap;
  • small sparkles, broths for slime decoration.

Step-by-step guide to work

At this point, the process of making the toy is completely finished, you can evaluate the result of your work and please the kids in the house.

If you have not yet decided whether to make such slime, I suggest watching a short video in which a little girl easily made for herself in a couple of minutes cool toy. Create with pleasure, experiment and enjoy the result.

Fashionable toy without sodium tetraborate

In many recipes for making slime, tetraborate is considered the main component. This ingredient makes the consistency sticky, which is very important for such a toy. Borax is sold in pharmacies and significantly improves the properties of the slime, but during the work you can safely do without it if the nearest pharmacy is far away or is already closed.

To work you need to prepare:

  • dishwashing liquid;
  • baking soda;
  • water;
  • a little dye (you can do without it).

I did not indicate the exact number of components, so feel free to experiment by making one large or several small slimes.

Stages of work

Leave the toy for a while, it will harden well and turn into the same slime as they sell in the store. Be sure to remember that the slime contains detergent, the child should not taste the toy, and after playing they should wash their hands well.

You can learn another recipe for making sticky anti-stress from a short master class; watch carefully, experiment and get only pleasure from such creativity.

Slime made from PVA glue

Sodium tetraborate or boron is one of the main components in most homemade slime recipes. It has a fairly budget price and, if desired, this ingredient can easily be purchased at the nearest pharmacy. To work, you will still need to prepare:

  • water;
  • a small bottle of colorless PVA glue;
  • food coloring;
  • 2 containers.

Stages of work

  1. Heat a glass of water to 40-50 degrees, pour it into a container.
  2. Add 0.5 teaspoon of tetraborate.
  3. Pour 100 ml of warm water into the second container, add a couple of drops of glue, mix.
  4. Add the dye to the water with glue and mix.
  5. Combine all ingredients in one container, mix thoroughly with your hands.

Be sure to store the finished slime in a tightly closed container, so the toy will last much longer and will remain as good as new.

If you haven’t yet decided what to do with the whole family in the evening, I suggest watching a video master class on creating a very large and sticky slime, which you can play with for hours on end and involve the whole family in this activity.

For this recipe you will need a minimum amount of ingredients and time. Also, don’t forget to be in a good mood, the evening promises to be fun.

Shaving foam slime

When thinking about what you can use to make your favorite toy at home, be sure to look in the bathroom and look for shaving foam on the shelf. Once this product is found, go create, and I’ll tell you a couple of recipes now.

Recipe No. 1

Such a toy is no different from the one on store shelves, but its cost will be significantly lower, which is very profitable. It is important to note that from one can of foam you can make many slimes for yourself and your friends.

To work you need to take:

  • PVA glue – 100 ml;
  • capacity;
  • shaving foam;
  • food coloring (optional).

The work process is very simple and will not take you much time.

  1. Pour the glue into a dry container, then add a small amount of foam into it and mix well with a spoon.
  2. If the resulting mass is still liquid, add foam again and stir until you reach the consistency you want.
  3. Add paint of the chosen shade.
  4. Take the resulting mass in your hands and knead well for 1-2 minutes.

As soon as your mass begins to resemble the consistency of a toy from the store, the work is over. Be sure to remember that such slime is not the safest for a child’s health; make sure that the baby does not start tasting this bright slime.

Recipe No. 2

To make a toy according to the following recipe, you will need to put in a little more effort, but believe me, the result is worth it. I won’t drag out the intrigue and will announce the list of ingredients you will need:

  • shaving foam – 750 ml;
  • 125 ml PVA glue;
  • food coloring (if necessary);
  • 10 ml of lens liquid - it can be replaced with boric acid (2-3 drops).

Let's look at how to make slime with your own hands using this recipe:

  1. Mix the foam with glue until smooth.
  2. Add dye, it is better to choose light shades, so the toy will look even more like an airy marshmallow.
  3. Add lens liquid to the composition.
  4. Mix the mixture thoroughly until it begins to separate from the walls of the container on its own.
  5. Remove the slime from the container and knead it in your hands for a couple more minutes. At first it will stick very sticky, but you can’t stop - the result of your persistence will be a homogeneous slime. It will adhere perfectly to any surface and does not leave any marks behind.

Recipe No. 3

I left the third recipe for the most persistent and hardworking, because now we will create a real rainbow slime. For this recipe I recommend preparing:

  • 4 containers;
  • 4 bottles of shaving foam, 250 ml each;
  • 4 different dyes that match the colors of the rainbow;
  • 0.5 l of PVA glue;
  • boric acid - you will need to add 2-4 drops to each container.

It is best to mix future slimes using plastic utensils - do not use kitchen utensils for this work.

Stages of creating rainbow slime

  1. Add shaving foam and 125 ml of PVA glue to each of the 4 containers, mix until completely homogeneous.
  2. Add a couple of drops of selected dyes to the containers and mix.
  3. Add boric acid. On average, you will need 2-4 drops for each container.
  4. Knead the resulting masses until the workpiece begins to thicken and begins to lag behind the walls.
  5. Take turns kneading the slimes in your hands.
  6. Take slimes of different colors and combine them into one rainbow.

A very beautiful, original toy is ready, enjoy the rainbow anti-stress and experiment further.

If you don’t like the presented recipes or seem complicated, I suggest watching an easy master class on how you can make a fashionable toy in a couple of minutes, with a minimum amount of effort.

Shaving gel slime

If you didn’t find shaving foam on the bathroom shelf, but saw gel, use it as a base for your future slime. In addition to the gel, you should take:

  • 100 ml PVA glue;
  • Shaving gel;
  • food coloring;
  • sodium tetraborate.

Step-by-step instruction

You can make a bright slime in literally 15-20 minutes, be sure to add this recipe to your collection of original ideas, I’m sure you will find it useful.

You can learn a couple more secrets of creating sticky toys from the master class that I have selected for you.

Cool slimes made from toothpaste

I am sure that it will not be difficult to find toothpaste in the house, so the next master class is devoted to creating toys based on this component. Watch the video, remember all the author's secrets and as a result you will get several different slimes.

Shampoo slime

Dear friends, we continue to test slime recipes that contain household cleaning and hygiene products. For the next experiment, I suggest taking shampoo from the shelf in the bathroom. In addition to this component you will need:

  • 280 g corn starch;
  • cosmetic glitter;
  • 90-100 ml of water.

Step-by-step instruction

Pour shampoo into a dry container. For one slime you will need 120 ml of this product.

If desired, add a little dye or glitter to the shampoo, this will make the toy more interesting.

Mix the shampoo with glitter, add starch, and mix everything again. You can finish making the toy here, but only on the condition that you like dense and very thick slimes; if this is not the case, we continue to work.

Gradually add water to the thick mixture - pour about 15 ml at a time and stir constantly. Add water until you reach the desired consistency.

Mix the slime with your hand until it becomes completely homogeneous. When you get bored playing with slime, put it in an airtight container. The next day, be sure to refresh the toy by dropping a couple of drops of water on it and kneading it in your hand again.

Cool slime without glue

Dear friends, if you really like to experiment, I suggest you watch an entertaining master class, where the author makes cool slime without glue. I hope you enjoy this video and treat yourself to a new toy.

The secret ingredient of this slime is Farmazolin drops. This component is surprising at first, but it works and thickens the overall mass perfectly, see this from your own experience.

Sticky soap toy

About all the features of making original anti-stress soaps, which can please or even disappoint, watch the video master class.

Slime from water

Water may become main part original toys, and you don’t have to use glue. If you still have no idea how to do this, I suggest watching a video master class where the author manages to create very beautiful, transparent slimes. I am sure that such a process will captivate you, and the result will be a set of new anti-stresses.

How to properly store an original toy

It’s not enough just to make slime, you need to store it properly so that the toy does not lose its sticky properties, for which adults and children value it so much. Use my tips and home anti-stress will delight the whole family for a long time:

  • store slime in an airtight container;
  • When choosing a recipe for slime, pay attention to the recommendations for temperature conditions, some toys should be stored in the refrigerator;
  • Pour a little water into the bottom of the container in which the slime will be, shake the container itself periodically, so the sticky surface will not dry out;
  • The toy needs to be bathed regularly clean water, protect from contamination, pour 15 g of salt into the container of the slime once a day - this will significantly extend its service life.

How to play with slime safely

A harmless toy, if the conditions of its creation, storage and even use are violated, can cause health problems, so follow my recommendations and you will not think about possible troubles.

  1. Do not play with the slime for too long; its components may cause skin irritation.
  2. Make sure that the child does not eat the toy or lick his hands after it.
  3. If the slime is made from natural ingredients, store it in the refrigerator in case mold appears. unpleasant odor– dispose of the toy.
  4. Do not play with the toy if there are open wounds or scratches on the skin.
  5. Carefully follow the instructions for preparing the slime.
  6. Limit your child's contact with hazardous substances– thickeners, glue.

Always try out new recipes with your child, without allowing him to experiment on his own - this can be dangerous to his health.

Well, my dears, I told you, perhaps, everything that I myself knew about funny lickers. Tell us in the comments about your experience with such toys. Share the address of my blog with your friends, subscribe to updates and remember - this is not all, I have something to surprise you with. See you again!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

Parents go to great lengths to satisfy their child’s desires. And the more often we make concessions, the more our children’s desires and needs grow. Children's store windows offer a wide range of products. From transformers to cute Barbies, from interactive cars to children's bicycles.

Nowadays it is difficult not to find a suitable toy, and it is more difficult to pay for it. For example, the slimy to the touch, often bright green mass has today won the attention of children and is very popular among children.

Making slime at home

Slime, or handgam, is not a cheap toy for many parents. Some parents were deterred by the content of sodium tetraborate elements in this toy when purchasing it. However, such entertainment can be done with your own hands at home, showing a little imagination and knowing the principle by which children’s favorite handgam is made.

Moreover, today we will tell you what ingredients you can get by without using harmful substances.

Required Components

To create a character from the animated series "Ghostbusters" you need very little. So, what can you make slime from? We will list some commonly used ingredients to make the toy.

In order to give your child pleasure and make slime with your own hands, the following components are often used:

  • Ordinary water.
  • Soda.
  • Starch.
  • Gouache.
  • Shaving foam.
  • Toothpaste.
  • Detergents.
  • PVA glue
  • Plasticine.

Since you will be making the toy yourself, you will be able to control the process. When creating slime at home, you can set the shape, choose the color and size you like.

Slime made from water and shampoo

Let's try to make a slime with you using water and shampoo. Using these components will allow you to make slime with your own hands. By making toys with your child, you will get a lot of pleasure from collaboration, and later go about your business while your baby makes his pet.

Take PVA glue, pour some water at room temperature into a bowl, add shampoo in equal proportions. In order to give color to our slime, you need to use ordinary dye. This role can be played by ordinary brilliant green or gouache.

Plasticine handgam

The best recipes for making slime are recipes without sodium tetraborate solution. The use of improvised materials, plasticine or paper, often inspires the trust of parents; moreover, children are familiar with crafts based on these materials.

One of the simplest ways to create slime is using plasticine. Moreover, the toy your child loves so much can be made without glue and sodium tetraborate.

To make plasticine slime, you need the following components:

  • Gelatin -1 p.
  • Plasticine.
  • Water.
  • Plastic cup or glass.
  • Metal container.
  • Spoon for stirring.

Stir the gelatin packet into cold water, leave the container alone for a while to completely dissolve the gelatin. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil. Knead the plasticine of the color you like in your hands.

Add water to a plastic container and mix with plasticine. Add gelatin to the resulting homogeneous mass and mix with a spoon. The resulting slime can be played with immediately after it has cooled down. This method is the simplest and contains components familiar to the baby. When using this recipe to make slime, you can easily do without adding harmful substances included in the toy.

Soda slime

Our kids, like their parents, love paper crafts, but in this case we must disappoint you. The composition of the slime does not contain paper base. But don't worry about this. There is an exit. We will try to describe the recipe, in which we will tell you how you can make slime at home, using only soda.

You may doubt it, but this mass, not pleasant to the touch and incomprehensible to adults, contains precisely this component. By offering this kind of entertainment to your baby, you will get a lot of free time.

To do this you will need the following components:

  • PVA glue -50g.
  • Water -100g.
  • Soda 1 tbsp.
  • Gouache.
  • Wand.
  • Capacity.

Mix water with glue to obtain the desired viscosity of the toy. It's better to do this in plastic dishes. Feel free to add dye to the resulting mixture. Make the next solution based on water and soda. Combine the two solutions and mix with a stick to obtain a homogeneous mass. Here's a slime for you! It will bring a lot of positive emotions to your baby.

Starch slime

One of best recipes in creating slime is a recipe using starch. To make colored transparent slime with your own hands, you only need two components: water and starch. The most commonly used starch is made from potato or corn-based starch.

Making slime together will bring great pleasure to your child and will take a little time. Shall we get started? Mix the two components in equal proportions and add dye. Ordinary brilliant green can act as a dye.

Most Internet pages are filled with photographs of homemade slimes. By showing a little imagination and desire, you can choose the handgam you like and have a great time in mutual creativity with your child. And we continue to offer you new options for creating a cartoon character. Let's find out how to increase your cub's size.

Lizun is growing up

Doing crafts with children is useful and educational. Making slime with children is doubly educational and interesting. It is interesting for a child to watch the process of creating a toy, and if you give the slime a name, then your mutual friend will become an object of adoration for the children.

Invite your child to raise a slime. How it's done? Very simple. Place your pet in a glass of water and place it in the refrigerator. In the morning, be sure to ask how much your child has grown new friend, invite your child to see how the pet feels.

By focusing the child's attention in this direction, you are guaranteed a daily report on the activities and viability of the new settler. The baby will watch with great interest how his pet grows and changes.

Making slime without adding sodium tetraborate

This recipe is extremely simple. It does not include substances harmful to the baby, and turns the process of creating slime without adding sodium tetraborate into a fun, entertaining adventure.

To make a child's dream come true, you need to stock up on: gouache, PVA glue, a container, and a mixing stick. And one more component that will help us in production. Oddly enough, this is an ordinary detergent; you can add an ordinary gel concentrate.

Add to container required amount glue. The more glue you add, the stronger your slime will be. Mix glue with gouache of the color you like. Did you choose red? Amazing! Take a mixing stick and add the required amount of coloring. Mixing thoroughly, add paints as necessary to give the future slime the most saturated color.

With thorough stirring, the mass will thicken right before your eyes. Place the toy on the child’s hand, give it a shape, make eyes and a mouth. The composition of the selected ingredients is simple, but their components will make the toy soft and elastic, and it will not stick to the child’s hands.

Transparent slime without sodium tetraborate

The recipe we offer is simple and contains only two ingredients. Pour water into a plastic bowl and add a little office glue, mix the mixture.

If you want your slime to be colored, use paints or ordinary brilliant green. If you prefer to make it completely transparent, do without these components.

Colored slime made from liquid soap and toothpaste

Handmade colored and transparent slimes are one of the best toys for a child. Kids can twirl an incomprehensible mass in their hands for hours, and get from it true pleasure. Let's give them this opportunity and try to make colored and transparent slimes with you at home using liquid soap.

Add liquid soap and a teaspoon of starch to a glass container. Then cover the selected container with a lid and shake thoroughly in your hands. The mass gradually begins to thicken.

Then add regular toothpaste to a separate plastic bowl. Add the possessed glass container to the toothpaste. And mix thoroughly. Your colored slime is ready. This recipe clearly shows how to make slime without glue. The slime recipe is simple, but so many emotions!

Toothpaste slime. Let's heat it up!

This slime recipe is unique in its simplicity and is an easy way to make a toy, but requires the attention of an adult. To create it you need two tubes of gel paste.

Activities with a child are a guarantee good relations. Fantasy is limitless. By making toys with your baby, you will return to childhood and feel the joy and delight of the result. Don't be afraid to experiment. At first, I will help you with photo instructions that tell you how to make slime with your own hands. Give your baby pleasure and return to childhood. I wish you success!

Photo instructions on how to make slime

Evgenia Smirnova

To send light into the depths of the human heart - this is the purpose of the artist


All children remember such a wonderful cartoon called “Ghostbusters” and its outstanding hero Lizun. After all, it served as a prototype for creating a strange but fascinating toy for children with the ability to stick to surfaces, hands, and bring a lot of delight. Children find it interesting to play with such a toy, and it’s even more fun to learn how to make slime with your own hands. Take advantage of the moment to spend pleasant and useful time with your child by creating an unusual toy together.

How to make slime at home and what you need for it

Making slime at home is a very easy task. Homemade option cartoon character will not glow in the dark like a real one, but will spread, stick, and change its shape. There are many options for creating this simple toy, as well as a variety of materials for its manufacture: for example, chewing gum, starch with water, glue, flour, gouache, alcohol, some even use condensed milk if they want to make an edible toy. You can choose a variety of colors using food coloring or, for example, gouache.

All you need is to prepare the necessary materials in advance, choose the method according to which you will act and enjoy the process of creating slime. This is very interesting, even if you don’t have children, and you have long grown out of childhood.

To extend the life of the product and give your child joy from playing, study the following points:

  • a necessary condition for storing a toy is a closed container (for example, a small jar with a tight-fitting lid);

  • do not leave slime in the open sun, on heating devices, radiators: it loves coolness;
  • You should not place the toy on fleecy surfaces, for example, carpet, clothing, because micro hairs will stick to it and you will get a non-uniform surface;
  • To make the toy original, use essential oils, which will give a pleasant aroma to the craft;
  • for a slime with a “twist”: it’s interesting to add cosmetic glitter into the mass being made and get a “glamorous” cartoon character;

  • to add flavor to the toy: add salt, sugar, condensed milk to the rest of the ingredients during the creation process;
  • add a couple of drops of vinegar to the paint solution - the slime will stretch better and will not smear;
  • with the help of glycerin it will turn out slippery, disgusting, just like the real thing;
  • use hydrogen peroxide to make your homemade cartoon character light and airy;
  • if you want the toy to look more alive, glue on eyes made of rubber buttons or paper.

Ways to make slime with your own hands - instructions with photos

There are both primitive and harmless ways creating sticky toys - for the smallest children (for example, edible slime), and more “professional” ones. We will discuss some methods in detail in the creation instructions, using comprehensive illustrations. Here you will find a list of necessary materials, information on where all this is purchased. Let's get started step-by-step description making slime with your own hands.

From PVA glue, borax and water

This quick way make a sticky toy without much effort. A craft made in this way will be elastic, will be able to bounce off surfaces, almost like a jumper, and will remain soft. Slime made in this way is not “afraid” of water (you can safely wash it).

Source materials:

  1. PVA glue pure white, with a current expiration date (this is important, because it will affect the quality of your slime), in the amount of 100 g;
  2. One glass of water at room temperature;
  3. Borax (sodium tetraborate medical term or borax). Buy it at any pharmacy, radio or chemical stores, special conditions or there are no restrictions on its sale. Ask for either a 4% solution or in regular powder form.

  1. Zelenka, food coloring, gouache, acrylic paints– to make a cartoon character colored;
  2. Any container (volume 0.5 liters or more) in which mix it all and a stirring stick.


  • mix a quarter of the water with the same amount of glue, adding the dye of your choice, for example brilliant green;

  • Next, prepare one tablespoon of borax;
  • Gradually add borax to the previous ingredients, stirring constantly, as a result of which the liquid will gradually begin to become thick, creating a viscous substance - slime.

Made from plasticine and gelatin

An easier way to make slime with your own hands is to use improvised means such as plasticine and gelatin. The toy will not serve you for long, but it will create any shape you give it. It is recommended for the youngest toy lovers, because... Capable of developing motor skills of small hands. Required ingredients:

  1. Plasticine of any color, approximately 100 g;
  2. Two packages of edible gelatin, 25 g each;
  3. Warm water, not less than 50 ml;
  4. Two containers: one metal for heating certain components, the second plastic for manufacturing;
  5. Container for stirring.

Let's start the manufacturing process:

  • V metal container dissolve gelatin in cold water, leave to brew for an hour;
  • after the specified time has passed, put the gelatin on the fire, bring to a boil using steam (heat in a water bath), remove from the heat;
  • V plastic container mix plasticine with warm water, use a wooden stick for this;

  • after the gelatin has cooled, add this liquid to the plasticine, then mix thoroughly until thick and homogeneous;
  • We put the resulting substance in the refrigerator until it hardens - the slime is ready.

From starch and soda

This type of making a cartoon character is easy to do; the ingredients for it can always be found at home, and you don’t need to purposefully go anywhere to get them or spend additional money. However, the result of the resulting toy will not please you very much, because... its properties will not be the same as we would like: the slime will turn out to be somewhat hard, but there is a plus here: it can jump well. Ingredients for the craft:

  1. Water at room temperature, about a glass;
  2. Starch (100 grams), which can be replaced with soda and the same effect will be obtained;
  3. PVA glue, 100 gram jar.
  4. Any dye: brilliant green, gouache, food coloring, acrylic paint.

Manufacturing instructions:

  • take starch/soda and mix with water 1:1 until the substance has a jelly-like consistency;
  • add glue and mix thoroughly;
  • Even when the consistency is liquid, while stirring, add the selected dye, for example, gouache;
  • In order for the slime to be close to a cartoon ghost, the part of the added water should be larger in comparison with the part of starch or soda.

From shampoo and gouache

Another way to prepare a sticky hero: with shampoo, a certain brand of super glue and gouache. Why should you use a certain brand of glue, because only this type has the necessary properties that give the toy softness, the effect of sticking and spreading. So, the main components:

  • 90 g of super glue “Titan”;
  • 30 g of shampoo of the desired color, which is only available (take an inexpensive one);
  • Gouache, any dye to give a multi-colored effect;
  • Gloves for careful work;
  • A small package in which our ingredients will be mixed.

How to do:

  • mix glue and shampoo together in a bag;
  • You should proceed from the proportions of 3:2 glue and shampoo, vary the amount of added ingredients as desired;
  • It is not at all necessary to adhere to proportions if you want to experiment and get the desired properties: add more shampoo - the toy will be more elastic, more glue - it will be denser;
  • while mixing, add gouache to give the slime a tint or to make the color more saturated;
  • if you used transparent shampoo, then the finished slime will be translucent, and if the shampoo was white, then you will need gouache.

How to make liquid slime without sodium tetraborate

If you want to tinker a little and additional cash allowing you to stock up necessary materials, then make a slime without sodium tetraborate, and it will turn out to be of very high quality, it will be vague, and as close as possible to what is produced in a factory. To achieve this result, stock up on the following tools:

  1. One fourth part of unexpired PVA glue;
  2. One third part liquid starch. Please note that this product is a household and household chemicals and is used when washing clothes;
  3. Preferred medium for coloring: gouache, acrylic paints, brilliant green, food coloring;
  4. A small plastic bag serves as a mixing container.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions:

  • pour the specified amount of starch into the bag;
  • drop a couple of drops of your chosen coloring agent there, for example, gouache;
  • pour in the specified amount of glue;
  • using your hands, carefully mix the resulting consistency until uniform and the desired color is obtained;
  • leave the almost finished slime in the cold for 3-4 hours, for example, in the refrigerator;
  • after the specified time has elapsed, remove the substance;
  • The perfect slime is ready!

Video tutorials on step-by-step creation of slime

For comprehensive information on making your own slime, watch the video tutorials below. They will help you prepare for this interesting activity, will demonstrate step by step the manufacturing stages and tell you some tricks for creating the perfect slime. You will be convinced that the creation process itself will not take much time, and the result will please not only your child, but also you.

Step-by-step recipe for making slime:

Making slime from flour and water:

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How to make slime

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