How to use old jam. Honey, ash and jam

Closer to spring, housewives inspect the remaining stocks of pickles and preserves. Some try to revive slightly fermented or moldy jam, others mercilessly throw it away. In both cases, a mistake is made. You still can’t save spoiled jam; in any case, there will be no benefit to the body, but it can cause harm. But you can’t throw it away if you have at least one hundred square meters of land.

What to do then with spoiled jam? And we’ll make the mash as soon as the sun warms the earth and the buds on the trees begin to burst. In the meantime, you need to remove the mold, use a cloth soaked in vinegar, wipe the inside of the neck and close the jar with a clean lid. Place the jar of jam in a cool place for storage, marking it as not for eating. And at the first opportunity, transport it to the dacha.

As soon as it gets warmer, we begin to prepare the mash.

Place some of the jam in a can or large saucepan and pour warm water and put it in a warm place to ferment. The proportions are approximately as follows: for 5 liters of water, 1 liter of jam, a bag of dry yeast. 2-3 days after the start of active fermentation, we transfer the container to the greenhouse, where the first sowings have been done or boxes with seedlings have already been placed. Standing out from the mash carbon dioxide promotes active growth of seedlings.

You can feed it with mash houseplants and flowers. To do this, you need to dissolve 0.5 liters of mash in 5 liters of water and add 1 ampoule of glucose. Stir well and water the plants in moist soil at the rate of 1 cup per seedling bush or 2 cups per 2-3 liter flower pot.

When will it be time to bloom? fruit trees, then we pour the mash into vessels made from trimmed plastic bottles, and hang it in the treetops. Pour no more than half. Once a week we pour out the mash, in which quite a few pests have drowned, and pour in a new portion. And so we catch pests all summer, confirming the thesis about the dangers of alcohol even in small doses.

From spoiled jam you can make not only mash, but also kvass. It also attracts the apple blossom beetle into traps.

When it’s time for vegetables to bloom in the greenhouse, the jam we didn’t eat over the winter will come in handy again. We open the jar, put the jam in bowls and put it in the greenhouse to attract pollinating insects with the aroma and taste. After enjoying the jam, they will also visit the vegetable flowers, which means the harvest will be higher. By the way, if you ate jam that is not very fragrant, add a little vanilla sugar. Your eggplants will be happy! Having tasted vanilla, the excited bees rush first to their flowers.

It greatly activates fermentation in barrels with weeds, from which we make green fertilizer. For a 240 liter barrel, a half liter jar of fermented or candied jam is enough and the process speeds up, even if the weather is cold and cloudy.

Scientists have long proven that green fertilizer is much healthier than manure. In addition, it costs nothing, and rotted manure is not only less and less accessible, but its price is rising from year to year.

If you keep pets and birds, then it won’t hurt either, but if you don’t, then vegetable green helpers and kitchen waste will come to the rescue.

I prepare all year round eggshells, banana peels and ash. I fill the compost heap in the garden with plant debris - grass clippings and scraps from the kitchen.

When I plant seedlings in the spring, I use these techniques.


Before planting, I soak dried banana peels for a couple of days (I dry them on radiators in winter) and put soft skins from 2 bananas and a tablespoon of ash at the bottom of each hole, sprinkle them with soil and plant a tomato bush on top. Banana enriches the soil with potassium, and ash with phosphorus.

Instead of bananas, you can put some cheap fish on the bottom; if it’s rotten, that’s also good. In addition to the fact that the fish will enrich the soil with sodium, phosphorus and potassium, it will also repel mole crickets and wireworms, as well as moles.


I throw peeled potatoes at the bottom of the hole and plant seedlings. When the potatoes begin to rot, the sprout will receive nutrients. And we clean it so that it does not sprout.


Banana peels are also suitable for peppers. And in order for the plants to quickly grow stronger and gain strength, it is useful to water them with whey.

I have been preparing all summer, using plants, dried bread and crusts, lost milk or kefir, and even old jam.

At the very beginning of summer there is a lot. I arm myself with a sickle, put on rubber gloves and collect nettles in a bag. Then I put it in a barrel or large pan and fill it with water. After 5 days, the nettle will ferment and the infusion will bubble. Then I take out the nettles and mulch the young trees with it, and dilute the infusion 1 to 10 and water the seedlings and other plants. Such feeding can be done at least every week, if you are not too lazy. Just do not fertilize early ripening greens - lettuce, dill, parsley, spinach and onions, so that they do not accumulate nitrogen. Also, fertilizing is contraindicated for carrots; it makes them horny.

To prepare an infusion based on the principle of composition with effective microorganisms, you also need to take herbs - nettle, dandelion, celandine, coltsfoot and others useful plants, pour a liter of kefir and a liter of old jam into the barrel, wrap it in film to prevent air from entering. After 5-7 days, the infusion is ready, dilute it in the same proportion of 1 to 10 liters and water it (under the roots, and over the leaves too).

You can make an infusion on stale bread, you can throw extra plants into the water, as well as fruit-bearing pea stems and mowed phacelia.

Often I still have last year's ones medicinal herbs, they also go into infusion.

Filled up over the summer-winter compost heap I cope this way. In the spring, I select an uncultivated virgin plot of land and ask my husband to remove the top turf layer (it is folded upside down neatly in one row on the adjacent virgin plot). I dig trenches and place the contents of the compost heap at the bottom. There can be many such trenches, it all depends on the amount of compost. I spill the compost with a diluted composition containing effective microorganisms and cover it with soil. I cover the top with film or agrofibre. If you do this in March-April, then by May-June, the compost will have rotted and you can plant it in the beds. In this way, we kill three birds with one stone - we free up virgin land, fertilize the soil and fight weeds (after all, pumpkin plants produce large leaves and the weeds under them are suppressed). And next year we have a bed with well-fertilized and weed-free soil. Early green plants love this kind of soil, and cucumbers will grow well here.

Don’t forget that the vegetables you grow will be eaten not only by you, but also by your children and loved ones. Do not blindly trust attractive advertising that promises to rid you of weeds in a week; do not throw handfuls of saltpeter and nitrogen fertilizers into the ground. Take advantage of a safer alternative, because there are a lot of options for healthy and clean fertilizer, you just have to look around carefully.

Every summer resident wants his garden to have an excellent harvest. And everyone knows: if you want to enjoy the abundant greenery of plants and collect more vegetables and berries, feed the plants. Without food, they will not please the garden bed worker. The same can be said about indoor plants. Everything requires additional nutrition. Watering alone is not enough.

They play a huge role in this, different types fertilizers But not many people know that fertilizers can be obtained even from improvised materials (food waste). Let's reveal a few secrets of (economical) fertilizers.

Banana peel - excellent potassium fertilizer. Stocks of skins can be started in winter, they need to be dried and crushed. When flowering begins, this crumb (banana) needs to be poured under the plants. It is very suitable for plants of roses, strawberries, and barberries. If you manage to accumulate a lot of dried banana peels, then they are added to the soil mixture and you get a grateful base for planting vegetables, berries and flowers.

But even a few bananas can give your plants the nutrients they need. To water indoor plants, add water to the peels of bananas and other citrus fruits and water the indoor plants with them. They perk up noticeably, give lush flowering and abundant greenery. Country flower beds They will also not refuse to water citrus fruits and banana skins with water infusion.

Fish waste (bones, shells, heads). Great for potatoes, peppers and tomatoes. By enriching these crops with phosphorus, such fertilizer brings very good harvest. By the way, it also makes them more resistant to diseases.

Rye bread as fertilizer. It is very good to use (sourdough) for strawberries and cucumbers. Pieces of black bread need to be soaked and kept warm for 1 week. This mixture should be diluted with water 2-3 times and watered once a week.

Tea brewing and coffee grounds, have nitrogen and many microelements. They make the soil more loose. You can fertilize either during planting or simply by laying it on the soil. They love this type of feeding (pheasalis, eggplant and tomato). Coffee grounds, collected and dried, are added to the ground when caring for and planting garden vegetables. In addition to nutrition, this method also disinfects the kidney.

Sour jam helps cabbage and potato seedlings very well. Take 1 liter of jam per 10 liters of water, leave for 5 days, you can add yeast, 1 sachet. On the fifth day, dilute 1 glass per 5 liters of water. You need to water at the root, once every 8-10 days.

Ash. Potash fertilizer, necessary for almost every garden crop. It is only important to take into account that young plants that have not yet produced 3 leaves cannot be sprinkled with ash. You need to wait a little and water or sprinkle ash between the rows in the beds.

All these simple and economical fertilizers, if used correctly, will bring a very good and rich harvest. Help the earth be enriched with the substances it needs. She will give them to the plants that you lovingly plant and which you lovingly care for, and your hopes will certainly come true. I wish you a rich, generous harvest with the help of fertilizers from kitchen waste!

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Head of the capital's consultation center on issues organic farming 47-year-old Elena Pochtareva makes fertilizer for the garden and vegetable garden. It is based on weeds and mown grass. Adds the biological product EM-bokashi and after five days the fertilizer is ready.

It’s fast in the summer because it’s warm and there’s a lot of raw materials. “I call this fertilizer an herbal tincture for plants,” says the gardener. - I fill a plastic barrel three-quarters full with chopped grass. Better mixture from nettle, dandelion, quinoa, clover. You can lay beveled lawn grass. I fill it with sweet water to cover the weeds in the barrel. I sweeten the water with old jam, but not raspberry jam. You can use any other malt. The calculation is as follows: for 15 liters of water, a glass of jam or sweet syrup, 2-3 glasses of bokashi. This is wheat bran impregnated with microorganisms. They are called EM drugs for short. Bokashi has the highest concentration of them. They come with a substrate - bran, on which they are grafted. Throw it into a compost heap or soil - it is already protected. This is their food supply. They act immediately and do not waste time adapting. It's like a plant with good roots and frail.

A hermetically sealed barrel sits outside for up to five days. Should be warm, but not in direct sun. Stir occasionally. The finished infusion is diluted with water 1:10 and watered over the plants. Feeding increases the yield by two to five times.

Bokashi heals the soil and plants. They are added to the seedling mixture. Grass, leaves, food waste, and manure are turned into organic fertilizers. Throw them in compost heaps. Feed indoor flowers. But in each case the concentration and technique of use is different. To feed the plant, 50 grams of bokashi per plant is enough. square meter soil. They are scattered at a distance of 10 centimeters from the plant. A pinch of bokashi is mixed with the seeds and then sown.

Bokashi is also used to restore soil fertility and remove chemical fertilizers. Apply in spring or autumn after harvest. In cloudy weather or in the evening. Microorganisms do not like sunlight. Spread evenly throughout the garden. Better with green manure seeds. Loosen the soil so that the seeds and bokashi are covered with soil. In spring, apply no later than three weeks before planting.

Poisoning feces

Bokashi is made organic fertilizer from feces. The drug is gradually added to the waste pit or dry closet, depending on the filling. Take 250 g of bokashi per 20 liters of feces.

Convenient for eliminating odor in a country house or village. The biological product neutralizes it, says Elena Pochtareva. - Complete fermentation of feces takes about a year. If you convert them into organic fertilizer, you need two toilets. One is used, and the other uses bokashi.

When in summer time New jam is being made, housewives are racking their brains about what to do with the old jam made last year. It is very easy to find a worthy use for it.

Jam made last season and not eaten during the year usually retains its presentation and taste.

It is possible that 1-2 jars of jam may spoil and become moldy due to improper storage. They, of course, will have to be disposed of, but the rest of the reserves are safe and sound, except that they are slightly candied.

It’s a pity for the effort and money spent on preparing this natural product. Meanwhile, it is not difficult to find a use for old jam - you can use it to make wine with a unique taste and aroma, or use it as a filling to create culinary masterpieces.


Wash the three-liter jar thoroughly, and then. Transfer 1 liter of last year's jam into it, pour in the same amount of warm boiled jam and throw in a handful of raisins.

Never wash raisins, as colonies of beneficial bacteria live on their surface, stimulating the fermentation process.

After thoroughly mixing the resulting mixture, close the jar with a nylon lid with a hydraulic seal or pull a rubber medical glove over the neck of the jar. Place the jar for 50-60 days in a dark place at room temperature.

During this period of time, the wort in the jar will ferment and turn into wine, imbued with the taste and aroma of the fruits from which the jam was made.

After removing the fermented pulp from the surface of the jar, strain the wine through several layers of gauze.

Let the resulting wine mature by bottling it and keeping it in dark place at least 40 days. After the specified time, the wine can be brought into the light, tasted and enjoyed its incomparable aroma and taste.


Separating 3 yolks from whites, mix 3 yolks, a pack of melted margarine, 2 cups of sugar, the juice of one lemon and 1 soda.

After pouring 4 cups of sifted flour into a heap, make a funnel in it and, pouring the previously prepared mixture into it, knead the dough.

Place 3/4 of the dough into the baking pan, using your fingers to lift it up around the edges. Pour 1 cup of jam over the dough, and roll out the remaining quarter of the dough into thin strips and use them to form a lattice on top of the jam.

Bake in the oven at 180 0 C for 40 minutes.


Mix 1 cup old jam with 1 teaspoon in a saucepan baking soda and wait 10 minutes until the soda goes out.

To the resulting mixture with abundant foam, add 1 glass of kefir and half a glass. Mix well. Add 2 cups of flour and mix thoroughly.

Grease the inside of a baking dish or frying pan with high sides with margarine, and then pour the prepared batter into it.

Place the pan with the future delicacy in an oven preheated to 180 0 C, bake the cake for 30-40 minutes. After removing the baked cake from the mold, let it cool and begin taking the sample.

Enjoy your meal!

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