How to make the perfect meringue - working on mistakes. Classic meringue recipe - bake in the oven

Cooking instructions

1 hour 10 minutes Print

    1. Separate the whites from the yolks. The main thing is to carefully separate them, otherwise the whites will not beat well and nothing will come out. I take two cups, carefully pour the whites into one, the yolks remain in the other (you can cover them with foil, put them in the refrigerator and then make something out of them too). Crib How to separate whites from yolks

    2. Pour sugar into a measuring cup, up to the 150 gram mark. Add 2 teaspoons (but you can do more, so the smell will be throughout the whole house) of vanilla sugar.

    3. Preheat the oven in advance, but very low. I turn it on 120 degrees. Tool Oven thermometer How the oven actually heats up, even if you set a specific temperature, can only be understood with experience. It is better to have a small thermometer on hand that is placed in the oven or simply hung on the grill. And it is better that it shows degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit simultaneously and accurately - like a Swiss watch. The thermometer is important when it is necessary to strictly observe temperature regime: say in the case of baking.

    4. Take some kind of bowl in which we will beat the egg whites (I have a special plastic bowl for this, you can beat anything in it), a mixer, and off you go! It is important, of course, that the mixer is powerful. If everything is in order, then 3-5 minutes should be enough to get a strong foam that will not fall out, even if you tip the bowl upside down. Mixer tool It is convenient to beat egg whites, as well as knead other substances like minced meat or dough, not by hand (as this requires effort and time), but using a mixer like a KitchenAid. For example, the Artisan model has ten speed modes and three different attachments for working with any consistency, and it is also a universal food processor.

    5. Pour the sugar out of the glass, beat for another 5 minutes until the sugar and foam become more or less one. It is done! To check how perfect everything is, you can run the beaters of the mixer over the surface of the foam, and if there are still immovable marks, then everything is ok!

    6. Place a sheet of baking paper on a baking sheet to suit the size.
    Tool Baking paper For even baking, it is better to place open pies and quiches in the oven on a wire rack, and to prevent the sauce boiling from the heat from dripping between the rods, baking paper will help. For example, the Finns produce a good one - it is quite dense and is already divided into sheets that are easy to get out of the box. And nothing more is required from paper.

    7. Well, put future meringues on it in any form! I make magic things using a bag with different attachments (something like a pastry syringe, only simpler). You can make small meringues or large ones. Small ones, by the way, bake faster. Tool Confectionery cone It is convenient to squeeze the filling onto the dough, as well as the cream, with a pastry cone. Then the portions turn out even and neat, and your hands don’t get dirty with minced meat. You don’t have to buy a horn; it can be easily rolled up from cellophane or some other waterproof material. For confectionery purposes, it is better to use cones with a variety of attachments - usually a set includes several pieces at once.

    8. That's almost all! Place in the oven at 120 degrees for 50–60–80 minutes, you can check periodically. If the outside is hard, then it’s time to take it out.

This sweet, melt-in-your-mouth French dessert is familiar to many from childhood. Our article will talk about how to prepare meringue at home, what techniques and secrets you need to know and how to diversify this tasty and easy-to-prepare dish.

This delicacy is also known as meringue. It is believed that the birthplace of the dessert is France, because the first written description of the recipe was made by a French chef. However, the Swiss believe that the cake is named after them settlement Meiringen, the Poles are sure that the dish was created by the cook of King Stanislav I Leszczynski. But the king’s daughter, being the wife of Louis XV, introduced the recipe into French cuisine. It is difficult to figure out which of all this is true. And while these states argue, we will simply enjoy the amazing taste of the hero of our article.

Baking a cake yourself will not be difficult for you, but you need to have a few hours in reserve, since the drying process takes a lot of time. But the most important thing is that you will be absolutely sure that there are no substances harmful to your health in your dish.

There are various recipes and techniques for creating dessert. We will tell you about them and how to properly and tasty prepare meringue at home.

Whipping Techniques


The easiest way. The squirrel is shaken with powdered sugar and a pinch of salt until “hard peaks”.


The dessert is created in a water bath. The container with the contents is placed over a pan of boiling water, and thus everything foams for 7 minutes at high speed. Then the bowl is removed from the water bath and the ingredients are whisked for another 3 minutes. The result is a thick mass that holds its shape well.

You can add nuts, marmalade, coffee, grated chocolate, and jelly to it.


Hot sugar syrup is used. It is gradually poured into the squirrels, without ceasing to stir. You can, without fear, add to such a creation butter for taste.

How to cook meringue in the oven

This is a classic meringue recipe. It is the most common. If desired, various flavoring additives can be included in the resulting mixture.


  • Egg whites – 4 pieces
  • Powdered sugar – 250 g
  • A pinch of salt
  • Vegetable oil - for greasing the baking sheet

Cooking process:

  • Cool the squirrels and add a pinch of salt to them.
  • Start beating on low speed.
  • Once cloudy and foamy and bubbles form, the mixer speed can be increased.
  • Gradually add small sugar. sand or powder, while continuously foaming the mixture. Be patient, as you need to add sugar one teaspoon at a time. This is necessary so that the pies do not fall off after baking.
  • Beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form.
  • Line a baking tray with pastry paper and grease it with oil.
  • Place the mixture into a pastry bag and use it to squeeze out benzenes of the desired shape and size onto a baking sheet.
  • Bake at 100 degrees for about an hour (it all depends on your oven).
  • During this process, do not open the oven under any circumstances and for 2 hours after baking too.

It’s clear how to cook meringue in the oven, now let’s look at other intricate methods.

How to cook meringue in the microwave

There is a separate recipe for lovers of this device. It will help the impatient to prepare meringue quite quickly. However, it is worth remembering that it is not safe to cook or heat any food in the microwave. Microwaves have negative impact on our health.


  • Squirrels - two
  • Fine sugar - one glass
  • A pinch of salt
  • A pinch of vanillin
  • Vegetable oil

The process of making meringue in the microwave:

  • Place the squirrels in a clean and dry container, add salt and foam until fluffy.
  • Slowly and gradually add vanilla and granulated sugar.
  • Shake until stiff peaks form.
  • Grease the dish microwave oven vegetable oil and sprinkle with flour.
  • Squeeze the resulting mass into it using a pastry syringe.
  • Dry the meringues at 750 W for one to two minutes.
  • Do not open the door for another 15-20 minutes.

How to make meringue cream at home

Not everyone just likes dry and crunchy desserts, so we should tell you how to make meringue custard.

You will need:

  • butter – 100 grams
  • fine sugar – 90 grams
  • egg yolk – 1 piece
  • milk – 70 ml
  • vanillin – 0.5 sachet
  • cognac - tablespoon

Cooking method:

  • Mix the yolk, sugar and milk and heat to a boil over low heat.
  • Two minutes after boiling, turn off and cool the mixture until room temperature.
  • Separately, mix vanilla and softened butter, mix the resulting mass with the cooled egg mixture.
  • Without ceasing to stir, pour in the cognac.
  • Lubricate the marengas with cream and glue them together in pairs.

To create a French dessert at home you need to know a few important secrets:

  • do not choose an aluminum container for whipping, it gives the meringues a grayish tint;
  • use only clean and dry dishes, the presence of water droplets is unacceptable;
  • since we do not bake cakes, but dry them, use the “convention” function (if available);
  • For perfect whipping, keep the eggs in the refrigerator for 40 minutes;
  • To maintain the snow-white color of the whipped mixture, add a little lemon juice or acid;
  • do not allow yolk or fat to get in;
  • if you are not sure about the freshness of the eggs, break each one into a separate container;
  • use only fine sand or powdered sugar, coarse sand may dissolve poorly and crunch on the teeth;
  • Start beating at low speed to oxygenate the mixture, then increase the speed to medium. It is not advisable to beat at maximum;
  • beat the ingredients until “hard peaks”, so the cake will be stable;
  • do not open the oven immediately after cooking, give the meringues a couple of hours to cool;
  • Never open the oven while drying;
  • check the texture of the cake after it has cooled completely;
  • For a sponge cake, you should not foam the egg white too much.

As a bonus, we will tell you how to properly prepare the popular meringue cake – Kyiv.


  • squirrels – 10 pieces
  • granulated sugar - glass
  • flour – 40 grams
  • roasted nuts

Cooking method:

  • beat the heavily chilled whites with a glass of granulated sugar (until the mass increases 4-5 times);
  • put nuts and flour;
  • mix everything carefully;
  • place on two round parchment sheets;
  • dry for four to five hours in the oven at 100 degrees;
  • let the cakes sit for two to three hours.


  • yolks - ten pieces
  • butter – 500 grams
  • sugar – 270 g
  • milk – 300 ml
  • cocoa – 25 g
  • vanillin
  • cognac – 2 tbsp.


  • Mix sand with milk and bring to a boil.
  • Beat the yolks and pour half of the boiled mixture into them (while whisking without stopping).
  • Pour everything back into the pan with the remaining liquid and bring to a boil over low heat (stirring constantly), then turn off and stir for 2 minutes.
  • Cool the resulting syrup.
  • Beat the drained butter with a mixer until fluffy and add vanillin.
  • Continuing whisking, add cooled syrup.
  • Divide the cream into 2 parts: add cognac to one and mix, and cocoa to the other.

Beat the heavily chilled egg whites with granulated sugar.

Place the roasted nuts in the flour and mix gently

Place on two round parchment sheets and dry in the oven for 4-5 hours

Let the cakes sit for 2-3 hours

Grease the center and bottom of the cake with white cream, and the top and sides with chocolate. Decorate with nuts and chocolate. Before eating, let the cake soak in the refrigerator for 6 hours.

Grease the middle and bottom of the cake with white cream, and the top and sides with chocolate

Decorating the meringue cake

We hope that your cakes and pastries will turn out beautiful and incredibly delicious the first time!

Not long ago, our editorial office received several questions about meringues and meringues, how to prepare meringues correctly, how to make colored meringues, why meringues turn yellow when dried. We brought this issue up for discussion in our instagram. However, so that in future our readers do not have any difficulties with meringues and meringues, culinary blogger Liza Bogomazova wrote an excellent article in which she talked about solutions to many problems in the process of taming these cute sweets.

Meringue is one of the easiest desserts to prepare, which, however, still raises a lot of questions and difficulties in the preparation process.
According to the method of preparation, there are three types of meringues:

  • French meringue is egg whites beaten with sugar and/or powdered sugar. The most popular method for further preparing crispy airy meringues.
  • — it is prepared from proteins whipped with sugar in a water bath. It is used to produce products such as meringues, meringues (dry crispy crust with a moist soufflé core inside), as well as creams.
  • Italian meringue - whites whipped into foam with hot sugar syrup. Most often used for decoration, creams and other meringues that do not require further heat treatment. It is most stable over time and during baking, which explains its popularity when making macarons.

Of the three types listed above, the simplest is the French version of preparation. Let's talk about how to beat meringue in this way in order to bake meringue later.

#1 Fresh eggs take longer to beat because... contain more moisture.

#2 The yolks of cold eggs separate more easily, because... their shell is stronger, and cold whites whip a little faster, but warm whites produce a fluffier, glossier, more stable meringue from warm whites.You can separate the whites from the yolks of fresh, cold eggs in advance, and then let them “age” for a couple of days in the refrigerator, then come to room temperature before beating.

#3 One egg white of the first category requires about 50 g of sugar.

#4 Not a single micron of yolk should get into the white, otherwise it will not whip.

#5 Also, the container itself in which you beat must be absolutely dry and grease-free. Wipe with vinegar and wipe the container dry with a dry, clean cloth if in doubt. It is better to use glass or metal containers.

#6 For snow-white meringue, add a couple of drops of lemon juice, which is also a preservative and stabilizer for meringue. Salt is also a stabilizer for protein foam.

#7 If you want to get caramel-colored meringue, increase the sugar level by about 1/4 and dry the meringue a little longer than usual at a temperature of 105-110 degrees. The taste of these meringues will also be different; they take on a caramel note or, to some, resemble the taste of creme brulee.

#8 During the beating process, all sugar must completely dissolve and contact the protein molecules.If you are still afraid that all the sugar will not dissolve, replace half with powdered sugar.

#9 It is easy to overbeat the whites, then the mass will be too porous and will fall off quickly, but you should get a dense, smooth, shiny mass, so it is recommended to beat at low speed first.

#10 If you want to color the meringue, it is better to use gel or dry dye, which is added at the very end. Remember that the raw meringue should be a little brighter than the color you want in the end, because... a small part of the dye still burns off during baking.If you are still afraid that the meringue does not like moisture, and there is too much gel coloring, then add a pinch of corn starch when whipping.

How to make meringue:

Step 1. First, beat the whites with a pinch of salt at low speed until foam appears, then gradually add sugar (remember, for 1 egg white of the first category you need 50 grams of sugar), increase to medium, at maximum speed - at the very end. At this stage, you can add dye, vanilla, coconut or other extract.
Beat the meringue to stiff peaks - the raised whisk should form a pointed, stable “beak” that will not fall off over time, and the protein mass will remain at the bottom even in a bowl turned upside down.

Step 2. Place the meringues on a baking sheet lined with parchment.

Step 3. Bake in a preheated oven at 100 degrees for an hour or two, depending on the size of the meringue. For small crispy meringues, it takes no more than 1.5 hours. After an hour, you can open the oven and test to see if the meringue is ready. Leave the meringue to cool in the oven.

If the meringue still turns out to be a caramel color, next time lower the temperature to 80-95 degrees and dry the meringue in the oven longer.

You cannot store meringues in the refrigerator, as they become damp; They can be stored in an airtight container for about a week.

Neuroscientists say that happiness is a physiological illusion into which we fall for very short periods of time. For example, for those couple of minutes while the meringue melts in our mouth. On this page there are 3 meringue recipes and all the secrets of making meringue at home. Each meringue recipe has detailed step-by-step photos.

The first of the three proposed recipes is a basic version of meringue with nuances and cooking tips, followed by two recipes with bells and whistles. As they say, “slowly so that everyone understands.” And so that everyone succeeds, because meringue is a capricious thing.

Meringue is a dessert, a cake made from proteins, which is whipped with sugar until it becomes a dense airy mass, after which the mass is laid out in the form of a cone and baked until it has a dense surface and a tender, slightly viscous center.

The nuances of making the perfect meringue at home. The culinary trick for unique meringues is, but baking them is no less important. The oven must be preheated to 150 °C, then we put a baking sheet with meringue there and turn off the oven. The cooking process requires patience - the meringue will be ready when the oven has cooled completely. You can put the meringue in the oven in the evening - for your morning breakfast you will receive an excellent dessert, with the degree of dryness that is characteristic of an ideal protein treat. These are the main tricks of the meringue recipe snow white color from the famous culinary specialist Delia. For more common methods of preparing meringue, see below.

Basic meringue recipe without secrets (English chef Delia’s method)

  • 3 eggs (whites only)
  • 160 - 175 g sugar or powdered sugar
  • citric acid - a pinch
  • whisk
  • cup or bowl

1. Take 3 fresh eggs, in fresh ones it is easier to separate the protein. Separate the white in each egg separately into a cup or small bowl, and only then transfer the separated white to a common mixing bowl. Then the awkwardly broken yolk will not mix with the previously separated whites and spoil them. The eggs should be cold, preferably straight from the refrigerator.

2. Sugar is required at the rate of 55-60 g for each egg white. To prepare meringue from three egg whites, weigh 180 g of sugar into a clean, fat-free bowl.
Prepare your mixer and pour some sugar into the bowl with the whites. While beating the whites, you will add sugar, but no more than a tablespoon at a time.
Take your time, gradualness is important in this matter.

3. Turn the whisk on low speed and beat for about 2 minutes until the contents are filled with air bubbles, like champagne in a glass.
For more egg whites, the beating time must be increased.
The mass will become thicker and thicker. It won't turn white right away, but it will get closer.
Somewhere in the process, sprinkle granulated sugar and put a pinch of citric acid on it - this is the way to “whiten” the meringue.

4. Beat on average speed for about a minute, switch the whisk to maximum speed and beat until a dense stage, which is easy to determine: lift the whisk with the whipped whites - at the end they will form a peak that does not fall, retains its shape.
You can check the readiness of the meringue with a spoon - the satin-colored mass should not spread.

5. Spoon the whipped mixture onto parchment paper placed on a baking sheet. Start baking. It is better to bake on low heat so that the meringue does not burn, but the middle is baked. To do this, preheat the oven to 150 °C, place a baking sheet, reduce the temperature to 140 °C, dry the meringue a little, and after 15 minutes turn off the oven.

Important! The finished meringue remains in the oven until completely cooled.

You can do it another way (and this is more common): bake the meringue for about 1-1.5 hours at a temperature of 100 -120°C.

That's it, you have prepared the meringue according to the recipe. I hope it wasn't too difficult and everything worked out for you. Place the meringue on a pretty plate and serve.

Meringue recipe with steamed almonds

In addition to the main ingredients, proteins and sugar, additional ones can be included in the meringue recipe. Almonds, for example, will give the dessert an amazing taste. Or other nuts: walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, pistachios - each with its own individual accent.

But nuts, of course, are not all that can be used to enrich meringue. We will layer the meringues with butter cream - and this is a real “gloss” of taste pleasure. And so that you are not afraid to complicate the meringue, we will steam it - this method gives a 100% guarantee that the meringue will work. According to experts, with the assistance of heat in the form of steam, protein and sugar are bonded almost at the molecular level, so the baking process goes smoothly.

Recipe ingredients

  • squirrels - 2
  • sugar - 110 grams
  • almonds - 36 grams
  • vanilla sugar - 2/3 sachets
  • Chop the almonds into small pieces

How to make almond meringue

Pour into a wide bowl hot water and place a bowl for whipping egg whites. The bowl should not touch the water! Only steam will heat our mixture.

Place the whites in a bowl and beat them with a mixer at high speed.

As soon as they begin to thicken, start adding granulated sugar and vanilla sugar.

Continue beating until the whites are glossy and firm (this will take about 10 minutes).

Remove the bowl from the water bath. Stop whisking, add almonds and mix gently.

Place the mixture into the cornet. Holding it vertically, squeeze out any shapes onto a baking sheet covered with parchment: snouts, snails, zigzag stripes, hearts - fantasize and make them.

Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 100 degrees. Bake for about an hour.

Buttercream for meringue

We will also make the cream in a water bath.


  • butter - 100 grams
  • egg - 1
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • alcohol for flavoring - 2 teaspoons


Pour hot water (40 degrees Celsius) into the container. Place another bowl on top and crack the egg into it. Beat it with sugar into a thick meringue.

In another bowl, beat room temperature butter. Continuing to beat, add tbsp. spoon of egg mixture. Add alcohol at the end.

Place the whipped mixture in the refrigerator to cool.

Spread the finished and cooled meringues with cream on the flat side and combine in pairs.

What you get are these fantasy, whimsical, curly beauties (the way you “sculpted” them)

Meringue recipe with chocolate and sesame seeds

Very tasty and unusual recipe meringue, which combines toasted sesame seeds and chocolate droplets. It's worth a try, even if it doesn't seem to go together. Believe me, it goes together so well! Chocolate and sesame in a protein shell is one of the most unusual dessert flavors!

Recipe ingredients

  • squirrels - 2
  • sugar - 100 grams
  • dark chocolate - 50 grams
  • sesame - 35-40 grams
  • lemon juice - half a teaspoon (2/3)

Making chocolate sesame meringue

Toast the sesame seeds until light golden brown. Be sure to cool before preparing the meringue.

Coarsely grate the chocolate.

Place the whites in a bowl. Beat them at high speed and as soon as they start to thicken, add lemon juice.

Continuing to beat, add sugar. The protein mass should become very steep. Stop whisking.

Add sesame seeds and stir in gently. Add the chocolate and stir in gently again.

You can form the meringue, as in the previous version, using a cornet, or you can just use a spoon. If you want small balls, then tea; You'll get bigger clouds if you put them in dessert.

Take two spoons - scoop one, and scrape the second from the first.

Place the balls on a baking tray lined with baking paper.

Place in an oven preheated to 150 degrees. Bake for 25 minutes. It is better to cool on a kitchen rack.

The main secrets of making the perfect homemade meringue

Let's summarize briefly. To make the meringue:

Use clean and dry dishes, water in any form is not allowed; It is not even recommended to bake meringues in damp weather;
- you can additionally degrease the dishes by wiping them with a swab dipped in vodka;
- there is an opinion that if you wipe the walls of the mixing bowl with a slice of lemon, the whites will turn out especially fluffy and stiff;
- observe the temperature regime, the meringue is not baked, it dries out; If your oven has a convection function, use it to expel any hint of moisture.

You can make meringue correctly and then cook delicious and crispy meringue in the oven with the help of our recommendations and recipes that you will find below. When you hear the word “meringue”, your mouth starts to water; tender and light meringues will please everyone’s taste.

When buying a similar dessert on the shelves grocery store, it is impossible to be sure of the composition and quality of this product, so why not make real meringue at home with your own hands? It won't be difficult at all if you follow the recipe. You should separate the whites from the yolks very carefully. The container for whipping egg whites must be completely dry and free of residual fat.

Step-by-step recipe with photos. Preparing meringue and baking meringue in the oven:


Classic recipe making meringue at home.

Take 4 egg whites and 2 cups of sugar. When whipping the whites, you need to add sugar in small portions until you get a smooth, stiff consistency. Place everything in small pieces on a baking sheet and bake for 45-55 minutes ( optimal temperature- 110 degrees). Remove only the cooled product from the oven.

For guests, you can prepare chocolate-colored meringue, with a crispy crust and delicate viscous content. How to make meringue with a similar filling at home?

Preheat the oven. The required temperature is 100 degrees, if the oven has a fan, set it to 110 degrees. Place 2 baking sheets covered with foil or parchment.

For 16 desserts, take 4 eggs, take them out of the refrigerator in advance to warm up a little. Remove the yolks, pour the whites into a clean container, beat with a mixer (not too quickly) until a fluffy cloud is obtained. Add speed to the mixer and add sugar with a spoon (115 grams prepared) this way: add a spoon, beat for 4 seconds, add again. Do not overdo it; when you get a thick mass, stop the process.

Sift through the powdered sugar (also 115 grams) and add 30% to the mixture, stir with a spoon, then add the rest in parts. Do not stir for long.

Spread the mixture onto a baking sheet. It is better to take 2 dessert spoons and use the other to correct the shape of the desserts, making them oval. An oven with a fan will bake the meringue for about 100 minutes, without it - 75 minutes.

The finished dessert gives off a hollow sound when you knock on it, and comes off the foil without any problems. Everything cools down in the oven. 1 serving contains 15 grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram of protein, no fat. The energy value is 60 kilocalories.

If desired, pour chocolate glaze over the meringues (mix 4 tablespoons of cocoa and sour cream, 6 tablespoons of sugar, 30 grams of butter). Another option is to add ground ginger to the mixture.

If some of the meringues are broken, use them as a filling for pancakes or mix the slices into ice cream. Coffee, mulled wine and fondue go well with meringue.

Now you know how to make crispy and tasty meringues at home with your own hands using simple recipes. Absolutely anyone can make real meringue, and the simple recipe allows you to prepare crispy sweets at home using ingredients that can be purchased at any supermarket.

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