How to move up the career ladder. Advice for an HR specialist

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Many people believe that professional advancement is available either to unique people who literally shine with genius in their work, or to people who are ready to do low things for the sake of promotion. Fortunately, this is far from the case.

In order to raise your status in the office of your superiors, there is no need to be seven pounds in your forehead, and even more so you should not overstep your self-esteem.

“The main thing is aspiration” - everyone has heard this statement. This is the very principle that needs to be followed. How and where this desire should be directed will be discussed below.

Section "how to climb the career ladder" involves several points, each of which must be carefully read. Naturally, no one canceled the practical part.

1. Set this goal from the very beginning

When applying for a job in a prestigious organization, you must first make sure that career growth is possible there. Otherwise, it’s worth looking for a more prestigious company. You don’t want to sit in the same place and with the same salary for years?

If a career is a companion wages, then you need to behave appropriately. And do this from the interview itself. When you first meet your superiors, you must position your candidacy correctly.

No way to earn money will give you the money you want until you solve the most important task for getting it! And it will help you with this

There is no need to pretend to be the person the company has been looking for for so long, and even more so, there is no need to make cosmic promises. Just let your boss know that you have a combination of self-confidence, determination and integrity.

When hiring you, management must recognize that you will not sit in one place for long, and that your priority is continuous self-improvement.

2. You are silent - says the other

You won't get a new position for being modest. Only those who are in constant motion achieve it. If you simply do what is asked of you, do not show initiative, and, moreover, do the work for others, then you can forget about the promotion.

Constant ideas and their proposal to management - here The best way how to quickly climb the career ladder. Don't be shy about expressing your opinion at meetings. Be prepared to work hard and fruitfully. Otherwise, the laurels will go to a more efficient colleague.

By the way, there is no need to talk about reasons other than work. This is especially true for personal life.

3. Lots of words, even more things to do

As stated before, don't promise what you can't deliver. All proposals of ideas must have a basis. Emphasize your words with actions.

4. Continuous improvement of skills

A diploma of higher (or secondary) education is just a pass to work. And minor advanced training courses will allow you to stay on it. Progress does not stand still. Programs change. And you need to keep up with the times. Management will be delighted.

A prestigious organization usually offers free courses for employees. And each of them must be visited by you. But you shouldn’t limit yourself to this. The city you live in offers other courses and workshops to improve your skills.

Also, don’t forget about books, reading which should become one of your favorite pastimes. Literature is the main material from which the intellect of a successful person is built.

5. Active positive life position

Coming up with new ideas, actively attending meetings, and having a plethora of training certificates won't give you an advantage over your peers if you're applying for a promotion with a frown on your face.

You should illuminate the employees of your department with light from the very entrance to the room. Your energy and cheerfulness should inspire admiration and imitation by your colleagues.

Play sports. This will allow you to always be on your toes. Moreover, the work process will become easier, you will begin to cope better with the assigned tasks. There will be a lot of free time that can be spent on generating new ideas.

Watch your diet. Avoid eating unhealthy foods such as smoked meats and confectionery. Eliminate fatty foods from your daily consumption. This way, your figure will become slim and your mood will always be positive.

Who will the bosses choose during the next promotion procedure? The choice is obvious.

6. Leading position in the team

One more effective way The way to climb up the career ladder is leadership. Naturally, this means respect in the team. The boss will never promote a person who does not inspire sympathy among his colleagues.

You must become, if not the soul of the team (this concept usually implies a joker), then its backbone. When speaking “team,” management should mean not a group of people in which you are located, but a society behind your back.

In order to become " eminence grise“In your department, you don’t need to “yes assent” to your superiors and inform on your colleagues. The effect will be completely different. It is necessary to study each employee of your company and gain their trust. Then you will take a very strong position in the team.

See also We all, to one degree or another, face isolation within. And often this becomes a real barrier to achieving the desired goal. However, you should not elevate low self-esteem into the framework of fatality. This is not a sentence, but only a temporary phenomenon, if, of course, you make decent efforts to eliminate it

7. Personal life

Stories about how great you had a blast at a nightclub yesterday, and how you greeted the sunrise on the hood of a car in an embrace with a gorgeous blonde will not make you significant in the department. You will be good company on weekends, but serious matters that arise at work will not be trusted with you.

An ideal employee should be good at everything. If a person has order in his home, if he has a strong, friendly family, then it’s not scary to entrust him with the management of an entire department.

If an employee constantly hangs out at entertainment venues, all the duty shifts at the police station know him, and at the same time he applies for a promotion, he will inevitably be refused.

It also doesn’t hurt to establish a warm relationship with management. This will be another plus that will positively influence your candidacy.

Follow the above tips on how to climb the career ladder, and you will definitely achieve your goal!

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Why do some company employees quickly move up the career ladder in just a year, while others work in the same position for years, although they are considered excellent specialists?

Perhaps they are simply waiting for a successful combination of circumstances and do nothing. However, experts say that even the most responsible and experienced employee will never receive a promotion if he does nothing for it. If you are determined to become a big boss, now is the time to take action.

1. Make an action plan. If a worthy position for you suddenly opens up in a company, feel free to prove that you are worthy of this position. Analyze your capabilities and imagine what you would do in a new place, and then be sure to tell management about it.

2. Earn the respect of other employees. Never show excessive weakness or, conversely, treat your colleagues too dismissively. Show yourself as a leader, but do not infringe on the rights of other colleagues. In the eyes of your colleagues, you should look like a person who can be followed and who can solve any problem. The respect of all employees plays a big role in rapid career advancement.

3. Try to get rid of fears. Fear of the boss prevents you from defending your positions and moving forward. The boss is a person just like you, with his own weaknesses and characteristics. Take a closer look at your boss and try to understand what qualities he values ​​in employees and how he manages his department.

4. Learn to communicate competently and correctly. Be polite and friendly to everyone, do not be rude or raise your voice. Even if you are one hundred percent right, never be aggressive. If you see that the dispute does not lead to anything good, do not defend your position, pretend that you agreed. Don’t interrupt or teach your colleagues, give your opponent the opportunity to speak

5. Don’t be afraid of difficult tasks and projects. If others are turning down a new project, be sure to offer your candidacy. Spare no time and effort, study additional literature and take work home. When you present the result of your work to your superiors, they will definitely appreciate your efforts. Establish yourself as a responsible and experienced employee.

6. Express your point of view. If you notice that the manager is wrong, state your point of view. Understand the problem and suggest the most optimal way out of the situation. When communicating with your boss, you should offer ideas and specific ways to implement them.

7. Regularly improve your skills. Even if your specialty does not require advanced training courses at the expense of the employer, do not skimp and pay for the courses yourself. By the way, you can get additional education completely free, without leaving your home. It is enough to find the necessary literature.

Don’t forget to attend seminars and don’t hesitate to ask your boss questions related to advanced training at the employer’s expense. Management will definitely appreciate your desire to improve your experience.

Source: RIA Novosti

Most young and talented professionals dream of a meteoric rise up the career ladder. But according to statistics, only 20% of managers aged 25-27 remain in their positions. The remaining 80% cannot lead people. And yet the trend of appointing young, talented managers to top positions continues.

The prevailing opinion is that people aged 40-60 no longer strive to accumulate capital or maintain their reputation; it is more difficult for them to cope with workloads and the need to work 18 hours a day without holidays, weekends and vacations. Therefore, many company owners prefer to bet on the high performance of a “promising” young employee rather than on the emotional maturity of a more experienced employee, his psychological readiness to managing business processes and, most importantly, human resources. Not the least role here is played by the fear of losing a valuable employee who, not being able to satisfy his career ambitions, is able to move to another company.

The reason that you are not nominated for a management position may be not only company policy, but also your lack of certain qualities, without which the path to the top becomes much more thorny.

Skills interpersonal communication, active dialogue, tolerance and balanced decision-making cannot be acquired only from books or by attending various trainings. First of all, it is necessary practical experience in management and psychological resistance to stress. After all, when a manager occupies a high leadership position, his professional skills become less relevant than the ability to build relationships with people, convince and captivate them.

There is a widespread belief that career movement is a vertical race: promotion, salary growth. But if the employer or the specialist himself feels that it is too early to talk about leadership positions, and professional growth has stalled, then it is worth considering other development opportunities within the company.

However, if traditional ways promotion up the career ladder does not suit you, you can resort to more unusual ones.

According to a study by Australian scientists, one of the ways to make a career is to complicate the lives of subordinates. Almost two-thirds of the 240 participants in a survey conducted by scientists are confident that either no one controls the actions of a tyrant in the workplace, or he is simply sent for promotion.

Despite success in the office, brutal managers can cause serious trouble for subordinates and cause them nightmares, insomnia, depression, and chronic fatigue, the study says. According to the authors of the study, in such situations, much will depend on the higher authorities and whether they want to stop the career growth of such bosses. Senior managers are held accountable for failing to recognize the signs of an impending crisis caused by the actions of bad lower-level managers.

Scientists advise managers not to start promoting such people, since a bad boss at the top who rewards and promotes people like him becomes a separate problem.

Researchers from the Independent University of Berlin claim that being the target of gossip is enough to advance in the career ladder. It turns out that well-planned rumors can work real miracles, and in this case, you can make a brilliant career much faster than striving for it, straining yourself from excessive zeal.

According to university professor Birgit Altans, anyone who wants to move up the career ladder must make a name for themselves. To do this, you don’t have to work 60 hours a week or curry favor with your boss. It is enough to surround yourself with an aura of mystery, and in this sense, well-planned and managed gossip is the most ingenious and simple way.

“Having set the task of mandatory promotion up the career ladder, you must do everything so that in the eyes and minds of your colleagues and superiors you are associated with a positive image. The word is the most powerful tool impact on people, let “good” gossip start circulating about you,” says Professor Altans.

We all know people with attractive careers. They are entrusted with the most interesting tasks, they are endowed with powers that their colleagues do not have, and they are the first to be promoted. There is no accident here. Luck appears when opportunities match readiness.

Chances are, a person with an enviable career is very actively working to move in the right direction. And one of the main components of such a movement is the manifestation of courage.

To decisively move up the career ladder, regularly and, if necessary, persistently, do the following:

Instead of waiting for opportunities to advance in your career, find them yourself. First, look for opportunities within your company and, if there are none, expand your search beyond its borders. (If you wait for professional prospects to come to you, then you don’t have the courage.)

Ask your boss for new responsibilities and functions. When given a new task or responsibilities, do your best to learn, improve, expand your skills and develop your talents. (If you don't look for opportunities to learn and grow, then you don't have courage.)

Don't sit in the shade. Make sure everyone knows what a dedicated, passionate employee you are, and what a leader you are. Be discreet, but don't be shy. (If you remain in the shadows, then you do not have courage.)

If you feel stuck in your career, take immediate and determined action to get back on track to success. It's unlikely that anyone will notice (or care) if your career dynamics don't match your intentions. (If you are not at the helm, then you do not have courage.)

If you feel ready and deserving, don't hesitate to ask your boss for a raise or find another job that's a step or two above your current position. Don't expect others to recognize your readiness for promotion - show them that you are ripe for more by taking action and demonstrating your abilities. (If you haven’t done this for a long time, it means you don’t have courage.)

You must have a plan career growth and stages of promotion. If you have it, make sure you dedicate the time to implement it. (If you don’t aggressively pursue your goal, it means you don’t have courage)

If you don't like your job or if you want something different, take action to change the situation. Determine your preferences and stick to them. (If you don't strive for constructive change, you don't have courage.) A healthy, courageous career means you're doing work that you truly love and want to do. You also know exactly where you want to work, and you have a plan to get there. You do not shy away from opportunities that enrich your knowledge, skills and experience, and you are not afraid to take on more responsibility, including financial ones - on the contrary, you purposefully seek such chances. You get a promotion or salary increase because you ask for it. When you discover a problem, you call attention to it or solve it. What if difficulties arise? You become part of the solution, not the problem.

Based on materials from the book “Crisis is an opportunity”

The era of super-fast career building, when in six months it was possible to retrain from a simple assistant to a marketing director, has sunk into oblivion along with the dashing nineties. Nowadays one makes a career gradually. And one of the most important talents of a manager is to determine in time which employees need to be promoted up the career ladder, and how to do it.

Career advancement- this is the movement of an employee within a company from one job to another, more important and responsible and, as a rule, with higher pay, which is very desirable for any employee. Very often, a new position has a higher status and is accompanied by additional benefits and privileges, which stimulates additional development. The goal of any career advancement is to improve the use of professional skills and motivation of the employee. Any manager needs to remember: competent organization of personnel promotion helps to increase the prestige of the company and the moral satisfaction of employees, and incorrect and ill-considered promotion can lead to the emergence of a feeling of dissatisfaction in the company and even the outflow of its most valuable employees. Therefore, before you start promoting what you think is a promising employee, you need to calculate all the risks in advance and make the process of “travelling” up the career ladder as easy as possible for both the employee, the manager and the entire team.

According to the Canadian Lawrence Peter, in any hierarchical system, each employee strives to rise to his level of incompetence. This means that the employee must be promoted until he hits the “ceiling” of his capabilities and it becomes clear that he will not be able to cope with his responsibilities after the next promotion. In other words, you need to get the most out of an employee, no matter how harsh it may sound, and try your best to avoid a situation called “driving nails with a microscope,” when an employee who is capable of more and can bring considerable profit to the company works in a position that is not allows you to realize your full potential and fully reveal all your abilities and skills.

“Testing” the soil

In order to determine whether an employee can cope with new responsibilities, it is necessary to apply practical methods developing the potential of employees and diagnosing their readiness for an important step in their career. To solve the problem as quickly as possible, in some cases it is worth using the so-called “ shock therapy method", when an employee who copes well with his duties is taken out of his “comfort zone” and deliberately placed in an unusual and unexpected situation. This may include negotiations with problematic clients, public performance, making presentations or any other tasks that the employee has not previously performed. New experience will help management assess the employee’s stress resistance, ability to “keep a face” and quickly navigate the situation. The main thing is that when conducting this experiment, you must try to give the employee maximum attention, help and support him, and in no case allow a moral breakdown when an employee who finds himself in an unexpected situation loses faith in himself and harms the company.

“I have always been a very calm and shy girl, out of date and “Turgenev”, as they often said about me at school and later at the institute. But I always studied well, graduated from school with a medal and easily entered the Faculty of Economics at a well-known university in our city. She graduated from college with honors and immediately got a job in a company that sold rolled metal. I can’t say that I quickly joined the team, but there were no special problems either. I performed my duties conscientiously, and soon my superiors began to respect me, in addition, I managed to make friends with some colleagues. Of course, my shyness still got in the way, I understood that. Perhaps this is why I was not promoted for almost three years, and my salary remained the same. I understood that I was capable of more, that I could become the head of a department, but I could not convey this to general director. True, the boss knew that I was striving for a promotion, because one day he instructed me to go to negotiations with one very important client with whom I had not worked before. In this way I wanted to check whether I was fit for the role of a leader. I was very worried, and the negotiations did not go well. But, oddly enough, I was promoted after that. The boss said that I had excellent self-control and a smart approach to business, and therefore I would be able to develop in my career. I’m very glad that my calm nature did not interfere with my career, and I was given a chance to prove myself.”

Zoya Petrovskaya, head of department

Reducing control

The goal of any manager who plans to promote an employee is to check his independence, responsibility and possible areas of growth, as well as his ability to work without constant support from his superiors. To do this, the employee is given the maximum possible freedom of action and given a specific task that he must complete.

With this approach, several scenarios are possible, including:

a) The employee completes tasks on time and shows excellent preparation for achieving high results. He is completely ready for promotion.

b) The employee works well, but is not able to make important decisions on his own and is constantly waiting for help from management. He needs additional training and support.

c) The subject avoids responsibility, performs the work poorly, constantly looks for excuses and does not want to take responsibility for the result. The conclusion is obvious - he is not ready for a promotion.

Internship – the initial stage of promotion

If you have determined that an employee is suitable for career advancement, you need to help him smoothly enter the role and either remain in this position or understand that the task is beyond his strength. An internship is perfect for this, as it will help you prepare for new position both psychologically and professionally. The “trial” period will allow the employee to see not only the pros, but also the cons of the new position, because observing from the outside and being responsible for performing new duties are completely different things. The internship should show the employee all the pitfalls of the job and help identify his weakest points. All this will help determine whether the right choice has been made.

“I have never hidden the fact that I have great ambitions, and I will always achieve more than I have. this moment. Before getting to work at the company where I work now, I changed several jobs over eight years and was in good standing everywhere, I was respected by both managers and colleagues. I aspired to leadership positions, which I for a long time were unavailable. I tried to talk about this topic with my superiors, demonstrated my abilities in every possible way and was confident that as the head of the department I would cope with my responsibilities perfectly. At the previous company where I worked, I was once given the opportunity to do an internship. Before this, they organized my training and assigned a mentor to me. What can I say... In my opinion, I coped with my responsibilities with a minimum number of errors. After the internship, we talked with the management, analyzed the work performed, after which I concluded that I wanted to change direction. I realized that I didn’t want to delve further into the work of this company, not because I couldn’t cope with the work, but because the topic of sales itself was not interesting to me. I left and am now looking for myself in another field.”

To summarize the recommendations for the correct promotion of employees, we can only say one thing: promote those employees who have independently taken a step forward and are ready to move on. There are no positive results when an employee is promoted “under pressure” or is constantly monitored and prompted for his every step. Either the employee himself understands what he needs and moves forward, or he chooses a calm, stable place, without rushing anywhere and without moving on.

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