How to publish articles in vac. Scientific publications (Higher Attestation Commission journals)

According to the explanation of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission, the List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications began to be considered as one of the tools for raising the level of requirements for the examination system in Russian science and monitoring that scientific publications of applicants for academic degrees are relevant, high-quality and contain scientific novelty. Despite numerous statements by representatives of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation that the “VAK” list is a temporary phenomenon, they are not going to cancel it in the next 1-2 years (see. audio recording of the HAC meeting)

Company website supports these requirements, its assistance services consist not of seeking to assist in the publication of pseudoscientific articles in HAC journals, but save the time of dissertators and researchers when solving organizational issues.

the site will help with the publication of scientific articles in a journal (collection) in your field. Optimal price/time ratio - 2-3 times faster than if you did it yourself.

Description of cooperation and total cost of publishing an urgent article

The cost depends on the publication, volume of the article, scientific direction and other factors*

- Cost for publication in a journal from the Higher Attestation Commission list for one article **

- : repurchase of part or the entire issue of a journal from the Higher Attestation Commission list

- (please note: certificate of participation 2013) with the publication of an article in a journal from the list of the Higher Attestation Commission "Metropolis Management"

7500 - 14500 rub.

Price is negotiable

from 7500 rub.

Information necessary for selecting a journal(s) and determining the cost of publishing articles (VAK journal, collection of scientific articles):

    Prepared text of a scientific article. When writing an article, read the section “Scientific articles - writing and requirements for the preparation of articles by the Higher Attestation Commission”. Try to take into account the stated requirements.

    Review of scientific article not required, but recommended. Example of a review in PDF format. If the journal that we proposed requires a review, but at the time of concluding the contract and paying for a review of the article, you do not have a review for the article - the site will help with reviewing the scientific article.

    Term. Each author has his own situation, so term can be understood no later than the date on which the author will be given a certificate of acceptance of the article for publication, or when the article will be posted on the journal’s website, or when the pages in the journal on which your article will be published are known.

Scientific publications are possible not only in journals from the Higher Attestation Commission list, but also in materials (collections) of conferences and other printed publications. Cost and terms depend on the scientific direction.


Answers to questions on the List of journals of the Higher Attestation Commission are posted on the page

Why doesn’t the website list the names of journals in which HAC articles can be published? Where are the guarantees that my article in the Higher Attestation Commission will not be published under the name of another author?

the site works with approximately 30 Russian scientific publications, the possibility of publishing an article by the Higher Attestation Commission in which depends on a number of factors. Providing the text of the article by the author allows us to offer more options for its publication in the Higher Attestation Commission journal.

By accepting an article for consideration, the site guarantees compliance with copyright in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on copyright protection. It is in our interests to create conditions for authors in which cooperation will be positive and effective. If for some reason you cannot send the text of the article, fill out the form, indicating the parameters necessary to pre-determine publication options. .

What determines the amount of payment for services for urgent publication of scientific articles in Higher Attestation Commission journals?

The amount of payment depends on the scientific publication, the volume of the article, the timing of publication of the scientific article (the official date of publication of the journal issue, collection) and additional factors. In some scientific areas, it is possible to publish an article within 2 weeks.

Does the site cooperate with representatives of Russian regions and other countries?

Yes, we are cooperating. Interaction on assistance services for the publication of scientific articles in journals (including those listed by the Higher Attestation Commission) is carried out on a remote basis. Details are provided in the subsection.

Yes, when ordering two scientific articles or more, there is a discount system. The size of the discount depends on the scientific direction, timing, and the number of published scientific articles.

What determines the need to provide a review of a scientific article?

Review is not a necessary condition, but some journals publish articles by authors only if it is available. ASPIRANS .COM helps with peer review of scientific articles, see

In what form should an article be submitted for publication in a scientific journal?

The article must be submitted in electronic format (.DOC). The article should consist of the title, abstract, text of the article, links from the text of the article to the sources indicated in the list of references. In addition, be sure to indicate for each author the full name, specialty code, your position or status (graduate student, applicant, doctoral student), name of the organization, e-mail and phone number.

ASPIRANS .COM handles the preparation of the text of the article and additional documents when ordering a service independently.

In the section, you can learn more about the requirements for articles.

How long before defending a dissertation is it necessary to publish scientific articles (magazines, collections of scientific articles from the list of the Higher Attestation Commission)?

If we take a purely formal approach to this issue, then you must indicate all scientific work on the topic of the dissertation in the abstract, which is submitted along with other documents for preliminary consideration of the dissertation by the dissertation council.

The Dissertation Council accepts a dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Sciences for defense during two months and for the academic degree of Doctor of Science - within four months from the day the applicant submits all necessary documents.

But since the management of a dissertation committee often consists of nuances, you need to focus on the rules (including possible deviations from the rules) that are permissible at the place where the dissertation work is defended. If you urgently need to increase the number of published articles (for example, for an abstract), then you can use the service. The editors of the journal will issue you a certificate of acceptance of the article for publication. In the abstract, indicate: author’s full name, title of the article // name of the journal. - year. — No. (list of Higher Attestation Commission), volume (number of printed sheets). When the layout of the issue takes place, it will be possible to find out the complete source data of the published scientific article.

Other options are possible until the date of the dissertation defense has been approved and the abstract of the dissertation and other documents have not been posted on the Internet. (Materials are posted on the Internet - when accepting the defense of a dissertation for the scientific degree of Doctor of Science, the dissertation council no later than 3 months before the day of defense, and when accepting for the defense of a dissertation for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences - no later than 2 months before the day protection).

You still have the opportunity to resort to tricks in order to increase the number of published works, but this can create difficulties for both you and the dissertation committee.

The main conclusion: the main thing is that the formally official release date of the issue is not too late protection. The official date is the date the issue was signed for publication (for printed magazines) or posted on the magazine’s website (for electronic publications).

How many articles do applicants for candidate and doctoral degrees need to publish?

- Number of HAC publications for applicants for the degree of candidate of sciences.

The results of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of science must be published in peer-reviewed journals. The number of publications depends on the field of science. For art history and cultural studies, law (jurisprudence), economics, sociology, history, pedagogy, psychology, philology and other socio-economic, social and human sciences - at least 3 (three) publications. In computer science, medicine, technical and natural science areas, in general, in other areas - at least 2 (two) articles must be published in journals of the Higher Attestation Commission or equivalent ones (Regulations on the procedure for awarding academic degrees No. 824 of September 24, 2013).

In practice, dissertation councils set their own standards for the number of “VAK” articles - so the phrase “no less” implies only a lower threshold for the number of articles published in journals from the “register” of the Higher Attestation Commission. At the same time, we must not forget that publications in journals included in international citation databases are equated to “VAK” journals. When counting the number of articles, pay attention to the ambiguous position of representatives of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation regarding co-authored publications, presented, for example, at a meeting in the North-West federal district September 3, 2012 Articles co-authored - by co-authors who are applicants for the academic degree of a candidate of sciences or by an applicant and his supervisor - may be perceived as extremely undesirable.

- The total number of scientific publications for applicants for the PhD degree.

First of all, you need the same rely on the wishes of the dissertation council at the place of protection or on the recommendations of the chairman and members of the expert council of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation. So, in the methodological complex for the dissertation council “Dissertation management in questions and answers” ​​under the general editorship of F.I. Shamkhalov states that a candidate for a candidate of science degree is formally required to publish 3 works. “But it is desirable that there be more publications on the topic of the dissertation. You should not limit yourself to the abstracts of speeches; the list of the applicant’s works can be effectively supplemented by an article in a journal, a collection of scientific papers, or a report at a conference” (pp. 53-54). “Experience shows that the attitude of members of the dissertation council towards the applicant is more favorable if the number of publications exceeds the established minimum (usually 3)” (Reznik S.D. How to defend your dissertation. P. 31). Due to the increased number of scientific journals, dissertation councils began to more often pay attention to the presence of journals in the RSCI.

- Number of HAC publications for applicants for the degree of Doctor of Science.

The main scientific results of a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Science must be published in peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications. The number of publications outlining the main scientific results of a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Science in peer-reviewed journals of the Higher Attestation Commission must be at least 15 (fifteen) articles in such scientific fields as economics, law (jurisprudence), pedagogy, philology, history, political science , sociology, psychology, journalism and other social and humanitarian areas.

For natural and technical fields - at least 10 articles in Higher Attestation Commission journals.

- Total number of scientific publications for PhD candidates.

In addition to the Higher Attestation Commission publications, a doctoral student must publish from 1 to 3 monographs. It is useful to participate in conferences, including foreign and international ones. IN lately dissertation councils began to encourage doctoral students to publish articles in journals included in international citation databases (Scopus and others). Please note the possibility of obtaining a Rospatent Certificate. If for technical and natural sciences this opportunity has been tested over many years, then for representatives of social sciences and humanities the Rospatent Certificate is a fairly new and to some extent unique opportunity, but in the future it may become widespread.

The main conclusion: try to publish in various periodic peer-reviewed scientific journals included in the RSCI and the list of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation, and related to different regions Russia. Try to publish in journals included in international citation databases (Scopus, ISI Web of Science, ISI Web of Knowledge, ISI PubMed, Astrophysics, Mathematics, Chemical Abstracts, Springer, Agris). For PhD candidates, minimize co-authored articles. For applicants for a doctorate degree, it is necessary to publish monographs and increase the number of publications in English in journals included in international citation databases.

Consider getting .

In addition -

  • Selecting the most suitable publication for you
  • Editing an article to suit the journal's requirements
  • We prepare reviews of works and ensure that the work is signed by a subject expert
  • Possibility of publishing work in HAC journals urgently
  • We prepare and issue certificates of admission for subsequent publication

Currently, we are very often approached by customers who require paid publication of articles for the Higher Attestation Commission on a very urgent basis. This becomes necessary if last work submitted for publication rather late. Indeed, if the article was written more than one month before the defense of the work, then it will not be indicated in the abstract.

We provide a solution to any problems related to the publication of the Higher Attestation Commission. And we are guaranteed to provide your protection required amount published articles.

Experienced professionals, the service you need
100% guarantee
Impeccable reputation of the company
We provide comprehensive solutions to your problems

Our company professionally prepares and publishes scientific papers, studies, and books in the largest international citation databases. So that your work can also get into Scopus rotation its preliminary preparation is required, including accurate translation of the material into English language with the help of a native speaker who is able to adequately and correctly interpret all information without distortion. Also, the material itself must be designed according to certain requirements, to which our specialists are ready to bring it.

How much does it cost to publish articles?

Paid publications of articles carried out with our help will directly depend on how much it costs to publish in the journal itself. You can find out details about the cost of publication in the HAC journal directly from our specialists. Our commission is small and depends on urgency, editing, and courier services. This is approximately 5% of the total cost of publication in one of the publications. As for the deadlines, they are negotiated individually.

Solving publishing issues on your own can be very difficult. Our organization exists so that you can get guaranteed results for a small amount.

Free publication of the article by the Higher Attestation Commission. Is there a chance?

For the third week, I promise to tell you about the publication of an article in journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission. It's finished))

Friday evening. All orders are postponed. Green tea brewed. I'm ready!

Today I decided to tell you about my experience of recent months. Experience in publishing free articles by the Higher Attestation Commission.

First of all, the list of specialties with which I work as a consultant is quite wide: from pedagogy to economics. Therefore, I am always looking for new magazines for free publications for my clients, studying the List of Higher Attestation Commissions. In my arsenal there are always 20-30 paid and free journals for each scientific specialty. By the way, I willingly share these magazines. If you need such a list just write to me: [email protected].

So here it is. Over the past six months, I have often had to select scientific journals for publication. Let me summarize my observations:

1. Good news)). Garbage magazines have not disappeared from the List. You don't have to worry. It is still possible to publish for a fee and quickly. 10,000 rubles, and you are “in the kings”)). If you have extra money, there is no reason to be sad.

2. The List of Higher Attestation Commissions ( does not always contain links to current journal sites. Seek and find. The Internet can help you.

3. The websites of VAK journals do not always have complete information for authors (they don’t even always have Email contact persons). In most cases, there is no information about the periodicity of publications (by the way, on the website of the Higher Attestation Commission, the periodicity is indicated in most cases incorrectly, it is rather the number of collections that have been published since the creation of the journal), the date of acceptance of articles in the current issue, or the true cost of publications. All this will have to be found out in the editorial office. That's what I do.

4. Journals are increasingly reluctant to publish free articles. Newsletters from regional universities are especially guilty of this. If previously 80% of publications were free, today magazines consider in good form take at least a small bribe. This could be purchasing a subscription to magazines, paying for publishing services, or sending a collection. On average, the cost of publishing such an almost “free” article ranges from 1,500 rubles for the entire article to 500 rubles/page.

5. Free publication of a scientific article is guaranteed for full-time graduate students. Other categories of authors should find out about the cost of publications separately from the editorial office. Often, the publication of articles by the Higher Attestation Commission is paid for for applicants and university teachers, regardless of whether they have a scientific degree.

6. Requirements for the design of articles vary significantly from journal to journal, but it is safe to say that they are gradually increasing. Almost all the journals with which I collaborate have changed their requirements for article formatting to become more stringent.

The list of required documents is also increasing. Most often it now includes (in addition to the article):

Publication agreement;

External review of the article (doctor of science or specialist);

Extract from the department meeting on the possibility of publication.

It is possible to agree with the editors on postponing the provision of documents from the department. Some journals themselves provide the service of external review for quite reasonable money (200-1500 rubles).

7. There are practically no queues for publication. That is, they sometimes occur, but in most cases you can be published within 2-3 (and sometimes one) months. The longest queue for publication that I have seen is 1 year. But I think it was a matter of a specialty that was in short supply.

8. And now the really good news. Most of the magazines I interacted with employ quite sane and sometimes even friendly people. I do not take individual cases of star fever (or any other)) of a magazine editor. So there is no need to be afraid. Write to the magazine directly and ask all your questions. However (I can say from experience) very often in regional newsletters employees are not very interested in free publications. Let's just say... any information will have to be fished out with pincers and you will have to call the magazine personally. Especially inconvenient information. This is when on the website “everything is free”, but in reality it is not.

What is a HAC publication and why is it necessary? Publications of the Higher Attestation Commission are works published in scientific journals included by the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia in the list of publications that meet certain high criteria established by the Higher Attestation Commission.

In other words, these are scientific means recognized by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia mass media. Why do you need to publish a scientific article in the journals of the Higher Attestation Commission?

If you are an applicant for an academic degree, the results of your dissertation must be published in a journal or collection of the Higher Attestation Commission before its defense.

Publications published in media outlets not included in this list, are not counted.

How to publish an article in the VAK journal

So, let's assume your article is ready. Now you need to decide on the publication where you are going to send your article.

Having chosen a publication from the list of the Higher Attestation Commission, write a cover letter for your article, where you must indicate your contact information, briefly describe the essence of the article, and justify the need for a shorter deadline (if there is such a need).

Some publications require reviews of works submitted for publication. Make sure you have reviews in advance

On the websites of scientific journals, as a rule, the method of sending a manuscript to the editor is indicated - send your work in the specified way - e-mail or regular mail - with attached materials (cover letter, reviews). Then, after reviewing the manuscript, the editors of the publication send the authors of the articles copies of reviews (if the journal is peer-reviewed) and a message about the acceptance of the article for publication or a reasoned refusal.

If you receive a refusal, do not despair. A negative result is also a result. Consider negative reviews as expert advice on your issue. Perhaps their comments will form the basis of your dissertation

Of course, you can send an angry letter to the editor who refused you publication, but practice shows that without revision your article will not be accepted back, which means there is no point in wasting your time. Read the reviews, draw objective conclusions about weaknesses your work, modify the text in accordance with the comments and try again.

If you need to publish a scientific article urgently

Urgent publication in the HAC journal is possible if you know some of the nuances.

It should be borne in mind that the wait in line for publication can last for months if the publication is prestigious and has a high impact factor (an index of importance in the scientific world). If you want to publish an article in the HAC journal urgently, you should give up the idea of ​​quickly getting published in a journal with a high rating - you will have to choose a less prestigious journal.

In order to urgently place your work in the Higher Attestation Commission journal, it is worth attaching to the materials covering letter requesting urgent publication. IN cover letter write a motivated request for urgent publication - indicate the deadline for defending your dissertation or another reason. Send by email or regular mail, depending on the publication's requirements. However, we cannot rest on this. We recommend that you call the editorial office personally and remind yourself, otherwise your work may lie on the editorial desk for quite a long time.

Another way to bypass the queue and print an urgent VAK publication is to cooperate with journals that offer inexpensive or even low fees for the service of shortened publication deadlines. When you deposit a pre-agreed amount, you will quickly receive a certificate of publication of your article.

How to publish inexpensively or for free

Many HAC publications practice a fairly loyal pricing policy, so we are sure that it will not be difficult to find a publication that will print your research at an inexpensive or even low cost.

Often, HAC publications with a high impact factor publish articles by highly qualified scientists for free, as this increases the prestige of the journal. As a rule, reputable doctors of sciences have such a privileged right to publish free of charge and out of turn.

If you have the opportunity to ask such a scientist to become your supervisor, you have every chance to be a co-author of his publications on the terms of mutually beneficial cooperation.

You do all the “dirty” work - collect materials, storm libraries, print a draft article - your supervisor directs your efforts and signs the article as a co-author with you. A reputable scientist is published quickly and free of charge. You get free publication in a prestigious magazine.

Publication of scientific articles in journals for free or cheaply in some journals of the Higher Attestation Commission is possible for full-time graduate students. Other authors need to inquire separately about the cost of publications.

Another way to place free scientific articles of the Higher Attestation Commission in the media is to take part in conferences organized by scientific publications.

International media also often practice such conferences, for example covering issues international economy. Information about conferences can be found on media websites, after which you can apply for participation.

What are the requirements in VAK journals?

In general, there are no special requirements for articles of the Higher Attestation Commission that differ from the requirements of other scientific media in the Russian Federation. Just like any scientific publication, work of this kind should be distinguished by its novelty, coverage of data acquisition methods, and practical significance.

When choosing a topic, you need to understand how much the issue has been studied by scientists previously.

Serious publications will not publish an article containing a retelling of other people's opinions. Use not only electronic materials, visit libraries, study monographs of fellow scientists. The degree to which you have studied the issue you are researching is of fundamental importance. Duplicating someone else's research can seriously damage the reputation of any scientist.

There is a standard structure of the text of a scientific article, which is suitable for both the humanities (law, economics) and technical sciences.

Example standard structure text of the work:

  • Heading
  • annotation
  • Keywords
  • Introductory part
  • Main part
  • Final part with conclusions
  • Links or list of used literature

List of criteria by which an article by the Higher Attestation Commission is evaluated in the scientific media of the Russian Federation:

  1. relevance (by general rule, the rationale for relevance is outlined in the introduction);
  2. the scientific nature of the text (the research methods and novelty of the work are assessed);
  3. an assessment is made of the reliability of quotes and the validity of conclusions;
  4. the practical significance of the study is assessed (as a general rule, stated in the conclusion);
  5. logic, consistency of presentation;
  6. The level of text literacy is assessed.

It must be remembered that articles submitted for publication must correspond to the thematic focus of the publication. An article on economics will not be published in a collection for lawyers and vice versa. The text must be original, not previously published and comply with the Higher Attestation Commission requirements for articles.

As a general rule, the minimum amount of text for an article is five pages. Requirements for the design of a scientific article (fonts, spacing, margins, electronic or paper copies - are posted on the website of a specific publishing house).

Don't forget to structure your text into paragraphs that should be logically connected to each other. The text, presented chaotically, does not allow one to grasp the essence of the scientific idea

Avoid overloading the text with special terms. Modern requirements To scientific articles are such that editors ask you to write simply about complex things so that your scientific ideas can be conveyed not only to narrow specialists, but also to a wide range of readers.

Illustrations for your research must be accompanied by explanations.

The list of requirements in scientific publications of the Russian Federation differs, therefore, specific criteria for selecting articles (how much volume should be, how much does it cost to print one sheet, etc.) must be clarified with the editorial office of the journal to which you are going to send your work.

It is possible to publish a scientific article in journals if certain requirements are met, which become more stringent from year to year. That is why it is necessary to take a pedantic approach to fulfilling all, even the most formal, requirements in order to successfully defend your dissertation at the end of this difficult path.

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