How to work with a fokin hoe. Manual flat cutter for gardening

The Fokina flat cutter is an original tool that allows you to cultivate the soil manually with minimal physical effort. It was created by the Russian inventor Vladimir Vasilyevich Fokin and received a patent for it. The official name under which this invention is registered in the Bulletin of Inventions and Discoveries of Russia is “Fokin’s manual soil-cultivating implement.” And now the details

Description of the Fokin flat cutter

The Fokina flat cutter combines several tools at once - a shovel, rake, hoe, scythe and smaller ones. This unique tool can perform more than two dozen types of work on a plot of land. Its main purpose is that the blade, passing at a depth of 2-5 cm, cuts or pulls out weeds.

The soil is loosened without turning over the soil and weeds are destroyed, leaving the roots in the soil to rot. Tillage performed with a flat cutter does not disturb the soil structure and preserves the microorganisms necessary for the soil. In addition, working with a flat cutter requires less physical effort and time spent.

Externally, Fokina's hand-held flat cutter looks like a plate bent in a certain way with three sharpened cutting edges. The sharper the cutting edges are sharpened, the less effort you need to apply when working with the tool.

Trade often offers a set of two tools, which includes a large and small flat cutter. A large flat cutter is convenient for forming, preparing and hilling beds, weeding, mowing grass and performing other operations. With a small flat cutter you can quickly and accurately weed the beds, thin out dense shoots, mark and form a furrow for sowing seeds.

A large flat cutter has an additional hole in order to change the angle of the cutting edges, securing the tool to the handle. In addition, it can be adapted to work with both the left and right hands.

To assemble the tool, you need to tighten two mounting bolts to the flat wooden handle.

When sharpening a tool, you need to avoid overheating, which deteriorates the quality of the cutting part.

When starting to work with a new tool, you need to get used to it, adjust it to your height and work style, understand its capabilities and the range of actions performed.

about the author

The inventor of the flat cutter, Vladimir Vasilyevich Fokin, is a very versatile person. He combined the talent of a journalist and the mindset of an inventor, and all this coexisted with a love of the earth.

Working at the Krasny Khimik plant hazardous production, which produced fiberglass, Vladimir Vasilyevich suffered a heart attack and became disabled. It became impossible to do what I love, cultivating the land. Forced inaction forced the inventor to think about how to make it easier physical work for cultivating the land.

While doing another favorite thing - inventing, Fokin studied and analyzed existing soil cultivation tools, analyzed their advantages and disadvantages. As a result of trial and error, an unusual tool for those times was created, which was later called the Fokin flat cutter. With this tool, Vladimir Vasilyevich cultivated his plot of land with an area of ​​​​about 40 acres.

And today, the flat cutter invented by Fokin makes the work of summer residents and gardeners easier, saving physical strength, and at the same time returns them to cultivating the land according to the laws of nature and increases soil fertility.

The appearance of Fokin's flat cutter did not go unnoticed. At international exhibitions, this invention was awarded silver medals; in Russia, the author received Patents for this tool.

Types of Fokina flat cutters

Currently, the Fokina flat cutter is available in six varieties:

  • The blanket is big. The main purpose is to process large areas. The large and small strips are longer and narrower than those of a conventional flat cutter.
  • Small cloth;
  • Mighty. This tool is convenient for hilling plantings and seedlings. The blade of this tool is wider than that of a flat cutter.
  • Sturdy. Designed for aluminous soils. Compared to a flat cutter, it has a shortened blade with the same width.
  • A small flat cutter is ideal for processing the row spacing of root crop beds.
  • Large flat cutter. The tool can be used to cut furrows for sowing seeds, weeding wide rows, cutting turf, loosening the soil and removing grass, and hilling plantings.

The handle for flat cutters is not round, but has a flat cross-section with rounded edges. This shape of the handle makes it easier to work with the tool, hold it in any convenient position, and it does not rub calluses when used.

How to use a flat cutter correctly

At correct use The flat cutter tool moves parallel to the soil level.

If, when moving, the plane of the blade deviates upward, and to return it to its normal position you need to tilt, this means that the angle of inclination of the mount relative to the handle must be reduced using an additional hole. When the cutting part deviates downward, the angle is increased.

Working with a flat cutter will reduce physical exercise to a minimum if you keep your back straight, slightly leaning forward, and your thumbs point down.

Technology of work performed by a flat cutter:

  1. loosening the soil and weeding the beds. Performed with the wide part of the blade. The tool is inserted into the soil at a distance of no more than 1 m and pulled closer to the worker. If weeding is carried out at the very beginning of grass growth, then it will be easier to deal with them.
  2. formation of beds. The soil from the rows is spread onto the loosened, marked bed using an inverted flat cutter. The short edge of the tool is directed downwards, the plane of the tool is set perpendicular to the soil level. By pulling the flat cutter towards you, the mass of soil moves to the desired place. By performing this operation, a bed is formed on both sides.
  3. leveling the surface of the bed. The operation is performed by moving the flat cutter without applying force with the cutting edge down. The sown seeds are sprinkled with soil in the same way.
  4. deep loosening. By striking the surface with a narrow cutting edge, the soil is loosened to the length of the blade.
  5. creating furrows for sowing seeds or seedlings. By inserting the narrow edge of the flat cutter into the loosened soil to the required depth and running the tool along the bed, a planting furrow is formed. A small flat cutter is suitable for seeds; for planting seedlings it is better to use a large one.
  6. crushing large clods of earth. By hitting unbroken clods of earth with the rounded heel of a flat cutter or the pointed end, you can bring them to the desired size.
  7. removal of mature and tough weeds. By hitting the weed stem with the curved part of the flat cutter, you can cut down a fairly thick stem, including the root shoots. You can remove the roots by placing the end of the tool under the weed and, using a flat cutter as a lever, pull out the unnecessary vegetation.
  8. mow down the weeds. The cutting edge mows the grass at soil level.
  9. hilling. This is done in the same way as creating beds. The earth is raked to the plantings from both sides.
  10. thin out crops. Crops sown with small seeds, such as carrots, dill or parsley, can be thinned with a small flat cutter, running the tool across the row, removing excess seedlings.
  11. trim tap-rooted weeds by mowing them along the ground next to cultivated plants, very jewelry.
  12. destroy soil crust in tree trunk circles trees and bushes, while weeding, at a distance the length of a cutting blade, without the risk of injury or damaging the branches of the plantings.
  13. distribute organic fertilizers over the surface of the bed.
  14. With this tool you can collect mowed grass, trim the mustache on strawberries, and stir up hay.

Vladimir Vasilyevich Fokin tested his brainchild for performance and ease of use for more than seven years.

The company producing flat cutters was awarded diplomas at the All-Russian and International Agricultural Exhibitions held in Moscow.

Advantages of the tool:

  • in the area treated with a flat cutter, the layers of soil do not move, all microorganisms inhabiting it remain at their depth and remain viable. Soil insects are not damaged either. The humus layer increases.
  • using a flat cutter reduces the required physical effort compared to using a shovel.
  • By destroying annual weeds and preserving the remains of their roots in the soil, we increase the organic content in the soil.

Disadvantages of the tool

Even such a unique tool must be used wisely. Digging planting holes or cutting hay with a flat cutter will not work. It’s also not worth weeding large areas overgrown with weeds.

Using it instead of a hoe over large areas is also problematic. Where using a hoe they make one or two movements, when using a flat cutter it will take a little more time and movements. For this it is better to use specialized tools.

What is the difference between an original and a fake?

A real, branded flat cutter will not be cheap. On the Internet, the tool is offered at a lower price, but is it worth the temptation?

Pirate counterfeits are cheap, but the quality of the goods is even lower. It is not profitable for such illegal companies to produce high-quality goods; it is important for them to reduce the costs of producing a flat cutter and gain additional profit.

You can recognize a real, high-quality instrument by the following signs:

  • Package. The box should be triangular with the Organic Farming Club logo
  • The tool kit includes two flat cutters of different sizes, a brochure with a color photo of the author, in a glossy cover “To the Earth with Science.”
  • Anti-corrosion coated fasteners (four bolts and four nuts and four lock washers)
  • Flat cutters must be the same shape, but different sizes. Large and small with the Organic Farming Club logos printed on them. It is important to pay attention to the coating. Original tools must have an anti-corrosion coating. Pirate copies are painted.
  • An honest company will issue a certificate confirming the quality of the product.

Signs of a fake:

  • thin, lightweight, easily bendable metal;
  • product coloring;
  • a makeshift box with a label pasted on;
  • black and white instructions;
  • fasteners are either missing or of poor quality;
  • printed or missing certificate.

If you want to save money on purchasing a flat cutter, make it yourself. For quality instrument You will need structural spring steel grade 65G, which has been annealed, hardened, tempered and sharpened.

Video “How to use a Fokin flat cutter”

Use the Fokina flat cutter correctly when working on summer cottage and rejoice in the ease of labor.
Sincerely, Sofya Guseva.

Gardening is a kind of hobby for most people. Today you can buy any product in the store, but people stubbornly continue to grow potatoes, onions, carrots and other crops. To significantly facilitate this work, it is worth having a Fokin flat cutter on your farm. This tool will replace many of the existing ones and will significantly reduce the time of tillage.

How did the flat cutter appear?

In the mid-90s, Vladimir Fokin was discharged from the hospital after a heart attack. He loved to work on his site, but great physical activity was contraindicated for him. The summer resident thought for a long time about how to outwit nature and start cultivating the land. The result of his thoughts was a flat cutter.

With its help, it was possible to do most of the gardening work, and the plants produced a colossal harvest. Soon Fokin's flat cutters spread all over the world and became an integral part of organic farming. They are popular not only in the CIS countries. In America, Australia and Europe this tool is used even more often.

The principle of organic farming

The soil consists not only of a mineral part, but also of an organic part. Moreover, organic matter is mostly in living form. These are earthworms, bacteria, beetles and other organisms. All of them as a whole create unified system, which promotes good growth of flora representatives. Fokin's flat cutters practically do not disturb this idyll, since they do not touch the soil deeper than 5-7 cm. With the same shovel, the soil is turned over to a depth of about 20 cm, and with a plow - even deeper.

Untouched worms and beetles quickly enter into symbiosis with plants and help them bear fruit abundantly. At the same time, the soil always remains loose and airy. This is done by hundreds of worms, which not only dig channels, but also process organic matter into a form that is best absorbed by plants.

For this reason, more and more gardeners are choosing the Fokin flat cutter. Photos showing how to use it show that it is a very convenient and simple device. It copes with most tasks faster than its outdated counterparts.

Different sizes

Initially, V. Fokin made only one type of his instrument. It was ideal for large volumes of work. With its help, you can loosen the ground, remove weeds even on turf, form beds, and mow grass. But he didn't do small jobs very well.

The large length of the cutting edge did not allow high-quality walking along narrow row spacings. And thinning the rows was quite difficult. Therefore, a little later a smaller Fokin flat cutter appeared. With its help, treating beds from weeds and large thickening has ceased to be a problem. The maneuverability of the flat cutter is perfectly combined with its efficiency.

Today there are several sizes of this gardening tool on sale. It is recommended to purchase at least two of them for your household, since different purposes require different capacities. But the operating principles remain the same. The main thing is to customize the tool exactly for yourself. The size itself no longer has of great importance, if you know how to work with at least one of them.

Loosening the soil

One of the first actions that gardeners perform in the spring is to loosen the soil for sowing and planting. The Fokina flat cutter is perfect for these purposes. It’s not entirely clear how they work the first time. But a few minutes of practice - and there are no longer any problems with this.

The bottom line is that a flat cutter does not turn over the soil like a shovel or plow does. In order to loosen the soil, it is enough to simply place it underground to a depth of 3-5 cm and draw it parallel to its surface, as if cutting off the top layer. This is quite enough for the fertile part of the soil to fluff up and become suitable for sowing plants.

The flat cutter is sharpened on both sides of the blade. Therefore, any gardening work can be performed in two directions. If you learn this, loosening the soil will go much faster. Numerous reviews also speak about this. Fokina's flat cutter helps people easily process about 20 acres, which is almost impossible with a shovel.

Weed removal

The second, and probably the most important action that Fokin flat cutters perform is clearing areas of weeds. It doesn’t matter where they grow or how strong their root system. The flat cutter cuts any plants quickly and without effort on the part of the summer resident.

On loose soil, this action can be quickly performed in both directions, as if working with a hand cultivator. The principle of operation is the same as when loosening the soil. Only the depth of the work is different. It is enough to cut young weeds 1-2 cm from the surface. The tool works so effectively that even weeds that have not yet sprouted are cut.

In this case, there is no need to select cut ones. Worms and beetles will quickly process dead plants into fertilizer, which will add nutrients the main crop in the garden.

You can also use the Fokina flat cutter on perennial turf. Photos of such actions are impressive. Perennial grass is cut as if it had just grown and did not have time to get stronger, and its stems were woody. With a flat cutter, any virgin soil turns into a garden bed or flowerbed in a matter of minutes.

Instead of a scythe, a rake and a pitchfork

But not only in the garden is the Fokin flat cutter effective. Let's look at how they can work in the garden below.

Many people know how to hold a braid correctly. In the same way, we take the handle of the flat cutter and begin to work with it just above the surface of the soil. You will be surprised how easily and quickly it cuts the grass. True, for this the tool must be well sharpened. And the steel from which it is made must be durable. Unfortunately, not all manufacturers use the right brand.

We turn the flat cutter 90 degrees and take it like a rake. With one wide tooth you can both stir up hay and rake it into a stack. Of course, you won’t achieve perfect cleanliness in the area, but in an emergency, the tool will help out.

Cleaning stalls is usually done with a pitchfork. If there are none or you need to scrape the floor perfectly, use the same flat cutter. Not only will it sweep all the manure into one pile, but it will also clean the stall perfectly. All that remains is to throw everything out onto the street with a shovel.

Series production problems

Many gardeners buy Fokin flat cutters from a garden tool manufacturer. Then it turns out that this tool does not live up to their expectations, and people begin to complain about the exaggerated benefits of the flat cutter. The real problem is that mass production involves stamping. Better suited for these purposes soft varieties steel, since harder ones require much more effort. Such a tool quickly becomes dull and shows low efficiency.

Therefore, it is worth carefully studying what you are about to purchase. Be sure to check if there is a company mark on the instrument. If it is not there or you have the slightest doubt, it is better not to take such a Fokin flat cutter. It’s not at all difficult to make it with your own hands if you have at least some skills in working with metal and a strip of suitable steel. Yes, it will take more time, but you will get the perfect tool.

How to do it yourself?

In order to make this tool yourself, you first need to know what parts the Fokin flat cutter consists of. Its drawing is quite simple and understandable. This is a long steel blade with several bends.

The picture above shows the dimensions for a large flat cutter. The bending angles are as follows: the first is 95-105 degrees, but slightly rounded, the second and third are approximately 110-130 degrees each.

For a small flat cutter, the angles remain the same, but the dimensions will have to be reduced slightly. The length of the blade is approximately 10-12 cm, the width of the workpiece is 2.5 cm. The narrowing must be calculated proportionally. And instead of three mounting holes, two are made. That is, we leave one hole in the upper part.

After everything is cut and curved, you need to sharpen the tool on both sides.

Handle for flat cutter

After you have made the Fokin flat cutter with your own hands, you need to build the correct handle for it. In its cross-section, it looks more like a rectangle than the circle we are used to.

For work we will need a rail 1.3-1.6 meters long. First, smooth out its corners using a plane. At the same time, we leave 20-25 cm from the bottom untouched, so that later it will be easier to mark the fasteners.

When all the edges are removed, we proceed to the bottom part. Parallel to the axis of the cutting we draw 2 lines exactly in the middle. The distance between them should be 5-8 mm. Then we apply the flat cutter to the workpiece and move it up and down until the handle rests on the upper bend and there is no gap between them. In this case, the bottom hole should be exactly in the middle of the drawn lines. Make a mark with a pencil and drill a hole. We tightly screw the flat cutter to the handle, carefully ensuring that the top hole is within the boundaries outlined by the lines. We drill the second mounting hole and use a bolt to press the flat cutter.

Harvest bed

Some skeptics will say that Fokin flat cutters are ineffective. Humanity has plowed the earth for thousands of years and received excellent harvests. But they will be wrong. The same Sumerians never loosened the soil deeper than 10 cm, although they already had tools capable of deep plowing. At the same time, there is evidence that the barley harvest among the Sumerians was 300-400%, which is considered an almost unrealistic figure for those times.

The effectiveness of shallow tillage lies in the fact that those who help the plants live in it. At the same time, the natural capillary system of the soil and its osmosis are preserved. This means that even in the worst drought, plants have a source of moisture, and in wet weather its excess goes deeper.

Therefore, before criticizing flat cutters, it is still worth conducting an experiment on at least one bed. Believe me, it will become the most productive on your site.

Most land owners are trying to make their work more optimized. The Fokina flat cutter became a very useful and convenient know-how in its time - an ideal assistant for gardeners and vegetable gardeners. The flat cutter has rightfully become an indispensable assistant in any type of farming. Using a flat cutter greatly facilitates processing and maintenance work. land plots. A flat cutter quickly and efficiently destroys weeds and loosens the soil, and digging up the soil is replaced by processing with a flat cutter.

But Fokin’s flat cutters are much more expensive than conventional hoes,

Therefore, craftsmen make these instruments themselves.

To make a flat cutter, you need to select a metal strip up to 40 cm long. Then bend points are marked on the strip, according to the dimensions in the drawing.

Clamp the metal strip in a vice and use a hammer to bend it along the marks in four steps.
Step 1.

Step 2.

Step 3.

Step 4.

The result will be a curved piece of iron, which is still far from being a real product. Drill 2 holes in the area that will be attached to the wooden handle.

Then the tip is cut off working area flat cutter at 45 degrees. The resulting sharp end is very convenient for loosening row spacing and removing weeds.

We came to the most important thing - sharpening the tool. Correct sharpening will determine how easy it is to work with a flat cutter. Flat cutters are usually double-edged, which means that the tool must be sharpened on both sides, not forgetting the cut at the end of the working area, it is also sharpened. The Fokin flat cutter will need sharpening in a few years.

A vertically placed instrument should be located about 20 cm below the shoulder. From this the length of the plane cutter handle is calculated.

Carefully screw the flat cutter to the handle with screws or bolts

and the tool is ready for use!

The Fokina flat cutter is a tool that brings great benefits to the gardener. I would say that in organic farming Fokina's flat cutter is the first assistant. The main thing is that you have real instrument, made by the factory with the permission of the inventor, and not a fake. This is a real tool that is convenient and easy to use and makes it easier to work when caring for your garden.

Yes, there are different reviews about this flat cutter on the Internet, but don’t judge it too harshly right away. Bad reviews can be for various reasons, for example, if a person has never worked with a flat cutter, or he came across a tool that was not a real one or not sharpened, or the wrong handle was selected... Also, the flat cutter itself could have been incorrectly attached to the handle. A large flat cutter can generally be attached in 4 options, and for a particular person only 1-2 attachment options will be most convenient, and he will find the rest uncomfortable for work. The Fokina flat cutter is an original tool that you need to learn how to use. It’s also not easy to ride a bicycle right away, but once you’ve learned how to do it, you realize that it’s very convenient and interesting.

Both in a small country house and in a large rural garden, this tool simply has no price. With its help, your vegetable garden or garden will quickly turn into a beautiful, well-groomed area, and you can spend the free time relaxing in a beautiful garden with your family and friends.

You've probably heard that digging a garden is harmful. In order for the soil to be healthy, it is necessary to cultivate only a 3-7 centimeter layer (maximum 10 cm), and this cannot be done with a shovel. This is where the Fokina flat cutter comes to the rescue. It is very convenient for them to work on. In general when using narrow beds, flat cutter, green manure and mulching it is very easy to achieve a good and healthy harvest.

There are several types of Fokina flat cutter, but first you will need a set that consists of a large and small flat cutter. Already in the process of work, you will see whether you need “Moguschnik” for high hilling of ridges, “Big Weed” and “Small Weed” for weeding large areas.

If you plan to work on virgin soil or clay soils, then you may need a “Strong” flat cutter.

Don’t be surprised if, after purchasing a Fokin flat cutter, many of your tools are “retired.” So, for example, the following will become unnecessary:

  • hoe;
  • hiller;
  • plow;
  • choppers, including two- and three-pronged ones;
  • ripper;
  • cultivator (you may only need it for a huge garden of 20 acres or more).

You will also have to transfer to “part-time” such tools as:

  • scythe (use for large haymaking);
  • forks (for digging up root crops, collecting hay in large volumes)
  • rake (collecting hay in large volumes)
  • shovel (for digging a hole before planting trees)

It would seem like some kind of “hook”, but it replaces so many tools. And all because the Fokin flat cutter allows:

  • form beds and then maintain them in good condition;
  • break large piles of earth;
  • make grooves for planting seedlings or sowing seeds;
  • fill the grooves with seeds;
  • level the bed;
  • loosen the ground;
  • weed out any weeds, incl. V hard to reach places;
  • trim green manure;
  • trim grass on paths, near trees and in hard-to-reach places (you don’t need to immediately run for a scythe or sickle. Try cutting the grass with a flat cutter, it’s very easy);
  • rake the herbs into one pile (here a flat cutter works instead of a rake);
  • chop off the strawberry mustache;
  • hill up plants;
  • rake up chicken droppings in the chicken coop.

And that’s not all that the Fokina flat cutter can do. There are from 20 to 30 operations that can be done with this tool.

How to work with a Fokin flat cutter is written in a booklet, which is attached as (or instead of) instructions. Customize the tool for yourself and then ease of use is guaranteed. Just don’t use the flat cutter like a hoe, that is, don’t grab the handle with both hands from above and don’t hit the ground with all your might. This way you will put a lot of stress on the spine and will not get any relief. And the benefits of such work will be doubtful.

In general, this garden tool was designed to ease the load on the back. Surely you know what back pain can be like after digging up a garden. So, after working with a flat cutter, there is no such pain, since almost everything can be done almost without bending. Your back will thank you very much for this wonderful tool.

And here you can watch a video about the Fokin flat cutter:

Handle for flat cutter Fokina

The shape of the handle for the Fokina flat cutter is different from the handles for others garden tools. A convenient and correct handle has a flat shape, not a round one. This is what allows you to hold it correctly in your hands; it does not rotate as much as a round handle and, accordingly, less calluses form on your hands. If we compare working with a shovel or hoe with working with a flat cutter, we can say that Fokin’s tool is simply mega gentle on our hands and back.

The handle for the Fokin flat cutter should be long so that you do not have to bend very low. The approximate length of the cutting is 110 – 130 cm (for more tall people– up to 160 cm).

Some gardeners have only one cutting, to which they alternately screw either a large flat cutter or a small one, depending on the type of work at one time or another. BUT MY ADVICE TO YOU! Be more lazy and make or purchase two cuttings at once. Each flat cutter should be on its own handle and ready to work at any moment.

You can purchase a ready-made cutting, but you can also make it yourself from a rectangular strip. For this you will need:

  • 2 wooden slats up to 2 cm thick, 3 to 4 cm wide and 135-160 cm long;
  • plane;
  • sandpaper;
  • drill with 8 mm drill bit.

The edges of the slats should be rounded and only at the bottom, where the flat cutter will be attached, 20-25 cm should be left without rounding, since this makes it easier to make markings for drilling holes. The wooden plank on top can be slightly narrowed, but not very much. A plane will help to round the corners of the plank.

Both purchased cuttings and those made independently need to be processed sandpaper to remove all hangnails. Then I recommend soaking the cuttings in hot vegetable oil and only after that attach the flat cutters. This treatment will provide additional comfort when working with the tool, and will also extend the life of the handle itself.

When attaching a flat cutter to the handle, it would be good to place a metal flat washer of a larger diameter than the cap itself under the head of the bolt. This will also extend the life of the tool.

Sharpening the Fokina flat cutter

Some operations in the garden are best done with a slightly dull flat cutter. For example, if the weeds are still very small (in the so-called thread stage), then a slightly blunted flat cutter is very suitable, since it does not cut the weeds, but, as it were, pulls them out of the ground, collecting them on itself. The tool can also be used to level the soil or as a rake without extra sharpening.

But many jobs in the garden are still easier and more convenient to do when the pliers are sharp. It’s not for nothing that they sell it in sharpened form.

Sharpening the Fokin flat cutter is possible with the same tool that you use to sharpen a scythe or shovel. Both whetstones and special sharpeners are suitable for sharpening.

You need to sharpen the outer part of the flat cutter, along all cutting edges. The “noses” of the flat cutter, that is, its short part, become dull the most, so pay attention to them first. The main wide one also needs to be sharpened. cutting edge, which slides along the ground when cutting green manure, weeds, and loosening beds in spring. WITH inside sharpen only slightly so as not to dull the tool.

Before sending the tool for the winter, clean it, wash it, dry it and lubricate it with some oil so that it does not rust.

The Fokina flat cutter will certainly take the main place among hand gardening tools. Make it your best assistant, learn how to use it and see that the Fokin flat cutter will free great amount time for relaxation and creativity. Good luck!

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