How to make a model of a building out of paper. Templates of multi-story buildings made of paper for layout

It would be a mistake to think that only little girls make paper house models with their own hands. Of course, your princess will also be happy with such a gift, but they can also be useful in architectural design. Before starting construction, always make a small copy. In this case, PVC (polyvinyl chloride) is used, from which milling machine cut out the finest details. They are then combined with a solvent.

But it is possible to repeat the masterpieces of architects without special equipment. Such a house can be not only a useful layout, but also a decoration for the house. The most common material for this is paper, so the process will not cost you too much.

We buy materials

For work you will need colored paper or cardboard. The latter is preferable for complex models, since increased strength is required there. It is better to take paper for development.

All windows, doors and other small parts will be cut with a knife. Make sure it is sharp enough; it is better to buy it at a hardware store.

You can connect the parts with either super glue - it allows you to speed up the process - or PVA (but it is better to speed up its drying with a hairdryer). In addition, scissors, a pencil and a ruler will come in handy. You can use paints for decoration.

Selecting a scan

If this is your first experience in reproducing house layouts, it is better, of course, to take a ready-made layout. You can not only find them on the Internet, but also make them yourself. This is a very exciting process.

You can choose almost any program. It is desirable that it works with vector images. One of the most convenient in this regard is CorelDRAW. Constructions in it are very easy, you can change the thickness of the lines and load your own textures. But the built-in library also pleases with the proposed photos.

The first step is to draw an oblong rectangle. Now it needs to be divided into two pairs of identical walls located one after the other. You need to build a floor along the lower edges; it is attached to one of the edges to the general layout. We divide the roof into segments and also attach it. After this, you can add architectural elements and visual effects. And don't forget about the fastening strips.

Assembly steps

We print and cut out the diagram we previously received.

If you don't have a color printer or didn't use textures, you can transfer the blank to cardboard.

Using a needle and awl, mark the locations of windows, doors and decorative elements. You need to cut everything out at once, entirely. And preferably stationery knife– scissors will leave marks. Pre-lay down a sheet of plywood.

Additionally, make shutters, doors, awnings and the like. We will glue them at the very end. Using a ruler, work out all the folds - this will make it easier to assemble.

Video on the topic of the article

In our selection of video tutorials you can learn how to create more complex houses, and you will get a lot of interesting ideas.

The layout of a house and its architectural model - how do they differ? The first can be made from available materials: paper, cardboard or wood. It does not necessarily have to repeat the shape of a particular structure. The architecture of the building can be anything, as long as the result of your creativity pleases both you and those around you.

The architectural model is exact copy any building with the repetition of all major and minor features. It is built from expensive materials and can take months of hard work to complete. Therefore, we suggest first building a model of a house from scrap materials. Don't know how? In this article you will find recommendations and detailed instructions on how to make a cardboard and wood model.

Miniature paper house

The model of a paper house, the diagram of which is attached in this article, is a simple construction, although the work on its creation can be an interesting creative process that requires attention and perseverance. You will need thick paper; newspaper or packaging paper will not work.

It's better to take standard sheet 29x21 cm. If the contours of your future home do not fit into the size of the sheet, you can glue two together using the “joint to joint” method, applying a strip 2 centimeters wide. After the workpiece the right size received, you need to make markings. We propose to build a model of a paper house, which will be rectangular in plan, two-story, with three doors, windows and


First of all, we recommend copying our diagram, which you see in the photo, in order to indicate the dimensions of the future building. Then you need to decide what the length and width of the layout will be. Write these numbers on the diagram. Next, determine the height of the first and second floors, as well as the roof. Now you can transfer the resulting drawing to the base sheet using a ruler and pencil, measuring all the parameters of the future house. The next step is to draw windows and doors. Their location can be changed as desired, depending on your taste. A paper house model allows you to make design changes at any stage of construction.

Layout assembly

At the next stage, you need to draw all the “wings” that you see in the diagram. They will act as mounting brackets when assembling the layout, supporting the roof and connecting the walls. Next comes the most important part of the work, which requires accuracy and attention. Follow all the lines of the drawing ballpoint pen along the line and with pressure. This is done so that you can bend the paper in the right place.

A paper house layout requires precise fold lines. After all the boundaries have been drawn, you can cut out windows and doors, as well as “wings” with scissors. The next important point: it is necessary to correctly bend the entire structure and glue it in the right places. For this we recommend PVA glue. When the model is dry, you can start painting.

Cardboard house model

Such buildings are made not only from paper. You can also make a model of a house with your own hands from cardboard, a material strong enough to make the building look “real”, with opening doors, windows, floors and ceilings, interior decoration and even inhabitants sitting inside on miniature sofas and chairs.

It all depends on how interested the “builder” is in the final result. He can build any model of a house with his own hands. However, its implementation is complex creative process, requiring accuracy and perseverance. You will need the usual tools: scissors, a retractable stationery knife, an awl, a ruler (preferably metal) and PVA glue.

Corrugation as the main material

It is better to take two types of cardboard for making a model: smooth and three-layer corrugated. The second will go to the floor and ceiling, and the first will be used to make a corner for connecting individual parts of the structure, small parts of the external and interior design. A cardboard house model needs a base. This can be a plate glued together from two layers of corrugation or cut from plywood. The base or base of the layout is drawn according to the dimensions of the future house and can be filled with decorative miniatures flower beds, garden vases, benches.

Next, you need to draw a diagram of the location of the walls, porch and extensions on the base. After this, you can begin making the main parts: walls with cut out door and window openings, the ceiling and floor of the second floor (if To assemble the structure you need to prepare corners from thin smooth cardboard. The longer the corner, the stronger the connection. Optimally, its length should not be less than 70% of the connection length. The width of the cardboard corner is 1.5-2.0 cm.

Wooden house model

A do-it-yourself house model from wood can only be made with the participation of adults, since the work involves woodworking machines for home use. They are quite dangerous if there are no working skills. Hand tool wood processing also requires caution when working with it. The blades of knives, planes, files and gravers have sharply sharpened cutting edges.


Layouts wooden houses Do-it-yourself projects require care during the work process. Creating them is an exciting creative activity, during which the master can show quick wits and ingenuity. First you need to make a drawing of the future house. Then make a base for the layout. After this, you can start creating parts.

It is better to make walls and floors from thin planks 1.5-2.0 centimeters wide and 5.0-7.0 mm thick. The workpieces are located on flat surface close to each other and fastened with the same slats, which are applied perpendicularly from above and pressed with some kind of weight. All parts are pre-coated with PVA glue. After the manufactured block has dried, it can be adjusted according to the drawing and joined with other parts.


The assembled model must be sanded and sanded. This is done manually using glass sandpaper grade 25-N on a fabric base. Then the surfaces are sanded clean with 8-N sandpaper until completely smooth. After processing, the layout can be painted, doors installed, windows inserted and finishing work carried out.

A home model created with your own hands usually has a removable roof. This is necessary in order to have free access to interior spaces, since in a miniature building you will have to install toy furniture and other items interior decoration. The surface of the walls is covered with “wallpaper,” i.e., painted strips of paper. The floor needs to be painted Brown color or cover it with linoleum - it can be made from oilcloth.

The idea to build a cottage is simply magnificent, but what will it look like in reality? Yes, you can look at it on a computer monitor and in magazines and catalogs of architects.

It has become very interesting, so I propose to experiment a little and feel like an architect and build a model of a cottage on your own. This, of course, is not as labor-intensive and difficult as with a real cottage, but you will have to put in enough work. But this process will be very useful experience, then it will become clear why.

We need these things:

  • pencil,
  • marker,
  • scissors,
  • compass,
  • stationery knife,
  • protractor,
  • ruler,
  • thick and regular cardboard,
  • paper,
  • PVA glue,
  • universal polymer glue,
  • scotch,
  • polystyrene foam ceiling tiles.

Instructions for action

The method for creating a layout is quite simple and interesting. To begin with, we draw a floor plan on cardboard and coat two tiles with polymer glue and place a sheet of paper between them and glue them together, the result is a model of three layers: tile, paper, tile. It turns out to be a very reliable thing.

Having estimated how tall the cottage will be (model size), we cut our tiles into strips the size of the floor. We immediately cut through the windows and doors and make cutouts for the connections. We glue the tiles with polymer glue, this process will go without difficulty, the glue glues without problems. To strengthen the structure, paper strips can be glued to the corners of the tiles. Also, to strengthen the frame of the cottage layout, it is enough to glue the floor onto cardboard. It will be stronger and more stable, which will allow you to easily attach the second floor of the planned cottage.

We do the following for walls that are not at right angles:

  • mark the corners, but do not cut to the end;
  • carefully cut the foam tile on both sides, being careful not to cut the paper;
  • With inside We cut out foam plastic from the bend of the walls to the corner of the wall.

All the manipulations carried out with the blanks for the walls of the cottage model make it possible to bend the foam without difficulty. It is best to do each floor separately and then fasten it together. It is advisable to cut the roof from ceiling tiles and glue with polymer glue. After receiving the result, in the form of a layout, it is enough to paste over the elements of the cottage with colored paper in accordance with the author’s idea.

What was planned

The first step was to determine the scale of the real cottage and determine the size of the layout. It turned out that in three centimeters of the model there will be 1 meter of a real house. We apply a floor plan with the appropriate dimensions onto thick cardboard. It should be noted that these plans will also be used in the construction of the real cottage.

By gluing the tiles, we laid paper and thereby achieved the strength of the future walls of the model. You should be careful with polymer glue, not to overdo it, so as not to crawl out of the edges, and it will be aesthetically pleasing, besides, areas with a thick layer of glue are difficult to cut panels.

The layout is not made in full height, but from pieces of foam plastic of the required length. At the joints of one of the pieces, a groove was cut out from below, and the next one was marked with a groove from above and put together, like a construction set. The best option would be to make grooves from the edges and in the middle. For strength, we glue the paper with PVA glue. The strength turned out to be small, and the best option began gluing cardboard the size of the foundation. It is best to glue with polymer glue.

After such strengthening, no mechanical damage is dangerous, even a fall holds the glued parts together. You can even try to throw it, it’s been verified that it won’t fall apart. It is better to immediately cut out all the holes that are planned on the house plan on the details of the layout, and then glue them together. This is much more convenient than cutting out windows and doors on a finished model of a cottage-type house.

First floor of the future cottage

We determine the size and, using the experience of creating a foundation, we implement it, using the same method of gluing and joining, for the walls of the first floor. The idea is to have a winter garden, we create the walls in this way - by carefully cutting the foam without touching the paper, we create walls by cutting the foam from the inside to the corner. It so happened that the parts stick to the paper and are very easy and convenient to bend.


The idea did not quite come true; the attic that was invented did not turn out as desired, so it grew into a full-fledged second floor. When they're over plastic tiles, and had to buy more. These tiles turned out to be of a different quality, much better. There was no characteristic foam structure and it turned out to be more convenient to work with, the only thing that was wrong was the size, they turned out to be much thinner. But there is already glue that simply cannot be replaced, it turned out that everything was glued together with a thin layer of glue and it turned out great. These panels were cut much faster and easier, the granules stayed in a heap.

Created a roof

In order for our roof to hold up and be beautiful, we should place a couple of pieces of foam plastic in the middle of the model and glue another one across them. The roof ridge came out, in the shape of the letter P. We cut out the planes for the roof from cardboard and glue them with tape. For winter garden We also build a roof out of cardboard and place it on thin beams. The roof over the garage is designed to be warm, so it is better to use thick cardboard or foam sheet. It turns out that everything is in accordance with the planned plan of the house, although some details of the cottage had to be replaced, or rather not replaced, but revised Constructive decisions question.

It’s really good that you decided to make a model of the cottage. Based on the level of creation of the model, some, not immediately obvious, nuances of building a real cottage become clear. The layout makes it possible to analyze whether the rooms are conveniently located, understand which roof is more suitable, and come up with something new, for example, the location of the balcony. In subsequent experiments with design inside and outside the house, the layout will undoubtedly come in handy.

The lesson turned out to be exciting and useful. This, of course, is not a super model developed by architects in a specialized computer program. But the visual aid is very good. Then you can give it to the children Dollhouse, that's who, and they will be satisfied with such a masterpiece.

Windows in a 3-D model of a house

Have you decided to build own house? This process is long and complex, but the game is certainly worth the candle. Where to begin? Of course, from creating a layout. This service is now offered by hundreds of specialized companies throughout Russia. Their services are not cheap. They can charge up to 20 thousand rubles for a project. But designing a house, if you use your head, is not a difficult thing. There are some points that you need to pay close attention to. You can design a house yourself on a computer using online and offline programs. Some of them offer free use, others work only after payment. Which one to choose, and in general, where to start?

Before you make a housing plan on the computer, you need to decide how you imagine it:

  • how many floors are in the building;
  • will there be a basement?
  • what should the roof be like?
  • how many rooms?
  • Is there a need for a bathroom on the second and subsequent floors of the house;
  • will there be a room or attic under the roof;
  • Is there a garage in the building?

You need to immediately estimate the area of ​​the house based on the number of residents.

Important: according to modern house-building standards, at least 12 square meters living space (more is possible, the main thing is not less). Only in this case will the house be comfortable and cozy for every family member.

Design and build a house so that there is a place for every family member. Based on the requirement - 12 square meters per person

It is also necessary to conduct georeconnaissance of the area: from the nature of the soil to the level groundwater. This can be clarified with the administration of the city or village where you intend to build your own home. Why is such data needed? To lay the foundation correctly. Depending on the land, it can be:

  • tape;
  • monolithic;
  • tiled (slit);
  • columnar;
  • pile;
  • stepped.

A basement in a house is not always a reasonable decision. If the groundwater level is too high, then the construction of the basement will cost a pretty penny - too much money will be spent on waterproofing. If you need a basement for storing household utensils, seams, etc., simply create one room in the house without windows and make it unheated.

When designing a house, keep in mind that a basement is convenient and practical, but expensive. It’s cheaper to equip one of the building’s rooms for similar purposes instead of a basement.

The old fashioned way: draw a plan with a pencil on paper

Creating a sketch using a pencil on a sheet of paper precedes designing a home on a computer. A sketch is just a sketch, rough plan, no more. Why is it so important to start with a simple layout:

  • to understand what exactly you want from your future home;
  • if necessary, you can add or remove a room or an entire floor;
  • to imagine how the building will be located on the site relative to other objects;
  • determine how many windows and doors there will be in the house;
  • provide space for a stove if necessary;
  • decide how the building will be heated.

A house plan on paper before designing on a computer will help you understand: what the structure should be like, whether all the rooms are needed, where the doors and windows will be located

Draw on paper the outer and interior views Houses. When drawing up the interior design of a building with your own hands, consider the following points:

  • the first floor should include a vestibule and an entrance hall;
  • the toilet, bathroom and kitchen should be located next to each other - this will simplify the wiring of communications;
  • It’s good if there are no walk-through rooms in the house - they are not very convenient to use;
  • on the ground floor you need to provide a storage room and a dressing room - this is convenient to use;
  • immediately draw windows and doors;
  • on the second floor, a toilet and a bathroom are not always needed, but only if the building area is more than 100 square meters, and the number of residents is 5 people or more;
  • if you are designing a 3D house yourself and are going to build it yourself, stop at gable roof. It is the easiest to build, and you can make an attic underneath it;
  • make it a rule: utility rooms should be located with north side, and residential - from the south or east. During the day, sunlight will enter through the windows, which will heat the air in the room. This way you can save on heating;
  • immediately indicate the dimensions of the house on the plan.

It is also important to draw a house plan yourself and indicate the materials from which the house will be built.

To learn how to correctly draw a house drawing on paper, watch the video:

Without communications - nowhere

Another important stage in the design of a home is engineering and technical calculations. This is a kind of plan where communications are noted, without which it will be impossible to use the house:

  • heat supply system;
  • water supply and drainage pipes;
  • Electricity of the net;
  • ventilation;
  • fire alarm.

Sometimes this list also includes a security alarm.

What is an engineering plan - see below.

The best programs: how to make a 3D house drawing on a computer

To draw a house plan on a computer yourself, you will need a computer with Internet access and a special program. All 3D house design programs can be divided into two types:

  • working only online;
  • allowing you to draw a home project offline.

Almost everything modern programs, which allow you to make a building project yourself, draw 3D models. This system allows you to see the house from all sides in a “volumetric view”.

You can create a 3D house project on your computer in a day. The program interface is simple and clear, it is not difficult to understand it

Among the popular online programs for designing a building with your own hands are the following:

  • Planner 5D resource. Even experienced architects use this program. With its help, you can plan any home - from an apartment to a country penthouse. There is no need to register or undergo training. Everything is so simple and clear that even a child can handle it. There are special templates that will reduce the time spent on independently drawing up a house project. With Planner 5D you can even develop your own interior design. However, many resource functions are paid. To use the program for a month you will have to pay about 300 rubles.

Subtleties of using Planner 5D:

  • The Rooms tab will help you create the rooms of a building in 3D mode. The footage of the walls and the height of the ceilings are immediately set;
  • the Construction tab is responsible for the presence of windows, doors, and stairs;
  • use the Interior button to create a room design;
  • use the Exterior button to draw outbuildings in the yard;
  • The layout can be saved in the PC memory and printed on paper.
  • The HouseCreator designer helps you move from 3D design to calculations. The instructions, which can be found on the designer’s website, will tell you about using the resource. Everything is simple and clear, the minus is a small number of options:
  • the “Wall” tab allows you to create rooms of the desired size in 3D;
  • “Opening” is the installation of windows, doors, stairs;
  • “Roof” – for drawing the roof, respectively;
  • the project can be saved in the PC memory and viewed offline.

Many options are available in free mode. But you will need to pay for the settlement. To do this, send a request to the site administrators. Decoration is not provided in HouseCreator.

  • The Planoplan program is similar to the previous ones. Plus, it allows you not only to draw a house project on a PC, but also to “wander” through it using a special option. Planoplan allows you to take into account even the location of sockets and lighting fixtures in 3d mode.
  • Many architects and designers prefer Homestyler. The resource contains real brands and brands of furniture, building materials, therefore the program is considered as close to reality as possible.

You can learn more about online resources that allow you to draw a house plan with your own hands on a computer from the video.

To draw a structure, you can download a program to your computer that does not require the Internet to work:

  • The Autodesk resource is paid (about 500 rubles per month). It is allowed to be used free of charge by students and teachers of construction universities. Autodesk is a professional tool. You can even design a car with it! To use the program you need to download from the official website. A demo version with limited features is available for free. Tools allow you to select not only materials for construction, but also the nature of the terrain, relief, and soil conditions.
  • SolidWorks is considered complex, but the most professional program. Anyone can figure it out if they want. Video tutorials and e-books can help.
  • SketchUp is a very cool resource for those who dream, without exaggeration, of their own city! The program allows you to create your own municipality, not to mention draw a building in 3D.

Listed here are only the main programs for drawing do-it-yourself private building projects on a PC.

Useful little things

You can make a house plan yourself, but based on the result you get, you shouldn’t start construction right away.

It would be good, before designing a house yourself, to learn everything about the norms and rules for the construction of residential buildings. You can read about this.

Even when designing small house, follow the basic rules and requirements. Otherwise, the building will not be able to be used or even built.

After drawing up a house design on your computer, print it out and take it to the architect. If there are no such specialists among your friends and relatives, your direct route is to the BTI - the Technical Inventory Bureau. Submit your layout there. Department employees will evaluate your drawing and give (or not give) a building permit.

Start drawing a house project on the computer yourself when you have an engineering layout and a pencil sketch on paper ready.

Remember, creating a project must meet the following principles:

  • The house plan should be simple. If you want to build an original and unique building with many floors, balconies and other complex architectural elements, turn to professionals for help;
  • the design of the building must meet the requirements of aesthetics and morality;
  • Before you design a house yourself on a computer, decide on the foundation. Electronic platforms do not provide it.

Even before designing a house, decide on the foundation of the building. The foundation will give the structure strength and reliability


Do you intend to create a building project yourself? Nothing is impossible. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the building construction standards and construction rules. This will make your work easier in the future.

It is convenient to use offline programs to draw your house. You can safely work with them, even if the Internet suddenly freezes or turns off. However, online resources are considered more complete and modern, they have more functions.

We will make a cute Victorian house made of paper with a diagram from Lisa in this master class with our own hands. And as always, making such a craft will be very simple, since the layout of a paper house is already ready in every detail, you just need to download the diagram, print it and use it as a template for your craft. You just need to choose a suitable thick paper with a print you like; such paper for creativity is now in large quantities Sold in art and craft stores.

How to make a house out of paper

And so for the future craft of a Victorian paper house we will need the following materials:

- thick paper with print;
— breadboard knives;
- pencils;

We print the diagram on regular printer paper to use it as a template. We carefully cut out all the necessary holes on the template and, applying it to a previously prepared thick sheet, transfer all the hole marks to it. All solid lines are cut out and dotted lines are folded.

Then, using a ruler, we cut through the door windows with a breadboard knife and cut out the layout kennel. If you only have a white sheet of thick paper on hand, you can always additionally decorate it with stickers or paint it. You can also print the layout directly on a clean thick sheet of paper - 200 g printer paper is ideal for such crafts, and then decorate it yourself.

In order for all the corners of the house to be neatly bent and not to break, it is necessary to crease all the folds - just walk in a stack along a ruler, pushing through all the folds.

Then you can fold the house out of paper, fastening the edges and inserting them into each other.

By the way, such a house made of paper can also serve a practical role, for example the role of a candlestick - you can hide a battery-powered electronic candle under it.

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