How to make a blurred background in Photoshop. How to get a blurry background in a photo

To blur the background in the photo many users turn to online services or to photoshop. You need to spend time on this and have some image processing skills. The effort is worth it - blurred edges with high sharpness on the subject look very beautiful. And the Bokeh effect, when the background turns into fabulous special effects, is completely discouraging.

But a blurred background can be made easier and faster on Android devices!

How to make a blurred background in a photograph in principle?

On SLR camera it's very easy to get a good one blurred background effect. This requires sufficient lighting, fully open aperture and enlarged focal length .

Developers have learned to model bokeh effect, previously available exclusively to SLR cameras. The most important thing is to decide on the focus point. You must understand what in the frame will receive high sharpness and clarity, and what will blur and become the background.

Today we'll figure it out simplest method create photos with a blurred background on Android devices.

The effect is amazing. But the software method may not always work. For example, there are problems with mirror surfaces (sometimes they do not blur). It's hard to capture and fast moving targets.

What you will need to blur a photo:

Smartphone with a good camera;

Pre-installed version of Android 4.4 KitKat and higher;

Sufficient performance for image processing (otherwise the process will be very long);

One of the example applications below.

How to blur the background of a photo in Android using Google Camera?

Official application Google cameras very cool. And recently it has become available not only on Nexus- And Pixel-devices. To you required A little practices, but the result will definitely please everyone!

1. Download the app for free Google Camera and install it:

2. After launch, you can refuse or agree to georeference (consumes battery power).

3. From the menu on the left side of the screen, swipe right and select “Blur.”

4. Now you will be shown instructions on how to use the background blur mode on a photo.

5. After activating the camera, focus on the subject, press the shutter button and slowly move the smartphone upward, keeping the subject in the center.

6. Once you've taken the shot, edit the result by blurring the background more or moving the focus center.

Realistic background blur on an existing photo or when shooting on Android

Achieve a realistic bokeh effect, similar to an open aperture SLR camera, you can also use the application AfterFocus for Android devices. Edit existing photos or take a new photo according to the principle specified for Google Cameras.

1. Download free application AfterFocus:

2. After opening it, you will see in the interface “ Smart focus ", in which you need to click on the button with the icon of a person in focus and outline the area where blur is not required.

3. Now select the soft focus area by clicking on the in-focus crown icon and marking the areas for soft blur.

4. The icon with nature in focus is responsible for the hard background blur mode - you need to draw the background area for maximum blur.

More apps for blurring the background in photos for Android:

ASUS PixelMaster Camera.

"Focus Effect" by Dumpling Sandwich.

PicsArt Photo Studio & Collage by PicsArt.

"Photo editor" from Aviary.

This Photoshop tutorial will show you how to add a background blur effect to a photo.

In this tutorial we will use a type of blur such as radial or ray-shaped. Moreover, we will apply it only to the background.

So, open your photo in photoshop:

First we need to separate the main image from the background.

1. To make a qualitative selection, it’s better to use the quick mask tool (Quick Mask Mode)
Make sure the colors are set to this position black/white

Take the brush tool and start painting the part you want to separate from the background (in our case this is the girl)

After you have completely selected the girl, click on the button to the left of the "quick mask" button - it will return you to normal mode. You will see that discharge has appeared.

2. Press the combination Ctrl + J to copy the selected background to a separate layer.

The layer panel will look like this:

3. Now apply the “radial blur” filter to the new background layer
Filter > Blur > Radial Blur.

Set the following parameters in the window that appears:

Amount: 20 (set this parameter at your discretion)
Method: Zoom

Once all the settings are in place, click OK to see the result!

The viewer looks at an object in the foreground. Many people believe that blurry background can only be seen in photographs, but in real life we see equally well everything that comes into our field of vision. However, in reality this is not entirely true.

Let's do a little experiment. Close one eye (the camera has one lens), place any object, for example a finger, in front of your face at a distance of about 20 cm. Focus so that you can see it clearly and notice that objects in the background become blurry.

Now the reverse problem. Without removing your hand, focus on the background objects. You will notice that the finger is no longer visible as clearly. Haven't you noticed this effect before? It is especially good to carry out this experiment in dim room, so that the so-called “depth of field” is smaller.

Thus we have established that images with blurred background we see in real life, so cameras didn’t bring anything fundamentally new here. Another thing is that, if implemented correctly, background blur can be significantly enhanced, which gives photographs some additional charm and an image depth that is otherwise indescribable in photography (if we are not talking about 3D photography).

How to blur the background in a photo

I want to make a reservation right away that here we will not talk about this or that graphic editor. This is a topic for a separate article (read the article about). Here we are dealing with the technology of obtaining a blurred background directly in the photography process.

In order for your photo to have a beautiful blurred background, one or more of the following conditions must be met.

1. The wider the aperture, the more blurred the background

I hope you know what . Now in many even inexpensive amateur digital point-and-shoot cameras It is possible to manually set its value. You know that if the aperture value is large (16, 22, etc.) then the “pupil” of the lens is very narrow and the light is better focused on the matrix. In this case, the depth of field is very large and the background may not be blurred at all.

If the aperture value is small (4, 3.5, 2.8, 1.4...), then the depth of field decreases and the background already falls into the " blurred area", which leads to his blur. The effect of aperture on depth of field and background blur is shown more clearly in this figure.

2. The higher the focal length, the better the background in the photo is blurred.

The same image can be obtained in two ways. You can, for example, come close to your subject and take a photo. You can move further away from it, using the zoom function to bring the object closer and photograph it. On the one hand, it seems that the pictures should turn out the same. However, if you look closely at both images, it becomes clear that in the one shot with a longer focal length background blurred more. Again, it's best to show this in a picture.

Thus, if we want to get blurry background, we will move further away and take a closer look at the object.

3. The further the background is from the foreground, the more it blurs.

Everything is probably clear here. If, for example, you shoot a bright flower against the background of dark leaves of trees that grow at a distance of 10 meters from the flower, then these same leaves will be greatly blurred.

On the other hand, if you photograph a flower against the background of other flowers in the same flower bed, then of course there will be some distance between the foreground and background, but it will not be enough to make a beautiful blur of the background. This leads to a simple rule: try to find a shooting point so that the background is as far as possible from the object you are photographing. Of course, this cannot always be realized, but you can at least try.

Article: How to make a blurred background on an existing photo. Video tutorial

What camera do you need to get a blurry background?

Many beginners mistakenly believe that in order to take photos with a beautiful blurred background and a clear foreground requires an expensive camera, preferably a SLR, with good expensive optics, etc. In fact it would be perfect option, but you can achieve a blurred background on inexpensive compacts, provided they can take photographs in manual mode.

This photo was taken with a camera Canon Power Shoot G9. You can see for yourself that the background is very blurry. When shooting, I opened the aperture to its maximum value of 2.8. The result is obvious.

Owners of DSLRs, provided they have a telephoto lens, can get an even more expressive effect.

Canon EOS 5D Mark II, Canon EF 100-400 f/4.5-5.6L IS USM lens.
Focal length 400 mm. Aperture 5.6. Shutter speed 1/500. ISO 100

Here only the flower closest to us is in focus (and even then not the whole flower). Those directly behind him have already fallen out of focus. What is even further away has been completely lost and turned into blurry spots. Separately, I would like to show you a fragment of this photograph in full size:

This is 100% scale. Notice how uniform the background is. No digital noise, no dots, no fuss, etc. What I mean is that if there is even the slightest opportunity when choosing a camera to buy a DSLR or DSLR, you should do just that. You'll be surprised at how clean and high-quality photos you can get even from an entry-level DSLR.


Sometimes it happens that you look so great in your photos, but the background behind you turns out just ugly. And you want to hide all this mess or cut out your figure in the picture. In this article we will tell you how to blur the background of a photo online and for free in just a couple of clicks!


You can blur the background in a photo on an iPhone or Android using the application Fabby. It is absolutely free, you can download it from the official AppStore and Google Play.

How to take a photo with a blurred background:

  1. Open the Fabby app.
  2. In the bottom panel, find the “Background Blur” tab.
  3. Don't know how to take a photo with a blurred background? From all the options, you need to choose any one you like and take a photo.
  4. If you need to blur an old image, you can select it from the Gallery by clicking on the small circle above the effect itself.

The application is also good because you can not only blur the background in a photo, but also substitute any background for your silhouette. You can choose from ready-made ones: hearts, stars, paradise island, flowers, bubbles, cats, fireworks, donuts, abstraction and much more.

Tadaa and Tadaa SLR

Two applications will help you blur the background in a photo: Tadaa And Tadaa SLR. The first program is absolutely free, but the second costs 299 rubles. Both are equipped big amount useful functions.

How to blur the background of a photo using the application Tadaa:

  1. Open the Tadaa program.
  2. Find the tab in the bottom panel Blur.
  3. A mask will appear that selects only a clear area, and blurs the rest of the background. It can be moved, narrowed and expanded as desired.
  4. After the completed operations, save the photo to the Gallery.


You can blur the background of a photo online using the application Snapseed. It can be downloaded for free from official stores AppStore and Google Play.

How to take a photo with a blurred background:

  1. Open application Snapseed.
  2. Next select Tools-Blur.
  3. Move the mask until the desired surface is blurred.
  4. Save the photo to the Gallery.


Another program that helps blur the background in a photo is called AirBush. The program is absolutely free. You can find it in the official app stores.

How to blur the background in a photo online using the editor:

  1. Open application AirBrush.
  2. Through Library select the desired image.
  3. Tools - Blur.
  4. Here you need to use your finger to carefully paint over the area of ​​the background that you want to blur.
  5. You can also adjust the blur saturation and size in the bottom tab.
  6. Save the photo to your Camera Roll.


Facetune is an editor that helps blur the background in a photo. The program will also work Facetune 2. It has a similar function.

How to blur the background:

  1. Open Facetune.
  2. Upload the desired photo.
  3. On the bottom tab select the item "Blur".
  4. Gently use your fingers to blur out all unnecessary space. You can use an eraser to erase anything unnecessary.
  5. Save the photo to the Gallery.

Blur and mosaic

Which application and photo editor blurs the background in a photo? This program is called Blur and mosaic. It is also available for download in official stores.

  1. Open application Blur and mosaic.
  2. Select the desired image from your Camera Roll.
  3. The middle line in the bottom panel is the effects.
  4. And the lowest line is the intensity and frequency of the effect.
  5. You need to use your finger to blot the areas that need to be covered.
  6. Save the photo to the Gallery.

In the application, you can also apply a mosaic to the photo.

Be the most stylish! Use super effects.

One of the most popular questions among novice photographers is how to get a blurred background (blurred background) in a photo. This is understandable, since a blurred background makes the photo more interesting view, emphasizing the subject. A photo with a blurred background immediately looks much more professional and artistic.

Let's start with the fact that in photography, there is a term for a blurred background, Bokeh (emphasis on the last syllable). Despite the fact that the word sounds French, its roots lie in the Japanese language. True, the term Bokeh usually refers not just to blur, but to the artistic component of blur. For example - “This lens gives beautiful bokeh, and that one is very simple.”

  • Turn on the “Tripod” checkbox
  • Set the mode to manual or aperture priority
  • Change combinations of parameters - distance, focal length, aperture
  • Click on “Take a photo!”, since the influence of the aperture value on blurring the background of the photo can only be assessed by the result. You won't notice it in the viewfinder.

Let's sum it up

In order to get a blurred background in a photo, you need to get a shallow depth of field relative to the subject. And for this you should:

  1. Open aperture to maximum
  2. Zoom in as close as possible or use a long lens
  3. Be as close to the subject as possible and move the background as far away from it as possible.

Try and experiment! Remember that blur depends from the totality three of the above parameters.
You can get exactly the same result with different combinations of these three parameters.

If you don’t have an expensive fast lens that can be set to f/2.8 or less, try to compensate for this with two other parameters - shoot at a closer distance, at maximum zoom.

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