Which zodiac sign is the most faithful? Who are the most faithful zodiac signs: horoscope ratings and the likelihood of betrayal for each sign

A wife should not make her own friends; She had had enough of her husband’s friends, Plutarch argued. Since the time of Plutarch, a lot of water has passed under the bridge, but philosophers have never figured out exactly what is enough for a man (husband). Perhaps the degree of their (men's) fidelity will be determined by the signs of the Zodiac? ELLE has compiled a rating of faithful husbands, but warns that exceptions are possible.

Scorpion. 3 out of 10

Not a Gemini, but a dual nature. Scorpios have a soul and a body - like everyone else, however. But it is among men of this sign that the opposition between these two meanings reaches its peak. His soul has become attached to you, but his body asks for novelty. Scorpio is considered the most unfaithful sign, but, as always, there are exceptions. And the exception men are just gold.

Sagittarius. 3 out of 10

Everything is clear from the name. Sagittarius is a shooter, he needs a goal. And every time it’s new. “What is our life? “Game” is the motto of Sagittarius, which applies to all areas of life. Faster, bigger, brighter, more interesting - representatives of this sign are in a hurry to try everything, not at all because of immorality, but because they cannot do otherwise. And, besides, Sagittarius is looking for the only one, but cannot find it. If they do find it, then they tell themselves “stop” and leave the race.

Cancer. 5 out of 10

Magical at first, Cancer will gradually show its selfish nature. All he cares about is his comfort and pleasure. Try to catch him doing something, and he will give you a scandal, sincerely wondering why you are dissatisfied, because he feels good. However, among Cancers there are a lot of happy exceptions, and men over 35 are especially faithful.

Twins. 6 out of 10

He actively takes on relationships, invests himself completely, then withdraws into himself, and if he realizes that he is too comfortable, he can do his own thing. Stability for a number of Geminis is the same as boredom. They need new goals, and it’s not even about sex or women in general - Geminis, by their nature, are constantly looking for change. If you can accept this and work with this trait, you will get an excellent husband.

Aquarius. 6 out of 10

Do you want a relationship with an Aquarius? Be proactive. Do you want him to be faithful to you? First, keep your distance, and then try to be interesting to him. He will not control your life, but he will not allow you to follow his movements. And when it seems to you that others are getting more from him than you, take a closer look to see if there are any beautiful women? What should I do? Don't tie him and he will tie himself.

Aries. 7 out of 10

An insidious tempter, Aries will sincerely surround you with fantastic love, will also sincerely give himself entirely and will run on no less honestly. Well, or try to run away. If you can stop him, clap your hands - you have an almost ideal husband in front of you. Almost - because someday his former nature may make itself known again. Now it’s up to you to decide what to do with it.

Scales. 8 out of 10

Libra prefers games in life. Surprises, flirting, unexpected trips and meetings, changes in work and appearance - this is about Libra. Where they don't like surprises is in relationships. If you admire him, he is yours forever. Only admiration must be sincere, otherwise it’s a lost cause - Libra senses falsehood like no one else. For all their lightness, representatives of this sign value stability. And betrayal... betrayal for them is a way out of their comfort zone. So you are required to provide them with this zone, and everything will be tip top.

Virgo. 8 out of 10

Also an extremely practical sign. For poems under the moon and observations of the dawn - it's you to someone else, please. The Virgo man will analyze everything connected with you, draw conclusions without rushing, and make a decision. No, you shouldn’t yawn from boredom, this man truly loves you, but he uses his intellect even in matters of the heart. Accordingly, he will not cheat on you, simply because if he has already made a choice, why should he change this choice? Although... we still set the assumption percentage. For even Virgos are not machines, but men.

A lion. 8 out of 10

Leos love the world of things and specifics. They are reliable and do not really tolerate it when the woman next to them turns out to be taller than them. In every sense - from the literal to status in society and income level. If everything is in order with this, then you can be sure that Leos will not let you down. And they will be faithful to you. Until you start earning more than them. Joke.

Fish. 8 out of 10

Feeling and sensual men. They spend a long time gaining momentum in relation to the woman they like, but then invest completely. And singing under the window (if anyone else is interested in it at all), and flowers in huge buckets at the doorstep. All will be. At the same time, living together will change Pisces in an interesting way - they will not just forget about romance, but they will definitely prefer sex to it. But sex with you. Pisces needs one woman, but one who will accept his gentleness.

Capricorn. 9 out of 10

A conservative is what a Capricorn man is. He works hard for the benefit of the family, knows how to count money and manage it correctly. Can you be the same at least partly? Then you will find quiet, cozy family happiness without shocks and adultery. Why does Capricorn need to go to the left if everything is arranged for him? That's right, there's no need. This is also an extra expense.

Calf. 9 out of 10

Restrained in appearance, Taurus is very emotional in reality. And very, very persistent. He will make every effort to conquer you, and when he gets his, he will not let go. Taurus is ready to do anything for the sake of his beloved and in marriage he sees not a necessity, not a coincidence of circumstances, not an everyday advantage and not “because it is necessary”, no, the institution of marriage in the eyes of Taurus is sacred. Taurus marry consciously and do not change their decisions. Needless to say, in terms of fidelity, representatives of this sign (as usual, not everyone is an exception, they happen) will give everyone a head start.

“A woman always remembers where and when she got married. But very often he doesn’t remember why,” the men joke. But, as they say, he who laughs last laughs best.
We have compiled a rating of the most faithful wives according to zodiac signs. We remind you that there are exceptions to every rule, and stars can make mistakes too.


Aries also choose their own men and often start affairs out of interest. If she likes a man, it means she is interested in him. And what he is like, Aries will want to know better. Marriage in this situation is not a hindrance, alas. What will she tell her husband? She will tell it like it is, and at the very beginning of the relationship. If he accepts it - great, if he is indignant and will not accept it - well, goodbye and bye.


And here's how it will turn out. Sagittarians love things to be beautiful and to be fun. And without restrictions. No, it’s not even a matter of a tendency to cheat, Sagittarius just wants bright colors and without boring. She chooses men for herself, and if she loves him very much, she will stay, and if not so much, she can leave or cheat. There is no point in tying such a woman to yourself; she will become attached to herself. If he wants.


Pisces love with all their might, spend themselves completely, and when this happens, their minds are turned off. And if a beloved man calls, such a woman will get up and follow him. And it’s okay that my husband is sitting next to me. He will still go, he will even run without looking back or regrets. Yes, Pisces can do different things, but they are unlikely to apologize, and not because they are bad, but because they sincerely do not understand how you can make excuses for love?


They usually sing about such women that they are like magnets. It's cheesy, but true. Women born under the sign of Libra attract people to themselves, and it is extremely difficult to resist this. What is the reason? In an amazing combination of femininity and mystery. In addition, Libra knows how to keep their distance, which inflames men even more. It is not surprising that Libra’s personal life is often stormy, and such women get married more than once and not forever. At the same time, Libra is not strong in terms of betrayal - they don’t need it, they get men too easily to risk good relationships.


Passions, emotions, strength of character - these are Scorpios. And these women also have a very good sense of who their man is. Sometimes one meeting is enough for them to do this. If the choice is made, Scorpio will achieve his goal and will not change. In the end, cheating on your chosen one means admitting that the decision was wrong. And this is beneath the dignity of Scorpio. So husbands, be calm - they got you, they won’t leave you.


Anything needs to be gradual, right? Capricorn will take his time to arrange his personal life. And let them say that time flies and you need to hurry. No need. Therefore, Capricorn is ready to generously spend his energy and days in search of his man. And when the search is crowned with success and the job is done, Capricorn will relax. And no more efforts will be made. No glances to the side, no thoughts. Representatives of this sign really do not like to redo work, especially if it is done flawlessly. Has your husband been found? Found. And that's it.


The strange character of women of this sign surprises not only those around them, but themselves too. Sometimes it’s even discouraging. Like, she did something, but she didn’t understand what. Sociable, cheerful, very mobile, Aquarians easily fit into any adventure, except for the very frankly obscene ones. Aquarians are infected with idealism, they have their own ideas about love and the only man, and they are not ready to give them up, even if real life them these ideal men don't get caught. Aquarius can marry more than once, but she is still not prone to cheating.


Almost ideal too. She always dreamed of a family, dreamed of a husband and children, and these dreams were not the result of some stereotypes hammered into her head - no, this was her personal desire, her nature. Therefore, once married, Cancer will remain faithful to the end. Another question is whether the man will be able not to disappoint her. And if, God forbid, he disappoints, Cancer will take the children and leave. But it won't change.


The Leo woman also thinks with her head, but a little differently than Cancer. She wants all the best. She perfectly captures the difference between love, marriage and sex. If she manages to find someone who will give her all this at once - great. If it fails, Leo will receive everything piecemeal. But, most likely, even if he gets together with someone without ardent love, he will not cheat on him. Why deceive your partner? This is not a business approach.


There are Virgos and there are Divas. This is just about Taurus. They are beautiful, stately, deep in nature, and very conservative. In addition, Taurus adheres to ironclad principles, including “don’t forgive betrayal.” It is gratifying that women of this sign apply such requirements to themselves. So they cannot be caught cheating; for them such assumptions are even offensive.


That's almost perfect sign for the wife, including regarding fidelity. Geminis are very feminine and at the same time very smart, more precisely, reasonable and judicious. And don’t be fooled by the ease with which they communicate with any men - this means absolutely nothing. This woman loves you and will be faithful to you; all other representatives of the stronger sex are nothing more than background for her.

VIRGO. 9.5 OUT OF 10

Looking for an ideal? Is your wife a Virgo? Consider that you have found it. Indeed, Virgo women combine best qualities necessary for marriage. Tenderness and common sense, sexuality and patience, humor and everyday pragmatism - all this is Virgo. And loyalty, of course.


What is the most faithful zodiac sign for women and why is it important? More and more men today sincerely care about the strength of their upcoming marriage. Therefore, they are interested in the horoscope of their potential chosen one. Life often shows how big a role he plays in fate.

Below we have given a rating of the most reliable representatives of the fair sex, based on their date of birth. Astrologers believe that the most faithful partners can be Libra, Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer and Virgo. Each of these zodiac signs has its own unique traits.


It's funny that the image of the scales strongly resembles a oscillating pendulum. This is one of the associations why representatives of this sign are sometimes called magnets. The Libra woman is truly capable of attracting, almost hypnotizing with her whole appearance, psychotype, and mystery inner world.

However, we are not talking about any manipulation. Only a lively mind, natural charm and the ability to inspire those around her. The Libra woman amazingly combines mystery and femininity, calmness and energy that awakens activity. Such an ensemble of qualities will only go to the only one, dear and beloved. If you have already become her chosen one, this girl will show her best qualities exclusively in relation to you.

A spouse or lover born under the sign of Libra is not prone to meaningless flirting. She does not need to prove to her companion how much she is in demand “on the side.” Cheating is by no means about this woman! She knows her worth well. All her advantages will be demonstrated only to her husband (or simply to her lover, if you have not yet decided to get legally married).

The Libra woman knows her worth and will never trade for those who, in her opinion, are not worthy of it.

A notable feature of a Libra woman is her ability to keep a man at a distance for a long time. Some may consider this to be coquetry, but in fact it is just a matter of caution. Although the man becomes even more inflamed by inaccessibility, the Libra woman’s goal is to make sure whether she can devote all of herself to this man.

Girls of this sign are at the same time constructive partners, the most faithful friends, and ardent lovers. Behind external poise sometimes hides a real volcano of passions; you just need to convince your chosen one that she has every reason to trust you and will not be deceived.

By the way, don’t you get the feeling that Libra is ideal and absolutely blameless? Be alert. As a result of the insults inflicted and unspoken grievances, such a woman is quite capable of deciding to cheat. Even if she herself feels uncomfortable, the need for satisfaction will be stronger, and the girl will take revenge. So think ten times whether you have the right to encroach on her honesty and devotion if you are not ready to give the same in return.


Women born under the sign of Capricorn are often spoken of with a grain of irony. It’s all due to the association with the corresponding representative of the animal world: stubbornness, frequent repetition of actions, lack of a quick reaction, unwillingness to quickly adapt.

And all this is not required. For in front of you is a “terry” earth sign. It is static, if not inert. He is not characterized by chaos. Capricorn women abhor betrayal just as much as, for example, frequent radical wardrobe changes. In love and family relationships the preferences are as follows: constancy instead of frivolity, calm instead of conflict, loyalty versus a game of cat and mouse.

It is no coincidence that the Capricorn woman often does not get married until relatively mature years: she is ready to choose her life partner until she is 28, 30 and even 35–37 years old. It’s quite possible to blame these practical beauties (and Capricorns are definitely good-looking!) for putting love in second or even third place.

Capricorn girls tend to be static, and changing partners is just as disgusting as changing style

This zodiac sign is not distinguished by fiery passion. But with certain signs of stability in your couple, you will receive the deepest devotion - as they say, for the rest of your life, through thick and thin. For a man, having a Capricorn woman as a companion is very beneficial, no matter how cynical this formulation may sound. They are stable and reliable like no other.

Representatives of this sign have a lot of strength and energy, they are hardy and tireless. They manage to simultaneously build a career, raise children, keep the house perfectly clean, and all this does not come at the expense of caring for their husband. With rare exceptions, families with a Capricorn woman at the head live in material well-being. Largely thanks to the personal qualities of a spouse, mother, wife.

What can I say if I fell in love with Capricorn with all my heart! Not only is this one of the most loyal zodiac signs among women. She is ready to make sacrifices; she will not have to be asked to step into the situation and forgive. Just don't abuse it under any circumstances. If she decides to leave you, she will prepare for this step for as long as she chose. She does not strive for divorce even in the most difficult relationships, but she will be able to end them quite abruptly. With pain for you, first of all. And without a chance for reconciliation. Take care of your beauty, it's worth it!


Taurus women cannot be called heartbreakers. They do not seek to win a man. Rather, this can happen on its own, because their sign carries a charm that is not easy for a member of the opposite sex to resist.

The characteristic features of Taurus women are: stateliness and a certain “pedigreedness,” depth of nature, external beauty, and most importantly, conservatism, especially in the sphere of relationships. They themselves rarely lose their heads. But if this happens, be prepared for a “no room for error” format.

Taurus are rarely ready to forgive their partner’s betrayal, except out of great love. They themselves do not seek to flaunt their love charisma. They just don't need it, that's all. If Taurus has a chosen one, she gives herself entirely to him. This woman spends every bit of her energy on her lover or the one who loves her and is nearby for this reason.

She does not try to win a man and does not lose her head. But no one can resist her majestic mystery and charm!

A feature of Taurus women should be called their external, imaginary closeness. Men who are lazy in courtship often give up because they will not receive any confirmation of the results of their labors. The restraint of the Taurus woman, her equanimity and composure can only be envied. Unfortunately, sometimes it plays a paradoxical role: instead of attracting, it repels. But success, it turns out, is just a couple of steps, which only the most persistent will be able to complete.

A couple of touches from the household area. A woman born under the sign of Taurus is very comfortable, loves to cook and surprise with culinary masterpieces. It will not be difficult for her to turn the most modest home into a real oasis of aesthetic beauty. Your family nest will acquire an enviable appearance: an interior from nothing, comfort everywhere, delicious food and impeccable cleanliness in every corner. Such virtues may well compensate for the lack of languid passion of the Taurus woman, and reliability and fidelity are often valued more than an ebullient temperament.


Cancer women have a lot of advantages, but let's start with the main disadvantage. We are talking about... Yes, yes, about capriciousness. These fragile, feminine and ephemeral creatures are not always understood by a close man. He tries to win the heart of his chosen one, but in reality it turns out that he is doing something wrong or not at all what is expected of him.

Once you overcome this small discrepancy, the woman of the Cancer sign will pleasantly surprise you in everything else. This is a real ideal: a wonderful mother, a liberated lover, a like-minded person and the most faithful friend. Nature did not harm these beauties with their intelligence. They are also not deprived of a subtle mind, they analyze well, are able to calculate the course of events several steps ahead and at the same time make mistakes extremely rarely.

You shouldn't expect a trick from a Cancer woman when it comes to cheating. She has no interest in leading a double life, much less creating an environment full of mistrust and anxiety for her chosen one. If your marriage proposal is accepted, rest assured: you have found loyalty and devotion that even the most distrustful man can only dream of.

Ideal partner- an excellent wife and mother, a passionate lover and a reliable friend! But he will never forgive betrayal

But a woman of this zodiac sign is unlikely to tolerate your betrayal. There is no use begging for forgiveness. Lost trust - be prepared to lose your faithful friend forever. She will not sort things out. And thus will not give you a chance to try to explain your wrongdoing. She will simply take the children and leave silently. Despite the fact that an uncontrollable tornado will rage in her soul, because no one else is as devoted to family life as Cancers (this is characteristic of the sign as a whole, regardless of gender).

You cannot treat a Cancer woman superficially. You don’t need to think that her concern for you is dictated by some program laid down by the horoscope. Yes, this beauty loves to look after her chosen one: she will give him a massage, share an aromatic bath with him, and create the most subtle aura around him. Only you can decide whether heaven will last forever.

One step towards frivolity, and after your first betrayal, family prosperity will disappear like smoke. Therefore, astrologers’ advice to men: initially ask yourself the question “Will I be able to be faithful in return?” and answer it honestly for yourself.


Among all the signs of the zodiac, Virgo is considered one of the most devoted, faithful, and pure. If we talk about women, they are also picky. They have a critical assessment of what is called “running ahead of the locomotive.” They look closely, analyze, quickly find imperfections, see mistakes well (we must pay tribute, our own too).

A realistic view of reality often prevents Virgo women from falling in love themselves. But paradoxically, a large percentage of loves are addressed to the “unworthy.” There is such an expression as “bad boys”. It is to them that Virgos are sometimes ready to sacrifice almost their soul. Not to mention physical intimacy.

When spiritualized love is replaced by inevitable disappointment, Virgo will suffer as Small child. Temporarily, the sanity for which this sign is so famous will leave her. She will try to find a pattern, an explanation, a logic for why she was betrayed. And the answer lies on the surface: she is pure in soul, immaculate and trusting.

Try to avoid the temptation to take advantage of the “childish” properties of the Virgo woman. Better evaluate her horoscopic “breed”: she is ready to follow a loved one through thick and thin, for the sake of her loved ones and those for whom she is responsible, this female fighter will without hesitation rush into the embrasure of any danger.

Virgo is a sign of high moral qualities. But here’s a paradox: very often representatives of this sign prefer “bad guys” and those who are clearly not worthy of them

Virgos are not just faithful and devoted. They are ready to fight, protect, patronize, lend their shoulder and give up personal benefits. She just doesn't know how to do it any other way. Sometimes such dedication even repels most men: they are more impressed by easy controllability coupled with fragile tenderness. Virgos sometimes look a little warlike. Although there is an explanation for this: they latently know about their internal vulnerability, so they strive to somehow put up an invisible shield against possible threats.

Virgos are not experts at flirting either. It’s easier for them to be natural, to express their feelings, albeit in few words, but in plain text. They are more silent and live their emotions inside. That's why they often look cold.

No matter what sign a woman is born under, the horoscope is only one facet of the assessment. Any chosen one will become a mystery to you at first. Try to maintain this reverent atmosphere, do not rush to read every page of the book at once. Choosing a partner is interesting in itself, but even more exciting is the journey together called “real life”.

Astrology helps to reveal the secrets of the personality of any person. To do this, specialists use a natal chart, which describes in detail every aspect of life. The key is rising sign. It is he who determines the manner of behavior and perception of the world. Information about your zodiac sign even helps you understand how faithful your chosen partner will be in marriage.

The most faithful men by zodiac sign

Taurus takes first place in the ranking of the most faithful men. He can be described as a sensual and passionate partner. However, like any earth sign, he is guided by reason, not emotions. The Taurus woman will have to come to terms with his jealousy and desire to control everything. But in fact he is not a tyrant or despot. It is important to understand that his sense of possessiveness is closely related to the need for certainty. At the same time, Taurus himself gives his chosen one a feeling of reliability and stability.

Leo rightfully occupies second place among the most faithful signs of the Zodiac. While on a quest, he does not spare the feelings of others and behaves like a selfish alpha male. But to the woman who is lucky enough to really interest him, the fiery man will open up from a completely different side. Having decided on a serious relationship, Leo becomes the support of the family. A typical representative of this sign is a faithful husband and a wonderful father. The woman who will feed him with energy will never know what betrayal and betrayal are.

The Virgo man himself is insecure and shy, which prevents him from playing the role of Casanova. Puritanical views on marriage are also added to natural shyness. Maybe, family life with this earthly man it will be boring and predictable, but this will be compensated big amount positive qualities Virgos. A representative of this sign in love is very caring, devoted, and kind. Responsibility, decency and loyalty mean a lot to him.

Fourth place is shared by Capricorns and Libra. Under certain circumstances, they remain faithful throughout their married life. Capricorn men have a difficult, contradictory character. However, despite the impressive list of shortcomings, they take relationships and starting a family seriously. Being a jealous person, Capricorn will not give his chosen one a reason to doubt his fidelity. The complete opposite of this earth sign- Scales. An airy man is often associated with inconstancy, frivolity and endless flirting. But a spiritually developed representative of this sign can be faithful and very serious when it comes to marriage ties.

How to spot a cheater using astrology?

Of course, one cannot classify all representatives of the same sign as faithful or unfaithful husbands. But astrologers believe that a potential cheater can be identified by the time of birth with high probability.

Aries and Sagittarius are distinguished by their inconstancy in love. Fiery men are often addicted to emotions. As soon as feelings for their partner weaken, they begin to look closely at other women. Gemini men are also notorious. They are frivolous, selfish, freedom-loving. Loyalty to the grave is definitely not about them. Even melancholic Pisces are prone to cheating. Typical representatives of this sign are afraid of responsibility and are constantly in search of new emotions. Even despite the status married man, Pisces men can easily have several parallel relationships.

“Over time, I began to take my wife for granted, although you can’t take anyone that way, no one ever,” said one of the characters in Richard Yates’s novel “Easter Parade.” Indeed, such an attitude is fraught and can turn into adultery. Although, let’s admit, sometimes less compelling reasons are enough for adultery. InStyle presents a rating of faithful wives by zodiac sign. And it reminds us that any astrological charts are extremely arbitrary.

Fish. 4/10

Representatives of this sign invest completely in relationships and do not think about the consequences. To be precise, they don’t think at all. Nothing. They are driven only by feeling, and everything else, including obligations and morality, gathers dust on the mezzanine. The beloved whistles - and this woman will follow him, without looking back at her husband. And if you condemn her and reprimand her, she will sincerely not understand why? Because how can you be guilty of love?

Aries. 4/10

Kate Hudson (born April 19, 1979)

Aries women are distinguished by their curiosity and love for everything new. Including new men. The representative of this sign decides for herself who to be with. this moment. Main criterion, we repeat, this is interest. If a man falls into the zone of special attention of Aries, that’s it, then it’s a matter of technique. Aries will not intrigue and make eyes, they will just come up and tell it like it is.

Directness in general characteristic of this sign, as well as honesty. But whether these are positive qualities is an open question. Because when Aries tells her husband that she is interested in someone else, nothing has happened yet, but most likely it will happen - if the interest does not disappear, then it is difficult to perceive such frankness with delight, right?

Sagittarius. 5/10

Britney Spears (born December 2, 1981)

Sagittarians love life, and in such a way that everything is from the heart and at the limit of passion, joy and happiness. Well, Sagittarius likes it when every day is like the last and without gray paints, but only some are bright. And so that passions are unlimited, and feelings are over the edge, wow. The husband will not be able to provide Sagittarius with such an emotional attraction - he will leave without even blinking. But whether he will leave for a while or will still want to return later - one can only guess. Moreover, even if he returns, there is no guarantee that someday he will not run away again for someone cheerful and resourceful.

Twins. 5/10

Angelina Jolie (born June 4, 1975)

This is a player sign. Including love. The main thing here is not so much the feelings as the process of the game itself. This addiction is rarely curable, so be careful and be on guard at all times (if you need it, of course). Geminis live by double standards - in love games they set the rules themselves, and when someone plays according to their own, they are indignant. If you leave her, she will be killed and curse, and if she leaves her, she won’t even blink an eye. In general, it is better not to wait, hope or believe for honesty. The question is whether you can resist its amazing advantages. Well, take a chance.

Scales. 6/10

Monica Bellucci (born September 30, 1964)

And here is another magnetizing sign - Libra. Its representatives attract so much that resistance is often useless. The secret is quite simple and it lies in the ability to keep a man at a distance and look mysterious. As a result, Libra will let you in - if, of course, they consider it necessary - and, perhaps, accept the marriage proposal. The only thing you remember is that Libra’s personal life, as a rule, is not limited to one marriage. There can be as many marriages as you like, the tariff here is unlimited. But Libras usually do not cheat on their husbands. They simply move away from them to the next ones.

Scorpion. 6/10

Julia Roberts (born October 28, 1967)

Here, as they say, when there is nothing more to say, “everything is complicated.” Really. Complexity is a key characteristic of this sign. An equally important feature of Scorpio women is unpredictability. So it turns out that some Scorpios, with all their passion, turn out to be faithful wives: at least because betrayal is a sign of their own wrong choice, and this is already humiliating. The other part of the representatives of this sign, on the contrary, cheat on their husbands without question and sometimes even without reason. Or rather, there is a reason and it is paradoxical - this is how Scorpio checks own feelings to my husband. Tests for strength. How is this possible, you ask. And like this. These are Scorpios - they bite not only others, but also themselves.

Capricorn. 7/10

Kate Moss (born 16 January 1974)

Capricorn harnesses for a long time and slowly chooses his chosen one - so that (preferably) for the rest of his life. When the choice is made, Capricorn puts an end to the play of the sexes, views, secret thoughts and secret objects (rather, subjects) of desire. Why all this gender fuss if the right man is nearby? However, this does not mean that the right man can relax and feel like an unpunished prince. Capricorn is partial and strict, and he is also able to admit mistakes. So if the chosen one disappoints, they will get rid of him. And if the process drags on, they will begin to cheat on him - with a calm heart. The search has begun again, why waste time.

A lion. 7/10

Jennifer Lopez (born July 24, 1969)

Leos love and value themselves very much. Therefore, they do not waste time on trifles, even if a casual acquaintance can help them have a good time. The Leo woman needs everything and the best, and so that in one bottle (read - for a man). But if it turns out that there is love, mutual respect and a strong marriage, but sex does not work out, Leo will not tolerate it. And he will get what he wants in another place - for example, he will turn to that very casual acquaintance.

Cancer. 7/10

Liv Tyler (born July 1, 1977)

These signs don't change. Or they cheat in extreme cases - when formally they are still married, but in fact the marriage is over. Adultery occurs, as happens in such situations, either out of love, on which a bet is made, or out of desperation. The second scenario is sometimes unpleasant for Cancer himself and gnaws at him later, but what to do - apparently, there is no other way to put an end to the marriage. But in general, for representatives of this sign, real marriage means a lot, if not everything, and they want a family sincerely, with all their hearts and at the call of their hearts. Therefore, they choose carefully and rarely make mistakes. But if they make a mistake, then it’s very, very accurate.

Aquarius. 8/10

Jennifer Aniston (born February 11, 1969)

Flirting - yes, easily; Treason is unlikely. This is the behavioral pattern of Aquarius. These girls enthusiastically accept any, even the craziest offers to have a good time - and really have a good time. But no sex. Simply put, Aquarius can, having quarreled with her husband, go with a friend to play tricks in the night, meet her friends, ride around the city or even out of town like a breeze, but that’s all it is. Aquarians themselves don’t understand what’s wrong with this - they’re not cheating, they’re just having fun. But husbands still don't like it. Who would like it?

Calf. 10/10

Jessica Alba (born April 28, 1981)

Taurus is an iron will and not concrete principles. A representative of this sign will not cheat on her husband, but she will not let him down either. If he catches it, he will leave immediately. Or rather, she will not leave herself, but will throw the offending spouse out into the street through the window. But this is unlikely, since Taurus raises her husband like a real Michurin - slowly, thoroughly and scientific methods carrot and stick. As a result, he soon receives a ready-made, ideal sample. There is no need to change something like this.

Virgo. 10/10

Cameron Diaz (born August 30, 1972)

The same as Taurus, only less common sense, but more sincere feelings and natural correctness. Virgo is faithful because cheating is stupid, vulgar and bad. Virgo's husband is also, as a rule, faithful, because to cheat on such a woman you have to be a complete idiot. This is how they live - in love, happiness, peace and reliability.

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