Kazan Icon of the Mother of God: meaning, miracles and help. Icon of the Mother of God of Kazan

National Unity Day. History and meaning of the holiday

IN church calendar a lot of holidays in honor of the Mother of God icons: Kazan, Vladimir, Tikhvin and others. In honor of Icons of the Kazan Mother of God There are two holidays: 21 July(July 8, old style) - in honor of the acquisition, And November 4(October 22, old style) - in honor of the deliverance of Moscow from the Poles. On November 4, the Church and citizens of Russia celebrate the autumn (winter) Kazan festival - a holiday in honor of Kazan Icon of the Virgin Mary“deliverance for the sake of the reigning city of Moscow.”

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Ministry of Internal Affairs conducted several investigations related to the “Old Believer trace” in the case of the Kazan Icon. Several times it seemed that the image was about to be discovered. There were witnesses who allegedly saw the icon in a secret underground prayer room and even participated in its movement. Thus, a certain prisoner Torshilov told investigators: “... the icon of the Kazan Mother of God is intact and is kept by the Old Believers in the prayer room, but it is very, very strictly guarded, so it is very difficult to take the icon from the prayer room.” But a thorough check of such testimony indicated the inconsistency of the information.

These rumors, however, have survived to this day. Relatively recently, journalists asked questions about the fate of the Kazan Icon to Metropolitans of the Russian Orthodox Church (Gusev) and (Chetvergov). Perhaps this is just a legend, but the Old Believers really revered and still reverence Kazanskaya. Almost every home has this image. And the procession with the miraculous Guslitsky icon continued even in the 60-70s.

Feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. Divine service

It is believed that it is Patriarch Hermogenes wrote a holiday service apparition of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. « Zealous Intercessor, Mother of the Lord Most High, pray for all Your Son, Christ our God...“- says the troparion for the holiday.

Troparion, tone 4

O zealous intercessor, Mother of the Lord Most High, pray for everyone to Your Son, Christ our God, and grant to all those who seek refuge in Your sovereign protection to be saved. And intercede for all of us, O Lady Queen and Lady, who, in adversity and sorrow, and in illness, are burdened with many sins, coming and praying with a tender soul and a contrite heart, to Your most pure image, miraculous icons with tears, and those who have irrevocable hope in You, get rid of all evils. And grant what is useful to everyone, and save everything to the Virgin Mary. For You are the Divine protection of Your servant.

Kontakion, tone 8

People come to this quiet and good refuge, the quick Helper, the ready and warm salvation of the Virgin’s cover. Let us hasten to prayer and strive to repent. The Most Pure Mother of God exudes abundant mercy for us, comes to our aid, and delivers Her well-behaved and God-fearing servants from great troubles and evils.

Folk traditions of the holiday of the Kazan Icon of the Virgin Mary

Holiday Kazan Icon of the Mother of God always been important date V folk calendar. This day was considered the boundary between autumn and winter. People said: “Go to Kazanskaya on wheels, and put the runners in the cart,” “Mother Kazanskaya leads a snow-free winter, shows the way to the frosts,” “It’s not winter before Kazanskaya, but it’s not autumn from Kazanskaya.”

During this period, the peasants ran out of seasonal construction works. In the old days, the Autumn Kazanskaya was always the deadline for settlements, the agreement “To Kazanskaya - settlement!” no one dared to disturb, they were also afraid of the coming cold weather.

The holiday of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God is considered one of the most important women's holidays. The Kazan icon has long been considered a female intercessor. Belated weddings were also timed to coincide with this holiday, as there was an ancient belief: “Whoever marries Kazanskaya will be happy.”

Icons of the Kazan Mother of God

Icon of the Kazan Mother of God- one of the most revered, belongs to the Hodegetria type, which means “showing the way.” According to legend, the prototype of this icon was painted Apostle Luke. The main dogmatic meaning of this icon is the appearance into the world of the “heavenly King and Judge.” The Mother of God is depicted with her breasts up, in characteristic clothes, with her head slightly tilted towards the Child. The Child Christ is presented strictly from the front, the figure is limited to the waist. On the icon revealed in Kazan, Christ blesses with two fingers, but in some later copies there is a naming finger. Most often, the Kazan Icon is asked for deliverance from eye disease, invasion of foreigners and help in difficult times.

Temples in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in Rus'

In honor of the discovery of the holy image of the Mother of God in 1579, by decree of Ivan the Terrible, a Kazan Bogoroditsky Monastery. The first nun, and then the abbess of this monastery, was Matrona Onuchina (who took the name Martha) and her mother. First, a log church was founded - the predecessor of a large stone cathedral, which was erected in 1595. In the post-revolutionary period, the cathedral shared the fate of most church buildings: at first it was nationalized and used for economic needs, and then blown up. And now, in 2016, work begins on its reconstruction.

Soon after the victory over the Poles, a Temple in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. The “Historical Guide to Moscow” (1796) states that this temple, then still wooden, was built in 1625 at the expense of Prince Dmitry Pozharsky. Earlier sources know nothing about this church, which allegedly burned down in 1634. What followed was a very complex construction history of the Kazan Cathedral. Kazan Cathedral- the first of those completely lost in Soviet time churches of Moscow, which was recreated in its original forms. It is worth noting that the Kazan Cathedral played a significant role in the history of the Old Believers: it was here that he served as rector Archpriest John Neronov, and later came to him Archpriest Avvakum.

In 1649, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich issued a decree establishing church-wide veneration of the image of the Mother of God revealed in Kazan. The consequence of this decree was the construction of a brick church in the Yaroslavl convent, as well as Church of the Icon of the Kazan Mother of God in Kolomenskoye- a village near Moscow, where there was a wooden royal palace. This five-domed brick church, decorated with a hipped bell tower, has survived to this day almost unchanged.

Old Believer churches in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

Twice a year, in summer and autumn, ceremonial services are held in Old Believer churches. Many of them were consecrated in honor of this holiday. First of all, these are the Belokrinitskaya, Pomorskaya and Fedoseevskaya communities of Kazan.

Patronal feast day today in Russian Orthodox communities Old Believer Church in, villages and the Temple in the name of the Kazan Icon Holy Mother of God Old Believer convent in the village. Kunicha (Moldova)

As an epilogue, we present the poem “To the Most Holy Theotokos,” written by nun Livia from the village of Russian Tavra:

You-Heavenly Queen
And the archangels Kras,
In the new century, You are the Guide,
Bridge from earth to heaven.

As we search, we will find
You and I are the answer to the soul,
You are joy and peace to those who mourn,
And in the darkness there is Light for the lost.

From above with a merciful gaze
You always look at us,
You will give help in prayer soon
And you will console me in a bitter hour.

The significance of which cannot be overestimated - a very strong image that protected the Russian land from foreign invaders. Not only ordinary people, but also princes and kings prayed before her. There are legends about its miracles, but the younger generation does not always know not only about its features, but also enough interesting story. So let's start with a little excursion into the past.

Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. Story

Who painted this bright image and what its general background is is not known for certain. Accurate information began to reach us only in 1579. That year was very difficult for the Kazan land. The summer was dry and hot, which caused a fire to start near the Church of St. Nicholas of Tula. The flames quickly spread first to the Kremlin, and then to houses ordinary people, destroying part of the city. Muslims and pagans, of whom there were a great many in these Tatar lands, recently conquered by the Russian army under the command of Tsar Ivan the Terrible (1552), rejoiced and said that the Orthodox faith in these parts had come to an end. And indeed, many began to doubt and grumble. When the people finally rebuilt, one nine-year-old girl named Matrona had a vision in a dream in which the Mother of God herself came and indicated the place where the icon was buried. She ordered that the governors and the archbishop be told about this. But they only laughed at the girl. After the third repetition of the dream, the mother and daughter, and with them the rest of the people, went to look for the icon in the indicated place. No matter who dug, the icon was not found, but as soon as Matrona began work, the image was immediately found.

It was wrapped in a piece of cloth and looked as if it had just been written on. This icon was immediately assigned to the church. the meaning of which was not yet known, as well as where it came from in that place, from the very first day it showed its miraculous power, healing many people. Among them, Joseph and Nikita were especially highlighted - blind beggars who had not been seen for years, but after praying at the image they immediately regained their sight.

Such a miraculous appearance of the holy image helped people strengthen their faith and return to the true path again. At the site where the icon was found, Ivan the Terrible ordered the rebuilding of a monastery with a nunnery, in which the same Matrona (and later the abbess) became the first nun. Over time, the image was transferred to the icon of the Mother of God (its meaning) was immediately appreciated, since thanks to her many things happened miraculous healings not only physically, but also spiritually. Her fame grew day by day.

Later, this icon was associated not only with physical and spiritual healings, but also with multiple victories over the enemies of the Russian land. Lists were made from it and sent to churches. But, just as unexpectedly as the icon appeared, it disappeared. It was stolen in 1904 and its whereabouts are still unknown.

Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. Meaning

Since the original image has not survived to this day, or more precisely, it has been lost, it remains only to judge how and to whom it helps only by lists. As mentioned earlier, it is of particular importance when healing the blind. Moreover, this applies not only to the physically blind, but also to those who have lost the spiritual ability to see and are lost along the way.

In addition, this image is considered a talisman of the Russian land from foreign invaders. She is a Guide who shows the right path. Also, the icon of the Kazan Mother of God is a wedding image that is used to bless the newlyweds and protect their marriage. Prayer in front of this icon will help everyone who asks with all their heart. By keeping it in your house, you protect it from harm, and if you place the image near the crib, then no demons, evil spells or other otherworldly nature will touch the child. If you ask the image for help in difficult situation, then you will quickly find a way out of it.

The Kazan Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary is an amazing, pure and strong image. The Queen of Heaven is the great patroness of the entire Russian people, she protects from the invasion of enemies, gives strength to protect the Fatherland from enemies. At the same time, she is a strong defender of the Orthodox faith, supports and strengthens the spiritual strength of all those who pray.

Sincere prayers before the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God will help in solving many life problems. People go to her in times of sadness, despondency, and disaster, when they no longer have the strength to resist illnesses and adversities. By faith, through the consecrated image of the Kazan Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary, one can be cured of diseases of the soul and body. Many have improved their vision, even completely gotten rid of blindness.

Knowing how the Kazan image helps, mothers have long hung this holy icon at the head of the child’s crib. The Most Pure One will look after the baby, protect him from illness, everything evil, and show him the right path in life. Joyful and wise parents brought the icon out to meet the young couple to bless them with the support of the Heavenly Queen for a long, righteous, good life together. If the wedding of the newlyweds took place on the day of the celebration of the holy image, then everyone rejoiced - life new family will be long, happy and prosperous.

History of the Kazan Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The history of the holy Kazan Icon of the Mother of God dates back to the 16th century. Today the circumstances of her appearance seem unusual and surprising. In 1579, Kazan, thanks to Ivan the Terrible, had already been part of Russia for 27 years, but it could hardly be called a Russian city. And even the creation (1553) of a separate Kazan diocese, part of the Russian Orthodox Church, did not greatly influence the balance of forces: Christian and Mohammedan.

And then there was the great fire of 1579. A terrible fire destroyed almost half of the Kazan Kremlin, the princely palace, the Transfiguration Monastery with the Christian saints Barsanuphius and Gury buried there, rows of merchants and people's houses.

Muslims interpreted the event in their own way. There were spiteful critics everywhere, they did not forget to mention that the wrath of God fell on the heads of Christians. But it turned out that the fire element brought not only losses and suffering, but also great consolation. After all, it was in this city that the Mother of God strengthened her reign, miraculously revealing her holy image to people.

Finding a miraculous icon After the fire, the main concern of many Kazan residents was construction. Summer does not last forever, but with the arrival of cold weather without warm home

the family cannot survive the winter.

Hearing the good news, the Kazan mayors and the archbishop arrived at the place of the find. And then in a procession with all honors they escorted the relic to the Church of St. Nicholas of Tula. After serving a prayer service, the wonderful icon was transferred to the Annunciation Cathedral, where, by the grace of the Most Pure One, a miracle of healing of the blind occurred: Joseph regained his sight on the way to the monastery, and Nikita - directly in the temple. Later they noticed that the Mother of God shows special mercy to the eyes of those praying to her.

All these and other events remained in people’s memory thanks to the notes made by the priest of the St. Nicholas Church, Ermolai.

Later he became Metropolitan of Kazan and Moscow Patriarch Ermogen. Ermolai also composed a service dedicated to the Kazan image with the well-known troparion (church chant).

Veneration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God The archbishop and the governors sent a message to the king with detailed description

  1. the miraculous discovery of the holy image and the first accurate copy of it. Having learned about the mercy shown by the Mother of God through her face, Tsar Ivan the Terrible ordered the construction of a Christian monastery on the site where the image was found. The first nuns of the Mother of God Convent (for 40 nuns) were Matrona, after taking the name Mavra, and her mother. Feasts of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God are celebrated by the Russian Orthodox Church twice a year: . July 21 (July 8, old style)
  2. On the day of the acquisition of the shrine by the Russian people through the girl Matrona, who had visions. The celebration of the appearance of the image of the Mother of God has been annual since the 16th century.

November 4 (October 22, old style). The glorious liberation of Moscow by the army of Minin and Pozharsky from Polish-Lithuanian encroachments (autumn 1612). Having become metropolitan (1595), Ermogen built in Kazan new cathedral Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The number of nuns was increased to 64. The fame of the miraculous image sent down by the Blessed Virgin and the help that people receive through their prayers spread very quickly. Ordinary parishioners and royal persons brought gifts to the icon. They donated gold, silver, gems

, pearls Several vestments were created for the holy face: festive and for every day. Despite the division, they were all made of precious metals, lavishly decorated with diamonds, rubies, sapphires, low pearls, etc. Empress Catherine laid gifts at the Kazan shrine, among them: gold, jewelry, the diamond crown of the empress herself and 25 thousand rubles intended for the construction of a new temple.

The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God received the status of a national shrine; its appearance became a sign that Holy Mary gave to the entire Russian Church. And then for many years, through the gracious face of the Mother of God, she showed support and mercy to Russia during difficult periods of its history:

  • In times of turmoil. She helped stop internal strife, create a Russian militia, and then liberate Moscow from the Poles (October 22, 1612).
  • She patronized the soldiers of Peter I during the battle of Poltava, helping to defeat the army of the Swedes (1709).
  • October 22, the day of the celebration of the icon, became the day of victory in the battle of Vyazma. This is the turning point Patriotic War 1812.
  • Strengthened the spirit of soldiers during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). Wherever the relic appeared, the enemy could not move forward, was frightened by frightening visions, and German weapons failed. Moscow was saved thanks to a miracle revealed through the prayers and intercession of the Ever-Virgin. The liberation of the mother of Russian cities, Kyiv, took place on the day of the celebration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

Lists of the Kazan shrine

Many mercies and miracles were revealed through the first-discovered icon (original) and its numerous copies (copies). The most famous copies are:

  • Petersburg list;
  • Kazan Icon in Moscow;
  • Kaplunovsky Kazan image of the Virgin Mary;
  • Kazansky Tobolsk the face of the Queen of Heaven;
  • Nizhnelomovskaya
  • Voznesenskaya;
  • Pavlovskaya;
  • Yaroslavl Kazan image of the Mother of God.

It should be noted that in relation to holy images the concept of “original” is conditional. The Most Pure Virgin hears sincere, humble prayers, regardless of the place and image to which they are pronounced. Of course, if only this face is consecrated. Although some express the opinion that the Mother of God wished to present to the Orthodox a certain face, in which a gesture, color, turn of the head, manner of writing - everything has a secret or obvious meaning, a symbol. And when creating lists, iconographers often make changes to the composition of the image, possibly adjusting its meaning.

The original Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is a small-sized image that was found by the girl Matrona (1579), and then lost in the 10s of the twentieth century. Copies and lists made from it have big sizes, may differ in the brightness of the colors (the first image was quite dark, covered with mica), and in some compositional features.

Loss of the Kazan Icon given by the Mother of God

The original of the miraculous icon has been in the Bogoroditsky Monastery in the city of Kazan almost all the time (from the moment of its acquisition). The deprivation of the image happened during the years of revolutionary unrest at the beginning of the twentieth century. Many people have lost the faith of their fathers and humility, so what happened should be a serious edification for everyone.

The theft of the Orthodox relic took place on the night of June 28-29 (old style), 1904. The thieves chose the moment when there was no one near the shrine, and the monastery guard was locked in the basement of the church. The robbers were primarily attracted by the rich decoration - the precious vestments of the icons (the Savior and the Kazan Face of the Mother of God). Thanks to the assistance of the population, the criminals were quickly detained and arrested. The robbery was committed by 28-year-old peasant Bartholomew Chaikin (Stoyan) with Ananiy Komov, their accomplices were Fyodor Zakharov, Nikolai Maksimov, and Chaikin’s cohabitant Praskovya Kucherova and her mother covered up the criminals.

During the investigation, it was established that Chaikin and Komov stole ancient shrines in precious frames. They took away the gold, silver, and stones to sell, and the icons themselves (according to the testimony of Kucherova’s daughter and mother) were chopped up and then burned in the oven. The people were outraged by the crime, all participants were severely punished.

Until today, several facts have been discovered that allow us to hope that the holy Kazan relic has not been destroyed.

  • According to one version, the icons were not chopped up and burned; instead, they were sold at a high price to the Old Believers. Later, the image of the Virgin Mary ended up abroad and was eventually presented to Pope John Paul. Over time, the Vatican wished to return the image to Russia, but only during a personal meeting between the Pope and His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow. Since this is impossible, the transfer was postponed for a long time. But on August 15, 2004, the Pope's envoy returned the image to its homeland. Researchers have found that the face is undoubtedly valuable, since it is an old copy of the original. This icon was transferred to the Kazan Monastery in place of the lost one.
  • According to another version, due to the fact that earlier attempts had been made to steal the image, the abbess of the Kazan monastery secretly replaced her original shrine every night an exact copy, leaving the precious salary in place. Thus, the icon stolen and destroyed by Chaikin was only an exact list. The original image was preserved in the Church of the Yaroslavl Wonderworkers, which is at the Arskoye cemetery.

Iconographic canons of the Kazan image of the Virgin Mary

The Kazan image of the Blessed Virgin Mary belongs to the iconographic type of images of Hodegetria (Guide). Most of This type of icon represents the Virgin Mary with the Child of God on her right hand. But there are places where the Baby is placed on the left side. The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is a chest image.

The Virgin Mary should be dressed in a blue tunic - a long undergarment, mostly with narrow sleeves. Its color symbolizes the virgin purity of the Ever-Virgin. The head and entire figure of Mary is covered with maforium - this is a quadrangular cloth that was worn over the tunic. Three stars should be written on the maforia - symbols of purity:

  • The star on the right shoulder is the Virgin before the Nativity of Jesus.
  • The star on the head is the Virgin at the moment of the Nativity of the God-Man.
  • The star on the left shoulder is the Virgin after the Birth of the Son of God.

Also, three stars symbolize the Holy Trinity (God the Holy Spirit, God the Father, God the Son). Since there is Jesus (the third star) in the image, it covers the one on the shoulder. Halos are written around the heads of the Virgin Mary and Christ. The Divine Infant has a halo with an inscribed cross. Near the figures there are signatures written in Greek letters.

The figure of the Blessed Virgin Mary is depicted frontally. The head is slightly tilted to the side towards Christ. This gesture simultaneously means tenderness towards the Son, admiration for the Savior, indicating movement - Christ is Salvation, Truth and Way.

The baby sits on the left hand of the Virgin Mary, the right one is hidden. Right hand Jesus Christ is raised in a blessing gesture, the second is hidden under clothing. The glances of the Most Pure One and the Savior are directed towards the one who prays in front of the image. This creates an atmosphere of spiritual closeness, attention to each person, his requests and pleas.

Throughout the history of the formation of Christianity, people have repeatedly allowed themselves to doubt the Orthodox faith, and it was at such moments that the Lord showed miracles to the world that dispelled all doubts about the power of the Divine. The appearance of the icon of the Mother of God in Kazan to the people belongs to such a miracle.

Prayers to the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God are considered the most powerful in Orthodoxy. We present to you strongest prayers, which will help to appeal to the mercy of the Mother of God. Let them help you life path. An extraordinary divine energy hovers around the holy image.

Finding an icon

The history of the Kazan icon began back in 1579. That year, a severe fire destroyed more than half of the Kazan Kremlin and part of the city. Nothing could be saved, only ashes remained. The glow burned for many hours. Moans, lamentations of women, appeals to the Lord and crying of children were heard all around. Many families were exsanguinated, but life went on, and new housing had to be built before the approaching cold weather. Fire survivor Daniil Onuchin was also in a hurry with the construction. He had a daughter, Matronushka. One day she saw the Mother of God in a dream, and she told the girl to get an icon out of the ground. Matrona told her parents about the dream. But they did not attach due importance to this. But on the second and third nights, the Mother of God appeared in a dream to the girl and indicated the place where the holy image was found. In the morning, Matresha and her mother nevertheless went to the indicated place. There they found an icon of the Mother of God, it was wrapped in linen. The image was so bright and light, as if it had just been painted. This is how the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God was found by fire victims. Prayer to her helps from many troubles and misfortunes.

Epiphany from an icon

spread throughout the city in an instant good news about finding the icon. Priests from surrounding churches hurried to the spot. The image of the Mother of God was solemnly transferred to the Church of St. Nicholas, Archbishop Jeremiah read a prayer service. They placed the icon in the Annunciation Cathedral - the first Orthodox church in Kazan, which was built by Ivan the Terrible. It immediately became clear to everyone that the image of the Mother of God was miraculous. During the solemn religious procession, when the shrine was being transferred, two blind men, who really wanted to see the miraculous icon, prayed passionately and suddenly received their sight. From that moment on, even those who doubted began to offer prayers to the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God and ask her for mercy. Until now, the Kazan Icon works true miracles and listens to those who ask by faith. The list of gracious help is endless. Tsar Ivan the Terrible was so amazed by the story of the discovery of the holy image that he ordered the construction of the Kazan Cathedral. A convent was founded there, and later Matronushka and her mother were tonsured there.

Troubled times

Everyone knows from history the period of the Time of Troubles early XVII century. At that time, all the tragic circumstances coincided. Natural disasters crop failures were caused, and as a consequence - famine. During the same period, the royal Rurik dynasty was interrupted and a crisis began government controlled, the economy was collapsing. As a result of all this, part of the country with the capital was captured by the interventionists. Patriarch Hermogenes called on the Russian people to defend the Motherland. The militia was led by Prince Dmitry Pozharsky. A list of the miraculous image of the Mother of God was sent from Kazan to help the people. The militia and all the people observed strict fasting for three days and extolled prayers to the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, asking for heavenly help. The Mother of God heard the people's prayer. Under her patronage, Moscow was liberated from the Polish invaders.

Ancient lists (copies)

The first copy of the image of the Kazan Mother of God was made in 1579 and transferred to Tsar Ivan the Terrible in Moscow. In 1636, this image was transferred to the newly built Kazan Cathedral on Red Square. Later, in 1737, he was transported to the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary (St. Petersburg). In 1811, the icon was moved to the Kazan Cathedral.

In the Time of Troubles, in 1611, a second list of the shrine was made. It was handed over to the army of Dmitry Pozharsky for the militias who liberated Moscow from the Polish army.

In the 19th century, many copies of the Kazan Icon were made. The original, however, was lost. At the beginning of the 20th century, the shrine was stolen, the precious frame was looted, and the icon itself disappeared without a trace.

Copies made from the image spread throughout the world and became famous as miraculous. Many icons were taken abroad from Russia after the revolution in 1917. Strong prayers to the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God make the whole world believe in miracles. The icon is especially famous for miracles of healing from eye diseases and blindness. The Kazan icon is an indispensable assistant in difficult war times.

Where is the icon

The modern Russian Orthodox Church is doing everything to ensure that shrines are returned to Russian land. The most ancient list is available to people in the Tretyakov Gallery. The dating date of the holy image is 1606.

At the residence of the Moscow Patriarch there is another holy copy of the Kazan Icon, which is also of great value. The image was received from the Roman Catholic Church as a sign of the end of rivalry.

There is a list in the Prince Vladimir Cathedral in St. Petersburg; it is closest to the oldest prototype of the icon.

Defender of the Russian land

The image of the Kazan Mother of God is classified as a guide icon. They show the right path to lost souls and help those in need. The icon became famous for its miracles during the troubled times. The Mother of God showed the defenders the path to victory and supported the military spirit. The icon helped to win more than one terrible battle.

Under the protection of the Kazan Icon, in the Time of Troubles, an entire army went to battle, and the soldiers under the leadership of Prince Pozharsky liberated the capital from the Polish invaders.

Before the famous Battle of Poltava, Peter I also exalted strong prayers right before this list. In 1812, with the image of the Kazan Mother of God, soldiers fought off French raids, and the beginning of victories over Napoleon’s army was laid. Before going into the active army, Mikhail Kutuzov stood before the Mother of God with strong prayers.

But not only rulers and troops receive blessings from the icon. The common people also turn to her for help and receive miracles that she bestows on those who pray.

What do they pray for in front of the image?

A prayer to the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God for help is offered for any bodily ailment. People often ask for the return of vision. They also turn for spiritual insight, when searching for the right path, if the flame of faith has weakened in the soul.

The Mother of God helps with her consolations and instructions in any difficult life situations when there is no strength left to fight difficulties.

The Guide comes to the aid of those who pray and seek the right decision. It protects from misfortunes and making mistakes, and points the way to a good goal. Many people talk about the appearance of the holy face in a dream, when the Mother of God advises what to do to avoid trouble.

They pray to the Mother of God for the soldiers, from deliverance from enemy raids.

In joy they also turn to the Mother of God, the young people ask for blessings for marriage and starting a family. There are many signs associated with the icon. If the wedding falls on the feast of the holy image, then the marriage will be happy. The icon helps to avoid discord in the family, bring prosperity and harmony.

Prayer to the icon of the Kazan Mother of God for children will protect your child from sorrows and misfortunes. Will help him in his development on the path of life.

The Mother of God helps everyone without exception. Whoever asks her with ardent faith in his heart, she gives her protection and blessing.

How to pray in front of an icon

In order for your prayers to reach the Mother of God, you need to pray to her correctly. You can do this not only in church, but also at home. If you have a desire to ask the Mother of God for help, it is best to do this in the morning:

  • Wash well after waking up clean water. Cross your arms in advance. Tune in only to positive emotions.
  • Throw out of your head various negative, bad thoughts that irritate you.
  • Light the candles and kneel in front of the image. Begin the ritual.
  • It doesn’t matter what prayer to read to the icon of the Kazan Mother of God. The most important thing is to say the words from pure heart, sincerely, then you will be heard.
  • After prayer, express your request to the Mother of God. Remember one thing - she will never accept any negative wish of yours that will negatively affect another.

Family support

Prayer to the icon of the Kazan Mother of God for marriage has helped many people find a family. It is no coincidence that young girls who get married are blessed by their mothers with this icon. Since ancient times, it has been believed that this image is the most powerful in providing family support. The Mother of God helps everyone who prays with strong faith and wants to create his own hearth.

If the mother blessed the girl for marriage with this icon, the image of Our Lady of Kazan must be kept in the family. This is a kind of amulet for your home. Prayers offered to her will preserve the family hearth, as well as the children who will be born in this marriage. They will help maintain peace and quiet in your home.

Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, the most powerful prayer. Miracles of Healing

Many miracles happened before the image of the Kazan Icon; we will tell you about the most famous ones.

  • The sight of the blind. The icon of those praying for healing from blindness often surprises. Everyone remembers the amazing discovery of an icon in Kazan. Already during the procession, two blind men, sincerely praying to the image, regained their sight. The news of this spread far beyond the borders of Kazan. The needy and sick were drawn to the shrine. Soon a desperate mother brought the blind baby to the icon. From her lips flowed a prayer to the icon of the Kazan Mother of God for recovery, and the parishioners of the temple and the priest himself supported her. In no time for a long time After the prayer, the baby began to touch his mother’s face with his hands and everyone realized that he had received his sight. There was a case of epiphany and a blind monk. He did not find relief during prayer in the temple, and he left disappointed. Then the Mother of God appeared to the monk in a dream and ordered him to continue his prayers and then wipe himself with a shroud. Having done everything exactly, the monk received his sight.
  • Healing the weak in mind and body. Healing was recorded in the city of Kazan young man from relaxation. For more than two years the young man did not get back on his feet. The parents did not stop praying and believing in the mercy of God. The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God helped. The most powerful prayer was simultaneously said by the mother in the temple in front of the image and by the son, who, lying in bed, tearfully asked the Mother of God for healing. Suddenly he felt relief and was able to get to his feet. Leaning on two staffs, he went to his mother in the temple. The fervent prayers of two believing hearts allowed a miracle to happen. Dementia is also healed by prayer to the Mother of God. A young man in the Kazan Cathedral sincerely prayed and asked for healing. After the prayer service, to the surprise of all parishioners, he went home completely healthy.
  • Many recorded deliverances from oncological diseases through prayers to the Kazan Icon. The guide is considered a protector in the fight against the enemy, and the battle with a tumor is nothing more than a battle for one’s health against this scourge, which simply mows down people no less than on the battlefield. Therefore, turning to prayer to cure this disease has a special meaning.

Feast of the Icon of the Kazan Mother of God. Prayers

In the summer, the feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is celebrated on July 21, and it is dedicated to the discovery of the shrine, when the image appeared in a dream to little Matrona. Later, Ivan the Terrible built a monastery, where in the future Matrona became Abbess Mavra (Martha).

The autumn holiday is celebrated on November 4th. As already mentioned, during the Time of Troubles on this date, thanks to the intercession of the Mother of God, Russian militias were able to liberate Moscow from the invasion of the Poles.

A significant event was the fact that it was on November 4 that the restored Kazan Cathedral was opened in Moscow, in front of Red Square. Today the image of the Kazan Mother of God is one of the greatest in Orthodox Church. Miracles through prayer continue to happen in our time. In the procession of the cross in Donbass, Orthodox believers carried the Kazan Icon as one of the main ones. They prayed to the intercessor to grant peace and tranquility to native land. Why does the shelling in Donetsk not subside? Maybe people have lost faith in heavenly power and therefore lost the protection of the saints. The whole world needs to unite the people and, as in the Troubled Times of the 17th century, turn to the intercessor, extolling strong prayers from a pure, sincere heart.

- one of the most revered icons in Russia. It is this icon that is usually hung near children’s cribs and the young are blessed with this icon. Many suffering people were helped by prayer in front of the Kazan Icon: the blind gained sight, and the weak were healed.
The image of the Kazan Mother of God belongs to the icons of Hodegetria - the Guide, and she has repeatedly shown the right path to many people.

History of acquisition

After the troops of Ivan the Terrible took Kazan in 1552, by royal command, the Annunciation Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary was founded in the city, and after that the Kazan diocese was established.

Almost thirty years after this landmark Russian history events, in 1579 a severe fire occurred in Kazan, which was extinguished for a whole week, and which destroyed more than half of all the buildings of the Kremlin and adjacent city buildings. Many people were left homeless or died in the fire. Muslims said that the fire was a sign of the Russian God, who showed His anger to people, because of which, as the chronicler said, “The Faith of Christ became a parable and a reproach.”

However, it was at this time that the Lord showed His mercy to people. The Mother of God appeared in a dream to the little girl Matryona, the daughter of an archer, and commanded her to look for Her icon in the ashes of a burnt house. No one believed the girl and did not undertake to help her. However, the girl’s dream kept repeating itself. Then Matryona’s parents decided to check their daughter’s words themselves by going on a search.

What a surprise it was when the icon was actually found in the place indicated by the Mother of God, wrapped in a sleeve of men's clothing made of cherry cloth. The face of the Most Pure One was bright and clear, as if the icon had just been painted.

Archbishop Jeremiah reverently accepted the wonderful icon and transferred it to the Church of St. Nicholas, from where, after a prayer service with a procession of the cross, it was transferred to the Annunciation Cathedral.
During the procession of the cross, the first miracle was revealed from the icon of the Mother of God, when two blind men regained their sight: Joseph and Nikita.

After the miracle appeared, those who mocked the Orthodox faith already hurried to the miraculous icon with a prayer - Queen of Heaven, help, enlighten, heal!

The story of the discovery of the icon so amazed Tsar Ivan the Terrible that he ordered the construction of the Kazan Cathedral and the founding of a convent. In that monastery, after a while, Matrona and her mother took monastic vows.

Kazan Icon and the Liberation of Moscow

By the end of 1611 Moscow State looked completely destroyed: the government was paralyzed, the capital was ruled by the Poles, who captured Smolensk and Moscow, and Novgorod was captured by the Swedes.

In the winter of 1611, the miraculous Kazan Icon of the Mother of God returned to the Kazan Annunciation Cathedral. On the way, in Yaroslavl, the icon was met by militia coming from Nizhny Novgorod to Moscow. The militia was collected by Minin, and Prince Pozharsky took charge of it. Having learned about the miracles that occurred from the icon, the militia took it with them and prayed in front of it, asking for help to be sent to them.

The Most Holy Theotokos showed Her mercy by taking the faithful sons of the fatherland under Her Protection, and with Her help Russia was saved from its enemies.

November 4, 1612(according to the new style) the militia liberated Kitai-Gorod, and two days later the Kremlin itself was taken, putting the Poles to flight. This day is currently a national holiday in Russia - National Unity Day.

In memory of the deliverance of Moscow from the Poles, by decree of Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich and the blessing of Patriarch Philaret, the Church established annually on October 22 (November 4 in the new style) to celebrate in Moscow in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God with a procession of the cross.

Temples in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

The Kazan Cathedral, consecrated in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, was built on Red Square in the second quarter of the 17th century. The cathedral was built at the expense of Prince Pozharsky, who led the liberation militia in gratitude for the help and intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos.

The temple was consecrated by the patriarch in the presence of the tsar and Pozharsky himself. An ancient legend has been preserved that the Kazan Icon is not located in the temple itself, but above the bell tower in the middle of the cross, and that the holy icon was brought into the cathedral several times, but each time it appeared again on the cross of the bell tower.

Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg

The history of the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg begins in 1710, when a chapel was built on Nevsky Prospekt next to the wooden hospital building, and later the wooden Church of the Kazan Mother of God. In 1733, by decree of Empress Anna Ioannovna, a stone Nativity Church was founded on the site of the wooden church. Upon completion of construction, the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God was moved here from the Trinity Cathedral, and the Nativity Church began to be called Kazan Church after the name of this icon. Later, the church received the status of a Cathedral, which became the main temple in the Northern capital.

By the end of the 18th century, the building of the Kazan Cathedral had become dilapidated, and it was decided to build a new temple. Emperor Paul I wanted the new temple to be similar to St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome and in 1799 a competition was announced to design a new cathedral building. The competition was won by the project of the young architect Andrei Nikiforovich Voronikhin, a former serf. In the presence of Emperor Alexander I, a new temple was laid, the construction of which was completed in 1811.

Temples of Russia in honor of the Kazan Icon

The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is revered in everything Orthodox world, and throughout Russia there are many churches dedicated to the miraculous icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Among these temples there are both cathedrals, and small churches built at the expense of believers.

Temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in the village of Alexandrovka

In the north Volgograd region, in the village of Aleksandrovka there is a small wooden church in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, which was erected in honor of the village’s deliverance from a disastrous fire that engulfed the entire north of the Volgograd region in 2010.
Services in this temple are held on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays.

In this temple, through the service, you can order prayers for you and your loved ones.

Loss of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

On the night of June 29, 1904, several robbers led by a certain V.A. Stoyan-Chaikin climbed into the Kazan Cathedral and stole the Kazan icon along with a richly decorated chasuble. When the robbers were caught, neither the robe nor the miraculous image itself were with them anymore. Chaikin assured that the robe was sawn apart and sold to jewelers, and the icon was burned in the oven, where he threw it to check whether it was really miraculous. A long-term investigation was unable to establish whether the icon was actually burned or sold to the merchant Shevlyagin, who after the revolution left for England and sold it there into private hands.

In the 1960s, the Kazan icon in a precious robe actually appeared in the West. This image turned out to be a masterfully executed copy already in the 20th century; but the robe on it, judging by all the evidence, is genuine - the same one that was on the miraculous one that disappeared in 1904. Orthodox Americans tried to buy this image; it was even exhibited for a prayer service in Boston Orthodox church, where thousands of people saw him, but failed to raise funds. As a result, this Kazan, together with the chasuble decorating it, was purchased in 1970 by Catholics, was kept for a long time in the Portuguese city of Fatima, and since 1982 has been in the Vatican.

Despite the contradictory versions of the fate of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, what is known for certain is that since it disappeared without a trace, Russia has suffered many sorrows: defeats in wars and two revolutions. However, any troubled times by the grace of God end, and you and I hope that His grace will touch Russia again.


Troparion to the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, tone 4

O zealous intercessor, / Mother of the Lord Most High, / pray for all Thy Son Christ our God, / and cause all to be saved, seeking refuge in Thy sovereign protection. / Intercede for all of us, O Lady Queen and Lady, / who are in adversity and in sorrow, and in illness, burdened with many sins, / standing and praying to You with a tender soul and a contrite heart, / before Your most pure image with tears, / and having irrevocable hope on Thee, / deliverance from all evils, / grant useful things to everyone / and save everything, Virgin Mary: // For You are the Divine Protection of Your servant.

Kontakion to the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, tone 8

Let us come, people, to this quiet and good refuge, / the quick Helper, the ready and warm salvation, the protection of the Virgin. / Let us hasten to prayer and strive for repentance: / for the Most Pure Mother of God exudes boundless mercies to us, / advances to our aid, and delivers from great troubles and evils, // her well-behaved and God-fearing servants.

Prayer before the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

O Most Holy Lady Lady Theotokos! With fear, faith and love, falling before Thy honorable icon, we pray to Thee: do not turn Thy face away from those who come running to You, beg, O Merciful Mother, Thy Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, to keep our country peaceful, and to establish His holy Church May he preserve the unshakable from unbelief, heresies and schism. There are no imams of any other help, no imams of other hope, except You, Most Pure Virgin: You are the All-Powerful Helper and Intercessor of Christians. Deliver all who pray to You with faith from the falls of sin, from slander. evil people, from all temptations, sorrows, troubles and from vain death; Grant us the spirit of contrition, humility of heart, purity of thoughts, correction of sinful lives and the remission of sins, so that we all praise Thy greatness with gratitude, let us be worthy of the Heavenly Kingdom and there with all the saints we will glorify the Most Honorable and Magnificent Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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