When to plant beets and zucchini. When to sow beets in open ground

What is the secret of delicious borscht or vinaigrette?

That's right, in good table beets grown in your own beds. It also makes excellent salads, caviar, kvass and much more.

I grow different varieties of beets: Bordeaux 237, Delicatessen, Red Ball, Top Hat. They attracted me with their taste and bright dark red color, which is important for various dishes. My experience confirms that when forming beds, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of this crop: it is drought-resistant, does not tolerate waterlogging, is light-loving, and loves space. Optimal temperature for seed germination 10°.

5 basic rules for growing beets

At the beginning of my sowing battles, I hit a lot of bumps. The first time I planted this vegetable crop not in separate rows, but in a whole plantation of eight rows, with a distance between rows the width of a hoe.

On the outer rows the beets developed normally, but on the inner rows the plants were crowded and very shaded, they did not have enough space, the root crops grew small and poorly developed. Having analyzed the mistakes made, I now adhere to the following rules:

I grow beets in the same place, but I take into account that they love being next to cucumbers, tomatoes, onions and cabbage. And he can’t stand beans – I don’t know why.

Sowing isolation different varieties to avoid cross-pollination.

Once I planted Bordeaux and Nosovsky nearby, but when harvesting there was very little of Nosovsky (it is easy to identify by its flattened shape).

I sow beets in two or three rows with row spacing of at least 30 cm to ensure sufficient lighting and conditions for the high-quality development of root crops.

I make holes along the edges of the garden plot, the distance between them is about 10 cm. I plant seeds in them, 2-3 pieces each. to a depth of 3 cm. Such sowing makes it easier to care for seedlings, and there is no need for thinning.

I follow the timing of planting seeds: end of April - first ten days of May, depending on the weather and temperature regime, since the vegetable is heat-loving.

Early planting (at temperatures up to 4-5°) delays seed germination time. Even worse, the plants bolt and bloom quite quickly, completing the process of root crop growth.

Removing weeds.

Fertilize with ash during the growth of rhizomes (1 cup per bucket of water, or after rain, dust the rows with further loosening of the soil).

Evening sprinkling of plants, especially during hot periods.

During the season I do not add organic matter, since manure is periodically applied for autumn plowing. You should not feed and mineral fertilizers: they provoke the aging process and the appearance of hard fibers in the juicy beet pulp.

Do not leave long distance between plants in a row so that the fruits do not grow large. In this case, they will have to be subjected to longer heat treatment, which reduces the beneficial properties of beets.

To repel pests, I sprinkle the top of the beds with wood ash.

Before sowing, beet seeds must be treated in an ash solution (1 tablespoon per 0.5 liter of water) overnight, and then placed in a damp cloth until the white roots peck. I add rotted chicken droppings with straw to the holes or grooves (we have chickens in the country) and mix them with soil.

Beets are quite unpretentious to growing conditions, compliance simple rules agricultural technology produces tasty, juicy fruits and a good harvest.

Every season I form combined beds of 2-3 crops. For example, in the cucumber rows (up to 1 m wide - 1 m 20 cm) a row of beets was sown; a section of cabbage was bordered on two sides with beets (2 rows each), and on the other two - with celery; together I sowed 3 crops in 2 rows: onions - carrots, onions - beets.

The result was positive, and the beds themselves turned out to be quite unusual.

Intensive growth of root crops occurs at the beginning of autumn. There is a balance to be struck here.

On the one hand, do not rush to clean them, and on the other hand, do not delay, do not allow the first frosts. Before storing, the tops are cut off near the very top, strong root vegetables are placed in bags (sugar bags) with sand and taken to the cellar.

Some of the beets are stored along with the potatoes. Better conditions storage - at a temperature of 3° and air humidity up to 90%. If these conditions are not met, you can place a bucket of water in the cellar.

Beets keep well until spring. In early spring I select healthy root crops of different varieties, which have good tails and which have already produced shoots in the upper part, and carefully plant them in the soil in order to obtain seeds for the new planting year.

Now every year I have an excellent beet harvest. I try not to make the same mistakes in cultivating it.

Since I am hypertensive, I quite often make caviar with garlic, a salad with pickled (fermented) cucumbers and onions, seasoned with corn oil, and, of course, beet kvass. It’s tasty and good for blood vessels, which means it helps with atherosclerosis and heart disease, and helps lower blood pressure.

Beet varieties photo

1. Delicatessen. 2. Bordeaux. 3. Red ball. 4. Cylinder.

Beetroot is widely known and healthy vegetable. It is easy to grow and has a long shelf life. In the rather harsh conditions of our country, it provides us with the necessary vitamins during the harsh winter and during the period of spring vitamin deficiency. If the conditions are met, if you care for and love the plant, planting this vegetable with seeds in open ground is not difficult.

Beets are planted different ways. It can be planted with seeds or seedlings. Whether they do this in spring or autumn, it is important to observe correct timing. Spring planting of seeds in open ground is carried out in the 1st-2nd decade of May, after the soil has completely warmed up.

If the seeds are placed in insufficiently warmed soil, the seedlings will begin to bolt and good harvest you can't wait.

You can plant beet seeds in the fall, late October or November, it depends on your region. Planting is carried out when the air temperature drops to -4 degrees. You should not rush into planting; if the planted seeds wake up under the influence of heat, they will die.

Sometimes beets are planted as seedlings. With this method, the seeds are planted at home in special boxes. You can plant seeds at your dacha in a greenhouse or hothouse.

Seeds for seedlings need to be sown in early April, a month before they can be placed in open ground. Planting beets with seedlings allows you to get an early harvest and save seeds, since you can also plant the sprouts that remain after thinning on the beds.

The most popular varieties for growing in the country house or garden

Beetroot may be sugar, feed or table. Sugar and fodder varieties are usually grown on an industrial scale and are not sown in dachas. It is more common to see table beets in garden beds.

There are a lot of popular varieties, they differ in growth rate and storage duration. All table varieties are distinguished by high taste and bright color. Here are just a few:

  1. . An early variety, the specimens are not very large with excellent taste. Root vegetables of bright burgundy color without rings on the cut, weighing about 200 g. The variety provides high yields.
  2. . Mid-season productive root crop. Fully lives up to its name. Beetroot is red, cylindrical, up to 16 cm in length. Resistant to diseases, long shelf life.
  3. . Mid-season variety with excellent productivity. Tasty, does not lose color when cooked. Weight 300-350g. Has good keeping quality.

Some varieties are excellent for the middle zone, others for the Urals and Siberia. When choosing seeds for planting, be sure to take into account the weather conditions of your region.

Varieties to plant in Siberia and the Urals

Particularly popular in Leningrad and other cold regions Merchant's Wife, Cold-Resistant 19, Ordinary Miracle. These varieties are distinguished by excellent resistance to disease and cold, and high yield. The cylinder has also taken root well in these regions.

To plant in the Moscow region

Many varieties are grown in the Moscow region and western regions. Some gardeners prefer juicy early varieties that will not last until spring, but are very tasty and will provide vitamins in the fall and winter. Others plant late varieties, less juicy, but stored for a very long time.

TO early varieties applies Red Ball, Detroit, Mulatto. All of them produce high yields, are distinguished by intense color and good taste.

Bordeaux, Cylinder and Mona, also attracted Muscovites. These later varieties, with high yields and excellent taste, are stored for almost a whole year.

Instructions for planting beets with seeds in open ground

Soil preparation

Before planting vegetables according to step by step instructions, you need to prepare a bed for beets, do this in autumn. Select a sunny, open, well-drained place where cucumbers, tomatoes or onions previously grew. The vegetable grows poorly in places where carrots or cabbage used to live. Does not tolerate proximity to celery and garlic.

You can plant vegetables in the same place in 3-4 years. It does not tolerate waterlogging; it is better not to place the beds on clay soils. Sunny, well-drained planting areas are what this vegetable needs for good growth.

The selected area is completely cleared of any parts of the plants (roots, seeds, leaves). Humus and a complex of mineral fertilizers are added to the soil and the earth is dug up to the depth of a shovel. To make the soil for beets less dense, the soil is mixed with sand or sawdust. Wood ash is an excellent food for vegetables.

Can't stand beets at all fresh manure.

If the soil in the selected area is acidic, add a little lime, changing the pH to neutral or alkaline. The optimal value for beets is 6-7.

In spring, the soil in the garden bed is loosened with a rake and complex mineral fertilizer. The crop requires nitrogen and potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, as well as pest control.

Planting seeds in spring

The seeds are sorted and need to be kept in solution for a day growth stimulant or wood ash . For the preparation of which 2 tbsp. l of ash is poured with a liter of warm water and mixed well.

After 2 days, the solution is drained; not only beets, but also the seed material of other vegetables can be soaked in it. Ash provides seeds with a complex of essential minerals. After a day, they are washed and placed in a damp cloth until planting.

In the garden bed, even furrows are made with a depth of 2-3 cm. These grooves are shed with water; some gardeners prefer warm water. When the water has been absorbed, large beet seeds are placed one at a time at a distance of 10 cm from each other and sprinkled with earth.

Beet seeds are multi-sprouting; one beet seed produces from 2 to 6 sprouts. Sprouted seeds are thinned out after the appearance of 2 leaves. The procedure is carried out a second time when the 4th leaf appears.

Autumn landing

Beet seeds are often sown in open ground in the fall, when the air temperature drops. up to -4 degrees. In this case, the soil is prepared in the same way, but the bed is made high, 20-25 cm, so as not to wash away melt water. The grooves during autumn planting are deeper, 4 cm.

When planting in autumn, seed material does not need to be soaked and the bed is not watered.

When planting in autumn, dry seeds are planted in dry soil.

Advantages autumn planting:

  • seed material hardens well for the winter;
  • early friendly shoots are ensured;
  • frees up time for other gardening tasks;
  • harvest ripens much earlier.

This method has only one drawback, but it must be taken into account. Beet harvest planted before winter does not keep for long.

To protect the seeds from frost, cover the bed with straw on top and cover it with snow. In the spring, when the air warms up to +7-10 degrees, the straw is removed. This method allows you to get an early harvest, even if spring warmth is delayed.

Planting seedlings at home

Seeds are planted in special boxes or under film in the country, a month before planting in open ground. The distance between rows is 5-8 cm, between seed material 3-5 cm. When 2 leaves appear, the seedlings are thinned out, leaving the strongest sprouts; after the 4 leaves appear, they are watered abundantly and carefully, together with a lump of earth, transferred to open beds.

Before planting in the ground, seedlings begin to be hardened by removing the film daily and ventilating the sprouts at home. In order for the sprouts to get used to it, they need 7-10 days.

Plant one sprout at a time, after 10 cm. At a tender age, the sprouts take root well in a new place. This successful method allows you to get a high, early harvest and save on seeds, because all the sprouts can be planted.

At what distance and according to what pattern should I plant in the ground?

On narrow and long beds, vegetables are often sown crosswise, with the distance between the seeds 10 cm, and between the rows 20-25 . This method makes it easier to care for crops. This is a one line method.

With the two-line planting method, two even furrows are made at a distance 25 cm from each other, then leave a strip 50 cm wide free. This is how they alternate planting. They also use a three-line scheme, when the vegetable is planted in 3 rows, through 20-25 cm. This is done to facilitate watering, weeding and loosening the soil.

To grow big harvest, beets need to be watered regularly and the soil in the beds loosened.

Beetroot is an unpretentious vegetable that produces excellent harvests if you follow the tips and secrets described. Gardeners grow it in southern regions, Belarus, Chelyabinsk region, middle lane and northern regions. It is good in our usual first courses, various salads, and is used to make preparations for the winter.

It stores well, providing us with the necessary minerals and vitamins until the new harvest. It can cleanse the blood and normalize digestion. All these qualities have made beets popular among different nations, and the history of their cultivation dates back many centuries.

Beginning gardeners often don’t always succeed - the seeds do not germinate well or the root crops grow small. How to plant beets correctly? What do you need to know so that planting and caring for beets does not bring disappointment? After all, this is one of the first vegetable crops in terms of yield and the presence of properties beneficial to humans. Beets keep well. Practically all year round can be used for human food and has long been valued for its dietary, taste, medicinal and beneficial properties. Beets are a real source of health, vitality. Nowadays, many varieties of beets have been developed.

Features of planting beets with seeds in open ground

Of the root crops, beets (in the Kuban they are often called beetroot or beetroot) are the most demanding in terms of soil fertility. The best for her are the rich organic substances loamy, sandy loam, chernozem soils, as well as floodplain lands and drained peatlands. Growing beets on swampy soils is difficult; prolonged excess moisture inhibits plants. On such soils it is necessary to grow it in ridges.

Soil preparation

One of the main reasons for low yields is planting beets on poor soils with high acidity. This culture does not like such soils. At pH = 5.0 and below, massive loss of seedlings occurs, growth slows down, and the leaves turn very red. Very acidic soils The root crop may not develop at all. If wild sorrel and horsetail grow on the site, then this is a clear sign of high acidity of the soil. In this case, it is necessary to add lime, chalk or ash (200-500 g per square meter).

When to plant beets in spring with seeds in open ground

When are beets sown? Beets can be sown at several times, up to the beginning of June. But the first sowing is in early April. Usually the timing is based on planting potatoes. As soon as it is planted, you can start sowing beets. When the soil warms up enough, the seeds will sprout more quickly and will be less susceptible to attacks by pathogenic fungi and bacteria.

Very early landings beetroot can die from frost. Temperatures of -4-5°C are detrimental to beet seedlings. In addition, with early sowings, many flowering plants may appear, i.e. the beets will come into color.

When planting beets, it is often hot and dry, and the top layer of soil can become very dry. The dense, lignified beet pericarp, which contains the seed, requires a lot of moisture to swell. Therefore, it is advisable to water the entire bed or seed furrows generously. If this is not possible, then compact the bottom of the furrow. After planting the seeds, compact the soil and mulch the top with peat or humus. You can cover the bed with covering material - it also retains moisture well.

Treatment of beet seeds before planting

To speed up germination, seeds are soaked for 3-4 days in warm water (40°C) before sowing. The water is changed daily. When the first sprouts appear (no more than 3%), the beet seeds are dried and sown. Soaking followed by drying ensures the rapid appearance of healthy shoots, since the microbes that developed during soaking die when dried. You can soak the seeds in solutions of microelements.

Row spacing and seed placement depth

With a good supply of fertilizers and moisture, the maximum beet yield can be obtained with the optimal number of plants per unit area. This is achieved through correct placement plants in rows and multi-line sowing, as well as when row spacing is reduced. A 2-3-line bed with a distance between lines of 15-20 cm is convenient. Between beds - 40-50 cm. Between plants in a row is 6-8 cm. Excessive thickening of plants, as well as sparseness, lead to loss of yield.

On light soils, seeds are planted to a depth of 3-4 cm, on heavy soils - 2-3 cm. It is advisable to mulch the crops or cover them with film before germination, this is especially important to do on heavy soils. Before sowing, superphosphate can be lightly sprinkled into the furrows, which will accelerate the development of the root system and promote better rooting of seedlings.

Seedling care, thinning

Directly Fresh manure cannot be applied to beets, root crops become of poor quality and are poorly stored in winter.

Burak is very sensitive to lack of light. All weeds must be destroyed as they appear. It is also impossible to allow the seedlings to thicken, and to break through the sowing in a timely manner.

Thinning of seedlings

The density of beet seedlings is inherent in the nature of its seeds. Typically, gardeners sow varieties with many seed fruits (from 3 to 6).

The first thinning is done when the first pair of true leaves appear, leaving the plants 3-4 cm apart. The second thinning is 2-3 weeks after the first, the plants are placed 6-8 cm apart. When thinning is delayed for a week, up to 45-50 g per square meter harvest per day.

To save yourself from this work, you need to purchase single-seeded and double-seeded beet seeds that are now available, and sow them immediately at the required distance (taking into account the percentage of germination).

Beet nutrition

When the first true leaves appear after thinning, you can feed them with mineral fertilizers in a liquid or dry state. Approximate doses: 30 g per 10 liters of water ammonium nitrate, 80 g superphosphate, 35 g potassium chloride. This volume of solution is consumed per 15 linear meters of row. Superphosphate and potash fertilizers can be replaced with a triple dose of ash.

It is possible to fertilize with a solution of mullein or chicken droppings. The second feeding is usually carried out 3 weeks after the first. Fertilizing is done only in the first half of summer; later nitrogen fertilizing promotes the accumulation of nitrates.

Do you want your beets to grow sweet? For increase sugar content You can feed the beets with a one percent solution of table salt.

Watering beets

During the period of intensive growth of leaves and root crops, the weather is usually hot, dry. Watering at this time will significantly increase the yield. In general, compared to others vegetable crops, table beets are relatively drought-resistant, so they should be watered sparingly. Excess moisture leads to excessive growth of leaves to the detriment of the root crop.

At the end of July - beginning of September, some gardeners stop actively caring for beets, considering it useless. This is incorrect, since at this time there is an increased outflow nutrients from the leaves into the root crop, its mass rapidly increases. Therefore, with sufficient moisture, deep loosening is also necessary, especially on heavy soils. A week before harvesting, if it is very hot, it is advisable to water the beets. This increases cell turgor and promotes better preservation of fruits in winter.

They put it away for winter storage earlier than other root vegetables (carrots, for example), since it cannot withstand autumn frosts.

Beneficial properties of beets

Beetroot has been used since ancient times traditional medicine for the treatment of many diseases. It is simply a storehouse of vitamins and minerals; it is ideal for various diets, including medicinal ones.

Beetroot juice is considered one of the best vegetable juices. It contains sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur, chlorine, iodine, iron, copper, vitamins B1, B2, C and P. This juice is rich in easily digestible carbohydrates, but its calorie content is low. Due to its high iron content, it restores and activates blood cells, provides an influx of fresh oxygen, and helps normalize the functions of vesicular respiration. Adding a teaspoon of lime juice to a glass of beet juice increases its medicinal value.

Most useful property Beetroot is that it contains more than 50% sodium and only 5% calcium. This promotes the dissolution of oxalic acid salts in the body, which accumulate in the blood vessels. Beetroot juice is an excellent solvent for inorganic deposits calcium. Therefore this useful product for the treatment of hypertension, atherosclerosis, heart disease, varicose veins veins

It's important to know what's clean beet juice can lead to a lot of stress on the pancreas and stomach. Therefore, it is recommended to mix beet juice with other juices: carrots, cucumber, etc. Beetroot juice mixed with carrot and cucumber juice is one of the best cleansers for the kidneys and gallbladder.

The pectin substances that beets contain protect the body from the effects of radioactive, heavy metals, inhibit the development of harmful bacteria in the intestines, promote the removal of excess water and cholesterol.

In it a large number of betaine is a physiologically very important compound for metabolism. Another specific substance in beets, betanin, is a red pigment that restores the respiratory ability of the cell. It is believed that it has an inhibitory effect on the growth of malignant cells. The more intense the color of the root pulp, the more vitamin C, betaine and betanin it contains.

Table beets contain 8-15 percent sugar, protein, fiber, and minerals.

Useful are the leaves, which contain 2-3 times more protein and mineral salts than root vegetables. Beetroot is useful for anemia, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, for cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, obesity.

100 g of beet juice contains 42 kcal, 1.0 g protein, 0 g fat, 9.9 g carbohydrates.

Beets promote weight loss. There is a special mono-diet. It lasts two days. These two days you can only eat beets - boiled or baked. It is recommended to drink liquids these days green tea, fresh vegetable juices, mineral water without gas. It should be remembered that no more than 2 kg of beets can be eaten per day. You need to drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid per day.

Beets can help you reduce blood pressure and associated risks such as heart attacks and strokes. The daily dose is 250 ml of beet juice. But do not forget that beet juice is too concentrated; it is better to use it mixed with other juices - carrot, apple, cucumber.

Beets contain folic acid, which is necessary for normal growth of body tissues. Folic acid is important for the development of the baby's spinal cord in the first three months of pregnancy. It can help prevent spinal defects in the fetus and premature birth. Beets also contain iron, which is a fantastic tonic for expectant mothers who suffer from fatigue during pregnancy. Expectant mothers should remember, however, that boiled or baked milk has lower levels of folic acid than raw milk. For getting additional information Be sure to consult your doctor about the importance of folic acid during pregnancy.

Beets contain the mineral silica. This helps the body better absorb calcium, which is very important for reducing the risk of osteoporosis.

If you put a few mayonnaise jars of water on the window in winter and insert small beets there (you might have thrown them away in the fall), you will soon be able to harvest fresh vitamin leaves for salads and soups.

Beet varieties

The most common varieties are:

  • Bordeaux 237- productive mid-early variety with round oval root crops, burgundy flesh, high taste;
  • Single shoot(similar to Bordeaux);
  • Egyptian flat- a productive variety, earlier ripening than Bordeaux, round-flat root crops, dark red flesh with a purple tint;
  • Gribovskaya flat A-473- productive variety, morphological characteristics close to the Egyptian flat, but earlier;
  • Incomparable A-463- root crops are flat or rounded-flat, the flesh is intensely dark red, the taste is high, requires highly cultivated soils, and in poor soils it sharply reduces the yield;
  • Two-seeded TSCA- new high-yielding variety. The root vegetables are round, uniform in shape and size, the flesh is dark red, burgundy, tender, juicy, the taste is high, the rosette of leaves is small. The variety can be grown more densely than Bordeaux or others - 6 cm in a row between plants. Requires virtually no thinning. This beet variety is capable of producing high yields in most regions of the country.

For winter crops, it is better to use special varieties - Podzimnyaya A-474, Cold-resistant 19.

To grow a tasty root crop with good yield, you will need to know some of the intricacies of planting and caring for beets in open ground. The crop is two-year old, but if grown incorrectly, a peduncle will begin to form, but the root crop will not turn out or it will be small and ugly. Varieties are cultivated that form round heads and cylindrical elongated fruits. Beetroot can be table, fodder and sugar. The color of the table root vegetable can be not only burgundy; sometimes there are varieties with a different color. There are leaf varieties of beets.

Preparing the soil and sowing seeds

Beets love fertile, light soil with a neutral reaction. Therefore, the bed for the crop is prepared in the fall. The best predecessors will be crops that require soil fertility. This could be onions, cucumbers, tomatoes. You cannot sow beets after cruciferous crops, because they have common pests. The bed must have been limed in previous years. Before sowing, additional potassium chloride is added to the soil. For fertility, a sufficient humus content is important, which is created by adding compost or humus.

Fresh manure is not added to the bed for root crops. Beets absorb nitrogen fertilizers well and store them in root crops. Therefore, excess nitrogen in the soil is unacceptable.

The soil is deeply loosened and cut into furrows with a distance of 25 cm. The seeds are laid out at a distance of 9-10 cm. They are sprinkled on top to a depth of 2 cm, the soil is moistened. Shoots will appear in a week if carried out pre-sowing treatment seeds

Beet seeds are collected in nodules and are in a common shell on top, which must be destroyed to speed up seed germination. They are soaked in an ash solution, in stimulants, followed by germination. To do this, the seed is kept moist for a day or two. During this time, the seeds swell and their germination in the ground occurs faster.

Up to five seedlings can appear from a nodule. Therefore, after germination, the plants should be thinned out, leaving one strong sprout from the glomerulus. There are single-sprouted beet seeds, and this information is written on the package. How to plant beets, at what distance, depends on further care. If it is necessary to use young leaves and nodules, beets are sown more often in order to thin out and use early production.

Caring for beets in summer

To grow tasty root crops with good yields, you need to follow simple rules of care:

  • sowing at optimal times;
  • correct plants;
  • weed and pest control;
  • plant nutrition.

If the beets are intended to receive commercial products For winter storage, there is no need to rush with sowing. The soil should be warmed up by 10 degrees, the seedlings should not be exposed to cold weather, otherwise the beets will shoot. Therefore, sowing begins when stable warmth is guaranteed for young seedlings.

Warmth occurs at different times in each region. Therefore, for Ukraine, sowing may be in April, in the Moscow region in mid-May, in Eastern Siberia at the very end of May. When growing beets, there are several features that will help you grow a tender root crop.

Only beets need to be fed with regular table salt. At the same time, it becomes more tender and sweeter. The explanation for the phenomenon lies in the origin of the plant. In the Mediterranean, it was blown over by sea air saturated with salt for centuries, and it became physiologically necessary for the plant.

After thinning the plant, it is watered with the addition of fertilizer to rapid development sockets What to feed beets for growth is chosen depending on the circumstances. This could be a herbal infusion with nettle, potassium nitrate or. Any of the fertilizers presented contains nitrogen.

After 6-7 developed leaves appear, foliar feeding with microelements should be carried out, the most important of which for beets will be boron. If after adding nitrogen the beets do not grow well, what to feed is decided after analyzing the acidity of the soil. It is possible that the acidic environment interferes with the absorption of elements. First aid in this case will be the addition of ash.

The lack of boron in the soil must be compensated. Signs of a deficiency of the element will be beet blight - the formation of black spots on the root crop. Preventive spraying with a solution of 5 g boric acid 10 liters of water will protect root vegetables from defects.

After the fruit has formed the size of Walnut make a second feeding with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. What to feed beets in July is chosen based on the requirements of plant development. From the moment the root crop begins to form, any fertilizing containing nitrogen compounds should be excluded. An example of such a balanced feeding can be considered the Agricola-4 fertilizer. In this case, fertilizing is done without splashing, from the spout closer to the plants, without wetting the leaf blade. Any fertilizing is done on moist soil after watering.

Sometimes the question arises of how to water beets in open ground. The root crop does not develop well with uneven soil moisture. Excessive watering of dry soil can lead to cracking of root crops. Therefore, moisture-charging irrigation is required using the sprinkling method, supplying up to 20 liters of water per square once. In between, weekly watering is required, which is stopped 2 weeks before harvesting.

Beet pests and diseases

Healthy beet leaves have a shiny surface without spots. The appearance of uncharacteristic chlorotic manifestations and dry spots indicates that it is time to carry out foliar treatment with fungicidal preparations. The best prevention would be using Fitosporin or Bordeaux mixture with a concentration of 1%.

Pests cause great damage to beets:

  • beet flea beetles;
  • nematodes and wireworms;
  • winter and cabbage cutworms.

The fight against these pests includes methods of mechanical selection of pests from the ground, biological and chemical methods struggle. The use of repellents on developing crops is the best prevention. The use of soil stimulants will allow microorganisms to restore their balance on their own without the use of chemicals. Therefore, regular use of drugs such as Shining and EM-1 Baikal will help increase plant immunity to pests and diseases. In addition, a film is created on the leaves that prevents the penetration of spores and punctures.

How and when to store beets

The most valuable are root vegetables average size. That is why you should not rush to sow seeds in spring. The larger the beet grows, the coarser its fiber. Harvest beets before frost, since the root crop does not tolerate sub-zero temperatures and will be unsuitable for storage. And the biology of the plant is such that the grown root rises above the surface. Therefore, beets are harvested early.

The vegetable is freed from its petioles without a knife, by twisting the tops. A cut with a knife takes a long time to dry and more juice is lost from the root vegetable than with uneven twisting. The soil dries and is carefully removed from the surface without disturbing the thin skin. Damaged fruits are unsuitable for storage. You can store beets in a box with sand and just lay them on top of the potatoes. It takes away excess moisture from the cellar.

Video about planting beets

Every plant requires attention. He needs to choose right place, soil, take care of preparing the seeds, do not forget to water and feed the plant. Beets are no exception. She, like any culture, needs care. But first you need to deal with its sowing.

When to plant beets in open ground in spring

First, let’s find out when and under what temperature conditions to plant beets.

Calendar dates

Beets love warmth, so there is no need to rush to sow it. In addition, young seedlings that survive even small ones will most likely be shot. Therefore, the most suitable time for planting in open soil will be the end of April or the beginning of May.


Seeds germinate at +7 °C, but for proper development you need about +16 °C outside. In this case, the earth should warm up to +10 °C.

Features of the region

Relatively Ukraine The situation is this: the further south the region, the earlier you can start. But it all depends on the temperature of the air and ground.

Beetroot in different areas Russia planted at different times:

  • Northern Caucasus - 1st ten days of April;
  • Central Black Earth Region - 3rd ten days of April;
  • north of the Central Black Earth Region, Non-Black Earth Region, Volga region, Bashkortostan, Altai, Moscow region - 1st ten days of May.

In the southern regions, due to the warm climate, planting can be done as early as the end of March. After all, there the earth warms up faster to the desired temperature.

By the way, beets can also be planted in the fall (there are special varieties). This option is good for areas with cool, short summers. Planting occurs after the onset of stable frosts, when the ground becomes crusty. In the Urals or best period for this - November. Universal advice There is no date for when such sowing should be done. The main thing is not to hold out until the soil “sets” (this is 3-4 °C below zero). The farmers noticed that the optimal reference point is when the cherry tree completely sheds its leaves.

Important! Please note: fall-planted beets are not suitable for long-term storage.

Where to plant

This culture loves illuminated places with fertile, loose soil, without standing high groundwater. A soil with a neutral reaction (pH - about 6-7) is best suited.

It is not recommended to plant beets in shaded areas with waterlogged, acidic, compacted soils.
For better yield this vegetable is recommended plant in a new place every year. It is better to return it to its original place no earlier than after 3-4 years.

Planting beets not recommended for, And . And after, she will feel great. She is also imprisoned for winter wheat, .

For beets good neighbors will become carrots, , .

Preparing the land in the fall

The land for spring planting must be prepared in the fall:

  • clean the area, removing all debris, weeds, branches, plant debris;
  • dig the ground 30 cm deep;
  • apply fertilizer - 30-50 g and 50-70 g are needed per 1 m².

In the spring (before sowing), the soil will need to be dug up again and added - 30-50 g per 1 m².

Video: autumn tillage

Do I need to pre-soak the seeds?

It is not necessary to soak the seeds, but if you want them to germinate faster, then it is still worth doing.

To do this, take one of these remedies:

  • 1/4 tsp. and 0.5 tsp. or ;
  • 1 tsp. ;
  • 1 tsp. baking soda;
  • 1 tbsp. l. .

For any of the products you need 1 liter warm water. Soak the seeds for a day. Then rinse them, wrap them in a damp cloth and store them room temperature 3-4 days, making sure that the package does not dry out.
If you plant seeds in the fall, there is no need to soak them.

How to plant beets with seeds in spring

The seeds are planted shallowly in the ground - 2-3 cm (if - 3-4 cm).

If you want to get small fruits, for example, for canning, make row spacing at least 7 cm, and leave no more than 6 cm between individual plants. If you need large beets, increase the distance between rows to 30 cm, between plants - up to 10 cm.

Video: spring planting beets

Features of care


In the first 1.5 months after planting, the soil should not be allowed to dry out. Also, young beets like sprinkling in the evenings.

If the summer is not very hot, beets will not cause much concern. After the tops are closed, the moisture between the rows will dry out more slowly, and the vegetable itself will be able to extract it from deep layers land. Therefore, it will no longer need watering too often.

Watering stops completely approximately three weeks before harvesting.


To provide the sprouts with sufficient area for development, you need thin out twice: in the phase of two true leaves (do not forget to leave a gap of 3-4 cm between the sprouts) and in the phase of 3-4 leaves. On average, this leaves 10-20 cm between plants.

Important! It is not necessary to throw away the removed plants; they can be transplanted to another place - they will take root without any problems and quickly catch up with their fellows. The main thing is that before the procedure, thoroughly water the soil where you will move the new shoots, and replant carefully so as not to damage the roots.

Soil care

The soil where beets grow must not only be moistened, but also loosen, because it is impossible for a crust to form on the ground. This is especially important for young shoots.

Do the loosening carefully; when the plants are still small, you can use an old fork. Apply this procedure until the tops close. Also during loosening, of course.
Remember also mulch. After the first thinning and weeding, it is advisable to mulch the soil next to the young plants with fine organic material. If you ignore this, you will have to weed and loosen much more often, and water too. At the beginning, the mulch layer should be small - 1-2 cm, but as the plants grow, it must be increased, using coarser mulch, for example, weeding and straw cutting.

Top dressing

Fertilizing (with nitrogen) occurs after thinning, the next (complex) - after closing the tops.

Nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus are the main components that beets need. It is allowed to replace complex mineral fertilizers with ash mixed with a lack of boron; the beets will react by rotting the core. Has a detrimental effect lack of copper and molybdenum, it is replenished with foliar feeding (in the 10-leaf phase). Liquid microfertilizers saturated with boron in organomineral form and manganese in chelated form are suitable here.

If the beets grow poorly, round yellow marks appear on the tops - these are manifestations lack of potassium and very acidic soil. Here you need special watering: 200 g of fluff lime and 80 g of potassium chloride per 10 liters of water. The product is enough for 10 linear meters (along the line).

If the tops turn red, this is a lack of sodium. Sprinkle the beds with ash and sprinkle with salt water (1 tbsp. salt per 10 l). Plus, this will increase the sugar content of the vegetable.

Did you know? Beetroot is one of the natural antidepressants and anabolic steroids. Drinking beetroot juice every day will significantly increase your stamina and reduce fatigue.

Harvesting and storage

When its leaves turned yellow and dried out. Usually this is the end of August or the first half of September (certainly in dry weather). The fruits are carefully dug up with a shovel or pitchfork, then they are taken out with your hands, the soil is shaken off, and the tops are cut off. The petioles should remain no more than 1.5 cm.
If you can’t take the beets to a permanent location right away, dig up piles in the field and lay the fruits sprinkled with soil in 2-3 layers, once again covering them with soil on top. But try to move the vegetables to a permanent location as soon as possible.

The most favorable conditions are a room with a temperature of 0-2 °C and a humidity of 90%. As a rule, basements are used where beets are successfully stored next to. It is kept in boxes, containers, open plastic bags or in regular bulk.

Selected large and medium beets are treated with chalk powder (2 kg per 100 kg of fruit) and placed in layers with the tops facing out, sprinkled with wet sand, peat, sawdust or shavings 2-3 cm thick. If ventilation is not very good, these vegetables are kept in small mounds, and cover the top with straw (to avoid condensation).

Video: storing beets in sand

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