Colonial style in a modern interior. Colonial style in the interior (20 photos): beautiful designs

Despite its antiquity, today, when minimalism rules and high-tech reigns, the colonial style has not sunk into oblivion. On the contrary, it is being reborn with renewed vigor, attracting more and more fans. MirSovetov will tell you in more detail about what rules you need to follow and what you need to pay attention to if you want to transform your home.

Main features of the colonial style

It is very simple to explain what the colonial style looks like - suffice it to say that it is a combination of European, African, Eastern and Latin American cultures. Such an explosive mixture once produced quite interesting interior solutions, because this direction allows you to combine completely incompatible things. It is believed that this style is an expensive pleasure, since it does not tolerate falsehood and artificiality, but requires everything real.

The colonial style has a number of general rules:

  1. Large windows that allow you to be closer to nature, drink in fresh air and enjoy the light.
  2. , which are demarcated using screens, curtains, carved Indian wooden columns, etc.
  3. If the furniture and doors are simple, then there are rich small interior details.
  4. The interior uses various natural materials: wood, stones, clay.
  5. The presence of wool, silk and linen in the interior.
  6. The presence in the interior is equal to both exotic and classic elements.
  7. A lot of different “small things”: figurines, dishes, souvenirs from different countries peace.

Decorating an apartment in a colonial style

Elements of the colonial style can be “fitted” into any room. As soon as you make even a slight hint of the tropical component of some element, or at least focus on something original, some detail from another country or another world, you will immediately be classified as a follower of the colonial style.

Due to the fact that this style favors dark furniture and neutral colors, it can also be called practical, which also adds to its popularity as a modern interior.

If you decide to furnish your apartment in a colonial style, you need to pay attention to the following tips.

  1. Walls.
  2. Be sure to have a solid pastel color: yellowish or beige or light brown. Believe me, it won’t be boring at all - they will be perfectly set off by curtains and other bright elements of the apartment. In addition, the walls will not be boring, because they will be decorated with paintings, mirrors and souvenirs.

  3. Ceiling.
  4. Here you can fantasize as much as you like, however, it should be noted that the ceiling should be very original. For example, you can repeat the interior of a Dutch house or even an Indian home by placing beams made of wood. Another very good solution is to add leather to the wood.

  5. Lighting.
  6. A wrought iron chandelier – a classic from past centuries – will look great in the center of the room. However, it is not at all necessary to observe the same style in next room– there, on the ceiling, there can be a lamp from Africa, or some lighting sources reminiscent of oriental flavor. Colonial style includes large quantity light (hence the large windows), so it means that to maintain the interior you need to install more lamps. At the same time, the more ancient lamps used for lighting, the better.

    It is worth dwelling on this element of the interior, since the colonial style simply cannot stand the cheapness of the floor covering. In this case, all materials must be strictly natural: natural stone or wood, but only expensive species - oak, lapacho, mahogany.

  7. Window.
  8. The colonists escaped the heat and winds with the help of window shutters. Today, shutters can serve you not as a panacea for ills, but as an excellent addition to your interior. They must be from natural wood, which either remains in its natural form or is colored in suitable color. In this case, you can not use it at all.

    If you are against “naked” windows, then you can use transparent fabrics as curtains - it should be linen, cotton or silk. You can pay attention to fabric blinds or Roman blinds.

  9. Furniture.
  10. When choosing furniture, it is worth remembering that the colonial style should be more conducive to relaxation than to work, so furniture is selected based on its convenience. If this is the case, then sofas and armchairs should be very soft and heavy. But it is not at all necessary to have a bunch of pads and tassels on the armrests. This is already unnecessary - you need to choose a simpler option. Although wicker furniture is also suitable for variety.

    But it should have a forged back - or, in extreme cases, a wooden one. No less desirable for a bed is the presence of a canopy or canopy. In extreme cases, these can be ordinary racks covered with curtains or curtains.

    A prerequisite for the colonial style is the absence of all modern benefits of civilization. Well, if it’s hard for you to agree to complete absence, then a computer, a stereo system and a home theater, a multicooker must be hidden very well. For example, put the TV in a closet near the wall or in a sort of walnut English chest of drawers. And let the microwave live in a bedside table with a curtain.

    As for the rest of the furniture, folding furniture will look very original - it is a very convenient, but at the same time very functional thing. At the same time, do not forget that folding furniture is of the highest class - for example, made of mahogany.

  11. Textile.
  12. The phrase “colonial-style textiles” includes various components - these are oriental carpets and mats, European curtains and bedspreads, antique canopies and rugs. This also includes fabric screens, furniture upholstery, and pillows. The colors of the “textiles” should be as bright as possible, and they can be combined radically with different colors, for example, red, white and black. If you want to transform a room with African motifs, focus on geometric designs, and if on Indian, then on golden elements with rolls and glitter.

  13. Little things.
  14. Another clear sign of the colonial style will be framed in heavy frames, cupronickel silverware, silverware and exquisite glass. Also pay attention to vintage little things - chests or suitcases will perfectly contribute to the formation of a colonial interior in your apartment.

    A sign of the colonial style is all kinds of eclectic accessories and trinkets. Hand-made carved items go well with exquisite porcelain figurines, crystal with silver, colored glass with a tortoiseshell pattern, telescopes and old maps. Leather frames, magnifying glasses or any other accessories brought from trips abroad will perfectly update the interior. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to go far away to find them - just go to thrift stores or flea markets - here you will definitely find things that will help create the atmosphere of distant wanderings and travels.

  15. Plants.
  16. Pay attention to the exotic plants that can be purchased today in various modern stores selling rare flora. These could be ferns or palm trees that seem to have accidentally come to your home from the distant tropics.

  17. Animals.
  18. This, of course, is completely radical advice, but nevertheless, you may like it. and monkeys from distant Africa, and lizards of the Mediterranean - this is the most the best option to bring the colonial style into reality. Of course, owning any animal is a very responsible decision, and even more so, some kind of exotic one. Don't make a decision rashly. Make sure first that you can care for animals and birds and that you have enough space to accommodate cages for monkeys and macaws, and terrariums for amphibians and reptiles. It would be a good idea to find a veterinarian who specializes in tropical animals in advance.

The incredibly attractive colonial style appeared thanks to the English colonists, who during the era of the Great geographical discoveries got acquainted with the cultures of other countries. They wanted to bring elements of a new and unusual environment for Europeans into their homes.

Features of interior design in colonial style

One glance at a photo of a colonial-style interior is enough to understand that this is the real thing. The combination of classics with ethnic and exotic motifs looks very original and unusual, especially when it comes to prim England, where strict rules and pedantry reign.

Feature 1: Colonial Architecture

- a calling card of the colonial style. This is not a very good solution for decorating a typical city apartment with low arches, but in the interior of a country house such architectural elements will look organic. If desired, this ceiling can be complemented with vintage fans made from natural materials.

IN warm countries Colonial-style houses often have open walls, wide arches, and openings without doors. This layout creates the effect of unity with nature and allows you to save on electricity due to the abundance of natural light, but it is hardly appropriate in a city apartment. Only open ones are suitable for interior styling. doorways.

Arches and open doorways are a characteristic feature of the colonial style.

A feature of the colonial style are large windows, sometimes occupying almost the entire facade. Window openings are often located near the floor and act as doors.

A characteristic feature of the colonial style is wooden blinds, replacing the usual textile curtains.

The hallmark of the colonial style is wooden blinds

Feature 2: use of natural materials for finishing

Basic materials for interior decoration in a colonial style are natural stone, wood, clay bricks. We would like to make a reservation right away: this direction requires very substantial investments, so there can be no talk of any alternative in the form of linoleum or plastic.

Feature 3: colors and patterns

White is the dominant color in the colonial style, because with its help in hot countries they escaped from the sweltering heat.

In the interior of a city apartment, you can use a neutral palette of pastel shades, which will create a calm and easy-to-understand design.

Rich colors are suitable as accents: brown, burgundy, brick red, olive. Remember that the basis of the colonial style is that it does not tolerate flashy and overloaded color combinations. Therefore, be careful when using two or more colors at the same time.

Colonial style cannot be imagined without exotic ornaments. It can be different plant motifs, for example, palm leaves, monstera, hibiscus and orchid flowers, as well as ethnic patterns and animal prints.

Feature 4: specific interior decor

During the Age of Discovery, colonists were attracted by the incredible decorations they encountered in different countries.

Thus, various heraldic symbols flowed into the colonial style, used in both eastern and European countries. This decor is appropriate in the interior of offices, workrooms and libraries.

Another specific decoration was panels made of expensive wood, decorated with amazingly beautiful carvings.

Such accessories look very massive and fundamental, and it is best if they are the only focal points in the interior.

Feature 5: Colonial Lighting

Designs in the colonial style require good and competent lighting. When choosing lighting fixtures focus on stylization. Forged lamps, classic sconces and desk lamp, chandeliers with glass and metal shades.

Feature 6: Colonial Furniture

Colonial style allows you to use furniture in the interior from completely different parts of the world. From African countries Colonists brought wickerwork made from rattan and palm branches to Europe. Such furniture creates an incredible exotic atmosphere, while its elegant appearance does not overload the interior.

Eastern countries also influenced the formation of the style of the colonists, so items with a characteristic oriental slant can be used for design. However, be selective when decorating the interior with oriental furniture, because its abundance will lead to the design losing the European features that are inherent in the colonial direction.

The eclectic component of this style makes it possible to weave it into other designs. Modern interiors are organically complemented by colonial furniture.

A spacious wooden bed, decorated with a translucent canopy, antique chests with wrought iron decoration, original folding tables and chairs with ethnic features will play the role of the right authentic details that will give the design a unique look.

Feature 7: Colonial Accessories

The main product that colonists imported from eastern countries was textiles. It is used in abundance as bedding, decorative pillows and bedspreads. For a colonial-style design, natural fabrics with exotic prints and paisley patterns are best suited.

In addition to textile decor, the interior should use various ethnic accessories, vintage navigation instruments, bird cages, animal skins, and African masks.

Feature 8: abundance of living plants

The colonial style in the interior is inextricably linked with the lush vegetation that smoothly flowed from the jungle into European houses. So when creating a colonial-inspired design, don't forget about planters with palm trees, ferns, hibiscus or ficus.

Living plants - required attribute colonial style design

Even if you are not going to completely decorate the interior in the colonial style, but only want to use several characteristic features of this trend, using the tips from our article, you can create a stylish and original design in your home.

The name for this style was given by the process of colonization, which began with the advent of the era of sea expeditions. Major European powers such as Britain, Holland, Spain and France conquered new territories in discovered by expeditions continents - in America and Asian countries, thus expanding their possessions.

State legionnaires were sent to the newly acquired lands for long-term military service or permanent settlement.

The colonial style first began to develop in the British colonies on the American continent in the 16th-19th centuries. This was the era of the birth of the style, and it developed during the reign of the British Queen Victoria (1837-1901).

Government attention switched from American lands to the East: colonies were formed in India, Burma, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam and the Philippines. Colonial settlements grew into large cities with European architecture, Catholic cathedrals and English fortresses.

Young Britons and their families traveled to the eastern colonies, where they received prestigious positions in the army, huge incomes and the opportunity for further promotion.

Settled in a colony on long years, they began to improve their way of life, and noted that native customs in arranging housing were not only exotic, but also completely justified in a dry and hot climate.

Thus, in the houses of Europeans who settled in the East, British architecture and native architecture began to be combined. interior decoration, luxury and oriental tranquility.

Furniture production was not developed in the conquered territories, so Europeans initially had to bring furniture from their distant homeland. Over time, local craftsmen mastered the production of furniture according to European models, but introduced oriental motifs into it.

Gradually, the process of colonization was completed, and around the end of the 19th century, the colonial style “moved” to the fashion houses of Europe. Oriental interior items, African masks, Indian carved furniture, Japanese screens - all this was randomly and eclectically combined in a colonial European interior.

As such, a single colonial style has never existed and does not exist now: this concept covers traditional European styles, diluted with the national theme of the colonized lands.


Wide spaces and open spacious rooms are what characterize the colonial style. This layout has its own meaning - unique interior items should be visible, striking, and not get lost among the colorful variety of oriental accessories.

The layout of the apartment is oriented around the living room. The open space of the rooms is divided into zones. This effect is achieved at different levels of the floor and ceiling, as well as with the help of wicker screens or sliding partitions, columns or fabric screens.

A special role when creating a space in the colonial style is played environmentally clean materials The materials used to decorate the walls, floors, and furniture are made of wood, clay, leather, bronze and ceramics.

Floor and walls

The walls, made of natural materials with wood, brick, and bamboo inserts, are painted in pastel, light colors.

For the floor choose stained floorboard or flooring with the texture of wood used in the English style. Most often, panel parquet, floorboards, and laminate with the texture of bleached oak are chosen.

Stylized as brick or rough stone ceramic tile is also in great demand. Mats, carpet runners or a wide carpet with floral geometric patterns are laid on the floor.

Colonial style furniture

Colonial style furniture is also made from natural, hand-crafted natural materials and has simple form and wicker parts. Preference is given to rubber and tulip wood, Asian walnut, Chinese red wood, and yew.

Teak wood is in particular demand. It is easy to process, susceptible to dampness and resistant to the influence of a difficult tropical climate.

The favorite in the furniture business is rattan palm. This is a durable, lightweight, universal material that “takes root” in any climate. In terms of strength and durability characteristics, water hyacinth can be compared with rattan. But if you want to bring an ethnic uniqueness to your interior, you should consider furniture made from bamboo, which is usually combined with rattan or leather.

Colonial style accessories

No matter how strange it may sound, the colonial style is practical eclecticism. Against the background of a neutral color scheme is a colorful riot of accessories. In order for all these oriental little things to look good, it is necessary to create a suitable background for them: natural colors are used in the decoration - brown, beige, olive, sand, straw, ocher, terracotta, gold. The finishing texture is either cracked clay, old plaster, or bleached stone.

Colonial style is rich in exotic accessories. Textile products are widely used - pillows with removable covers embroidered with gold, panels decorated with patterns and sparkles, velvet napkins.

On the walls hang landscapes, photographs, mirrors, fans, wild animal horns, and decorative dishes. There are bronze or brass figurines, candlesticks, floor lamps and lamps on the floor and on carved tables. The lampshades are made of thick linen, silk or leather, and the lamps themselves are made of marble or bronze. Wooden chests, leather suitcases, travel baskets and traveling bags are also used as accessories. They symbolize the nomadic life of the first European settlers.

In a tropical climate, the most important part of the interior was considered to be curtains that protected from the scorching sun. The colonial style uses bamboo blinds, decorative wooden shutters, wicker curtains, and linen screens.

The “animal” theme is actively used in the colonial interior. The legs of the sofa are carved in the shape of lion paws, the backs of chairs and armchairs are decorated with figures of monkeys, elephants, turtles, and crocodiles. Hunting scenes are depicted on carpets and screens.

No colonial-style interior is complete without tropical plants - palm trees in terracotta vases, exotic flowers, bamboo stems in clay pots. Most of the accessories are unique and handmade by special craftsmen, which gives them special value.

Time has transformed the colonial style: the interior has become geometrically correct and conveniently located, the furniture is made with armrests and covered with white varnish, the blinds on the windows are made of plastic. But this style is still very popular due to its beauty, environmental friendliness and comfort.

Colonial style in the interior is one of the long-lived designs. It originated in the 15th century, when European countries began to actively explore new territories and sent their ships towards Asia, Africa and America. Bringing with them not only trophies, but also new ideas for home improvement, the Spaniards, French, Italians and English launched a new fashion trend. Which did not want to remain in the status of a fleeting trend, but became a classic - in the 18th–19th centuries it degenerated into an independent movement, about characteristic features which we can confidently speak about today.


The interior in a colonial spirit is distinguished by restraint, solidity, and does not tend to show off. Using a bright palette is not his thing, but an achromatic palette and all shades of brown will come in handy. You cannot do without the red, orange and yellow shades traditional for most peoples of Asia and Africa, but in combination with dark tones they will lose their power and will look more calm.


As a rule, colonial interiors were not distinguished by exotic decoration, like , but furniture and accessories, that is, what the colonialists brought with them as trophies. You can choose the finish to your taste, as long as it is in harmony with the filling. Like, colonial is distinguished by the use of a large number of natural materials, although processed. These are wood, clay, dried plants, natural undyed fabrics. Floors should not be covered with laminate; replace it with stone or plain parquet board, decorated with skins.

In European homes, traditional heavy furniture made of durable wood gradually began to be replaced by lighter structures - here we can see both primitive wicker furniture and larger, but more elegant chairs and armchairs. They were mainly made of dark wood - teak, rosewood, but at the same time Europeans learned about exotic woods - bamboo, rattan, jute.

"Living room"

  • The colonial style in the interior of this living room clearly demonstrates to us how interesting the fusion of conservative and modern looks. It is in such an environment that things that are unusual for us become especially noticeable. Moreover, it cannot be said that they are the main ones - look at the photo below, the blue armchair undoubtedly stands out, but does not overshadow the fireplace and patterned carpet.

  • Since the colonizers' exploration of new lands, British interiors have begun to look lighter and more open. Traditionally, dark walls or wood paneling complemented by the same gloomy plush and dull carpets, and the use of a more cheerful oriental palette and animal skins allowed the houses to look more dynamic and fresh. In a word, the colonial style is ideal to “shake off the dust” from a boring design.

  • Europeans really liked the idea of ​​not having strict zoning of rooms and using screens and curtains as partitions. The interiors were filled with Chinese, Japanese, Indian wooden and silk screens, and cornices were hung in the middle of the rooms to decorate them with fabrics. This trend has firmly entered the European mentality; designers play with this theme to this day.

  • You should not think that the colonial style simplified refined European interiors - no, their secular spirit has not gone away, it has simply acquired new shades. Now you can completely move away from the standards and create your own variation on the theme, moving from simplicity to glamour. About how playful the combination looks Pink colour and zebra print, we mentioned in the article about, here you can see it again. And introducing rococo elements into the resulting mix - mirrors and chandeliers - makes the living room even more elegant.

  • A colonial style home should be filled with big amount trophies - animal heads on the walls, horns on the mantelpiece decorated the home of the conquerors. If you rather turn to the aesthetics of hand-made art of various nations, you can place clay vases and jugs, dishes painted with primitive patterns, or wooden figurines around the room.


In order not to create a style in the bedroom that completely replicates the ethnic one, give preference to one thing - furniture or decoration. As we have already said, it is advisable to focus on the first. By complementing the decor with accessories brought from a specific country, you will achieve the desired effect.

  • The symbiosis of the desire for comfort and the craving for simplicity can result in an interesting colonial style of bedroom interior, where typically Western furnishings are played out in an Eastern manner. This is unusual dark furniture with wicker inserts, hard bamboo fiber carpets, wooden blinds, a dressing table with stone inlay - and at the same time, soft sofas and poufs, and silk linen.

  • The use of light fabric domes and canopies over beds gave Europeans the idea of ​​developing an oriental flavor in their bedrooms. In addition, fabrics were imported into countries in huge quantities, hitherto unknown materials and delicate designs sparkling with all the colors of the rainbow drove travelers crazy. Carpets, bedspreads, curtains, pillowcases flooded European houses, and where, if not in the bedroom, could they unfold in all their glory.

  • The following photo shows a similar example. It combines examples of classical European art, such as massive columns, wide arches, coffered ceilings and elements oriental style– bed with posts and canopy and chairs made of ebony.


The interiors of kitchens in the colonial style can be divided into two types - the first is dark, a little oppressive due to the tall sets of dark wood and massive dining tables. The second ones are light and more spacious, European-style, where imported exotics are found in less significant details. But you can also create pure eclecticism by mixing Scandinavian, African and in your kitchen.

  • A combination of shades of dark chocolate and vanilla will look especially impressive in the kitchen, the basis for which will be simple plaster and wooden beams. A vaulted ceiling can be designed in a Middle Eastern style, as in the illustration below. And the combination of dark wood with gold or brass shine is a typical feature of African interiors, which can be easily realized with the help of sparkling dishes.

  • For those who consider minimalism the best of possible solutions, the colonial style will not work as it is not so practical and quite rich. But here, too, we managed to limit ourselves to a minimum of accessories – in the interior in the next photo, its characteristic features include chairs and a massive coffee grinder. But even in this form, it stands out from the category of ordinary design.

Whatever culture you use, when creating a colonial style in the interior, do not allow the room to become overloaded. Remember the idea of ​​moderation proclaimed by the East - and everything will work out perfectly.

A colonial-style interior is usually full of decorative details, textured materials and colorful fabrics. Of course, all this diversity simply needs a neutral background. As a rule, it is decorated in warm beige, brown, pastel colors, but options in white and similar shades are also possible.

2 Use natural materials

A colonial-style interior involves the use of a wide variety of natural materials in the design: it can be wood, stone, clay, copper, wool, silk, leather, linen and many others. Thanks to such diversity, the furnishings look textured, voluminous and very status-worthy.

Not to mention the fact that natural materials never go out of fashion and create a favorable microclimate in the room.

3 Choose colorful fabrics

Colorful textiles with ethnic motifs are what you need for a colonial interior.

4 Don’t skimp on textiles

In general, there should be quite a lot of textiles in a colonial interior: carpets and runners, sofa cushions, tablecloths, curtains, blankets... Don’t skimp on this point: textiles create coziness and maintain the right atmosphere, and inexpensive, low-quality fabrics immediately catch the eye and spoil the overall picture (remember: the colonial style is far from cheap).

5 Let the light into your home

Colonial style exists not only in interior design, but also in architecture. And assumes the presence large windows, letting in a lot sun rays. IN typical apartment It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to acquire such windows, but you can try to increase daylight: mirrors, light walls, as well as metal, glossy and glass surfaces will help with this. Well, of course, you shouldn’t cover the windows with several rows of thick curtains; get by with a minimum of draperies and give preference to curtains that let a sufficient amount of light into the room.

6 Add more plants

The ideal layout, corresponding to the colonial style and most harmoniously complementing it, is lush vegetation outside the windows, pleasing to the eye all year round. If in your lane you can only dream about this, . Tropical options will fit perfectly - a variety of palms and ferns, a fashionable monstera will be “at home”.

7 Avoid obvious signs of time

8 Turn to unexpected decor

At one time, the houses of the colonialists were filled with a wide variety of decor: it could be exotic weapons, masks, headdresses, ethnic carpets and weaving, dishes, figurines and religious objects.

Take note, all these items will definitely add charm to your colonial-style interior; By the way, you can also acquire a good tradition of bringing unusual decorative accessories from trips abroad.

9 Bring in an element of luxury

Another sign of a colonial-style interior is a very opaque hint of wealth and luxury. A chic chandelier in the center of the ceiling? Great! Brass or gold-plated furniture fittings? Amazing! Furniture made from precious wood? Just what you need!

Photo: Instagram the.real.mag.giesheph.erd

10 Add tropical and animal motifs

At the same time, obvious signs of luxury in a colonial interior coexist perfectly with animal prints (of course, in measured quantities; you shouldn’t cover all the floors with skins).

Eclectic, attractive and stylish - perhaps these are the qualities that help the colonial style remain trendy in our time...

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