Financial planning methods: application in practice.

The use of such concepts as forecasting and financial planning allows us to solve a lot of issues of both the material support of the company and its development. In general, several essentially opposite forecasting methods are considered, which are aimed at improving business functionality. Planning and forecasting the activities of an industry or an entire company are somewhat similar, but still different concepts that solve different problems.

Financial planning is...

One of the tools in the management and organization of business, which helps to calculate all actual or planned income, which in the future will be used to support the company’s activities and its development. Main difference this definition- this is the use of specifically the company’s financial assets, actual money, while other planning tools may involve the use of tangible valuable assets, shares, and material resources.

Financial planning classified into prospective (prospective), mandatory annual (current) and unplanned.

The main goals of planning are to identify the most promising and effective resources that help establish a correspondence between actual needs and real opportunities. This also applies to the enterprise. Also, the intended purpose and purpose of this type of planning are:

  • provision of financial resources in the required amount for a specific period of a particular industry/entire enterprise;
  • selection of effective directions in production, financial activities industries/companies;
  • identifying the necessary investment methods;
  • rational assessment of profitable offers for investment;
  • guaranteed temporary provision of mutually beneficial relations between all business structures;
  • highlighting and identifying priorities;
  • ensuring financial independence, independence;
  • optimization of existing processes;
  • control of production activities;
  • identification of on-farm reserves to increase profits;
  • studying the state (from a financial point of view) of an industry or company as a whole.

Planning and forecasting the activities of an enterprise play a significant, fundamental role in the formation of successive clear plans for the development of structures, improvement (modernization) of the entire enterprise.

It is noteworthy that the entire flow of financial planning is carried out by the responsible authorities or owners of the company. Since at the stage of receipt the finances belong only to the owner, only he has the right to manage the money in full. Next comes the redirection of finance to certain areas.

Financial planning: methods

Financial planning methods are determined by the specific focus of the enterprise, its scale, implementation deadlines and individual characteristics. The basic methods are supplemented and adjusted depending on a number of factors. The main thing is to improve the functionality of the enterprise.

No. 1 Method of economic consideration

Determines the fundamental directions in movement natural characteristics, material reserves of the industry/enterprise. Based on the basic reporting/accounting information, an assessment of the financial condition of the business, relationships within the industry and with partners is made.

The method of consideration (financial analysis) characterizes and shows in the form of a graph or digital table solvency and income, the effectiveness of introduced innovations and the degree of development. Based on such an analysis, management or a responsible person can make informed decisions about the development or suspension of innovations, or changing the direction of industry activity.

No. 2 Normative method

The main goal of this planning option is to determine the profitability of a business or its individual industry on the basis of certain generally accepted technical and economic standards. The analyzed acts are based on previously established indications of the need for economic resources standards of a separate economic entity.

The standards can be both tax deductions and depreciation (damper) deduction rates. The main and fundamental goal is to identify options for the most profitable investment of the investment plan and resources for the profitable development of the industry.

No. 3 Balance calculation

The method allows you to determine the need for financial resources in the future. The basis is taken from readings and calculations based on forecasts for the receipt of funds (scheduled, unscheduled, under contract).

It is important to choose a suitable date that corresponds to the period of active operation of the industry (at peak production).

A simple solution to this method is to draw up a clear schedule of the planned income from the enterprise, and compare it with expenses for the same period. This method is used when there are seasonal or unstable changes in the industry, as an option - introducing a new product for several seasons as a partial experiment.

No. 4 Material flows

It is a universal method that serves as the most effective tool for modeling the volume of industrial turnover and the timing of its implementation. The theory of cash flow forecasting is based on the fully planned receipts for a specific specified date, taking into account costs, total costs and actual expenses.

No. 5 Complex calculation option

The integrated approach method will provide the most extensive information in all areas. It is used by already developed companies, which, based on calculations, standards, analyzes and alternative planned revenues, choose the most optimal development option.

The main difference between planning and forecasting is the presence of a plan within a time frame. That is, there is a clear structure of interaction, which is designed for a specific period (a year, five years, a month).

Several planning methods can be used at once: one takes into account the decline in production, unprofitability (actual and regulated), inflation, devaluation of the currency used (national or foreign), the other method calculates the prospects for growth in interest rates, economic growth rates, and reductions in product prices.

The versatility of this method is the existing possibility of analyzing the activities of an enterprise in different economic situations.

Methods of the forecasting model and clear financial planning provide clear figures on the planned increase in finances, their quantity and the most profitable options for increase.

Sequence of actions or stages of plan formation

It is reasonable to divide the preparation of a financial planning plan into specific and clear stages, which together give a clear understanding of which direction the development movement should continue. Stages in order of execution:

  1. financial analysis of the object/company/industry;
  2. formation and preparation of forecast estimates and budgeted analysis by the analytical department;
  3. determining the need for this direction, taking into account financial resources;
  4. searching and forecasting the structure of sources for proposed financing;
  5. development of regulatory bodies and management systems;
  6. adjustment of implemented plans;
  7. implementation of the document structure into real business positions.

Forecasting is the essence of the method

If from the above context it becomes clear that planning is initially drawing up a plan according to which the entire team will be guided for a specified period, forecasting is the expected benefit for an industry or enterprise, which has a characteristic difference - a wide framework for possible corrections.

In simple words, forecasting is based on calculations that show possible, probable benefits for the enterprise. Of course, mathematical calculations, formulas and theoretical sales are also taken as a basis. However, the essence of this method is theory, assumptions that will theoretically be beneficial for business in the future.

Forecasting and planning of financial activities is a mandatory connecting point that is taken into account when drawing up a business plan for a capital project package.

Financial forecasting methods are determined, rather, by the specifics of a particular enterprise, its industry specifics and sales market forecasts. So, the following points are taken into account:

  • current market condition;
  • sales plan forecast based on the previous similar period;
  • possible expanded enterprise capabilities that increase production capacity, and at the same time increase sales;
  • currency devaluation;
  • forecast of possible sales as a result of concluded transactions.

By its principle, such forecasting is more of a recommendation nature than a clear action plan for each employee and management. It has a lot of features and unstable provisions, which can differ significantly at the beginning of implementation and at the end of the planning period.

Also, in a number of cases, forecasting is used when attracting additional sources of an investment group from outside the business in question. For example, if to expand the industry or increase sales it is necessary to attract an investor who is not related to production, then a business plan is developed, which consists (among other things) of a financial planning plan based on financial forecasting.

Of course, the basis is a clear action plan based on financial planning, however, for a broader overview of the possible risks and benefits of investing, expert market assessments that relate to financial forecasting can also be taken into account.

Financial planning is built on methodological foundations.

Financial planning methodology – is a scientifically based system that includes a set of general principles of financial planning and development methods financial plans.

The basic principles of financial planning include:

    scientific character . It reflects the state of development of financial science and requires improvement of methods for developing financial plans. On this basis, it is possible to steadily improve the quality of financial plans and their role in the effective financial management of organizations. More complete accounting of real economic conditions , objective laws market economy

    , the strength of their impact in specific situations leads to the emergence of a number of new schemes and models of financial planning that take into account the specifics of finance in various sectors of the economy and even individual economic entities; . target orientation This is one of the basic principles of organizing financial management. In accordance with it, it is necessary, first of all, to clearly formulate the mission of the organization and determine those strategic goals in achieving great importance allocated to financial plans. The target orientation does not remain unchanged: it changes at every stage life cycle

3) organizations; . systematic nature of planning It consists in the fact that financial planning is a set of interrelated elements (financial plans or budgets of all structural divisions

    business entity) aimed at achieving the strategic goal of the organization; , coordination

    which lies in the fact that the financial plans of all structural divisions are interconnected and interdependent; continuity and flexibility

    the financial planning process, which is the most important prerequisite for effective financial management and involves systematic work on drawing up and adjusting all interrelated plans of the enterprise; correspondence sources of financing for the purpose of attracting them. The tool must be fit for purpose. For example, to modernize fixed assets it is advisable to attract long-term sources of financing, and to purchase additional

    working capital – short-term; providing liquidity and

financial stability organization in financial planning of its activities. The implementation of this principle should ensure that the amount of the organization's working capital exceeds its short-term debt. financial planning includes: economic analysis, regulatory, balance sheet, discounting of cash flows, multivariance, economic and mathematical modeling, proportional dependence, etc.

Economic analysis method allows you to determine the main patterns, trends in the movement of natural and cost indicators, and reveal the internal reserves of the organization.

Essence normative method is that based on advance established standards and technical and economic standards, the need of an economic entity for financial resources and their sources is calculated. Such standards are tax rates and fees, depreciation rates, etc.

Usage balance calculation method to determine the future need for financial resources, it is based on the forecast of the receipt of funds and costs for the main balance sheet items at a certain date in the future.

Discounted Cash Flow Method is of a universal nature when drawing up financial plans and serves as a tool for predicting the size and timing of receipt of the necessary financial resources. The theory of cash flow forecasting is based on expected receipts of funds on a certain date and budgeting for all costs and expenses. This method provides more comprehensive information than the balance sheet method.

Method of multivariate calculations consists of developing alternative options for planned calculations in order to select the optimal one, and different selection criteria can be specified.

So, for example, one option may include a continuing decline in production, inflation and weakness of the national currency, and another – an increase in interest rates and, as a consequence, a slowdown in the growth rate of resource attraction and a decrease in market prices for products.

Methods of economic and mathematical modeling allow us to quantitatively express the close relationship between financial indicators and the main factors that determine them.

One of modern methods drawing up financial plans, which came to us from Western practice - proportional method no dependence of indicators . It is used in drawing up the main documents of the financial plan (balance sheet, profit and loss statement). The essence of this method is that individual items of the balance sheet and profit and loss account increase in proportion to the change in revenue from product sales. The algorithm for performing calculations using this method is as follows:

    the basic indicator is determined, which is the most important for characterizing the organization’s activities. In practice, sales revenue is most often used. However, it can also be the cost of goods sold;

    are analyzed economic indicators reporting period and reveals the percentage relationship between the basic and derivative indicators (items of assets, liabilities and costs);

    a forecast version of the profit and loss statement is drawn up, in which retained earnings are calculated, which is one of the initial indicators for the planned balance sheet;

    the organization's balance sheet is forecast, in which, first of all, the expected values ​​of assets are determined. The balance sheet liability is compiled by linking balance sheet indicators based on the identified additional need for sources of financing, taking into account possible restrictions on the capital structure and the cost of various sources;

    a second version of financial plans is formed taking into account the attraction of new loans and borrowings, and, as a result, additional costs arise for interest payments (financial feedback effect).

If the second option does not allow the balance to be balanced, several more iterations should be carried out, at each of which certain financial decisions will be taken into account.

Financial planning process at the enterprise is carried out in several stages.

At the first stage, the financial indicators of the previous period are analyzed, for which the main financial documents of organizations are used: balance sheet, profit and loss statements, cash flow statement. They are important for financial planning, as they contain data for the analysis and calculation of the financial performance indicators of the organization, and also serve as the basis for drawing up a forecast of these documents. Moreover, complex analytical work at this stage is somewhat facilitated by the fact that the reporting and planned financial forms are identical in content.

The balance sheet of the organization is included in the financial planning documents, and the reporting balance sheet is the original base. At the same time, in both Western and domestic practice, companies usually use for analysis an internal balance sheet, which includes the most reliable information for internal use. And the external balance sheet is usually compiled for publication and for a number of reasons (taxation, creation of reserve capital, etc.) shows reduced profits.

The second stage involves the preparation of basic forecast documents, such as a balance sheet forecast, profit and loss statement, movement Money(cash flow), which relate to strategic financial plans and are included in the structure of the organization's science-based business plan.

At the third stage, the indicators of forecast financial documents are clarified and specified by drawing up current financial plans.

At the fourth stage, operational financial planning is carried out.

The financial planning process ends with the practical implementation of plans and monitoring their implementation.

Planning of financial indicators at an enterprise is carried out using several methods. Planning methods are specific methods and techniques for carrying out planned calculations. Such methods include:

Calculation and analytical;



Optimization of planning decisions;

Factor method;

Economic and mathematical modeling, etc.

The calculation and analytical method of planning consists in the fact that, based on the achieved value of financial indicators, their level is predicted for the future period.

This method is used in cases where there are no financial and economic standards, and the relationship between indicators can be established not directly, but indirectly, based on studying their dynamics over a number of periods (months, years).

Using this method, the need for working capital invested in inventories, the planned amount of depreciation and profit can be established. When using the calculation and analytical method, expert estimates are often used.

The normative method of planning financial indicators is that, on the basis of pre-established norms and standards, the enterprise's need for financial resources and the sources of their formation are determined. In financial planning, federal, regional, industry and enterprise standards are used. The internal standards of the enterprise include:

Standards for planned requirements for working capital;

Standards for accounts payable (accruals) that are constantly in circulation of the enterprise;

Standards for stocks of raw materials, materials and purchased semi-finished products, work in progress, inventories finished products and goods in stock (in days);

Distribution rates net profit for consumption, accumulation and reserve funds;

The standard for contributions to the repair fund (as a percentage of the average annual cost of fixed assets), etc.

The normative planning method is the simplest and most accessible. Knowing the standard and volume parameter, you can easily calculate the planned financial indicator. Therefore, the problem of financial management of enterprises based on the development of economically sound norms and standards for the formation and use of monetary resources and organizing control over their compliance by each structural unit.

The balance sheet method of planning financial indicators is that a link is achieved between the available financial resources and the actual need for them. The balance sheet method is used when forecasting receipts and payments from monetary funds (accumulation and consumption), the annual (quarterly) budget of income and expenses, the monthly balance of payments (calendar), etc. For example, the balance sheet linkage for monetary funds has the form:

Onp + P = P + Okp

where O np and Okp are the balance of the fund at the beginning and end of the billing period; P - receipt of funds into the fund during the billing period; P - expenditure of funds from the fund during the billing period.

The method of optimizing planning decisions involves developing several options for planning calculations so that the most optimal one can be selected. In this case, various selection criteria are used:

Minimum reduced costs;

Minimum operating costs;

Minimum investment of capital with the greatest efficiency of its use;

Minimum time for capital turnover, i.e. acceleration of turnover of advanced funds;

Maximum present profit;

Maximum income per ruble of invested capital;

Maximum safety of financial resources, i.e. minimum monetary losses as a result of reducing financial, credit, interest, currency and other risks.

The given costs represent the sum of current costs and capital investments, equated to an identical dimension in accordance with accepted efficiency standards. They are determined by the formula:

where Зт - current (operating) costs; Ze - one-time costs (capital investments); Knk - standard coefficient of efficiency of capital investments, fractions of a unit. Currently, Knk = 0.15, which corresponds to the standard period of investment efficiency, calculated by the formula:

where Current is the payback period of capital investments, years. The present profit is calculated using the formula:

P„ = Pt - Ze x K N1

where P p - reduced profit; Fri - current profit; Ze - one-time costs (capital investments).

The factor method is used to calculate the planned amount of profit. The fundamental conditions of this method are as follows:

Predictive nature of planning;

The use of fairly flexible parameters with a certain degree of deviation from the selected value;

Full accounting of the inflation factor;

Application of basic indicators for the previous period;

A clear system of factors influencing the planned indicator;

Selecting the optimal value of the indicator from a number of options, as a result of which the forecast object receives the value of the initial target parameters, on the basis of which the planning process takes place.

The presented methodology is applicable for planning and other parameters characterizing the activities of the enterprise, such as, for example: sales volume, asset value, weighted average cost of capital, etc.

The factorial method of profit planning includes five stages:

1) calculation of basic indicators for the previous year;

2) setting goals economic activity for the coming year;

3) forecast of inflation indices;

4) variant calculation of profit;

5) choice optimal option.

For factor method profit planning uses four inflation indices:

1) changes in prices for products (works, services);

2) changes in purchase prices for raw materials and materials purchased by the enterprise;

3) fluctuations in the book value of fixed assets;

4) change in the average salary of management.

The method of economic and mathematical modeling in financial planning allows us to determine the quantitative expression of the relationships between financial indicators and factors influencing their value.

This relationship is revealed in economic mathematical model, which represents exact description economic processes using mathematical symbols and techniques (equations, inequalities, graphs, tables, etc.). Only the main (determining) factors are included in the model. It can be based on a functional or correlational connection.

The functional relationship is expressed by an equation of the form:

where Y is the corresponding indicator; /(X) - functional connection, determined by the x index.

A correlation connection is a probabilistic dependence that appears when large quantities observations. This relationship is expressed by regression equations various types. For example, one-factor models: linear type, parabola, hyperbola; multivariate models of linear and logarithmic equations.

When using planning models, determining the study period is a priority. It should be selected taking into account the homogeneity of the source data. It should be remembered that a short study period (quarter) does not allow us to identify general patterns. In this case, you cannot choose a period that is too long, since any economic patterns are unstable and can change significantly over a long period of time. In practice, it is advisable to use annual financial indicators for the past three to five years for long-term planning, and for current (annual) planning - quarterly data for one to two years.

If there are significant changes in the operating conditions of the enterprise in the planning period, the necessary adjustments are made to the indicators determined on the basis of economic and mathematical models.

Economic and mathematical modeling allows us to move from average values ​​to multivariate calculations of financial indicators (including profit). The construction of an economic and mathematical model of a financial indicator consists of a number of stages:

Studying the dynamics of a financial indicator for a certain time (year) and identifying factors influencing this dynamics;

Calculation of a model of the functional dependence of a financial indicator on certain factors (for example, profit from sales volume, cost of goods sold, their assortment, etc.);

Developments various options financial indicator forecast;

Analysis and expert assessment possible dynamics of the financial indicator in the future;

Choosing the optimal option, i.e. making a planning decision.

Not everything is included in the economic-mathematical model, but only the main factors. The validity of the model is verified by practicing its application. Special meaning for the validity of the model is its representativeness, i.e. objectivity of observations of the object being studied. The validity of the selected models is checked by calculating the standard deviation of the obtained data from the actual data and determining the coefficient of variation. The standard deviation (Z) is determined by the formula:

where y and y are the actual and estimated amount of profit; n is the number of observation cases. The coefficient of variation (CV) is a percentage

standard deviation to the arithmetic mean value of the reporting indicator (profit):

where Z is the standard deviation, thousand rubles; y - arithmetic average profit for the billing period, thousand rubles, calculated by the formula:

The coefficient of variation shows that if the degree of deviation of the calculated indicators from the actual ones is insignificant, then we can conclude that this model can be used for planning (forecasting) profits.



FINANCIAL PLANNING………………………………………….6

1.1. The role of financial planning in an organization……………………6

1.2. Basic methods of financial planning………………………...8

1.3. Current planning and use of the forecast method



CJSC "BORODINSKOE"……………………………………………………..15

2.1. Analysis of financial condition…………………………………….15

2.2. Drawing up budgets for income and expenses……………………….21

FINANCIAL PLANNING……………………………………………………...25


LIST OF REFERENCES………………………………..35



Financial planning plays a leading role in the enterprise management system. This has long been proven in practice in developed countries axiom. However, as a result of market transformations of the Russian economy, planning as an institution was practically eliminated at all levels of management. But life has shown that this is one of the strategic mistakes of reform. And today the issue of planning has become acute at all levels of management.

The restoration and development of financial planning at enterprises occurs with varying degrees of intensity. The formation of new planning systems depends on many factors that influence the level of planned work. The first group of factors: the difficult financial condition of the enterprise, low qualifications of personnel, computer illiteracy of employees, ineffective motivation systems - bad influence. The second opposite group of factors: management interest, personnel innovation, effective marketing activities- positive influence.

The dependence of the quality of enterprise plans on many factors proves the difficulty of choosing the optimal direction for planning development. Moreover, the experience of enterprises shows that changes relating only to planning technology, observed during the reform of the economy in Russia, can only reduce the discrepancies between planned and actual values ​​of indicators, which is of course important in conditions of instability external environment. Changes only in the field of planning calculation technology can only slightly increase the “authority” of planning work in the eyes of enterprise managers, which was lost due to the latter’s inability to develop high-quality plans in the changing environment of a transition economy. It is necessary to use fundamentally new approaches to planning.

At the same time, significant opportunities for increasing the efficiency of financial planning are provided by the use of global experience in planning work at enterprises in developed countries. However, for implementation modern technologies planning, domestic enterprises need to create conditions for its implementation: change organizational structure management; implementation management accounting; computerization of management and production; advanced training of workers involved in planning. Thus, the most important problem in the development of financial planning is the complexity of organizational changes in the management system of domestic enterprises. The high scientific and practical demand for an in-depth study of the problems of organizing financial planning at enterprises predetermined the choice of the topic of the course work.

The purpose of this work is to familiarize yourself with the basic methods of financial planning at an enterprise and the possibilities for its improvement.

In accordance with the purpose of the work, the following tasks were set and solved:

· research of the concept of a financial plan and determination of its role in the financial planning system;

· study of financial planning methods;

· study of key aspects of organizing financial planning at a specific enterprise.

The goals and objectives determined the following work structure:

Financial plan how component business plan.

Object of study: enterprise ZAO Borodinskoye.

Subject of study: organization of financial planning of Borodinskoye CJSC, an enterprise operating in the field of agricultural production.

The work was based on the study and systematization of educational and specialized literature on enterprise finance, using normative and methodological data, as well as media materials.

When writing the work, the works of Russian scientists such as V.M. were used. Popov, E.M. Rogova, E.A. Tkachenko, Yu.P. Aniskin, N.A. Platonova, T.V. Kharitonova, O.N. Likhacheva.

1.1. The role of financial planning in an organization

Financial planning is a type of management activities aimed at determining the required volume of financial resources, their optimal distribution and use for the purpose of financial stability of an economic entity. In market conditions, enterprises themselves are interested in truly representing their financial position today and for the future. This is necessary, firstly, in order to succeed in business activities, and secondly, in order to timely fulfill obligations to the budget, extra-budgetary funds, banks, and other creditors and thereby protect oneself from financial sanctions and reduce the risk of bankruptcy.

Financial planning is important element corporate planning process. Every manager, regardless of his functional interests, must be familiar with the mechanics and meaning of the implementation and control of financial plans, at least as far as his activities are concerned.

The importance of financial planning is as follows:

· the planned strategic goals of the enterprise are reflected in financial and economic indicators - sales volume, cost, profit, investments, cash flows and etc.;

· standards are established for organizing financial information in the form of financial plans and reports on their execution;

· acceptable amounts of financial resources necessary for the implementation of long-term and operational plans of the enterprise are determined;

· operational financial plans create the basis for the development and adjustment of a company-wide financial strategy.

The development of financial plans occupies an important place in the system of measures to stabilize the financial management of an enterprise.

The main objectives of financial planning are:

· ensuring the normal circulation of funds of the enterprise, including their investment in real, financial, intellectual investments, increase in working capital, social development;

· identification of reserves and mobilization of resources in order to effectively use the diverse income of the enterprise;

· respect for the interests of shareholders and investors;

· determination of relationships with the budget, extra-budgetary funds and higher organizations; employees of the enterprise;

· optimization of the tax burden and capital structure;

· control for financial condition enterprises, the feasibility of planned operations and situations.

The organization of planning depends on the size of the enterprise. In very small enterprises there is no division of management functions in the proper sense of the word, and managers have the opportunity to independently delve into all the problems. At large enterprises, work on drawing up budgets (plans) should be done in a decentralized manner. After all, it is at the department level that the personnel with the greatest experience in the field of production, procurement, sales, operational management, etc. are concentrated. Therefore, it is in the divisions that proposals are put forward regarding those actions that would be advisable to take in the future.

Departmental budgets should not be developed in isolation from each other. When calculating, for example, planned sales indicators, and therefore the amount of coverage, it is necessary to know the production conditions and planned selling prices. To ensure an effective coordination system, many enterprises develop instructions for drawing up budgets, which contain a time plan, as well as the distribution of duties and responsibilities when calculating budget indicators.

1.2. Basic methods of financial planning

In the literature on enterprise planning, two schemes for organizing work on drawing up budgets (plans) are usually distinguished: the break-down method (top-down) and the build-up method (bottom-up).

According to the break-down method, work on drawing up budgets begins “from the top,” i.e. The management of the enterprise determines goals and objectives, in particular profit targets. Then these indicators in increasingly detailed form, as you move to lower levels of the enterprise structure, are included in the plans of divisions. The build-up method does the opposite. For example, individual sales divisions begin calculating sales indicators, and then the head of the enterprise’s sales department brings these indicators into a single budget (plan), which may subsequently be included integral part into the general budget (plan) of the enterprise.

The break-down and build-up methods represent two opposing trends. In practice, it is not advisable to use only one of these methods. Planning and budgeting is an ongoing process in which the budgets of various departments must be constantly coordinated.

Organization of financial planning requires a choice of planning methods. Financial indicators may be planned various methods(calculation and analytical, normative, balance sheet, optimization of planning decisions, economic and mathematical modeling).

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