Minecraft how to grow a big tree. Crossing trees from the Forestry mod! How to Grow Big Trees in Minecraft

Mod For New Trees In Minecraft 1.7.2

Large database of mods for New Worlds. Download mods Mod Galacticraft Planets 1.7.10 1.7.2 1.6.4 1.6.2 | Kuuu's Magic Wand Mod 1.7.2 1.6.4 1.5.2 | Minecraft Mods The Forestry mod makes it easier to grow trees in Minecraft.

Download Highlands Mod, which adds new biomes to Minecraft (Minecraft), and make Highlands - a biome mod for Minecraft 1.7.2 / 1.7. 10 All tree seedlings can be created in survival mode.

The mod adds to the game just a huge number of new trees, as well as bushes, new biomes, and new food. The mod adds just a huge amount to the game. Necessary for Minecraft 1.7.2: Minecraft 1.7.2 client · Minecraft.

The Highlands mod was created to make exploring and living in the world of Minecraft more fun. It adds even more mountains and hills than Vanilla. On this page you can download a biome mod for Minecraft 1.7.2, 1.7.10 and other versions. Highlands includes many different environments and sub-biomes that represent features such as mountains, lakes, forest clearings, valleys and islands.

The TreeCapitator modification will allow you to save a lot of time on cutting down trees. Now you don't have to cut down every block of wood.

Highlands - 36 new biomes! 10 new trees 1.7.2 & 1.7.10 -Highlands- 1.7.2 -v-2.2.3.jar (downloads: 227).

Reptile mod for Minecraft 1.7.10/ 1.7.2 /1.6.4/1.5.2 · FireGun mod for the ability to grow new trees; Even more mountain ones.

New Worlds The Forestry mod makes it easier to grow trees in Minecraft. In addition, the mod adds bees, rubber The “Forestry” mod can be installed for Minecraft versions 1.7.10, 1.7.2, 1.6.4, 1.6.2, 1.5.2.

Minecraft 1.7.2 has been released, which contains a large number of updates, New trees - acacia and dark oak Mods for Minecraft 1.7.2.


Growing Trees in Minecraft

How to grow your own forest in Minecraft

They say a man must do three things in his life: build a house, plant a tree and raise a son. And if with raising offspring Minecraft It’s unlikely to help you, but the game will cope with the first two tasks perfectly. Having solved the primary issue of having a roof over your head, you may have thought about your own garden with mighty oaks and slender birches.

There are six types of trees in Minecraft: oaks, birches, spruces, tropical trees, dark oaks and acacias. Wood is the main thing in the game construction material, an important crafting ingredient and the main fuel for the furnace.

You can create from wood

  • Boards
  • Kirk
  • Axe
  • Shovel
  • hoe
  • Stick
  • Crafting table
  • Box
  • Fence
  • Gates
  • Door
  • steps
  • stairs
  • Pressure plate
  • Stove
  • boat
  • Charcoal
  • Torch
  • Bowl

How trees grow in Minecraft

Some types of trees grow only in certain biomes: tropical tree - in the jungle, dark oak - in the dark forest, acacia - in the savannah. Common oaks, birches and spruces can easily be found in all the others natural areas games.

The foliage of each tree has a 5% chance of dropping seedlings. The exception is the sprouts of tropical trees: the probability of getting them by destroying the crown is two times lower, and is 2.5%.

For a tree to grow, the seedling must receive a sufficient amount of light - more than 8 units. Debug mode (F3 key) and parameter Light will allow you to accurately determine the lighting level in a specific place. Sprouts can only be planted on blocks of soil, grass or podzol. If several trees of the same type grow close to each other, sometimes the foliage of one blocks the light from another. Therefore, trees are planted with intervals of two blocks between them. To speed up ripening, bone meal is used, however, unlike other plants, the fertilizer does not act immediately on tree seedlings, but only after 2-10 applications.

A simple tree planting scheme

Consider a 4x4 area. Dig up one block of soil in each corner and plant seeds of one type of tree there. Thanks to the depressions, the trunks will partially grow into the ground, and the wood will be easier to collect. You can place a chest next to the plot to place the fallen seeds into. The most effective tool for collecting wood blocks is an axe.

If you are going to grow several types of trees in one area, then between different varieties you need to leave not two, but four empty blocks. Otherwise, the seeds will not grow, since the tree crowns will interfere with each other.

In Minecraft, the player is able to destroy up to seven blocks in height. To simplify the collection of wood, a ceiling is made at a height of ten blocks above the trees (7 blocks for the trunk and 2 for the crown) - this way the trunk can be completely cut down while standing on the ground. This method works for all trees except birches.

Forestry for Minecraft 1.7.10

The Forestry modification is a specialized software, which significantly expands functionality mods such as BuildCraft and IndustrialCraft 2.

This utility opens up the possibility of an automated process of growing trees, wheat, sugar cane and other agricultural crops. Allows you to practice beekeeping and also adds additional energy resource. In addition, the range of active and cosmetic blocks is updated. Brings new tools, containers and liquids to the game.

How to install the modification:

First step: download and install Minecraft Forge.

Second step: download the package with the modification.

Third step: copy the mod package Forestry to the .minecraft/mods section (if this folder does not exist, install Forge again or create it yourself).


Vines (large jungle, dying and fallen)

Mushrooms (on some fallen ones)

Cocoa fruit (on some jungle trees)

Tree- natural structure consisting of wood and foliage. The tree trunk can be assembled for wood without any tools - just walk up and LMB until the block breaks. You can use an ax to increase mining speed. Foliage can be collected with scissors or a tool enchanted with Silk Touch.

Trees do not obey the laws of gravity and the leaves will not fall if the tree trunk is removed. After cutting down the trunk, the foliage begins to disappear, and sometimes with the disappearance of foliage blocks with a probability of 1? 16 seedlings drop that can be collected and used to plant new trees.

Trees do not appear by themselves, so if you prefer a settled life, sooner or later you will have to start planting trees.

The trunk and foliage are easily set on fire, so forest fires easily spread from tree to tree if they are close together. Please note that fire can spread even if there is a space of two blocks of air between the crowns of two trees.

One of the best ways to stop the spread of the fire - run ahead and cut down some trees and foliage. Also, if you have a lot of building blocks with you, you can quickly build a wall and cut off the fire. Of course, if you build it not from logs, boards, or wool (since they are wonderfully set on fire and burn).

In the Halloween Update, biomes have appeared that have their own foliage colors and tree structure types. Unique species were also added to Beta: birch trees in temperate biomes and spruce and pine trees in cold ones.

Different types of trees have different textures of trunks and foliage, but the foliage of ordinary trees and birches differs only in color.

Birches and swamp oaks are similar in structure to ordinary oaks; do not branch and do not grow to gigantic sizes. Swamp oak often grows from water. The height of a birch trunk is from five to seven blocks, a swamp tree is from five to eight. The swamp tree has vines hanging from its foliage and grows in a swamp. Essentially, a swamp oak is an ordinary oak, only with vines and grows only in a swamp.

There are five types of coniferous trees - pines, giant pines, spruces, giant spruces and redwoods. Pines have tall bare trunks with no big amount needles at the top, spruce below and the needles on them are arranged in layers, sequoias resemble a huge spruce, but the trunk is half bare. If you plant a seedling 2 by 2 blocks, then a giant pine, giant spruce or sequoia will grow. The trunk height of ordinary spruce and pine trees is from five up to ten blocks. Spruces and pines grow in the mountains, taiga, snowy taiga and megataiga. Giant pines, giant spruces and sequoias grow only in megataiga.

The tropical look has vines like those found on swamp trees. The shape is similar to an ordinary oak, but the trunk is much higher. There is a modification - a huge tropical tree that can be grown by arranging tropical tree seedlings in a square of 2 by 2 blocks. The cut area of ​​the trunk of a huge tropical tree is four blocks, the height of the trunk reaches thirty blocks. Branches with foliage may extend from the trunk. The crown of a huge tropical tree, three blocks thick, grows in the jungle.

Thicket - a low "tree" located in the jungle, with the wood of a tropical tree and the foliage of a regular oak, oak seedlings fall from the foliage. The height of the trunk is only one block. You can often find stuck animals in the thickets.

Acacia can be found in the savannah. It has a curved trunk and diverges into two crowns.

Dark Oak has replaced the trees in the Dark Forest biome, which were previously composed of coniferous wood. Can only be grown from four dark oak seedlings arranged in a 2 by 2 square. Not very easy to harvest, but grows quite quickly and produces a lot of wood; One oak tree often drops fewer seedlings than are needed for a new tree, and the small supply of these trees can become depleted quite quickly. It is better to grow in large quantities.

The pocket edition contains unique structures - fallen trees. They consist of two parts: a stump and a trunk. Fallen trees can be made from all types of wood. Mushrooms and vines usually grow on fallen trees.

Saplings obtained from foliage blocks can be planted on the ground or grass to grow new trees. There is no need to cultivate the soil or supply water. The tree grows after a randomly selected period of time.

For a seedling to germinate, it requires at least 4 blocks of free space above it and level 9 lighting in the block above the seedling. The tree never grows higher than the ceiling above the sapling. The foliage of neighboring trees is not taken into account when calculating height. If blocks are placed on the ground next to the seedling, they limit the minimum height of the tree. The minimum height of a tree is 5 blocks (4 in the trunk and a foliage block on top). The maximum height is 16 blocks (13 in the trunk and 3 foliage blocks on top).

At some random intervals, the seedlings make attempts to grow. This first checks to see if there is enough light and then decides whether the tree will be small or large. After selecting the tree type, a check is made to see if there is free space. If obstacles are detected, the tree cannot grow and will wait until the next attempt. This means that if you plant a tree in an open field, it will grow quite quickly (usually growth takes about 20 minutes), but a tree with various “growth limiters” may struggle to grow for a long time until it finds the right shape.

Applying bone meal to a seedling results in an extraordinary attempt at tree germination, that is, if all conditions are met, the tree will germinate instantly. A unit of bone meal is consumed even in case of failure.

Trees do not sprout on unloaded areas of the map - the seedling must be in the processing zone. Trees grow indoors and in the Nether, but may take longer to germinate in the Nether. Trees grow close to each other.

To grow a huge “baobab” (2×2 trunk thickness), you need to plant jungle tree seedlings in a 2×2 square (it is not necessary to use bone meal).

Huge conifer tree can be grown by placing spruce seedlings in a 2x2 square.

Dark oak can only be grown by placing dark oak seedlings in a 2x2 square. Dark oak seedlings do not germinate individually.

Issues related to "Tree" are maintained in the bug repository. Problem reports should be left there.


Trees in Minecraft

In Minecraft, a lot of things depend on wood, because without it you can’t build many tools and weapons, in turn, without which you can’t enjoy the gameplay.

Finding trees is not difficult; they literally fill the entire game map. When cutting down a tree, the foliage remains in its place, so many “aesthetes,” or lovers of beauty, try to get rid of it. In addition, they fall out of the leaves seedling, as well as red apples, which can only be obtained in this way.

Seedlings can be planted in the ground, work hoe(as is the case with wheat) will not be required.

Several seedlings fall from one tree, using this you can grow a large forest.

How to cut down a tree in Minecraft?

To cut down a tree in Minecraft you don’t need anything, and I’m not kidding, just walk up to it and hold down the left mouse button. True, in this case the process will not be so fast, but to speed it up, you can take axe. With it, the cutting will go much faster and the better the axe, the faster the process will progress. Foliage is collected using scissors, these blocks cannot be obtained in any other way.

How to grow a tree in Minecraft?

As mentioned above, trees can be grown. To do this, you will have to get a tree seedling by destroying its foliage. They fall quite often, so this shouldn't be a problem. Let's look at how you can grow a tree in Minecraft.

Having obtained a seedling, you can begin to grow a tree. To do this, go to a piece of land where there is a lot of daylight and, holding the seedling in your hand, press the right mouse button.

The trees do not grow that fast, they can reach about 16 blocks in height. Except for the foliage. In addition there are tropical trees. They grow not only very tall, but also wide - 2 blocks thick.

If you want to grow a “mutant tree” that will be taller than ordinary trees, then in this case you can put a block on top of an ordinary tree, and plant another seedling on it, and if you do this operation very many times, then you will succeed VERY a big tree. The blocks of earth can then simply be removed, and firewood can be placed in their place to ensure the integrity of the tree trunk.

Why isn't the tree cut down?

Some players are experiencing the following issues:

  1. To cut down a tree, you need to hold down the mouse button, not click it.
  2. Protecting the territory privately. In this case, not only will you not be able to cut down trees, but you won’t be able to do anything else, even open or close a door.
  3. A plugin may be installed. Eg Lumberjack. This plugin is needed to create a more realistic atmosphere, and for convenience. Those. You are actually cutting down the tree, but it is being cut from above.

The tree turns into boards in this way:

Wood is not very durable. Any tool made of wood will last no more than 60 times.

Below are some types of wood and boards made from it.

If you are interested in something, you can use the search on our website.


Minecraft growing trees

Fast. Leaf. Decay 1. Mods for Minecraft.

When cutting down a tree, it is cut down entirely, that is, if you cut down the bottom block, the rest. It is very convenient, since less time is spent on chopping. Installing the forestry mod for minecraft 1.5.2 is also quite simple.

. http:// for cutting down a tree. Mod for quickly cutting down trees for minecraft 1.5.2 Timber - Duration: .

Wood is one of the most important construction resources in Minecraft. Although it is very easy to get it, large-scale construction projects cannot do without large reserves or your own farms. And on public servers you can generally appear on the terrain without any resources. in Minecraft on your own? The answer to this question will be given below.

What do you need?

Before you grow a tree in Minecraft, you will need its seedlings. There is a 5% chance you can get them from collecting leaves in the treetops. So you can't do without wild plants at least in small quantities. When playing on your own server, it’s easier to switch to creative mode than to once again fray your nerves looking for vegetation in the tundra.

If you want to build a tree "farm", then you may also need torches and some boards. But first things first.


How to grow a tree in Minecraft? The easiest way to establish wood production is to build a farm. To do this, you will need several sprouts of a certain breed. Oak is ideal. It produces a lot of wood, has a tall crown, and sometimes the crown produces apples.

To create a farm, mark out an area of ​​9 by 9 cells. Plant a seedling in each corner. Also do this in the central cells. In total you will get 9 seedlings. Just by waiting for a while, you will be able to chop wood.

In some cases, at a height of 10 blocks, you can build a ceiling from any solid materials. The tree trunk will then be only 7 units tall and can be completely cut down while standing directly on the ground. However, remember that the ceiling will provide shade, and the plant needs a lot of light to grow.

Another way to grow multiple trees for easy harvesting is to use torches. It is known that loose and grassy blocks burn when falling onto a torch. This way you can place several torches in your plot to burn the growing branches. On the one hand, this will facilitate the collection of wood from trunks, on the other hand, it will reduce the number of sprouts extracted from tree crowns. Also, this method will require a little more space for growing, since the torches will be perceived as an object that interferes with growth, and they must be placed at a distance of at least 2 cells from the trunk.


What else do you need to know? Some types of wood can grow into giant trees of unfathomable height, giving you a virtually inexhaustible source of materials. How to grow a big tree in Minecraft?

  • To do this, you need to plant 4 sprouts side by side, without separating them with earth or buildings.
  • Provide enough space above the plant.
  • Leave at least 3 free blocks on the side of the trunk.
  • Use sprouts from one plant - spruce or tropical tree.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the dark oak. This tree itself grows to enormous sizes, but also requires 4 seedlings to plant, as is the case with the giants.


The last thing you need to know is how to quickly grow a tree in Minecraft. Accelerating growth is one of the most significant processes. In general, the player has two options.

  1. Wait. Just go to bed and time will automatically rewind. Unfortunately, this option not suitable for public servers since all online players must go to bed.
  2. Use bone meal (from 2 to 10 pieces) on the sprout, which can be made from skeleton bones.

This way, you won't need to build entire farms to produce trees. You will get everything you need when cutting down right on the spot and at night when hunting. The only problem may be the extraction of ashes. Although skeletons are fairly common monsters, their ranged attack causes a lot of problems. To counter them, use a shield. In close combat, rebound arrows can also wound your opponent.

In Minecraft, a lot of things depend on wood, because without it you can’t build many tools and weapons, in turn, without which you can’t enjoy the gameplay.

Finding trees is not difficult; they literally fill the entire game map. When cutting down a tree, the foliage remains in its place, so many “aesthetes,” or lovers of beauty, try to get rid of it. In addition, they fall out of the leaves seedling, as well as red apples, which can only be obtained in this way.

Seedlings can be planted in the ground, work hoe(as is the case with wheat) will not be required.

Several seedlings fall from one tree, using this you can grow a large forest.

How to cut down a tree in Minecraft?

To cut down a tree in Minecraft you don’t need anything, and I’m not kidding, just walk up to it and hold down the left mouse button. True, in this case the process will not be so fast, but to speed it up, you can take axe. With it, the cutting will go much faster and the better the axe, the faster the process will progress. Foliage is collected using scissors, these blocks cannot be obtained in any other way.

How to grow a tree in Minecraft?

As mentioned above, trees can be grown. To do this, you will have to get a tree seedling by destroying its foliage. They fall quite often, so this shouldn't be a problem. Let's look at how you can grow a tree in Minecraft.

Having obtained a seedling, you can begin to grow a tree. To do this, go to a piece of land where there is a lot of daylight and, holding the seedling in your hand, press the right mouse button.

The trees do not grow that fast, they can reach about 16 blocks in height. Except for the foliage. In addition there are tropical trees. They grow not only very tall, but also wide - 2 blocks thick.

If you want to grow a “mutant tree” that will be taller than ordinary trees, then in this case you can put a block on top of an ordinary tree, and plant another seedling on it, and if you do this operation very many times, then you will get a VERY large tree. The blocks of earth can then simply be removed, and firewood can be placed in their place to ensure the integrity of the tree trunk.

Why isn't the tree cut down?

Some players are experiencing the following issues:

  1. To cut down a tree, you need to hold down the mouse button, not click it.
  2. . In this case, not only will you not be able to cut down trees, but you won’t be able to do anything else, even open or close a door.
  3. A plugin may be installed. Eg Lumberjack. This plugin is needed to create a more realistic atmosphere, and for convenience. Those. You are actually cutting down the tree, but it is being cut from above.

The tree turns into boards in this way:

Wood is not very durable. Any tool made of wood will last no more than 60 times.

Below are some types of wood and boards made from it.

Salute, buddy. Do you want overseas tangerines? Today I will teach you how to breed new types of trees from the Forestry mod that do not grow in nature! For convenience, we will call them “fruit trees.” (although some do not bear fruit)

First, a short FAQ:

Q: What about foliage blocks?

A: Alas, foliage blocks fruit trees are not cut. But the seedlings fall out as usual. They can, for example, be processed into fuel.

Q: Where can I find a fruit tree seedling?

A: Nowhere. They need to be obtained by mutation. Trees that grow in wildlife- not fruity. Occasionally you can find some seedlings for sale from a resident gardener. You can recognize him by his light green clothes.

B: I want to start growing fruit trees. What I need?

A: In short: a gardener's knife, vanilla tree seedlings, a beehive with bees.

Q: Will it be necessary to understand beekeeping? But I hate bees and everything connected with them!

A: No, you don’t need to go deep into beekeeping, one working hive is enough. Read below, everything is simple there.

Q: What is “selection”, what genes do trees have, why are butterflies and pollen needed?

O: Wow, why is it so difficult, right? Shut up and eat a mandarin orange, right?

A2: The answer is beyond the scope of this FAQ


  • An arboretum site is a place for two trees that will cross-pollinate each other.

This will not be possible in the basement, so an open-air area is better.

  • Vanilla tree seedlings. (Standard: birch, oak, pine needles, jungle tree)
  • An apiary for bees, you can steal it from someone. In general, it doesn’t matter where it comes from, the main thing is that it exists.
  • And of course the bees that will pollinate our trees. You can run after them with a net in a field of daisies.
But I think it would be easier to buy from someone. But only those that feed on flowers are suitable.
  • We will need a gardening knife:

  • Also a tree analyzer:

Table of all types of trees:

Picture Named Pollination "Value"
Line "Spruce"
Larch Birch + Spruce -
Maple Larch + Linden -
Pine Larch + Spruce Birch + 2 Spruce
Coast redwood Pine + Larch 2 Birch + 3 Spruce
giant sequoia Sold by resident 20 stacks of wood
Picture Name Pollination "Value"
Line "Lime"
Linden Birch + Apple tree -
Cherry Birch + Linden 2 Birch + Apple tree
Lemon Linden + Cherry -
Plum Cherry + Lemon
Walnut Linden + Cherry 3 Birch + 2 Apple
Chestnut Linden + Walnut 6 Birch + 4 Apple
Willow Apple + Birch + Cherry 2 Birch + 2 Apple Tree
Poplar Apple + Birch + Linden + Willow -
Papaya Cherry + Palm -
Date palm Papaya + Palm -
Picture Name Pollination "Value"
Teak line
Teak Palm + Linden Birch + Palm + Apple tree
Picture Name Pollination "Value"
Teak/Cotton line
cotton tree Palm + Teak Birch + 2 Palm + Apple Tree
Ebony Teak + Cotton wood 2 Birch + 3 Palm + 2 Apple
Red tree Ebony + Cottonwood 3 Birch + 5 Palm + 3 Apple
Sipiri Red+Cottonwood 4 Birch + 7 Palm + 4 Apple
Picture Name Pollination "Value"
Teak/Balsa line
Balsa Linden + Teak 2 Birch + Palm + 2 Apple Tree
Acacia Balsa + Teak 3 Birch + 2 Palm + 3 Apple
Wenge Acacia + Balsa 5 Birch + 3 Palm + 5 Apple
Baobab Balsa + Wenge 8 Birch + 5 Palm + 8 Apple
Mahoe Acacia + Birch -

Let's start:

Let's plant 2 trees: oak and birch and place a beehive next to it. If you don’t want to run around the base from the trees to the hive, place them nearby, but this is not at all necessary, the bees fly quite far. Place a young queen and a drone in the hive, then make sure the bees fly. Bees don't fly? Apparently it’s night, it’s raining, there are no flowers nearby, or the bees are not adapted for this biome.

After some time, mutations will occur. It depends on the breed of bees. The mutated block of leaves must be broken with a gardener's knife, otherwise the seedling most likely will not fall out.

Here is an example of work in a couple of hours:

And after receiving unknown seedlings, it is worth examining them in the analyzer:

  1. We put drops of honey for the analyzer to work
  2. An unknown seedling is transferred there
  3. Here you can find out the genes of the plant: growth, lifespan, planting method and the effect that the plant gives
  4. View which family the seedling belongs to
  5. Fruits from the plant
  6. Possible mutations
  7. Plant class

Cultivation and growing tips:

  • To grow a tree with a 2x2 trunk, use flour on the northwest sapling. (Angle N-W)
  • To grow a tree with a 3x3 trunk, fertilize the central sapling.
  • Hardworking bees cross-pollinate foliage most quickly. In the early stages of the game, you can settle on the edge of the desert and breed desert bees - they work around the clock, and there is no rain in the desert.
  • If you have one hybrid seedling with a 2x2/3x3 trunk, but the thickness of the main species is different, do not be disappointed. It is enough to plant seedlings of a carrier species so that the one to be fertilized is the one whose characteristics should be inherited by the tree being grown.

Edit: Nessie

Trees are an important resource in Minecraft, as you must collect them efficiently early stage games to survive and progress (if only in Creative mode). Because trees provide wooden blocks, used to craft many basic tools and weapons, it's important to know how to collect the items that drop after you start chopping down wood. However, trees are not only important for starting the game. Learning how to grow wood in Minecraft, and even planting your own village farm, will allow you to have a constant source of wood and other benefits. There are six types of trees in the game including oak, spruce, birch, jungle, acacia and dark oak.

Punching a tree or trees for harvest

Punching wood, The Minecraft term for collecting trees is the only way to start and progress in any game, and it is the first step, no matter the difficulty level or strategy. Start the crafting process by breaking nearby trees. All you need to build a shelter requires some form of wood, and most effective way getting it is by collecting trees.

Look for a place with lots of trees. (If you are too far away from any plants, you can create a new world.)

To get started, chop down a couple of trees that are made from wood blocks and leaf blocks. To break a block of wood, follow these steps:

    Approach the tree.

    Using your mouse, position the crosshair over a block in the tree.

    Click and hold the left mouse button to start punching the block until it breaks.

    Collect the displayed item.

    The item should come straight to you, but if you are too far away, just walk up to the item to collect it. The resource is added to the inventory at the bottom of the screen.

Ignore the leaves on the tree because they will naturally fall apart without supporting anything. Destroyed leaf blocks will sometimes yield sapling elements that you don't need to craft essentials.

How to Grow a Tree in Minecraft

Now that you know how to extract all the important items from trees, the next step is to know how to plant trees. The process of producing trees in Minecraft is similar to the real thing. You need to dig a hole, plant seeds (saplings), nurture the plant (using bone dishes) and watch it grow! Step by step instructions for growing trees include:

  1. Dig a hole in the ground. Holes only need to dig 1 block to grow trees!
  2. Plant the seedling by placing it in the hole. The type of lard used depends on the type of tree that grows. For example, oak seedlings will produce oak trees.
  3. Fertilize the seedling using bone meal. If you have bone dishes, they will make the tree fully develop very quickly. If not, don't worry. The tree will still grow until normal size within the next day!

Planting a tree

Planting one tree may have limited benefits, but if you build a tree farm in Minecraft, you'll have a rich source of wood! This will make your digital life much easier since you won't have to travel across the landscape any time you need wood for processing or construction. To create a tree farm, follow these steps:

  1. After you dig your first hole, move 4 blocks to the right and dig another hole.
  2. Repeat this until you have a row of 4 holes, with three empty blocks between each hole. Note. You can make your rustic farm as big as you want, just make sure you have equal space between each tree to allow it to grow fully.
  3. Plant seedlings in all holes. Make sure you use the same type of wood for a true rustic farmhouse look.
  4. Clean up your trees, collect new seedlings and continue growing your farm.

As a player, you can customize your village farm to your liking by incorporating it into a fence, placing a roof over it, or using it to start your own garden. The sky is the limit!

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