Could it be a dream? How to dream about a person in a dream: various methods

There are situations when a person wants to remind himself in an indirect way. To do this, you can dream about another person in a dream. Although this is not so easy to do, it is still possible. Astrologers and sorcerers who know how to dream about another person in a dream believe that this art is easiest to master for the person who knows how to control his dreams.

Is it possible to dream about another person?

To dream about another person, you must great desire and knowledge of some principles. In addition, at the moment when the necessary message is sent to a person, he must be asleep, otherwise he will not be able to receive the sent message.

Sometimes it is possible to convey a dream only after several attempts. Therefore, you must be patient and carefully follow all recommendations on this issue.

How to dream about another person from a distance?

There are several ways to dream about another person:

Finally, it is worth saying that having a dream about a person is just part of the story. The ultimate success of a business depends on how well a person remembers his dreams. Some people sleep so deeply that they do not remember their dreams. In this case, you will have to work hard so that one day the recipient will be able to remember what and who he saw in his dream.

How to dream about another person to remind him of yourself? You will find this useful powerful conspiracy love magic!

The plot can be read from a photo of a lover or from his mental image. Can be read magic words at any time of the day, they will still achieve their goal at the right moment, and the desired person will see you in a dream.

How to dream about another person?

“At the right time, in the right place, in the right mood, I perform this ritual - I cast a spell. I gather the clouds in my hands into an energy ball. I give the ball a task: fly to (name), find (name), enter (name)’s dream. Remind him of me!

Let (name) remember me, let (name) dream about me, let (name) think about me!

I direct the energy ball with a task. I make him independent, so that he fulfills my spell, so that in a dream I become (name) the main one actor so that I become clear and memorable for (name).

Where is reality? Where is the dream? We don't know! But one thing is clear - I am present there, I control (name)’s consciousness there. Khantaa ular."

When pronouncing the words “Khantaa ular”, which means: “Thank you, this is my will, so be it,” you need to cup your hands in front of your chest and make a slight bow.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Conspiracy - “small” folklore texts that serve as a magical means of achieving what is desired in healing, protective, productive and other rituals (Wikipedia).

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Many will agree that dreams reflect our subconscious and the other life, because our reality is so often reflected in dreams or, on the contrary, we see completely opposite actions and events in our dreams. Since ancient times, sages and philosophers have tried to decipher dreams, certain dreamed objects, events or actions.

What does your dream mean?

There are a huge number of different dream books in the world, compiled different people and at different times, but which interpret the same dreams almost identically. Dreams in relationships have always been equated with the mysterious interaction of two souls. This is probably why the spell to dream about a loved one is often used by girls and young women so that their loved ones do not forget about them.

The power of dreams and thoughts about a person

The power of the conspiracy is in your faith

Dreams have always been important for lovers. In the old days, loving young people did not have such freedom in relationships as they do today, so most often they could see each other furtively for a short time or just in dreams. There is an opinion that if you think about a person for a long time, you will definitely dream about him the next night, and if you dream about a certain person, it means he was thinking about you. Of course, most often our thoughts are simply visualized in dreams and we dream about the person we are thinking about, but in order to be sure to dream about your loved one and force him to act, you can resort to conspiracies to make him dream. Seeing a girl in a dream means a lot to a young man, and most often such dreams force him to take certain actions towards her.

Psychologists say that our dreams represent a person’s hidden desires. Therefore, seeing a girl in a dream, a young man involuntarily begins to think about her, remember what happened in the dream, how she was presented, he wants to see her in reality. This is how interest is awakened with opposite sex, and frequent thoughts and the desire to reveal the secret give rise to certain feelings, which in the future can develop into something more than just an exciting dream.

In addition, many young people want to make everything that happened in their dreams come true, so a dream made by a girl for a guy can be the beginning of their wonderful relationship. And dreams are endowed with special positive energy, so if such energy affects relationships in real world, then we can safely say that the conspiracy to dream about a person worked.

Spells and rituals for your loved one's sleep

Dream about your loved one

In the old days, our grandmothers ordered dreams for their loved ones by looking at the Moon. Try the following plot. To dream about your loved one, the ritual must be carried out on a full moon; the days of the equinoxes and solstices are also considered good enough for making dreams.

When a girl looks at the Moon, she should cross her mouth and say the words:

“A dream about me, a dream about you, for the Servant of God (such and such). Let it be so!"

The conspiracy is sentenced 9 times. It is important that the ritual can be performed no more than 3 times a month, otherwise the opposite effect can be achieved.

How to order and send a dream to your loved one

Send a dream to your loved one

To have a dream about your boyfriend or loved one, you can send your dream to him. For this ritual, you need to be sure that the person is sleeping at this time. How to check this depends on your relationship, but in any case there is always a way to find out. The dream transfer ritual is carried out at night in complete darkness.

The dream is compiled by the girl herself on a positive theme. You can use a dream book so that the guy can later explain what he dreamed about and how certain objects or events are connected with the dreamed girl. Get ready for bed, turn off the lights and go to bed. Start falling asleep slowly, before saying the following words:

“I compose your dream, I send it to you, I dream about you, in my dreams I turn to you, so that in life you turn to me. Amen!"

Now you need to compose your dream, which you need to mentally forward to him. It’s enough just to concentrate and imagine the dream that you would like your boyfriend to see.

By composing such a dream, the girl falls asleep herself. At strong faith and the energy of desire and love, two people can even see the same dream, and in some cases the dreams turn out to be so clear that the young man begins to believe in their reality. Make and forward your dreams young man best on the night from Thursday to Friday.

A conspiracy to make your loved one dream about the moon

Using the power of the moon

This conspiracy is carried out on the day of the full moon. The plot is written out on a piece of dark paper; fortunately, modern multi-colored pastes or gels allow you to write on dark paper.

The plot is read three times before going to bed. full moon at open window and at the same time it is necessary to stand facing the Moon and look at it. What needs to be written on paper:

“Virgo-Moon, tell my beloved (name) greetings from me. Let him see me in his dreams, remember me and miss me. As soon as he gets bored, he will send me news. Virgo-Moon, give my dear one a happy and bright dream about me, and I will thank you, I will say a great thank you to you.”

After reading the plot, crumple the sheet and throw it out the window. Go to bed.

Straw plot to dream about a loved one

A bunch of hay for a spell

For this plot you will need a bunch of fresh straw. The conspiracy is carried out at night before going to bed near an open window. One straw from the bunch is placed under the pillow, and the bunch is burned with the window open, the ashes are thrown out the window.

At the same time the words are pronounced:

“Go, smoke, go, ashes, to the slave (name), as the haze swirled strongly in the wind, so I dreamed of my dear one, let the ashes swirl in the wind, and let the dear one push for me in a dream. Amen".

Repeat the spell three times and then go to bed

Energy of conspiracies for a person to dream about

The energy of the conspiracy is under your control

Conspiracies to dream about a loved one cannot be attributed to any strong magic or magical rites. Our thoughts about a person are capable of transmitting very strong energy to his subconscious and relationships with him in the parallel world of dreams and dreams. Very often before going to bed we think, while we can stand at the window, look at the Moon and simply talk into the night with our desired object.

At such moments, information concerning a certain person is recorded in the laws of the Universe and this information will certainly be conveyed to its addressee. Many conspiracies to make a person dream were composed in this way. Their effectiveness has been proven for centuries, so now they are safely used purposefully. At the same time, conspiracies to make a person appear in a dream are absolutely harmless and in no way force him to take certain actions, but only guide him. And what choice to make depends only on each of us.

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