New Year's skits are interesting and funny for high school students. Funny scenes for high school students for the New Year

We recommend that high school students prepare a holiday for their friends themselves - the preparation process will certainly unite the team and leave unforgettable memories. The hosts of the holiday are a girl and a guy, high school students. So, we offer you a scenario for the New Year 2019 at school for high school students, funny.

If it doesn't suit you, you can change it a little or create your own.

HOST: Hello, dear fellow high school students, our dear teachers and long-awaited guests!

HOST: The New Year is already knocking on all of our doors, on social network pages, on billboards and street windows. Indeed, this holiday has long been considered the most long-awaited, most beloved, everyone is looking forward to it with impatience and hope for a miracle - naive and always young adults, not childishly serious kids, and, of course, we, high school students, because this is the last New Year's holiday at my home school.

HOST: But we won’t be sad, because we all have the opportunity to make a cherished wish together and believe that it will certainly come true next year!

HOST: The New Year 2019 will certainly bring warmth and harmony to every family.

HOST: Health is like the greatest treasure.

HOST: Good luck - to be lucky all year in everything.

HOST: Love - so that the heart is filled with tenderness and mercy.

HOST: A huge bundle of gifts and New Year's wishes!

HOST: We are here for a walk, it’s time to start the holiday!

BABA YAGA: Yes, it's me! Have you really thought about doing without Baba Yaga? Yes, yes, I understand that no one loves me.

HOST: Well, why should I love you, dear one? For always ruining all the New Year's holidays?

HOST: Or because you were scared throughout your childhood: “Don’t paint your eyes, you’ll look like Baba Yaga!”

HOST: Yes, you, dear granny, are far from the ideal of a good New Year’s grandmother, both externally and intellectually!

BABA YAGA: Oh, right? The same goes for me, intellectuals have emerged, internet kids, but what do you know without your Wikipedia? Can you do without Yandex maps? But I, an illiterate woman, have been flying on a mortar for two hundred years without a navigator, and for many
I can tell you!

HOST: What do you know that high school students don’t know?

Intellectual New Year's competition

BABA YAGA: Okay, guys. Now I will ask you New Year’s questions, and you will prove to everyone that you really are the pride of the country and have a solid package of knowledge.

Question one

BABA YAGA: On the first of January, the New Year is celebrated together with our country...
(answer - countries of Europe and America)

Question two

BABA YAGA: If you ask children from different countries what year is coming, everyone will answer differently. So, what year will they celebrate in Russia?
(answer - 2019)

Question three

BABA YAGA: What year will they celebrate in Syria?

Question four

BABA YAGA: What year did you celebrate in Israel?
(answer - anniversary year 5776)

BABA YAGA: Okay, we completed the task. A question of an aesthetic nature. Everyone knows who Santa Claus is. How do you think Dutch artists depicted Santa Claus at the beginning of the nineteenth century?

(answer: slim and thin)

BABA YAGA: Which country’s artist “attached” a beard to Santa Claus, and when was it?
(answer: in 1860, American Thomas Knight)

BABA YAGA: Who created the image of the modern Father Frost?
(answer - Englishman Tenniel)

HOST: Grandma, listen, you really know a lot about the New Year holiday!

BABA YAGA: yes, I’ve been living in the world for a long time, I’ve seen a lot, heard a lot, and I don’t complain about my operational memory!

HOST: yes, if I had such a memory, I would learn all the exams by heart.

BABA YAGA: Teach, my dear, because learning is the meaning of the future!

LEADING: (to Baba Yaga) Wait, old lady... Let's stop talking about science, lessons, let's remember the New Year 2019.
This is my favorite holiday, magical, mysterious, amazing, unique... It awakens in people the best feelings, love for everything beautiful and kind

HOST: Yeah, and rejection of everything insidious and evil.

BABA YAGA: evil and unpleasant - this is about me, but how much can I say! It's time to invite Santa Claus to look at him. Have you grown old? Old junk!

HOST: Santa Claus? I think everyone should call him together - this seems to happen at all children’s matinees?

HOST: So, let's together: “Santa Claus, come quickly! Make your children happy with the holiday, it will be more fun with us!”

(Then, according to the script of the New Year's fairy tale for high school students, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden enter with a song. Light)

SANTA CLAUS: Respect to you, dear high school students! They didn't forget what to call me. And they even called everyone together, like in childhood! Well done, you made the old man happy!

SNOW MAIDEN: Yes, that's right, grandfather. Look, the guys have become quite adults, very soon they will go into independent adult life. But, still, like little ones, they are waiting for Santa Claus, New Year 2019, and a new miracle.

SANTA CLAUS: I know for sure, granddaughter, that the new year 2019 will bring the fulfillment of all our wishes. And for high school students, all this is very important. There are final exams and entrance tests ahead, so believe in your dream and it will definitely come true!

FATHER FROST (noticing Baba Yaga): I can’t believe my eyes! And you, old one, are here?!

BABA YAGA: Don’t be surprised, dear. I decided on New Year's Eve to change my image and become a reporter. How nice it is to communicate with smart and well-mannered young people.

SANTA CLAUS: Okay. Stay. I see that my granddaughter wants to say something...

SNOW Maiden: Grandfather, there are so many people here who want to have fun! I wonder what they know about you, about the New Year holiday?

HOST: And now the guys will sing you beautiful New Year’s songs, admire them!

Next in the New Year's party scenario for high school students is the musical number "New Year's Medley"

SNOW MAIDEN: Great, what do our guys and you, Granny, know about Santa Claus? (Everyone takes part in the quiz)

Intelligence game "Santa Claus"

1. Is there Santa Claus in the world?
2. Where does he live?
3. Who is he friends with?
4. What is he like: kind, demanding, or evil? Give reasons for your answer.
5. His favorite food?
6. What color is the fur coat? Why exactly this?
7. What does Santa Claus drive?
8. Why does he need a stick?
9. Where does he get gifts?
10. Where does he leave them?
11. What does he do in the summer?
12. How old is he?
13. Is he related to Santa Claus?
14. Does he have brothers?
(Snow Maiden awards the winner)

SANTA CLAUS: Yes, it’s me, that fairy-tale grandfather,
Whom the whole world knows,
I travel with gifts all year round, welcoming happiness and success. I have friends everywhere, so I always rush to see them, I want to have time to visit every house.

SNOW Maiden: Now, the time has come to please your school, give away all the fabulous gifts, and, of course, congratulate you on the New Year 2019!

BABA YAGA: Here, he came to us! Merry Grandpa and his Snowman! Will everyone receive gifts, or only the right ones, white and fluffy?

SNOW MAIDEN: Well, why, everyone will get it, and even you, Granny Yagulya. We heard that you also shine with intellect - therefore, receive a gift from us.

SANTA CLAUS: We are giving you wireless Internet access for a whole year! Enlighten yourself, I don’t feel sorry!

BABA YAGA: I'm delighted! Grandfather, you are a real advanced Frost! Respect to you too! Well, get a return gift from me too!

Continuation of the New Year's Eve scenario for high school students - the musical number “Break dancing in the style of “Grandma Hedgehogs Rule”

HOST: Cool dance, Granny. And yet, I look – nothing!

BABA YAGA: Well, you said - granny, granny, but it turned out - a cool New Year's woman!

HOST: So, we’ve sorted out the grandfather, let’s move on to the granddaughter.

SNOW MAIDEN: Yes, I am the best of the granddaughters of the legendary Father Frost. Everyone is waiting for me to visit. Across rivers, across mountains

We enter every house and hand out New Year's gifts to everyone.

SANTA CLAUS: And even cheerful thugs and mischief-makers!

SNOW Maiden: Grandfather, what are you doing?! What words are you saying? They were waiting to meet you, and you were “thugs” and “naughty people” to them.

SANTA CLAUS: don't worry, it's a joke. Well, how can you not joke with such cheerful schoolchildren? May I welcome them again? You are the best, dearest, wisest young people! (To the Snow Maiden) How are you, Snow Maiden?

SNOW Maiden: This is the best, grandfather. Do you know what the high school students present at the celebration are looking forward to most? And they are waiting for the festive lights to shine with bright colors on this wonderful tree.

SANTA CLAUS: No questions! Shine, Christmas tree, it's clear!
Play with stars!
Let the holiday begin on time
Add joy to all of us!

Christmas tree glows

Then, according to the New Year’s scenario for high school students for 2019, the musical number “New Year” is played.

SNOW MAIDEN: We must hurry to other schools. The children have already received gifts. The class teachers helped us with this. You won't have to be sad. Grandfather Frost, you urgently need to read all the letters from the guys that you haven’t had time to read yet. The snowman just brought them, let's go read them!

(Everyone leaves, “menacing” music sounds, the Snow Queen enters the hall)

THE SNOW QUEEN (included is important): Wow, it's so hot! I asked for frost, but they have Africa! Now you have to use artificial ice floes.

KOSCHEI THE DEATHLESS (appears immediately after the Snow Queen). Finally got there. I barely found your village. Not a single road sign, not a single signpost. Not a single gadget shows a navigator. What are you doing? Are you hiding, or are guests not welcome? A? I can not hear! (After the guys answer, he looks for Baba Yaga with his eyes) Granny! My beauty, where are you?!

BABA YAGA: (Runs out to him) My handsome man, in the end, waited for you!

SNOW QUEEN: Enough with this nonsense! That's not what we're here for!

BABA YAGA: Well, my dears! I believe that our time has come. How long can you live like this? Nobody loves us! I even decided to change my image and became a reporter... However, the attitude towards me did not change...

KOSHCHEY THE IMMORTAL: And no one is afraid of us!

SNOW QUEEN: Both children and adults neglect us!

BABA YAGA: Why don’t they understand that different times have come? Nowadays you can find an answer to any question on the Internet. We need to take a look... I grabbed my tablet... Wait a minute... (looks carefully, a smile appears on his face).
The Snow Queen and Koschey the Immortal (at the same time).

Well? Speak quickly already!

BABA YAGA: Rejoice! The bad news is not for us, but for those gathered here. Listen up everyone! Here is what is written here: “Many people today do not like to read. They have thrown books into old cabinets. Children are like little old men who sit in front of TV screens all the time. They don’t care who wins: good or evil. Children now prefer the computer and computer games, but the fairy tale... They forgot the fairy tale. So, the country of Childhood will definitely experience a catastrophe! (According to the script for the New Year's performance for high school students for 2019, Baba Yaga, Koschey, and the Snow Queen clap their palms with joy)

CINDERELLA (runs in): Stop it immediately! Nothing bad will happen to the country of the School! High school students will fix the situation! (Addresses those present in the hall) Is it true?

(They listen to the answers of the high school students. A boy runs up to Cinderella and hands him a note. She reads it and leaves.)

CINDERELLA: Everything is clear, we urgently need to call Grandfather Frost!


BABA YAGA: (to the Snow Queen and Koshchei). And I cannot agree with you. I have an image, you hear - I changed my IMAGE! It's time for change!
(appears in a princess outfit, with Father Frost and Snow Maiden). You see, there have also been changes in my life. Anyone who reads books knows about them.

CINDERELLA: And regarding the country of Childhood, its fate depends on you! Everyone has their own path, their own road... No one else can use it.

SANTA CLAUS: Choose! Children with a kind heart and sincere soul will always be lucky! And don't doubt it!

SNOW QUEEN: Surprisingly, I feel some kind of pleasant warmth... The ice has melted. So, there will be changes!


SANTA CLAUS: Let the New Year come to every school
Will bring a lot of good
Full of sun, full of laughter
All for joy and comfort.

SNOW Maiden: Please accept my wishes from the bottom of my heart:
Live in health for everyone -
Both big and small!

SNOW QUEEN: May your dreams come true
In the new year 2019,
May fate smile on you
At every step!

Music sounds, the main characters of the holiday invite everyone to the New Year's dance program.

And for preschoolers and first-graders we offer a performance on.

Happy and cheerful New Year!

  • “An unusual New Year's story - 2019” (New Year's holiday scenario for children 5-6 years old)
  • Scenario for the New Year for the preparatory group “New Year’s trip to the country of Fairytale Land”
  • Modern scenario of the autumn ball for high school students
  • Graduation script option for elementary school: unusual and fun
  • Autumn ball for high school students: scenario with competitions
  • Which fairy tale scenario to use for the New Year


07.12.2015 / 17:56


Well...... ok, but somehow for junior grades (if you didn’t read the questions)

16.12.2015 / 19:20


New Year's Eve


- I heard that it was coming
It's like the Year of the Monkey.

- Monkey? Who is she?
Somehow I don’t know her.

- That's an overseas princess
From some forest there,
Where it's always hot and summer.

- I wish I could get to this place!

I wouldn't refuse, brothers,
Lay there in the sun.

- What is her face like?

- Well, probably not bad.

- Doesn’t she eat animals?
We should find out sooner.

- Stop, stop! You, Oblique,
Run quickly after Lisa.
This is definitely her friend
Let it be in absentia for now.

- Yes, Lisa is full of passions
Be friends with those in power.

- No, apparently this is not enough for her,
She registered as a sister

- That's it - that's it!
Well, you are a master at composing!
Monkey and Fox
Can there be sisters?
They are completely different
This is simply clear to everyone!

- I reported the whole truth,
I didn't write anything.
That's what Lisa told me.

- This may well be the case.
Lisa loves fables:
She's the goat's sister,
That's a big gray ram
She has a crush on her friend.
And now here's the Monkey,
Even if she is a foreigner.

- So, this Monkey
Even from another planet?

- No, she is from Africa.

- Where is the bright moon?

- Yes, and the sun is shining brightly,
That's why it's always hot there.

- Oh, it’s freezing here.
The monkey will freeze!
The wind is driving clouds and snow.

- Santa Claus won't touch her!

- Yes, he won’t touch it. Not otherwise.
He appointed her himself.

- I saved her a fur coat here.

- You, Mishunya, are great!

- And I knitted the hats.
I just didn't know the size.
I knitted twenty-five.

- There will be something for her to try on.
Well done!

- I brought her felt boots.

- This is great, friends.
I just don’t know
What a spirit she is.

- I heard that it’s not bad.
Playful, as if, here.

- So it will be a fun year.
There's the cheating fox running,
Becoming a relative cleverly.
We'll ask her in a minute.

- Hey everyone! Oh my!
Why did you stand up like donkeys?
Set the tables!
New Year is coming, friends,
I will be his symbol!
What are you staring at, dude? (To the wolf)

- You, Fox? That's it!

- What did you think, friends?
Year of the fox, I am the fox!

- No, let's not lie!
We know that the Monkey
He will rule for a whole year.

- Oh, what stupid people!
Who is the monkey?

- Who?

- Yes, the chicken is stupid!
Bow-legged ugly girl.
Her ears stick out
She has a tail like a snake.
And the Fox, that is, me -
Forest beauty!

- Yes, we know you, Lisa.
You are beautiful, no doubt
Give us a truthful answer,
Is the monkey so obnoxious?

- Her gums are open
She has a huge mouth
She takes everything into her paws.

- What does he take?

- Yes, whatever.
I saw this myself.
He might even take a gun
Even shoot! (EMCESS ON THE LETTER e)

- Oh my!

- She's also stupid.
Well, why do you need it, I don’t know
As many as three hundred and five
Days to trust the silly girl!

- Santa Claus appointed her.
It will be like this and not otherwise!
He's already taking her
To give her a year.
We managed to set the tables,
And they wanted to know about her,
Thought you were friends.

- Oh, I was just joking!
Yes, we are good friends.
She has such ears!
The fur all over it sparkles.
We are cousins.
She's so smart.
I don't even know
Who is smarter, her or me?
That's for you to judge, friends.
She is not very tall.
She has such a face!
The eyes are like coals.
And furry cheeks.
It can take anything into its paws.
Wears a fashionable coat.

- Don't lie to us, it's hot there.

- Is this during the day or in the morning?
The sun is shining very brightly
And then, of course, it's hot,
She's wearing a sundress.
Well, when the moon rises,
There's already a scarf, a coat and a hat,
And also a bag in the paws.
She's such a fashionista!
I don't know anyone else like him.

(You can hear bells and the creaking of sleigh runners)

Oh, here comes Santa Claus
Brought our clever girl!

- Greetings to everyone, friends!
I was not the only one who came.

- Hello! I'm glad to see everyone.
In the midst of such snowfall,
In the midst of a storm and blizzard
I see you're having fun here!

- Yes, and we are all very happy
Seeing you here next to us.
You're coming to us from afar, aren't you?

- Are you cold?

- Yes, slightly.

- Here's your fur coat!

- Here are your hats!

- These are felt boots for the paws.

- Thanks to all! I see live
you can here.

- Let's be friends.

- I am always glad to have friendship.
I brought you as a reward
The joy of the sun's rays,
The tenderness of fabulous nights.
I brought you playfulness,
And a little naughtiness
Wisdom for all years.
Be happy always!

(BABA YAGA suddenly appears)

- Wisdom for all years!
Wisdom is not food!

- Granny hedgehog, as always
You grumble, you grumble all the time...

- Yes!
Why shouldn't I grumble?
I won't be silent anymore
I'll say it straight to your face,
You know I'm stubborn
You know I'm truthful
Look at this marvel, everyone (points to the Monkey)
Naked ass, but to power!
I don't like it, passion,
When stupidity thrives.
Who knows the monkey here?
She is a stranger to everyone around her.
And everyone around me knows me.
I guess I'm already two hundred years old
Lived in this place.
They've already written about me
I'm a fairy tale character.
I have to lead this year,
I want to rule the planet!

- Well, you sing,
Granny hedgehog, well, so what?
Maybe it's your turn
Let the people judge us.

- How do you tell me to understand?
Should we choose a symbol?
Then I am definitely a symbol,
Will you support me, friends?

- No, Fox, you wait,
Here the situation is completely different.
You need to decide, friends,
Granny hedgehog or me.
I told you what I bring to you.

- Only this is not enough for us.
We don't need games, dancing,
Warmth of the sun, fairy tale nights.
Wisdom for all years,
This is just nonsense!

- Your turn, Yaga. Well,
Tell us what will you bring?
Tell us without lying. (raises his staff over Baba Yaga)

- I'll make noise and commotion!
I will bring misfortune this year!

- My God! What passions!

- Are we in trouble? What for?

- Everyone will have more fun!

- Does misfortune make it more fun?

- Well, at least more alive.
Passions will immediately flare up.

- Oh, why bother?

- I will bring you troubles!
I'll start a fire in the forest!

- Well, have mercy, but why?

- Everyone will have more fun!
And I’ll also cause a pestilence,
This is necessary sometimes.
I use my power to the fullest!

- Maybe she's drunk?

- No, friends, she is not drunk,
Both Yaga and Monkey
Everything was stated truthfully.
You've seen it all yourself,
My staff shone over her,
He did not allow lies.

- What I’m saying is not the point.
That's not what I wanted to say.

- You wanted to tell a lie
We need to know the truth.

- Oh, you are so harmful!

- Yes, I know that myself.
That's why I'm Granny the Hedgehog.
I'm a little harmful.

- We're sorry, we don't need you.

- Well, so be it, I’m even glad.
Otherwise I would have caused trouble,
And everything around is so nice.

- Well, it’s time and honor for us to know,
It's time to hand over the year.

- Oh, for mercy, this is too much,
Pass the year on to the monkey!
She has such a face!

- What?

- You look like me.
Same fur, same eyes!
Only everything is a different color.

- You should know, my darling fox,
My ears stick out
I can hear everything miles away.
Do you understand this?

- Oh, of course, sister,
I know you are a craftswoman
Do all. You're good.
Your soul is pure.

- I see you are cunning, Foxy.
Only you are not my sister.
Who you are is who you will be
We'll get along somehow.

- That's okay, everything is like in a fairy tale!
I wish everyone happiness, affection,
Friendship, joy, luck,
Good mood to everyone!
And be healthy everyone!
And be friends with each other!

New Year's evening scenario for high school students

MKOU Krinichanskaya secondary school

The song sounds based on the song “Three White Horses”

1. The rivers froze and the earth cooled,

It's hot time at school:

Christmas tree holiday - we celebrate the New Year,

The best holiday is celebrating the New Year

How wonderful it is that it’s winter outside!


Let winter take away all sorrows completely

And the old year is already passing.

Only in the new year I will come to school again

The old class, the best class is waiting for me.

2. Together we are gnawing on the granite of science

And we gain our minds.

Autumn and spring come to school,

Every year they always come

But, of course, winter is dearer to us all!


3. And at school it’s New Year’s Eve again:

Silver rain, tinsel!

Fluffy snow flies outside the window,

It distracts us all from studying.

This is how we will remember school time!


Presenter 1.

Good evening friends!

Presenter 2.


Presenter 1.

Today we have gathered in this hall to spend the old year with a cheerful mood, with charming smiles and celebrate the happiest holiday - the arrival of the new year!

Presenter 2.

There are many wonderful holidays,

Each one comes in its own turn.

But the kindest holiday in the world,

The best holiday is New Year!

Presenter 1.

He gives us faith in a good chance,

On the first day and on a new turn,

Helps you become better

Happy New Year to everyone in the world!

Presenter 2.

Louder laughter and joyful hugs.

And flies from all latitudes of the earth

Clock chime. We are all each other's brothers!

There is a holiday on the planet - New Year!

Together: Happy New Year!

Presenter 1.

Celebrating the New Year is an amazing time, always exciting, always joyful, and these simple words: “Happy New Year! With new happiness!" we say them with a special feeling because they can only be said once a year!

Presenter 2.

The floor for congratulations goes to the school director L.A. Tyuterev.

Congratulations to the school principal.

Presenter 2.

Let me introduce you to our New Year's jury.

(Introduction of the jury members)

The song "Snowflake" is playing

Presenter 1.

The year begins with blue twilight,

An old Christmas tree tale,

The flickering and sparkle of candles,

Hidden hope: of course, he will be good.

And prickly frost, and a scattering of star paths.

Presenter 2.

And the snow keeps flying, showering powder.

And a star lit up above every tree in the forest.

The year is starting - well, of course it will be good,

And with happiness he will make friends with you forever!

Presenter 1.

But before we begin our holiday, we must ask the audience present: “Are you ready to celebrate the New Year?”

The audience answers: “Yes!”

Presenter 2:

Yes, friends, are you really ready to celebrate the New Year? Are you ready to meet him?

Spectators: "Yes!"

Presenter 1:

But it seems to me that something or someone is missing for a real New Year celebration. Without whom does the New Year not come?

Presenter 2:

Of course, without Father Frost and Snow Maiden! So let's call the main characters of this wonderful New Year's action!

Spectators and presenters call Father Frost and Snow Maiden 3 times.

But 3 girls come out.

Fairy tale "Three maidens..."

A Teenage Girl, a Glamorous Girl and a Bitch are sitting at the table.


Three dudes under the window,

New Year's Eve,

The talkers were talking

And they talked about the future.

Teenage girl:

If I were a queen,

Everyone would have to get into a club

Discos day and night,

They'd light it up, that's for sure!

Glamor girl:

If I were a queen, -


Her sister says

Glamor girl:

Glamor girl:

I would be more glamorous than everyone else

She led the fashionistas with her!


If I were a queen, -


The sister blurted out the third, -


I would take revenge on the men,

She twisted them into a ram's horn.

And so as not to hang around women

And they were doing housekeeping!


I just managed to say -

The door creaked softly,

Santa Claus is coming, king,

The sides of that sovereign.

Father Frost:

Oh, girls, so girls!

Real queens!

Young, wonderful,

Very interesting!

Who here wants to get married?

Here I am, already matured!


Yes, we can’t bear to get married!

You won't find a groom,

So with a penthouse, with a car

And the director of the JSC!

Glamor girl:

Santa Claus, you're single,

Promising (even gray-haired!),

Well, we are beauties

Even without vodka!

Teenage girl:

You're a pensioner with us,

Lovelace is a millionaire,

You miss your wife

You take pictures of girls.

You would be with a frisky girl

I would have a blast in Hilsa.

What, grandfather, choose

But don't deprive me!

Father Frost:

Well, cool bride,

And she belongs in the penthouse!

To relieve boredom,

He will sing and dance!

The wedding march sounds, Santa Claus and a teenage girl walk around the Christmas tree.

Father Frost:

Well, business is calling me

Well, you manage here!

Santa Claus leaves, and the teenage girl arranges a loud disco, a lot of people come running, everyone is making noise...

Santa Claus is returning.

Father Frost:

How to understand this?

I want to run away quickly!

Well party, well it sucks

We are divorcing you!

The teenage girl leaves, the glamorous girl comes.

Father Frost:

Oh, girl, just a miracle!

I will marry this one!

After all, with a beautiful wife

I will be forever young!

Marry me

I already love you!

Glamor girl:

For the king? Well, great

I tried not in vain:

I went to the cosmetologist,

Visited a massage therapist

And dressed in haute couture

I'm cool... purr-purr-purr...

The wedding march sounds, Santa Claus and the Glamorous Girl walk arm in arm around the Christmas tree.

Father Frost:

Well, business is calling me

Well, you manage here!

Santa Claus leaves, and the Glamorous Girl takes a wad of money and sits down at the table.

Glamor girl:

I'll buy a limousine

And not alone,

Beauty salon,

A carriage of jewels,

There are a lot of expensive clothes -

How I dreamed about them!

Santa Claus is returning.

Father Frost:

Who's spending the money here?

And clogs everything up with rags?!

You'll leave me in a thong

And you will become rich yourself!

That's it, we're getting a divorce, goodbye

And take all the rags!

The glamorous girl leaves, the Bitch comes.

Father Frost:

Damn, another one has arrived!

O-O-O, that’s what I dreamed about!


I'm not a copy of my sisters,

You can enjoy it with me

And good at work

And a beautiful soul

(You won't want to run away

From me you are under the bed!)

Let's be husband and wife

My passionate Santa Claus!

Father Frost:

Well, let me persuade you,

There is not enough strength to argue!

The wedding march sounds, Santa Claus and Bitch walk around the tree arm in arm.

Father Frost:

Well, business is calling me

Well, you manage here!

Santa Claus leaves, and Bitch takes out a whip and puts on a leather suit.


I'll destroy the old man

I hate the man

I can't stand all louts

I love only myself!

I will arrange a life like this,

That he will howl in horror,

There is no better intriguer

Curse the whole world!

Santa Claus is returning home.

Father Frost:

What type? Tell me please?

You have changed so dramatically!


Oh, come on, get it,

Where did you climb? Answer!

The bitch hits Santa Claus with a whip, and then hits him on the back with the handle of the whip.

Father Frost:

Have you completely lost your mind?

Or maybe you're mad!

Get out of the house! I'm getting a divorce!

All! I won't marry again!

The bitch leaves. The Snow Maiden is coming.

Snow Maiden:

I came running from a fairy tale,

I got to the Krinichan school

And what kind of man is here -

This is the truth, not flattery!

Father Frost:

I'm seriously fascinated!

What a sweet moment!

Here comes the princess of dreams,

I'm seriously in love now!

Will you marry me?

We will celebrate for three days!

Snow Maiden:

The wedding will be just what you need

And we'll dance until we drop,

After all, we will marry you

On your main winter holiday!


Santa Claus: - New Year will come for everyone, -

Snow Maiden: - Happiness is walking around the world! -

Santa Claus: - Who suddenly decided to get married, -

Snow Maiden: - Don’t rush, suddenly the devil has confused you,

Santa Claus: - Always wait for your love, -

Snow Maiden: - If necessary, wait a year!

Father Frost.

Well, now let's have fun!

Snow Maiden.

Let's continue the holiday!

Let's all dance together!

Round dance “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

Snow Maiden.

The chime of the clock floats above the sky,

The lights in the windows are not extinguished by the cities!

I wish everyone a Happy New Year!

Always be happy in life!..

Father Frost.

May this year

With new happiness

To you on a dark night

He will enter the house.

And along with the smell of spruce

It will bring goodness and joy.

Snow Maiden.

And now the 8th grade students have prepared a New Year’s dance for you.

8th grade dance

Presenter 1.

New Year is knocking at the gate,

May it bring you a lot of happiness.

And good luck and success,

And cheerful friendly laughter,

And hope and warmth for everyone.

Presenter 2.

On New Year's Eve outside the window

The snow is falling quietly.

Let at your table

There will be joy and laughter.

Happy New Year!

Song "Winter Months"

Father Frost.

You've been waiting for him for a whole year:

“Well, when will he come?”

And when it comes,

It flies by so quickly...

Snow Maiden.

Don't waste a moment

We need to make a wish.

And meet him with a smile,

Be sure to really believe

That dreams come true

Wishes come true!!!

Sketch “The Family Celebrates the New Year” - 11th grade.

Presenter 1.

The colorful balls on the Christmas tree are shining,

And the threads of rain sparkle like silver.

I wish you a happy and bright holiday,

May he be happy for you!

Presenter 2.

May the year be successful and happy,

May all your dreams come true.

And may your cherished wishes come true,

What will you wish for on New Year's Eve?

Song "Winter-cold"

Father Frost.

Why on New Year's

So anxious in my chest -

Everyone wants to know

What is there ahead?

Snow Maiden.

On New Year's Eve with love

We send you our regards.

We wish you happiness and health

And new joyful victories!

10th grade skit “Come on!”

Presenter 1.

New Year is a magical holiday!

There is a leapfrog of smiles in it,

It contains surprises, games, jokes,

Fairy tale, fiction, game.

Presenter 2.

So let's have fun

I'm going through troubles in spite of everyone,

So that from joyful smiles

Weave a festive carpet.

Song "Silly Snowflakes"

Snow Maiden.

May the New Year bring you good luck,

Complex problems will be solved.

And success will bring with it,

Happiness and love to boot!

Father Frost:

Let, despite the snow and cold,

Warmth lives in the heart,

And next to you will be the one who is dear,

And the dream comes true.

9th grade skit.

Presenter 1.

And says goodbye to the past year

The soul is calm, without difficulty.

May the new year be good

Good luck, happiness and goodness!

Presenter 2.

For the New Year, for the New Year

The blizzard worries the hearts.

Let your dream call you into the distance,

Let everyone love each other!

Song "Unusual"

Presenter 1.

Health, joy and good luck

May the new year bring you.

May happiness be a light snowflake

It will fall into your palms.

Presenter 2.

May the sun always shine on you!

May your life last up to 100 years!

Let never come to your doors

Sadness and grief don't knock!

Dramatized song “Tractor Driver” - 11th grade

Father Frost: I completely forgot about the gifts, here they are! What's in the bag, I wonder? Some kind of disks, flash drives, DJ? What would that mean?

Snow Maiden: This means that our gift is a New Year's disco!

Father Frost : DJ, DJ, let's call him together, guys.

(Everyone shouts along with the guys. The DJ comes out).

Here you have, young man, discs and flash drives for the disco, I hope that everyone will be satisfied with the music.

Dancing. Games. Competitions.

A variety of miracles happen on New Year's Day. It’s not for nothing that this time is called magical and amazing. In preparing for a school or New Year's holiday, creativity and a creative approach are important. It is important that the holiday scenario is modern, interesting and fun. This scenario has everything you need for an unforgettable time at the New Year's, school lights. Spending time 40-50 minutes. Designed only for high school students.

Baba Yaga, Stylist, Snow Maiden, Father Frost, Kikimora, Leshy, Blonde, Presenter, Presenter.

On stage is the scenery of Baba Yaga's hut. The Presenter and the Presenter appear.

The New Year is rushing towards us, rushing,
A miracle will happen soon
It's time for magic soon
It's time to make a wish!
It's time to prepare congratulations,
And light fires everywhere,
Wear bright clothes,
A glorious holiday is ahead!

Exactly, exactly, get ready,
Get ready, try your best
Soon the tree will light up,
The holiday is knocking on the door!

Dear friends, we are glad to see you today at our holiday. As you know, New Year is a time of change and magic.

Change is always good. Everyone strives for them, even fairy-tale heroes.

Are you talking about commotion now?

Haven't you heard? Baba Yaga has now decided to change her appearance. Here everyone around you already knows, and only you don’t know.

You're lying! This cannot be!

Maybe, maybe! We bet your wish that by the end of the evening, Baba Yaga will become a beauty!

Oh, we bet! Get ready, I’ll make such a wish for you! I’ll just look for an idea on the Internet and come up with an idea!

Let's go, I'll help you find it! And at the same time I will make sure that the desire is decent!

(The presenters leave. Baba Yaga appears on the stage, all in rags, holding a mirror in her hands)

Baba Yaga:
Soon, soon New Year,
The whole country was waiting for him,
Soon, soon he will come,
Even I got ready!
I need to pick out a dress
Makeup, hairdo,
I need to tidy up the house
And make salads!
Maybe dye your hair
Or maybe curl them,
Maybe fix my eyebrows,
And curl your eyelashes!
I don’t know what to do
I haven't put on makeup for a long time
I'll conjure a stylist,
What an idea! It's decided!

(Makes a symbolic gesture with his hands, the Stylist appears in the hall. Enters, burying his face in the magazine)

Now, now my princess, I will show you the latest news! You will fall with delight! Look, darling, what a color, what a wow! (looks up).Oh, where am I? What actually happened? My little bubba, where are you? What bad taste all around, what horror!

Baba Yaga:
Well, why immediately horror? So, a little unkempt.

What bad manners! What a dress, what hair, what an image!

(The chorus of the song “Well, why are you so scary”)

Baba Yaga:
Yes, I’m absolutely beautiful! Wow, he really was a pro and appreciated my most fashionable dress. Like?

Like? Yes, you can use it to scare children on Halloween!

Baba Yaga:
So, what do you think I’m doing?

What about the hair? And those nails! And anyway, where is my Bead? Her image is not finished!

Baba Yaga:
In general, barber, stop wailing! Come quickly, make me beautiful! Run!

How rude. What if I refuse?

Baba Yaga:
I'll eat you or turn you into a toad!

But, I have everything by appointment!

Baba Yaga:
Oh, that's enough already! Turn me into a beauty!

Well, okay, I persuaded you! Say what you want?

Baba Yaga:
I want, I want, I want, I don’t know, for it to be nice!

(The stylist takes two photographs out of his pocket, one of a girl with hair done and makeup, the other of a monster from a horror movie)

Alas, it is impossible to explain what “cute” is, you have to see it for yourself. It's not too late to refuse, then there will be no turning back. Choose this picture (shows the option with a monster), I can’t help you, choose this picture (shows version with makeup), you will find yourself in a fairy tale. Remember, darling, I only offer you perfection!

Baba Yaga:
What to choose here? Paint me! New Year is coming!

(The stylist begins to allegedly put Baba Yaga in order. Leshy and Kikimora appear on the stage)

Hey old lady, we came here to drink some tea with toadstools. Put on the kettle! So, I didn’t understand something, what’s going on here?

Why did you suddenly think of this?

Baba Yaga:
Leave me alone! I decided to be beautiful and find myself a groom. Why am I still alone, and alone? And I want to celebrate the New Year as a human being, transformed, so to speak!

Leshun, did you hear? She's getting married! Oh, I can't! Ha, ha, ha, ha!

The bride is elderly!

But you are laughing in vain! Dear, you need to refresh your skin, tidy up your hair, in general, a complete upgrade! But you, darling, could use a manicure, a new dress and makeup, otherwise you look terrible!

I am the queen of the swamps
I know a lot about scaring
And I'm beautiful, I'm irresistible
I visit the salon every year!

And I've been beautiful since birth,
I'm beautiful, no doubt about it,
So brutal, strong,
And fashionable myself, I will give advice!

Are you on the waiting list?

(Kikimora and Leshy unanimously “Yes.” The stylist takes out a tablet)

So, can I receive you in 2019, and then only early in the morning, make an appointment?

Are you kidding me? Now come on! I also want to celebrate the New Year beautiful!

And I!

OK then. Just guess a couple of riddles, and then I will decide who will be first and who will come in 2019!

(Several riddles are read, or instead of them, you can do some one, in which the audience can take part. The stylist chooses the winner. The clicking of heels is heard. A Blonde appears with curlers on her head, with a phone in her hands and in a hairdresser’s robe)

My little bead! I didn't understand! What's the matter? Where are you even lost? Why should I look for you using GPS?

Well, my dear, they promised to eat me here.

So what! I would eat it, then go back and finish it! It’s a few hours before the New Year, and I still have to remember where I need to go.

Lady, in line, here, by the way, everyone wants to be beautiful!

Wow, not beautiful.

Baba Yaga:
Hey, don't stop the maestro from creating! Otherwise I’ll turn everyone into toads!

Oh, I don’t mind, green is trendy, I’ll be fashionable!

You will be croaking, not fashionable!

(A knock is heard. A disheveled Snow Maiden flies into the hut with Santa Claus)

Snow Maiden :
We made our way through the wind, through the snow,
And my braids are a little disheveled,
The makeup ran lightly,
I need to be beautiful urgently, now!
I have to dance in circles in an hour,
Sing songs, dance and joke,
Come on, stylist, make me look beautiful,
Or I might even deprive you of the gift!

Wow! There's a queue here, by the way! So, let's get in line like everyone else!

Snow Maiden :
By the way, I am the granddaughter of Santa Claus!

And why, my dad is the president, but who’s bragging!

Father Frost :
They're waiting for care, kids,
It's high time for us to go,
Be good, I beg you
Comb her braid!

Baba Yaga:
Look, what a slow-witted guy, they told me to get in line! I actually rented it first!

Father Frost :
Yaga, are you planning to ruin the holiday again?

Baba Yaga:
I don’t want to spoil anything, I just want to be beautiful and get married! I might want to be kind, but you keep getting in the way!

Snow Maiden :
So be kind! Let me through! I have a Christmas tree, kids!

Baba Yaga:
And my happiness is at stake!

Father Frost :
Well, be a man, Yaga! I’ve already prepared New Year’s greetings! I want to get home quickly, I have a fur coat, Olivier, jellied meat there! And my granddaughter will have a cake!

Oh, I parked, I parked, I don’t remember where I parked!

(Everyone begins to animatedly argue and gesticulate. The curtain falls. The presenters appear)

Presenter (rubbing hands):
Are you ready to fulfill my New Year's whim, honestly won?

Are you ready to do mine if you lose?

But this was funny. Where am I and where will I lose?

Leading (supposedly casting a spell):
Now, immediately, appear before us,
A beauty, so well-groomed,
She who was the soul of evil and reptiles,
The one that was called the Bone Leg!

(The curtain rises. A girl stands on the stage in a beautiful dress, with makeup and hairstyle)

Who let a stranger into the hall? Girl, clear the stage, we have an important argument here!

Stop! Why did you attack? Girl, who are you?

Young woman:
My name is Yagulechka, my Stylist came up with the name for me and chose the dress too.

Invented? What was your name before?

Young woman:
Baba Yaga, but that's in the past. I am now kind and beautiful!

You must be evil and scary!

Young woman:
Why was I angry and scary before, but because I didn’t have a Stylist!

I command you, loser, to fulfill my cherished desire!

(A wish is made that corresponds to the theme. The presenter can also appoint a fun competition from the Congratulations website instead of the wish. And while the presenter is fulfilling, other heroes appear on the stage, dressed in beautiful outfits)

The New Year is already rushing towards us,
Soon everything will happen to us,
One has only to wish
And accept your gift!

(After this, everyone sings together the Disco Accident song “The New Year is rushing towards us”)

The evening is drawing to a close
The holiday is knocking on our doors,
I want to pay tribute to him,
Let the lights come on everywhere!

I suggest, we are friends,
Light up a beautiful Christmas tree!
Together, come on, one, two, three,
Christmas tree, come on, burn!

High school students are also looking forward to the New Year, just like younger students. For them, it means not only school holidays, gifts and entertainment, but also the opportunity to touch a childhood that has not yet gone far. We have prepared a scenario for the New Year 2019 at school for high school students, the funny plot of which will help entertain even almost adult schoolchildren.

The musical call signs of the holiday sound. The Wizard enters the stage.

WIZARD: We all believe in our hearts that the New Year is coming, and every New Year’s Eve, with trepidation, we wait for the New Year’s gift that the good old grandfather, Moroz Ivanovich, will bring. Have you ever wondered how Santa Claus creates this magical fairy tale for all children? How he manages to fly around the globe in just one night, and what difficulties he has to overcome. If you don’t know how to answer these questions, sit back and get ready to see the real fairy tale of Santa Claus.

A cool New Year's scenario for high school students continues with the throne of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden's table appearing on the stage, elves and snowflakes dancing near her, preparing New Year's gifts, collecting them in a bag.

SANTA CLAUS: So, we are working, there is only an hour left until the new year 2019, what are we standing for? Snow Maiden, I urgently need a report on the preparation of gifts for all provinces.

SNOW MAIDEN: I’ll do it now.

SANTA CLAUS: (to the elves) Why did you stop? Let's work, work! I still have to deliver gifts later. Snow Maiden, well, is everything ready there?

SNOW Maiden: Now, here is your report.

SANTA CLAUS: Okay, let's work quickly. Stop. What is it? Why are almost all graduating classes without gifts?

SNOW Maiden: So, they are all almost 18 years old. Not kids anymore.

SANTA CLAUS: Don't argue! It’s already hard for them this year: final exams, admissions. Just try, they don’t need much, conjure a spell so that their parents vacate the apartment for the New Year and that’s it. This will be the best gift.

SNOW MAIDEN: Okay, I’ll do it in a few minutes.

SANTA CLAUS: (to everyone) So, why did we stop working again?

SNOW MAIDEN: Grandfather, I just received messages that your doubles will not be able to bring gifts to Europe and Africa, they have not been granted a visa.

SANTA CLAUS: What? Well, what should I do now? Run halfway around the world by yourself? Enough, I'm not so young anymore. So, Grandfather, think, think. So, Snow Maiden, call Masha and the Bear, then - Snow White and her dwarves, just don’t take everyone, now it’s expensive, then the Eastern Princess and the Prince need something else Russian, oh, give it to Vasilisa and Ivanushka. Clear?

SNOW MAIDEN: Of course, grandfather, fairy-tale heroes are already on their way and will be there soon.

SANTA CLAUS: Well done Snegurochka, now make me some coffee.

SNOW MAIDEN: (Almost screaming) Well, that's it, I'm sick of everything. Grandfather, you are completely lazy, you sit and give instructions, and I do all the work for you. I want to celebrate too!

SANTA CLAUS: What? Aren't you ashamed? I'm your age...

SNOW Maiden: Times are changing.

(the light blinks and goes out altogether).

SNOW Maiden: Grandfather, what happened?

SANTA CLAUS: Looks like I forgot to pay for the light again.

SNOW MAIDEN: I see, what to do?

SANTA CLAUS: Don’t be nervous, go and meet fairy-tale characters, otherwise they’ll wander in the darkness. In the meantime, I’ll see what’s wrong with the light. (They leave, Grandma Ezhka sneaks onto the stage)

YAGA: So, what do we have here? Did Santa Claus quarrel with his beloved Snow Maiden? Wonderful. This is exactly what I need. Now I'll arrange it for them. Akhalay makhalay abdulai amatai New Year, stand on the mountain with your feet, change fairy-tale heroes with your bodies.

According to the scenario for the New Year 2019 for high school students, the lights turn off and then turn on, the heroes dressed in women's suits and dresses come out: the Bear (in the costume of Masha), the Prince (in the costume of the Eastern Princess in one shoe), Ivanushka (in the costume of Vasilisa), Dwarfs (in Snow White costume)

BEAR: I don’t understand, where is Santa Claus? And what am I doing? Scarf, skirt, legs, oh, legs not shaved. What a shame. And, after all, where is my tail?

PRINCE: Huh, and I was already thinking that I had one more somewhere.

Yeah, and somewhere it disappeared (looks at himself). Why did we end up in women's bodies?

IVANUSHKA: (runs out) Santa Claus, excuse me, there are traffic jams. (looks at other heroes) Oh, I see grandpa has prepared a real gift for me. I don’t think Vasilisa will guess anything. (walks around and looks at the heroes) Hello, beauties, how are you doing?

BEAR: Do you hear, boiler room in a skirt, now I’ll organize a beauty contest for you here, look in the mirror, and then we’ll talk.

IVANUSHKA: Is it really a hairstyle? (looks in the mirror) What is this? (shouting)

BEAR: Ah, I understand, in the end. Oh, you also smell like perfume (steps back and grimaces)

GNOME: Misha, calm down, we need to think about how to return to our bodies.

PRINCE: Wait, if I am now in the body of the Eastern Princess, and she is most likely in my body. Miserable, she is definitely sad, crying. Let's go look for her! (they leave)

(the composition sounds, the heroines come out in appropriate men's suits)

MASHA: Grandfather Frost, where are you?

EASTERN PRINCESS: (shouting) Ahh, it's the Bear! Save yourself.

All: Don't eat us!

MASHA: Wait, wait, I’m Masha, I don’t know where I got this tail from, and my arms are so furry. And you, too, are such big guys, but you squeal like real girls.

EASTERN PRINCESS: Big guys? I lost 4kg just last week.

VASILISA: Where is my morning make-up and manicure? And why am I Ivanushka anyway?

EASTERN PRINCESS: Pinch me! (pinch) Aw, it hurts, I'm the Princess, not Klitschko. No, that's it, this is the end.

MASHA: At least you have become guys, and I have become a bear. I still have to bring a batch of pies to my grandmother for the New Year, otherwise she’s really hooked on this product.

1 GNOME: Girlfriends, let’s look at this practically, we have now become strong (showing biceps), powerful, beautiful and smart. Well, what do the guys say about themselves?

EASTERN PRINCESS: Yes, and now we can solve this problem without the help of our guys.

(Then, according to the New Year's scenario for high school, a composition from the movie Brigade is played, all the fairy-tale characters come out)

BABA YAGA: Well, in the end you all got together. I’ll tell you honestly, Santa Claus has always been my competitor in this difficult business. My holiday is Halloween, his is New Year. Today I did not miss the opportunity to ruin the holiday, but if you fulfill my whims, perhaps I will change your bodies.

PRINCE: You won't succeed.

BEAR: (approaching the table and threatening) Listen, I’ll eat the grandmothers in one fell swoop, quickly change our bodies.

BABA YAGA: I don't think so . (raises his hand, four security guards come out and stand near the table)

EASTERN PRINCESS: Okay, tell us what we need to do.

BABA YAGA: So it would be right away. Well then. You, Prince, need to find a second shoe for your Eastern Princess, otherwise she is now barefoot on one foot. You, Vasilisa, need to teach Ivanushka how to belly dance.

VASILISA: This means that I am in this body forever.

IVANUSHKA: What is this? I dance wonderfully.

BABA YAGA: You, Masha, prepare me the most delicious pies so that they melt in my mouth. And you, Snow White, I know, you like to eat apples and then sleep for years. Well, find me the apple of my dreams. You have one hour to complete tasks, up to twelve. That's it, time has passed.

(heroes disperse)

BABA YAGA: Let's leave here.

Wizard: And so, the fairy-tale heroes scattered all over the world, throughout all the fairy tales, to complete all the difficult and treacherous tasks of Baba Yaga.

EASTERN PRINCESS: Well, it’s hard to find shoes for you! We've already covered the entire market!

PRINCE: That is, if I look for shoes for you every year, that’s normal, but as soon as I throw a ball, you see, it’s only possible until 12, and after that, look for it in the field.

EASTERN PRINCESS: What about me? And I'm okay. Dear, maybe...

PRINCE: No, no way, not that winged monster - the Wizard.

EASTERN PRINCESS: Lord, why don’t you love him so much?

PRINCE: What? Ha, you can laugh. And remember, dear, how he mocked me. I was so enchanted by you that I couldn’t even kiss you, and I sat in the bushes all day laughing.

EASTERN PRINCESS: He is for my good. Well, cat, bunny, please, or do you want to leave me in this body forever? Selfish, you never loved me! (turns around, cries and leaves)

PRINCE: Not women's tears, that's it, pretty dear, come on, everyone, call your wizard.

EASTERN PRINCESS: Excellent. Hey Wizard!

(Funny scenario for New Year 2019 at school for high school studentscontinues with the wizard jumping onto the stage)

PRINCE: Wizard, honey, we are in such trouble, we don’t know what to do.

WIZARD: Hey, what is he doing? Two days ago I shouted that my wings would be pulled out, but here it’s on you! (pushes the prince)

PRINCE: listen, old man, such an opportunity happened here. Baba Yaga and the Eastern Princess swapped our bodies.

(The WIZARD looks at the princess and smiles)

WIZARD: Wow, so you are this, and he is that... Wow!

PRINCE: (to the Princess) And you also ask why I don’t love him. You and I are in grief, but he laughs, his ears twitching. Egoist.

WIZARD: Please, no insults. Laughter is an uncontrollable reaction of the body.

PRICE: So, will you help? We need to find a shoe for his foot. (raises his leg and shows the Wizard). No suitable size.

WIZARD: Well, yes, a noble bast shoe. But now nothing is impossible. Wait. (pulls out a box and starts rummaging through it). So, this is not the same, this is not from that collection. And here it is. Princess, kiss me - that's it.

ORIENTAL PRINCESS: Thank you (hugs the Wizard) Everyone, thank you, we ran. (Leave the stage)

WIZARD: Run, run. Well, this is what it takes. (leaves)

An energetic musical composition plays, Masha and the Bear come out

BEAR: how to knead it, is it dough? I already have it everywhere except pies. Masha, let's help.

MASHA: Ha, I found something to scare you, as if it was the first time. I asked you so many times, before you want to play with me, brush your teeth! No, today you will be left without sweets.

BEAR: Well, Masha, well, help.

MASHA: how can I make pies for you, with your bear paws? What do you think, I make these pies for you all the time? Bear, what century do you live in? Quickly go to the local bakery, they will make you everything of the highest quality.

BEAR: Oh, right, I'll be quick, wait here. (walks, stops, slowly returns) Stop, so you’re not the one baking, you say?

MASHA: Bear, there’s no time for that now, you run and run.

(Snow White and 3 dwarfs come out, they laugh and point their fingers at everything)

SNOW WHITE: Come on, I can’t do this anymore, form a line. Dwarves, listen to my command. Need to do something.

GNOME1: You are the dwarf, and we are Snow White.

GNOME 2: We were scattered over bodies with your main signs. For example, I am very kind.

GNOME 3: And I’m dreamy. But this one sleeps all the time. (pushes neighbor)

SNOW WHITE: Okay, girls, what kind of apples did you find?

GNOME 2: We found some apples here, but...

(Ezhka flies in)

BABA YAGA: Well, I already want to get my apple!

GNOME1: I found this. (According to the scenario for high school students, the gnome hands an apple to Baba Yaga, she does not take it, pushes Gnome 2, who is sleeping again). Hey, wake up. What apple did you find?

GNOME 2: What an apple, I still have time to sleep . (holding an Apple iPad in his hands, Baba Yaga snatches it)

BABA YAGA: So here it is, the apple of my dreams. Wow, guys, a hefty iPad!

All: So will you switch our bodies?

BABA YAGA: I'll think about it.

(Little Red Riding Hood comes out with a basket of pies and a wolf)

BABA YAGA: Well, how are my pies?

MASHA: ready. (raises the basket of pies)

BABA YAGA: (tasting the pies) Mmmm delicious, just as I asked, it melts in your mouth. But no, I won’t change places because they are high in calories and I will gain weight because of them.

MASHA: Well, well, you promised.

BABA YAGA: get used to new bodies.

BEAR: (approaches Baba Yaga)) Do you hear, do you want me to show you how the bear growls?

BABA YAGA: Sorry, I was wrong, I was joking, I’ll exchange your bodies. I swear by the broom. Go.

BEAR: Look at me. (leave)

BABA YAGA: So, they fed me, I already have an iPad, now I want some kind of spectacle. (leaves)

(Then, according to the script for the New Year’s performance for high school students, Vasilisa and Ivanushka come on stage and dance)

VASILISA: So, let's do it again.

IVANUSHKA: And I won’t dance these boogie-woogies. What am I, a girl?

VASILISA: You can remain her forever, have you forgotten?

IVANUSHKA: Yeah, you’ll forget this, okay, we need to find this Baba Yaga, I’ll show her a master class.

(Yaga comes out)

BABA YAGA: Did you call me? You are ready?

IVANUSHKA: So, turn on the music!

“Kalinka” sounds, Ivanushka and Vasilisa dance

BABA YAGA: No, neither, nor again. Yes, I will dance the best. You failed.

IVANUSHKA: Sorry, I thought I could handle it.

VASILISA: what can you do - let’s submit to fate. But I will still love Ivanushka, he is the best.

(Yaga is crying)

VASILISA: What do you want? Haven't you made fun of us enough?

BABA YAGA: you touched me, I’m not iron, I’m kind, I’ll exchange your bodies. Just don’t tell anyone that you saw me like this, it doesn’t suit my image.

VASILISA: Thank you, grandma!

VASILISA: We won't tell anyone.

BABA YAGA: (touched) Go! (leave) Well, at five minutes to twelve, good again won, and I, and I was left alone - alone.

(all heroes come out)

EASTERN PRINCESS: Granny, what are you worth, the New Year 2019 is about to begin.

MASHA: Come eat pies with us.

VASILISA: Do you hear? New Year is approaching.

(Father Frost and Snow Maiden come out)

SNOW Maiden: What happened, where did you go? We were worried, we were looking for you, but we didn’t start the holiday.

SANTA CLAUS: Grandma, admit it, did you do this?

SNOW MAID: Moroz Ivanovich, Granny, enough of this quarreling, let's conclude a peace agreement on New Year's Eve. I've already prepared it. I am reading. (reading) The Agency of Santa Claus and the Agency of Baba Yaga solemnly conclude a peace treaty, they undertake to do everything in a friendly manner and in harmony.

BABA YAGA: I agree.

SANTA CLAUS: hands down. (shakes hands)

VASILISA: Do you hear, the clock is chiming the last minute, the New Year 2019 is about to come.

SANTA CLAUS: Well, what are you standing for, let's celebrate!

The scenario for New Year 2019 at a school for high school students ends with the sound of a cheerful New Year's song, all the characters throwing snowballs into the hall, and Baba Yaga trying to throw out a bucket of New Year's sparkles.

Silver arrow. New Year's scenario

New Year's musical script for high school students

Tsar (Typical - a little narcissistic, a little tyrant...)
Ivan Tsarevich (Obedient, honest, noble. Fool, in a word.))
Nanny of the Tsarevich (Basically, the Tsar’s eminence grise. In a good way)
Varenka - nanny's niece (Smart. Beautiful. Brunette)
Baba Yaga (Classical)
Leshy (Ordinary, shaggy.)
Kikimora (Bolotnaya. That's the surname.)
Guglovna (Modern fairy-tale character. Lives on the Internet. Knows everything!)
Father Frost
Snow Maiden

Google. Our story could have happened anywhere, in any village, village, city, regional center and even the capital on any street number 221-b. , but all the inhabitants of our vast Motherland will claim that it happened only among them.

Sherlock Holmes - Watson, is it December 31st today and are we having dinner today with your amazing military-style cutlets?

Watson - yes, but you guessed it.

Sherlock Holmes is elementary, Watson. Only once a year, namely on December 31, Mrs. Hudson leaves us to visit her distant relatives, and then you have to cook dinner, and, as I know, you cook excellent cutlets, and besides, their smell has already spread throughout the house.

Watson – Brilliant and simple as always.

Sherlock Holmes - tell Watson, and your extraordinary salad...

Watson - "Olivier"

Sherlock Holmes - Yes, I always forget the name, such a rare dish, ready

Watson - you know Holmes, this is too much, how do you know that I’m preparing this salad, it was my surprise.

Sherlock Holmes - yes, it's elementary. Watson, half an hour ago you took a jar of green peas, boiled sausage, mayonnaise, boiled potatoes and a jar of pickled cucumbers from our refrigerator.

Watson – yes, simple as always.

Sherlock Holmes - Watson, is the salad ready?

Watson - Oh yes, it just needs to be mixed (leaves)

The doorbell rings

Sherlock Holmes - Watson, who's there?

Watson - this is New Year's greetings to you

Sherlock Holmes - no, this is not a congratulation, this is a letter (reads). Buddy, what do you think about this? (gives the letter)

Watson - (reads, thinks) - yes, this really is not a congratulation, it was written by a child’s hand, on unusual paper, and something serious happened.

Sherlock Holmes - I’ll tell you more, wrote a girl named Varya, the royal son and some precious arrow disappeared from the royal family.

Watson - how do you know this?

Sherlock Holmes - from a letter, everything is written here, read it.

Watson - “Dear Sherlock Holmes. There is trouble in our kingdom, Ivan Tsarevich was stolen, the silver arrow disappeared. Help. No one else will help. Varenka" - kidnepeng. Did Professor Mariarti really decide to steal children?

Sherlock Holmes - no Watson, but I think it's a very confusing story.

Watson - how, Mr. Holmes, on New Year's Eve you want to start investigating these crimes

Sherlock Holmes - of course, dear Watson, this is so interesting. You are with me.

Watson - yes, and you’re still asking.

Sherlock Holmes - then take off your wonderful kitchen apron and immediately hit the road.

On the stage - on the left is the interior of Baba Yaga's hut (from the inside), in the middle - an imitation of a forest. On the right is a piece of the interior of the royal chambers, in a prominent place is the throne. The action begins with a scene in Baba Yaga's hut. Characters appear as the action progresses).

Baba Yaga. (He bustles around, sets the table, hums) I know the password... I see a landmark... Ugh!.. Now I'm attached... No, what kind of songs are they now? There used to be songs! They have bloomed... for a long time... chrysanthemums in the garden...
(Kikimora comes in.)
Kikimora: Great, Yaga, am I not late?
Baba Yaga: Will you be late? Always the first one to come to the table.
Kikimora: And I’m disciplined!
Baba Yaga: Well, yes, well, yes, we know how disciplined you are... the first to discipline, the first to convince, so as not to wash the dishes.
(An envelope flies from behind the scenes.)
Baba Yaga: In, eSeMeScaprilyatela.
Kikimora: Come on, come on, read, I love the passion of other people’s letters! (sits more comfortably, rests her cheek, ready to listen)
Baba Yaga: what a letter, what a letter, you are an illiterate swamp. EntoeSeMeSka! From Leshy. (reads) Sy-ko-rabu-doo. Le-shiy. Guests are gathering! (Rubs his hands, at this time another SMS arrives) Issho is alone! (Reads) Pe-rya-du-small. Le-shiy.
Kikimora. Why is he doing this, huh? He won't come, will he?
Baba Yaga. And who knows?
Kikimora: Somewhat fickle.
(An SMS envelope arrives again)
Baba Yaga: Well, Kasya... well, Kasya... (reads) “Again, I'm thinking again. Will." Ugh, then I will, then I will...
(Leshy comes in and rubs his hands):
Leshy: Did I play a great prank on you?
Kikimora: And I was already upset, I thought again, Yaga and I would celebrate the New Year together...
Leshy: And I’m just like a mulberry! Now the three of us will while away the holiday!
Baba Yaga. That's it, what to while away. No entertainment.
Kikimora: And that’s true, even if Ivan Tsarevich got carried away. We could really show off!
Leshy: Yes, we would have fun!
Baba Yaga: Now you won’t be amused! Have you forgotten that you made peace with Santa Claus? We don’t bully, and in return he will send us gifts for the New Year.
Goblin: What do we care about his gifts, sweets and nuts, ugh, disgusting.
Kikimora: I love candy...
Baba Yaga: I had no choice, otherwise I would have entered into an agreement with Frost!
Leshy: Yes, now you’ll be bored. Don't scare anyone, don't chase anyone.
Baba Yaga, Leshy and Kikimora sing a song.

Grandmother Yozhka, Kikimora, Leshy
It was not in vain that we stayed in the hut.
Grandma Yozhka, Kikimora, Leshy
They are plotting against the king!
There is no cure for royal stupidity,
They won't drive us away anymore,
The Tsar will give away half the kingdom for Vanka,
Kashchey will be pleased with us!

Don't stand in our way!
Otherwise we’ll disperse and get rowdy!
And if anything happens, you’ll get hit in the eye!
And Santa Claus is not for us

Grandma Yozhka, Kikimora, Leshy
Kashchei is on the right track
Grandma Yozhka, Kikimora, Leshy
They can smell the benefits a mile away!
We did not break the agreement,
Santa Claus will not present us with a bill
And half the kingdom will soon be legitimate
The king will bring it to us on a platter!

Kikimora: Eh, anyway - no one! Come on, Yaga, get your apple on a platter, let’s see what’s going on in the world.
Baba Yaga: Darkness! The saucer is so yesterday! I have another thing! (Takes out a small suitcase. Opens: on the lid, on the back there is a screen, on the bottom there is a keyboard) Wow!
Leshy: Wow! This is the equipment...
Baba Yaga. It's called a suitcase! Now, now, we’ll find out all the news! (It turns on, the audience cannot see the screen, Guglovna appears on the side of the stage, she is the image on the screen transferred to the stage).

Baba Yaga: Well, Google, tell me the news!
Guglovna: In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a Tsar. And he had three sons - two smart, and the third, as usual... Ivan!
Baba Yaga: Don’t start me from afar, tell me the news!
Guglovna (offended) I can’t tell you anything at all.
Baba Yaga: Well, how touchy they all are, okay, okay, come on, chat...
Guglovna: And now the time has come for the sons to choose their destiny. The Tsar gave them each a silver arrow and ordered them to shoot these arrows - where the arrows fly, there the sons will find their destiny! The eldest son shot an arrow - it flew to an overseas country and ended up in the office of a rich company. The eldest son went there and became an important person overseas. The middle son shot an arrow - the arrow flew away and hit the window of a famous producer, the middle son became a show business star. And Ivan shot an arrow - the arrow was lost in the dense forest...

(Guglovna steps aside, on this part of the stage there is a royal throne, the Tsar sits on it, Nanny and Ivan are nearby)
King: (stomps his foot) Did you shoot an arrow?
Ivan: I did, Father Tsar.
Tsar: Well, where did she fly to?
Ivan: I don’t know how it is - I don’t know. (lowers his head)
Tsar: Ent's arrow is a state inventory! Where she flew - there your destiny should be!
Nanny: Tsar-father, come on, take an arrow, look like a child is being killed.
Ivan: Dad, let me stay at home without any arrow, I’ll help you!
Nanny: And it’s true, father, it’s not a great loss. Have pity on the kid, where are you sending him on New Year’s Eve???
Tsar: Come on! There is no point in breaking tradition! It is said – with an arrow, it means with an arrow. And that's it. Set off on your journey and don’t return without an arrow!
Nanny: Oooh, where are you sending the child, hero???
(Ivan bows to the Tsar and leaves, Nanny sees him off)
Tsar: And I’m not a Herod... I’m a Tsar (Looks in the mirror, admires himself) I am wise, kind, fair! And beautiful, the most beautiful.

(On the other half of the stage, B.Ya., K. and L. Look at the screen. Baba Yaga rubs her hands)
Baba Yaga: Well, the holiday is coming! Oh, and let's have some fun!
Leshy: What did you think?
Kikimora: Tell me, don’t worry already, what did you come up with?
Baba Yaga. And then I came up with it! Did Ivan shoot an arrow?
Kikimora and Leshy in chorus: Let him go.
Baba Yaga. Lost the shotgun?
Kikimora and Leshy in chorus: Lost!
Baba Yaga: Did the king order you to find the arrow?
Kikimora and Leshy in chorus: Ordered. So what?
Baba Yaga. Otherwise! That Ivan is now going into the forest... going... going... and he’ll fall into our hands! Let's take him hostage and demand a ransom from the king!
Leshy: Oh, and you are clever at making up inventions, Yagusya!
Baba Yaga: Otherwise!
Kikimora: What a master you are at weaving intrigues!
Baba Yaga: And most importantly, you know what?
Kikimora: What?
Leshy: What?
Baba Yaga: And the fact that I have exactly the same arrow! So we will lure Ivan to it!
Kikimora: Well, how will Frost find out? He will come running, freeze the hut, and won’t give you any gifts!
Baba Yaga: Peace of mind! Everything is thought out! If Ivan finds an arrow here, it means that by decree of the Tsar he is – by law – ours! And since it’s ours, we can exchange ours for anything! (rubs his hands) And don’t undermine!

Kikimora: Quiet! Someone is coming...
Goblin: It goes straight into your hands, my dear...
(Everyone transforms, pretends to be kind. Ivan enters)
Ivan: Hello, good people!
Baba Yaga: Hello, dear guest! What should I call you?
Ivan: I am Ivan, the king’s son. I shot a magic arrow, but the arrow got lost in your forest. Did not see?
All three in chorus: We saw, we saw!
Baba Yaga: There is your arrow, where should it be!
Kikimora: She flew right to us!
Leshy: It fell right into my hands!
Ivan: Thank you, good people! Now I can return home, give me my arrow!
Baba Yaga: Wait, wait, Ivanushka. Why did you shoot the arrow?
Ivan: To find your destiny!
Baba Yaga: Well, you found her! The arrow has come to us!
Goblin: An arrow flew into the din!
Kikimora: She came to us!
Baba Yaga: This is your destiny now - at the same time with us!
Ivan: Let me go, good people, what do you need me for?
Baba Yaga: We don’t need you! But my dad needs him so much! (To Leshy and Kikimora:) You guard him, and I will blackmail the Tsar! He takes an envelope and writes: Mi-nya-yu Van-ku for half the kingdom. (He passes the envelope backstage.) Well... ha-ha-ha... consider half the kingdom in our hands!

(Takes out a suitcase and opens it. On the other half of the stage - the Tsar is on the throne. The nanny runs in)
Nanny: Father Tsar, Trouble!
King: What is it???
Nanny: Our Tsarevich, Vanechka, has been taken hostage! They demand a ransom!
King: Who dared??? The prince is an inviolable figure! Tell me I'm very angry!
Nanny: They didn’t care about your anger!
Tsar: How are you talking to the Tsar???
Nanny: How can I talk to you, you old fool??? Did you give Ivan an arrow?
Tsar: Well, I did...
Nanny: did you tell me to let you in?
King: Well, he ordered...
Nanny: Where the arrow falls, there is fate - did you say?
King: Well, he said...
Nanny: Well, so, the arrow hit Baba Yaga and Leshem exactly! Now give them either half the kingdom... Or, according to your royal stupidity, Ivan the Tsarevcha, legally!
Tsar: Here I am, an old fool!!! What should we do now, eh, Nanny??? And I feel sorry for my son... And half the kingdom is not khukhra-mukhra...
Nanny: They told you it’s not a matter of business, it’s not a matter of shooting arrows! The eldest son now lives on a foreign land, the middle one in... what's his name... show business... And now Vanechka will remain with the forest evil spirits???
Tsar: So what should we do, Nanny? Help! Think of something!
Nanny: There’s nothing to invent here! Prepare half the kingdom! In general, I think my niece, Varenka, should be involved, she is smart, quick-witted, and most importantly, educated. Very educated.
Tsar: Varvara

Varenka: whatever you wish, Father Tsar.

King: help me out, go into the forest, to the evil spirits, and save our son, and half the kingdom in addition.

Baba Yaga: (satisfied, rubs her hands, closes her suitcase) well, my filthy little friends, my lousy little guests, my dear little greedy ones... Everything is going according to plan! The Tsar will give us half the kingdom for Vanka, as it is - he will give it back!
Ivan: Let me go, good people, and I will never forget your kindness!
Kikimora: Look what you want!
Baba Yaga: Let us go, let us go, as soon as we get half the kingdom, we’ll let go!
Ivan: What do you need half a kingdom for? You still live in the forest.
Baba Yaga: And we, Vanyushka, are not trying for ourselves, but for our boss, Kashchei the Immortal.
(There is a knock on the door.)
Baba Yaga: Well, who else is there, come in!
(Varenka, the nanny’s niece, enters)
Varenka: Hello, good people!
Leshy: Who are you: Why did you come here?
Varenka: My aunt sent me to you, the Tsarevich’s Nanny. She told me to say that the Tsar was giving you half his kingdom in exchange for Ivan, but he strictly ordered that the arrow be taken away from you, which Ivan Tsarevich lost, because this thing... (takes out a piece of paper, reads from the piece of paper) Because this thing is go-su -dar-stven-na-ya, ka-zen-na-ya, in one word: inventory!
Goblin (to Yaga): Yaga, you didn’t ask enough, you had to take the whole kingdom, it’s too tricky a word - inventory!
Baba Yaga: Don’t be afraid, ours will not leave us! (To Varenka): Well, we’ll give it all away - both the arrow and the prince, an agreement is worth more than money!
Varenka: Well, if so, then the Tsar invites you to his place to sign an agreement!
Baba Yaga: Look, she’s so businesslike... Smart, or what?

Varenka: Of course, so what, are we going to sign the agreement?
Baba Yaga (rubs her hands): Of course, Wow!!! It worked! Let's get ready, my insufferable friends! Now, now, I’ll just fix my hair...

(Everyone gathers and goes to the other horse of the stage, where the King sits on the throne)
Varenka: Here, Father Tsar, as you ordered, we came to sign the agreement.
Baba Yaga: everything, as agreed, without deception - you give us half the kingdom, and we give you the prince and an arrow!
Tsar: Nanny, oh Nanny! Bring the contract for signature!
Nanny: I’m bringing it, Father Tsar, I’m bringing it!
Leshy: Yaga, check, is the stamp still valid?
Baba Yaga: Let's check how it is (smirks, rubs his hands) Here it is, wealth has flown into your hands!
Nanny: Well, Father Tsar, Here is the prince for us. Check the arrow - is it the right one?
King: Give me the arrow first, I’ll see if it’s real or not.
Baba Yaga: You offend me, the king, of course, is real, but what should she be? Pure silver, hallmark - everything is in place! (Gives the King an arrow)
Tsar: (Looks at the arrow through a magnifying glass) Well, the sample is in place... But where is the inventory number?
Leshy: What is the inventory number???
Baba Yaga: We don’t know anything about the number, this was not in the agreement, you just came up with it.
Kikimora: And it’s also called the king!
King: Tsit! There must be an inventory number! In my kingdom everything has been counted and rewritten! Because it’s state property!
Baba Yaga: Bureaucrat!
Tsar: I am not a bureaucrat. I am a housekeeper!
Baba Yaga: You have no conscience, where has it been seen that the king violated the agreement! Did they bring you the arrow? Did you bring Ivan? Give us half your kingdom!
Nanny: Father Tsar, let them show you the place where they found the arrow! There should be a mark there.
Leshy: And we’ll show you!
Kikimora: Yes, we'll show you!
Baba Yaga: We'll show you how it is!
Varenka: Auntie, let me go with them too, to see where the Tsarevich’s arrow landed.
Nanny: And I’ll go with you!
King: And I will go! So that they don’t falsely slander me that I’m a bureaucrat!
(Baba Yaga, the goblin and Kikimora whisper among themselves, clearly planning something)
Baba Yaga: Let's go, let's go, I remember that place so well (she giggles slyly, rubs her hands)
(Everyone goes to the middle of the stage - into the forest.)

Baba Yaga: Well, here we come.
King: Where have you led us, into the impenetrable thicket?
Leshy: Gotcha! Now you can’t escape us, you can’t get out of here alone!
Baba Yaga: You are as stupid, Tsar, as a fool! Well, who walks such a distance with strangers? Gotcha! Now we won’t get you out of here for less than the entire kingdom!
King: Oh, you deceivers!

(Frost appears from the forest)
Santa Claus: What is that noise in the forest? What is it, are you acting up again?
Goblin: No way, Morozushka, everything is decorously noble!
Baba Yaga: You offend, Frost, we behave ourselves decently!
Santa Claus: Then why are you making noise?
Kikimora: But the Tsar doesn’t want to fulfill the agreement!
Santa Claus: What kind of agreement?
Tsar: I told my son to shoot an arrow - where the silver arrow falls, there is the fate of the prince. But he just lost his arrow, went to look for him, and they took him prisoner, slipped him an arrow, but the wrong one! Now they demand half the kingdom from me.
Santa Claus: Oh, my heart senses that you are being cunning, Yaga, oh, you are being cunning!
Baba Yaga: And I’m not being cunning, everything is fair, here it is – an arrow. Let the Tsar give me half his kingdom!
King: So the arrow is not real!
Baba Yaga: we don’t know anything, give us half the kingdom, as it’s written in the contract!
Varenka: And the contract just says - half the kingdom in exchange for Tsarevich Ivan - 1 person and a silver arrow, number 3 - 1 piece. But there’s no number on your arrow! Because he’s on this arrow (takes out another arrow). This is a real arrow! I found it in the forest and hid it for the time being!
Nanny: Good girl, niece! (To the Tsar) It’s not for nothing that I told you to send Varvara to negotiations! She's wise beyond her years, and big-eyed! All about me!
Tsar: And if so, then there can be no agreement!
Baba Yaga, Leshy, Kikimora vying with each other: You have no conscience! And he also put on a crown! Well, just wait, we’ll tell Kashchei everything! (Cursing, they leave)

Nanny: Hey, Tsar, Varenka found an arrow in our forest!
King: Well...
Nanny: Not “well,” but an agreement: wherever the arrow lands, there is the prince’s fate! The arrow flew to his native land, which means that this is Ivan’s destiny!
Ivan: But I always knew that my destiny was to serve my native land!
Nanny: And don’t forget who found this arrow (cunningly)
Tsar: And I – what? I'm nothing! Today I agree to everything!

Santa Claus: well, the holiday has arrived in our kingdom! Only my granddaughter lingered somewhere, apparently, everything is preening. Let's call her!
(Everyone calls Snegurochka, she comes out soon)
Snow Maiden: Oh, grandfather, am I late? Did you miss something interesting?
Santa Claus: Yes, today a whole fairy tale played out, just in time for the New Year!
Snow Maiden: Grandfather, isn’t it time for us to congratulate everyone and give gifts?
Santa Claus: It's time, granddaughter, it's time! Happy New Year!
Snow Maiden:
The Earth is spinning, one more turn
The next one, and here it is,
No delays, exactly on time,
New Year is coming!

The clock will strike twelve times,
The arrows will outline a circle.
And at this long-awaited hour
Will light up around

Smiles of loved ones and friends,
The glasses will ring,
And a Christmas tree with hundreds of lights
Decorate your outfit!

Happy second of the first of January,
Under the snowy round dance,
Giving new hopes,
New Year will burst in!

Watson - That's not fair. I don't understand how you can be so calm. You found Varenka, you found the arrow, handed her over to this niece, pointed out to the Tsar all the nuances of this matter, how to get out of this situation with dignity, arranged the happiness of Ivan Tsarevich, Varenka and the whole kingdom, so what? All the glory goes to Santa Claus, and you? Where is the gratitude, glory, congratulations, gifts, vows of eternal love.

Sherlock Holmes - calm down dear Watson, I'm not interested

And then, you all honestly and truthfully describe in your new book everything that happened tonight.

Watson - yes, you can be sure, that’s exactly what I’ll do.

Sherlock Holmes - and describe all the characters in it who helped create a good mood for all the spectators in this hall.

Watson Of course, this is the king and the prince's nanny

Sherlock Holmes – Ivan Tsarevich and Varenka

Watson - stagehands

Sherlock Holmes – Leshy and his girlfriend Kikimora

Watson - Baba Yaga and Google

Sherlock Holmes - Father Frost and Snow Maiden

Watson - and we are Mr. Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes - and Doctor Watson

Everyone sings a song:
Happy holiday to you!
The stars shine trustingly from the sky,
Happy holiday to you!
On this beautiful, joyful evening,
Happy holiday to you!
Let him give you new meetings,
Happy holiday to you!
Happy holiday to you!

Happy holiday to you!
Let happiness settle in your home,
Happy holiday to you!
May you always believe in good things,
Happy holiday to you!
This song will warm your heart,
Happy holiday to you!
Happy holiday to you!

Happy holiday to you!
Let the wonderful fairy tale come true,
Happy holiday to you!
With a new dream, with new songs.
Happy holiday to you!
Let life be even more interesting,
And - good morning!
And - good morning!


Let in anticipation of a miracle
Hearts will beat stronger and faster.
May your path be bright
there will be no end!
Let in anticipation of new happiness
beautiful dreams come.
Peace, hope, good luck
and eternal spring!

Because this thing


ka-zen-na-ya, in one word:


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