Do people need principles and why? My personal principles in life.

Life principles of Stanislav

Initially, the list of life principles that my friends and I adhere to (to varying degrees) supplemented the article “Reflections on Principles”, but then it grew and was separated into a separate page.

This list was compiled from various sources (religious, philosophical, psychological, everyday), which in some ways or in general may repeat each other, complement or even contradict each other. However, all the principles listed below are the subjective basis of my worldview and behavior, which I am not trying to impose on anyone else, but I will be glad if any of you find something useful here for yourself.

This is not a set of laws or immutable rules that everyone must follow together and strictly. Not everyone - but only those who intuitively and sincerely feel them “as their own”, corresponding to their worldview, necessary for their development. Not necessarily all together - each of the principles operates separately, but once you start following one point, you can feel that others will be easier to follow. Not necessarily strictly - this is not always or not immediately possible, but there is no limit to perfection. You decide.

Manifestations of weak will

General principles of life

From the teachings of Porfiry Ivanov “Baby”

  • Love the surrounding nature and your city, do not litter or destroy.
  • Do not spit or spit anything out of yourself.
  • Help people in any way you can, do it with joy.
  • Don't be greedy and acquisitive.
  • Don't be smug and proud.
  • Don't be afraid of anything, including death.
  • Don't be a hypocrite.
  • Trust people and love them.
  • Do not speak unfairly about people and do not take unkind opinions about them to heart.
  • Free your head from thoughts about illness, illness, death.
  • The idea cannot be separated from the action. Reading is good. But the most important thing is to do it!
  • Tell and convey the experience of your health and success, but do not boast or exalt yourself in this. Be modest.

From the system of Mirzakarim Norbekov

  • Being normal is encouraging the crowd. Become an individual!
  • A little more self-esteem today will make you a little different tomorrow, etc. Artificially increase your self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • The formation of illogical behavior is not first what I want, and then joy about it, but vice versa.
  • Smile, externally and internally.
  • Keep your posture and muscles in good shape.

Secrets of longevity from the 100-year-old surgeon Uglov

  • Do exercises and walk. Walk as much as possible.
  • Leave the table slightly hungry. Because of dining table move to the work area and not to the sofa.
  • Not a single glass of alcohol, no cigarettes. Otherwise, all other recommendations will be useless.
  • Do not wish evil and do good without expecting gratitude. Do good; evil, unfortunately, will happen on its own.
  • Love your homeland. And protect her. The homeless don't live long.
  • Love the job. And physical too.
  • Know how to control yourself. Don't lose heart under any circumstances.
  • Love your family. Know how to answer for her.
  • Maintain your normal weight, no matter the cost. Don't overeat!
  • Be careful on the road. Today it is one of the most dangerous places to live.
  • Don't be afraid to go to the doctor on time.
  • Spare your children from health-destroying music.
  • The mode of work and rest is laid down in the very basis of the work of your body. Love your body, spare it.
  • Individual immortality is unattainable, but the length of your life largely depends on you.

From the book “Two Lives” by Concordia Antarova

  • Every person is your teacher. Even from your opponent or adversary there is always something to learn.
  • On your current day, you must accept all the circumstances included in it, recognize them as yours, wholly and only necessary for you. Everyone has their own path, their own tests of strength and their own rewards according to their merits.
  • Don’t present every smile as a rare kindness, but start your every day and every greeting to the person you meet with it. However, it’s better to read about this from Norbekov. :-)
  • Never listen to gossip, cut off all complaints of people who tell you evil about the people of their country, about their country itself, about their people, about their rulers. By supporting or allowing such negative conversations, you contribute to the evil and irritation of people, and the deterioration of the energy-informational atmosphere.
  • Avoid and stop cruelty. If you saw a living being being beaten and did not stand up for it, you have sinned just as much before the Eternal as the cruel one who beat it. If you heard a cruel word hitting an innocent person, and you failed to protect him, to lead him away from the evil one, you are guilty before Eternity no less than the scolder himself.
  • The superstitions of people that you encounter at every step of your life should not only not affect your perception and upset you, but your cheerfulness should increase from every meeting with a person whose superstition prevents him from opening his eyes wide to the world.
  • There is no religion higher than Truth. There is one truth, but there are many ways to it, both through religions and bypassing them (see graphic illustration).
  • Watch yourself, but watch lightly. There is no need to adopt those life principles that you cannot yet implement, for which you are not yet ready.

For more details, see Concordia Antarova’s book “Two Lives”.

From the “Memo to the Manager” by aircraft designer Ilyushin

  • Be principled. Never conform to someone else's opinion if you don't agree with it.
  • Be truthful even if it may cause you trouble.
  • Don't justify your mistakes by being too busy.
  • Never get irritated. It degrades your dignity.
  • Never give in to despondency, it undermines faith in your strength.
  • Never, under any circumstances, lose your ability to reason.
  • One of the most strong means in educating subordinates - your personal example in work and in life.
  • If during the day you personally have not learned anything, then consider this day lost for yourself.

From the “Code of Honor” of one knightly order

  • Keep your honor, do not encroach on someone else's.
  • Live with the desire for self-improvement, strengthen your spirit and will.
  • Try to be fair and honest with everyone, regardless of whether you are a friend or an enemy.
  • Help others whenever you can help, do not refuse the selfless help of others.
  • In your actions, be guided by the voice of your conscience.
  • Be proud, but don't let your pride turn into arrogance.
  • Don't draw conclusions until you know all sides of the issue.
  • Argue if it is justified and you are sure that you are right, and do not argue if you have even the slightest doubt.
  • Trust your heart - often the truth is hidden in it, and not in cold reasoning.
  • Having managed to rise yourself, help those who follow you.
  • Take care of the cleanliness and health of your body and thoughts.
  • Take time every day to reflect on the path you are on.
  • Don’t give a word if you’re not sure you can keep it, and once you’ve given it, don’t give it up.
  • Strive to gain new knowledge and find something useful even in failures.
  • When going towards your goal, do not forget about those who are walking next to you - together you are stronger.
  • Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, learn to admit them and forgive the mistakes of others.
  • Learn to enjoy obstacles, choose a stronger opponent and a smarter interlocutor - this is the only way you can rise higher.
  • Whenever possible, take care of the world around you in which you live.
  • Try to learn to feel oneness with everything in the world.
  • Appreciate what you have, learn to be content with little, be happy and do not envy anyone.
  • Always be ready to act - inaction weakens.
  • Don’t be killed by the imperfections of the world - change yourself, then you will change the world.
  • Having known your capabilities and abilities, use them and develop them, for the benefit of yourself and others.
  • Remember: you are not better than others, you are only striving to become better than you are now.

From Leo Tolstoy’s book “The Way of Life”

  • More and larger connection the human soul with other beings and God, and therefore the greater and greater good of man is achieved by freeing the soul from that which prevents love for people and the consciousness of its divinity: 1) sins, that is, indulgence in the lusts of the body, 2) temptations, that is, false ideas about the good, and 3) superstitions, that is, false teachings that justify sins and temptations.
  • The superstition of the state consists in the belief that it is necessary and beneficial for a minority of idle people to rule over the majority of the working people. The superstition of the church consists in the belief that the religious truth, which is constantly becoming clear to people, has been revealed once and for all and that famous people who have arrogated to themselves the right to teach people the true faith, are in possession of a single, once and for all expressed religious truth. The superstition of science consists in the belief that the single, true and necessary knowledge for the life of all people lies only in those randomly selected fragments from the entire boundless field of knowledge, for the most part unnecessary knowledge that known time attracted the attention of a small number of people who freed themselves from the labor necessary for life and therefore live an immoral and unreasonable life.
  • In order for a person to live well, he needs to know what he should and should not do. To know this requires faith. Faith is knowledge of what a person is and why he lives in the world.
  • If you doubt your faith, it is no longer faith. Faith is only faith when you have no thought that what you believe in could be untrue.
  • There are two faiths: faith in trusting what people say - this is faith in a person or in people, and there are many different such faiths, and faith in one’s dependence on the one who sent me into the world. This is faith in God, and such faith is the same for all people.
  • To believe means to trust what is revealed to us, without asking why this is so and what will come of it. This is true faith. It shows us who we are and what we should therefore do, but it tells us nothing about what will come of doing what our faith tells us to do. If I believe in God, then I have nothing to ask about what will come out of my obedience to God, because I know that God is love, and nothing but good can come out of love.
  • Love gives people good because it connects a person with God.
  • ...There can be no intermediaries between God and people... [As far as I know, one of those phrases for which Tolstoy was excommunicated from the Church - approx. creator of the site.] What is needed for life is not gifts to God, but our good deeds. This is the whole law of God.
  • When a person holds on to faith only because for the fulfillment of works of faith he expects all sorts of external benefits in the future, then this is not faith, but calculation, and the calculation is always wrong... If you serve God because of eternal bliss, then you serve yourself, and not God .
  • It is necessary not to drown out your mind in order to know the true faith, but, on the contrary, to purify and strain it in order to test with your mind what the teachers of faith teach. We do not reach faith by reason. But reason is needed in order to test the faith that is taught to us.
  • A religion is not true because it was preached by holy people, but holy people preached it because it is true.

For more details, see Leo Tolstoy’s book “The Way of Life”.

"Phrases about Life" by Gabriel García Márquez

  • Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want, doesn't mean they don't love you with all their soul.
  • Never stop smiling, even when you're sad, someone might fall in love with your smile. :-)
  • You may be just a person in this world, but for someone you are the whole world.
  • Don't waste time on a person who doesn't want to spend it with you.
  • Perhaps God wants us to meet not those people before we meet that one person. So that when it happens, we will be grateful.
  • Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.
  • There will always be people who will hurt you. You need to continue to trust people, just be a little more careful.
  • Become a better person and understand who you are before you meet someone new and hope that they will understand you.
  • Don't try so hard - the best things happen unexpectedly.

From the “Moral Code of the Builder of Communism”

  • Conscientious work for the benefit of society: he who does not work, does not eat.
  • Everyone cares about preserving and increasing the public domain.
  • High consciousness of public duty, intolerance to violations of public interests.
  • Collectivism and comradely mutual assistance: each for all, all for one.
  • Humane relations and mutual respect between people: man is friend, comrade and brother to man.
  • Honesty and truthfulness, moral purity, simplicity and modesty in public and personal life.
  • Mutual respect in the family, concern for raising children.
  • Intransigence to injustice, parasitism, dishonesty, careerism, money-grubbing.
  • Friendship and brotherhood of all peoples of the [former] USSR, intolerance towards national and racial hostility.
  • Fraternal solidarity with the working people of all countries, with all peoples.

Bill Gates: “11 things they forgot to teach you at school”

  • It's very unlikely that you'll start getting paid $40,000 a year straight out of school. You don't become the vice president of a company, with a limousine and a personal chauffeur, until you earn it.
  • If you think your teacher is strict and demanding, wait until you meet your boss. Unlike a teacher, a boss's career depends on how well you handle your assignments.
  • Don’t rush to blame your parents for every failure. Don’t whine or fuss about your failures – learn from them.
  • Before you were born, your parents were not such boring and uninteresting people as they seem to you now. They became like this by making money for your carefree childhood, washing your clothes and listening to your endless chatter about how great you are. Therefore, before you go to save the Amazon forests from destruction by the greedy generation of your parents, try to get your room in order first.
  • Life is not divided into semesters, summer holidays doesn't exist, and very few employers are interested in helping you find your true self. You will have to do this on your own time.
  • Do not confuse real life with what is shown on television. In life, people have to spend most of their time not in a coffee shop, but in the workplace.

Chinese list of "8 virtues and 8 vices"

  1. Love your Motherland, do not harm it.
  2. Serve the people, never betray them.
  3. Follow the science, don't be ignorant.
  4. Be diligent, not lazy.
  5. Be responsive, help everyone, don’t profit at the expense of others.
  6. Be honest and decent, do not compromise your principles for profit.
  7. Be disciplined and law-abiding, no to chaos and lawlessness.
  8. Live simply, work hard, do not wallow in luxury and pleasure.

Life principles- these are the rules of life. When you have a clear life principle, it guides you towards how you would like to behave in a particular situation. As long as you stay true to their life principle, you'll know you're doing the right thing. When you don't stick to your principle, you may experience feelings of guilt, anxiety or even stress.

You are not the only one who benefits from your life principles, other people do as well, as they are offered guidance and guidance on how to how to interact with you. We may not always agree with each other's principles, but when we know each other's principles in life, we can better manage the relationship to ensure working together to achieve mutual benefit.

When you regularly communicate your principles to those you interact with, they know how you might respond in a given situation. They won't ask you to do what they know contradicts your life principles. For example, I expect to be notified if someone fails to fulfill a commitment they have made. If someone is late, I expect a text or phone call to let me know. People who don't inform me know that if they are a few minutes late, I may no longer be there when they arrive. I value my time, so I refuse to waste it endlessly waiting for someone who is not ready to offer me reciprocal courtesy. I send them a message saying I can't wait any longer. This may seem harsh, but few people make this mistake twice.

Some typical life principles

Below are 14 life principles by which I try to live and work. Some of them may seem harsh, but I believe that each principle has served me well in life. I present these life principles of mine only for illustrative purposes. You choose those principles that will satisfy you most. In addition, I suggest that you read the article.
  1. I don't lend money

  2. Many disputes begin with money. I am not a bank, and it is not my role in life to give money to others. If good friend or a family member needs a small amount of money and I can afford it, I'll just give him the money. I have found that over the years this evens itself out, but I don't keep score and they don't keep score. So we have nothing to worry about because none of us ever feel like we owe anything.

  3. I don't work with people who don't take responsibility.

  4. If you want something, you must first take responsibility for your life. You must understand that it is you who must make the necessary changes. There is no need to blame someone else, you must determine for yourself what you can change and make those changes. Trying to help someone who doesn't want to accept responsibility rarely brings joy and pleasure, but regularly brings frustration and stress.

  5. Try it yourself before asking for help

  6. If you want to learn and grow in any area of ​​life, you need to take on new tasks that are outside your comfort zone. When you encounter a problem, it is important to first try to solve the problem yourself before asking for help. With resources like Google or Yandex, you can describe the problem and find someone who has dealt with the same problem before. Trying to solve a problem yourself first is an important principle in life and what I expect from myself and from others.

  7. I value my time and allocate it based on its importance

  8. , and I choose to appreciate and protect it. If something is not that important to me, I don't make time for it. This may seem harsh to some, but I believe that I can best help myself and others by focusing my time on those things and activities that I consider important.
  9. You need to say "No"

  10. Based on the last life principle, if you don't think something is important, It's okay to say "No". You may be wary of the reaction of those you say no to, but most people actually understand. When people don't understand your need to say “No,” the problem usually lies with them. If you want to make the most of your life, you must be able to prioritize.

  11. Silence equals consent

  12. If I don't approve of something, I have to mind. I can't expect people to understand that I have a problem if I haven't made the proper effort to let them know. If I don’t object, then by my silence I agree. The same goes for other people. If they do not inform me of their objection, I will assume that they agree.

    It should be noted that for effective application This principle must also apply the previous life principle, that is, it must be normal for a person to say “No”.

    Remaining silent when you want to say "No" can lead to passive aggressive behavior which can cause serious problems.

  13. I do not take work outside of my area of ​​expertise

  14. Over the years, I have seen too many people in my profession take on assignments in areas where they have little to no understanding of the subject matter. In my opinion this is dishonest and they are doing a disservice to their client. I understand that people may experience financial difficulties at times, but I value too much for that. honesty and integrity.

  15. If I'm going to be somewhere I'll be there

  16. This is a life principle that I took from my friend. It's not just about physical presence, I also have to be mentally present. Next time you meet big amount visitors, look how many people are present, but their thoughts are somewhere else. Their presence does not help anything.

    If you are dedicating yourself to something, whether it is with one person or many, give it your full attention. Be there 100%.

  17. If I need to renegotiate an agreement, I do so immediately

  18. There are times when we have to change our plans, or something is delayed through no fault of ours, and this can affect other people. It's a natural part of life. What should be equally natural is that we inform people immediately that we must change our plans. The application of this life principle first of all characterizes you as responsible person.

  19. It's okay to make mistakes

  20. An error is usually a sign that someone trying to do the right thing. Where this is true, I try to praise the effort and instead of berating the person, I use it to determine how to do things differently next time.

  21. Learn something new every day

  22. I love to study. It helps me feel more enthusiastic about life. Every day I try to learn something that I can apply to my life or my business. When you study a little every day, it makes a big difference quickly. Small daily goals that will help you achieve your larger goals is a fantastic way to keep moving forward without feeling overwhelmed.

  23. Tomorrow starts today

  24. This principle is absolutely fundamental for me. Whatever life you plan for the future, that life is built with the actions you begin to take today. It won't be that you wake up one morning to the life of your dreams; such a life will begin to be built through your daily actions. The sooner you make this decision, the sooner your ideal life will be created. Therefore, start doing it today.
  25. Treat people the way you would expect to be treated.

  26. It's an old life principle and it's general principle but unfortunately this is a principle that is often ignored. I admit that I have sometimes failed to apply this important life principle. When I failed, I felt guilty and regretful.

  27. Understand before you act

  28. Whether you're trying to offer help, sell a product or service, or resolve a dispute, it's easier to do so if you first take the time to understand the other person's needs. Listen first, then you will have a much better chance of achieving a positive outcome.

Life principle is a guide to how you want to behave in a particular situation. Principles allow you to live and work to your full potential while allowing others to understand The best way interaction with you. When you behave in accordance with your life principles, you feel confidence and strength. You know what you believe and who you are.

Each person has different principles in life, and these are likely to be different from the principles of the people with whom he regularly interacts. There are no right or wrong principles But if we have the courage to share our life principles with each other, then we will have a better chance of enjoying harmonious and mutually beneficial relationships.

Today is May 4th and it is my birthday. I'm still young). On this day I decided to publish a post about my principles in life. The photo, by the way, is from my last birthday.

Previously, it seemed to me that I did not have any special principles. Until you write them down or think about them, it seems like they don’t exist. There's just a lot you don't realize. This can be called not principles, but a declaration or something else.

My personal principles:

  1. Do the best I can, based on available resources. According to the principle, now or never.
  2. Little by little, but every day. I write articles little by little, type them and edit them. And within a year of applying the principle, there were about 100 good articles, and the rest of the articles were not so good.
  3. The price to pay for the freedom not to work. Slavery is free, but freedom must be earned. I pay a price for the freedom not to work. This price is falling social status and fulfilling my duties as a housewife. I have learned to be more flexible, and I no longer react so violently when pestered with questions.
  4. Following a dream. The one who walks will master the road. Take at least one step a day towards your dream. My dream is to become a famous blogger and publish a book. There is a price to pay for a dream - you have to give up old habits, the desire to do nothing.
  5. It's better to go slowly than to stop completely. Let nothing be done today, or little done, but it was done yesterday. If it’s difficult to move towards your goal every day, then you can do it every other day).
  6. Make good use of every day. The more I work on myself and engage in creativity, the more unpleasant the feeling is when you do nothing - the effect of a wasted day appears. I heard the phrase that we hate ourselves for not doing anything. We may not hate you, but we want the day not to be lived in vain.
  7. Enjoy life every day. You have to learn and accustom yourself to this. For now, this principle is more like a goal and a reminder that has not yet been fulfilled. People who feel good today ensure their happiness tomorrow. If you didn’t laugh today, it means you didn’t live today.
  8. Learn to be here and now. I'm learning to be more aware. To go towards your goals, to enjoy life, you need to be conscious. Otherwise you forget.
  9. Engage in self-development. I like it and it’s useful, it’s a kind of creativity on oneself and creating the canvas of one’s life.
  10. Compete and compare yourself only with myself from yesterday. Remember that comparison with others is the greatest theft in the world. When you compare yourself or others, you steal joy, success and motivation from yourself and others.
  11. It is better to do something bad and wrong than to do nothing. My relatives often stop me and tell me that I need to do the right thing, prepare, and the like. Therefore, often nothing is done. In reality, it's just procrastination and perfectionism. When they try to slow you down, tell yourself that it is better to do it wrong and do it badly than not at all.
  12. Repeat to yourself: I always make the right decisions. Some bring results, while others bring experience. There is no negative result, it’s just a result, and the rest is just labels.
  13. Never listen to advisers if I intend to do something. Some say it's harmful or pointless, or simply don't approve. It’s better to do it no matter what, even if others don’t understand, even if I make a mistake. You don't need anyone's approval to be yourself.
  14. Strive to become the best in your business. In your chosen field. Constantly work on yourself and improve. Even if it's for a long time does not bring results, even if it never will, just engage in creativity and development for yourself.

There comes a time in every person’s life when he thinks about the correctness of his chosen path. Various circumstances can contribute to this, but, as a rule, it is either a constant monotonous lifestyle or sudden negative changes - loss loved one, financial collapse, lack of recognition of performance results. Then we begin to wonder what is wrong with us. We are looking for role models among successful people and try to understand what actions helped them achieve success.

We begin to imagine that we could do everything the same and achieve success and recognition. But no. This is wrong. In achieving success, actions are not as important as who you are. Your character. First of all, you need to change yourself. Each of us definitely knows people who succeed in everything. They change areas of activity and achieve significant success everywhere, but their main assistant is their character.

Your character traits determine how you will act in difficult situations. Will you be able to put in a little more effort than others, be brave and take risks, or just be realistic about the situation and not be conflicted, reaping dividends from such a decision in the future.

Life Strategies

If a small salary is enough for him, the subway as the main means of transportation and a quiet life without any serious problems, then no one will call such a person successful. It's his choice. He deliberately refuses serious achievements so as not to make great efforts.

If a person was raised in the spirit of altruism, then most likely he will not be successful either. The only thing he will get in life is short-term recognition for his noble actions. He will give a lot of time and effort, and ask for almost nothing in return. Altruism is a wonderful character trait, but it has only a mediocre relationship to success.

If a person knows exactly his goal, is ready to make every effort to achieve it and has a strong character, he will achieve success. Such a person is called a leader. Other people are ready to follow him. He is ready to take full responsibility not only for his life, but also for the lives of those who followed him. We would all like to be like that.

How to change strategy - comfort zone

So what prevents us from being successful? The answer is simple - character and, in particular, our behavior patterns - habits. Habits are formed throughout life, all negative experiences accumulate in us. If a person has tried something new several times and made a mistake, then in the future he may refuse any innovations. The habit has been formed. How to deal with bad habits? Constantly step out of your comfort zone. Most likely, your current life is already established, you are used to repeating the same actions day after day and do not want to change anything, for fear of mistakes or discomfort. When was the last time you tried something you hadn't done before?

Basic principles of life

Get started now. Don't wait for ideal conditions and remember: life doesn't give you any guarantees, you won't get a guarantee of success in any business. There are just so many possibilities, whether you use them is up to you.

Keep moving forward. Try, experiment, don't be afraid to make mistakes or take risks. Destroy your comfort zone and an unprecedented horizon of new achievements and opportunities will open before you.

Formulate a clear goal and strive for it. Every action you take should be aimed at achieving your goal. If you want to be a manager in large company, and instead go to work day after day as a salesperson - stop! This way you won't achieve your goal. Make a clear plan and move every day. Search, try, make mistakes, but move! Remember that you lost not when you made a mistake, but when you stopped trying. Make a promise to yourself and someone else. Promise to achieve a goal within a certain time frame and keep your word.

How to make them work

These principles work. Moreover, they are known to everyone and many authors describe them in their books, but there are still successful people and failures. And if both are familiar with the principles, then what is the difference between them? The former apply the principles in life, while the latter do not. Who do you belong to?

Hello, dear readers! Finding your way in this life is quite difficult. Yes, and everyone has one own desires, dreams, goals. For one it will be real happiness to achieve high success at work, and for the other to give birth to three children. We build our own system of principles, life rules and follow this path. Today I want to talk to you about principles that everyone should know.


What principles are taught to every person from childhood? Don't harm others, don't steal, don't lie, and so on. The world does not stand still. And the man does not stand still. I don’t know what principles you are already guided by, but I want to teach you how to make your list.

After all, simply following other people’s commandments is stupid without experiencing them yourself. I have collected for you a large number of rules and life positions, among which you will certainly find something useful for yourself.

For example, I advise everyone to get Irina Khakamada’s book “ Tao of life. Master class from a convinced individualist" The author describes very interestingly how you can combine work, family, personal growth, hobby and at the same time be happy man. In this book you are sure to find interesting and useful thoughts.

Remember that we are all individuals. So what works for one person may not necessarily work for you. If you read lists best advice from successful people, then do not expect that every method or method will work for you.

Learn to choose the main points for yourself from these lists. Try to live them, taste them, so to speak.

I want you to learn to live your own life, listen to the advice of others, but act according to your own mind.

General principles

The world doesn't care about you. Our huge world does not value each life individually. Both the world and the people around us simply don’t care about each other.

For example, you bought a house abroad. Of course, the first reaction of your friends will be stunning. But over time it will subside, and your own emotions will subside. And this will simply be another purchase, because many people buy real estate abroad. There is nothing supernatural about this.

Learn not to expect anything from people. Don't pay attention to their reactions. And learn not to be upset if someone did not react the way you would like. Remember that no one cares.

An exception

But, as with any other rule, there are exceptions. Throughout the whole wide world, there will definitely be people who will be sincerely interested in you, who will care deeply about you and honestly rejoice at your victories.

Learn to surround yourself with people whose interest is genuine. Because they are the key happy life. Usually such people don’t care what job you have, how much you earn or what car you drive. Your inner world is important to them.

Money. First, money is worth nothing. Many men and women passionately desire to earn as much as possible and add untold riches to their piggy bank. Yes, undoubtedly, money opens the way to a comfortable life. But this does not mean that you need to live only for the sake of it. Simple advice: let money be only a means to achieve your true goals. This means that you don’t need to get hung up on their number.

One of my friends saved money all her life, worked around the clock, did not see her children, and had no personal life. She saved and saved everything. An accident happened and she died in a car accident. She never had any use for her piggy bank.

Secondly, have the right attitude towards money. Yes, money is worthless and you don’t need to get hung up on it, but you shouldn’t spend it thoughtlessly left and right. Try not to borrow. Learn and buy, rather than buy and pay for it. Instill in yourself a healthy attitude towards money. Believe me, this will make your life much easier.

From the word is salvation, from the word is destruction. Learn to speak competently and correctly. Why, you ask. Rhetoric helps not only to communicate with people around you, but also to manage your life. When you start developing your speech, you will understand how you can, in a conversation, how easily you can convince a person and influence him simply with a word.

Moreover, you will become more protected from such manipulations from the outside: advertising, marketing, sales specialists. You will notice how much less you are “led” to spontaneous purchases, for example.
Where to start, basic communication, tips and useful tips you can find in my article "".

Reassessing your own reactions. A person is too accustomed to any events. Remember any incident from your past. How upset you were then, killed, cried and thought that nothing worse could happen. What can you say about this event now? Emotions and memories fade and fade over time.

The power of intuition

You can’t even imagine how strong you are and is trying to work for you. But reason, logic and consciousness sometimes prevent the voice of the subconscious from reaching you important thing. Listen to your inner voice. How does this usually work?

You go shopping, look for mobile phone. And then suddenly a salesman in one of the hypermarkets shows you suitable model, beautifully describes, talks about bonuses and gifts. And you seem to agree, but something still tickles inside. So, it is the voice of your intuition that tickles. Therefore, in order not to regret the purchase later, listen to him.

Habit. You yourself understand perfectly well that a person consists of numerous habits, many of which are already so firmly established that it is not possible to change them. So, this is nonsense. You can change anything, if only you have the desire and self-discipline to achieve results. And results are achieved through hard work.

Therefore, if you want to quit smoking and start eating breakfast in the morning, you need to do this immediately. Not from Monday, not next month, not from the new year. Right now. Either change it or don’t regret what you missed.

Information flow and multitasking. Today, information comes from all corners. People like a lot of choice. Do you remember how last week you went to the store and stood for a long time in front of the shelf with pasta? There is such a huge selection, you don’t know where to start.

In fact, a person can really perceive only four options. A large number of options always provide an opportunity to retreat. Therefore, a person may end up choosing nothing at all and not moving on.

The modern fast pace of life forces a person to do everything at once. Only few people think that this is wrong. You and I are capable of supporting one specific task at a specific point in time. If you want to do your job well, then you need to focus all your energy on it. Don't spray yourself.

Laziness is not a disease. My favorite point. Only few people know how to work with it correctly. Everyone immediately begins to consider their laziness as a kind of virtue that helps them in life, and does not hinder them. The essence of the principle is to learn not to scold yourself once again for rest, lazy mood or state of rest. We all need rest.


1. Your inaction only leads to even greater doubts and fears. You always need to act, move forward. Then there will be much less doubts and fears.

2. Be smart about timing. Many people spend great amount time to think about who thought what, who will react how, who will say what next. Instead, it would be much more effective to spend this time developing yourself.

3. Don't be afraid of failure. Any failure or mistake is another step up to success. Any greatest victory contains no less great error.

4. Happiness is our own choice. No surrounding circumstances affect our happiness. Learn to manage your inner feelings, then you will be able to get closer to the one you choose.

5. In every action you carry a message. Your clothes, hairstyle, habits and habits - all this carries some kind of message to the world. An expensive car and a suit indicate that this is a businessman. If you learn to send the right messages, you can be anything you want to be.

6. Do what you love. A person cannot achieve success while he is doing things that are unpleasant to him. Look for an activity that will bring you genuine pleasure.

7. Risk! Be sure to jump above your head. Yes, you may miss, the situation may turn out badly for you, but this should not stop you. Only by taking risks can you reach unprecedented heights.

For parents

Raising children is not an easy process. But the key to your child’s future success lies precisely in the principles that you put into him. Whether these are family values ​​or a principle of behavior is up to you to decide. I bring to your attention several principles from which you can choose one, or combine several together.

Patience. Teach your child patience. Today's man wants everything at once, but that doesn't happen in life. To achieve results you need to try, work, make an effort.

Backup plan. Help your child understand that having a Plan B can be very helpful in some situations. After all, circumstances do not always work out in a favorable way for us. If something didn’t work out today, then don’t be upset, but rather use a backup plan.

Courage. Don't ruin children's initiative. Let the child make mistakes, get hurt, do something wrong, but still move on. Courage will be very useful to him in life, believe me.

Choice. The best way to teach your child responsibility is to independent choice and facing the consequences. Don't force him, don't teach him to live by your rules. Provide some freedom, let him choose, let him learn to justify his choice, and in the future take responsibility for the consequences of this choice.

I am sure that not all of the rules and principles described above will work for you. That's why I encourage you to make your own list. Act, fail, act again and fail again. Only yours personal experience will show you the way to happiness.

What principles do you follow in life? What advice can you give to the younger generation?

Don't stop and take risks!
Best wishes to you.

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