Social process and its criteria. Social progress

Social progress- this is the direction of development of human society, which is characterized by its irreversible changes in all aspects of life, resulting in a transition from a lower to a higher state, to a more perfect state of society.

The desire of the bulk of people for progress is determined by the nature of material production and the laws determined by it social development.

Criteria social progress. Determining the basis of social progress makes it possible to scientifically solve the question of the criterion of social progress. Since economic relations constitute the foundation of any form of social structure (society) and ultimately determine all parties public life This means that the general criterion of progress must be sought primarily in the sphere of material production. Development and change in production methods as a unity of productive forces and industrial relations made it possible to consider the entire history of society as a natural historical process and thereby reveal the patterns of social progress.

What is the progress in the development of productive forces? First of all, in the continuous modification and improvement of the technology of labor tools, which ensures a constant and steady increase in its productivity. Improving the means of labor and production processes entails the improvement of the main element of the productive forces - labor. New means of labor bring to life new production skills and constantly revolutionize the existing social division of labor, leading to an increase in social wealth.

Along with the progress of technology, improvement of technology and organization of production, science is developing as the spiritual potential of production. This, in turn, increases human impact on nature. Finally, an increase in labor productivity means an increase in the amount of surplus product. At the same time, the nature of consumption, lifestyle, culture and way of life inevitably change.

This means that we are seeing undoubted progress not only in material production, but also in social relations.

We see the same dialectic in the sphere of spiritual life, which is a reflection of real social relations. Certain public relations give rise to certain forms of culture, art, and ideology, which cannot be arbitrarily replaced by others and assessed according to modern laws.

The progressive development of society is determined not only by the development of the method of production, but also by the development of man himself.

The method of production and the social system determined by it constitute the basis and criterion of social progress. This criterion is objective, because it is based on a real, natural process of development and change of socio-economic formations. It includes:

a) the level of development of the productive forces of society;

b) the type of production relations that have developed on the basis of the data of productive forces;

c) social structure that determines the political system of society;

d) stage and level of development of personal freedom.

None of these signs, taken separately, can be an unconditional criterion of social progress. Only their unity, embodied in a given formation, can be such a criterion. At the same time, it is necessary to keep in mind the fact that there is no complete correspondence in the development of different aspects of social life.

Irreversibility of social progress- regularity of the real historical process.

Another pattern of social progress is the acceleration of its pace.

Social progress is closely related to so-called global problems. Global problems are understood as a set of universal human problems of our time, affecting both the world as a whole and its individual regions or states. These include: 1) prevention of world thermonuclear war; 2) social development and economic growth in the world; 3) the elimination on Earth of blatant manifestations of social injustice - hunger and poverty, epidemics, illiteracy, racism, etc.; 4) rational and complex use nature (environmental problem).

The emergence of the above-mentioned problems as global ones, which have a worldwide character, is associated with the internationalization of production and all social life.

Social progress, its criteria and features in modern conditions.

Progress - This is an upward development associated with the improvement of the content and forms of organization of people’s social life, the growth of their material and spiritual well-being. Progress is most often conceptualized as forward movement towards a specific goal. If there is progress, then in noun: a directed movement towards the realization of a goal, innovations accumulate, continuity is achieved, and stability in the development of society is maintained. If there is a return to obsolete forms and structures, stagnation, and even the collapse and degeneration of any significant functions, then we can definitely say that what has happened. regression.

Social progress – this is a transition from less perfect forms of organization of human activity to more perfect ones, this is the progressive development of the entire world history.

Types of social progress:

1) antagonistic: the progress of one part of society occurs largely due to the exploitation, oppression and suppression of another part of it, advancement in some areas - due to losses in others;

2) non-antagonistic, characteristic of a socialist society, where progress will be carried out for the benefit of the whole society, through the efforts of all social groups, without the exploitation of man by man.

2). Revolution - this is a complete or comprehensive change in all or most aspects of social life, affecting the foundations of the existing social system

Reform - this is a transformation, reorganization, change in any aspect of social life that does not destroy the foundations of the existing social structure, leaving power in the hands of the former ruling class. Understood in this sense, the path of gradual transformation of existing relations is contrasted with revolutionary explosions that sweep away the old order to the ground. Marxism: the evolutionary process is too painful for the people + if reforms are always carried out “from above” by forces that already have power and do not want to part with it, then the result of the reforms is always lower than expected: the transformations are half-hearted and inconsistent.

To determine level of progressiveness of one society or another are used three criteria: A society in which these indicators are quite high is characterized as progressive.

1. labor productivity level- criterion reflecting the state economic sphere life of society. Although today it is extremely important to take into account the fundamental changes that are taking place in this area

2. level of personal freedom - for a long time was considered to reflect the progressiveness of socio-political changes in society.

3. level of morality in society- an integral criterion that brings together all the diversity of approaches to the problem of progress, reflecting the tendency to harmonize social changes.

Of course, we must not forget that in real life the process of development itself is contradictory, and the path of its direction is correspondingly contradictory. IN real life Every society must have a breakthrough (progress) in some areas of society and a lag or even regression in others.

The search for a general criterion of social progress in philosophy led thinkers to the conclusion that such a meter should express an inextricable connection in the development of all spheres and processes of people’s social life. The following were put forward as a general criterion for social progress: the realization of freedom, the state of people’s health, the development of morality, the achievement of happiness, etc.
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All these are undoubtedly important criteria for social progress, but with the help of these indicators it is still difficult to assess achievements and losses modern movement stories.

Today, environmental comfort of human life is put forward as the most important criterion for social progress. As for the general universal criterion of social progress, the decisive role here belongs to the productive forces.

Specific features of social progress:

1. global, the global nature of modern civilization, its unity and integrity. The world is connected into a single whole: a) the all-encompassing nature of scientific and technological progress; b) processes of internationalization of world economic relations in production and exchange; c) the new worldwide role of funds mass media and communications; d) global problems of humanity (the danger of war, environmental disaster and the utmost importance of their prevention).

2. multipolarity, segmentation.

Humanity realizes itself in various types of societies, ethnic communities, cultural spaces, religious beliefs, spiritual traditions - all these are poles, segments of world civilization. The integrity of the world does not contradict its multipolarity. There are values ​​that we consider universal: morality; a way of life worthy of the humane essence of man; kindness; spiritual beauty, etc.
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But there are values ​​that belong to certain societies or social communities: classes, individuals, etc.

3. inconsistency. Contradictions are built on top of each other: between man and nature, the state and the individual, strong and weak countries. The contradictions of the progress of the modern world give rise to global problems of humanity, that is, those problems that affect vital interests of all peoples of the planet and pose a threat to its survival, and in this regard they require an urgent solution, and through the efforts of the peoples of all countries. Among the most serious global problems the problems of preventing global carnage, environmental catastrophe, developing and improving education and healthcare, and ensuring the population of the Earth should be mentioned natural resources, eliminating hunger, poverty, etc.

The concept of progress is applicable only to human society. As for living and inanimate nature, then in this case the concepts of development or evolution (living nature) and change (inanimate nature) should be used.

Social progress, its criteria and features in modern conditions. - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Social progress, its criteria and features in modern conditions." 2017, 2018.

Social progress is part of our life. The world around us is constantly changing: new industrial solutions, home appliances and the cars are no longer the same as they were 20-30 years ago. Those past things seem primitive and useless. Sometimes you wonder how you could live without mobile phones, automation, built-in wardrobes, supermarkets, credit cards, etc. Moreover, we have no idea what innovations will be in demand over the next two decades. But we know: years later we will also sometimes wonder how primitive and inconvenient life was back then, in 2013...

And at the same time, when trying to calculate optimal future scenarios, we must first decide by what parameters we will measure this future. Then the question arises of what are the criteria for social progress in philosophy. If we can understand their essence, then we will be able to outline at least the general contours of the coming changes and mentally prepare for them.

Change and Every era, if not every generation, creates for itself an invisible code of conduct by which it tries to live. With the change in the economic and political situation, norms are also transformed, the understanding of good and bad also changes, however general rules and the principles are laid down for a long time. And as a result, they serve as a kind of foundation for legal regulators that determine the criteria for progress in politics, economics, and social life.

The priority of human rights and freedoms over the rights of the master and the state. The principles defined by T. Hobbes in the 17th century remain relevant in our century. No one has canceled the criteria for the progress of society. And first of all, we mean the development of freedom.

Expanded understanding of freedom. Ancient man was completely subservient to his master, freedom was seen in democracy - in the principles that helped him determine the boundaries of his own world. With the fall of the Greek polis, freedom moved into the world of Roman law. Thus, it became obvious that the numerous internal regulatory requirements of the state, more significant than Christian ethics, created a precedent for a monocratic and theocratic society inseparable from the state. The Renaissance and Enlightenment in this regard are just a return to the priority of law over religion. And only the modern era demonstrated that the criteria of progress lie in the plane of personal freedom. Man is an absolute autonomy, not subject to any external influence.

Which frees a person from the obligation to be a part common machine- social, state, corporate, etc. Hence the changes in the principles of relations around property. From a slave position, when a person is the master’s thing, bypassing the status of a physical extension of the machine (according to Marx), to the master of his life. Today, when the service sector becomes the core of any economy, the criteria for progress are concentrated around one’s own knowledge, skills and ability to promote one’s product. Personal success depends on the individual himself. A person is freed from external regulatory actions at the social and economic levels. The state with its laws is needed only to streamline Brownian economic movement. And this, probably, lies the main criteria for the progress of modern society.

Fundamental themes in the study of social science. Profound changes cover almost the entire modern world. In social reality, the intensity of change is constantly increasing: during the life of one generation, some forms of life organization arise and collapse, while others are born. This applies not only to individual societies, but also to the world order as a whole.

To describe the dynamics of society in sociology, the following basic concepts are used: social change, social development and social progress. Society is never stationary. Something is happening and changing in it all the time. People, realizing their own needs, master new types of communication and activities, acquire new statuses, change their environment, join new roles in society, and change themselves both as a result of generational changes and throughout their lives.

Contradictory and uneven social changes

Social changes are contradictory and uneven. The concept of social progress is controversial. This is revealed mainly in the fact that the development of many social phenomena and processes leads both to advancement in some directions and to a return and retreat in others. Many changes in society are of such a contradictory nature. Some changes are barely noticeable, while others have a significant impact on the life of society. For example, it changed a lot after the invention of the plow, steam engine, writing, computer. On the one hand, over the course of a generation in industrialized countries, enormous changes occur in the life of society. It changes beyond recognition. On the other hand, the world continues to have societies in which change is extremely slow (Australian or African primitive systems).

What causes the contradictory nature of social change?

Discrepancy in society's social interests different groups, as well as the fact that their representatives perceive the changes taking place differently, determines the inconsistency of social changes. For example, the need to ensure a decent existence for oneself creates an employee’s interest in selling his labor as expensive as possible. By realizing this same need, the entrepreneur strives to acquire labor at a cheaper price. Therefore alone social groups may positively perceive changes in the organization of work, while for others it will not cause satisfaction.

Social development

Among the many changes, one can distinguish qualitative, irreversible and directional ones. Today they are commonly called social development. Let us define this concept more strictly. Social development represents a change in society, leading to the emergence of new relationships, values ​​and norms, social institutions. It is associated with the increment, accumulation, complication of functions and structures social system. As a result of these processes, the system becomes more and more efficient. Its ability to satisfy the various needs of people is increasing. qualities of individuals is an important indicator and result of social development.

When defining this concept, it should be noted that it expresses a natural, directed and irreversible change in social processes or phenomena. As a result, they pass into a certain new qualitative state, that is, their structure or composition changes. Social as a concept is narrower than social change. Periods of crisis, chaos, war, totalitarianism, which negatively affect the life of society, cannot be called development.

Social revolution and social evolution

Two approaches to the consideration of social development are clearly visible in sociology. This is social revolution and social evolution. The latter usually refers to the stage-by-stage, smooth, gradual development of society. On the contrary, a social revolution is a radical transition to something new, a qualitative leap that changes all aspects of life.

Progress and regression

Changes in society do not always occur chaotically. They are characterized by a certain direction, denoted by such concepts as regression or progress. The concept of social progress serves to designate such a direction of development of society in which there is a progressive movement from the lower and simple shapes social life to ever higher and more complex, more perfect. In particular, these are changes that lead to growth and freedom, greater equality, and improved living conditions.

The course of history has not always been smooth and even. There were also kinks (zigzags) and turns. Crises, world wars, local conflicts, and the establishment of fascist regimes were accompanied by negative changes affecting the life of society. assessed initially as positive, in addition, could lead to negative consequences. For example, urbanization and industrialization have long been considered synonymous with progress. However, relatively recently, talk has begun about the negative effects of destruction and pollution environment, traffic jams on highways, overpopulated cities. Progress is spoken of when the sum of positive consequences from certain social changes exceeds the sum of negative ones. If there is an inverse relationship, we are talking about social regression.

The latter is the opposite of the first and represents a movement from complex to simple, from higher to lower, from whole to parts, and so on. However, in general, the line of historical development has a progressive, positive direction. Social development and social progress are global processes. Progress characterizes the movement of society forward throughout historical development. Whereas the regression is only local. It marks individual societies and time periods.

Reform and revolution

There are such types of social progress as abrupt and gradual. The gradual one is called reformist, and the spasmodic one is called revolutionary. Accordingly, the two forms of social progress are reform and revolution. The first represents partial improvement in some area of ​​life. These are gradual transformations that do not affect the foundations of the current social system. On the contrary, a revolution is a complex change in the majority of forces in all aspects of society, which affects the foundations of the current system. It has a spasmodic character. It is necessary to distinguish between two forms of social progress - reform and revolution.

Criteria for social progress

The value judgments themselves such as “progressive - reactionary”, “better - worse” are subjective. Social development and social progress cannot be unequivocally assessed in this sense. However, if such judgments also reflect the connections that objectively develop in society, then they are not only subjective in this sense, but also objective. Social development and social progress can be strictly assessed. Various criteria are used for this.

Different scientists have different criteria for social progress. The generally accepted ones in a generalized form are the following:

Level of knowledge, development of the human mind;

Improving morality;

Development including the person himself;

The nature and level of consumption and production;

Development of technology and science;

The degree of integration and differentiation of society;

Socio-political freedoms and individual rights;

The degree of her freedom from society and elemental forces nature;

Average life expectancy.

The higher these indicators, the higher the social progress and development of society.

Man is the goal and main criterion of social progress

The main indicator of the regressiveness or progressiveness of social changes is precisely the person, his physical, material, moral state, comprehensive and free development of the individual. That is, in modern system Social and humanitarian knowledge has a humanistic concept that determines social progress and development of society. Man is his goal and main criterion.


In 1990, UN specialists developed the HDI (Human Development Index). With its help, both social and economic components of quality of life can be taken into account. This integral indicator is calculated annually for comparison between countries and to measure the level of education, literacy, life and longevity of the studied territory. When comparing living standards different regions and countries this is a standard tool. The HDI is defined as the arithmetic average of the following three indicators:

Literacy level (average number of years spent in education), as well as expected duration of education;

Life expectancy;

Standard of living.

Countries, depending on the value of this index, are classified according to their level of development as follows: 42 countries - very high level development, 43 - high, 42 - average, 42 - low. The top five countries with the highest HDI include (in ascending order) Germany, the Netherlands, the USA, Australia and Norway.

Declaration of Social Progress and Development

This document was adopted in 1969 by UN resolution. The main objectives of the policy of social development and progress, which all governments and states are obliged to pursue, are to ensure fair remuneration for work without any discrimination, the establishment by states of a minimum level of payment that would be high enough to ensure an acceptable standard of living, the elimination of poverty and hunger . The Declaration guides countries to improve people's living standards and ensure equal and fair distribution of income. Russia's social development is also carried out in accordance with this declaration.

Social progress leads to the fact that rare, even initially exquisite, needs gradually turn into socially normal ones. This process is obvious even without scientific research, it is enough to compare the set and level of modern needs with what it was several decades ago.

Obstacles to social progress

There are only two obstacles to social progress - the state and religion. The monster state is propped up by the fiction of God. The origin of religion is connected with the fact that people endowed fictional gods with their own exaggerated abilities, powers and qualities.

It is very important to understand the direction in which our society is moving, constantly changing and developing. This article is dedicated to this purpose. We will try to determine the criteria for social progress and answer a number of other questions. First of all, let's figure out what progress and regression are.

Consideration of concepts

Social progress is a direction of development that is characterized by a progressive movement from simple and lower forms of organization of society to more complex, higher ones. Opposite this term the concept of “regression”, that is, the reverse movement - a return to outdated relationships and structures, degradation, the direction of development from higher to lower.

The history of the formation of ideas about the measures of progress

The problem of criteria for social progress has long worried thinkers. The idea that changes in society are precisely a progressive process appeared in ancient times, but finally took shape in the works of M. Condorcet, A. Turgot and other French enlighteners. These thinkers saw the criteria for social progress in the development of reason and the spread of education. This optimistic view of the historical process gave way in the 19th century to other, more complex concepts. For example, Marxism sees progress in changing socio-economic formations from lower to higher. Some thinkers believed that the consequence of moving forward is the growing heterogeneity of society and the complication of its structure.

In modern science historical progress usually associated with a process such as modernization, that is, the transition of society from agrarian to industrial and further to post-industrial.

Scientists who do not share the idea of ​​progress

Not everyone accepts the idea of ​​progress. Some thinkers reject it in relation to social development - either predicting the “end of history”, or saying that societies develop independently of each other, multilinearly, in parallel (O. Spengler, N.Ya. Danilevsky, A. Toynbee), or considering history as a cycle with a series of recessions and ascents (G. Vico).

For example, Arthur Toynbee identified 21 civilizations, each of which has distinct phases of formation: emergence, growth, breakdown, decline and, finally, decay. Thus, he abandoned the thesis about the unity of the historical process.

O. Spengler wrote about the “decline of Europe.” “Anti-progressism” is especially vivid in the works of K. Popper. In his view, progress is a movement towards a specific goal, which is possible only for a specific person, but not for history as a whole. The latter can be considered both as a movement forward and as a regression.

Progress and regression are not mutually exclusive concepts

The progressive development of society, obviously, in certain periods does not exclude regression, return movements, civilizational dead ends, even breakdowns. And it is hardly possible to talk about a uniquely linear development of humanity, since both leaps forward and setbacks are clearly observed. Progress in a certain area, in addition, can be the cause of decline or regression in another. Thus, the development of technology, technology, and tools is a clear indication of progress in the economy, but it was precisely this that brought our world to the brink of a global environmental catastrophe, depleting the Earth’s natural reserves.

Society today is also accused of a family crisis, a decline in morality, and lack of spirituality. The price of progress is high: for example, the conveniences of city life are accompanied by various “urbanization diseases.” Sometimes the negative consequences of progress are so obvious that a natural question arises as to whether it can even be said that humanity is moving forward.

Criteria for social progress: history

The question of the measures of social development is also relevant. There is also no agreement in the scientific world here. French enlighteners saw such a criterion in the development of reason, in increasing the degree of rationality of social organization. Some other thinkers and scientists (for example, A. Saint-Simon) believed that the highest criterion of social progress is the state of morality in society, approaching early Christian ideals.

G. Hegel had a different opinion. He connected progress with freedom - the degree of its awareness by people. Marxism also proposed its own criterion of development: according to supporters of this concept, it consists in the growth of productive forces.

K. Marx, seeing the essence of development in man's increasing subordination of the forces of nature, reduced progress in general to a more specific one - in the production sphere. He considered only those conducive to development social relations, which at this stage correspond to the level of productive forces, and also open up space for the improvement of the person himself (acting as an instrument of production).

Criteria for social development: modernity

Philosophy has subjected the criteria of social progress to careful analysis and revision. In modern social science, the applicability of many of them is disputed. The state of the economic foundation does not at all determine the nature of the development of other spheres of social life.

The goal, and not just a means of social progress, is the creation necessary conditions for the harmonious and comprehensive development of the individual. Consequently, the criterion of social progress is precisely the measure of freedom that society is able to provide to a person to maximize his potential. Based on the conditions created in society to satisfy the totality of the needs of the individual and his free development, the degree of progressiveness of a given system and the criteria of social progress should be assessed.

Let's summarize the information. The table below will help you understand the main criteria for social progress.

The table can be expanded to include the views of other thinkers.

There are two forms of progress in society. Let's look at them below.


A revolution is a comprehensive or complete change in most or all aspects of society, affecting the foundations of the existing system. Until quite recently, it was regarded as a universal universal “law of transition” from one socio-economic formation to another. However, scientists could not detect any signs of a social revolution during the transition to a class system from a primitive communal one. Therefore, it was necessary to expand the concept so that it could be applied to any transition between formations, but this led to the destruction of the original semantic content of the term. And the mechanism of a real revolution could only be discovered in phenomena dating back to the era of modern times (that is, during the transition to capitalism from feudalism).

Revolution from the point of view of Marxism

Following the Marxist methodology, we can say that a social revolution means a radical social revolution that changes the structure of society and means a qualitative leap in progressive development. The deepest and common cause the emergence of a social revolution is an otherwise insoluble conflict between productive forces, which grow, and a system of social institutions and relationships that remain unchanged. The aggravation of political, economic and other contradictions in society against this background ultimately leads to revolution.

The latter is always an active political action on the part of the people, their main goal it puts the control of society into the hands of a new social class. The difference between revolution and evolution is that the first is considered concentrated in time, that is, it happens quickly, and the masses become its direct participants.

The dialectic of such concepts as revolution and reform seems very complex. The first, as a deeper action, most often absorbs the latter, thus the action “from below” is complemented by the activity “from above”.

Many modern scientists urge us to abandon the excessive exaggeration of the significance of social revolution in history, the idea that it is an inevitable pattern in solving historical problems, because it has not always been the dominant form determining social progress. Much more often, changes in the life of society occurred as a result of action “from above,” that is, reforms.


This reorganization, transformation, change in some aspect of social life, which does not destroy the existing foundations of the social structure, retains power in the hands of the ruling class. Thus, the understood path of step-by-step transformation of relations is contrasted with a revolution that completely sweeps away the old system and order. Marxism regarded the evolutionary process, which preserved the remnants of the past for a long time, as too painful and unacceptable for the people. Adherents of this concept believed that since reforms are carried out exclusively “from above” by forces that have power and do not want to give up it, their result will always be lower than expected: reforms are characterized by inconsistency and half-heartedness.

Underestimation of reforms

It was explained by the famous position formulated by V.I. Lenin, that reforms are “a by-product of the revolution.” Let us note: K. Marx already believed that reforms are never a consequence of the weakness of the strong, since they are brought to life precisely by the strength of the weak.

His Russian follower strengthened his denial of the possibility that the “tops” have their own incentives when starting reforms. IN AND. Lenin believed that reforms are a by-product of revolution because they represent unsuccessful attempts to dampen and weaken the revolutionary struggle. Even in cases where reforms were clearly not the result of popular action, Soviet historians they were still explained by the desire of the authorities to prevent encroachments on the existing system.

The “reform-revolution” relationship in modern social science

Over time, Russian scientists gradually freed themselves from the existing nihilism in relation to transformations through evolution, first recognizing the equivalence of revolutions and reforms, and then criticizing revolutions as a bloody, extremely ineffective path full of costs and leading to an inevitable dictatorship.

Now great reforms (that is, revolutions “from above”) are considered the same social anomalies as great revolutions. What they have in common is that these methods of resolving contradictions are opposed to the healthy, normal practice of gradual, continuous reform in a self-regulating society.

The “revolution-reform” dilemma is replaced by clarifying the relationship between reform and permanent regulation. In this context, both revolution and changes “from above” “treat” an advanced disease (the first with “surgical intervention”, the second with “therapeutic methods”), while early and constant prevention is perhaps necessary in order to ensure social progress.

Therefore, in social science today the emphasis is shifting from the “revolution-reform” antinomy to “innovation-reform”. Innovation means a one-time ordinary improvement associated with an increase in the adaptive capabilities of society in specific conditions. It is precisely this that can ensure the greatest social progress in the future.

The criteria for social progress discussed above are not unconditional. Modern science recognizes the priority of the humanitarian over others. However, a general criterion for social progress has not yet been established.

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