The main differences between Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Protestantism. The differences between the three main Christian religions include the organization of the church, the definition of the main principle of faith and different interpretations of dogmas

Due to prevailing historical circumstances, in 1054 the Universal Church was divided into Western and Eastern. In the 16th-17th centuries, a part of the believers separated from the Catholic Church and expressed their disagreement with some of the dogmas of the faith and innovations of the Pope. Such Christians began to be called Protestants.

Catholics – Christians belonging to the Western Rite (Catholic) Church, which was formed as a result of the division of the Universal Church into two branches.
Protestants – Christians belonging to religious Christian movements that, as a result of the Reformation, broke away from the Catholic Church.

Comparison of Catholics and Protestants

What is the difference between Catholics and Protestants?

Internal organization of the church

Catholics recognize the organizational unity of the church, sealed by the unconditional authority of the Pope. The Protestants of the Lutheran and Anglican churches maintain centralization, while the Baptists are dominated by federalism. Their communities are autonomous and independent of each other. The unconditional and only authority for Protestants is Jesus Christ.
Catholic priests do not marry. The Protestant clergy is no different from ordinary citizens in this regard.
Catholics have monastic orders (one of the forms of monasticism). Protestants do not have this way of organizing spiritual life.
The Catholic clergy consists exclusively of men. In many Protestant movements, women also become bishops and priests.
Catholics accept new members into the church through baptism. The age of the person being baptized does not matter. Protestants are baptized only at a conscious age.


Catholics recognize the equal authority of Holy Scripture and Holy Tradition. Protestants recognize only the Holy Scriptures. In some movements, it can be interpreted by the priesthood, but more often by a meeting of believers, and sometimes by the individual himself.
Catholics preach the cult of the Virgin Mary as Mother of God and Intercessors of the human race. Protestants reject the dogmas of the Catholic Church about the Mother of God.
Catholics have seven sacraments: baptism, Eucharist, confirmation, penance, priesthood, marriage, and unction. Protestants accept only two sacraments - baptism and communion. Quakers and Anabaptists have no sacraments at all.
Catholics believe that after death, a private judgment is carried out on a person’s soul for sins committed during life, as a precursor to the Last Judgment. They pray for the dead. Protestants reject the doctrine of the existence of the soul before the Last Judgment. They don't pray for the dead.

Church practice

For communion, Catholics use unleavened, unleavened bread - unleavened bread. For Protestants, the type of bread does not matter in this case.
Confession at least once a year in the presence of a priest is mandatory for Catholics. Protestants do not recognize intermediaries in communication with God.
Catholics celebrate Mass as the main worship service of the church. Protestants do not have a special form of worship.
Catholics venerate icons, crosses, paintings, and sculptural images of saints and their relics. For Catholics, saints are intercessors before God. Protestants do not recognize icons and the cross (with very rare exceptions) and do not venerate saints.

The difference between Catholics and Protestants is as follows:

In Catholicism, there is an organizational unity of believers, cemented by the authority of the Pope. Protestants have no unity, and there is no head of the church.
Catholics can only have men as clergy; Protestants also have women among their clergy.
Catholics are baptized at any age, Protestants - only in adulthood.
Protestants deny the Holy Tradition.
Catholics recognize the cult of the Virgin Mary. For Protestants, the Virgin Mary is just a perfect woman. There is also no cult of saints.
Catholics have seven sacraments of the church, Protestants have only two, and in some movements, none.
Catholics have a concept of posthumous suffering of the soul. Protestants believe only in the Last Judgment.
Catholics receive communion on unleavened bread; for Protestants, the type of communion bread is unimportant.
Catholics confess in the presence of a priest, Protestants - without an intermediary before God.
Protestants do not have a special form of worship.
Protestants do not recognize icons, the cross, or venerate the relics of saints, as is customary among Catholics.

Since the rise of Christianity, there has always been a group of people who disagreed with the proposed conclusions. This is quite normal when, while comprehending and passing through his consciousness, a person selects information for himself that helps him live through difficulties and adversity. One of the directions is Protestantism. The difference from Orthodoxy lies in the views, concepts and basic ideas.

History of the origin of Protestantism

The birth of Protestantism occurred in the 16th century. Martin Luther, a German priest, posted his own theses on the church doors. The totality of thoughts and reflections fit into 95 formulations. This was a response to the ideology of Catholicism. After the sale of indulgences (a certificate confirming the remission of sins), it was necessary to restore spiritual balance. The new judgment was a counterbalance to the existing rules.

The Catholic Church, which separated from the Orthodox Church in the 11th century, made enough mistakes during this period. The ensuing spiritual crisis became so obvious that the order issued by the Pope banning brothels confirmed the participation in licentiousness of persons preaching the laws of humility.

The theses emphasized disagreement in views on people's attitudes towards. But they did not assume precise and formulated behavior. Therefore, Protestants, preaching their direction, still continue to be divided into separate groups. Currently there are more than 20,000 of them.

If we compare the difference between Catholics and Orthodox, Orthodox and Protestants, then the resistance to the familiar teachings about God is much smaller in percentage terms. The traditions that had developed over centuries were gradually transferred to other directions and differed in several points. Protestantism, which arose later, denied many established concepts. For the bourgeoisie, which has swept away everything in its path, this is a successful weapon of power.

Concepts and institutions were completely eradicated and new ideas about behavior arose. Without experience and foundation, it turned out that these thoughts were quite unstable. Apparently this is why there is a further split in Protestant direction. The absence of saints, confession and repentance allows for free action and a kind of disobedience. Counting on the sincerity of a person’s thoughts, Protestantism implies personal independence.

The absence of restrictions does not always lead to development and growth. People are different in character, others need specifics and listed points that control movement. Freethinking implies pure ideas based on high spirituality. In Orthodoxy there are monks and monasteries that accumulate positive energy, and elders who guide parishioners on the right path.

The main differences between Protestant teachings

  • Protestants consider Sacred Tradition to be a figment of human imagination.
  • Baptism occurs in adulthood.
  • Lack of icons, crosses, temples.
  • Denial of the worship of saints.
  • There is no special place to hold the service.
  • The funeral takes place without prayers or funeral services.

Protestants rely on their own strength and do not need a personal educator to lead a believer on the righteous path. As adults, they accept baptism consciously, drawing closer to God forever, but they believe that this has no protection against demons (just like the cross).

Protestants gather in any place they like. Stadium, park, apartment. Which turns out to be free at the appointed time. For Orthodox Christians, a church is a revered shrine, and there is a special attitude towards it: special clothing and behavior. Perhaps admiration and respect for the faces of saints helps a person restore spiritual balance, disturbed by modern rhythm and excessive vanity.

Protestants reject prayer and do not light candles for repose. Orthodox Christians fight for the salvation of the soul of the deceased in order to alleviate suffering in ordeals and reduce sins. In the process of turning to God, inner liberation and awareness of all life occurs. Sacred words teach and help a lot.

What is the difference between a priest and a pastor?

Firstly, the services are significantly different and the form in which they are carried out is different.

Secondly, the priest has the opportunity to forgive the sins of a parishioner through secret confession.

Thirdly, baptism among Protestants occurs without anointing and is not grace-filled.

Fourth, the pastor cries through scripture and his power is in his words.

Fifthly, the pastor offers a path compiled only by him. Parishioners most often believe him and follow his path. Orthodox people It is allowed to make mistakes in order to come to God truly open and aware.

One religion - different views

Orthodoxy and Protestantism belong to the same religion, called Christianity. But due to the disagreements that occurred in the traditions, branches arose that continue to increase. It is impossible to categorically assert the correctness of one and exclude the other. A person has the right to choose guiding star and follow it for peace and restoration of spiritual balance.

Protestants, using the Bible as the basis for knowledge of God's word, often interpret written phrases in their own way. Rejecting the Holy Tradition, they invent their own rituals that do not relate to the laws of God. Church rules, passed down from generation to generation, without observing customs, can gradually turn into a simple sermon that has no power and influence on the subconscious.

Sacred Tradition and Scripture go side by side. It is undesirable to preach God's word without relying on centuries-old principles. Protestantism - the difference from Orthodoxy is obvious. What is closer and clearer to you, what direction is the most acceptable? When choosing a course into the world of spiritual knowledge, follow your inner sensations, pure thoughts, and the presence of faith. God will definitely lead you to the right path.

Story christian church contains a lot of different historical events that became turning points and led to serious changes in the structure and organization of the church. One of the missions of the Lord Jesus Christ on earth was to create the Church of God, which was founded by 12 disciples. Today, in addition to the Orthodox, there are Catholics and Protestants who also consider themselves to be members of the Church of Jesus Christ.

Representatives of Protestantism consider the Bible to be the only absolutely authoritative source of all Christian teaching

And if Orthodox Christians have some issues with Catholics common features, then with Protestants it’s not at all. Who are they and how should an Orthodox Christian treat them correctly?

History of Protestantism

The history of the Christian church originates in Jerusalem on the holiday of Pentecost, when the disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ received the Holy Spirit after His Ascension, which is described in the Holy Scriptures. It was a single family under the leadership of 12 apostles, and later their disciples. Christianity was officially recognized only during the reign of Emperor Constantine (300s AD) and it gradually began to take the place of the official religion of the Roman Empire.

At that time there were already two main wings of religion:

  1. Western, which later became Roman.
  2. Eastern, which transformed into Orthodoxy.

Catholicism spread throughout Europe, including the Inquisition, the papacy and other famous events that were not accepted by the Eastern Wing. Due to significant changes in the organization and its theology, as well as in its attitude towards the people, disappointment and rejection of the church in principle began to grow.

Martin Luther - founder of the reformation

For information! Protestant communities began to emerge after the separation of Martin Luther and his criticism of the Roman Church (anti-Catholic movement), which is today known as the Reformation.

The Protestant movement considers the first half of the 16th century to be its birth date. Luther's followers began to be called Protestants from the word "protest", or reformers.

But the absence of a single leader and the denial of any structure led to the division of the Protestants themselves into many branches: Lutherans, Calvinists, Baptists, Pentecostals and others. They are united only by their recognition of the Holy Trinity and Holy Scripture.

Protestant theology

Protestant churches can only be identified by the cross, which is usually present in the architecture of the building. Sometimes this is just a sign at the entrance, if the building is rented.

As for theology, it is very similar to Orthodox. His main points:

It should be clarified that the theology of the reformers was formed in a complete denial of the doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church, which lost all authority at that time. That is why Luther rejected all traditions of the fathers, since the papacy often relied on them, interpreted them incorrectly, and used them for its own ungodly purposes (selling indulgences, the Inquisition, the widespread enrichment of the papacy).

For information! In general, the issues of human salvation do not differ almost from the doctrine of Orthodoxy.

Difference from Orthodoxy

Orthodoxy is primarily distinguished by its historical age, because Protestants have existed only for the last 500 years. Beyond this, there are a number of other differences in church organization and theology, but these are best summarized in a table:

Parameter Orthodoxy Protestantism
Source of religious knowledgeHoly Scripture and Holy TraditionHoly Bible
Holy SpiritRecognizes and says that He comes only from the FatherRecognizes and says that He comes from the Father and the Son
PriesthoodHas apostolic succession. Special rite of initiationUniversal priesthood of believers. Lack of strict hierarchy. Anyone can hold the position of clergy
DeadPrayers are offered for them. The belief that the living can ease the lot of the deadRefusal to remember in prayers. The belief that a person can influence his eternal destiny only during his lifetime
SacramentsA total of 7 are recognized:

Baptism, Confirmation, Repentance, Eucharist, Blessing of Anointing, Marriage, Priesthood.

Particular attention is paid to only 3: Repentance, Baptism, Eucharist. The rest do not have such weight, but are committed
EucharistThe belief that during the ritual the bread and wine are transformed into the Flesh and Blood of ChristThey believe only in the symbolism of bread and wine
Mother of GodRevered as the Mother of Christ and Intercessor for peopleThey deny Ever-Virginity. Revered only as the mother of Christ

Thus, the Orthodox Church and the Protestant Church have some similarities, but their theologies and organization are completely different from each other.

The attitude of Orthodoxy towards Protestants

How does the Orthodox Church relate to Protestant churches?

Russian people are accustomed to consider themselves Orthodox, since Christianity has been in Rus' for more than 1000 years. Despite this, it is in the CIS that today various sects and cells have spread everywhere, which do not have true teachings and can only negatively affect a person’s spiritual life.

Important! Orthodoxy dates back to the day of Pentecost, thereby being the oldest Christian religion.

Despite the negative attitude towards various branches in general, it is necessary to understand that among Protestants there are people who sincerely believe in the Lord and live according to His commandments in the same way as in Orthodox Church There are people who are absolutely far from the Lord.

Therefore, it would be wrong to say that all people who attend Protestant churches are heretics. Orthodoxy is natural for a Russian person; it is more understandable and inherent to him. Protestantism, despite some similarities, is still a branch of the true teaching.

Orthodoxy and Protestantism

For those who are interested.

IN Lately Many people have a very dangerous stereotype that supposedly there is not much difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism, Protestanism. Some believe that in reality the distance is significant, almost like heaven and earth, and maybe even more?

Others that The Orthodox Church has preserved the Christian faith in purity and integrity, exactly as Christ revealed it, as the apostles passed it on, as the ecumenical councils and teachers of the church consolidated and explained it, in contrast to the Catholics, who distorted this teaching with a mass of heretical errors.

Third, that in the 21st century, that all faiths are wrong! There cannot be 2 truths, 2+2 will always be 4, not 5, not 6... Truth is an axiom (not requiring proof), everything else is a theorem (until it is proven it cannot be recognized...).

“There are so many different Religions, do people really think that “THE” is at the top” christian god"sits in the next office with "Ra" and everyone else... So many versions say that they were written by a person, and not " higher power"(What kind of a state with 10 constitutions??? What kind of President was unable to approve one of them throughout the world???)

“Religion, patriotism, team sports (football, etc.) give rise to aggression, the entire power of the state rests on this hatred of “others,” “not like that”... Religion is no better than nationalism, only it is covered with a curtain of peace and it doesn’t hit immediately, but with much greater consequences..”
And this is only a small part of the opinions.

Let's try to calmly consider what are the fundamental differences between the Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant religions? And are they really that big?
From time immemorial, the Christian faith has been attacked by opponents. In addition, attempts to interpret the Holy Scriptures in their own way were made at different times by different people. Perhaps this was the reason that the Christian faith was divided over time into Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox. They are all very similar, but there are differences between them. Who are Protestants and how does their teaching differ from Catholic and Orthodox?

Christianity is the largest world religion by the number of adherents (about 2.1 billion people worldwide), in Russia, Europe, Northern and South America, and in many African countries it is the dominant religion. There are Christian communities in almost all countries of the world.

The basis of Christian doctrine is faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the Savior of all mankind, as well as in the trinity of God (God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit). It originated in the 1st century AD. in Palestine and within a few decades began to spread throughout the Roman Empire and within its sphere of influence. Subsequently, Christianity penetrated into the countries of Western and of Eastern Europe, missionary expeditions reached the countries of Asia and Africa. With the beginning of the Great geographical discoveries and with the development of colonialism it began to spread to other continents.

Nowadays, there are three main directions of the Christian religion: Catholicism, Orthodoxy and Protestantism. A separate group includes the so-called ancient Eastern churches (the Armenian Apostolic Church, the Assyrian Church of the East, the Coptic, Ethiopian, Syrian and Indian Malabar Orthodox Churches), which did not accept the decisions of the IV Ecumenical (Chalcedonian) Council of 451.


The split of the church into Western (Catholic) and Eastern (Orthodox) occurred in 1054. Catholicism is currently the largest Christian faith in terms of the number of adherents. It is distinguished from other Christian denominations by several important dogmas: the immaculate conception and ascension of the Virgin Mary, the doctrine of purgatory, indulgences, the dogma of the infallibility of the actions of the Pope as the head of the church, the assertion of the power of the Pope as the successor of the Apostle Peter, the indissolubility of the sacrament of marriage, the veneration of saints , martyrs and blessed.

Catholic teaching speaks of the procession of the Holy Spirit from God the Father and from God the Son. All Catholic priests take a vow of celibacy, baptism occurs through pouring water on the head. The sign of the cross is made from left to right, most often with five fingers.

Catholics make up the majority of believers in Latin America, Southern Europe (Italy, France, Spain, Portugal), Ireland, Scotland, Belgium, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, and Malta. A significant part of the population professes Catholicism in the USA, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, Latvia, Lithuania, the western regions of Ukraine and Belarus. In the Middle East, there are many Catholics in Lebanon, in Asia - in the Philippines and East Timor, partially in Vietnam, South Korea and China. The influence of Catholicism is great in some African countries (mainly in the former French colonies).


Orthodoxy was initially subordinate to the Patriarch of Constantinople; currently there are many local (autocephalous and autonomous) Orthodox churches, the highest hierarchs of which are called patriarchs (for example, the Patriarch of Jerusalem, the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'). The head of the church is considered to be Jesus Christ; there is no figure similar to the Pope in Orthodoxy. The institution of monasticism plays a major role in the life of the church, and the clergy is divided into white (non-monastic) and black (monastic). Representatives of the white clergy can marry and have a family. Unlike Catholicism, Orthodoxy does not recognize the dogmas about the infallibility of the Pope and his primacy over all Christians, about the procession of the Holy Spirit from the Father and from the Son, about purgatory and the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary.

The sign of the cross in Orthodoxy is done from right to left, with three fingers (three fingers). In some movements of Orthodoxy (Old Believers, co-religionists) they use two fingers - the sign of the cross with two fingers.

Orthodox Christians make up the majority of believers in Russia, in the eastern regions of Ukraine and Belarus, in Greece, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Macedonia, Georgia, Abkhazia, Serbia, Romania, and Cyprus. A significant percentage of the Orthodox population is represented in Bosnia and Herzegovina, part of Finland, northern Kazakhstan, some states of the USA, Estonia, Latvia, Kyrgyzstan and Albania. There are also Orthodox communities in some African countries.


The formation of Protestantism refers to XVI century and is associated with the Reformation, a broad movement against the dominance of the Catholic Church in Europe. IN modern world There are many Protestant churches, but there is no single center.

Among the original forms of Protestantism, Anglicanism, Calvinism, Lutheranism, Zwinglianism, Anabaptism, and Mennonism stand out. Subsequently, movements such as Quakers, Pentecostals, the Salvation Army, evangelists, Adventists, Baptists, Methodists and many others developed. Religious associations such as Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses are classified by some researchers as Protestant churches, and by others as sects.

Most Protestants recognize the general Christian dogma of the trinity of God and the authority of the Bible, however, unlike Catholics and Orthodox Christians, they oppose the interpretation of Holy Scripture. Most Protestants deny icons, monasticism and the veneration of saints, believing that a person can be saved through faith in Jesus Christ. Some of the Protestant churches are more conservative, some are more liberal (this difference in views on issues of marriage and divorce is especially visible), many of them are active in missionary work. A branch such as Anglicanism, in many of its manifestations, is close to Catholicism; the question of recognition of the authority of the Pope by Anglicans is currently being discussed.

There are Protestants in most countries of the world. They make up the majority of believers in the UK, USA, Scandinavian countries, Australia, New Zealand, and there are also many of them in Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Canada, and Estonia. An increasing percentage of Protestants is observed in South Korea, as well as in such traditionally Catholic countries, like Brazil and Chile. Own branches of Protestantism (such as, for example, Quimbangism) exist in Africa.


Relation to other Christian denominations Considers itself the only true Church. Considers itself the only true Church. However, after the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), it was customary to speak of the Orthodox Churches as Sister Churches, and of Protestants as church associations. Diversity of views, even to the point of refusing to consider it obligatory for a Christian to belong to any particular denomination
Internal organization of the Church The division into local Churches remains. There are numerous differences on ritual and canonical issues (for example, recognition or non-recognition Gregorian calendar). There are several different Orthodox Churches in Russia. Under the auspices of the Moscow Patriarchate are 95% of believers; The most ancient alternative confession is the Old Believers. Organizational unity, cemented by the authorities of the Pope (head of the Church), with significant autonomy of monastic orders. There are a few groups of Old Catholics and Lefebvrist Catholics (traditionalists) who do not recognize the dogma of papal infallibility. Centralization prevails in Lutheranism and Anglicanism. Baptistism is organized on a federal principle: the Baptist community is autonomous and sovereign, subordinate only to Jesus Christ. Community unions resolve only organizational issues.
Relations with secular authorities In different eras and in different countries, the Orthodox Churches were either in alliance (“symphony”) with the authorities, or subordinated to them in civil terms. Until the beginning of modern times, church authorities competed with secular authorities in their influence, and the pope exercised secular power over vast territories. Diversity of models of relations with the state: in some European countries(for example, in Great Britain) - the state religion, in others - the Church is completely separated from the state.
Attitude towards clergy marriage White clergy (i.e. all clergy except monks) have the right to marry once. The clergy takes a vow of celibacy, with the exception of priests of the Eastern Rite Churches, based on a union with the Catholic Church. Marriage is possible for all believers.
Monasticism There is monasticism, the spiritual father of which is St. Basil the Great. Monasteries are divided into communal (cinenial) monasteries, with common property and common spiritual guidance, and single-living monasteries, in which there are no rules of coenobium. There is monasticism, which from the 11th - 12th centuries. began to be formalized into orders. The Order of St. had the greatest influence. Benedicta. Later, other orders arose: monastic (Cistercian, Dominican, Franciscan, etc.) and spiritual knightly (Templars, Hospitallers, etc.) Rejects monasticism.
Supreme authority in matters of faith The highest authorities are sacred Scripture and sacred tradition, including the works of the fathers and teachers of the church; Creeds of the most ancient local churches; definitions of faith and rules of ecumenical and those local councils, the authority of which is recognized by the 6th Ecumenical Council; ancient practice of the Church. In the 19th - 20th centuries. the opinion was expressed that the development of dogmas by church councils is permissible in the presence of the grace of God. The highest authority is the Pope and his position on matters of faith (the dogma of papal infallibility). The authority of Holy Scripture and Holy Tradition is also recognized. Catholics consider the councils of their Church to be Ecumenical. The highest authority is the Bible. There are varied views on who has the authority to interpret the Bible. In some directions, a view close to the Catholic one is maintained on the church hierarchy as the authority in the interpretation of the Bible, or the body of believers is recognized as the source of the authoritative interpretation of the Holy Scriptures. Others are characterized by extreme individualism (“everyone reads his own Bible”).
Dogma of the procession of the Holy Spirit Believes that the Holy Spirit comes only from the Father through the Son. Believes that the Holy Spirit comes from both the Father and the Son (filioque; lat. filioque - “and from the Son”). Eastern Rite Catholics have a different opinion on this issue. The confessions that are members of the World Council of Churches accept a short, general Christian (Apostolic) Creed that does not address this issue.
Doctrine of the Virgin Mary Our Lady had no personal sin, but bore the consequences of original sin, like all people. The Orthodox believe in the ascension of the Mother of God after her Dormition (death), although there is no dogma about this. There is a dogma about the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary, which implies the absence of not only personal, but also original sin. Mary is perceived as an example of a perfect woman. Catholic dogmas about Her are rejected.
attitude towards purgatory and the doctrine of “ordeals” There is a doctrine of “ordeals” - tests of the soul of the deceased after death. There is a belief in the judgment of the deceased (preceding the last, the Last Judgment) and in purgatory, where the dead are freed from sins. The doctrine of purgatory and “ordeals” is rejected.
The relationship between the authorities of Holy Scripture and Holy Tradition The Holy Scriptures are considered as part of the Holy Tradition. Holy Scripture is equated with sacred Tradition. Holy Scripture is higher than sacred Tradition.
Sacraments Seven sacraments are accepted: baptism, confirmation, repentance, Eucharist, marriage, priesthood, consecration of oil (unction). Seven sacraments are accepted: baptism, confirmation, repentance, Eucharist, marriage, priesthood, consecration of oil. In most directions, two sacraments are recognized - communion and baptism. Several denominations (mainly Anabaptists and Quakers) do not recognize the sacraments.
Acceptance of new members into the Church Carrying out baptism of children (preferably in three immersions). Confirmation and first communion take place immediately after baptism. Carrying out the baptism of children (through sprinkling and pouring). Confirmation and first baptism are performed, as a rule, at a conscious age (from 7 to 12 years); At the same time, the child must know the basics of faith. As a rule, through baptism at a conscious age with mandatory knowledge of the basics of faith.
Features of Communion The Eucharist is celebrated on leavened bread (bread prepared with yeast); Communion for clergy and laity with the Body of Christ and His Blood (bread and wine) The Eucharist is celebrated on unleavened bread (unleavened bread prepared without yeast); communion for the clergy - with the Body and Blood of Christ (bread and wine), for the laity - only with the Body of Christ (bread). Used in different directions different kinds bread for communion.
Attitude towards confession Confession in the presence of a priest is considered mandatory; It is customary to confess before each communion. In exceptional cases, direct repentance before God is possible. Confession in the presence of a priest is considered desirable at least once a year. In exceptional cases, direct repentance before God is possible. The role of mediators between man and God is not recognized. No one has the right to confess and absolve sins.
Divine service The main worship service is the liturgy according to the Eastern rite. The main divine service is the liturgy (mass) according to the Latin and Eastern rites. Various forms of worship.
Language of worship In most countries, worship at national languages; in Russia, as a rule, in Church Slavonic. Divine services in national languages, as well as in Latin. Worship in national languages.
Veneration of icons and the cross The veneration of the cross and icons is developed. Orthodox Christians separate icon painting from painting as a form of art that is not necessary for salvation. Images of Jesus Christ, the cross and saints are venerated. Only prayer in front of the icon is allowed, and not prayer to the icon. Icons are not revered. In churches and houses of worship there are images of the cross, and in areas where Orthodoxy is widespread there are Orthodox icons.
Attitude to the cult of the Virgin Mary Prayers to the Virgin Mary as the Mother of God, Mother of God, and Intercessor are accepted. There is no cult of the Virgin Mary.
Veneration of the saints. Prayers for the dead Saints are revered and prayed to as intercessors before God. Prayers for the dead are accepted. Saints are not revered. Prayers for the dead are not accepted.


The Orthodox Church has preserved intact the truth that the Lord Jesus Christ revealed to the apostles. But the Lord Himself warned His disciples that from among those who would be with them there would appear people who would want to distort the truth and muddy it with their own inventions: Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.(Matt. 7 , 15).

And the apostles also warned about this. For example, the Apostle Peter wrote: you will have false teachers who will introduce destructive heresies and, denying the Lord who bought them, will bring upon themselves quick destruction. And many will follow their depravity, and through them the path of truth will be reproached... Having left the straight path, they have gone astray... the darkness of eternal darkness is prepared for them(2 Pet. 2 , 1-2, 15, 17).

Heresy is understood as a lie that a person follows consciously. The path that Jesus Christ opened requires dedication and effort from a person so that it becomes clear whether he really entered this path with firm intention and love for the truth. It is not enough to just call yourself a Christian; you must prove with your deeds, words and thoughts, with your whole life, that you are a Christian. He who loves the truth, for its sake, is ready to renounce all lies in his thoughts and his life, so that the truth may enter into him, cleanse and sanctify him.

But not everyone embarks on this path with pure intentions. And their subsequent life in the Church reveals their bad mood. And those who love themselves more than God fall away from the Church.

There is a sin of action - when a person violates the commandments of God by deed, and there is a sin of mind - when a person prefers his lie to the Divine truth. The second is called heresy. And among those who called themselves Christians at different times, there were both people devoted to the sin of action, and people devoted to the sin of the mind. Both people resist God. Either person, if he has made a firm choice in favor of sin, cannot remain in the Church and falls away from it. Thus, throughout history, everyone who chose sin left the Orthodox Church.

The Apostle John spoke about them: They left us, but they were not ours: for if they were ours, they would have remained with us; but they came out, and through this it was revealed that not all of us(1 Jn. 2 , 19).

Their fate is unenviable, because the Scripture says that those who surrender heresies... will not inherit the Kingdom of God(Gal. 5 , 20-21).

Precisely because a person is free, he can always make a choice and use freedom either for good, by choosing the path to God, or for evil, by choosing sin. This is the reason that false teachers arose and those who believed them more than Christ and His Church arose.

When heretics appeared, introducing lies, the holy fathers of the Orthodox Church began to explain to them their errors and called on them to abandon fiction and turn to the truth. Some, convinced by their words, were corrected, but not all. And about those who persisted in lies, the Church pronounced its judgment, testifying that they were not true followers of Christ and members of the community of the faithful founded by Him. This is how the apostolic council was fulfilled: After the first and second admonition, turn away from the heretic, knowing that such a one has become corrupted and sins, being self-condemned(Tit. 3 , 10-11).

There have been many such people in history. The most widespread and numerous of the communities they founded that have survived to this day are the Monophysite Eastern Churches (they arose in the 5th century), the Roman Catholic Church (which fell away from the Ecumenical Orthodox Church in the 11th century) and Churches that call themselves Protestant. Today we will look at how the path of Protestantism differs from the path of the Orthodox Church.


If any branch breaks off from a tree, then, having lost contact with the vital juices, it will inevitably begin to dry out, lose its leaves, become fragile and easily break at the first onslaught.

The same is evident in the life of all communities that separated from the Orthodox Church. Just as a broken branch cannot retain its leaves, so those who are separated from true church unity can no longer maintain their inner unity. This happens because, having left God’s family, they lose touch with the life-giving and saving power of the Holy Spirit, and that sinful desire to resist the truth and put themselves above others, which led them to fall away from the Church, continues to operate among those who have fallen away, turning already against them and leading to ever new internal divisions.

So, in the 11th century, the Local Roman Church separated from the Orthodox Church, and at the beginning of the 16th century, a significant part of the people already separated from it, following the ideas of the former Catholic priest Luther and his like-minded people. They formed their own communities, which they began to consider as the “Church”. This movement is collectively called Protestants, and their separation itself is called the Reformation.

In turn, Protestants also did not maintain internal unity, but began to divide even more into different currents and directions, each of which claimed that it was the real Church of Jesus Christ. They continue to divide to this day, and now there are already more than twenty thousand of them in the world.

Each of their directions has its own peculiarities of doctrine, which would take a long time to describe, and here we will limit ourselves to analyzing only the main features that are characteristic of all Protestant nominations and which distinguish them from the Orthodox Church.

The main reason for the emergence of Protestantism was a protest against the teachings and religious practices of the Roman Catholic Church.

As Saint Ignatius (Brianchaninov) notes, indeed, “many misconceptions have crept into the Roman Church. Luther would have done well if, having rejected the errors of the Latins, he had replaced these errors with the true teaching of the Holy Spirit. Church of Christ; but he replaced them with his own errors; Some of Rome’s misconceptions, very important ones, were fully followed, and some were strengthened.” “The Protestants rebelled against the ugly power and divinity of the popes; but since they acted on the impulse of passions, drowning in depravity, and not with the direct goal of striving for the holy Truth, they did not turn out to be worthy to see it.”

They abandoned the erroneous idea that the Pope is the head of the Church, but retained the Catholic error that the Holy Spirit comes from the Father and the Son.


Protestants formulated the principle: “Scripture only,” which means that they recognize only the Bible as its authority, and they reject the Holy Tradition of the Church.

And in this they contradict themselves, because the Holy Scripture itself indicates the need to honor the Holy Tradition coming from the apostles: stand and keep the traditions that you were taught either by word or by our message(2 Thess. 2 , 15), writes the Apostle Paul.

If a person writes some text and distributes it different people, and then asks you to explain how they understood it, you will probably find that someone understood the text correctly, and someone incorrectly, putting their own meaning into these words. It is known that any text has possible different variants understanding. They may be true, or they may be wrong. The same is true with the text of Holy Scripture, if we tear it away from Holy Tradition. Indeed, Protestants think that Scripture should be understood the way anyone wants. But this approach cannot help to find the truth.

Here is how Saint Nicholas of Japan wrote about this: “Japanese Protestants sometimes come to me and ask me to explain some passage of Holy Scripture. “But you have your own missionary teachers - ask them,” I tell them. “What do they answer?” - “We asked them, they said: understand as you know; but I need to know the true thought of God, and not my personal opinion”... It’s not like that with us, everything is light and reliable, clear and solid - because we are apart from the Sacred We also accept the Holy Tradition from the Scriptures, and the Holy Tradition is the living, uninterrupted voice... of our Church from the time of Christ and His Apostles to this day, which will remain until the end of the world. The whole of Holy Scripture is based on it.”

The Apostle Peter himself testifies that no prophecy in Scripture can be resolved by oneself, for prophecy was never pronounced by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke it, being moved by the Holy Spirit(2 Pet. 1 , 20-21). Accordingly, only holy fathers, moved by the same Holy Spirit, can reveal to man a true understanding of the Word of God.

Holy Scripture and Holy Tradition form one inseparable whole, and have been so from the very beginning.

Not in writing, but orally, the Lord Jesus Christ revealed to the apostles how to understand the Holy Scriptures Old Testament(OK. 24 , 27), and they taught the same thing orally to the first Orthodox Christians. Protestants want to imitate the early apostolic communities in their structure, but in the early years the early Christians had no New Testament scriptures at all, and everything was passed on from mouth to mouth, like tradition.

The Bible was given by God for the Orthodox Church; it was in accordance with the Holy Tradition that the Orthodox Church at its Councils approved the composition of the Bible; it was the Orthodox Church, long before the appearance of Protestants, that lovingly preserved the Holy Scriptures in its communities.

Protestants, using the Bible, which was not written by them, not collected by them, not preserved by them, reject the Holy Tradition, and thereby close to themselves the true understanding of the Word of God. Therefore, they often argue about the Bible and often come up with their own, human traditions that have no connection either with the apostles or with the Holy Spirit, and fall, according to the word of the apostle, into empty deception, according to human tradition..., and not according to Christ(Col. 2:8).


Protestants rejected the priesthood and sacred rites, not believing that God could act through them, and even if they left something similar, it was only the name, believing that these were only symbols and reminders of historical events remaining in the past, and not a holy reality in itself. Instead of bishops and priests, they got themselves pastors who have no connection with the apostles, no succession of grace, as in the Orthodox Church, where every bishop and priest has the blessing of God, which can be traced from our days to Jesus Christ Himself. The Protestant pastor is only a speaker and administrator of the life of the community.

As Saint Ignatius (Brianchaninov) says, “Luther... passionately rejecting the lawless power of the popes, rejected the legal power, rejected the episcopal rank itself, the consecration itself, despite the fact that the establishment of both belonged to the apostles themselves... rejected the Sacrament of Confession, although all Holy Scripture testifies that it is impossible to receive remission of sins without confessing them.” Protestants also rejected other sacred rites.

Veneration of the Virgin Mary and saints

The Most Holy Virgin Mary, who gave birth to the human race of the Lord Jesus Christ, prophetically said: from now on all generations will please Me(OK. 1 , 48). This was said about the true followers of Christ - Orthodox Christians. And indeed, from then until now, from generation to generation, all Orthodox Christians have revered Holy Mother of God Virgin Mary. But Protestants do not want to honor and please her, contrary to Scripture.

The Virgin Mary, like all the saints, that is, people who have walked to the end along the path of salvation opened by Christ, have united with God and are always in harmony with Him.

The Mother of God and all the saints became the closest and most beloved friends of God. Even a person, if his beloved friend asks him for something, will definitely try to fulfill it, and God also willingly listens and quickly fulfills the requests of the saints. It is known that even during his earthly life, when they asked, He certainly responded. So, for example, at the request of the Mother, He helped the poor newlyweds and performed a miracle at the feast to save them from shame (Jn. 2 , 1-11).

Scripture reports that God is not the God of the dead, but of the living, for with Him all are alive(Luke 20:38). Therefore, after death, people do not disappear without a trace, but their living souls are maintained by God, and those who are holy retain the opportunity to communicate with Him. And Scripture directly says that departed saints make requests to God and He hears them (see: Rev. 6 , 9-10). Therefore, Orthodox Christians venerate the Most Holy Virgin Mary and other saints and turn to them with requests that they intercede with God on our behalf. Experience shows that many healings, deliverances from death and other help are received by those who resort to their prayerful intercession.

For example, in 1395, the great Mongol commander Tamerlane with a huge army went to Russia to capture and destroy its cities, including the capital, Moscow. The Russians did not have enough strength to withstand such an army. Orthodox residents of Moscow began to earnestly ask the Most Holy Theotokos to pray to God to save them from the impending disaster. And so, one morning Tamerlane unexpectedly announced to his military leaders that they needed to turn the army around and go back. And when asked about the reason, he answered that at night in a dream he saw great mountain, on top of which stood a beautiful shining woman who ordered him to leave the Russian lands. And, although Tamerlane was not Orthodox Christian, out of fear and respect for the holiness and spiritual power of the appeared Virgin Mary, he submitted to Her.

Prayers for the dead

Those Orthodox Christians who during their lifetime were unable to overcome sin and become saints do not disappear after death either, but they themselves need our prayers. Therefore, the Orthodox Church prays for the dead, believing that through these prayers the Lord sends relief for the posthumous fate of our deceased loved ones. But Protestants do not want to admit this either, and refuse to pray for the dead.


The Lord Jesus Christ, speaking about his followers, said: the days will come when the Bridegroom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast in those days(Mk. 2 , 20).

The Lord Jesus Christ was taken away from His disciples the first time on Wednesday, when Judas betrayed Him and the villains captured Him to take Him to trial, and the second time on Friday, when the villains crucified Him on the Cross. Therefore, in fulfillment of the words of the Savior, Orthodox Christians have observed fasting every Wednesday and Friday since ancient times, abstaining for the sake of the Lord from eating animal products, as well as from various types of entertainment.

The Lord Jesus Christ fasted for forty days and nights (see: Matt. 4 , 2), setting an example for His disciples (see: Jn. 13 , 15). And the apostles, as the Bible says, with worshiped the Lord and fasted(Acts 13 , 2). Therefore, Orthodox Christians, in addition to one-day fasts, also have multi-day fasts, of which the main one is Great Lent.

Protestants deny fasting and fasting days.

Sacred images

Anyone who wants to worship the true God should not worship false gods, which are either invented by people or by those spirits who have fallen away from God and become evil. These evil spirits often appeared to people in order to mislead them and distract them from worshiping the true God to worship themselves.

However, having ordered the construction of the temple, the Lord, even in these ancient times, also ordered to make images of cherubim in it (see: Ex. 25, 18-22) - spirits who remained faithful to God and became holy angels. Therefore, from the very first times, Orthodox Christians made sacred images of saints united with the Lord. In the ancient underground catacombs, where Christians persecuted by pagans gathered for prayer and sacred rites in the 2nd-3rd centuries, they depicted the Virgin Mary, the apostles, and scenes from the Gospel. These ancient sacred images have survived to this day. Exactly the same in modern churches The Orthodox Church has the same sacred images, icons. When looking at them, it is easier for a person to ascend in soul to prototype, concentrate your energy on praying to him. After such prayers in front of holy icons, God often sends help to people; miraculous healings. In particular, Orthodox Christians prayed for deliverance from Tamerlane’s army in 1395 at one of the icons of the Mother of God - the Vladimir icon.

However, Protestants, due to their error, reject the veneration of sacred images, not understanding the difference between them and between idols. This stems from their erroneous understanding of the Bible, as well as from the corresponding spiritual mood - after all, only someone who does not understand the difference between a holy and an evil spirit can fail to notice the fundamental difference between the image of a saint and the image of an evil spirit.

Other differences

Protestants believe that if a person recognizes Jesus Christ as God and Savior, then he already becomes saved and holy, and no special works are needed for this. And Orthodox Christians, following the Apostle James, believe that Faith, if it does not have works, is dead in itself(James. 2, 17). And the Savior Himself said: Not everyone who says to Me: “Lord! Lord!” will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in Heaven(Matt. 7:21). This means, according to Orthodox Christians, that it is necessary to fulfill the commandments that express the will of the Father, and thus prove one’s faith by deeds.

Also, Protestants do not have monasticism or monasteries, but Orthodox Christians do. The monks work zealously to fulfill all the commandments of Christ. And in addition, they take three additional vows for the sake of God: a vow of celibacy, a vow of non-covetousness (not having their own property) and a vow of obedience to a spiritual leader. In this they imitate the Apostle Paul, who was celibate, non-covetous and completely obedient to the Lord. The monastic path is considered higher and more glorious than the path of a layman - a family man, but a layman can also be saved and become a saint. Among the apostles of Christ there were also married people, namely, the apostles Peter and Philip.

When Saint Nicholas of Japan was asked at the end of the 19th century why, although the Orthodox in Japan have only two missionaries, and the Protestants have six hundred, nevertheless, more Japanese converted to Orthodoxy than to Protestantism, he replied: “It’s not about the people, but in teaching. If a Japanese, before accepting Christianity, thoroughly studies it and compares it: in the Catholic mission he recognizes Catholicism, in the Protestant mission he recognizes Protestantism, we have our teaching, then, as far as I know, he always accepts Orthodoxy.<...>What is this? Yes, that in Orthodoxy the teaching of Christ is kept pure and whole; We have not added anything to it, like Catholics, and have taken nothing away, like Protestants.”

Indeed, Orthodox Christians are convinced, as Saint Theophan the Recluse says, of this immutable truth: “What God has revealed and what He has commanded, nothing should be added to it, nor anything taken away from it. This applies to Catholics and Protestants. Those are adding everything, but these are subtracting... The Catholics have muddied the apostolic tradition. The Protestants set out to correct the matter - and made it even worse. Catholics have one pope, but Protestants have one pope, no matter the Protestant.”

Therefore, everyone who is truly interested in the truth, and not in their own thoughts, both in past centuries and in our time, certainly finds their way to the Orthodox Church, and often, even without any effort from Orthodox Christians, God Himself leads such people to the truth. As an example, here are two stories that happened recently, the participants and witnesses of which are still alive.

US case

In the 1960s in the American state of California, in the cities of Ben Lomon and Santa Barbara large group young Protestants came to the conclusion that all the Protestant Churches known to them cannot be the real Church, since they assume that after the Apostles the Church of Christ disappeared, and it was supposedly revived only in the 16th century by Luther and other leaders of Protestantism. But such a thought contradicts the words of Christ that the gates of hell will not prevail against his Church. And then these young people began to study the historical books of Christians, from the very early antiquity, from the first century to the second, then to the third, and so on, tracing the continuous history of the Church founded by Christ and His apostles. And so, thanks to their many years of research, these young Americans themselves became convinced that such a Church is the Orthodox Church, although none of the Orthodox Christians communicated with them or instilled in them such thoughts, but the history of Christianity itself testified to them this truth. And then they came into contact with the Orthodox Church in 1974, all of them, more than two thousand people, accepted Orthodoxy.

Case in Benini

Another story happened in West Africa, in Benin. In this country there were no Orthodox Christians at all, most of the inhabitants were pagans, a few professed Islam, and some were Catholics or Protestants.

One of them, a man named Optat Bekhanzin, suffered a misfortune in 1969: his five-year-old son Eric became seriously ill and suffered from paralysis. Bekhanzin took his son to the hospital, but doctors said that the boy could not be cured. Then the grief-stricken father turned to his Protestant “Church” and began attending prayer meetings in the hope that God would heal his son. But these prayers were fruitless. After this, Optat gathered some close people at his home, persuading them to pray together to Jesus Christ for Eric’s healing. And after their prayer a miracle happened: the boy was healed; it strengthened the small community. Subsequently, more and more miraculous healings occurred through their prayers to God. Therefore, more and more people came to them - both Catholics and Protestants.

In 1975, the community decided to form itself as an independent church, and the believers decided to pray and fast intensely in order to find out the will of God. And at that moment, Eric Bekhanzin, who was already eleven years old, received a revelation: when asked what they should call their church community, God answered: “My Church is called the Orthodox Church.” This greatly surprised the Benin people, because none of them, including Eric himself, had ever heard of the existence of such a Church, and they did not even know the word “Orthodox.” However, they called their community the "Orthodox Church of Benin", and only twelve years later were they able to meet Orthodox Christians. And when they learned about the real Orthodox Church, which has been called that way since ancient times and dates back to the apostles, they all together, consisting of more than 2,500 people, converted to the Orthodox Church. This is how the Lord responds to the requests of all who truly seek the path of holiness leading to the truth, and brings such a person to His Church.
The difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism

The reason for the split of the Christian Church into Western (Catholicism) and Eastern (Orthodoxy) was the political split that occurred at the turn of the 8th-9th centuries, when Constantinople lost the lands of the western part of the Roman Empire. In the summer of 1054, the Pope's ambassador to Constantinople, Cardinal Humbert, anathematized the Byzantine Patriarch Michael Cyrularius and his followers. A few days later, a council was held in Constantinople, at which Cardinal Humbert and his henchmen were reciprocally anathematized. Disagreements between representatives of the Roman and Greek churches it also worsened due to political disagreements: Byzantium argued with Rome for power. The mistrust of East and West turned into open hostility after the Crusade against Byzantium in 1202, when Western Christians went against their eastern fellow believers. Only in 1964, Patriarch Athenagoras of Constantinople and Pope Paul VI officially The anathema of 1054 was lifted. However, differences in traditions have become deeply entrenched over the centuries.

Church organization

The Orthodox Church includes several independent Churches. In addition to the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC), there is Georgian, Serbian, Greek, Romanian and others. These Churches are governed by patriarchs, archbishops and metropolitans. Not all Orthodox Churches have communion with each other in the sacraments and prayers (which, according to the catechism of Metropolitan Philaret, is a necessary condition in order for individual Churches to be part of the one Universal Church). Also, not all Orthodox Churches recognize each other as true churches. Orthodox Christians consider Jesus Christ to be the head of the Church.

Unlike the Orthodox Church, Catholicism is one Universal Church. All its parts are different countries the world are in communication with each other, and also follow the same creed and recognize the Pope as their head. In the Catholic Church, there are communities within the Catholic Church (rites) that differ from each other in forms of liturgical worship and church discipline. There are Roman, Byzantine rites, etc. Therefore, there are Catholics of the Roman rite, Catholics of the Byzantine rite, etc., but they are all members of the same Church. Catholics also consider the Pope to be the head of the Church.

Divine service

The main worship service for Orthodox Christians is Divine Liturgy, for Catholics - Mass (Catholic liturgy).

During services in the Russian Orthodox Church, it is customary to stand as a sign of humility before God. In other Eastern Rite Churches, sitting is allowed during services. As a sign of unconditional submission, Orthodox Christians kneel. Contrary to popular belief, it is customary for Catholics to both sit and stand during worship. There are services that Catholics listen to on their knees.

Mother of God

In Orthodoxy, the Mother of God is first and foremost the Mother of God. She is revered as a saint, but she was born in original sin, like all mere mortals, and died like all people. Unlike Orthodoxy, Catholicism believes that the Virgin Mary was conceived immaculately without original sin and at the end of her life was ascended to heaven alive.

Symbol of faith

Orthodox believe that the Holy Spirit comes only from the Father. Catholics believe that the Holy Spirit comes from the Father and from the Son.


The Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church recognize seven main Sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation (Confirmation), Communion (Eucharist), Penance (Confession), Priesthood (Ordination), Anointing (Unction) and Marriage (Wedding). The rituals of the Orthodox and Catholic Churches are almost identical, the differences are only in the interpretation of the sacraments. For example, during the sacrament of baptism in the Orthodox Church, a child or adult is immersed in the font. In a Catholic church, an adult or child is sprinkled with water. The sacrament of communion (Eucharist) is celebrated on leavened bread. Both the priesthood and the laity partake of both the Blood (wine) and the Body of Christ (bread). In Catholicism, the sacrament of communion is celebrated on unleavened bread. The priesthood partakes of both the Blood and the Body, while the laity partakes only of the Body of Christ.


Orthodoxy does not believe in the existence of purgatory after death. Although it is assumed that souls may be in an intermediate state, hoping to go to heaven after the Last Judgment. In Catholicism, there is a dogma about purgatory, where souls remain awaiting heaven.

Faith and morals
The Orthodox Church recognizes only the decisions of the first seven Ecumenical Councils, which took place from 49 to 787. Catholics recognize the Pope as their head and share the same faith. Although within the Catholic Church there are communities with in different forms liturgical worship: Byzantine, Roman and others. The Catholic Church recognizes the decisions of 21 Ecumenical Council, the last of which took place in 1962–1965.

Within Orthodoxy, divorces are allowed in individual cases, which are decided by priests. The Orthodox clergy is divided into “white” and “black”. Representatives of the “white clergy” are allowed to marry. True, then they will not be able to receive episcopal or higher rank. “Black clergy” are monks who take a vow of celibacy. For Catholics, the sacrament of marriage is considered to be for life and divorce is prohibited. All Catholic religious clergy take a vow of celibacy.

Sign of the Cross

Orthodox Christians cross themselves only from right to left with three fingers. Catholics cross themselves from left to right. They do not have a single rule for how to place your fingers when creating a cross, so several options have taken root.

On Orthodox icons, saints are depicted in two dimensions according to the tradition of reverse perspective. This emphasizes that the action takes place in another dimension - in the world of spirit. Orthodox icons are monumental, austere and symbolic. Among Catholics, saints are depicted naturalistically, often in the form of statues. Catholic icons are painted in straight perspective.

Sculptural images of Christ, the Virgin Mary and saints adopted in Catholic churches, are not accepted by the Eastern Church.

The Orthodox cross has three crossbars, one of which is short and located at the top, symbolizing the tablet with the inscription “This is Jesus, King of the Jews,” which was nailed above the head of the crucified Christ. The lower crossbar is a footstool and one of its ends looks up, pointing to one of the thieves crucified next to Christ, who believed and ascended with him. The second end of the crossbar points down, as a sign that the second thief, who allowed himself to slander Jesus, went to hell. On the Orthodox cross, each foot of Christ is nailed with a separate nail. Unlike the Orthodox cross, the Catholic cross consists of two crossbars. If it depicts Jesus, then both of Jesus' feet are nailed to the base of the cross with one nail. Christ on Catholic crucifixes, as well as on icons, is depicted naturalistically - his body sags under the weight, torment and suffering are noticeable throughout the image.

Funeral service for the deceased
Orthodox Christians commemorate the dead on the 3rd, 9th and 40th days, then every other year. Catholics always remember the dead on Remembrance Day - November 1st. In some European countries November 1st is official m on days off. The deceased are also remembered on the 3rd, 7th and 30th days after death, but this tradition is not strictly observed.

Despite the existing differences, both Catholics and Orthodox Christians are united by the fact that they profess and preach throughout the world one faith and one teaching of Jesus Christ.


  1. In Orthodoxy, it is generally accepted that the Universal Church is “embodied” in each local Church, headed by a bishop. Catholics add to this that in order to belong to the Universal Church, the local Church must have communion with the local Roman Catholic Church.
  2. World Orthodoxy does not have a single leadership. It is divided into several independent churches. World Catholicism is one church.
  3. The Catholic Church recognizes the primacy of the Pope in matters of faith and discipline, morality and government. Orthodox churches do not recognize the primacy of the Pope.
  4. Churches see differently the role of the Holy Spirit and the mother of Christ, who in Orthodoxy is called the Mother of God, and in Catholicism the Virgin Mary. In Orthodoxy there is no concept of purgatory.
  5. The same sacraments operate in the Orthodox and Catholic Churches, but the rituals for their implementation are different.
  6. Unlike Catholicism, Orthodoxy does not have a dogma about purgatory.
  7. Orthodox and Catholics create the cross in different ways.
  8. Orthodoxy allows divorce, and its “white clergy” can marry. In Catholicism, divorce is prohibited, and all monastic clergy take a vow of celibacy.
  9. The Orthodox and Catholic Churches recognize the decisions of different Ecumenical Councils.
  10. Unlike the Orthodox, Catholics depict saints on icons in a naturalistic manner. Also among Catholics, sculptural images of Christ, the Virgin Mary and saints are common.

So...Everyone understands that Catholicism and Orthodoxy, like Protestantism, are directions of one religion - Christianity. Despite the fact that both Catholicism and Orthodoxy belong to Christianity, there are significant differences between them.

If Catholicism is represented by just one church, and Orthodoxy consists of several autocephalous churches, homogeneous in their doctrine and structure, then Protestantism is many churches that may differ from each other both in organization and in individual details of doctrine.

Protestantism is characterized by the absence of a fundamental opposition between the clergy and the laity, the rejection of a complex church hierarchy, a simplified cult, the absence of monasticism, and celibacy; in Protestantism there is no cult of the Mother of God, saints, angels, icons, the number of sacraments is reduced to two (baptism and communion).
The main source of doctrine is Holy Scripture. Protestantism is widespread mainly in the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Scandinavian countries and Finland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Australia, Canada, Latvia, Estonia. Thus, Protestants are Christians who belong to one of several independent Christian churches.

They are Christians, and together with Catholics and Orthodox Christians they share the fundamental principles of Christianity.
However, the views of Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants on some issues differ. Protestants value the authority of the Bible above all else. Orthodox and Catholics value their traditions more highly and believe that only the leaders of these Churches can interpret the Bible correctly. Despite their differences, all Christians agree with the prayer of Christ recorded in the Gospel of John (17:20-21): “I pray not for these only, but also for those who believe in Me through their word, that they may all be one... "

Which is better, depending on which side you look at. For the development of the state and life in pleasure - Protestantism is more acceptable. If a person is driven by the thought of suffering and redemption - then Catholicism?

For me personally, it is important that P Orthodoxy is the only religion that teaches that God is Love (John 3:16; 1John 4:8). And this is not one of the qualities, but is the main revelation of God about Himself - that He is all-good, unceasing and unchanging, all-perfect Love, and that all His actions, in relation to man and the world, are an expression of only love. Therefore, such “feelings” of God as anger, punishment, revenge, etc., which the books of Holy Scripture and the Holy Fathers often speak about, are nothing more than ordinary anthropomorphisms used with the aim of giving to the widest possible circle of people, in the most accessible form, an idea of ​​God’s providence in the world. Therefore, says St. John Chrysostom (IV century): “When you hear the words: “rage and anger” in relation to God, then do not understand anything human by them: these are words of condescension. The Divine is alien to all such things; it is said this way in order to bring the subject closer to the understanding of cruder people” (Conversation on Ps. VI. 2. // Creations. T.V. Book. 1. St. Petersburg, 1899, p. 49).

To each his own...

Catholicism is part of Christianity, and Christianity itself is one of the main religions of the world. Its directions include: Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Protestantism, with many types and branches. Most often, people want to understand what is the difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism, how does one differ from the other? Do such similar religions and churches that have the same root as Catholicism and Orthodoxy really have serious differences? Catholicism in Russia and other Slavic states is much less widespread than in the West. Catholicism (translated from Greek “katolikos” - “universal”) is a religious movement, numbering about 15% of the total population globe(i.e., Catholicism is practiced by about a billion people). Of the three respected Christian denominations (Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Protestantism), Catholicism is rightfully considered the largest branch. Most adherents of this religious movement live in Europe, Africa, and also in Latin America and the USA. The religious movement arose in the first century AD - at the dawn of Christianity, during times of persecution and religious disputes. Now, 2 thousand years later, the Catholic Church has taken an honorable place among the world's religious faiths. Establish a connection with God!

Christianity and Catholicism. Story

In the first thousand years of Christianity, the word “Catholicism” did not exist, simply because there were no directions of Christianity, the faith was united. The history of Catholicism began in the Western Roman Empire, where in 1054 the Christian Church was divided into two main directions: Catholicism and Orthodoxy. Constantinople became the heart of Orthodoxy, and Rome was declared the center of Catholicism; the reason for this division was the split between Orthodoxy and Catholicism.
Since then, the religious movement began to actively spread to the countries of Europe and America. Despite the subsequent multiple splits of Catholicism (for example, Catholicism and Protestantism, Anglicanism, Baptistism, etc.), it has grown into one of the largest denominations of the present time.
In the XI-XIII centuries, Catholicism in Europe gained great power. Religious thinkers of the Middle Ages believed that God created the world, and it is unchanging, harmonious, and reasonable.
In the XVI-XVII years the Catholic Church collapsed, during which a new religious direction appeared - Protestantism. What is the difference between Protestantism and Catholicism? First of all, in the organizational issue of the church and in the authority of the Pope.
The clergy belonged to the most important class in connection with the mediation of the church between God and people. The religion of Catholicism insisted on fulfilling the commandments of the Bible. The Church considered an ascetic as a role model - a holy man who renounced worldly goods and riches, which degrade the state of the soul. Contempt for earthly riches was replaced by heavenly riches.
The church considered supporting low-income people a virtue. Kings, nobles close to them, merchants and even poor people tried to participate in charitable acts as often as possible. At that time, a title appeared for special churches in Catholicism, which is assigned by the Pope.
Social doctrine
Catholic teaching was based not only on religious, but also on humanistic ideas. It was based on Augustinianism, and later Thomism, accompanied by personalism and solidarism. The philosophy of the teaching was that in addition to the soul and body, God gave people equal rights and freedoms that remain with a person throughout his life. Sociological as well as theological knowledge has helped to build a developed social doctrine of the Catholic Church, which believes that its teachings were created by the apostles and still retain their original origins.
There are several doctrinal issues on which the Catholic Church has a distinctive position. The reason for this was the split of Christianity into Orthodoxy and Catholicism.
Devotion to the mother of Christ, the Virgin Mary, who Catholics believe gave birth to Jesus outside of sin and her soul and body were taken to heaven where she holds a special place between God and His people.
The unshakable belief that when the priest repeats the words of Christ from the Last Supper, the bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus, although no outward change occurs.
Catholic teaching has a negative attitude towards artificial methods of contraception, which, according to the church, interfere with the birth of a new life.
Recognition of abortion as a destruction of human life, which, according to the Catholic Church, begins at the moment of conception.

The idea of ​​Catholicism is closely associated with the apostles, especially the Apostle Peter. Saint Peter is considered the first pope, and each subsequent pope is considered his spiritual successor. This gives the church leader strong spiritual authority and authority in resolving disputes that could disrupt governance. The concept that church leadership represented a continuation of an unbroken line from the apostles and their teachings ("apostolic succession") contributed to the survival of Christianity during times of trial, persecution, and reformation.
The advisory bodies are:
Synod of Bishops;
College of Cardinals.
The main differences between Orthodoxy and Catholicism in the bodies of church government. The hierarchy of the Catholic Church consists of its bishops, priests and deacons. In the Catholic Church, authority rests primarily with the bishops, with priests and deacons serving as their collaborators and assistants.
All clergy, including deacons, priests, and bishops, can preach, teach, baptize, perform holy matrimony, and conduct funerals.
Only priests and bishops can administer the sacraments of the Eucharist (although others may be ministers of Holy Communion), Penance (Reconciliation, Confession) and Blessing of Anointing.
Only bishops can administer the sacrament of the Priesthood, through which people become priests or deacons.
Catholicism: Churches and their meaning in religion
The Church is considered the "body of Jesus Christ." Scripture says that Christ chose 12 apostles to God's temple, however, it is the Apostle Peter who is considered the first bishop. In order to become a full member of the Catholic Church Society, it is necessary to preach Christianity or undergo the sacred sacrament of baptism.

Catholicism: the essence of the 7 sacraments
The liturgical life of the Catholic Church revolves around 7 sacraments:
anointing (confirmation);
Eucharist (communion);
repentance (confession);
consecration of oil (unction);
The purpose of the sacraments of the faith of Catholicism is to bring people closer to God, to feel grace, to feel unity with Jesus Christ.
1. Baptism
The first and main sacrament. Cleanses the soul from sins, gives grace. For Catholics, the sacrament of Baptism is the first step in their spiritual journey.
2. Confirmation (confirmation)
In the rite of the Catholic Church, Confirmation is allowed only after 13-14 years of age. It is believed that from this age a person will be able to become a full member of church society. Confirmation is given through the anointing with Holy Chrism and the laying on of hands.
3. Eucharist (Communion)
Sacrament in memory of the death and resurrection of the Lord. The incarnation of Christ's flesh and blood is presented to believers through the partaking of wine and bread during worship.
4. Repentance
Through repentance, believers free their souls, receive forgiveness for their sins, and become closer to God and to the church. Confession or disclosure of sins frees the soul and facilitates our reconciliation with others. In this sacred sacrament, Catholics find God's unconditional forgiveness and learn to forgive others.
5. Blessing of Anointing
Through the sacrament of anointing with oil (sacred oil), Christ heals believers who suffer from illness, giving them support and grace. Jesus showed great concern for the physical and spiritual well-being of the sick and commanded his followers to do the same. The celebration of this sacrament is an opportunity to deepen the faith of the community.
6. Marriage
The sacrament of marriage is to some extent a comparison of the union of Christ and the church. The marriage union is sanctified by God, filled with grace and joy, blessed for the future family life, parenting. Such a marriage is inviolable and ends only after the death of one of the spouses.
7. Priesthood
The sacrament by which bishops, priests and deacons are ordained and receive power and grace to perform their sacred duties. The ceremony by which orders are assigned is called ordination. The apostles were ordained by Jesus at the Last Supper so that others could share in his priesthood.
The difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism and Protestantism and their similarities
Catholic beliefs do not really differ significantly from the other main branches of Christianity, Greek Orthodoxy and Protestantism. All three main branches adhere to the doctrine of the Trinity, the deity of Jesus Christ, the inspiration of the Bible, and so on. But regarding some doctrinal points, there are some differences. Catholicism differs in several beliefs, which include the special authority of the pope, the concept of purgatory, and the doctrine that the bread that is used in the Eucharist becomes the true body of Christ during the blessing of the priest.

Catholicism and Orthodoxy: differences

Being types of one religion, Catholicism and Orthodoxy for a long time didn't find mutual language, namely from the 13th century to the mid-20th century. Due to this fact, these two religions have received many differences. How is Orthodoxy different from Catholicism?

The first difference in Catholicism can be found in the structure of the organization of churches. Thus, in Orthodoxy there are many churches, separate and independent of each other: Russian, Georgian, Romanian, Greek, Serbian, etc. Catholic churches, located in different countries around the world, have a single mechanism and obey one ruler - the Pope.

It should also be noted that the Orthodox Church does not accept changes, believing that it is necessary to follow all the canons and honor all the knowledge that was transmitted by Jesus Christ to his apostles. That is, Orthodox Christians in the 21st century observe the same rules and customs as Orthodox Christians in the 15th, 10th, 5th and 1st centuries.

Another difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism is that in Orthodox Christianity the main service is the Divine Liturgy, in Catholicism it is the Mass. Parishioners of the Orthodox Church conduct services while standing, while Catholics often sit, but there are services that they conduct while kneeling. The Orthodox attribute the symbol of faith and holiness only to the Father, Catholics - to both the Father and the son.

Catholicism is also distinguished by its knowledge of life after death. IN Orthodox faith There is no such thing as purgatory, unlike Catholicism, although such an intermediate stay of the soul after leaving the body and before entering God’s judgment is not denied.

The Orthodox call the Mother of God the Mother of God and consider her to be born in sin, like ordinary people. Catholics refer to her as the Virgin Mary, conceived immaculately and ascended to heaven in human form. On Orthodox icons, the saints are depicted two-dimensionally to convey the presence of another dimension - the world of spirits. Catholic icons have an ordinary, simple perspective and the saints are depicted naturalistically.

Another difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism is the shape and appearance of the cross. For Catholics, it is presented in the form of two crossbars; it can be either with or without the image of Jesus Christ. If Jesus is present on the cross, then he is depicted with a martyr's appearance and his legs are chained to the cross with one nail. The Orthodox have a cross of four crossbars: to the two main ones, a small horizontal crossbar is added at the top and an angled crossbar at the bottom, symbolizing the direction to heaven and hell.

The Catholic faith also differs in the remembrance of the dead. Orthodox commemorate on days 3, 9 and 40, Catholics on days 3, 7 and 30. Also in Catholicism there is a special day of the year - November 1, when all the dead are commemorated. In many countries this day is a day off.
Another difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism is that, unlike their counterparts in the Protestant and Orthodox churches, Catholic priests take vows of celibacy. This practice has its roots in the early connections of the papacy with monasticism. There are several Catholic monastic orders, the most famous being the Jesuits, Dominicans and Augustinians. Catholic monks and nuns take vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, and devote themselves to a simple life focused on the worship of God.

And finally, we can highlight the process of the sign of the cross. In the Orthodox Church they cross with three fingers and from right to left. Catholics, on the contrary, from left to right, the number of fingers does not matter.

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