Basics of hypnosis for beginners exercises. Can an ordinary person master the art of hypnosis? Non-directive method

Anyone can master the technique of hypnosis. This is a useful skill: it can get rid of bad habits, depression, overcome complexes, remove blinders that prevent you from living a happy and fulfilling life.

The nature of hypnotic influence

Hypnosis is an ancient practice that allows you to completely immerse a person in a trance and control his psyche and consciousness. Thanks to it, it is possible to control the subconscious of a person, that is, that secret part of the psyche that she cannot control on her own.

It is possible to learn hypnosis without a mentor, but you must understand that this process is quite labor-intensive and requires a lot of work on yourself, so you should not expect instant results. To master techniques for managing others, you must first change yourself.

Basic techniques of suggestion

There are 3 types of hypnosis.

  1. Classical. This practice is used in medicine, helps treat phobias, normalize sleep, get rid of depression, and helps relieve patients from alcohol and nicotine addictions.
  2. Hidden. This type of hypnosis is used in those areas where one can benefit from influencing another: politics, marketing, business. The influence on the psyche and consciousness occurs indirectly, secretly.
  3. Psychotropogenic. This method greatly affects the human psyche and body, since psychotropic and narcotic drugs are used in the process.

If you have a strong desire to learn hypnosis, then you need to know the following:

  1. You should study the works on hypnotherapy very carefully before you begin to master the practical part. It is very important! Hypnosis can be both useful and dangerous; it can help solve mental problems, or it can only make the situation worse.
  2. Please note that not all people are able to master the hypnotic gift. You need to have a set of certain qualities that will help you master this practice. However, these properties can be cultivated in oneself, and only in rare cases does training fail to produce any results.
  3. Do not forget that the person you are putting into a trance will be in a rather vulnerable and even dangerous state. You will need to competently bring him out of the position of altered consciousness so as not to harm his psyche. If you still have little practice and do not feel the necessary confidence in yourself, then it is better to invite an experienced specialist to the first sessions.
  4. Get spiritually clean and free from addictions before learning hypnosis. Even frequent drinking of coffee will not allow you to fully master all the secrets.
  5. Practice meditation regularly to learn to control your unconscious, achieve harmony and self-confidence. This is the only way you will discover all the secrets of hypnosis.
  6. Gain experience from leading experts. At least once, go to a session with a good psychotherapist, a master of hypnosis. Watch his work carefully.
  7. The main skill of a hypnotist is the ability to influence. It is better to study as many methods of suggestion as possible. This will make it easier for you to influence the right people, and with practice you will understand which technique works best for you. The hypnosis technique includes about 18 influence options.

Literature on hypnosis for beginners

If you want to master the art quickly, it is better to attend hypnosis courses. Professional education will give a more reliable result. You don't need to waste time traveling to a specific institution, modern technique allows you to master the skill online. Video tutorials on the Internet will also help you, there are quite a lot of them. Using them, learning hypnosis on your own will not be difficult. The quality of such videos can be indicated by comments and the number of views. And in this case, learning hypnosis will go much faster.

You can also use educational literature. The phenomenon is described quite well in the following books:

  1. Milton Erickson "My voice will remain with you..."
  2. Ernest Rossi, Jean Becquion "Hypnosis of the XXI century."
  3. Sergey Gorin “Have you tried hypnosis?”

Find a good tutorial that will best tell you how to master hypnosis. Work on yourself, practice controlling your gaze, and you will definitely succeed!

Magnetic gaze training

The main tool of a hypnotist is his gaze. Someone from birth can instill fear or impose their interests on others with the help of their gaze, while others learn this and develop the skill in themselves over many months and even years.

If you want to learn hypnosis, you will need a set of training exercises magnetic gaze. The hypnosis technique for beginners consists of three sets of exercises.

First stage of training

To complete this exercise, you will need a piece of paper with a small black circle drawn in the center. It must be fixed somewhere on the wall or door of the refrigerator and moved away about 1.5 m. You need to perform the following steps:

  1. Direct your gaze to the center of the drawn figures and begin to move your head in a circle, without taking your eyes off the point. Gradually increase the radius of the described circle and the speed of head rotation. This exercise is very effective and allows you to master the technique of hypnosis quite quickly.
  2. Concentrate your attention on the drawn circle and look at it for about a minute, then you need to quickly but smoothly move your gaze from side to side, up and down. Only the pupils should move, the head remains motionless. This is a great exercise for beginners that also works the eye muscles well.
  3. Look at the circle you drew again. Don't take your eyes off him, concentrate your attention on him, turn your head from side to side. It is very important not to lose concentration and focus strictly on one point.

These exercises will allow you to master the art of hypnosis from scratch. To begin with, devote no more than a minute to each person, gradually increase the time of study slightly. After 2 weeks you should leave at least 5 minutes for training. It is very important to train your gaze; without it, suggestion will not work.

When the skill is brought to automaticity, you can proceed to the next set of exercises.

Second stage of training

At the second stage, you need to be patient and train a fixed gaze. This technique is usually mastered as follows:

  1. Focus your entire gaze on a specific point. You should look at her for as long as possible without blinking. Quite quickly your eyes will begin to tingle due to lack of habit, but you should hold out for at least a minute. Gradually increase the time. By the end of the month, this exercise will take you a total of 10 minutes.
  2. Select two more points - one at the top, near the ceiling, the other on the floor. Now look closely at a point in front of you, and then slowly move your gaze to the point below, and then to the one above. You can't lose focus! Hone your skills by performing the exercise for 1-5 minutes.

Third stage of training

The following techniques will help you train your discerning eyes. To complete the tasks you will need a mirror.

  1. Stand in front of the mirror and focus all your attention on the point on the bridge of your nose. Look closely without blinking. Duration of the exercise is 1–5 minutes.
  2. Do an exercise to shift your concentration. Staying in front of the mirror, look into one pupil, behind it, into the very depths of yourself. Then move your gaze to the other pupil and do the same.
  3. Learn to convey emotions with your eyes without changing your facial expression. Look at yourself in the mirror, and try to convey with your gaze feelings of strength and threat, and then feelings of warmth and love. This is the most difficult exercise that requires high concentration.

Once you have mastered these techniques, you will be able to control those around you without any problems, because a trained gaze has incredible strength and is able to suggest anything. You can make a person trust you or fear you.

The basics of hypnosis for beginners are not that difficult, the main thing is to have willpower and good self-discipline to achieve results.

Practical exercises for mastering hypnosis

After mastering the basics, you can begin more complex practice. Now your assistants will be some objects that will help speed up the immersion of a person in a trance. You may need the following things:

  1. Pendulum. This can be any shiny object: a coin, pendant, etc., suspended on a thread or chain. Rocking them will allow you to easily put a person into a trance. The main thing is that the person you are going to hypnotize is completely relaxed, gets rid of all thoughts and keeps an eye on the pendulum in your hands.
  2. A circle drawn on a piece of paper. It must be placed in front of the eyes of the person being hypnotized so that he can constantly look at it. The person should relax, but be attentive, concentrated on the figure, ask him to imagine how rays of light are pouring from his pupils and penetrating into the very center of the circle.

During hypnotherapy using this method, it is very important for you to agree with your patient on a signal that will force him to come out of hypnotic sleep. This is usually a snap of the fingers, a clap of the hands, or a word of some kind.

At home, hypnosis can be carried out according to the following scenario:

  1. Tell the person honestly what you are going to do. You can only hypnotize if the person himself has agreed to it. For practical lessons for the first time you can ask loved one, but remember that you must use your knowledge honestly, without malicious intent!
  2. Ask the person to lie down on the sofa and ask him to relax; start talking to him in a calm, chesty voice.
  3. Explain to the patient, after he has relaxed, that as soon as the wake-up signal sounds (eg, clapping his hands), he will wake up and do what you asked him to do during the hypnosis session.
  4. Bring the pendulum to the subject's face and begin to swing the object. The patient needs to follow the movement of the thing without taking his eyes off. You describe his condition: “The eyelids are getting heavier, it is becoming more and more difficult to open your eyes, you are calm, your breathing is even and deep.” The person will relax and fall into a hypnotic sleep.
  5. Say easy installation while the patient's consciousness is open, which the person will perform after leaving the hypnotic state. But first make sure the patient is in a hypnotic trance. Ask him: “Are you listening to me?” If the patient does not answer your question, everything is fine and therapy can be continued.
  6. Come up with a simple command, say: “After you hear the clap of your hands, you will wake up and open the door.” Say the setting several times in a calm, confident voice.
  7. Give a pre-arranged wake-up call.
  8. Observe what the patient does after waking up. If he gets up and does what you asked him to do, then the exercise was successful.


You can learn the techniques of suggestion without a specialist. Sources will tell you how to learn hypnosis yourself at home. Be careful when applying your knowledge and follow all recommendations and advice so as not to harm the patient. If you do everything right, you can easily achieve what you want.

Hypnosis is a mystical manipulation that can conquer the mind of any person. It's no wonder that many people want to master it. After all, having such strength, you can achieve unprecedented heights. At the same time, it can be used for both good and evil.

But let's leave thoughts about humanity and morality behind and focus on how to master hypnosis. For beginners this is a big problem, because not everyone knows where to start. So how do you become a hypnotist?

What is hypnosis?

First, let's understand a little about what hypnosis is. After all, this is the basis of all knowledge, and without it, further studies will simply be useless. And although this concept can be interpreted in different ways, we will still focus on the most common of them.

Hypnosis is a special technique of manipulating a person’s consciousness, capable of putting him into a trance. At the same time, the hypnotist himself can give commands and instructions that must be impeccably executed.

And yet not all orders can be carried out. If a person is physically unable to follow instructions, then their effect will be zero. You also need to take into account the power of suggestion of the hypnotist, as well as psychological resistance on the part of consciousness.

How to become a hypnotist?

There are many paths that can lead to the desired result. But still the best option will attend hypnosis classes for beginners. After all, live training will help you master all the techniques much faster. In addition, classes will be supervised experienced craftsman, capable of prompting and correcting at the right time.

The trouble is that not all cities have schools teaching hypnosis for beginners. And, in fact, even knowledgeable people cannot always count on the fact that they have such an establishment nearby. The only option is to take a course in another city, temporarily renting housing there.

Hypnosis. Self-instruction manual - fact or fiction?

There is now a lot of literature devoted to this topic. It is quite natural that people have questions about how effective all these sources are.

Well, using such books it is quite possible to master hypnosis. Self-instruction manual is step by step guide, capable in some way of replacing a mentor. And if the reader follows exactly all the instructions contained in it, then his chances of becoming a hypnotist are quite high.

But, as always, there is a catch - not all books are created equal. Moreover, some of them were even written by charlatans who know nothing about what hypnosis is. For beginners, purchasing such a tutorial can be a big disappointment.

Therefore, before buying a certain product, find out everything about its author. But you need to look for information not on his official website, since most likely there are fake comments there, but on third-party resources, fortunately there are now a huge number of them. And only after all doubts have disappeared, make a purchase.

Choosing a Hypnosis Technique

One of the most important points in training is the choice of hypnosis technique. After all, there are a huge number of techniques in the world that can put a person into a trance.

So, some use the power of the voice in order to penetrate a person’s consciousness and give him necessary settings. Others, on the contrary, use sign language or use foreign objects, for example, pendulums, watches, pendants, and so on. There are also behind-the-scenes hypnosis techniques that can quietly lead a person into a trance.

Having chosen a specific direction, you need to tirelessly follow it until the first results appear. And only after that start trying other methods. After all, as the famous proverb says, if you chase two hares, you won’t understand either one.

Hypnosis can be a very difficult science for beginners, and for good reason. But the process training will take place much faster and more enjoyable if you follow a few simple tips:

  • The main weapon of a hypnotist is self-confidence. Without it, it is almost impossible to put a person into a trance.
  • Appearance is very important. The more attractive the image of the master, the easier it is for him to gain the trust of the consciousness of the “victims”. It also improves contact and speed of immersion into hypnosis.
  • Practice is the basis of all learning. You can read hundreds of books and not become a hypnotist, but once you introduce practical exercises, the result will immediately appear.
  • Don't stop there, because there is no limit to perfection. For hypnosis, this statement is most suitable, because the hypnotist always has room to grow.

In this case, you will need a partner.

Gypsy hypnosis technique

Since impressionable people are more susceptible to hypnosis, it is quite reasonable to assume that the most hypnotizable are women, especially young girls, whose personal lives have not yet been arranged, and whose personality, strictly speaking, has not yet been formed. This, for example, is used by gypsies. They use the so-called “eye to eye” method. It works simply.

The gypsy woman chooses a victim in a large crowd of people and begins to look at her intently. The victim is chosen for a reason. Firstly, she must be decently dressed, even better if she wears jewelry. Secondly, she must be focused, preoccupied with something. Having caught someone's gaze on themselves, any person at first becomes embarrassed. As soon as the gypsy notices that the victim has paid attention to her, she tries to approach her. When this is successful, a conversation begins with approximately the following content: “I see! You're in trouble! I see everything! You are in danger! Death is coming for you! Your relatives will have a hard time!” At the same time, she continues to look intently into the victim’s eyes, and this is important. Note that a gypsy will never start talking at a distance, because it is important for her to catch your eye. The worried woman, dumbfounded in addition by such a prediction from the gypsy, enters a nervous stupor, which causes colossal muscle tension throughout her body.

Next comes the second stage. The conversation continues: “But don’t worry! I will help you!" Relaxation follows... And that’s it – the victim is “hooked”. Then you can lull her vigilance and, under far-fetched, even the most incredible pretexts, extract from her whatever your heart desires. The gypsy continues to glare at the victim with her eyes and lead her like a boa constrictor with a rabbit. You must admit that not every gypsy woman will be able to “pick up” a man in this way, which is why their victims are predominantly the fairer sex.

Technique for beginners to practice hypnosis

During a session with a hypnologist, approximately the same thing happens. He sits you down in a comfortable chair and invites you to trust him. He asks you to look into his eyes and tense your whole body. Then he continues to inspire that you have nothing to fear, he will not do anything bad to you. To achieve maximum results, the hypnologist usually asks you to clasp your fingers, clench your teeth, squeeze your eyelids, etc. Then for some time he recommends doing this more and more tightly, for example, like this: “Squeeze your fingers harder. Keep squeezing them harder and harder. Listen to me. Your fingers become stiff, you can no longer unclench them, your fingers are clenched tightly.” All this time he talks to you monotonously, instilling the belief that you must completely submit to him. His will is yours. You continue to increase muscle tension, look into his eyes, your guard turns off. IN certain moment, when he senses your half-asleep state, the command is sharply given: “Sleep!” Out of surprise, you experience a sharp short-term muscle spasm. This reaches the apogee of muscle tension in your body. Then comes the turn of another stage - relaxation.

The hypnologist switches to an imperative tone. In a similar tone, for example, an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs speaks to a violator. The conversation goes something like this: “Your eyelids are getting heavy. You feel weak throughout your body. You feel unbearably sleepy.” Gradually the tone softens, but the purpose of the conversation remains the same - to put the hypnotized person to sleep. Throughout the entire process of persuasion, a note of command remains in the speech of the hypnologist. At this time, the person being hypnotized begins to feel a certain state of satisfaction, relaxation, and drowsiness. The hypnologist continues to instill this state in him: “You feel pleasantly tired. It spreads throughout your entire body. You well. You feel completely satisfied. A pleasant languid heaviness covers you. Your arms and legs become heavy. Your head is getting heavy. You unbearably want to sleep, sleep and only sleep.” The person being hypnotized falls asleep at this moment, but not completely. A state of absolute relaxation appears, so to speak.

Afterwards, the hypnologist invites the hypnotized person to try to slowly open his eyes. This offer should no longer have an imperative tone. On the contrary, the hypnotized person is given complete freedom of action. There are three possible types of reaction:

1. The hypnotized person cannot open his eyes - the required degree of relaxation has been achieved;

2. The hypnotized person raises his eyebrows and opens his eyes with difficulty - the relaxation procedure should be repeated from the moment the eyelids become heavy until the whole body becomes heavy;

3. The person being hypnotized opens his eyes without much difficulty - the relaxation process should be repeated from the beginning.

If the test shows that the stage of maximum relaxation has been achieved, you can begin to actually enter a trance. The hypnologist again switches to an imperative tone: “Now I start counting to 20, and with each number you fall asleep deeper and deeper. One! - You really want to sleep! Two! “You can’t resist it and fall fast asleep!” Three! - You are absorbed in a pleasant slumber! Four! - You feel pleasantly weak and tired! Five! - A pleasant weariness comes over you! Six! - You feel unbearably sleepy! Seven! -Your thoughts are vague! Eight! “You don’t want to think about anything anymore!” Nine! - You are very pleased and calm! Ten! - Amazingly wonderful feeling! Eleven! “Everything is swimming before my eyes!” Twelve! - Everything gets mixed up and blurs! Thirteen! - A very pleasant drowsiness occurs! Fourteen! - Makes you feel unbearably sleepy! Fifteen! — A pleasant, gentle languor passes through your entire body! Sixteen! - You feel pleasantly lethargic and warm! Seventeen! - I want to sleep in peace and quiet! Eighteen! - Sleepy! Nineteen! - Sleep! Twenty! - Sleep!"

Now the hypnologist needs to determine whether the sleep stage has arrived. His tone softens, almost to a whisper: “Now you will continue to sleep and talk to me, answer my questions. Tell me, do you enjoy your sleep? What do you see in your dream? The responses of the hypnotized person can be very different. He can say that he is not sleeping at all. The main thing is that the hypnotized person talks to you and answers your questions. This means that the person has fallen into a state of deep sleep, even if it seems to him that he is not sleeping. If the hypnotized person is stubbornly silent, then the required stage of trance has not been achieved, and the procedure for entering deep sleep should be repeated again.

If the hypnotic state has been achieved, you can proceed to the main part, that is, solve the task for which the person was hypnotized. In some countries, hypnosis is widely used in institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs as one of the investigative measures. In a state of such a trance, a person begins to tell the truth, which is why hypnotizing a suspect is practiced in order to find out whether the person is really guilty. But most often, witnesses of a crime are put into hypnosis in order to find out all the circumstances of the incident in more detail. In a normal state a person may not remember important points, but in a state of hypnosis he is given a command to move to the day and place when everything happened, and he begins to describe what happened in great detail.

Application of technology with examples

So, the hypnotized person begins to tell you what he sees. If you need to find out what exactly happened on such and such a day, the hypnologist begins to inspire the hypnotized person with the following: “Today is such and such a date in such and such a month in such and such a year. You are in such and such a place. What's going on there now? Tell me everything in great detail. It seems incredible, but it works. And in this way you can move the consciousness of the hypnotized not only into the past, but also into the future. A person begins to describe in detail those events that he has yet to experience after a certain time. For example, many girls would really like to know the name of their future husband, what he looks like, what his profession is, etc. In this case, the young lady put into hypnosis is given the following command: “Today is your wedding day. You see your relatives, your groom. You enter the registry office, and now your union will be sealed with a signature. Look at the marriage certificate and read out loud what it says.” This way you can guess the surname, first name and patronymic of your future husband, as well as find out the wedding date. It is only important to note that initial stage In many cases, the hypnotized person is not always able to immediately move into the future. At first he sees only the past. Scientists have proven that the fetus in the womb is already capable of perceiving the world through the eyes of a mother. Therefore, if at the time of the wedding the bride was pregnant, it is likely that her daughter, under hypnosis, will begin to describe the events of her parents’ wedding. It's not hard to guess as soon as she names the date. In this case, the command should be given again, and this may need to be done several times until the desired result is achieved.

By the way, you can guess the winning ticket number in the same way. The hypnologist suggests to the hypnotized person: “Today is such and such a date. The day before, such and such a draw was held. You look at the booklet where the numbers of the winning tickets are written. Call them and tell me which ticket won what.” It turns out the same as with a wedding. If the hypnotized person has ever played tickets before, he begins to recite the winning numbers from previous draws. In this case, the suggestion procedure will again need to be repeated several times. By the way, in a similar way, you can predict to the student the ticket number under which he will come across in the exam, so that the student can fully prepare for the test on this particular issue.

IN modern world bad habits come first and excess weight in view of poor nutrition. In a state of hypnosis, you can try to convince a person to give up smoking, stop drinking, or start eating right. The result is very relative, but in some cases people still manage to help. As for losing weight, you can use this method. A person in a hypnotic state is told that he supposedly plays sports, for example, runs. Although in fact the hypnotized person will sit still, processes will begin to occur in his body as if he were running. But to achieve tangible results, running once is not enough. Few people would agree to regularly fall into a trance in order to lose weight in this way. Easier to read. You can also try to instill in a person in a state of hypnosis an aversion to those foods that are harmful to his figure. But even here the result is not ideal, as is the case with instilling aversion to alcohol and smoking. It is important that the person himself wants to get rid of the addiction.

Another feature of the hypnotic state is that the hypnotized person can “enter” the body of another person, even if the person himself is no longer alive. Let's say it is known that some rich man lived at that time and he buried his wealth in such and such a place. You can try to hypnotize a person by giving him the idea that he is now just that very rich man, and ask him where he hid the treasure. The suggestion goes something like this: “You are now no longer (real name of the hypnotized person). Your name is (rich man's name). You are a wealthy man. You have a lot of money and jewelry. They may go to other people, but this cannot be allowed. Tell me where do you want to hide them? Are you sure you’re hiding them there?” In 30% of cases, it is actually possible to find the treasure in the place pointed to by the hypnotized person. It is best if one of the rich man’s relatives undergoes hypnosis, and the process is carried out in the place where approximately the treasure should be located. By the way, the treasure may turn out to be enchanted, so we advise you to find out the word form of the curse that the rich man sent during its placement.

Some girls want to know the secrets of their boyfriends and find out how they really feel about them. The hypnologist convinces the young lady that she is him and begins to ask certain questions, the answers to which the client wants to know. In the same way, at the subconscious level, you can try to inspire a guy with what his girlfriend wants. In some cases, men really begin to do things and behave the way their other half desires. Maybe suggestion at a distance really works, or maybe after the session the girl herself becomes more confident.

Safe awakening

So, all the goals and objectives of hypnosis have been achieved. It's time to wake up. However, it is impossible to immediately bring a person out of a trance state. Hypnosis itself is not an ordinary sleepy state, but one of the varieties of wakefulness. Therefore, the hypnotized person should be put to sleep again. The hypnologist still says in the same imperative tone: “You are sleeping. None (the story the person was hypnotized to watch to watch) no longer exists. You're just sleeping. You are sleeping very deeply." Then he carefully, almost in a whisper, asks: “How do you sleep?” If there is no response, then the hypnotized person has fallen into a state of normal sleep. Now he needs to be left alone for a while so that he enters the active phase of normal sleep. Its signs will be a change in breathing frequency and erratic movement of the eyes under half-open eyelids, that is, all those signs that are usually observed in a sleeping person.

Finally, you can begin the actual awakening. To do this, the hypnologist says something like this: “Now I will start counting from seven to one, at the count of “one” you will fully wake up and begin to feel light and cheerful. Seven! -You're starting to wake up! Six! - You begin to perceive extraneous sounds and distinguish between them! Five! — Your body becomes elastic! Four! - The thoughts in my head are fresh! Three! - You're waking up! Two! - Now you will open your eyes and fully wake up! One! “You wake up and feel great!” At this moment, you need to create an extraneous sound - snapping your fingers, clicking your tongue, lightly clapping your hands, stamping your foot, etc. This sound will serve as an alarm clock. It is only important that it is not sharp and loud, which can scare the client. If the hypnotized person does not wake up, but shows all the signs of sleep, there is no need to panic. Leave him with the words: “You will wake up whenever you want.”

It should be noted that the process of awakening is quite crucial moment. It is important to approach it very carefully. It happens that due to the inept actions of the hypnologist, the client falls into a state of panic, stress, depression, or sleeps soundly for several days.

In addition, it is believed that a person cannot be put into a state of hypnosis if he or she is damaged. It must be removed in advance, as it has a great influence on the awakening process.

This is everything beginners need to know about hypnosis techniques. Try it, practice it. If possible, find a mentor who will point out your mistakes and shortcomings.

Borovkov Evgeniy Anatolievich

When people hear the statement that anyone can master the art of hypnosis, they react with disbelief. Until now, hypnotherapists seem to be somewhat mysterious, they are associated with magicians and eccentrics, and not with ordinary mothers of two children or the guys from the next office. Can an ordinary person master hypnosis techniques? Yes, if he wants!

Hypnosis is the induction of a trance by one person on another. And trance is a state between sleep and wakefulness.

There is nothing terrible in a trance; we are all in it when we think in a chair over a book, carried away into dreams or plunging into relaxed bliss. At the moments of falling asleep and waking up, the brain is also in a trance. At the physiological level, this manifests itself in the fact that some parts of the cerebral cortex “fall asleep”, turn off, and only isolated foci of activity remain.

The power of a glance

Hypnotherapists really gave eye-to-eye looks special meaning. Only for many years now it has been possible to put a person into a trance, despite him. And yet, gaze hypnosis for beginners is such a popular topic that it continues to be discussed on forums and in in social networks. What it is?

If during a session a person looks at you, the look should be special, trained:

  • you need to be able to concentrate it on the bridge of your interlocutor’s nose;
  • it is important not to give in to emotions, no matter what the person says;
  • the look should be strong, strong-willed. This means don't blink, rub your eyes, or look away.

So why has gaze ceased to be important in the work of a psychotherapist? Because already in the 1940s, Milton Erickson experimented with covert hypnosis techniques. And later he became the founder of the school

Types of hypnosis

The work of Milton Erickson led to the fact that in psychology they began to distinguish two types of hypnosis.

  1. Directive - direct, classic.
  2. Non-directive - hidden, Ericksonian, it is also called “Ericksonian” or “Miltonian”.

People without special education They still consider all hypnosis to be directive. Like, a doctor comes, takes out a watch on a chain, looks into the person’s eyes and puts the person in such a state that he can do whatever the doctor wants, but without remembering or realizing his actions. Directive hypnosis is described almost correctly by human stereotypes. But what is the art of non-directive hypnosis?

Hidden hypnosis

Erickson realized that it was possible to put people into a trance without any special surroundings. How many times have you seen people who fell into shock or stupor from one word or phrase? That's how many times you've seen trance. At the same time, no one waved anything in front of them. The words did their job.

How it works? Eat keywords, which cause a person to associate with traumatic emotional and psychological experiences of the past. If you say them accidentally or intentionally, he falls into that same stupor. And this is just one example. There are many more types of words that trigger trance states.

The art of hypnosis, taught online and in regular groups

Hypnosis is a method of influencing a person’s subconscious, putting him into deep sleep and completely turning off the mind. With a clouded consciousness, you can work with an independently uncontrollable part of the psyche. Hypnosis helps to bring an opponent out of depression, remove complexes, clear the mind, lay new program life path. With the help of simple exercises, you can independently master the skills of hypnosis. There will be no immediate results, but training will lead to success in your intended training. Before you start learning hypnosis on your own, you need to understand:

  • When put into a trance, he is in a very dangerous state. His psyche will be greatly disturbed if you cannot bring the person out of hypnosis.
  • First, learn the theory completely and only then start practicing. Read books by psychotherapists. This will help you understand exactly what hypnosis is, when it is necessary, and when it will only cause harm. Not all problems can be solved by putting a person into a trance.
  • Be prepared that it may not work out for you. Not everyone has the ability to hypnotize. It takes natural talent.
  • Only those who are completely confident in themselves should try it. During the process, you cannot be distracted by extraneous thoughts.
  • Hypnotists with bad habits does not exist. Give up the idea if you cannot live without alcohol, coffee, cigarettes and other harmful things.

Exercises to help you master hypnosis

Now let’s discuss and consider the exercises themselves that help in mastering hypnosis. The most powerful weapon of a hypnotist is a magnetic gaze. Practice it everywhere and with everyone you communicate with. Technique for practicing the gaze:

  • Complete abstraction from extraneous thoughts. Look at one point and don’t think about anything. The longer you can hold out, the faster you will learn to connect with people. It is not simple. Train first with a mirror, and then with an agreed person.
  • To prevent your eyes from wandering, focus on the assistant’s right pupil.
  • Once the precise look has been mastered, try to force action into your opponent. Mentally force him to do something. If they understand you, the exercise can be considered completed.
  • It is better to put the person being tested on a couch (bed/sofa), and for you to stand as comfortably as possible near his head. Nothing should distract from the eye-to-eye look.
  • Take animals out of the house and turn off all sound sources. You can only go into a trance in complete silence.
  • The person being hypnotized will resist at the subconscious level. The first training sessions will take a long time. Be patient.

Success will be achieved when, under your gaze, the subject relaxes, trusts you, begins to fall asleep and plunges into a state of complete detachment from the outside world. If you succeed, you can move on to the next exercises. For them, you will need special auxiliary objects, with the help of which it will be easier for a person to enter a trance.

Hypnosis using objects

  • Buy a pendulum. It can be either a metal ball, which often swings on a thread, or a ring. The thread should be thin and not attract the eye of the subject. The monotonous swinging of the ball will make your opponent fall asleep. It may not work out right away. Practice so that your hand does not shake. The movements of the pendulum must be smooth, otherwise it will begin to irritate. It is important that the subject does not think about anything and does not take his eyes off the subject.
  • Take a sheet of paper and secure it to a place where the person falling asleep can clearly see it. His gaze should fall exactly in the center of the picture. He should imagine that two straight lines come out of his eyes, touching in the middle of the circle.

Before the session, agree on a signal that will bring you out of trance. This usually involves clapping your hands or snapping your fingers. Don't forget the importance of getting out of sleep correctly. Now the psyche of the subject depends only on you. An approximate order of the session looks like this:

  • You place the client on a couch that is comfortable for him. At the same time, you speak quietly and monotonously. The person should be completely relaxed.
  • Explain that he will wake up when you clap your hands and begin to do the things you indicated during sleep (for example, walk around the room).
  • In front of your opponent, begin to slowly swing the pendulum. The person falling asleep must keep an eye on the ball all the time without taking his eyes off. When tracking, your eyelids will become heavy and your eyes will close. The person will gradually begin to enter a hypnotic trance.
  • Make sure he's asleep. You can ask a few questions like “Can you hear my voice?” If they don’t answer you, the goal has been achieved and you can move on.
  • Say the program of actions that the subject will perform upon his return from trance. To begin with, these should be the most ordinary things. You shouldn't joke and force him to do the splits.
  • Say the command to wake you from sleep. For example: “Now you will wake up, get up and sit in the next chair.”
  • Repeat this several times.
  • Click your fingers or clap your hands (follow the signal agreed upon before the session).
  • Wait and watch the actions of the awakened one.

If your installation is completed, you have achieved results and mastered the first skills of hypnosis. Remember that you need to use these techniques as carefully as possible, after consulting with an experienced hypnotist.

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