Manual mechanical vegetable cutter: review, characteristics and reviews. Professional electric vegetable cutter for home

Our mothers remember the cabbage shredders that were sold in Soviet time. They were huge wooden boards with a sharp blade at an angle. The owners of such boards were happy people- after all, chopping tens of kilograms of cabbage by hand would be simply unrealistic. These shredders passed from hand to hand throughout the fall, while the preparations were in progress... In some families they have been preserved to this day. And everything would be fine, but the lack of minimal protection sometimes stained the cabbage with blood - you could easily scratch it with your finger without calculating the thickness of the head of cabbage. Modern vegetable cutters are more compact, safe and multifunctional.

For those housewives who often deal with vegetable cutters, great importance have two qualities of this kitchen utensil: durability and sharpness. There are countless vegetable cutters on the market, both simple and sophisticated, and to help you sort through the variety, our site has done something of a survey of some of these must-have gadgets.

The simplest thing that was invented by man for slicing and chopping is a knife. Housewives used it for centuries until progress came to the kitchen. And an ordinary knife was turned into a convenient 3-in-1 device by simply soldering a potato peeling bracket to the blade. With such a knife you can simply cut anything, peel potatoes, removing the thinnest peel, and also shred cabbage, and in this case both blades work at once. But with all the undoubted advantages of such a knife, the disadvantages still outweigh it. Firstly, in order to cut ten kilograms of cabbage, no hands are enough, and secondly, not everyone will be able to immediately adapt to working with this knife. That's why 3-in-1 shredder knife occupies the last place in our hit parade.

- This is the simplest device for cutting boiled vegetables into cubes. It seems like a simple thing, but how it helps to quickly whip up a vinaigrette or Olivier salad! The method of application can be described in a nutshell: “push and turn”: place the grid on the neck of the jar, press the boiled vegetable 3-5 mm, turn it 90º, and the finished identical cubes fall into the jar. All you have to do is season and mix the finished salad. This device received penultimate place in the study only for its narrow specialization. also took 9th place. And all because there is nothing else to cut with them except potatoes and apples. Although, in fairness, it should be noted that the simpler the thing, the less likely it is to break.

Ordinary Can also be used to shred cabbage. To do this, you need to cut a dense head of cabbage in half and “plane” it with a knife, removing the finest cabbage shavings. This method is unlikely to be suitable for preparations, but a staple knife will help you create a salad from fresh cabbage for dinner. With the same knife you can cut long, thin strips from zucchini for the “Mother-in-Law’s Tongue” salad, or from eggplant for rolls.

A chip knife similar in shape and mode of action perfectly cuts the thinnest slices of potatoes. Moreover, these slices turn out to be corrugated. This knife can cut not only potatoes, but also any vegetables for chips. True, it will be expensive to peel potatoes or carrots with it, since this knife is designed to produce slices approximately 1 mm thick.

There is another relative of the staple knife - . This is a knife that has cross blades that allow you to cut thin long strips of carrots for a spicy salad. But not only carrots can be cut with such a knife - raw beets are also perfectly cut with a cunning knife, and potatoes for salad (when they are deep-fried in the form of thin noodles) turn out smooth and thin. With an ordinary knife, of course, you can try to cut thin strips, but this will take a very long time. All these three knives - for peeling potatoes, slicing chips and for Korean carrots - share 8th place in our hit parade of vegetable cutters.

With the reign of plastic in the kitchen, a huge number of vegetable cutters have appeared for the most different needs. Here, for example, . The vegetable cutter is a plastic platform with grids of knives, and a base with a screw-on plastic cup into which onions or potatoes are poured. There are only two grates - with a narrow pitch (for onions) and a wider one (for potatoes). The principle of operation is simple: a potato or onion is placed on a base with a screwed-on cup, covered on top with a platform with a knife-grid and the entire structure is compressed with some force. The chopped product is poured into a glass. This is ideal. But in life, as often happens, everything is not so smooth. The ubiquitous Chinese manage to make lattice knives from such a delicate alloy that they sometimes break the first time they are used. It's a shame. But the idea is good. This vegetable slicer ranks #7 in our study of useful kitchen gadgets.

with interchangeable attachments for different cuts, it is more productive than the previous contender. This is a plastic drum with a hole for serving vegetables, in which a metal circle attachment for shredding is fixed. The handle with which you will set the entire structure in motion is also plastic and is connected to the circle through a simple transmission mechanism. In general, there is nothing to break. All you need to do is select the desired attachment, insert a suitable vegetable into the hole and start turning the handle. In this case, the vegetable needs to be slightly pressed against the rotating attachment (without fanaticism!). Such combines in a variety of designs are kindly provided to our market by generous Chinese manufacturers, and therefore you play a kind of “lucky or unlucky” lottery. Sometimes such food processors serve faithfully for years, and sometimes they don’t last even a month in kitchens. For its quality, which often lets us down, the manual harvester gets 6th place in our study.

takes up little space in the kitchen and works quickly and noisily. This is a glass with a lid in which zigzag knives are mounted, and a handle with a spring. A slap on the handle lowers the knives all the way down, and they rotate, and the spring returns the knives to the upper position. The more slaps, the smaller the vegetables will be chopped. By the way, this device can not only cut vegetables for salad - it is suitable for nuts, chocolate, eggs, sausage and even for crushing ice. A very fun machine, your children will really enjoy slapping the handle. However, the small cup format did not allow this contender to break into the top three. For originality and speed, this vegetable cutter receives 5th place.

The next contender is solid, made of metal and as reliable as a tank. It's about meat grinder modified for vegetable cutting . Instead of knives and grates, round cone-shaped attachments are screwed into the iron monster. The attachments can be very different: for grating carrots, beets and other vegetables, for chopping cabbage, cutting into slices or cubes, and so on. It all depends on the imagination of the manufacturer. Using this vegetable cutter is simple and fast. Screw the meat grinder onto the edge of the table, screw in the desired attachment and go ahead, turn the handle and slice the vegetables. The fact that you still have to work with your hands is a minus. But during the busy season of preparations, especially in the country where there is no electricity, a manual vegetable cutter/meat grinder is indispensable. But this vegetable cutter is eternal - that’s a plus. For this she gets 4th place in our kitchen hit parade.

The next contender is more likely to be a grater (based on the principle of operation), but for its wide possibilities it was awarded the honor of taking 3rd place in the hit parade of vegetable cutters. Design vegetable graters It’s simple: there is a sharp blade on a plastic platform (obliquely or in the shape of a V), and various attachments allow you to cut and grate almost any vegetables. Using this vegetable cutter, you can quickly cut potatoes or carrots into large or thin slices, onions into rings (or half rings if you first cut the onion in half), cut carrots for a Korean salad or potatoes for deep-frying. Actually, this is a version of the Soviet shredder, only in a smaller form, with a tray for grated vegetables (sometimes without it) and with protection against cuts - when grating, vegetables are not held by hand, but pricked onto a wide plastic flatbread with a hedgehog of needles and a comfortable handle. This leaves a lot of waste, of course, but the fingers are still there.

And the miracle of modern kitchen appliances - - good because it has a bowl from which chopped vegetables do not scatter all over the kitchen. However, the combines also have a special lid with an outlet through which the vegetables fall directly into the placed dishes (in the case when tens of kilograms of vegetables are chopped). With all its undoubted advantages, a food processor has one, but very significant drawback: bulkiness. Its clumsiness does not allow you to use it to quickly cut a salad for dinner, because it turns out that you cut it for 5 minutes and wash it for half an hour. Therefore, in the vegetable cutter competition, the food processor gets silver.

And finally, I got first place . The electric sister of the manual meat grinder and vegetable cutter has enormous productivity and is quite compact. Its design is not much different from its manual relative, except that this machine is made of plastic on the outside, and protection is provided - a special pusher glass, otherwise you can accidentally send half a finger into the salad, the speed is crazy!

Of course, you can disagree with the opinion of the commission and choose your own winners. Well, it's your right! The main thing is that your vegetable cutter (or a whole family of different vegetable cutters!) serves you long and faithfully. To do this, you need to try to choose the right vegetable cutter. Here are a few rules to help you do this:

A high-quality vegetable cutter should be made from of stainless steel, aluminum or durable durable plastic.
. If you need a universal vegetable cutter, pay attention to the presence of a set of knives and attachments - they should be suitable for both large and small cuts.
. Try to choose knives with replaceable blades, in this case they can be easily replaced over time, rather than throwing away the vegetable cutter due to a dull knife.
. Ask the seller what type of vegetables the selected vegetable cutter is suitable for; it would be a shame to buy a super-vegetable cutter that can only handle boiled potatoes.
. Take care of the vegetable cutter blades; wash it in warm water and dishwashing detergent. Hot water quickly dulls vegetable slicer blades, as do abrasive cleaners.

Happy shopping!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Using a vegetable cutter, vegetables for salads or fruits for festive table you can cut not only quickly, but also beautifully, and with minimal contact with the food - as they say: “without getting your hands dirty.”

What types of vegetable cutters are there?

Fundamentally, all devices for slicing vegetables and fruits are divided into two categories - electrical and mechanical (manual).

Electric vegetable cutters - multi-cutters

Electric vegetable cutters can differ in design - some operate according to the principle food processor(disc-shaped attachments of various configurations), others resemble meat grinders (cylinder- or cone-shaped attachments). There are also types of vegetable cutters, where the movements work surface forward and backward is carried out by a low-power engine. However, the effectiveness of using such a drive instead of a manual one is questionable.

Mechanical vegetable cutters

When working with a mechanical vegetable cutter, slicing, chopping or grating food requires your own effort. Depending on the design and attachments, grinding can be carried out according to the “grater-shredder” principle, or it can be a hand press. Another detail by which manual vegetable cutters can differ is the presence or absence of a food container.

Criteria for choosing the best vegetable cutter or multi-cutter


Traditionally, leading European companies are considered the best. Depending on who, where and from what quality materials the vegetable cutter was made, the efficiency, durability and quality of its work depend.

Configuration and number of nozzles

A common criterion for both electrical and mechanical devices, reflecting their functionality.


Relevant for electrically driven multi-cutters and indicates how effectively the device will handle when the load on the drive increases.

Additional accessories

Many manufacturers additionally produce elements compatible with their models - additional attachments, accessories, spare parts. They can be purchased to expand the basic configuration or as a replacement.


It makes no sense to waste your money on cheap products from little-known brands. The quality of such devices is low, and they are made only superficially similar to best models. Optimal choice- vegetable cutters of proven brands. In addition, not all of them are sold at exorbitant prices.

One of the most popular devices according to reviews on the Internet on modern kitchen is an electric vegetable cutter. It is very difficult to argue with this, because the most common activity of a housewife is cutting various vegetables and fruits. An indispensable assistant in this, frankly speaking, boring work is an electric vegetable cutter. In a few minutes, this wonderful device can do what some housewives may take an hour to do.

Electric vegetable cutter

Let's find out what types of electric vegetable cutters or electric vegetable cutters exist with all their advantages and disadvantages for use at home.

Multifunctional vegetable cutters are among the most common in the world, because they are very compact and perform a variety of types of work.

There are several types of electric vegetable cutters.

For home

Very interesting option for housewives with limited stock time. Ease of use, performance, compactness are the undoubted advantages of this unit. You can find out about mechanical kitchen scales with a bowl at.

Of course, professionals use more serious vegetable cutters, but for the average household this is the best option.

With meat grinder

This is also a fairly popular type of electric vegetable cutter. It attracts attention because it combines two functions: cutting vegetables. This device can significantly diversify a family’s diet: borscht, minced meat, vegetable stew - all this becomes possible if you have an electric meat grinder with a vegetable cutter. You can find out about the rating of electric meat grinders here.

Changing attachments and proper care for this device is the key to its long and productive work.


A rather specific type of electric meat grinder is called a cube cutter, which allows you to cut any vegetable or fruit into cubes in a few minutes. Why specific? The fact is that there are special attachments for ordinary vegetable cutters and, in principle, there is no need for them.

Food processor

A masterpiece is the best thing that any housewife can have in her kitchen, because any vegetables and fruits take on the desired shape in a minimum amount of time.

In addition to the impressive size and beautiful design there are a huge number of functions combined with a high-performance vegetable cutter - what could be better? But even such a device has disadvantages, namely bulkiness and difficulty in washing. But, if you really want to, why not?

How to choose an electric vegetable cutter

First of all, you should choose brands from well-known manufacturers that can provide quality. Of course, the price will be significantly higher, but this is more than compensated for by reliability, quality and high performance.

  • the best option would be a case made of stainless steel or non-toxic plastic;
  • it is better to buy a model with the ability to replace knives;
  • make sure that the vegetable cutter works with both boiled and raw vegetables;
  • The vegetable cutter must be well protected, and cutting edges isolated from possible touching by hands.

Recommendations for professional manufacturers: Robot Coupe, Philips HR1387 (Philips)

There are a huge number of manufacturers of electric vegetable cutters. Their models differ in the volume of vegetable processing, cost, reliability, etc.

  1. Of course, one of the leaders in the production of vegetable cutters is Robot Coupe. Robot Coupe CL 50 ultra is a professional electric vegetable chopper, also used at home. Capable of processing up to 250 kg/h, with the ability to load up to 3.7 liters of vegetables into the bowl. A very powerful device that can feed a huge number of people! An elegant option for true professionals in their field.
  2. An excellent option in terms of price/quality ratio would be the Philips HR1387 and HK1388 vegetable cutters. Very a budget option, because the price starts from 3,500 thousand rubles. This model has several attachments, overload protection and various functions (julienne, shredding, slicing, etc.). You can find out about electric meat grinders with metal gears.

Robot Coupe vegetable cutters are undoubtedly a recognized leader in reliability and product quality. If durability and performance are important to you, then best option just can't be found. Various price categories are another advantage of this manufacturer. However, of course, they should not be classified as budget ones. But, as you know, you have to pay for quality and brand.

Video: how to choose a food processor for slicing and chopping vegetables

Watch the video on how to choose a vegetable cutter:

Good care and operating instructions for a household electric grater

All electric vegetable cutters are quite complex mechanisms and require careful care.

then you just need to dry them thoroughly; reviews on the Internet say that this is a very important condition.

Test drive an inexpensive vegetable cutter that will be useful in your kitchen:

You need to be very careful with a working vegetable cutter, under no circumstances touch the working cutting parts with your hands, and ideally the cutting edges should be completely insulated.

Review of vegetable cutters from well-known manufacturers: By following the rules of care and operation of a household electric vegetable cutter (grater), there should be no problems using this wonderful device at home.

You can find out which air fryers are better. It can facilitate the process of daily cooking and preparations for the winter. professional electric vegetable cutter , which can be purchased at modern market not difficult. Using the device, vegetables are easily and quickly cut into pieces of shapes and sizes, while minimum cost

physical effort and time. When thinking about which vegetable cutter to choose, it is important to decide on the purposes of purchase and use. For the right choice We recommend that you understand the varieties, functionality

and the main characteristics of such devices.

Differences between professional electric vegetable cutters for home use Electric vegetable machine professional level specially designed to meet the needs of catering establishments. Purchase electric vegetable cutter

maybe for household needs (large family).

  • The differences between professional vegetable cutters and purely household models are as follows: The device includes several stainless steel knives. Often in professional models
  • There is an option to adjust the cutting size.
  • The device is equipped with disks and grids that allow you to obtain chopped vegetables of a certain shape: cubes, circles, strips.
  • Advanced functionality. Minimal amount plastic parts
  • . The vast majority of structural elements are made of metal (aluminum or stainless steel). electric machines for cutting of this level is usually more massive than that of household models. This ensures high stability of the device when used in intensive mode.
  • The equipment is equipped with special trays necessary for collecting already chopped vegetables.

Certain models of professional machines have a highly specialized purpose and are used to solve a special range of tasks.

For example, these could be devices for cabbage or root vegetables, for raw vegetables or cooked foods, for obtaining a finished product in the form of cubes, straws or circles. Highly specialized machines are used at large enterprises in the food and processing industries.

Universal vegetable cutters are ideal for use at home. Such devices belong to the professional category, so they can work quite intensively and productively.

Overview of functions and operating modes

Professional equipment for use at home, apartment or cottage, can effectively cope with the following tasks:

  • cutting vegetables into pieces of various sizes and shapes: cubes, straws, circles, stars, squares, etc.;
  • grating vegetables, as a result of which chips of various sizes are formed from the raw materials;
  • shredding - chopping vegetables, herbs and other products for their further preparation or use for cooking.

High-quality equipment in a catering enterprise is the key to excellent results and natural profitability of the business. Reliable professional vegetable cutters from this section of the Whitegoods online store ideally combine versatility, high performance, simplicity and safety of use.

The cutting options available with modern electric vegetable choppers are virtually limitless. An industrial electric vegetable cutter quickly and perfectly chops food into cubes, even strips, sticks, thin slices, and pieces with curly edges. Slicing is not limited to fresh or boiled vegetables for salads and sandwiches. You can buy additional sets of discs, grids and graters for grinding ingredients with different textures and densities: fruits, mushrooms, cheese, bread, crackers, chocolate, nuts.

Vegetable cutters are a bargain!

Electric industrial vegetable cutters are distinguished by their enormous power and wear-resistant parts. The productivity of a number of floor-standing models ranges from 300-3000 kg/h. This perfect option for ready-to-eat food enterprises, large networks supermarkets, hospitals, canneries, factories for the production of semi-finished products, cruise ships, etc. The bodies of professional vegetable cutters are made of high-quality steel and magnesium alloys; cutting discs have a large diameter; and the engine is protected from overheating by automatic shutdown. Generally, commercial shredders include a hopper for safe loading and an opening for manual feeding using a pusher. The final price for a vegetable cutter depends on the configuration (standard/full) and performance.

Various attachments will help you achieve best results specifically in your field of cooking. For example, a tabletop vegetable slicer would be a profitable purchase for a catering company. Every banquet will be held with her top level, and an exquisite table setting will take no more than half an hour. The razor-sharp blades of electric vegetable cutters are treated with an antibacterial coating, due to which the products for a long time retain freshness and attractive appearance. You will receive perfectly smooth and thin slices of oranges, strawberries, tender tomatoes, other vegetables and fruits, sausage and meat strips for sandwiches, without the use of knives or cutting boards. Even cutting will allow you to maintain the required portion of ingredients and reduce maintenance costs.

Buying a professional vegetable cutter means getting powerful help in the kitchen. In our online store you choose from the best offers available in modern industrial kitchen appliances. With us you will save valuable time and money.

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