Psychology of color in men's clothing. Blue color in human psychology, craving for blue: what does it mean for girls and women, men, children? What does the color blue symbolize? What does blue eye and hair color mean: psychology

Many shades and halftones flash around us every day. Some cause bad emotions or aggression, others lift your spirits and calm you down. Which of them to surround yourself with in order to feel calm is up to you to choose. In the article I will tell you in detail what the color blue means in a woman’s psychology.

Meaning in antiquity

The symbolism of the multi-colored palette was developed back in ancient world, it was then that his first fans appeared. Many gods had cloaks or precious stones of this particular color. Sorcerers passed light through dark blue glass to cure the sick. Bluish veils were laid over sacred objects, and many noble rulers had the same wigs even before our era.

Important rituals were performed with artificial hair dyed dark blue. Since ancient times, in the Christian world the color blue has been designated as a symbol of mystery and sadness.

Many peoples represent heaven, devotion, peace, tranquility and infinity with this tone. This is a symbol of stability and immutability, because the sky has not changed for millions of years. Eastern peoples believe that such a color scheme can protect against evil and otherworldly forces, and protect them from negative influences.

Duality of shade

It has positive and negative meaning. It is blue that inspires heroic deeds, helps to cleanse the soul, and makes intuition work more actively. But this is not the only thing a person reacts to under the influence of such a background:

  • creates a feeling of sublimity and tranquility;
  • increases judgment;
  • makes a girl more tolerant and tolerant.

But there are also disadvantages that it creates in sensations. Among them:

  • fatigue increases;
  • emotional instability and coldness appear;
  • vanity and rancor may be reflected.

It is not advisable to be in a room with such walls for a long time, this is how severe depression develops and understanding of the world around us is lost.

What does the color blue symbolize in psychology?

From a psychological point of view, saturation and intensity also affect mood and general well-being. Light has a neutral or positive effect. If you look at such a palette for a long time, you can feel peace and tranquility, relax and relieve tension. But this only applies to sky and other pale tones.

If the color of the walls is intense and deep, it will cause negative emotions. Our subconscious is designed in such a way that some people may associate it with danger and cause anxiety. If you look at a thing of a rich shade for a long time, discomfort appears.

If you choose the right colors and their saturation, you can establish psychological condition, direct yourself in the right direction and gather yourself emotionally. For any girl, a certain palette necessarily correlates with memories and events from life.

If you follow psychology, love for the color blue often reflects a purposeful woman. She has selflessness in her character along with the desire to defend her opinion and position. If you choose clothes in a similar color scheme, then it will look strict and serious. This speaks of high spirituality and a desire to achieve one’s own. If you color your work background this way, it will calm and normalize the nervous system, help extinguish strong emotions, and find inner peace.


The presence of such a color in things or in the design of a room always hints at changes in life or changes in qualities. When the impulse to repaint the walls or buy several things of a particular color appears suddenly, it is usually due to the need to make up for the lack of a certain energy. And if this is a constant favorite shade, then it signals the main features of the girl’s psychological makeup.

What does the color blue mean? This is an introvert who prefers analytical work and quiet evenings at home instead of noisy parties. A large number of blue things signal isolation and secrecy. Often these are prostitutes who value their personal time, space and comfort. It is convenient and pleasant for them to be alone; they need company less often than others. Such women have high development abilities and intelligence.

Dark tones signal intelligence and independence. Sometimes sympathy for such colors hides a lack of warmth, attention and love. Such people are distinguished by great patience and endurance, but easily withdraw into themselves. This makes it easier for them to make decisions in any matter.

Characteristics of girls who love blue:

  • capable of idealizing and philosophizing;
  • leadership position, desire to show authority;
  • disciplined and reliable employees;
  • loyal and stable partners;
  • show loyalty and fortitude in any situation;
  • categoricalness, firmness in decisions;
  • Analytical mind;
  • the ability to deal diplomatically with any matter.

If a person unknowingly chooses this shade during an appointment with a psychologist, he lacks peace and stability in life. Such people need peace and tranquility. It is important for them to be confident and feel the approval of others. People often feel the need for this color during illness, when they feel resentment towards someone or overwork, both moral and physical.

If, at the subconscious level, a girl rejects the entire palette with blue, this means that she greatly lacks something new, movement. She needs change, she’s tired of the monotony and repetitive events, but it’s too difficult even to admit it to herself.

Sometimes this is a signal indicating a desire for quick money and fame. But it also happens that this is only a momentary weakness that does not characterize a person in any way. Therefore, it is impossible to assess the influence of colors on a woman and her real needs in one appointment with a psychologist. It often takes several sessions to identify the problem and find solutions to it.

What does the color blue represent and how does it work in the professional sphere?

Everyone discovers this color differently - memories, associations and age differ. It is the color scheme that will influence the composure, determination and performance of employees. If you choose the wrong background, then no one will be able to work effectively. This will also have a special impact on visitors; an incorrect selection may result in the deal not going through and the client leaving.

There are several tips regarding designing your workspace:

  • Where business meetings will be held, it is worth using heavenly shades, pale and light colors. This will help establish a friendly atmosphere, learn to understand your partner and absorb information.
  • If the walls are too dark or saturated, performance will decrease. The staff will begin to succumb to depression and despondency.
  • When you have to observe varieties of blue for a long time, your heart rate decreases, your blood pressure normalizes, your nervous and emotional tension decreases, but you shouldn’t abuse this - when there is too much of it everywhere, a depressed state appears.

It is allowed to wear brightly colored stones. They will help cope with stress and protect against possible anxiety and worry, and will clarify many situations. Such jewelry includes lapis lazuli, topaz and sapphire. You can design accessories as a ring, flower brooch, necklace, bracelet.

What does blue mean in terms of physiology?

Artists consider this paint to be the opposite of red, because it is located on the parallel side color wheel. Blue attracts the eye and beckons into its depths, while its opposite constantly protrudes beyond the canvas.

If the shade is pure, then in general it will have an inhibitory effect on our psyche:

  • relaxes muscles;
  • reduce appetite;
  • slow down breathing;
  • the heart will beat less often.

If this effect is temporary, then it has a beneficial effect - it helps to calm down, relax and look at problems differently. But you shouldn’t endlessly be surrounded by such a color scheme - you can provoke oppression of all systems and mood, and then depression.

Choosing a blue background has fewer negative consequences. It harmonizes and calms rather than causes suppression. Therefore, in hot countries, rooms are often decorated using such a palette - it gives a feeling of coolness.

What does the color blue mean in psychology: combination of clothes

If you wear a dress or suit in this shade, your figure will noticeably change - blue makes you look slimmer. And the richness adds elegance. Cornflower blue tones indicate a woman who is looking for great and pure love.

For those who do not like skirts, but wear jeans and trousers, the bluish color adds nobility. Such things are great for people who often change their mood. This helps you realize yourself and feel more confident.

It is important to remember that if you constantly wear only this color of clothes, you can provoke blues and loss of motivation. It is much better to control the variety of colors in your wardrobe and not allow it to skew in one direction.

Different shades

Each person will be affected differently by tone. But usually the same details are chosen by girls with a similar character and temperament. Let's see what the selected range says about them.


Those who fill the space around them with blue tend to dream and do not want to think about existing problems. For them, this is the personification of comfort, reliability and peace. This is how romantics, pure and naive people dress. It is a symbol of serenity and youth.

Often lovers of this color strive for straightforward tasks and affairs, they like to act according to an algorithm. These are reliable workers and friends, self-confident and able to speak directly, without allegory or cunning.

Managers love such employees for their ability to move purposefully towards their goals. They are reliable and take any job responsibly. They strictly follow tactics, gradually achieving results.


For lovers of dark blue, other meanings related to psychology are given. They are more melancholic, easily succumbing to apathy and melancholy. They are more accustomed to being alone with their thoughts than communicating in a noisy company. They feel comfortable in a quiet environment and are not oppressed by silence.

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Such a person is a pronounced dreamer who knows how to beautifully care for a partner. But at the same time, they become very upset and depressed if the object of their affection does not reciprocate. Often such people have serious Creative skills and talents, they can do unusual things. But they usually react sharply negatively to criticism.

It is important to remember that this paint should not be used as the main paint in the interior. It can provoke a strong deterioration in mood, causing melancholy and apathy. You should not paint the entire interior like this; it is recommended to dilute it with warm and calm tones.


The coldest of the entire palette, surprising and enchanting. It is called turquoise, it promotes healing and the development of creativity. It makes it possible to harmoniously develop talents; its contemplation helps a person become purposeful and believe in himself.

If a girl does not take off her turquoise ring, then she thinks self-critically, knows how to manage emotions, and does not allow herself sudden impulses. It is most often worn by those who need approval and want recognition of their own activities.

Usually people with such understanding react sharply to discussions of their person, cannot tolerate negative criticism, and do not like condemnation.

They say that if you wear such jewelry, good luck will come. They will protect you from external influences, protect you from problems and help you get the desired result. Jewelry promotes career advancement.

What does it mean for a woman

For everyone, this color scheme is associated with personal memories and events. Winter and cold, sea and aquamarine, sky and flight. The individual feels comfort and celebration or the serenity of a vacation, the limitlessness of possibilities.

It also happens that he talks about hope for a happy future, stability and success. Blue is a great way to help you feel calm and tune in to change. With their help, it becomes easy to feel a surge of mental strength.

A girl who prefers blue or indigo really knows how to fully concentrate on a problem. She becomes a reliable and faithful companion in life, and does not forget about self-discipline. At work, it's easy to become a leader who makes difficult decisions calmly and thoughtfully.

But sometimes such women turn out to be stingy with emotions and cold in expressing feelings. Strong moral stress causes them to get tired quickly. If they move towards a goal without stopping at difficulties, they experience stress.

What does love for dark and light blue mean and say?

Different tones symbolize the abandonment of empty dreams and the desire to achieve your goal. Those who prefer blue in their clothes are usually independent, confident and balanced individuals. They are used to getting what they are moving towards.

In the eyes of others, this cold color scheme makes a woman more restrained and a man more reasonable. But if work is combined with regular communication, then it is advisable to choose lighter colors - this encourages friendliness. Each color carries a certain charge of energy and mood.

But if someone constantly wears only blue tones, then he is in anxious state, does not feel stable. In this case, he requires qualified assistance from specialists and moral support from people close to him.

If you know how shades are perceived, you can style your clothes and surroundings to achieve the results you want. If you stimulate the subconscious with the help of jewelry, things, interior details, you can improve your mood and attitude, improve relationships with loved ones and colleagues. Sometimes, in order to understand your aspirations and learn how to correctly set goals to achieve, sign up for my . This will help you change yourself faster and feel harmony.

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Blue color is rightfully considered one of the most noble. Looking at it, we remember the shades of sky and water, elements that can be observed endlessly. Blue has also been used in art and jewelry making since ancient times. It was considered the most expensive, since for a long time blue paint was produced from gemstone lapis lazuli Accordingly, only rich people could afford blue clothes. Perhaps this is why many people subconsciously associate this color with something regal and majestic.

Blue color
in psychology

Blue color in psychology is traditionally considered the color of self-confident, decisive and purposeful people. Such people practically do not accept conflicts and are ready to resolve all life’s troubles diplomatically. They always insist on their opinion, they can be entrusted with important work, which they will complete impeccably and on time. The color blue in human psychology indicates selflessness, intuitive decision-making, as well as calmness and the ability to come to a compromise. Therefore, when you like the color blue, the meaning in psychology of such a phenomenon is regarded as a desire for peace and stability in life. The characteristics of blue-eyed people may be similar.

Blue is the color of wisdom and faith. It has a calming effect. The color I often use to test people. Material people, devoid of spirituality, do not like the color blue or are indifferent to it. Blue is good at calming nervous children and adults. Lighted blue candles have a very good effect on a person. If a child draws his parents in blue or light blue, this means that he is safe and comfortable with his parents. Blue color also protects secrets. It is considered a symbol of the birth of the world.

Blue is the color of the sky, peace, relaxation. If you like him, then this speaks of modesty and melancholy. Such a person often needs to rest, he gets tired quickly, a sense of confidence and the goodwill of others is extremely important to him. The rejection of this color reveals a person who wants to give the impression that he can do anything in the world. But, in essence, he is a model of uncertainty and isolation. Indifference to this color speaks of a certain frivolity in the field of feelings, although hidden under the guise of courtesy. In short, choosing blue as the most preferred color reflects a person's physiological and psychological need for peace, and denying it means that a person avoids relaxation. When you are sick or overworked, the need for blue increases.

Positive characteristics

Organized, inflexible, idealistic, fortitude

Negative characteristics

Fanaticism, subordination, puritanism, stiffness

Blue is the second color in the cool spectrum. It helps to find inner peace, stimulates inspiration, creativity, faith and devotion. As the color of peace of mind, it is associated with introspection and self-deepening. Blue reduces muscle tension and significantly reduces the feeling of pain. Breathing becomes slower and deeper than with blue. Blue will help with mental fatigue, and will also provide the necessary flexibility and pliability for those who are used to acting rigidly and straightforwardly. Blue color cleanses the soul, inspires creativity, spiritual search and serves as a guide to mysterious world intuition. Blue also represents mental strength, wisdom and clarity of thought.

For many peoples, the color blue symbolizes heaven and eternity. It can also symbolize kindness, fidelity, constancy, favor, and in heraldry it denotes chastity, honesty, good reputation and fidelity. “Blue blood” speaks of noble origin: the English call a true Protestant “blue.” Blue is the color of the sky, literally and figuratively. Blue is the color of purity of body and spirit, upward aspiration, spirituality. The negative side of blue is puritanism and stiffness. Hence such expressions as blue stocking or blue Beard. Here blue appears before us as a symbol of coldness and detachment.

Shades of blue

  • – the color of carelessness, it calms, radiates reliability, but at the same time, looking at it, it is impossible to concentrate. It does not promote the development of imagination. Reduces stress and is comfortable. This is the color of “calm emotionality.” Gives you the opportunity to be outside the boundaries of society, expands space. But! slows down growth and development. This is the color of dreams and daydreams, the color of peace and harmony.
  • Dark blue color(indigo) the color of dreams. It is very deep, leads to depression, causes a depressing effect, anxiety, excessive seriousness, sadness, sadness. Causes the need for physiological peace and contentment in the world. Rejection of this color is when you do not want to relax and unwind.

Blue color in psychology

What does color decide? Why do we choose certain shades again and again? Where does this persistent desire to buy blue blouses or knit dark green rugs come from? Why was yellow the day before yesterday my favorite color, but today it’s like, “ugh, how could I buy that?!” About this and much more in the column of psychologist and art therapist Evgenia Peltek.

The idea of ​​the important role of color is ingrained in us literally from the cradle. Pink ribbon - girl, blue - boy. Just don't get confused! Lilac socks are only for girls, and green socks are also for boys. Why are you wearing blue, you have a girl?!
Babies, of course, do not care about all these color details (especially since in the first weeks of life they only distinguish between white and black). However, for some reason this is important to us, parents. Colors carry information that is embedded in our “cultural code”. The emotional charge that we “read” from color has been formed over many centuries, through the entire history of its use in our culture.

Therefore, in order to understand your predilection for a particular shade, it would be good to understand its cultural context, if not in centuries, then at least at the present time.

Sometimes the stable meaning of a shade can be read already in its name: “protective” (masking as a terrain and defense), “marshmallow pink” (infancy, sweetness, defenselessness), “color of the first grass” (growth, breakthrough, filling the territory) and so on Further. In other cases, personal associations matter. For example, if in childhood a girl’s bedroom was covered with lilac wallpaper with yellow flowers, then this combination of shades will be strongly associated with a feeling of security, calmness, as well as a feeling of “home” and a childish attitude. For another person, this combination may cause anxiety.

"However, in addition to individual perception, there are also quite universal stable color associations, determined by the common upbringing and cultural context in which we grew up. If individual associations can be clarified during art exercises, then universal ones are the general “ABC” of color, accessible to reading to everyone.

Black: "black hole"

What associations do you have with this color? The color of the earth, the color of the night, “black hole”. It is also the color of mourning (that is, open grief), boundaries (this is the color used to indicate the contours of the drawing). It is also associated with the unknown and fear, anxiety. This is the most contrasting shade. It is convenient to use for drawing contours. This makes it literally a symbol of boundaries for modern man. Therefore, those who want to “draw a boundary”, isolate themselves from the world and be a “man in a case” often choose the black color of their “case”.
Black color absorbs light and heat, does not reflect, but absorbs light (and color) waves.

"In the language of art therapy, the choice of this color can indicate a loss of strength, lack of emotions, vital energy. A person in “black mode” is most likely determined not to give, but to receive heat and energy from the outside, accumulating heat.

At the same time, the persistent image of the “little black dress” is associated with sexuality and the idea of ​​impeccable style. The appeal of this outfit can be explained in terms of color perception. Black color is associated with boundaries, closedness, mystery, and sometimes danger (darkness, night, unknown), which provokes the imagination. At the same time, this black “case”, as is clear from the name, is “small”, which means it leaves enough open areas of the body (arms, legs). This contrast between open and closed, between secret and frankness is very attractive.

Green: "green light"

The idea of ​​resolution is often associated with this color. Since childhood, we have known the little rhyme: “Red - stop!” Yellow - wait! And the color green - go! Most of us have it written in our “subcortex”: “green means it’s possible.” Every day this belief is reinforced by all the traffic lights on the highways in your city (not to mention the neighboring ones). Safety signs (crossings, medical signs, emergency exit signs), direction signs are of this color.

The second stable association with green is grass, leaves, vegetation, “greenery”. The color green is consistently associated with the growth, emergence and development of life, as well as with the development of territory and the appropriation of the right to it.

“Just as grass covers the ground, and leaves cover trees, so a person in the “green period” can strive to develop a new territory (a new profession, achieve a different position in the family or a higher step in his career).

Mixed shades of green evoke less clear associations. For example, the color “khaki” (often called “protective”) is obtained by mixing gray or light brown with green. Already from the name - “protective”, “khaki” - it is clear that a person who prefers such shades feels the need for defense, protection or camouflage. He does not want to attract attention to his person, “merging into the landscape.” Brighter shades of the same color often cause negative associations: for example, “green melancholy,” “swamp mud,” or simply “swamp.”

It happens that a person chooses a subjectively unpleasant shade for his clothes.
For example, during one of the art therapy sessions, client A., when I asked to show unpleasant colors, confidently chose khaki. She explained that for her it was associated with “swamp” and “stagnation.” Moreover, on that day A. was wearing trousers of a rich “bottle” color, exactly matching this shade. I invited her to draw the image that had arisen on paper and comment on the drawing. It turned out that the “swamp” in her mind is a nutrient medium from which flowers sprout.
Currently, A. is learning a new profession that interests her. Behind the “swamp” symbol, she easily recognized her current job, which feeds the girl, but does not arouse much interest. A. understood: in this moment time, the “swamp” color symbolizes for her support and stability, the opportunity for professional development in new field. That is why the visually not entirely pleasant color A. was allowed into her wardrobe.

Blue: "blue sea"

Blue color is considered the most “calm”, stable, and restores balance. This is the color of the sea and sky, which is probably why it is considered the color of stability, tranquility, and deep reflection.

“A person may experience an increased need for this color in situations where it is important for him to calm down, to detach himself from vivid emotions and experiences.

Blue is also often associated with intelligence. It is no coincidence that the pseudoscientific term “indigo children,” denoting unusually developed, unusual children with increased intellectual (and some other) abilities, is associated precisely with this shade. Road information signs(“pedestrian crossing”, “descent”, “stop”, “parking”), as a rule, are blue.
At the same time, blue is a cold shade associated with detachment, coldness, and emotionlessness.

Also, blue is the color of water, and therefore it is a symbol of not only seas, rivers, oceans, rain, but also tears, which means it is the color of sadness and sadness.
During one of the art therapy sessions, a young woman R. persistently drew transparent vessels filled with blue - decanters, glasses, jugs, explaining that this was water. When I asked her to draw this water, she completely painted the sheet blue, and drew a small figure in the center - herself. Looking at her drawing, R. began to cry. She recognized in the blue “fog” her melancholy, which completely “overwhelmed” her. At this time, R. was experiencing a breakup with her loved one, but outwardly she remained absolutely calm and balanced. The blue color, which she preferred in clothes, became a way for her to maintain balance in an emotionally difficult situation, while at the same time being an expression of sadness and longing for her loved one.

Red: "fire flower"

Red is one of the most prominent colors in the spectrum. This is the color of warmth, fire, love, life, energy. In Orthodoxy, red is considered a symbol of the Resurrection - the victory of life over death. But at the same time, Orthodox culture, which is part of the cultural context around us, recognizes the duality of this color, also considering it the color of blood and torment, the color of Christ’s sacrifice. The color of fire and blood evokes associations with a powerful element; it is the color of directed energy, at the same time a symbol of love, sex and aggression.
A bright red dress is an unambiguous sexual challenge (or call) addressed to a partner (real or potential).
In addition, this color symbolizes confidence and intention to act. If a person has a need to demonstrate his power and strength, he will give preference to this color.
Moreover, this is a warning color. In nature, animals and insects that are bright red in color seem to be saying, “Don’t come near, it’s dangerous!” In our “human” ones, warning about danger or prohibiting road signs The color red is also mostly used (it is most noticeable and visible from a long distance).

"A person who persistently chooses this energetic color for his outfits or accessories is most likely determined to change a lot in his life. Sometimes “people in red” can go ahead towards their goal, but they always honestly warn their fellow travelers or random passers-by about this the color of your outfit.

Yellow: “warm sun”

With yellow, everything seems to be simple - it is the color of warmth, sun, joy, chickens and summer. It evokes a feeling of carefree and optimism, it is a kind of quintessence of life. But at the other pole of this color there are not the most pleasant associations: lies, betrayal and madness. “Yellow House”, “yellow newspaper”, “alarming” yellow flowers in Margarita Bulgakova, painful yellow skin and so on.
Why is that? Yellow is one of the brightest colors. It is associated with life and change, which means it is deeply dual in nature. Big changes involve shaking up values, abandoning old habits, and coming out of your shell. People who prefer yellow seem to be communicating that they are ready for drastic changes. And such readiness sometimes causes not only support, but also condemnation from others, and even internal conflict.

"An interesting detail: yellow is so bright that it is rarely used alone in design. Sometimes black goes in tandem with yellow, as the most contrasting and limiting.

This combination of colors (yellow + black) in nature is one of the brightest warning colors (bees, wasps, bumblebees, snakes), and in the “human” world it is used for signs indicating increased danger and a threat to life (“biological hazard” , “radiation threat”, etc.). A reason to think for those who choose these colors for their clothes.

Blue: "color of the sky"

Blue is one of the “lightest” and purest shades. It is a mixture of two colors: white and blue, but is present in its pure form in the spectrum. This is the color of the sky, clear spring water, and a light breeze. It is associated with something light, airy, almost weightless.
IN Orthodox culture blue has an important meaning. It symbolizes the infinity of the sky and in icon painting is considered the color of the Mother of God, who united the earthly and heavenly.
In Russian there are many expressions associated with this shade: “blue dream”, “plate with a blue border”. Blue is a metaphor for hope, faith in good things, it is the color of fairy tales and wish fulfillment. It calms and evokes a feeling of security. The “blue thief” is a charming guy with whom it is difficult to be angry; the “blue helicopter” will definitely bring a wizard.

"This color calms and reduces the level of aggression, so it is often chosen by people experiencing underlying irritation, for whom it is important to “lower the temperature” and relax.

At the other pole of blue is its association with the “ideal”. To live up to your dreams, sometimes you have to work hard. Therefore, sometimes blue is the color of perfectionists and even snobs. Remember Malvina, “the girl with blue hair", "blue blood", symbolizing "high" aristocratic origin.

White: "white noise"

A symbol of purity (both literal and metaphorical), freedom, beginning, background, which is yet to be filled with new content, renewal. White color is universal, it consists of all the colors of the spectrum, which means it goes with literally everything. In Orthodoxy, it is a symbol of Divine light. This is the color of holiness and simplicity. On icons, saints and righteous people are usually depicted in white.
The importance of this color cannot be overestimated. Every key stage of a person's life is associated with whiteness. White diapers, white wedding dress and veil of the bride, white shroud. Birth, wedding, death - all transitions are associated with the color white. It is no coincidence that white is a symbol of mourning in many cultures.

"Thus, “white clothes” are chosen by a person who feels the need for “zeroing,” a new point of reference. In addition, it is the color of emptiness, background, “white noise,” emphasized neutrality.

The strict office dress code, which prescribes “white top - black bottom”, comes precisely from this property white. White (as the most neutral) and black (as a symbol of boundaries) in combination give a faceless disguise, devoid of emotional fullness. Sometimes this is exactly what you need for a comfortable existence.

Not all colors of the palette are included in the material. “Unlucky” to be included in this review were orange (the color of change and impulsiveness), brown (the color of “down to earth” and seeking support), and also violet, gray, purple, pink and many, many other colors. The good news is that all these shades can be obtained by mixing the colors described in the material. And all “complex” mixed colors have the properties of each of the components of the shade.

To be continued. In the following material, read about color combinations and prints in clothes.

Blue color - the crown of cool shades and one of three primary colors, mixing which in certain proportions makes it possible to obtain any of the additional colors.

Blue color in psychology considered a color that represents calm, wisdom and patience.

What does it mean and what does it say?

The color blue gives rise to many different shades, and the most famous of them are azure, celadon, ultramarine, indigo, cornflower blue.

Also considered shades of blue are blue and.

Interesting Facts about blue color:

  1. In Christian icon painting, the color blue is a symbol of the Virgin Mary and spirituality in general. The Himation (outer garment, cape) of Jesus Christ is also traditionally painted in this color.
  2. The ancient Egyptians considered blue to be the color of truth.
  3. In Buddhism, blue represents the East.
  4. Studies have shown that the color blue can reduce crime rates. In one of the Japanese cities, an experiment was conducted that showed that the use of blue in street lighting reduced the crime rate by almost 10%.

What does the color blue mean in psychology? Find out from the video:

What is it associated with and what does it symbolize?

Perhaps, main association The color that comes to mind when thinking about blue is the sky.

Cloudless skies have been a symbol of peace, tranquility, and tranquility throughout the existence of mankind, and the same characteristics are attributed to the color blue.

The second common association with the color blue is serene sea. In many works of art the sea is called blue, as, for example, in the fairy tale “ gold fish» Pushkin.

Also a common association is flowers.

There are many flowers whose petals are colored blue.

These are cornflowers, chicory, scillas, lobelia, aconite, periwinkle, bluebell, and forget-me-nots. Also in many types of flowers you can find varieties that have a blue color, for example blue poppy, blue tulip.

In animal color blue color is rare, except that some birds, mainly those that live in the southern and eastern zones of the world, boast blue plumage, such as the Taiwan blackbird, some parrots, and the crowned pigeon.

Blue color primarily symbolizes wisdom, peace, faith, eternity, calm, balance, happiness, spirituality. It, like other cool colors, is extremely attractive to intellectuals and creative people.

Classic blue is often given positive characteristics, but the darker the shade, the more negative characteristics are attributed to it.

Dark blue color More often than pure blue, it is associated with grief and sadness. It feels heavier and more pressing, especially if you use it as the main one in the interior.

In color test Luscher blue color means contentment, calmness, balance.

Who likes it and why?

Blue and cyan are traditionally considered masculine colors, while red and pink are feminine.

But for the most part it's marketing ploy, rather than the presence of a real connection between gender and color.

A person of any gender can find a variety of shades attractive, and a girl will not grow male genitals if she wears blue pants.

According to a large study conducted in 2003, about 35% of women and 55-57% of men reported that consider blue their favorite color.

Men who prefer blue often have the following personality traits:

Women Those who choose blue have similar personality traits as men who prefer it.

They are decisive, diligent, prefer to solve problems diplomatically, careful, attentive.

At the same time they:

Also, women who love deep blue may be characterized by moderate shyness.

Both women and men With this color preference, as a rule, people are interested in science and creativity, and strive for self-development and improvement of skills.

Children Those who prefer the color blue are distinguished by their balance, obedience, prefer to think and then act, they look reasonable beyond their years, and at an older age they may be interested in philosophy.

They do not have a selfish perception of the world; they are open to friendship and sincere.

Who likes blue? About this in the video:

What does dislike of blue mean?

People who don't like blue often... have the following character traits:

Also, blue color may not be liked by people who avoid everything that may cause them to associate with, sadness, grief.

Use in advertising

The color blue is actively used in marketing, especially when developing logos and interface design.

The main color of the lion's share of popular social networks, such as Facebook, VKontakte, Twitter, is blue or dark blue, and for good reason: most users associate these colors with reliability, trust, do not burden the interface and do not have an irritating effect on vision.

Also, blue is much less likely than most other colors to evoke any negative emotions, so it is also perfect as accent shades.

Blue, like other shades of the cool spectrum, is often used to attract attention creative people and intelligentsia to the product.

Also, this color can successfully fit into both creative, overly shocking advertising designed for a narrow audience, and advertising aimed at the general population.

How does it affect a person?

Colors capable of moderate influence on the somatic state and a little stronger on the mental state, which is confirmed by various studies, for example, the one that dealt with the connection between the crime level and the color of lighting on the streets.

Therefore, to the selection of interior colors important to be careful and take into account the peculiarities of the influence of each color on well-being, especially in cases where people who have mental illnesses or are predisposed to them will be in the premises for a long time.

Features of the influence of blue color on well-being:

  1. Blue color is capable “cool down” angry people, soften the severity of aggressiveness in. Its light shades have a calming effect on people, soften the severity of stress, and have a positive effect on the course of mental illnesses, especially neuroses.
  2. At the same time blue is negative affects performance, so it is rarely chosen as the main color in corporate interiors.

    People who are constantly in a room with a predominant blue color, especially if it is deep blue and dark blue, have a deteriorating mental state.

  3. According to color therapists, the color blue can lower blood pressure and body temperature, slow down the pulse, it also has a positive effect on the functioning of the pituitary gland, skeletal system, organs of vision, breathing, thyroid gland, and reduces pain.
  4. Blue color and its shades are recommended to be used for decorating bedrooms, since it does not have a stimulating effect on the nervous system, but, on the contrary, calms it, accelerating sleep.

Who will it suit in clothing or interior design?

Experts advise wearing blue clothes and including it in your home interior people prone to frequent mood swings who have a lot of stress and anxiety in their lives.

It will also help unbalanced, aggressive people better control themselves.

Since most people associate the color blue with wisdom, balance and calm, blue clothes are recommended to be worn during negotiations if a person wants to present himself as a reliable partner.

How to properly use blue in the interior? Watch the video:

Negative characteristics in psychology

Sides of people who love blue:

  • excessive emotional coldness;
  • selfishness and arrogance;
  • rancor.

The color blue, especially its dark shades, is quite depressing, since people often associate it with grief and sadness.

His pronounced coldness does not have a positive effect on all people, and even a person who always thought that he loved blue may not like living in an interior with an abundance of this color.

Dark and overly bright shades of blue as the main color in interior design better not to use, however, they work well as accent colors.

What to combine with the main color blue in clothes? Adviсe:

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