Relief ceiling. Decorative finishing of ceilings - modern methods of transformation

Very often people come to the idea that they need to change something in their lives, and many first try to diversify the interior of their home. Modern market facing materials meets the wishes of consumers, offering the new kind decor - textured stretch ceiling. These products work wonders in the interior. They transform rooms, making them brighter and richer.

Features and Benefits

Texture refers to the following features of the surface of the tension film: relief elements, degree of smoothness, level of light absorption/reflection. That is, textured stretch ceilings are suspended systems that imitate a certain decorative coating. They are universal, they can be used in luxury cottages, hotels and inns, museums and restaurants, meanwhile, textured canvases are also used in small cozy city apartments.

In addition to their unusual appearance, these products have many advantages:

  • Strength and elasticity. The canvas cannot be pierced or damaged, for example, by a champagne cork. With their help, you can obtain complex architectural forms: arches, waves, cones, multi-level structures.
  • Waterproof. Ceilings made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) can hold a large volume of liquid. Therefore, in the event of flooding, you don’t have to worry that the interior will be damaged.
  • Durability. Berezhnaya and correct operation– the key to a long service life of a stretch ceiling. For some models, manufacturers provide a guarantee of up to 50 years.

  • Practicality. Thanks to the antistatic properties, dust and dirt practically do not accumulate on the surface of textured ceilings. Products only need easy care. All you need to do is periodically wipe the canvas with a damp cloth.
  • Fire safety. PVC structures do not support combustion. Under influence high temperatures they melt but do not ignite.
  • Easy to install. Installation of relief ceilings does not take much time. They can be removed and reinstalled at any time without any special physical effort.

Textured tension systems are made in different colors and shades.

They are safe for humans, non-toxic, and do not emit unpleasant odors. With their help, you can optically enlarge or narrow the space. You can change the look of the room or create many interesting effects.

Types of textures

Modern manufacturers of suspended ceiling structures offer a wide range of textures popular with customers. The main ones are:

  • Matte. The main difference from other models is the absence of distinct relief elements. The ceilings of this group are calm, look solid and respectable, and perfectly clearly convey the color palette of the canvas or the pattern on it. Glare and reflections from artificial lighting on such a surface they are muffled. Matte canvas is often used as a basis for building a multi-level structure.
  • Satin the texture will make the ceiling expressive and attractive. Compared to the previous version, it has higher reflective properties. When light hits the canvas, it begins to shimmer, making the color of the hanging structure deeper.
  • Glossy the texture is characterized by high reflective abilities. Thanks to this feature, a room with such a ceiling will visually look larger and brighter. The color range of the glossy texture is very diverse, so it will suit any interior. Glossy texture is especially popular when decorating nightclubs, swimming pools and other entertainment organizations.

  • Translucent the texture, due to the 50% light transmittance, creates the effect of a window opening in the ceiling. And if you choose correctly lighting, you can get an imitation of a real window. However, the use of a translucent texture also has a certain requirement: the room must be high, since to achieve the required effect you will have to “remove” the ceiling height by approximately 40 cm.
  • Metallic. This texture resembles glossy, but does not give mirror shine. It is one of the most popular of a large assortment of tension structures. It got its name due to the metallic sheen of the film. Metallic texture is most often used when decorating rooms in the style of minimalism and hi-tech. The canvas can change color saturation depending on the intensity of the light flux. A special feature of metal paintings is that they contain mother-of-pearl inclusions that imitate the shine of platinum, gold and silver. Also, metallic texture can absorb and change color in the design of the room. No other texture can replicate this effect.

  • Suede the texture copies natural fabric, imitates all its features and characteristics. Pile textiles in the interior make the atmosphere in the room intimate and add a touch of aristocracy. A suede suspended ceiling is as harmonious in the interior of simple living spaces as in public buildings with expensive decoration of offices of reputable companies, VIP salons and boutiques. This ceiling will perfectly complement a room with leather furniture, and the combination of dark and light colors will create the effect of a business environment, if necessary. The suede texture of stretch fabrics will add warmth and comfort to the bedroom.

  • Marble. A texture that imitates stone with a natural pattern of small veins will make the room look solid and pathetic.
  • Nacre will bring a touch of chic to the interior. Imitation of pearl shine on the ceiling is ideal for a young girl’s room.
  • Patterned suspended ceilings are a new product in the range of ceiling structures. The surface of such canvases is decorated with a relief pattern imprinted into their structure. For the production of products of this kind, a special relief vinyl film is used, which provides excellent decorative possibilities canvases The patterned texture has all kinds of colored reliefs and ornaments, which allows it to be used for finishing any room.

Relief designs can be convex and pressed, the color palette is bright and restrained.

The market offers options with large cells and catchy patterns, which will undoubtedly be appreciated by lovers of everything extraordinary. For those who prefer classic style In decoration, there are ceilings with a pattern of small flowers or imitation of fabric relief.

Interior use

At the moment, it is very rare that designers use only one texture when decorating interiors; more often they use combinations that at first glance may seem incompatible. But such decor gives the room an unusual look, and reviews from owners of extraordinary ceilings indicate that their textured tension systems successfully decorate the premises and make them unique.

Thanks to the combination of matte and glossy textures, you can get the effect of a multi-level hanging system. If the central zone of the room is made glossy, and the perimeter is decorated in a matte design, then the center of the ceiling will visually rise, and the impression of the first level will be created. In turn, the matte part will create a kind of second level.

The combination of matte texture and metallic will also create the impression of a double ceiling.

Stretch ceiling structures very quickly gained immense popularity, thanks to the possibility of short time create a perfectly smooth coating without any special financial costs. In addition, it is possible to create multi-level compositions, use a variety of suspended ceiling textures and choose their color. You can choose any color, but the texture needs to be selected depending on the characteristics of the room and the composition being created.

Material Differences

Depending on what requirements you place on the tension composition being created, you need to choose one or another type of fabric. There are two types of them:

Both varieties are roll material of various widths, from which such ceilings are created. However, despite some similarities, these materials have different characteristics.

The textiles are stronger and withstand cold well, but the choice of possible textures will be limited. In addition, such a canvas costs much more. PVC films are cheap, possible options there is much more here, and the disadvantages of such compositions include only poor resistance to negative temperatures and not very high strength. However, the lower price makes up for all the disadvantages.


It is not in vain that you need to pay close attention to the choice of canvas - the ability to create a composition with the type of surface that interests you depends on which one is chosen. Textile fabrics are not shiny or glossy, but PVC can have any of the textures listed below. The most popular varieties are:

  • . This is the most affordable and familiar-looking finish. The designed surface is very reminiscent of a standard, very well leveled and whitewashed ceiling. There are many colors to choose from, the material can be any, and the cost of such ceilings is in the most affordable segment.

  • . The second most popular variety. The surface of such coatings reflects everything that is directly below it and allows you to achieve the effect of visually increasing space. Such a mirror texture can only be found on a stretch ceiling made of PVC film. Textile fabrics with a reflective effect are not produced. The cost is slightly higher than matte ones.

  • . Combines the advantages of simple matte surfaces and reflective coatings. The reflection is not as strong as that of glossy planes, but it is present. The satin texture of a stretch ceiling is good because it allows you to give the surface some depth, without creating glare or obvious clear reflections. It diffuses light throughout the room very well. The price of such a canvas will be higher than that of other varieties.

What to choose

Appearance finishing not only allows you to decorate a room in a certain way, but also affects the overall sensations and comfort of being in them. Therefore, you should choose the texture of the ceiling very carefully.

Reflective and glossy surfaces look great in living rooms, not too high rooms, which give additional visual volume, as well as in bathrooms. Everywhere, the main advantage of using such coatings will be the optical expansion of space.

Matte ceilings are good in any room. In addition, they have a significant advantage over all others - low cost. This makes them an ideal choice for those on a limited renovation budget or in cases where you want to create a traditional interior without any special frills.

Satin coatings are more expensive than others, but they are also the most beautiful. Having the ability to change shade depending on the viewing angle, such ceilings will be a decoration of the room in themselves. In addition, you can choose the shade that suits you best, which will give your rooms even more personality.

Any of the above coatings can be supplemented decorative elements in the form of drawings. Photo printing technology allows you to transfer absolutely any image to the ceiling.


Without seeing this design with your own eyes, it is difficult to imagine what this or that structure will look like after installation. Therefore, below are several photo examples of what the suspended ceiling textures described above look like.

In order to create beautiful ceiling, it is not at all necessary to install complex suspended structures - you can simply plaster it. But at the same time, use not ordinary gypsum mortar, but textured plaster.

This finish will not only decorate your ceiling, but will also help hide minor defects. Our article will discuss how to apply textured plaster to the ceiling, and what types of plaster are used.

General information about decorative plasters

One of the advantages of this surface finishing is the durability of the coating. And if you decide to do without the help of specialists and do the work yourself, the question of choosing the material arises.

What to look for when choosing

Reading various names on labels, an ignorant person will not always understand that they are often the same thing: decorative, structural, textured, plaster, stucco. It’s just that each manufacturer has its own name.

  • The difference between these compositions lies not in this. The instructions on the packaging must contain information about the binder base, the minimum thickness of the texture layer, filler fractions and the final appearance of the plastered surface.
  • The structure of the plaster layer is formed due to the coarse special filler in its composition. The thickness of the layer also varies depending on its fraction - from one to six millimeters.
  • The creation of a certain texture is achieved by applying multi-layers of material. At the same time, the surface of the plaster is smooth to the touch and can have a thickness of no more than one and a half millimeters.
  • But the relief on the surface is created due to mechanical processing of the applied composition with special tools. This is clearly visible in the photos presented in the gallery. In this case, the thickness of the applied layer can vary, reaching six to seven millimeters.

There is also this type decorative plaster– variational. The base mixture and fillers for it are sold separately. Flops, chips, quartz or marble chips. Thanks to them, such different and incredibly beautiful textures are obtained.

Types of compositions and their application

The lowest price is for mineral-based plaster options. The binder here is lime, cement or gypsum. These mixtures set well, and each has its own areas of application.

  • For example, cement plaster It tolerates moisture better, but has a rougher texture. It will not look good in every interior, so it is more often used for walls and ceilings of rooms with high humidity.

  • Plaster textured plaster on the ceiling is more appropriate due to the natural whiteness of this material. As for the lime mixture for decorative plastering, it is mainly used for wall finishing.
  • There are combined options. For example: a lime-cement mixture, which is called terrasite plaster. It contains white Portland cement, fluff lime, sand, mica, and various pigments. This composition is usually used for finishing building facades.
  • The most resistant and durable are epoxy and polyurethane compounds. They are not afraid of any influence chemical substances and high temperatures. Their main disadvantage is their specific smell.
  • When exposed to strong heat, a surface plastered with this composition releases toxic substances. It is clear that these mixtures are not used for residential premises. But for exterior finishing This great options, despite their high cost.

The best option is considered to be textured plaster for the ceiling, the binder of which is acrylic or polyvinyl acetate. Such plasters have the best ductility. They are resistant to moisture and ultraviolet radiation and do not pose any danger to human health.

How to work with decorative plaster

Before finishing, no special surface preparation is required. Everything is as usual - thorough cleaning up to the floor slab is carried out, and covering with concrete contact. Only if there are differences in the base ceiling, potholes and seams between the slabs are visible, they need to be puttied or leveled. How to do this, watch the video.

  • To mix the solution, you will need a twenty-liter container; construction mixer, or drill with an attachment. To work with ready-made solution They use various tools, depending on what kind of invoice you need to obtain:

  • First of all, this is a set of spatulas: you will need both a narrow and a wide one made of stainless metal, and, of course, rubber. Applying textured plaster to the ceiling and leveling it is done with a spatula.
  • The trowel is also used for this purpose, and also to create relief when forming patterns. In fact, each type of plaster requires its own tool.
  • There is a popular texture “bark beetle”. It is created using a grater, which must be moved along the layer of plaster in a certain direction. There are many options for graters, using which you can get different patterns.
  • The same can be said about rollers. The surfaces are primed with a regular fur roller. There is a technology for applying textured plaster with such a roller. With a patterned roller you can apply a pattern even to simple plaster, and not just to decorative one.
  • If a continuous pattern is applied with a patterned roller, then a stamp is used to create a separately located image. It turns out neatly and quite quickly.
  • An interesting pattern on the surface can be obtained by wrapping mint on a roller. polyethylene film or ropes. Original reliefs and drawings can also be created using a stencil.
  • To form a relief using the spraying method, you need a special gun. The solution is supplied to it by a compressor with a power of up to four atmospheres. This is the method used by specialists. It is unlikely that anyone will purchase such equipment for self-plastering.
  • Textured ceiling plaster with quartz filler requires a tool called a comb. It is used to create linear patterns on thick layers of applied composition.

Some types of designs are created using a regular sponge with large or small pores. They also use flaps, fabric strands, and even a regular comb. So, textured plaster for the ceiling is a real field of imagination.

Textured stretch ceilings - new in assortment building materials. The surface of these canvases is decorated with a relief pattern, ornaments that are imprinted into the structure. This material is made from a special vinyl film that ensures durability and decorativeness, allowing it to be used in any room.

Today, single-level textured tension structures of a classic look with a satin or matte structure practically do not differ in cost from a plasterboard ceiling. However, by choosing a relief finish, consumers get a modern and stylish interior.

Types of texture of suspended ceilings:

Advantages and disadvantages

All types of suspended ceilings are decorative, convenient, quickly installed and do not require labor-intensive maintenance. Textured surfaces, in addition, have their own special advantages:

The disadvantages include the relatively high cost. Like other tension structures, they conceal the height of the room.

Products must have appropriate certificates indicating that the material does not contain phenolic resins. The material should not have an unpleasant odor. A barely perceptible odor of plastic is acceptable (it disappears after installation).

Before installing an intricate structure with a complex design solution, it is worth considering whether it will become boring over time. The matte surface and neutral color are not striking or tiring. This ceiling can be combined with any interior style; it can be either white or pastel in color, and its structure can be smooth or velvety. Glossy ceilings are suitable for small rooms , the mirror surface visually expands the space. They fit perfectly modern style high tech.

For the bathroom and kitchen, bright colors are suitable to enliven the room. For the bedroom, it is better to choose a canvas with a satin or other fabric texture, which will absorb light and create a comfortable atmosphere for relaxation.

The canvas for the ceiling must be selected after the color and texture of the wallpaper or facing tiles have been determined.

In room design

Not all textures are universal. Some materials are combined exclusively with a certain interior style, for example, satin or matte canvas will go with the classic one. For decorative purposes, it can be supplemented with glossy inserts. White or pastel colors are preferable, but it is acceptable to use a discreet ornament.

  • For Art Nouveau style Glossy coatings are more suitable, only the shade should be combined with the entire interior. Green, azure or steel shades are preferable. It is not recommended to use complex shapes or many details.
  • High-tech style- this is a metallic shine, gloss. The shades of the ceiling structure should be dominated by steel, white, gray colors. Multi-tiered ceilings are not used here. It is better to prefer a single-tier design.
  • Minimalism implies rigor and asceticism. Multi-tiered structures are also not suitable here. It is recommended to choose flat surface without details or any drawings. The satin texture of a white or pastel shade best suits this style.
  • For fusion style you can choose the most unexpected solutions, decorate the ceiling with marble, leather, wood or stone. Any shades are acceptable, the main thing is to show wealth and luxury. The surface of the canvas can be designed in the form of arches or domes.
  • For ethnic interior style choose matte shades of the ceiling, but according to the pattern they should support the direction of the design. Ethnic ornament and painting are used. Recommended single-level ceilings, but if the room is large, then multi-level structures are also acceptable.

Textures are selected depending on the area of ​​application, since any room has its own characteristics. In the kitchen, it is preferable to use film coatings (both glossy and matte are suitable here). It is easier to care for such a surface; it does not absorb odors and soot.

Those who still want to decorate the ceiling with velvet fabric are advised not to use saturated dark colors. This ceiling looks heavier and dust quickly accumulates on it. The velvet surface cannot be washed, so this material is best used to decorate the ceiling in the living room and bedroom. The colors are selected taking into account the design of the room.

It is not recommended to use mirrored, glossy and bright surfaces for children's rooms. Psychologists note that such coating negatively affects the child’s psyche. The environmental friendliness of the material plays a role here main role,therefore they are chosen for the nursery fabric ceilings pastel color.

Stretch ceilings can decorate and transform any room. This is high quality and modern finishing today is available to everyone.

Deep starry sky, gothic stained glass or spring garden- here is an incomplete list design solutions, which can be translated into reality using a suspended ceiling system.

The variety of types, textures and prints of stretch ceilings allows you to make them the central element of any interior. Usage modern technologies in the production of suspended ceilings it helps to hide surface defects and utility lines.

A stretch ceiling is a canvas stretched over a pre-fixed frame. Material for production ceiling surfaces can act synthetic fabric or PVC film.

Fabric ceilings

The use of modern technologies has made it possible to create a unique, durable, universal material for suspended ceilings - synthetic fabric.

Positive characteristics of fabric ceiling structures:

  1. Fits perfectly into any interior, creating a comfortable, cozy atmosphere.
  2. The special weave of synthetic fibers allows the ceiling surface to “breathe”, thereby preventing the formation of condensation, increasing the service life of the entire structure.
  3. Width of synthetic fabric for tension structure reaches five meters, which makes it possible to create seamless structures.
  4. Fabric ceilings can withstand low temperatures well. This type of tensile structures is often used in the interior of unheated premises (for example, the veranda of a private house), public places, and shopping complexes.
  5. Simple and understandable to the average person, installation of a fabric ceiling structure helps save on wages for qualified craftsmen.

Negative properties of ceilings made of fabric material:

  1. The micropores of the fabric become clogged with dust very quickly. The ceiling loses its original appearance, which can only be restored by cleaning.
  2. The fabric ceiling perfectly absorbs foreign substances unpleasant odors. This type of coating is not recommended for use in the interior of kitchens and dining rooms.
  3. The rather high cost of a fabric ceiling structure is inferior in comparison with a film covering. When choosing fabric ceilings to create a new interior, you always need to realistically assess the possible costs and the desired result.

Film webs

Universal, very popular stretch film ceiling structures are made using polyvinyl chloride film. The building materials market offers a huge selection of types of film tension structures of the most different colors and shades. This assortment allows you to bring to life any designer’s idea and client’s wishes.

  1. The mirror effect helps to visually increase the volume of the room.
  2. Film coatings do not attract dust.
  3. Film ceilings fit perfectly into any interior.
  4. Photo printing can easily be applied to the surface of the film, which significantly expands the list of possibilities for using ceiling structures in the interior.
  5. The elasticity of the film helps prevent flooding of the room (the canvas can withstand up to 100 kg per 1 m2).
  6. Using the harpoon method of fixing a sheet of fabric material allows it to be dismantled several times.
  7. The film does not absorb unpleasant odors at all, which makes it possible to use this type of coating.

The manufacturer of suspended ceilings is also of no small importance. Before purchasing, you need to study reviews of all manufacturers and make your choice.

Classification by width

Depending on the width of the fabric, tension structures come in two types: suture and seamless.

A stretch ceiling with a seam is mounted using a film sheet. Under the influence of special heat guns, the film is stretched and fixed using the harpoon method. If the width of the web is insufficient, several parts are welded in a special way. The mounted surface is stretched and a perfectly flat surface is obtained. The seams in this case are almost invisible.

Seamless stretch ceilings are most often installed using fabric fabric (its width is five meters). The absence of seams helps create a perfectly flat surface. The only thing that needs to be taken into account when choosing a fabric fabric is that the most advantageous color range is limited to light shades.

What are the textures?

One of the points by which types of suspended ceilings are classified is texture. The consumer can choose from three main types of textures: glossy, matte and satin. Each of them has its positive and negative sides. When choosing the texture of a suspended ceiling structure, it is better to familiarize yourself with the features of each type in advance.

Classic finish

Matte tension surfaces will be appreciated by those who prefer a discreet, conservative style in the interior. The matte surface has low light reflectance, which allows you to create a calm design, a cozy, comfortable atmosphere in the room.

Advantages of matte canvases:

  • optimal ratio of cost and quality;
  • high rates of sound and thermal insulation;
  • absence of any foreign odors;
  • wear resistance;
  • resistance to combustion process.

It is worth noting: the best option color scheme matte canvas - snow-white. Designers do not recommend using matte surfaces in bright, flashy colors for residential premises.

Monochrome glitter

Glossy surfaces are the most popular option among consumers. Glossy canvases are made from PVC film. Unfortunately, the width of the film rarely exceeds two meters, which is why glossy ceilings are most often seamed.

Advantages of a glossy stretch ceiling:

  • reflective surface is ideal for small rooms (visually increases the space);
  • is different high performance moisture resistance (good for bathrooms);
  • does not emit or absorb unpleasant odors (can be used in the kitchen interior);
  • cast rich color palette(helps to bring any designer’s idea into reality).

It is worth noting: glossy tension structures can imitate any surface: natural stone, marble, granite.

Simple and expensive

Universal for any interior, a satin ceiling helps create a perfectly smooth imitation of a whitewashed surface. The appearance of the satin canvas, at first glance simple, creates a visual picture of a perfectly smooth, high-quality finished ceiling.

Advantages of satin fabric:

  • extremely easy to clean, does not attract dust;
  • universal to use, ideal for any interior;
  • doesn't highlight toxic substances, safe for health;
  • durable, wear-resistant;
  • waterproof;
  • the canvas can be dismantled and installed several times.

The light, unobtrusive shine of satin adds a touch of respectability to the design; such interiors look chic, but not pretentious.

The simple installation of satin fabric (does not require the use of a heat gun) makes stretch satin ceiling structures very attractive to the consumer.

It is worth noting: a satin ceiling is an ideal solution for those who cannot choose between matte and glossy canvases, since it combines everything positive sides both types of canvas.

What are the disadvantages of satin fabrics?

When choosing a stretch satin ceiling, it is worth noting several negative points:

  1. The canvas can't stand it low temperatures. Range temperature regime in the room where the satin ceiling is installed, varies from +5 to +50. If stretched ceiling If you install it in a cold room, then very soon it will crack and sag. Satin fabric cannot be stretched on the ceiling in unheated rooms.
  2. Satin fabric is very easy to pierce. Any careless movement on the surface of the canvas may compromise its integrity.
  3. Seamless satin ceiling. The lack of experience of the craftsman in working with such materials can cause marks on the ceiling from the seams connecting several canvases.
  4. Satin fabric is not elastic. It is difficult to use for creating multi-level structures.

A video showing what types of suspended ceilings there are will help you study in detail the issue of choosing a tension structure.

Which stretch ceiling is better to choose?

Matte ceilings look indoors like well-plastered surfaces. This option is ideal for those who do not accept experiments in interior design and prefer a classic style.

The glossy texture allows you to add a touch of chic and zest to the interior. But when choosing a glossy surface, you must carefully ensure that the ceiling surface is supported by other interior elements, creating a single composition.

Installing ceiling structures will help protect the house from flooding from neighbors above. Ideal option The material for suspended ceilings in this case will be polyvinyl chloride film mounted using the harpoon method.

In a room that is rarely heated (for example, a summer house) the best option The ceiling decoration will be a seamless fabric ceiling.

It is better to choose stretch film ceilings for kitchens and rooms with high humidity. Considering that such rooms, as a rule, do not have a large area, a glossy surface will help visually solve the problem of lack of free space.

High-tech interiors are ideally complemented by metallic ceilings.

The sophisticated style of the living room will be emphasized by a satin stretch ceiling in a delicate pearl shade.

Surfaces with a velvet texture look ideal in bedrooms. They create the necessary atmosphere of relaxation, comfort and coziness.

Children's rooms will be successfully complemented bright accents. The ideal solution There will be a suspended ceiling with a print that is interesting for the child. It is better to give preference to fabric canvases due to their density and the presence of micropores in the fabric structure, which provide the necessary microcirculation of air in the room.

Regardless of the texture and type of material, stretch ceilings help create the most bizarre compositions: arches, waves, cones. The canvas can be fixed at any angle and on different planes. Adding to this an unlimited choice of colors and shades, we can conclude that a suspended ceiling structure is an ideal way to realize any fantasies and ideas.

Choosing a tension ceiling structure It is always necessary to ensure that it is combined with other elements of the interior, creating a single, harmonious composition.

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