Arm strength exercises for girls. The best exercises to pump up beautiful arms for a girl with dumbbells at home? Warm-up before performing the main load

Beautiful and graceful hands are not only a thin wrist, but also the absence of loose skin and fullness along the entire length or in the area from the elbow to the shoulders. Unfortunately, even fairly slender people with a good figure have full arms, which looks quite unattractive. It is possible to remove excess fat from the problem area with the help of special exercises, which can be performed at home without the use of special sports equipment, and a clear understanding of the reasons why it occurs will help prevent its reappearance and development.

Fat arms occur not only with excess weight, but also with people with a fairly good figure and normal weight. The fat layer most often appears in the area above and less often below the elbow, and the reason for this is a general excess of fat in the body. Physical exercise and a change in exercise allow you to quickly get rid of it in almost all areas, but not on your hands. And if you ignore the problem long time, then the hands begin to look not very well-groomed and spoil the figure.

Often the problem manifests itself with age. After the age of twenty, muscle tissue decreases and the body begins to accumulate more fat. This is the main reason why arms become flabby. An important contribution to the process is also made by a decrease in metabolic rate, when calories are burned in much smaller quantities. Slower metabolism is also an inevitable manifestation of age. General excess weight plays an important role, so it needs to be kept under control.

Sports and active daily physical activity, as well as exercises that eliminate fat in this area, help eliminate or avoid sagging arms. It is not recommended to limit yourself exclusively to them. You need to increase the number of calories you burn by running or walking more often in the fresh air.

A set of exercises for slender and beautiful arms

Full arms do not allow you to wear clothes with short sleeves or a light top. You don't have to put up with this situation. It is enough to change some exercise habits and master simple exercises that will make your arms thin and slender.

Aimed at getting rid of fat on the back and triceps. This area is most susceptible to the accumulation of fat mass. The advantage of such push-ups is that not only the fat layer disappears, but also the arms become sculpted and the skin becomes toned. The exercise can be performed on the floor or using a regular chair with or without a backrest.


  1. sit on the floor, keep your feet together;
  2. hands are placed shoulder-width apart so that the fingers point at the hips, feet are located in front of the hips;
  3. legs bend in knee joints, feet do not lift off the floor;
  4. arms are straightened, hips are raised so that the weight is supported by the arms;
  5. bending your left elbow, helping with your right straight hand, lower your hips, but without touching the floor;
  6. repeat the same actions, but with the other working hand.

If a chair is used, it serves as a support.

Used by athletes during the drying period, this exercise allows you to work the triceps and give elasticity to your arms. It can be done using a table or chair approximately 2 meters high. Weight own body, transferred to the triceps, will increase the tone of this muscle.


  1. the chair or table is placed in the most stable position;
  2. stand opposite the table (chair) at a distance of three meters, but not closer;
  3. turn their backs to the fulcrum (table/chair);
  4. hands are held shoulder width apart;
  5. take three or four steps forward;
  6. straighten the body and bend the legs so that they form one line with the surface of the table or chair from the knees;
  7. bend your elbows and lower yourself as low as possible;
  8. return to their original position.

If you do three approaches daily with twenty repetitions each, your arms will very quickly gain the desired slimness.

Similar to reverse push-ups, it perfectly burns accumulated fat deposits and tones the muscles.


  1. take the position of a longitudinal plank, lying on your stomach on the floor, holding your hands shoulder-width apart;
  2. press your feet and legs together;
  3. the whole body should be positioned in one straight line, fingers pointing forward;
  4. both the right arm and the left leg are moved to the left side and held in the accepted position;
  5. repeat the same thing, but with the left arm and right leg;
  6. return to the starting position;
  7. the stomach is pulled towards the spine and pelvis;
  8. change position again and take three steps to the side.

They help not only to work the triceps and pectoral muscle groups, but also to tone the arms. No additional equipment is required for push-ups. Problematic fat deposits disappear due to the involvement of your own body weight. Thanks to this exercise, your arms become slender and toned.


  1. take a lying position on the floor;
  2. get into a push-up position - keep your legs together, arms wider than shoulder-width apart, elbows should be straight;
  3. bend the elbow joints and lower the body towards the floor, making sure that the stomach does not touch the surface of the ground;

To make your arms toned and elastic, do the exercise three times, ten times each. If your hands are placed close, then such push-ups are closed, and if they are wider than your shoulders, then they are open.

Important: Without preparation, doing push-ups can be quite difficult. Doing the exercise from your knees will help make the task easier during the first lessons. Thus, the body weight will not fall on the toes, as in the classic position, but will move to the knees, which will greatly facilitate the execution of push-ups.

They work perfectly on the triceps and are very effective for making your arms slim and elegant.


  1. lie on the stomach;
  2. stand in the usual position for push-ups, legs pressed against each other, arms spread wider than shoulder level so that the fingers are directed not forward, but to the sides;
  3. bend the left elbow and lean the body to the left;
  4. return to the starting position, repeat a similar movement, but with the right hand.

Important: This exercise is very effective, but quite difficult. And if it is difficult, then it is better to do push-ups from your knees first.

Similar to classic push-ups. The only difference is that they are performed either from the table or from the platform.


  1. take a standing position, place your hands on the platform;
  2. keep your legs together, your arms are wider than your shoulders;
  3. the back should not bend, and the shoulders should always be straight, which allows you to use the arm muscles to the maximum;
  4. doing push-ups.

When the exercise is easy, you need to do three sets of twenty repetitions.

Wrist rotation

The simplest and effective exercise, allowing you to achieve excellent results in losing weight in your arms. The goal is achieved only with regular implementation. You need to do rotations with dumbbells of 500 g each or with 500 ml bottles filled with water.


  1. stand up straight, take weights in your hands - bottles or dumbbells;
  2. palms, holding bottles (dumbbells), turn first in the direction and then counterclockwise;
  3. Rotations on each side are performed for at least one minute.

Thanks to rotations, not only your arms lose weight, but also your shoulders, from which all excess fat disappears.

A very effective cardio exercise. It perfectly tightens and strengthens the arm muscles both internally and externally.


  1. stand straight, hold your hands in front of you at shoulder level;
  2. hands are spread to the sides, and then brought together in front of you, “overlapping” so that a semblance of scissors is formed;
  3. return to the starting position, repeat the action at least twenty times.

To get the desired result in as soon as possible, every day you need to do scissors for 15 to 20 minutes.

Most effective method eliminate fat deposits in the arms, which will make them not just fit, but also strong. They will look sculpted and slender.


  1. pick up a 2.5 liter bottle filled with water, which is used as free weight;
  2. sit on a chair, keep your back straight, and raise your hands with a bottle straight above your head;
  3. hands with a bottle should be straight;
  4. put the bottle behind your back, bending your elbows;
  5. you need to lower the free weight as low as possible;
  6. lift the bottle back over your head without sudden movements, but slowly.

The more carefully and technically the flexion and extension are performed, the more the arm muscles are worked out and used. You need to do the exercise every day, performing three approaches with twenty repetitions in each.

Important: Each set should be followed by a minute's rest before starting the next one. This will make you more productive. Gradually increasing weight allows you to get results faster.

It is a complex exercise that helps not only strengthen and tone the muscles of the shoulders and arms, but also the legs, and also perfectly stretch the back. Those who dream of excellent posture must do it regularly.


  1. get on all fours;
  2. knees are placed under the hips, hands under the shoulders;
  3. lift right hand so that the fingers look only forward, straighten it at the elbow;
  4. simultaneously with the hand, raise and straighten the left leg, stretching back;
  5. stay in the accepted position for some time, return to their original position;
  6. repeat the same procedure, but on the right leg and left arm.

Do the exercise from fifteen to twenty times.

Exercise for slender and beautiful shoulders and arms

It is an effective complex that helps get rid of fat deposits and sagging skin on the hands. It is quite easy to learn and does not require a visit to the gym. It can be performed in the most comfortable conditions at home. This exercise is guaranteed to slim your arms and tighten sagging skin. It is aimed at working on the most vulnerable part of the arms - the upper part, where fat deposits most often form. The main condition for achievement is guaranteed good result is regular execution.

Execution of the complex:

  1. stand straight;
  2. feet are placed shoulder width apart;
  3. hands are raised to shoulder level, fingers pointing upward;
  4. make forward circular movements with your hands for about half a minute;
  5. change direction, making circular movements for the same amount of time, but backwards;
  6. elbows bent, fingers pointing upward;
  7. move your elbows back and forth for at least 30 seconds, which allows you to perfectly work and tighten your biceps;
  8. then the elbows are joined together, the fingers are again directed towards the ceiling;
  9. move the elbows together upward towards the jaw, return back, and repeat the exercise for half a minute.

By finding a few minutes in your schedule for such exercises every day, very soon you can admire your slender and toned arms and shoulders.

Recommendations for losing weight on your arms and preventing the appearance of fatty deposits

It is not recommended to limit yourself solely to exercise. To the next one summer season If you don’t have to worry about looking for a sleeveless outfit or feel embarrassed about having full arms, when going to the beach, you should make some adjustments to your usual routine:

The main “friend” of full arms is an incorrectly composed daily diet. And even if fat deposits appear only in this area, it means that the menu contains harmful foods that promote fat accumulation and no healthy ones.

A must have in your daily menu more vegetables with fruits. They make you feel full faster and replace foods that are harmful to your figure, which causes an overall reduction in calories consumed.

Increase the speed of metabolic processes, and, therefore, burn large quantity calories from foods rich in fiber. It helps get rid of fat deposits and saturates for a long time. Any protein food with low fat content, containing slow carbohydrates, will be an excellent addition to a proper diet.

Reduce portions

You need to eat small amounts of food, but only at regular intervals. This routine allows you to avoid feeling too hungry and reduce the number of calories you consume.

Be sure to have breakfast

Don't skip this important meal. It is the very first and allows you not to overeat during the day, since you already have a certain feeling of fullness in the morning.

Drinking fluids helps speed up your metabolic rate. If you drink water before eating, the feeling of fullness comes much faster, that is, the number of calories you eat decreases.

Give preference to green tea

This drink helps burn calories. And if you drink a cup of this tea for breakfast, and two or three more thereafter, this will speed up metabolic processes and burn more fat.

Daily physical activity helps you get rid of excess calories that come from food. Swimming, rowing, rock climbing, jumping rope, or other forms of cardio can help prevent new fat from being deposited and help remove existing fat. After some time, you will notice how the deposits simply begin to disappear.

Walk more

You should abandon the elevator in favor of the stairs and give preference to walking when you can avoid using personal and public transport.

Exercises for losing weight on your arms and shoulders, changing your own eating and drinking habits will allow you to quickly achieve the desired result. The main thing is to maintain regularity. You can do one or several exercises at once. If you make a little effort, you can forever forget about flabby, unkempt, plump and unattractive hands.

Based on materials from:

Flexibility, strength and light muscle definition of women's hands make their owner very attractive. Unfortunately, arm muscles lose shape and weaken with age. To keep your arms toned, you need to load your muscles with work.

You can prevent flabbiness and sagging of the upper arms with fairly simple but regular home workouts with dumbbells or a band expander.

What will we download?

When pumping up the arm muscles of girls at home, the main focus is on the upper part (shoulder) and lower part (forearm).

The main function of these muscles is flexion and extension of the upper arms. First of all, you need to pump up:

  • biceps- biceps, that is, it has two tendon heads for attachment to the bone, the shoulder muscle is located on the front side from the shoulder to the elbow. Bends the arm, allows you to turn it palm up, and also participates in the rotation of the forearm and stabilizes the shoulder joint, preventing its dislocation;
  • triceps- triceps muscle, located behind, mirror the biceps. Extends the arm at the elbow;
  • forearm muscles- help bend the elbow, rotate the forearm and wrist.

How and how much to train

To pump up a girl’s arms at home, each session should begin with a short 5-10 minute warm-up to warm up the muscles and fill them with blood as much as possible. This will prevent possible injuries and make the exercises more effective.

For example, having started walking in place, raise your arms up as you inhale, lowering them as you exit. Then make some circular movements with your shoulders and arms. It's also good to stretch your neck, shoulders and legs. Read more about warming up.

  • light weight dumbbells, 0.5 - 2 kg;
  • plastic bottles filled with water;
  • elastic expander.

Exercises are performed 10 - 15 times in 3 approaches, with short breaks, no more than 1 minute. The load increases gradually. To enhance the effect when working with weights, you can linger for 3 seconds in the position of maximum contraction of the muscle being worked.

The workout must be completed by stretching the worked out muscle groups. described in the corresponding article.

Muscle tissue takes time to recover and grow, so it is best to work on the arm muscles three times a week, and on the intermediate days, focus on other muscle groups in order to harmoniously develop the whole body.

Beginners can move on to pumping up their forearms after building up their base. By the way, when working on large groups muscles, for example, with biceps hammer curls, small muscles also grow.

To decide on a combination of exercises, you need to understand what goal you are pursuing:

  1. To build muscle mass and increase their volume, you should use heavier dumbbells and do fewer repetitions. Additionally, you can divide the work of different muscles into different training days.
  2. To draw out the arm muscles, you should rest less between approaches. You should also perform the exercises in sets. In this case, the work occurs on opposite muscle bundles (biceps-triceps) without interruption, and after a set of two exercises, rest.

In any case, it is better to load the muscles sequentially and control their contractions. Exercises must be performed slowly, carefully and with tension. It's also good to change exercises every workout.

The muscles of the hand can be pumped up not only with a circular expander (rubber donut). The grip is well strengthened if you firmly grip the handles of the dumbbells while performing repetitions.


After warming up, you can move on to the main exercises.

Arm exercises with dumbbells

  1. Raising straight arms forward.

Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, chest forward, shoulder blades pulled together, elbows slightly bent.

Alternately, as you inhale, raise your straight arms forward to the chest line, and while exhaling, lower them to the starting position. During the exercise, do not raise your shoulders and do not lean your hand forward. Raising dumbbells in front of you gives relief to the front deltoids, that is, this will pump up your upper arms.

The following two exercises are the most effective for training your arms at home. If performed regularly at home, the first results will appear no later than 2 weeks.

  1. Biceps curl.

Lowering your straight arms with dumbbells down, press your elbows to your body and alternately bend your arms at the elbows, lifting your hand from the dumbbells to your shoulder. If we are working with a tape expander, then we perform the exercise of bringing the hand to the shoulder by standing in the middle of the tape and holding its edges in the hands. In the lower position, do not fully extend the elbow.

The exercise is often called a “hammer” or “hammer curl” and is performed with a neutral grip (when the back of the hand is turned outward in the starting position) or an underhand grip (when the palm faces the ceiling when lifting). Often, starting with a neutral grip, at the top point, at shoulder level, supination is performed (slightly turning the hand toward you).

The dumbbell biceps curl has many variations. Can be performed:

  • with both hands at the same time;
  • alternately, i.e. first only the right one, then only the left one;
  • alternately: once with the right, once with the left.

From a standing, sitting, lying position.

When performing the exercise, it is important not to lean towards the working arm and firmly fix your wrists, do not throw the dumbbells. To pump up your arm muscles and avoid injury, you need to make smooth movements.

  1. Overhead press.

This is a triceps exercise. But depending on the execution options, it allows you to train other muscles.

  • Raise both arms with dumbbells up, elbows slightly bent and looking forward. Bend your elbows, lowering your forearms back until they touch your biceps. As you exhale, we return to the original vertical position.

You can hold your hands parallel, squeezing one dumbbell in each, or you can connect your hands, working with one dumbbell as in the picture. Also, to change the load vector, perform the exercise “French dumbbell press” - performed lying down. Details of the implementation can be found in.

You can use the barbell with a palms-forward grip, the distance between the hands is about 10 cm.

If a rubber or spring expander is selected, then an upper row is performed, for example, from the “scissors” position, when one leg is laid back and holds the end of the expander, the other end of the elastic band is clamped in working hand. The trajectory of the forearm movement is the same as when working with a dumbbell.

Triceps exercises can be performed standing or sitting.

  1. Wrist flexion and extension.

If the biceps and triceps are sufficiently pumped up, and the forearm looks disproportionate in comparison with them, which is unlikely in girls, you can train the forearm muscles separately after working on the biceps. The main exercise is flexion (underhand grip) and extension (overhand grip) of the arms at the wrists in a sitting position. Here is one possible exercise.

We take a sitting position, so that the knee of the supporting leg looks slightly toward the floor (this increases the load compared to a horizontally positioned knee), we place the elbow on the prepared leg, and take the dumbbell with an underhand grip, so that the palm looks exactly up.

We lower the weighted wrist as far back as possible and slowly bend it towards ourselves, the other hand is motionless. Only the forearm muscles work.

You can complicate the exercise by increasing the amplitude by lowering the dumbbell to an extremely low position, when it is held only on the bent fingers of the palm laid back. Then the fingers are gradually twisted and then the entire wrist is raised. This complication simultaneously strengthens the fingers and stretches the muscles and tendons of the forearm.

After 10 executions, we turn the hand 90 degrees, so that the fingers look to the side, and the dumbbell clamped in them is vertical, and with the maximum possible amplitude, we slowly bend and straighten the wrist up and down.

The hand should be relaxed, and the movement is carried out by the muscles of the forearm. After 10 repetitions, we again turn the hand 90 degrees, so that the closed fingers look at the floor, and repeat the flexion-extension movements 10 times.

It is important to tense your hand here; you can tilt your body to the side to fully load your forearm.


Push-ups are the most popular bodyweight exercise.

  1. Push ups.

From a lying position, arms shoulder-width apart, bend your elbows, lowering your straight body to the floor. The lightweight version is performed from a lying position with support on the knees, hands parallel, fingers facing forward, abs tense.

You can do three springs (lower your chest to the floor three times and raise it without straightening your elbows to the end), and on the fourth count return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.

  1. Reverse push-ups (dips).

We place our hands shoulder-width apart at the back, legs extended forward, you can bend your knees a little. Bend your arms until your elbows are parallel to the floor. We return to the starting position.

Exercises on the horizontal bar

The right pain

Main criterion proper operation when pumping up muscles - burning, tolerable pain in the muscles. If the muscles hurt the next day, it means everything was done correctly, they did a good job. But still, for maximum comfort for a beginner, after class you need to stretch and take a warm shower.

Having initially full arms, it is better to lose weight at the same time as starting training and perform exercises to pump up your arms fat girls it will take longer - the features of training for losing weight in your arms are described in ours. If the goal is to pump up your arms, the emphasis should be on them, but in training it is necessary to maintain a balance, developing the body harmoniously, alternating exercises to develop arm muscles with loads on other muscle groups: chest, back and the whole body.

Regular training not only forms a beautiful body contour, but increases strength and endurance, increases the vitality of the body, and improves mood. Let's start with our hands, and then everything will be in our hands.

For harmonious development, you should work on the whole body:

  • Training program.
  • Training program for weight gain for girls -.
  • - Just!

To increase the effectiveness of training in gym Before performing the exercises, a program is developed in which the person plans to exercise to improve the contours of specific areas of the body. Most women dream of adjusting their own figure to certain parameters.

Most popular wishes:

  1. Make your arms fit, level out jelly-like tissues on inside hands
  2. Tone the muscles of the buttocks, give them shape.
  3. Losing weight in the abdominal area, and not just reducing fat tissue, but giving this area at least flat contours, better than moderately inflated abs.
  4. Correction of breast shape, leveling out vagueness and sagging.

The most popular exercise machines are designed to solve the most pressing problems of most women. To quickly level them out and correct the necessary areas of the body, you should use strength training. You can take both minimal weight weights and more powerful devices, depending on whether the girl’s goal is only to lose weight or to additionally develop a little muscle relief.


This is the main exercise used for every full workout. You have the opportunity not just to use, but to develop muscles to the maximum lower limbs, back, abs and, of course, arms. To reduce the need to use isolation machines, use deadlifts every workout to see results.

Perform the exercise according to the following algorithm:

  1. Approach the apparatus, spread your legs, taking a comfortable position. Grasp the barbell using the opposite grip method (opposite palms). It is especially relevant when working with heavy machinery. Use a classic grip if your muscles are already ready to function properly when lifting weights.
  2. Perform dynamic start very carefully. Your body position must satisfy the following aspects: the center of weight is conditionally distributed on middle part the feet, the centers of gravity of the body and the bar coincide, the maximum reduction in the distance between the parts of the body in front and behind is achieved. When taking the barbell, do not forget to move the shoulder girdle to the line of the bar, but do not overdo it. The elbows need to be slightly bent, but visually the arms look straight. Legs bend at the knees and should be located next to the barbell.
  3. Tear the bar off the base and lift it carefully, applying force. You should lift the barbell straight, maintaining smooth movements to avoid severe imbalances.
  4. Raise the barbell until you reach a straight line. To ensure safety and control the correct lifting of the barbell, it should be secured behind special posts so that it can only be moved in a vertical plane. If lifting the selected weight of the barbell is not difficult for you, you are allowed to carry out the exercise along an S-shaped path
  5. Bring the barbell to the very top, straighten up efficiently, straighten the muscles of the body, arms and legs. The exercise should not be performed quickly. A lot of emphasis is placed on power, don't stop putting in the necessary effort. Do not forget about the need to maintain concentration and form an optimal psychological attitude.

If you perform this exercise regularly, muscle strength and strength will gradually appear. The lost fat tissue will be replaced not by sagging body contours, but by toned shapes that look great in any clothes.

Per workout, perform 8 repetitions of 3 sets.


This exercise helps develop leg muscles. If not only the volume, but also the optimal shape of the lower extremities is important to you, perform this exercise regularly. Doing barbell squats isn't always easy. If you do not undergo additional training, it is possible that during any phase of the exercise your body may tilt unevenly, and after training you will experience pain in your knees.

To practice successful squats with a dumbbell, you must first perform the exercises without a weight, then take a dumbbell and perform squats at half the normal rate, three-quarters of the required amount, and then with a full bend of the buttocks to the floor. If the technique fails, you can train on the Smith machine, only then move on to the classic form of squats with a barbell. Do 15 squats.


Lunges - an exercise aimed at development gluteal muscle

The exercise is aimed at developing the gluteal muscle and additional structures that surround it. The quadriceps and thigh area are developed. This part of the workout allows you not only to lose weight in your legs, but also to correct their shape, which is often necessary so that the contours of your figure do not deteriorate during sudden weight loss.

If you regularly perform this exercise, you can get rid of sagging tissue and form a good shape for your legs. The exercise is additionally adapted to develop coordination, so at first it is advisable to practice performing it correctly without dumbbells, and then use weights or a barbell. 10 repetitions on each leg, 2 sets.


Pull-ups - an exercise to work the muscles of the back and arms

This is one of the least favorite exercises of both male and female audiences, as it forces you to give it your all, and it does not always work out as well and quickly as you would like. When doing pull-ups, not only the shoulder girdle is developed, but also the back muscles are pumped up, which allows you to use even small muscles that are rarely able to be worked out well with other, easier exercises. 10 reps.

Bodyweight pull-ups are not easy for all girls. The Gravitron simulator is designed specifically to lighten the load. You can set the weight value that suits you best.

Don't overexert yourself too much right away. It is advisable to first have enough for a long time practice in the simulator, then, if possible, move on to a more advanced technique. 10 reps.


The muscles of the upper shoulder girdle develop. Failures are popular. To do this, you should position yourself between benches or slats that resemble them. Focus on your arms, and lower your buttocks into the opening, rising and falling using the strength of your arms. Do 10 repetitions.

If possible, use a special machine that allows you to do light push-ups. reverse type. To eliminate excess fat on the inside of your arms, use parallel bars, as this machine helps to work out exactly these areas.

Video - Proper workouts for women

Lightweight training program


Use an incline bench. Sit on this machine in a horizontal position. Place your legs under the cushion structure, giving them a comfortable position. Place your hands behind your head or just lean against it in front, bending your elbows and pointing them forward. Use a light touch with your fingers; do not clasp your head.

Lift your body up using only your abdominal muscles. You should linger in the second phase, but stay in it no longer than a few seconds. When lifting your body, your elbows should gravitate toward your knees. Lower yourself smoothly, without jerking. Place your back in a horizontal position again and repeat the exercise for at least 30 times. The peculiarity of this part of the workout is to work exclusively the abdominal muscles. You should not use your back muscles. If necessary, direct some of the load to your legs.

Reverse crunches

Sit on an incline bench, place your hands on the handle on top, making a tight grip. Leave your legs in a half-bent position. Raise your legs up, trying to touch your elbows. When performing the exercise, the pelvis rises slightly. There is no need to set it higher than 5-10 cm from the surface. 30 reps.

During leg lifts, a moderate load is placed on the lower back and rectus muscles in the hip area. During the separation of the pelvis, the abdominal muscles tense. Make sure that you do not make unnecessary movements; stay in the lower position for 1-2 seconds. You should not allow your legs to drop below the position of your pelvis, otherwise you may cause excessive stress on the lumbar region. If pain occurs, do not continue the exercise. In the future, you should check for back problems.

Use the Butterfly simulator. Sit with maximum comfort, straighten up. Place your feet firmly on the floor, bend your elbows and grab the sides of the machine. Point your elbows to the sides. Form the position of the shoulder girdle so that it is parallel to the horizontal surface.

Slowly and carefully straighten your arms, hold the position for a while until they are fully extended. Return to the first phase also carefully so as not to provoke a sprain. 30 times.

Bringing hands together

Position yourself on the Butterfly machine. Grab the sides of the machine with your hands and place your feet on the floor. Bring your hands towards each other and hold the achieved position for a short time. Then return to the starting position. Avoid lifting your body and back, and make sure that the starting position does not change. Regulate your breathing. Inhale as you reach maximum tension. 30 times.

ExercisesNumber of repetitions and approaches
Deadlift8 reps x 3 sets
Squats15 reps
Lunges10 repetitions on each leg, 2 sets
Pull-ups10 reps
Dips10 reps
Crunches30 times
Reverse crunches30 reps
30 times
Bringing hands together30 times

Many women have complexes precisely because of sagging skin on their hands, although it is very easy to get rid of this, you just have to take care of your body. Thanks to these simple exercises, within a short period of time, your arms will become toned and beautiful again, excess fat will disappear and a characteristic relief will appear.

How to get your arm muscles in shape by doing just 15 minutes a day? This question is always relevant for any self-respecting woman. After all, it is they, the hands, that give away age and level of physical activity. At the same time, proper and competent training can work wonders. So it would be a sin not to take advantage of our tips on how to make your arm muscles toned and elastic. And this is in just 15 minutes. Do you want to know what these magical 5 exercises are?

Hand exercises: just 15 minutes a day and beauty is guaranteed

  • exercise 1
  • exercise 2
  • exercise 3
  • exercise 4
  • exercise 5

The thing is that the arms, upper back and shoulders physiologically contain little fat, so the effect of exercise will appear immediately.

A system of exercises for training will not only strengthen the muscles of the arms and shoulder joints, but also improve posture, make the arms more elastic and beautiful.

We will need small dumbbells of 3 or 5 kilograms.

These exercises should be performed with 15-20 repetitions each. There is a short pause between approaches, and then we continue. For one workout you need at least 3 laps of the entire complex.

If you want to get results, exercise at least 2-3 times a week.

You can do this workout either at home or in the gym. Don’t be afraid to lift weights; it won’t deprive you of your natural femininity; on the contrary, it will allow you to become even more attractive.

Exercise 1.

Remember that almost all standing exercises begin with a “feet shoulder-width apart” stance. Legs are slightly bent at the knees, back straight.

Taking dumbbells in your hands, you need to stretch them to the sides and bend them at the elbows towards you. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times slowly.

Once you are done with this, extend your arms forward and bend your elbows towards you. Perform the exercise 10-15 times in 2-3 sessions.

Exercise 2.

Take dumbbells in your hands and lie on a bench with your feet on the floor, feet slightly wider than your shoulders.

Lift the dumbbells above you and behind your head. At the same time, turn your palms towards each other.

Bend your elbows at right angles and lower the dumbbells to either side of your head. Return to the starting position.

Exercise 3.

Stand in front of a wall at arm's length. Then do an exercise similar to a push-up.

The body is straight, try to work only with your hands. Perform the exercise 10 times in 2 sessions.

Exercise 4.

This exercise not only strengthens muscles well, but also relieves fatigue.

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, begin to wave your arms alternately, as if you were swimming breaststroke.

First forward 10 times, and then another 10 times, only backward.

Perform the exercise 3 times.

Exercise 5.

Push-ups from the floor also help to tighten your arms. Remember that your back should be straight, your body and buttocks should be lifted off the floor. Only then can the exercise be considered qualitatively and correctly performed.

To be honest, many women have complexes precisely because of sagging skin on their hands, although it is very easy to get rid of this, you just have to take care of your body. Thanks to these simple exercises, within a short period of time, your arms will become toned and beautiful again, excess fat will disappear and a characteristic relief will appear. published.

Ekaterina Shamenok

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

Shaped, moderately dense arms are a sign of an athletic build, which has become so popular among girls. In addition, if a girl trains her arms even at home, she can get rid of a number of defects in the future, for example, sagging skin and triceps atony, which have to be hidden under clothes. To prevent this, girls just need to do arm exercises regularly.

The best arm exercises for women at home

In order to purchase beautiful shape and to pump up a girl’s arms at home, you need to symmetrically work out all the muscles of the shoulder girdle, including the deltoid. They give the hands a sporty texture. Also, arm exercises can additionally engage the muscles of the upper chest and trapezius, improving posture and visually enlarging the chest, thereby complementing the athletic shape of the arms.

1. Reverse push-ups

This exercise can be performed on a chair, sofa, nightstand or any other stable furniture. Works the upper chest, anterior deltoid and triceps. The main task is to carry out maximum number of push-ups until a burning sensation is felt in the muscles, and it will be impossible to continue the approach.

  1. Turn your back to the support, place your palms on the edge, shoulder-width apart.
  2. Straighten your legs in front of you, placing them on your heels.
  3. Inhale as you lower yourself down, bending your elbows until right angle.
  4. Push up as you exhale.

Perform 3 sets in the first week, 4 in the second week.

2. Push-ups

  1. Feet shoulder width apart. Hold dumbbells on the front of your thighs.
  2. Bend your elbows slightly, with the angles pointing out to the sides.
  3. Exhale and raise the dumbbells to eye level.
  4. As you inhale, lower slowly.
  5. Do not bend your lower back when moving your arms up, tense your abdominal muscles.

Just like the previous exercise, do 3-4 sets of 30 times, pause if necessary.

6. Bent-over dumbbell swings

The last deltoids exercise, but no less important. develop. Basic exercises, mainly involved the front beams, so for symmetry it is necessary to isolate the rear ones. The front and back tufts form a symmetrical round shoulder shape when viewed from the side. Therefore, none of them can be ignored.

  1. Hold dumbbells with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Bend your body on bent knees with a straight back.
  3. Bend your elbows slightly, turning the corners to the sides.
  4. Exhale as you swing through your sides to shoulder level.
  5. Slowly lower the dumbbells as you inhale.

Proceed as usual 30 times, 3-4 approaches.

7. Bent-over grasshopper with dumbbells

Although the triceps work in any push-up technique, you still need to train it in isolation. With repeated exercises in girls, it will not become hypertrophied; on the contrary, the fibers will remain elongated but dense.

  1. Take dumbbells, perform a bend as in the previous exercise, pressing your elbows to your body, holding this position for the entire approach.
  2. Exhale, tighten your triceps, and fully straighten your arms until they are parallel to the floor.
  3. As you inhale, slowly lower the dumbbells to a neutral position.

Perform 30 times, overcoming the burning sensation, 3-4 approaches.

8. Alternating dumbbell lifts

Despite the fact that the biceps occupies the smallest part of the arm, it simply needs to be given attention. This is the most famous muscle in posing, which shows its peak when contracted, showing the maximum volume of the arm. it is also accompanied by maximum muscle fatigue, performing contractions to failure.

  1. Place the dumbbells at the sides of your thighs.
  2. Exhale and lift the dumbbell with one arm, performing wrist supination. Bring your hand to your shoulder without lifting your elbow from your body.
  3. As you inhale, straighten your elbow.
  4. Change hand.

Alternate bending 30 times on each side for 3-4 approaches.


Unlike men, a small amount of male sex hormones in women does not allow them to gain huge muscles. In this case, girls do not need to work with heavy weight. To strengthen a woman’s arm muscles at home and gain a sporty but feminine shape, it is enough to perform exercises with your own weight and include small dumbbells in your training program. Then the arm muscles will be aesthetic, feminine and sculpted.

Hand exercises for girls in video format

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