Download presentation non-union complex sentence. Lesson with presentation "union-free complex sentences"

TASK: write out SPP, place punctuation marks, mark the boundaries of simple sentences.

1) Those who help people have their wishes come true.

2) My brother refused my help and wanted to do everything himself.

3) Water oozed through the gray stone and it was stuffy in the cramped gorge and smelled of rot.

4) The shore where the car stopped was low and muddy.

5) Mathematics must then be taught so that it puts the mind in order.

6) Are you sure everything will be okay?

7) I know what you are passionate about.

He took off his watch and looked: the car, like a mill, was covered in dust.

Bessoyuznoe difficult sentence is a complex sentence, the parts of which are connected in meaning and intonation.

semantic relationships between parts:

- sequence of events,

- transfer;

- simultaneity of phenomena

(you can put the conjunction I)

[ ] , [ ]


It was already evening; the sun disappeared behind a small aspen grove that lay half a mile from the garden.

[ , ] ; [ ]


Exercise: place punctuation marks, draw a sentence outline.

When I see these distant, harsh, inaccessible mountains, I want to climb them and see what world will open to my eyes behind the mountains.

When I see these distant, harsh, inaccessible mountains, I want to climb them and see what world will open to my eyes behind the mountains.

I'm sad: I don't have a friend with me

/ because /

[ ] : [ ]


A terrible thought flashed through my mind: I imagined it in the hands of robbers.

/ namely /

[ ] : [ ]


I remember: the shadows lay slanting on the freshly washed floor.

/ what how /

[ ] : [ ]


I woke up: the rays of the sun were looking cheerful through the wide cracks of the barn.

/ and saw, and heard, and felt /

[ ] : [ ]


Exercise: place punctuation marks, explain their placement.

1. Never give up on small things; small things are built from small things.

2. Dark spruce trees are whispering to each other about something. On the hillock, with their crowns straightened, the oak trees stand mightily and nod down at us.

Seven times measure cut once.

[ ] [ ]


The sun has risen and the day begins.

/ when, if /

[ ] [ ]


The cuckoo crowed - deep spring has come.

/ So /

[ ] [ ]


Exercise: write out the BSP, explain the punctuation marks.

1) I have a treasured place in the Moscow region - a forest clearing far from the roads. 2) It’s especially good here in early autumn.

3) Blackbirds fly to the rowan trees to feed, hedgehogs rustle in the dry blackberry leaves, and moose come here in the fall.

4) I didn’t immediately guess why in the evening I almost always see two or three moose here. 5) One day everything became clear: they came to chew apples. 6) The clearing ends in an abandoned garden filled with red weeds. 7) The trees there have degenerated, and only branches growing from the roots produce fruit. 8) It seems that there were no hunters for unbearably sour apples in the forest. 9) One day, sitting down at the edge of the garden, I heard apples crunching on someone’s teeth. 10) I stood up and saw: one elk, raising his head, grabbed apples with his soft lip, the other was collecting apples lying on the ground.

There was no time to wallow: the spring bustle before sowing was beginning.

2) The second part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first part.

3) The generalizing word comes before homogeneous members of the sentence.

4) The second part of a non-union complex sentence explains and reveals the content of what is said in the first part.

How to explain the placement of the colon in this sentence?

Suddenly I hear someone calling my name, quietly, almost in a whisper.

1) The first part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the condition of what is said in the second part.

2) The second part of a non-union complex sentence explains, reveals the content of what is said in the first part.

3) The second part of a non-union complex sentence complements the meaning of the first part.

4) The generalizing word comes before homogeneous members of the sentence.

Which proposal is non-union? (no punctuation marks)

  • Without dew, grass does not grow.

2) In their canopy there is noise and fresh breath, and the skies are covered with wavy darkness.

3) He only asked for a piece of bread and his gaze revealed living flour.

4) The proverb says that an unloaded gun may fire one day.

Which sentence has punctuation incorrectly?

  • If you like to ride, you also like to carry a sled.

2) Now the water in the lake was very black and transparent: all the duckweed had sunk to the bottom by winter.

3) Evening was coming: it was raining, the wind was blowing gustyly from the north.

4) We had just stepped forward when a shot rang out from behind a bush.

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Non-union complex sentence

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Find out which sentences are simple and which are complex.

Dictation with letter designation Sparks flew like a fiery blizzard and the huts caught fire. Dubrovsky left the room, got into the carriage and galloped off. Touched by the devotion of the old coachman, Dubrovsky fell silent. The air awakened and fresh breezes swirled over the taiga. Blaming your comrade for your own guilt is meanness in a cube. Suddenly I feel someone grab me by the shoulder and push me.

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Sparks flew like a fiery blizzard, the huts caught fire. Dubrovsky left the room, got into the carriage and galloped off. Touched by the devotion of the old coachman, Dubrovsky fell silent. The air awakened, fresh breezes swirled over the taiga. Blaming your own guilt on a friend is meanness in a cube. Suddenly I feel: someone takes me by the shoulder and pushes me.

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Spruce is good only in strong sunlight because then its blackness shines through with the thickest and strongest greenery. A shot is fired and the wolf continues to run. The spruce forest stands quietly on a hillock and the wind does not stir even a leaf of the aspen and birch trees. Many dark clouds with vaguely outlined edges scattered across the pale blue sky and a rather strong wind constantly rushed without dispersing the heat.

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Spruce is good only in strong sunlight, because then its blackness shines through with the thickest and strongest greenery. (SPP, reason) A shot is fired, and the wolf continues to run. (SSP, opposition) The spruce forest stands quietly on a hillock, and the wind does not stir even a leaf of the aspen and birch trees. (SSP, simultaneity of actions) Many dark clouds with vaguely outlined edges scattered across the pale blue sky, and a rather strong wind rushed continuously, without dispersing the heat. (BSC, sequence of actions) Conclusion: In the relationship between simple sentences

unions take part in the BSC and SPP, so the semantic relationships here are quite clear and defined.

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Spruce is good only in strong sunlight: its blackness shines through with the thickest and strongest greenery. (BSP, reason) A shot is heard - the wolf continues to run.

(BSP, opposition) The spruce forest stands quietly on a hillock, the wind does not stir even a leaf of the aspen and birch trees. (BSP, simultaneity of actions) Many dark clouds with vaguely outlined edges scattered across the pale blue sky; a rather strong wind rushed continuously, without dispersing the heat. (BSP, sequence of actions) Conclusion: A semicolon is placed if the semantic relationships between the parts of the BSP with the meaning of sequence and simultaneity are looser or these parts are common and have commas inside them.
Slide 7 mighty oak stands like a fighter next to a beautiful linden tree.

(I. Turgenev)

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It's fun to make your way along the narrow path between two walls of tall rye. Ears of corn quietly hit you in the face, cornflowers cling to your legs, quails scream all around, the horse runs at a lazy trot.

Here is the forest. Shadow and silence. Stately aspens babble high above you; the long, hanging branches of the birches barely move; a mighty oak tree stands like a fighter next to a beautiful linden tree.
(I. Turgenev)
Slide 9
Algorithm for identifying sentences with, and;
Break complex sentences into simple ones. Determine the semantic relationships between them

- or:

, or;

Conclusion: A semicolon is placed if the semantic relationships between the parts of the BSP with the meaning of sequence and simultaneity are looser or these parts are common and have commas inside them.

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NON-UNION PROPOSAL based on materials from the Russian language textbook. 9th grade: studies for general educational institutions / M.M. Razumovskaya, S.I. Lvova, V.I. Kapinos, V.V. Lvov; edited by M.M. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta, - M.: Bustard, 2008 Compiled by teacher of Russian language and literature Korzunova Zh.V.

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Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence COMA AND SEMOLON Sentence diagram. Semantic relations How can you replace a sign in the BSP Examples, . List of facts and the moon was shining, the July night was quiet. […]; […]. Enumeration of facts and All snowdrifts and ravines; Every minute the sleigh overturned, every minute he raised it.

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Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence COLONS Sentence diagram. Semantic relations How can you replace a sign in the BSP Examples: [reason]. because suddenly it got dark: a cloud ran into the sun. : [explanation]. namely, the morning was wonderful: the washed forest was smiling, the birds were singing. : [addition]. that I know: in your heart there is both pride and straight honor.

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Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence DASH Sentence diagram. Semantic relations How can you replace a sign in the BSP Examples -. contrast: Summer stores - winter eats. [time ] - . When you have finished your work, go for a walk boldly. [condition] - . If you sow the wind, you will reap the storm.

Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence can be combined in one sentence different meanings: conditions and time; consequences and quick change of action, etc. The crow croaked at the top of its lungs: the cheese fell out - such was the trick with it. (cause and effect) Based on materials for N.V. Egorova’s textbook “Russian language. 9th grade.”

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Training exercises Based on the textbook “Student's Handbook, grades 5-11: Russian language. Literature. The history of homeland. English language/ Under the general editorship. O. L. Soboleva. – M.: AST-PRESS, 2003 Place punctuation marks. Explain your choice. Determine the type of complex sentence. There would be no happiness _ but misfortune helped (last). Either I will arrange everything as before _ or I will challenge him to a duel (I. Turgenev). The forest _ which we entered _ was extremely old (I. Turgenev). He who speaks sows; he who listens gathers (A. Pushkin). I go out alone onto the road - through the fog the flinty path shines - the night is quiet (M. Lermontov).

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Training exercises Based on the textbook “Student's Handbook, grades 5-11: Russian language. Literature. The history of homeland. English language / Under the general editorship. O. L. Soboleva. - M.: AST-PRESS, 2003 6. The red light of the fireplace fluttered on the floor, on the mirrors, on the ceiling - the long, fancy shadows from the palm trees trembled and got tangled (A. Kuprin). 7. The sun shines equally for everyone - man, beast, and tree (M. Prishvin). 8. I trust those who love - they are generous (K. Paustovsky). 9. I remember a wonderful vision - you appeared before me (A. Pushkin). 10. People behaved differently - some looked around worriedly, others seemed frozen. Place punctuation marks. Explain your choice. Determine the type of complex sentence.

Slide 9

Training exercises Based on the textbook “Student's Handbook, grades 5-11: Russian language. Literature. The history of homeland. English language / Under the general editorship. O. L. Soboleva. - M.: AST-PRESS, 2003 11. My custom is to not make peace with wolves except by skinning them (I. Krylov). 12. Cats fight _ mice have freedom (last). 13. The smoky sun is rising - it will be a good day (A. Tvardovsky). 14. Evening will come _ let's talk about everything. 15. You sang a bright song - like bells are ringing! 16. You do good _ you elevate yourself, you do evil _ you humiliate yourself (last) Place punctuation marks. Explain your choice. Determine the type of complex sentence.

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