Salt a tablespoon without a slide. How many grams of salt are in a level teaspoon? How to determine the right amount of salt

For anyone housewife when preparing a new dish according to an unfamiliar recipe, it becomes real problem, if you don’t have a culinary (kitchen) scale at hand. Especially when the dose of ingredients is indicated in grams.

Therefore, today we will look at how much baking soda, table salt, cinnamon, granulated sugar and many other products are in one teaspoon with and without a slide. Because the weight of a particular substance depends on its type, consistency and can vary greatly.

It is clear that if you do not follow the proportions when preparing a dish, this can change its taste for the worse. Even making food unsuitable for further consumption, especially when it comes to salt, seasonings, soda and baking powder.

The question of correctly adding the right amount of products is relevant! And if there are no special scales in the kitchen to determine the volume of a teaspoon in grams, or a measuring cup? What do you do when many recipes use standard measurements and contain instructions that list food ingredients in grams?

There is an exit! You can quickly and easily find out required quantity different substances from the following table:

Product name How many grams are in one teaspoon
Peanuts, shelled 8
Jam/jam 5
Water 5
Hercules 6
Peas 10
Mustard powder 4
Buckwheat 8
Dried mushrooms 4
Dry yeast 5
Yeast raw 15
Gelatin powder 5
Raisin 7
Caviar 7
Cocoa 9
Citric acid 8
Ground cinnamon 8
Ground coffee beans 8
Potato starch 6
Creatine 5
Corn grits 6
Semolina 7
Oatmeal 5
Sago groats 6
Barley groats 6
Poppy 5
Margarine 5
Olive oil 5
Vegetable oil 6
Butter 6
Liquid honey 10
Powdered milk 5
Rye/wheat flour 8
Ground pepper 6
Pearl barley 8
Protein powder 5
Rice 8
Sugar 8
Powdered sugar 10
Condensed milk 11
Sour cream 6
Soda 12
Salt "Extra" 8
Coarse salt 10
Breadcrumbs 6
Cottage cheese 10
Tomato paste 10
Vinegar 6
Beans 11
Cornflakes 2
Lentils 7
Egg powder 6


Probably, table salt is one of the most commonly used products in cooking, so it is very important to know how much salt is in a teaspoon so as not to spoil the dish.

You can see that the table above shows how much a gram holds. But keep in mind that this is with a slide:

  1. “Extra” salt is finer and lighter than coarse table salt, so one spoon can hold up to 8 g (heaped).
  2. Large salt crystals weigh more - about 10 grams.

Keep this in mind: you can only make jam or jam without salt.


The second most popular component is granulated sugar. Moreover, it is used very widely: preparing drinks, desserts, as well as unusual side dishes of meat, fish, sauces and milk porridges.

It is important to understand how much sugar is in a teaspoon - if you take:

  • without slide – 5 g;
  • with a slide – 7 gr.

Everything is good in moderation! If all proportions are observed, the dish will not be bland or cloying.


Natural bee honey is a beekeeping product with many beneficial properties. Adding the correct proportions of the ingredient so as not to spoil the sauce, drink, dessert or marinade obliges any cook to know exactly how many grams of honey a teaspoon holds!

Remember, a teaspoon contains about 9 grams of fresh liquid honey. If it begins to crystallize, 10 or more grams. Then scrape the heap off the spoon a little and adjust the recipe.

Of course, there is flower honey different types. Let me say in advance that dark varieties of honey weigh several lighter varieties. But I think this is not critical. Just know that when the honey is thin enough, it will spread better in the spoon according to its edges. Candied natural sweetness will be a piece.

Dry yeast

Most housewives prepare baked goods and delight their household members. The main secret to making delicious cakes and pies is properly kneaded dough containing yeast.

Of course, the most quick option the product used is dry powder. I wonder how many grams of dry yeast are in a teaspoon?

It is this type of dry yeast that contains from 3 to 5 g. Moreover, if there are no special scales, then three grams of yeast are in a spoon without a slide and five grams in a spoon!

Lemon acid

In fact, lemongrass has a very wide range of uses. It is added to various mousses, drinks, desserts, sauces, meat marinades and soups. Even a very small amount of it gives an original refreshing taste to the dish. However, if you overdo it, the food will be ruined! So how much citric acid can there be in 1 teaspoon?

Strictly observe this proportion: a teaspoon of citric acid contains 5 g. This is the secret of preparation. gourmet dishes and successful conservation.


A coffee drink that is aromatic and tasty can turn out that way when you prepare it when you know exactly how many grams and how many spoons of coffee you need to add.

Coffee can be instant or naturally ground. Its weight in a teaspoon will depend on the type of product. A teaspoon contains 8 g of natural ground coffee.

It is extremely difficult to prepare such a professional recipe without exact proportions.

If you weigh the same volume of instant coffee, you will find that it is much lighter than ground coffee beans, weighing 6g per teaspoon.


It is very difficult to cook pancakes, pancakes and pies without baking soda. Moreover, baking soda with a drop of vinegar can completely replace industrial baking powder. The dough rises, becomes more airy and fluffy.

Baking soda is even used in the preparation of homemade medicines.

When the dose of soda taken exceeds, the taste of the dish is spoiled or the medicine cannot be prepared. Therefore, you need to know how many grams of soda fit in a teaspoon:

  • without a pea – 7 g;
  • with a slide - about 12 g.


You know that oil comes in many varieties: sunflower, olive, corn and others. Each type of oil has its own characteristics and composition.

The oil is widely used in the preparation of first courses, meat, baked goods, and desserts. It is not advisable to add it more than the norm, otherwise the final dish may no longer be healthy, too fatty, or on the contrary.

How many grams of oil in a teaspoon, of course, depends on the type and variety, but the average will be 6 g.

Sour cream

Sour cream, one of the most popular fermented milk products! It is used to serve pancakes, “whiten” borscht, and add it to pastry sauces and creams.

One teaspoon contains 9 g of sour cream (with a composition of 30% fat content).

Of course, it is not easy to guess the weight of natural product substitutes and numerous sour creams. The above proportion is correct when purchasing natural delicious sour cream.


Flour is used not only in the production of baked goods, but it is also used in the preparation of creams for cakes, sauces, pastries and many meat and fish dishes. Most types of flour - wheat, buckwheat, corn - have the same specific gravity.

It is important to find out how many grams of flour are in a teaspoon:

  • with a slide – 5 g;
  • without a pea – 4 g.

To prevent the dough from becoming too thick, know how to choose the right proportions.

Weight in teaspoon: Table of food measures in grams

Watch a useful video on the “Friendly Family” channel about how much flour, sugar, salt is in a glass, in a tablespoon and a teaspoon.

Most recipes are divided into two categories: in the first, the number of ingredients and their volume are indicated in tablespoons or teaspoons, pieces or glasses; in the second, the weight is indicated in grams. Determining 10-15 g of salt “by eye” is quite difficult if there are no scales in the kitchen.

Our mothers and grandmothers knew how much salt there was in a teaspoon, perfectly calculating the amount of spice needed without instruments.

Different types of salt in a teaspoon: how many grams?

If the excess of other products in the prepared dish can be neutralized in one way or another, then an “excessive” amount of the popular spice can ruin it completely. How to correctly calculate the required volume of a substance? It is necessary to take into account how many grams of salt are in a teaspoon in order for the result to be accurate.

But the spice used every day can be different: “extra” (powdered salt), the grinding of which is akin to baking soda, stone, coarse and finely ground, sea, black, dietary and even pink Himalayan. Different crystal sizes due to grinding can affect the calculation results. How much salt does a heaping teaspoon contain? For example, the coarse fraction sea ​​salt in the named container will weigh only 5 g, while “extra” will weigh 10 g.

Different grind

Typically, recipes by default call for cutlery filled with bulk materials to the top (“with a slide”).

The choice of the main ingredient for the next culinary masterpiece is accompanied not by concern for health, but by the purpose for which it is intended. Fine salt is added to prepared foods (salads or snacks), as it dissolves quickly; Medium salt is used to salt meat or meat products using a dry method, as well as bake or smoke fish with it, pickle or preserve vegetables; large ones are used for cooking soups, cereals, meat, for stewing foods, for canning vegetables and salting fish.

Table for the kitchen to know exactly how many grams of salt are in 1 teaspoon

Experienced housewives usually use familiar brands of spices they use every day. Therefore, they already know exactly how much salt is in a teaspoon. For convenience, you can also print the table and hang it in a visible place in the kitchen.

For canning

Iodized salt is not suitable for pickling cucumbers and canning vegetables. Additional artificial element- iodine - makes the gifts of nature soft, worsens their taste.

When canning vegetables, it is better to use coarse or medium-sized rock or table salt without additives. Any elements included in a spice for the benefit of the body can destroy the entire preservation. The salt fraction does not play a special role, since the substance will still dissolve in the brine. But knowing from the table how many grams of salt are in a teaspoon of each type will be very useful to you.

If a recipe calls for 50 grams of salt, how many teaspoons of the product are needed? It is known that a level teaspoon contains 7 grams, 50g/7g = 7 teaspoons + a pinch. And there are 10 grams in a heaped teaspoon, so 50g/10g = 5 heaped teaspoons. Fish is usually salted dry, by rubbing the carcass, since it needs a lot of salt - at least three teaspoons per 1 kg of fish. Knowing how much salt is in a teaspoon, it is easy to calculate the number of grams of the substance for drying fish. For meat baked in foil, one teaspoon of the usual spice per kilogram of product is enough, for a steak on the grill - the same amount, and for cutlets - 0.5 tsp. salt per 1 kilogram of minced meat. This popular ingredient is even added to sweet baked goods to enhance its taste and create air structure test. True, they salt it in pinches: yeast - two, biscuit - one. IN puff pastry oil-based products often contain 0.5 teaspoons of white crystals per 1 kg of product.

In conclusion…

Cooking is considered to be not so much a “high” art as an exact science. Strict adherence to the recipe guarantees excellent taste and appetizing appearance dishes. Knowing how much salt is in 1 teaspoon, it is difficult to make a mistake and spoil a culinary masterpiece. Cooking gurus claimed that the success of dishes is 50% related to the quality of the products, 20% to the recipe itself, the rest depends on the talent of the cook and accurate calculation of quantities ingredients!

Every housewife, trying to use a recipe, is faced with the fact that the dose of products is indicated in grams. You need to know the amount of salt, soda, granulated sugar, cinnamon or other substances in one glass, teaspoon or tablespoon, with or without a slide. Weight depends on the specific type of product and varies significantly.

How many mg in a teaspoon

Incorrect proportions can change the taste of a dish for the worse, so the question of the amount of food is always relevant. Substances such as salt, seasonings, baking soda or baking powder in excess large quantities can make food unfit for consumption. Special scales that can be used to determine the volume of a teaspoon in grams or measuring cups are not available in every kitchen. In addition, many recipes contain instructions with a list of ingredients in grams, because this is a standard measurement.

You can find out the amount of different substances from the table:

Substance name

How many grams are in one teaspoon

Sago groats

Condensed milk

Oat groats

Liquid honey

Gelatin powder


Salt "Extra"

Split peas


Barley groats

Corn grits

Wheat groats



Pearl barley

Powdered sugar

Rye/wheat flour

Tomato paste

Coarse salt




Citric acid

Ground coffee beans

Raw yeast


Dried mushrooms

Egg powder

Potato starch

Ground pepper

Ground cinnamon

Powdered milk


Vegetable oil

Protein powder

Mustard powder

Olive oil

How much salt in a teaspoon

This product is most often used in cooking. It is very important not to overdo it with salt: too much of it renders the dish unusable. The table above indicates that there are 7 grams of salt in a teaspoon. If you weigh the heaped volume, you get 10 grams. Fine “Extra” salt is lighter than coarse table salt, so one spoon can hold up to 8 g (heaped). It is very important to take this into account when you are going to cook something, because without the simplest preservative you can only make jam or preserves.


Another popular component of various dishes is granulated sugar. It is worth noting that it is used not only for drinks and desserts, but also unusual side dishes, fish, meat, sauces, and milk porridges. Sugar in a teaspoon in grams is only 5 g, if you take it without a slide, and 7 g if you weigh the volume with a slide. It is important that this substance is used in moderation so that the dish does not become cloying or, conversely, bland.


This amazing beekeeping product is famous not only for its excellent taste, but also beneficial properties. In order not to spoil a dessert, sauce, drink, or marinade with honey, it is important to know the proportions of this substance. There is 9 g of honey in a teaspoon, provided that it is fresh and liquid. Specific gravity the crystallized product will be different: the recipe must be adjusted. You can find out exactly how many grams are in a teaspoon of a particular type of product from special tables, but it is better to weigh the candied sweetness.

Dry yeast

It’s rare to meet a housewife who doesn’t spoil her family with baked goods. Secret delicious pies– properly prepared dough that contains yeast. Majority modern women use a quick version of this product - dry powder. A teaspoon contains 3-5 g of yeast if you weigh it on a special scale. The specific amount depends on whether the substance is measured with or without a slide.

Citric acid

Many people are not aware of how widely this substance is used. Citric acid is added to desserts, drinks, mousses, meat marinades, sauces, and soups. A small amount gives a fresh, original taste to a dish, but if you add too much of this substance, you can ruin everything irrevocably. It is worth remembering the proportion and strictly observing it: 5 g of citric acid is placed in a teaspoon. The required amount of this substance is the secret of successful preservation and preparation of gourmet dishes.


To make your favorite drink aromatic and tasty, you need to know the exact amount of coffee. It is calculated for instant and natural ground. The weight of a teaspoon of the substance depends on the type of product. Natural ground coffee in a teaspoon in grams - 8. It is difficult to prepare a drink according to professional recipes without exact proportions, so you need to remember them. If you weigh instant coffee of the same volume, you will get no more than 6 g, because it is much lighter than ground grain.


This substance is widely used for making pancakes, pancakes, pies and more. Baking soda with a drop of vinegar replaces industrial baking powder, helping the dough rise, become more fluffy and airy. If you use too much baking soda, the finished dish will have an unpleasant aftertaste of this substance, which will make it tasteless. In addition to cooking, this product is used to prepare homemade medicines, so it is important to know exactly how many grams of soda are in a teaspoon. If you measure it without a mound, it will come out to 7 g, and with a mound - about 12.


Modern hypermarkets offer customers olive, sunflower, corn and many other types of oil. Every separate species has its own characteristics and chemical composition. The oil is used to prepare first courses, desserts, meat, and baked goods. You should not add more of this substance than normal; it is important to maintain the proportions to obtain not too fatty, healthy food. How much oil is in a teaspoon depends on the specific type. Average– 6 years


If you don't have a scale in your kitchen, you can use alternative units of measurement with a few tricks. Instead of weighing food, you can measure it, for example, by the volume of a glass or the size of cutlery. Today we will talk about how you can determine the right amount of salt without scales. So, how many grams of salt are in a tablespoon?

They say that under-salting is on the table, but over-salting is in the head, and only a real chef knows the measure of everything. But if you have not yet reached the level of a real chef, and you don’t have a scale or a measuring cup at hand, there is no reason to worry. There are some recommendations on how you can determine the correct weight using alternative measuring instruments, which are abundant in every kitchen. To do this, you only need a tablespoon or teaspoon, a glass or a shot glass. And no over-salting!

So, one tablespoon of salt weighs 10-12 grams. For example, if your recipe for pickling cucumbers calls for 100 g of salt, then you will only need ten tablespoons. And it doesn’t matter that the spoons differ in shape and size. The main thing is to measure out the remaining ingredients with the same spoon to maintain their required ratio.

Read also:

  • How many grams are in a faceted glass?
  • How to measure 100 grams of flour?

Be that as it may, without scales all measurements are quite approximate. And first of all, it depends on how full the spoon is. When salt forms a hill in a spoon, its mass is correspondingly greater. If you are interested, the table below contains data on the mass of the most common foods in a tablespoon, depending on its filling.

One tablespoon

Product weight without slide, g

Product weight with slide, g

Powdered sugar

Corn starch



Cocoa powder

Grated nuts

Mustard powder

Ground coffee

Grated cheese

Ground herbs for tea

Custard cream, powder

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the weight of salt in relation to its volume varies significantly depending on the type and degree of grinding. The finer the grind, the more salt per unit volume, and, accordingly, the heavier the weight. In addition, it is a fairly hygroscopic product, so the weight of a certain volume of salt largely depends on the degree of its moisture content.

Medium-fine salt is the most common salt used by cooks due to its texture and flavor. It has an uneven, rough shape that helps to better saturate foods and feels more realistic between your fingers. And this allows you to more accurately control the amount of salt that you captured in a pinch.

For many fermentation recipes, especially those using vegetables, salt is an important ingredient. When using it in correct proportions, it creates an environment favorable for the growth of bacteria, which stimulate the fermentation process. There are several ways to prepare vegetables by fermentation, and all of them can be divided into two:

  • dry salting;
  • brine-based salting.

When dry salting, vegetables are sprinkled with salt, which draws liquid from the vegetables during the fermentation process. With this method, use one tablespoon of salt for every 500 grams of vegetables. When salting using brine, vegetables are placed or filled with prepared brine solution. Such solutions, depending on the recipe and type of vegetables, differ in concentration, that is, the ratio of the amount of salt in one liter of water.

Typically, brines with a salt content of 1.5 to 5% are used for salting vegetables. To prepare the brine of the required concentration, dissolve the following amount of salt in one liter of water:

  • for 2% brine - 20 grams of table salt;
  • 3% brine is prepared from 30 grams of salt;
  • 40 grams of salt are needed for 4% brine;
  • 5% brine - 50 grams of salt.

In order to measure one liter of water, we need a faceted glass. The volume of such a glass, filled to the brim, is 250 ml. Since one liter of water is equivalent to 1000 ml, we need to pour four glasses: 1000 / 250 = 4.

We have already found out how many grams of salt fit in 1 tablespoon. Now counting the number of tablespoons of salt to prepare a brine of a particular concentration will not be difficult:

  • according to the tabular data, in order to measure 20 grams of salt, we need two level tablespoons: 20 g / 10 g = 2;
  • for a 3% solution, measure 30 grams: 30 g / 10 g = 3 level tablespoons of salt;
  • finding out how many tablespoons are in 50 grams of salt is also not a problem - either five spoons without a slide, or two with a slide: 50 g / 10 g = 5, 50 g / 25 g = 2;
  • In the same way, you can calculate 100 grams of salt - this is how many tablespoons: 100 g / 10 g = 10 spoons without a slide, 100 g / 25 g = 4 - with a slide.

Cooking successfully combines these two categories.

Looking at the magnificent creations that are prepared by both home cooks and professionals, one cannot help but notice that they are aesthetically beautiful and tasty. In this case, cooking can be considered an art.

At the same time, such masterpieces cannot be obtained without precision in preparation, this applies to both the cooking algorithm and the weight of the ingredients themselves. If you look at it from this side, then cooking is without a doubt a science and partly an exact science.

Sometimes even a slight deviation from the weight of the ingredient stated in the recipe can affect the taste of the dish.

Of course, professionals have all the equipment (including scales) to maintain weight accuracy, but what about those who don’t have them, and even ordinary housewives who only have spoons, glasses and jars at hand.

Of course, now you can easily buy a lot of measuring devices - glasses with measuring graduations, measuring spoons.

What should those who don’t have such beautiful measuring cups or spoons do?

The main thing is not to be upset, everything can be accurately measured, poured and poured using ordinary tablespoons and teaspoons, a cut glass or an ordinary 0.5 liter jar, which are always available in every kitchen and every housewife!

The main thing in the cooking process is not the presence of any super accessories, but the desire to cook tasty and beautiful!

Tables for measuring the weight and volume of liquid and bulk products

Below are tables for measuring the weight and volume of liquid and bulk products. Grams and liters are converted to glasses, tablespoons and teaspoons.

Sometimes a recipe requires you to take a vegetable or fruit, but it is not always possible to accurately know its weight. There is a certain generalized (approximate value) weight of an average fruit or fruit. These data are shown in the following table.

These convenient tables help you take as many products as required by the recipe.

Below are several more useful tables to make it easier to add the correct amount of a particular ingredient to a dish and find out how much of the product fits in a glass, tablespoon and teaspoon. The tables are compiled by product groups, which is also very convenient.

Sometimes a recipe requires the use of sauces. This table will help you add the required quantity.

Various sweets are often used for baking - preserves, jams, honey, marmalade. To make it easier to follow the recipes, below is a table of weight in grams

Nuts are a common ingredient in a wide variety of dishes. And how many grams of nuts are in one spoon or glass can be seen from the table.

And, of course, milk and all dairy products. The table will be an indispensable assistant, especially for those who love to bake.

All weights given in the tables are indicated “without slide”.

When measuring products using improvised means, you must observe the following points - do not crush, shake, or tamp. They just took everything. Of course, this applies mainly to bulk products - flour, sugar, salt, cereals, spices.

All measuring devices must, of course, be dry and clean.

How many grams are in a tablespoon (with a slide, without a slide)

Recipes often indicate the amount of ingredients in grams. It is not necessary to have scales in the kitchen in order to measure the required amount of product. Each person has different spoons, most often these are tablespoons and tea spoons.

Of course, the volume of spoons can also be different, but 1-2 grams more or less will not critically affect the taste of your dish.

After all, each person has his own taste preferences - some like it sweeter, some like it saltier.

You can buy a set of these measuring spoons.

If you take the amount “with a slide”, then add about 3-5 more grams to the weight without a slide.

Below is a table showing the number of grams per tablespoon of different foods.

If the recipe does not say whether the spoons should be heaped or not, the default is to use a heaped spoon.

If you want to measure a small amount of liquid, then a tablespoon holds 15 ml of liquid (dessert - 10).

How many grams are in a teaspoon (with a slide, without a slide)

If the weight is small, you can use teaspoons.

Approximate weight of products in a teaspoon:

In the “with a slide” version, the weight increases by 1-3 grams. Knowing these numbers, you can easily add the required amount of the ingredient if it is indicated in the recipe in grams.

The volume of a teaspoon is approximately 5 milliliters (dessert spoon - 10).

How many grams in a glass

An ordinary cut glass can contain 200 ml (g) or 250.

Depending on the type of ingredient, their weight or volume in the glass will vary.

In order to correctly determine the quantity, the following table will help you:

Of course, antique cut glass is quite difficult to find these days. But there are many measuring containers that are already marked (for different products). With their help, you can take the exact amount of a particular product.

Such containers are not difficult to buy, they are convenient to use and easy to store.

How many grams are in a pinch

Have you often heard or read the expression “add a pinch.....” no matter what. What is a pinch? This is a very rough concept, because we are all different from a physiological point of view. A pinch of a small, fragile woman is incommensurate with a pinch of a giant man.

The expression “at the tip of a knife” can be considered an analogue of a pinch. Usually the word "pinch" is used to indicate the amount of very strong spices, such as chili pepper or vanilla. Agree that sprinkling more than a pinch of pepper can incur anger from your relatives, especially those who do not like spicy foods.

You can print the chart, frame it, and hang it in your kitchen.

For example, this one:

And it will become not only your assistant, but also a beautiful element of kitchen design.

Cooking is not a frozen science; of course, when cooking you should follow the indicated proportions, but an error of 2-3 grams in one direction or another most often will not lead to catastrophic and irreparable consequences.

We hope that our tables will help you create great culinary masterpieces!

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