A message on the topic of water in everyday life. According to medical experiments

Many people know that thanks to water, life arose on planet Earth. It is this substance that scientists are looking for on Mars to prove that fauna and flora are present here too. Man today cannot imagine existence without water. All thanks miraculous properties this material.

Water in nature

Water is an odorless and tasteless liquid. This one has practically no color either. IN deep layers the water may have a bluish tint. It is one of the most abundant substances in nature, without which no creature can do. Surprisingly, the hydrosphere occupies more than 70% of the entire biosphere.

Water is a mineral with the help of which industry is organized today, houses are built, and power plants exist. Scientists have found that water is an excellent solvent. Therefore, it is impossible to find a perfectly pure substance in nature. More often there is a liquid with various impurities of organic and inorganic materials. There are a huge number of varieties of water. All of them have found their application in human life. How people use the properties of water will be described below.

Properties of water

A natural mineral can exist in three forms - solid, liquid and vapor. The most common is liquid. The properties of water directly depend on its condition. When a substance freezes, it loses its density and rises to the surface. Thanks to this, the water under the ice always maintains its temperature. Even if the air temperature drops below 40 degrees Celsius, underwater living organisms will continue to exist.

When considering the properties and states of water, one cannot help but remember surface tension. This figure is significantly higher than that of any other liquid. This is what causes raindrops to form. Surface tension is one of the main indicators that influence the water cycle in nature. We can observe the properties of water with our own eyes. Experiments can be carried out at home. It's very interesting and exciting. All you need to do is fill the glass with water to the top and throw coins or other small objects into it one by one. You can notice that the water does not pour out immediately over the edges of the container, but forms a small slide. This occurs due to the force of surface tension.

Boiling temperature

All liquids that exist in nature have their own boiling point. Water is no exception. This material has a boiling point. These thermophysical properties waters have great value in the existence of all living things. The liquid can boil at about 100 degrees Celsius. This indicator may vary slightly depending on what impurities are added to the water. It is the boiling point that directly affects the evaporation processes. The higher this indicator, the less water loss in nature.

The thermophysical properties of water are also widely used in everyday life. During boiling in water, various pathogenic microorganisms die. Thanks to this process, it is possible to purify the liquid from various impurities. can be eaten freely. This liquid is also used to treat medical instruments and wounds.

Water in thermal power engineering

People have been looking for natural sources of energy for many centuries. Such a source can be ordinary water. It is no coincidence that this substance is widely used in thermal power engineering today. This material plays two roles at once - a coolant and a working fluid. To produce one megawatt of electricity, it is necessary to use about 30 cubic meters water per second. The liquid is also used to cool the condenser turbine of the power unit. It turns out that without water it would be impossible to establish access to electricity, and many buildings simply would not be heated.

In the second half of the 20th century, 50% of electricity was generated by hydroelectric power plants. This allowed people to organize their lives normally, and ecological situation remained at the level. Man's use of water is inexhaustible if he does everything right. The presence of a large number of cars, emissions from various plants and factories lead to the fact that the number clean water decreases. Today, much less electricity is generated from water.

Chemistry and water

If we consider it, the first thing that comes to mind is the ability of a liquid to dissolve other substances. Water is the main reagent in many chemical reactions. This property is widely used in everyday life, as well as in production. Water is a special vehicle that allows you to move chemical reaction products from one technological apparatus to another. IN environment Liquid waste also comes in the form of suspensions and solutions. Chemical industry I simply could not exist without water.

At home, you can also easily monitor the properties of water as a solvent. It is worth noting that the ability to dissolve individual substances depends on the temperature of the water. Many people have noticed that greasy dishes can be easily washed in warm water. But low temperatures do not provide such an opportunity. In everyday life, you can also notice how well-known products such as salt, sugar and soda dissolve in water. Tea is water solution, which is not only healthy, but also delicious.

Water in medicine

Human use of water for medicinal purposes is very common. Here, water most often also acts as a solvent. It can also be used in the form medicine and an auxiliary substance for hygiene and sanitation. Behind last years The level of medical care has increased significantly. The world's population is also increasing every year. This leads to an increased need for water consumption for medical purposes.

The properties of liquid water are used to treat many ailments. Of course, the substance is not used in its pure form. Various medicines, solutions and suspensions are made using water. And the boiling point of the liquid is used to process medical instruments and molds.

Many medications only work effectively if you drink enough fluid. You can always read about this in the instructions for use of the medicine. Water plays a role vehicle, allowing the medication to quickly reach the desired organ.

Water in agriculture

It is impossible to imagine agriculture without liquid. How do people use the properties of water in this area? The substance helps deliver beneficial trace elements and minerals to animal and plant cells. Water is an obligatory participant in various metabolic reactions, as well as in the process of photosynthesis. In addition, the temperature of animals and plants is regulated with the help of liquid. Few people know that the volumes of water used for watering plants and keeping livestock are not inferior to industrial volumes.

In order to grow vegetables and fruits efficiently, it is necessary to properly organize watering. In many cases, it is impossible to do without specialists. Only a professional can organize the work in such a way that water is delivered to every plant on the site. Relying only on rain means ruining the land.

How people use the properties of water in cosmetology

Not a single cosmetic product can be made without water. But in this area, a special one is most often used, which has the properties of rejuvenation and skin restoration. The liquid from thermal springs contains trace elements and minerals that can restore the health of skin and hair of any type.

Pure water is also used in cosmetology as a solvent. Various creams, masks and shampoos are prepared using the liquid. Cosmetics are often prepared at home as well. Before preparing products, it is necessary to briefly study the properties of water. It is necessary to strictly follow the recipe so that the cosmetics turn out to be truly high-quality and useful.

Water in everyday life

How do people use the properties of water at home? Here, liquid most often acts as a food product, as well as a means of hygiene and sanitation. Water can also act as a participant in various chemical reactions that occur during cooking. Thermal energy sources are widely used. For example, boiled water is most often used in nutrition.

Heat supply apartment buildings is also organized thanks to water. Liquid heating up to desired temperature, can keep homes warm for a long time.

Also in primary school kids begin to study the properties of water. 2nd grade is the time when children begin to get acquainted with one of the important substances in nature. The teacher’s task is to teach the child to save water resources in order to prolong life on the planet.

Water is an amazing liquid. It has no color, no taste, no smell. The calorie content of water is zero. Some people call it a real mystery. Water combines both simplicity and complexity in an amazing way. It would seem: there are only three atoms in a water molecule - one oxygen and two hydrogen. However, scientists are still not entirely clear how these molecules work. But one thing is certain: if there is no water, there will be no life on Earth.

Water plays a huge role in human life. Without it, neither people, nor plants, nor animals can live. Neither a huge elephant nor microscopic bacteria can do without this life-giving liquid. Every living organism is approximately 80% water. Without it, the crops in the fields will not grow, and, accordingly, there will be no food. So, it is absolutely obvious: without water, life on the planet would quickly cease, and we would have nothing to replace it with.

But, fortunately for us, water is found in abundance on our planet. If you look at pictures taken from space, you will notice that the predominant color of our planet is blue. And this is because its surface, like the atmosphere, contains a lot of water. Some even believe that with such water reserves, our planet should be called not Earth, but Water. And there is some truth in this. Think about it: the area of ​​just one Pacific Ocean much larger than the entire land area of ​​the Earth combined!

The vast majority of water on Earth is found in oceans and seas. But, as you know, sea water contains a large amount of salt. If a person drank only sea water, he would quickly die of thirst and dehydration, since the body is not able to cope with excessive amounts of salt. Sea water is also unsuitable for Agriculture- it will simply destroy the harvest. You can’t use it in industry either, since salt water will rust any mechanism. Therefore, although sea ​​water there is a lot of it on Earth, there is practically no place to use it, except perhaps to make it fresh, but this is very expensive.

Only fresh water is truly valuable for human life. But we don’t have much of it - only 3% of the total volume of all water on the planet. And basically all fresh water (99%) is concentrated in glaciers, on mountain peaks and flows in the depths of the earth. It turns out that humanity has only one percent of all reserves fresh water.

Is it a lot or a little? Here is what was written on this issue in scientific journal"People & the Planet": "This amount, if distributed evenly, is two and even three times more than sufficient for today's world population."

Amazing properties of water

Unlike other liquids, water has amazing properties. Below are five interesting facts about water.

1. Even after absorbing a little solar energy, the waters of the World Ocean are able to retain a lot of heat. This useful property water helps moderate the climate.

2. When low temperatures Water does not contract like other substances, but expands, turning into ice. This serves as protection for living organisms in the oceans. If water became denser when freezing, then all the waters of the Earth would freeze from the bottom to the surface. All living things would simply die.

3. Unlike other liquids, water is very transparent. Thanks to this property, deep-sea inhabitants of the seas and oceans can receive a sufficient amount of sunlight, which penetrates through the water column precisely due to its transparency.

4. Not everyone knows that the surface of the water is covered with an invisible elastic film. This happens due to the amazing properties of water molecules - they form surface tension. This is why insects can “walk” on the surface of reservoirs, and the water itself can rise up through the capillaries of trees, even reaching the tops!

5. The best solvent in the world is water. It dissolves oxygen, various salts, minerals and carbon dioxide.

The role of water in human life

The role of water in human life can be judged by simple example- Man himself is mostly made of water. The human brain contains 75-85% water, and muscle tissue contains approximately 70%. Water helps the food we eat to be quickly digested and absorbed by the body.

The important role of water in nature and human life comes down to removing toxins and other waste from the human and animal body. Water serves as a lubricant for our joints and also regulates and maintains our body temperature.

Did you know that for a person who plans to lose weight, water will be of great importance in life, as it will help reduce excess weight.

The fact is that water does not contain calories. Moreover, it has no fat, no cholesterol and virtually no sodium. If you drink water regularly, it will reduce your appetite. Water also helps the body process fat. If you drink little water during the day, your kidneys become unable to function as they should. In this regard, the liver begins to take on part of the work that the kidneys should do, and this reduces its ability to process fats. Thus, fat begins to accumulate in the body, in other words, the person begins to become overweight. Many doctors have long recognized the fact that sufficient water consumption is simply necessary in the fight against excess weight. If those who want to lose weight neglect water, then the body is simply not able to process all the fat and the desired effect may simply not be achieved.

Therefore, try to never deprive your body of water. About two liters of this fluid are excreted from our body every day. Moisture is released through the skin, intestines, and lungs. It is noteworthy that when a person breathes, approximately half a liter of water is lost per day. Therefore, it is simply vital to replenish water reserves in the body.

The importance of water in human life and the body is enormous; in case of its deficiency, dehydration occurs. Some signs of dehydration include fatigue, muscle and headache, urine is unnatural dark color, dry mouth and eyes. Often in hot weather, many people lose consciousness and need medical attention due to dehydration.

How much water should you drink to keep your body healthy?

Of course, everyone has different circumstances, and people live in different climatic conditions. Therefore, there is no single rule, but on average a person should drink from two to three liters of water per day. If you calculate approximately, a person drinks from 50,000 to 70,000 liters of water throughout his life. Don't assume that you only need to drink water when you experience dry mouth. Many experts will tell you that if you feel thirsty, it means that dehydration has already begun long ago.

Try to always carry a bottle of water with you.
Drink one glass of water during breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Drink water before, after and during exercise.
During breaks between work, it is better to drink water than coffee.

Is it possible to replace water with different drinks?

Indeed, vegetable or fruit juices can replenish the body's reserves with the necessary moisture. But this cannot be said about other drinks. So, sweet carbonated drinks only contribute to dehydration of the body, and alcohol, tea or coffee have a diuretic effect. Therefore, after the above drinks, you will still need to replenish your body with water. Yes, nothing can replace this valuable liquid for us! And even if it has no taste, color or smell, nevertheless, water has always been and will be a vital substance in the life of every person.

Scientific and practical conference

Topic: The importance of water for humans

Uvelsky village

year 2013

  1. Goal of the work
  2. Introduction
  3. Properties of water
  4. Need for water
  5. The importance of water for humans
  6. Household water use
  7. How to save water?
  8. Conclusion


11.Applications, diagrams

Goal of the work

Among all the benefits given to us by nature, water occupies a special place. Water is a unique wealth of living nature. There is no person who does not know what water looks like.

Every day we wash our faces, brush our teeth, wash our hands, and take a shower. But often we don’t think about how water gets into our house and where does it come from? Why does it end? And could it happen that suddenly there will be no water?
One day I asked myself this question. That's why I chose this topic of work.


Water, you have no taste, no color, no smell, you cannot be described, they enjoy you without knowing what you are! It cannot be said that you are necessary for life! You are life itself! You fill us with joy that cannot be explained by our feelings... You are the greatest wealth in the world..."

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Water itself has no nutritional value, but it is an indispensable component of all living things. None of the living organisms on our planet can exist without water.

All living plant and animal beings are made of water:

fish – by 75%; jellyfish – 99%; potatoes - by 76%; apples - by 85%; tomatoes - 90%; cucumbers - by 95%; watermelons - by 96%.

In general, the human body consists of 50-86% water by weight. The water content in different parts of the body is:

bones – 20-30%; liver - up to 69%; muscles – up to 70%; brain – up to 75%; kidneys - up to 82%; blood - up to 85%. Water is vital. It is needed everywhere - in everyday life, agriculture and industry. Water is necessary for the body in to a greater extent than everything else except oxygen. A well-fed person can live without food for 3-4 weeks, but without water only a few days.

A living cell requires water both to maintain its structure and for normal functioning; it makes up approximately 2/3 of body weight. Water helps regulate body temperature and serves as a lubricant, facilitating joint movement. It plays an important role in building and repairing body tissues.

With a sharp reduction in water consumption, a person becomes ill or his body begins to function worse. But water, of course, is needed not only for drinking: it also helps a person keep his body, home and living environment in good hygienic condition.

Without water, personal hygiene is impossible, that is, a set of practical actions and skills that protect the body from diseases and maintain human health at all times. high level. Washing, a warm bath and swimming bring a feeling of vigor and calm.

Properties of water

  1. Water is a liquid.
  2. Clean water is clear. If we put a spoon in a glass of water, we can easily see it. The water is colorless.
  3. Water has no odor
  4. Many substances dissolve in water.
  5. When heated, water expands and when cooled, it contracts.
  6. When heated to 100 degrees, water turns into steam.

Need for water

Fields and forests “drink” water. Without it, neither animals, nor birds, nor people can live. Water not only gives you water, but also feeds you. Electricity is produced using water at power plants. It remains a large and convenient road (steamships sail along it day and night, carrying cargo and passengers). For example, the Miass River is a toiler that has been turning the millstones of millstones since ancient times. Timber was floated along it for the construction of Chelyabinsk. Judging by the stories of archaeologists, many centuries ago this river watered and fed fish to numerous peoples who inhabited its banks.

Some scientists believe that water is a keeper of information. “Water is more valuable than gold,” said the Bedouins, who roamed the sands all their lives. They knew that no amount of wealth would save a traveler in the desert if there was no water. The sands of the Sahara swallowed up many people, even entire caravans. A person can survive in the desert for about a day. The supply of fresh water in the world's oceans is very small. 96% of the water on the planet is salty, only about 4% is fresh water (of which 2% is ice, 2% is The groundwater, 0.02% - rivers and lakes). The main source of fresh water is glaciers. They are found in the Arctic and Antarctic.

The importance of water for humans

In the human body water:

Humidifies oxygen for breathing;

Regulates body temperature;

Helps the body absorb nutrients;

Protects vital organs;

Lubricates joints;

Helps convert food into energy;

Participates in metabolism;

Removes various wastes from the body.

A person begins to feel thirsty when the amount of water in his body decreases by 1-2%

(0.5-1.0 l). A loss of 10% of moisture from body weight can lead to irreversible changes in the body, and a loss of 20% (7 - 8 liters) is already fatal.

An average person loses 2-3 liters of water per day. IN hot weather, at high humidity, during sports, water consumption increases. Even through breathing, a person loses almost half a liter of water daily.

Proper drinking regime implies maintaining physiological water balance- this is a balancing of the intake and formation of water with its release.

The daily requirement of an adult for water is 30-40 grams per 1 kg of body weight. Approximately 40% of the body's daily water requirement is met through food, the rest must be taken in the form of various drinks. In summer, you need to drink 2 - 2.5 liters of water daily. In hot areas of the planet - 3.5 - 5.0 liters per day, and at an air temperature of 38 -40C and low humidity working on outdoors You will need 6.0 - 6.5 liters of water per day. At the same time, you cannot focus on whether you are thirsty or not, since this reflex occurs late and is not an adequate indicator of how much water your body needs.

It is interesting to know that porridge contains up to 80% water, bread - about 50%, meat - 58-67%, vegetables and fruits - up to 90% water, i.e. “dry” food consists of 50-60% water.

If the body receives enough water, the person becomes more energetic and resilient.

Water in everyday life

I found out how much and for what purpose my family (there are 4 people in my family) uses water per day:
- cooking = 10-15 liters

Washing dishes = 20-30 liters

Washing = 100-120 liters

Brushing teeth = 1-2 liters per person (1*4=4 liters)

Taking a shower = 35-50 liters (35*4=140)

Cleaning the apartment, watering flowers = 5 - 8 liters
This means that my family needs 280-300 liters per day. Approximately 8,300 liters per month, and 99,600 liters per year.

At the same time, I did not take into account: washing the car (about 100 liters per month), cleaning the entrance (about 40 liters per month), using the toilet (15 liters per day per person)

And the guys in my class use water to water their gardens, flower beds, and for agriculture. Consequently, we consume a lot of water.

Water use in my village

In our village water is used:

In schools, kindergartens

At enterprises (“Zlak”, “Resource”, “Mine Management”)

In hospitals, pharmacies

In canteens, cafes

At the Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Utilities"

In shops
- and in other institutions

How to save water

As a rule, we do not pay attention to the fact that Everyday life We spend many times more water than we actually need. In fact, there are many ways to save water.

Saving water in the bathroom:
1. First of all, pay attention to the tap; we often ignore the fact that an open or faulty tap is dripping. Just imagine, a dripping faucet consumes up to 8,000 liters of water per year!

2. Teach children to tighten the faucet handle tightly after using water.

3. When washing your hands, open the tap halfway, not all the way, as more water flows out of a fully open tap than you expect.

4. It is worth giving preference to a shower rather than a bath, since taking one full bath you will need three times more water than taking a 5-7 minute shower, and, as a rule, after taking a bath, additional rinsing in the shower is required.

Water in the toilet can and should also be saved - everything that can be thrown into the trash can should not end up in the toilet, saving water in this case will be up to 25 liters per day.

Saving water in the kitchen

1. When washing dishes, it is more advisable to use a sink stopper; this will help reduce water consumption by 3 times compared to washing dishes under running water.

2. When washing dishes by hand, fill one of the sinks (or some other container) with water containing detergent, and rinse in another sink under low pressure running water. This way you can save up to 60 liters of water per day per person.

3. Vegetables and fruits should be washed in a container filled with water (for example, adding a small amount of natural vinegar for disinfection) and then only rinsed under running water.

Saving water when washing.

1. When washing in modern washing machines Water is used more sparingly than when washing by hand.

2. Despite the fact that front-loading washing machines are much more expensive than top-loading devices, they consume 3 times less water.

3. It is advisable to use the washing machine with a full load, if possible, setting the required water supply level.

General tips for saving water at home

1. In a family of up to three people, it would be wise to install meters for cold and hot water; this will not only add discipline to you this issue, but will also help you save significantly.

2. When installing modern mixers, the mixing of hot and cold water in which occurs much faster than in conventional ones, will reduce both the rate of supply of water at the required temperature and its unjustified consumption.

3. Do not ignore public water sources, such as pumps, wells, etc. If there are any in your neighborhood, then be sure to use them, this will also allow you to save a lot, and often the water in many of them is even better than bottled water from stores.

4. If you are used to purifying water for cooking, then from the many filters, give preference to expensive household systems designed for for a long time than jugs with removable cassette filters. Despite the fact that the former are much more expensive, the level of filtration in them is much higher, and the cost is much lower.


Summarizing the work done, we can draw the following conclusion: Rational use water resources currently represents a very pressing problem. It is necessary for every person to use water sparingly, otherwise in the near future we may be left without fresh water.


  1. T. V. Vakhrusheva, O. B. Glushkova, V. A. Cherepenko, E. V. Popova “Schoolchildren’s Handbook” 1-4 M., “AST-PRESS-BOOK” 2005
  2. Children's Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius, 2005
  3. L. Kashinskaya, G. Shelaeva “Everything about everything”, popular encyclopedia for children M., 1994.
  4. A. E. Chizhevsky “I explore the world” Children's Encyclopedia M., 1997


Have you ever thought about what kind of water you drink?

Why does water need to be boiled? In water supply laboratories, microbiologists conduct daily water monitoring. The number of microbes in water after its special treatment decreases sharply. For example, a study of water in one of these laboratories showed that there were 5639 bacteria in 1 ml cubic river water; after passing water through the sump in the same volume, 138 bacteria were found, and after filtering - only 17 bacteria

How much water is in living organisms?

80% 90%

Based on statistics, on average one person uses up to 150 liters per day drinking water, of which only 3-4% is used for cooking and drinking.

The most familiar and most incredible substance on Earth is water. The importance of water cannot be overestimated in the life of all living things on the planet; it is present in every moment of our existence. Being the predominant element in the composition of any organism, water also controls its life activity.

Water in nature

Throughout its existence, humanity has been trying to unravel the mystery of this amazing and contradictory element. How did it arise, how did it get to our planet? Probably no one will be able to answer this question, but everyone knows that the importance of water in nature and human life is unimaginably great. One thing is absolutely true - today there are as many water reserves on Earth as there were at the birth of the universe.

The unique properties of water to contract when heated and expand when frozen is another reason to be surprised. No other substance has similar properties. And its ability to move from one state to another, so familiar and at the same time amazing, playing an exceptional role, makes it possible for all living organisms to exist on Earth. By the Higher Mind, water is assigned the main role in maintaining life and participating in constantly occurring events. natural processes.

The water cycle

This process is called the hydrological cycle, which is a continuous circulation of water from the hydrosphere and the surface of the earth into the atmosphere, and then back. There are four processes involved in the cycle:

  • evaporation;
  • condensation;
  • precipitation;
  • water flow

Once on the ground, part of the precipitation evaporates and condenses, another part, thanks to runoff, fills reservoirs, and the third turns into going underground. So, constantly moving, feeding water arteries, plants and animals and preserving own reserves, wanders, protecting the Earth and water. The importance of water is obvious and indisputable.

The mechanism of the cycle and its types

In nature there is a large cycle (the so-called global cycle), as well as two small ones - continental and oceanic. Precipitation collected over the oceans is carried by winds and falls on the continents, and then returns to the ocean with runoff. The process where ocean water continuously evaporates, condenses and falls back into the ocean is called the small ocean gyre. And all similar processes occurring over land are combined into a small continental circulation, mainly actor in which water appears. Its importance in the natural processes of continuous circulation that maintains the Earth’s water balance and ensures the existence of living organisms is indisputable.

Water and man

Having no nutritional value in the usual sense, water is the main component of any living organism, including humans. No one can exist without water. Two-thirds of any organism is water. The importance of water is extremely important for the proper functioning of all systems and organs.

Throughout life, a person comes into contact with water every day, using it for drinking and food, hygiene procedures, recreation and heating. Not found on Earth
more valuable natural material, as vital and irreplaceable as water. Going without food for quite long periods of time, a person will not live without water for even 8 days, since within 8% of body weight a person begins to faint, 10% causes hallucinations, and 20% inevitably causes death.

Why is water so important to humans? It turns out that water regulates all basic life processes:

  • normalizes oxygen humidity, increasing its absorption;
  • carries out thermoregulation of the body;
  • dissolves nutrients, helping the body absorb them;
  • moisturizes and creates protection for vital organs;
  • forms a protective lubricant for joints;
  • improves metabolic processes in the functioning of body systems;
  • promotes the evacuation of waste from the body.

How to stay hydrated

On average, a person loses 2-3 liters of water per day. In more extreme conditions, such as heat, high humidity and physical activity water losses increase. To maintain the normal physiological water balance of the body, it is necessary to balance the intake of water with its removal through proper

Let's do some calculations. Considering that a person’s daily need for water is 30-40 grams per 1 kg of body weight and about 40% of the total need comes from food, the rest should be taken in the form of drinks. In summer, daily water consumption corresponds to 2-2.5 liters. The hot regions of the planet dictate their requirements - 3.5-5.0 liters, and in extremely hot conditions up to 6.0-6.5 liters of water. The body must not be dehydrated. Alarming symptoms of this problem are dry skin accompanied by itching, fatigue, a sharp decrease in concentration, blood pressure, headaches and general malaise.

Beneficial effect

It is interesting that, by being directly involved in metabolic processes, water promotes weight loss. There is a common misconception that people who want to lose weight need to drink less water, since the body retains water, causes significant harm. You cannot drive your body into even greater stress by knocking it out of its usual water exchange. In addition, moisture, being a natural diuretic, tones the kidneys, causing weight loss.

By receiving the optimal amount of water, a person gains strength, energy and endurance. It is easier for him to control his weight, since even the psychological inconvenience of forced changes when reducing his usual diet is easier to bear. Scientific research It has been proven that daily consumption of sufficient amounts of clean water helps fight serious illnesses - helps relieve back pain, migraines, reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels and blood pressure. In addition, by toning the kidneys, water inhibits the formation of stones. It has been proven that people with a creative streak tend to drink a lot, and great artists were pushed to create masterpieces. The importance of water, it turns out, is also important in art.

Plant water exchange

Just like humans, any plant needs water. In different plants it makes up from 70 to 95% of the mass, controlling all ongoing processes. Metabolism in a plant is possible only when large quantities moisture, so the importance of water for plants is undoubtedly great. By dissolving minerals in the soil, water delivers them to the plant, ensuring their continuous flow. Without water, seeds will not germinate, and the process of photosynthesis will not occur in green leaves. Filling water ensures its viability and preservation of a certain shape.

The most important condition for the life support of a plant organism is the ability to absorb water from the outside. The plant, receiving water mainly from the soil with the help of its roots, delivers it to the above-ground parts of the plant, where the leaves evaporate it. Such water exchange exists in every organic system - water, entering it, evaporates or is released, and then again, enriched with useful substances, enters the body.

Another amazing way water penetrates living cells is its osmotic absorption, i.e. the ability of water to accumulate from outside into cellular solutions, increasing the volume of fluid in the cell.

The art of water consumption

Constant consumption of clean water significantly improves the mental activity of the brain and coordination of movement, and therefore, the importance of water for the life of brain cells is especially valuable. Therefore, a healthy person should not limit himself to drinking, but some rules should be followed:

  • drink little but often;
  • You should not drink a lot of water at once, as an excess of fluid in the blood will put unnecessary stress on the heart and kidneys.

So, the importance of water for living organisms is enormous. Therefore, creating conditions for maintaining one’s own water balance is necessary for every person.

Water, you have no taste, no color, no smell. It is impossible to describe you, they enjoy you without knowing what you are! It cannot be said that you are necessary for life: you are life itself. You are the greatest wealth in the world.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Water is the largest “food product” in terms of consumption in the human diet.

Water is a universal substance, without which life is impossible. Water is an indispensable component of all living things. Plants contain up to 90% water, and the adult body contains about 70%; This circumstance allowed the science fiction writer V. Savchenko to declare that a person “has much more reason to consider himself a liquid than, say, a forty percent solution of sodium hydroxide.”

Biologists sometimes joke that water “invented” man as a means of transportation. And this seems to be true, because the main component of our body is water. There is a wonderful metaphor from Dubois about this: “A living organism is animate water.”

After air, water is the second most important component necessary for human life. How important water is is evidenced by the fact that its content in various organs is 70 - 90%. With age, the amount of water in the body changes. A three-month fetus contains 90% water, a newborn 80%, an adult - 70%. Water is present in all tissues of our body, although it is distributed unevenly:

The brain contains - 75%
. Heart - 75%
. Lungs - 85%
. Liver - 86%
. Kidneys - 83%
. Muscles - 75%
. Blood - 83%.

Today, more than ever, it is very important for our body to receive clean water with a balanced mineral composition.
It carries waste from our body, delivers lubricant to our joints, stabilizes our temperature and is life basis cells.

Water is necessary to maintain all metabolic processes; it takes part in the absorption nutrients cells. Digestion becomes possible only when food becomes water-soluble. Crushed tiny particles of food acquire the ability to penetrate through the intestinal tissue into the blood and intracellular fluid. More than 85% of all metabolic processes in our body occur in aquatic environment Therefore, a lack of clean water inevitably leads to the formation of free radicals in the human blood, which leads to premature aging of the skin and, as a result, the formation of wrinkles.

Consumption of clean water ensures normal work internal organs. It keeps your body flexible, lubricates your joints and helps nutrients penetrate. Good body supply clean water helps fight overweight. This is expressed not only in reducing excessive appetite, but also in the fact that a sufficient amount of clean water helps to process already accumulated fat. These fat cells, with the help of a good water balance, become able to leave your body.

Water is a coolant and thermostat. It absorbs excess heat and removes it by evaporating through the skin and Airways. Water moisturizes the mucous membranes and the eyeball. In the heat and during physical exercise, intense evaporation of water from the surface of the body occurs. Consuming cool, clean water, which is absorbed into the blood from the stomach, ensures timely cooling of your body, protecting it from overheating. During training, for the normal functioning of the body, you need to drink in small portions, about 1 liter per hour.

Even if you don't bother too much exercise, it is still necessary to constantly replenish the water deficit. The atmosphere in modern buildings is often overheated and air-conditioned. This dries the air and dehydrates the body. The same thing happens when traveling by train, plane and car. Coffee, tea, alcohol - all these joys of life help remove water from the body. An adult can live without food for more than a month, and without water for several days. Dehydration of the body by 10% leads to physical and mental disability. Losing 20% ​​of water leads to death. During the day, from 3 to 6% of the water contained in the body is exchanged. Half of the water contained in the body is exchanged within 10 days.

The amount of water required to maintain hydration depends on age, physical activity, ambient temperature and humidity. The daily requirement of an adult is about 2.5 liters.

Clean drinking water also increases the body's defense against stress. It thins the blood, fights fatigue, helps the cardiovascular system, and fights stress. A healthy lifestyle is based on proper nutrition, activity and clean water consumption.

With this great importance water for humans, the water must be of appropriate quality, but if the water contains any harmful substances, then they will inevitably be distributed throughout the body.

Water is also responsible for human teeth. The incidence of caries depends on how much fluoride is contained in the water. Water fluoridation is believed to be effective in preventing tooth decay, especially in children. The fluoride content in drinking water is higher than sanitary standards (no more than 1.5 mg/l) harmful effects on human health. Fluorine is a biologically active microelement, the content of which in drinking water in order to avoid dental caries or fluorosis should be in the range of 0.7-1.5 mg/l.

According to sanitary standards, any water that flows from the tap must meet drinking water standards. However, how far these standards are from the quality of hot water. When hot water is supplied from the station, the temperature is 130 degrees. Naturally, not a single microbe can withstand such heat. However, on its way, along rusty and worn-out heating networks, the liquid is not only saturated with living and very harmful microorganisms, but also chemically hazardous substances. First of all, these are iron, lead, arsenic, chromium, and mercury. The main threat, primarily for the health of hair and skin, is active chlorine, which, when high temperatures forms an extremely toxic substance in water - dioxin. Accumulated in hot water microbes and trace elements are destructive to damaged areas of skin and hair. Skin and hair diseases largely become a serious problem due to the entry of pathogenic substances into the affected areas.

How much and when should you drink?

When consuming water, you must remember that not only insufficient drinking, but also excessive drinking is harmful. With a sharp limitation of the amount of fluid introduced into the body, the excretion of decay products in the urine decreases, thirst appears, well-being worsens, and the performance and intensity of digestive processes decrease. Excessive drinking, especially in large portions, also brings undoubted harm: sweating increases, “diluted” blood copes worse with the role of an oxygen carrier, and its increased volume creates additional stress on the heart, blood vessels, and kidneys.

The occurrence and quenching of thirst is associated with the water cycle in the body. Thirst appears when the water-salt balance shifts towards increasing salt concentration and activates the system of self-regulation of osmotic pressure, which determines permeability cell membranes, that is, the speed of movement of all substances dissolved in water through them. In the brain (in the area of ​​the hypothalamus, which is involved in regulating the functioning of the kidneys, lungs, and other organs and systems) there are nerve cells that are extremely sensitive to osmotic pressure, and when it increases, they cause the body to quench thirst. Often we feel the urge to drink not so much because there is not enough water in the body, but because of signals that the osmotic pressure may yet increase.

In cases where we have consumed a lot of salty and spicy food, quenching the resulting thirst leads to the restoration of the water-salt balance and osmotic pressure. It would seem that everything is in order. But there is too much fluid in the body, and then not only the organs that pump blood, but also the metabolism suffer from its excess.

By adjusting your drinking regime, you can achieve changes in the function of some organs. Thus, drinking water on an empty stomach, especially cold, carbonated water, as well as sweet juices, enhance intestinal motility and thereby have a laxative effect. Very hot drinks, on the contrary, should not be drunk on an empty stomach; they have an adverse effect on the gastric mucosa. Is it harmful to drink? cold water after a heavy fatty meal. Such food stays in the stomach longer, and if you drink a lot of water, it will become even more full and stretched, creating an unpleasant feeling of discomfort and distension. In addition, a full stomach reflexively increases intestinal motility, causing diarrhea. After fatty foods, it is better to drink a small amount of hot tea.

People struggling with obesity are not recommended to drink while eating, since food diluted with liquid becomes mushy, and in this form it leaves the stomach faster, and a feeling of hunger appears, forcing you to break the diet. Fat people It is better not to drink food, but to drink before meals or some time after meals.

You should not drink immediately after eating fruits or berries - this can cause severe bloating. It is recommended to drink only dry food: sandwiches, pies, crackers, dry cookies, that is, anything that is difficult to swallow dry.

The volume of liquid you drink, together with the water that comes with food, should average 2000-2400 ml per day. Excessive fluid consumption is undesirable and even harmful: it contributes to the leaching of nutrients from the body, including mineral salts and vitamins. In addition, drinking plenty of fluids creates unfavourable conditions for work of cardio-vascular system and digestive organs.

Please note that hot and warm drinks are absorbed and quench thirst faster than cold ones. If you often feel thirsty, for example in hot weather, it is better to drink some hot tea, green tea at that. You should not drink a lot of liquid at one time: you will not quench your thirst, but most of What you drink will be eliminated within two hours. In addition, massive fluid loads cause unpleasant subjective sensations. But a sharp restriction of water without special reasons is also not advisable. Regimes with increased or decreased fluid content are prescribed by a doctor for medical reasons.

Unfortunately, most people, as practice has shown, drink only one third required quantity liquids. And their ailments are in no way connected with a lack of water.
In fact, the first signs of dehydration are well known, but few people pay attention to them. If your skin begins to dry and peel, you feel tired, lethargy, headaches and dizziness, pain in the back and joints, decreased performance - all these are SOS signals that the body gives. The body does not have enough water.

Take a glass of this amazing substance and quench your thirst! And in the future, never forget about him. Remember, regular intake of clean water into the body in sufficient quantities will provide you with stamina and vitality, relieve you from ailments, and, according to experts, from many serious diseases.

Some tips on how to avoid dehydration at home:

Drink more water the night before a trip where you won't be able to drink water regularly;
. when on an airplane, where the air is as dry as in the desert, drink water at the rate of 1 glass per hour of flight;
. Before going outside in hot weather, drink 1 or 2 glasses of water. Do not get carried away with drinking directly in the heat, as this can cause increased sweating and, as a result, dehydration of the body;
. As strange as it may seem, you need to drink more water in cold weather. In cold weather, the body spends more energy and a lot of water is lost when breathing;
. drink more water when your body temperature is elevated;
. Pregnant and nursing mothers need more water;
. Consuming caffeine and alcohol leads to dehydration. For every cup of coffee or serving of alcohol you drink, you should drink an additional glass of water;
. Smoking also contributes to dehydration. If you smoke, drink more water.

Information obtained from " "" akva-vita.ru", " " water.ru/bz"

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