The following specially protected areas exist. Specially protected natural areas

The coming 2017 is the Year of Specially Protected Natural Areas. The corresponding Decree was signed on August 1, 2016 by the President. Specially protected natural areas and objects are a national property. They are represented in the form of areas, the surface of the water and the air space above them. Within their boundaries there are complexes that have cultural, scientific, recreational, aesthetic, and health value. The Federal Law “On Specially Protected Natural Areas” in force in the country contains a list and characteristics of them, and establishes rules for their use.


IN specially protected natural areas of Russia included:

  1. Reserved forest areas.
  2. Wildlife sanctuaries.
  3. Reserves.
  4. National parks.
  5. Resort and health areas.
  6. Botanical gardens.
  7. Dendrological parks.

Regulatory regional or municipal acts may provide for other types of specially protected natural areas.


Basics the importance of specially protected natural areas- preservation of valuable botanical, geological, hydrological, landscape, zoological complexes. According to international organizations, at the end of the 90s. last century, there were about 10 thousand large valuable sites all over the world. The total number of national parks was about 2 thousand, and biosphere reserves - 350. The importance of specially protected natural areas determined by their uniqueness. They are of great value for educational tourism. This allows us to consider them as recreational resources, the exploitation of which must be strictly regulated.


Each specially protected natural area is assigned its own functions. Within its boundaries, specific rules of stay are provided, as well as the procedure for using resources. In the hierarchical structure, each specially protected natural area has the ability to prevent destruction and serious changes to the complex or its individual components. To protect them from negative anthropogenic factors, zones or districts can be formed in adjacent areas. They have a special regime of specially protected natural areas.


They act as research, environmental, environmental and educational institutions. Their goal is to preserve and study the natural course of processes and phenomena, unique and typical ecosystems, and the gene pool of the plant world. Reserves are considered the most common and typical specially protected natural areas. Animals, plants, ecosystems, and subsoil located in them are completely withdrawn from circulation and economic use.


The property of the reserves belongs to the category of federal property. Plants, animals, subsoil, water are provided to the possession of institutions with special rights. Structures, historical, cultural and other elements are transferred to reserves in operational management. "does not allow the seizure or other termination of rights to areas and other resources located within their boundaries. The regulations determining the status of a particular reserve are approved by the Government.

Acceptable events

They are provided for Law "On Specially Protected Natural Areas"". Within the reserve, activities and events aimed at:

  1. Ensuring conservation in natural state complexes, restoration and prevention of changes in them and their elements under the influence anthropogenic factors.
  2. Maintaining sanitary and fire safety conditions.
  3. Prevention of factors that can cause disasters that threaten the lives of the population and the area where they live.
  4. Carrying out environmental monitoring.
  5. Implementation of research tasks.
  6. Execution of control and supervisory functions.

Protection of specially protected natural areas carried out in accordance with the Regulations. Any activity that is not consistent with the objectives of the reserve or that is contrary to established rules. The introduction (relocation) of living organisms for acclimatization is not allowed.


The specially protected natural area of ​​the reserve, unlike the national park, has fairly limited recreational use. Mainly, it serves for educational purposes. This situation is reflected in functional zoning reserves. In particular, 4 territories are distinguished within their borders:

  1. Reserve regime. In them, representatives of flora and fauna develop without human intervention.
  2. Scientific monitoring. In this zone, researchers monitor the development and condition of natural objects.
  3. Environmental education. As a rule, a museum is located in this area. Regulated paths are laid here, along which tourist groups are led to get acquainted with the features of the complex.
  4. Economic and administrative zone.

National Park

This specially protected natural area has historical, cultural, environmental and aesthetic value. The national park is used for educational, scientific purposes, as well as for regulated tourism. Objects located within the territory are transferred for use in accordance with current standards. Historical and cultural complexes under state protection are transferred to national parks in agreement with the authorized bodies.


Within some areas of the national park there may be areas of third-party users and owners. The administration of protected areas has the exclusive right to acquire lands at the expense of federal funds or other sources that are not prohibited regulations. National parks are state property. Structures, buildings, historical, cultural and other complexes are transferred to the administration for operational management. A specific park operates in accordance with the Regulations. It is approved by the body responsible for the territory, in agreement with the authorized structure operating in the field of nature conservation.

National Park Objectives

Along with environmental activities, conditions for regulated recreation and tourism are created on the territory. Within the national park, special zones are established:

Wildlife sanctuaries

These specially protected natural areas of Russia are presented in large quantities. Wildlife sanctuaries operate in almost all regions of the country. The assignment of a territory to this category is carried out with or without the seizure of plots from users, owners, owners. Wildlife sanctuaries may fall under federal or regional jurisdiction. These territories have special meaning to restore or preserve natural complexes or their components, as well as to ensure ecological balance. Wildlife sanctuaries may have different purposes. Landscape ones are intended for the restoration and preservation of complexes, biological ones - for endangered and rare representatives of fauna and flora, paleontological ones - for fossil objects, hydrological ones - for aquatic ecosystems, geological ones - for elements of the inanimate environment.

Botanical gardens and dendrological parks

These environmental institutions perform various functions. These include, in particular, the creation of collections of plant species to enrich the flora and preserve its diversity. In botanical gardens and dendrological parks, educational, scientific and educational activities. The territories in which these institutions are located are intended for the implementation of their direct tasks. The sites are transferred for permanent use to parks, educational or research organizations under their jurisdiction. These institutions introduce plants into the natural environment and study their ecology in stationary conditions. Parks and gardens are developing the scientific basis for ornamental horticulture, landscaping, landscape architecture, breeding techniques and methods, and so on. These institutions may be under federal or regional jurisdiction. Their creation is the responsibility of the executive authorities.

Natural monuments

These complexes are considered the most widespread in the country. Natural monuments are irreplaceable, unique, scientifically, ecologically, aesthetically and culturally valuable objects. They can be of artificial or natural origin. Areas of water and land, as well as single elements, can be declared natural monuments. The latter include, among others:

  1. Scenic areas.
  2. Reference areas of untouched nature.
  3. Areas where the cultural landscape predominates. For example, they are alleys, ancient parks, ancient mines, canals, etc.
  4. Habitats and habitats of relict, valuable, rare, scarce and endangered animals and plants.
  5. Forest areas and their individual areas that are valuable due to their characteristics. For example, plants with a unique species composition, genetic qualities, productivity, etc. can grow on them.
  6. Examples of achievements in forestry practice and science.
  7. Complexes that play an important role in maintaining the hydrological regime.
  8. Unique relief forms, landscapes associated with them. These include, for example, mountains, gorges, groups of rocks and caves, canyons, moraine-boulder ridges, glacial cirques, barchans and dunes, hydrolaccoliths, giant ice dams, etc.
  9. Geological outcrops with unique properties and having scientific value. These include, in particular, stratotypes, reference sections, outcrops of rare rocks, fossils, and minerals.
  10. Geological and geographical polygons, classic areas where there are especially expressive traces of seismic phenomena, exposures of folded and faulty rocks.
  11. Areas containing particularly valuable or rare paleontological objects.
  12. Hydromineral natural complexes, mineral and thermal springs, mud deposits.
  13. Areas of lakes, rivers, wetland complexes, marine areas, ponds, small river streams with floodplains.
  14. Coastal facilities. These include spits, islands and peninsulas, isthmuses, bays, lagoons.
  15. Separate objects of inanimate and living nature. This category includes nesting places of birds, plants with bizarre shapes, long-lived trees, as well as those with historical and memorial value, etc.

Natural monuments may have regional, federal or local significance depending on their environmental, cultural, aesthetic and other value.

  • Kotelnichsky district
  • Geographical information
  • Sovetsky district
  • Geographical information
  • Sunsky district
  • Geographical information
  • Belokholunitsky district
  • Geographical information
  • G. Kirov
  • Geographical information
  • Kirovo-Chepetsky district
  • Geographical information
  • Kumensky district
  • Geographical information
  • Slobodskoy district
  • Geographical information
  • 4? Medical and health tourism in the Kirov region.
  • The largest sanatoriums in the Kirov region
  • The most comfortable sanatoriums in the Kirov region: Avtiek, Raduga, Sosnovy Bor, Molot, Perekop, Metallurg.
  • 5? Development of cultural and educational tourism in the Kirov region
  • Additional art education in the field of culture is provided by 84 children's art schools, children's music and art schools with a total number of students of about 14,000 people.
  • Cultural heritage
  • Inbound tourism technologies
  • The mechanism for forming the potential of inbound tourism of the territory. Multiplier impact of inbound tourism
  • 2. Incoming as a type of commercial activity in the tourism market
  • 3. Analysis of proposed entry tours
  • 4. Features of promoting inbound tours
  • 1. Selection and study of foreign tourist markets (market territories).
  • 5. Analysis of socio-economic conditions for the development of inbound tourism in Russia
  • Outbound tourism technologies
  • 1. International tourism organizations.
  • 2. Tour operator as a key element of the outbound tourism market.
  • 3. Cooperation between tour operators and foreign partners
  • 4. Cooperation between tour operators and airlines. Regular and charter
  • 5. Promotion of away tours. Using Marketing Strategies
  • 1.1. Situational analysis.
  • 1.2. Planning of enterprise goals.
  • 1.4. Selection and evaluation of strategy.
  • 1.5. Development of a marketing program.
  • Division of functions between office management departments and performers
  • Marketing in socio-cultural services and tourism.
  • 1? Concepts of marketing activities in tourism
  • 2? Rules and procedures for marketing research of the tourism market
  • 3? Primary marketing information collection system
  • 4? Targeted marketing.
  • 5? Strategic diagnostics of the activities of a travel company Swot (swot)-analysis (strengths and weaknesses)
  • Organization of accommodation facilities
  • 1. Accommodation services: features and structure. Quality of services accommodation facility.
  • 2. General and specific in the system of classification of hotels and other accommodation facilities in the Russian Federation and the European classification of accommodation facilities (WTO and euhs)
  • 4. Number of rooms in accommodation facilities. Classification of rooms in accommodation facilities.
  • 5. Organizational structure of accommodation facilities.
  • Legal support of socio-cultural services and tourism.
  • Professional ethics and etiquette
  • The main aspects of the communication process and their characteristics
  • Communication as the exchange of information (communicative side of communication)
  • Basis for classification of business correspondence
  • Frederick Herzberg's theory of motivation
  • Service activities.
  • 3. Trends in the development of the service sector in the Russian Federation.
  • Standardization and certification of socio-cultural and tourism services.
  • 1. Concept, meaning and main stages of development of standardization and certification. Regulatory and legal foundations of technical regulation in the Russian Federation.
  • Federal Law of December 27, 2002 4-FZ on technical regulation" as amended May 9, 2005, May 1, 2007.)
  • 2. Standardization in the tourism and hospitality industry of the Russian Federation. Classification systems in tourism.
  • 3. System of voluntary certification of services in the field of tourism and hospitality
  • 5. Service quality management. Certification of quality systems.
  • Regional studies.
  • 1. National composition of the population
  • 2. Sino-Tibetan family
  • 4. Ural family
  • 5. North Caucasian family:
  • Religious composition of the planet's population
  • 1. Ancient stage (before the 5th century AD).
  • 2.Medieval stage (V – XV-XVI centuries).
  • 3. New period (turn of the XV-XVI centuries - 1914).
  • 4. The newest stage (from 1914 to the second half of the 90s of the XX century).
  • 3. Types of countries in the world by level of socio-economic development.
  • 4.Typology of countries by quantitative indicators
  • 5. Population of the world territory
  • Changes in population density in Europe and in regions of Russia when moving from west to east.
  • 1? Planning as an information process. (diagram in notebook, first lecture)
  • Planning horizon - The period for which plans and forecasts are developed.
  • 2? The essence and content of state regulation of the tourism sector
  • 3? Concepts in territorial management
  • 4? Classification of forecasting methods
  • Characteristics of the types of transport involved in servicing tours
  • 2. Features of railway transport services for tourists
  • 4. Interaction between tour operators and airlines
  • 5. Serving tourists on river and sea cruise ships.
  • 2. Family Staterooms with Ocean View
  • 3. Ocean view cabins
  • 4. Interior cabins
  • 5. Cabins with a view of the boardwalk (for Voyager class ships)
  • Nature tourism
  • 1. Essence, features, classification and significance of tourism in the natural environment
  • 2. Types and forms of tourism activities in the natural environment
  • 3. Methodology for organizing and preparing tourism events in the natural environment (TMPS)
  • 4. Organization of tourist life in the natural environment
  • 5. Ensuring the security of traffic control systems. Actions in emergency and extreme situations
  • Tourist formalities.
  • 1. Passport formalities
  • 2. Visa formalities.
  • 3. Sanitary and epidemiological control
  • 4. Tourist formalities for incoming foreign tourism to the Russian Federation.
  • 5. Insurance of tourists and tourist organizations.
  • 1. Insurance in tourism: concept, types and legal regulation
  • Tourist resources
  • 1. Classification of tour. Resources (proposed by Polish economist Troissy, 1963)
  • 3.By the nature of use of the tour. Resources:
  • 2.Natural tourism resources
  • 3.Specially protected natural areas (specially protected areas)
  • 5.Natural and cultural heritage in tourism
  • 3. Basic methods for assessing the economic efficiency of real investments.
  • 4.Tourist demand.
  • 3.Specially protected natural areas (specially protected areas)

    Protected areas and tourism. State nature reserves. National and natural parks. State nature reserves. Natural monuments. Dendrological parks and botanical gardens. Medical and recreational areas and resorts. Ecological tourism.

    Specially protected natural areas (SPNA) are objects of national heritage and are areas of land, water surface and air space above them where natural complexes and objects that have special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and health value, which are withdrawn by decisions of state authorities in whole or in part from economic use and for which a special protection regime has been established.

    To specially protected natural areas (SPNA) include: nature reserves, natural monuments, protected forest areas, national parks, nature reserves. The main purpose of these territories is the protection of valuable natural objects: botanical, zoological, hydrological, geological, complex, landscape.

    According to estimates from leading international organizations, at the end of the 90s there were about 10 thousand large protected natural areas of all types in the world. The total number of national parks was close to 2000, and biosphere reserves - to 350.

    Specially protected natural areas are important in the natural recreational potential of Russia. Taking into account the peculiarities of the regime and status of the environmental institutions located on them, the following categories of these territories are usually distinguished:

    § state natural reserves, including biosphere reserves;

    § National parks;

    § natural parks;

    § state nature reserves;

    § natural monuments;

    § dendrological parks and botanical gardens;

    § medical and recreational areas and resorts.

    Protected areas may have federal, regional or local significance . Protected areas of federal significance are federal property and are under the jurisdiction of federal government bodies. PAs of regional importance are the property of the subjects Russian Federation and are under the jurisdiction of government bodies of the constituent entities of the Federation. PAs of local importance are the property of municipalities and are under the jurisdiction of the authorities local government.

    State nature reserves are environmental, research and environmental educational institutions aimed at preserving and studying the natural course of natural processes and phenomena, the genetic fund of flora and fauna, individual species and communities of plants and animals, typical and unique ecological systems.

    These reserves are the most traditional and strict form of territorial nature protection in Russia, which has priority importance for the conservation of biological diversity.

    On the territory of the reserves, specially protected natural complexes and objects (land, water, subsoil, plant and animal world), having environmental, scientific, environmental and educational significance as examples of the natural environment, typical or rare landscapes, places for preserving the genetic fund of flora and fauna.

    Reserves– environmental institutions, the territory or water area of ​​which includes natural complexes and objects of unique environmental value, intended for use for environmental, scientific and educational purposes.

    Unlike national parks, nature reserves have very limited recreational use, mostly educational only. This is reflected in the functional zoning of the reserves. In particular, there are 4 main zones:

    · a protected area in which flora and fauna develop without human intervention;

    · scientific monitoring zone, in which the reserve's scientists monitor the condition and development of protected natural objects;

    · an environmental education zone, where the nature museum of the reserve is usually located and strictly regulated trails are laid along which groups of tourists are led to get acquainted with natural features complex;

    · economic and administrative zone.

    National parks are environmental, environmental, educational and research institutions, the territories (water areas) of which include natural complexes and objects of special ecological, historical and aesthetic value, and which are intended for use for environmental, educational, scientific and cultural purposes and regulated tourism.

    Abroad, national parks are the most popular type of protected areas. In particular, in the USA, the history of the creation of some parks goes back more than a hundred years.

    The task of national parks, along with their environmental function, is to create conditions for regulated tourism and recreation in natural conditions.

    Consequently, in the most conventional version, 4 functional zones are distinguished on the territory of any national park:

    · a protected zone, within which all recreational and economic activity;

    · zone of reserved regime – preservation of natural objects with strictly regulated recreational use;

    · educational tourism zone – organization of environmental education and familiarization with the sights of the park;

    · zone of recreational use, including areas for recreation, sports and amateur hunting and fishing.

    Natural parks of regional significance - relatively new category Protected natural areas of Russia. They are environmental recreational institutions under the jurisdiction of the constituent entities of the Federation, the territories (water areas) of which include natural complexes and objects of significant environmental and aesthetic value, and intended for use for environmental, educational and recreational purposes. Parks are located on lands granted to them for indefinite (permanent) use, and in some cases - on lands of other users, as well as owners.

    One of the most “massive” categories of specially protected natural areas are state natural reserves, which exist in almost all regions of the Russian Federation. Declaring a territory as a state nature reserve is permitted both with and without withdrawal from users, owners and possessors of land plots.

    State nature reserves are territories (water areas) that are of particular importance for the preservation or restoration of natural complexes or their components and maintaining the ecological balance.

    State nature reserves can be of federal or regional significance and have a different profile. Landscape reserves are designed to preserve and restore natural complexes (natural landscapes); biological (botanical and zoological) – conservation and restoration of rare and endangered species of plants and animals (including economically, scientifically and culturally valuable species); paleontological – preservation of fossil objects; hydrological (marsh, lake, river, sea) – conservation and restoration of valuable water bodies and ecological systems; geological – preservation of valuable objects and complexes of inanimate nature.

    Natural monuments – unique, irreplaceable, ecologically, scientifically, culturally and aesthetically valuable natural complexes, as well as objects of natural and artificial origin.

    Areas of land and water, as well as isolated areas, can be declared natural monuments. natural objects.

    Natural monuments may have federal, regional or local significance, depending on the environmental, aesthetic and other value of the protected natural complexes and objects.

    Russian legislation identifies another category of protected natural areas – dendrological parks and botanical gardens. These are predominantly urban and suburban facilities created for educational, scientific and only partially recreational purposes.

    Botanical gardens and dendrological parks carry out the introduction of plants of natural flora, study their ecology and biology under stationary conditions, develop the scientific foundations of ornamental gardening, landscape architecture, landscaping, introduce wild plants into cultivation, protect introduced plants from pests and diseases, and also develop methods and techniques for selection and agricultural technology for the creation of sustainable decorative displays, the principles of organizing artificial phytocenoses and the use of introduced plants to optimize the technogenic environment.

    Dendrological parks and botanical gardens can be of federal or regional significance and are formed accordingly by decisions of the executive bodies of state power of the Russian Federation or representative and executive bodies of state power of the relevant subjects of the Federation.

    You can become familiar with the types and forms of recreational use of specially protected natural areas in detail by studying the textbook excerpts from articles covering this issue presented below.

    HEALTH AND HEALTH AREAS- specially protected natural sites, which, in accordance with the Federal Law “On Specially Protected Natural Territories” dated March 14, 1995, may include territories (water areas) suitable for organizing the treatment and prevention of diseases, as well as recreation for the population and possessing natural healing resources (mineral waters, healing mud, brine of estuaries and lakes, healing climate, beaches, parts of water areas and inland seas, other natural objects and conditions). RESORT - a specially protected natural area developed and used for therapeutic and preventive purposes, which has natural healing resources and the buildings and structures necessary for their operation, including infrastructure facilities (Federal Law “On natural healing resources, medical and recreational areas and resorts” dated February 23, 1995 .).

    There are different types of communities of local significance (under the jurisdiction of local government bodies), communities of regional significance (under the jurisdiction of the state authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation), and communities of federal significance (under the jurisdiction of federal government bodies).

    Types of institutions: sanatoriums, holiday homes, boarding houses, resort clinics, resort. hotels, treatment hotels.

    Main types of resorts:

      Balneotherapeutic (min. water)

      Mud (therapeutic mud)

      Climatic (forest, seaside, mountain, climate-kumyso - medicinal)

    !!!See the table with resorts in your tour notebook. resources in seminars!!!

    Ecological tourism(especially in the form of biosphere ecotourism) is the most environmentally friendly type of environmental management. Within its framework, knowledge can follow either the educational process or simply familiarization. The difference between the first type of knowledge and the second is that the educational process is associated with the targeted and thematic acquisition of information about the elements of the ecosystem, and the educational process is associated with non-professional observation of nature. Familiarization can take place in passive (stationary presence in the natural environment), active (associated with the tourist’s transitions from one natural object of interest to another) and sports (overcoming natural obstacles when passing routes) forms.

    Therefore, it is necessary to define ecotourism as an activity based on the following principles:

    Ø Journey into nature, and the main content of such trips is acquaintance with living nature, as well as with local customs and culture.

    Ø Minimizing negative consequences of an environmental and socio-cultural nature, maintaining environmental sustainability of the environment.

    Ø Promoting the protection of nature and the local socio-cultural environment.

    Ø Environmental education and enlightenment.

    Ø Participation local residents and their receipt of income from tourism activities, which creates economic incentives for them to protect nature.

    Ø Cost-effectiveness and contribution to sustainable development visited regions.

    These signs are indicated as fundamental for ecotourism by recognized authorities in this field - N.V. Moraleva and E.Yu. Ledovskikh, participants of the Dersu Uzala Ecotourism Development Fund.

    4.Cultural and historical tourist resources.

    Concept, essence. Material and spiritual cultural and historical objects.

      material- all means of production and material assets of society (historical and cultural monuments, enterprises of all sectors of the national economy) that can satisfy the cognitive needs of people;

      spiritual- achievements of society in state and public life, science, culture, art.

    In complex recreational resources A special place is occupied by cultural and historical resources that represent the legacy of past eras of social development. They serve as a prerequisite for organizing cultural and educational types of recreational activities; on this basis, they optimize recreational activities as a whole, performing quite serious educational functions. The spaces formed by cultural and historical objects to a certain extent determine the localization of recreational flows and the directions of excursion routes.

    Among the cultural and historical sites The leading role belongs to historical and cultural monuments, which are the most attractive and, on this basis, serve as the main means of satisfying the needs of educational and cultural recreation. Depending on their main features, historical and cultural monuments are divided into 5 main types: history, archaeology, urban planning and architecture, art, and documentary monuments.

    HISTORICAL MONUMENTS. These may include buildings, structures, memorable places and objects associated with the most important historical events in the life of the people, as well as with the development of science and technology, culture and life of peoples, with the life of outstanding people of the state.

    ARCHEOLOGICAL MONUMENTS. These are fortifications, mounds, remains of ancient settlements, fortifications, industries, canals, roads, ancient burial places, stone sculptures, rock carvings, ancient objects, areas of the historical cultural layer of ancient settlements.

    MONUMENTS OF URBAN PLANNING AND ARCHITECTURE. The following objects are most characteristic of them: architectural ensembles and complexes, historical centers, neighborhoods, squares, streets, remains of ancient planning and development of cities and other settlements, buildings of civil, industrial, military, religious architecture, folk architecture, as well as related ones works of monumental, fine, decorative and applied art, landscape art, suburban landscapes.

    ART MONUMENTS. These include works of monumental, fine, decorative and applied art and other types of art.

    DOCUMENTARY MONUMENTS. These are acts of government and administrative bodies, other written and graphic documents, film, photo and sound recordings, as well as ancient and other manuscripts and archives, recordings of folklore and music, and rare printed publications.

    To cultural and historical The prerequisites of the recreational industry include other objects related to history, culture and modern human activity: original enterprises of industry, agriculture, transport, theaters, scientific and educational institutions, sports facilities, botanical gardens, zoos, ethnographic and folklore attractions, handicrafts , folk customs, holiday rituals, etc.

    All objects used in educational and cultural recreation are divided into 2 groups - movable and immovable.

      The first group consists of monuments of art, archaeological finds, mineralogical, botanical and zoological collections, documentary monuments and other things, objects and documents that can be easily moved.

      The consumption of recreational resources by this group is associated with visits to museums, libraries and archives, where they are usually concentrated.

    The second group includes monuments of history, urban planning and architecture, archeology and monumental art and other structures, including those monuments of art that form an integral part of architecture. From the standpoint of cognitive and cultural recreation, it is important that the objects of this group are independent single or group formations. The next, more important stage in the assessment of cultural and historical objects is their

    typology according to recreational significance.

    The basis of the typology is the informational essence of cultural and historical objects: uniqueness, typicality among objects of a given type, cognitive and educational significance, attractiveness (external attractiveness). Information content

    cultural and historical sites for recreational purposes can be measured by the amount of necessary and sufficient time for their inspection. To determine the time of inspection of an object, it is necessary to classify the object on a basis that would reflect the duration of the inspection.

      You can choose 2 classification criteria:

      degree of organization of the object for display

    the location of the tourists in relation to the object of inspection.

    According to the degree of organization, objects are divided into specially organized and unorganized for display.

    According to the location of the tourists, the objects are divided into

      interior (internal inspection of the facility)

      exterior ( visual inspection object). Total time inspection of exterior objects is always longer than inspection of interior objects (perhaps with the exception of museums and some other repositories of historical values).


    Monuments of religious architecture. Monuments of religious architecture are the most ancient that have survived to our time. These are churches and monasteries of various denominations (religions): Orthodox churches, Catholic cathedrals, Lutheran churches, Jewish synagogues, Buddhist pagodas, Muslim mosques.

    Now, during the period of revival of religiosity, pilgrimages are becoming very relevant. Travel to religious complexes can be carried out by different groups for different purposes. There are several forms of such travel.

    Monuments of secular architecture. Monuments of secular architecture include urban development - civil and industrial, as well as country palace and park ensembles. Of the most ancient buildings, the kremlins and boyars' chambers have survived to this day. Urban architecture is usually represented by palace buildings, administrative buildings (public places, shopping arcades, noble and merchant meetings, houses of governors), buildings of theaters, libraries, universities and hospitals, which were often built with funds from patrons of the arts according to the designs of famous architects. Since the formation of the Yamsk road race for royalty, postal stations and travel palaces have been revived, which are now part of the city limits or stand along old roads. Industrial architecture includes factory buildings, mines, quarries and other structures. Country architecture is represented by estates and palace and park ensembles, such as, for example, Petrodvorets and Pavlovsk in the vicinity of St. Petersburg, Arkhangelskoye and others in the Moscow region.

    Archaeological sites. Archaeological sites include villages, burial mounds, rock paintings, earthworks, ancient quarries, mines, as well as the remains of ancient civilizations and excavations from the earliest periods. Archaeological sites are of interest to specialists - historians and archaeologists. Tourists are mainly attracted by rock paintings, inspection of exposed archaeological layers, as well as archaeological exhibitions.

    Ethnographic monuments. The ethnographic heritage involved in tourist routes is represented by two types. These are either museum exhibitions in local history museums, museums of folk life and wooden architecture, or existing settlements that have preserved the features of traditional forms of management, cultural life and rituals inherent in the area.

    Ethnographic monuments classified as cultural heritage according to the following criteria: uniqueness and originality of ethnocultural and sociocultural conditions; compact residence of small peoples and old-timers, where traditional ways of life, customs and forms of environmental management are most fully preserved.


    Historical and cultural potential is the basis of educational tourism. It is represented by various types of historical monuments, memorial sites, folk crafts, museums, that is, combinations of objects of material and spiritual culture.

    Cultural heritage is the legacy of the historical development of civilization that has accumulated in a given territory.

    Each era leaves its mark, which is discovered in cultural layers during archaeological excavations. Almost every area can be of interest for educational tourism. But places where people lived for a long time keep more traces of material culture.

    In historical and cultural potential includes the entire sociocultural environment with traditions and customs, features of everyday and economic activities. Tourists, visiting a particular country, perceive cultural complexes as a whole.

    The assessment of cultural complexes for recreational purposes is carried out using two main methods:

    1) ranking cultural complexes according to their place in world and domestic culture. It is carried out by expert means: objects of global, federal, regional and local significance are established;

    2) necessary and sufficient time for inspection. This method allows you to compare different territories according to the prospects of their historical and cultural potential for tourism.

    For cultural complexes, as well as for natural ones, important characteristics are reliability and capacity.

    The reliability of cultural complexes is determined by two factors: resistance to recreational loads and the stability of its compliance with the value criteria formed by the population.

    The first factor determines how much tourist flow a given cultural complex can withstand. This is especially important for museums, where it is necessary to maintain a certain temperature and humidity regime to preserve exhibits. An urgent issue is the use of modern technical means to increase the resistance of cultural complexes to recreational loads and the regulation of the flow of tourists.

    The second factor is related to the long-term interest of tourists in a given cultural site. Their interest in world heritage sites remains stable (Egyptian pyramids, ancient architecture of Athens, architectural and historical-cultural monuments of Paris, St. Petersburg, etc.).

    The capacity of a cultural complex is determined by the duration of the period during which tourists can perceive the information contained in it, and depends on two factors: the attractiveness of the object of inspection and the psychophysiological capabilities of a person, which are distinguished by significant individuality and have a certain limit.

    Nature, both living and inanimate, is a huge value on our planet. We are in excellent living conditions. If you look at the planets closest to us, the large difference in appearance between the Earth and the other planets is impressive. A huge volume of clean fresh and salt water of the oceans, a life-giving atmosphere, fertile soils. The richness of the plant world that surrounds almost our entire planet, as well as the animal diversity, is surprising: it is impossible to study all types of living beings in a person’s lifetime.

    However, it is precisely such diversity and such environmental conditions that are necessary for the harmonious state of the entire planet, for the balance of substances on it.

    Harmony of nature

    People, through their activities, transform nature more than any other type of organism. Moreover, other organisms have so merged with the natural environment that they even help maintain the original balance on the planet. For example, a lion hunting an antelope is likely to catch the weakest individual, thereby maintaining the survival of the herbivore population. An earthworm, making numerous holes in the soil, does not spoil the fertile surface layer. It loosens the soil so that the air can better reach the roots of the plants.

    Economic activity of Homo sapiens

    A person has developed brain. The development of human economic activity is proceeding at a faster pace than the evolutionary processes of nature. She does not have time to adapt to the changes caused by people.

    Many years ago, the population of Australia overgrazed livestock on the small continent. According to this hypothesis, numerous deserts of the continent were formed precisely because of human activity.

    Since ancient times, trees have been intensively cut down for the construction of houses. Nowadays, forests are shrinking just as quickly: we still use wood for various purposes.

    The planet's population is huge and, according to scientists, will grow at an even faster rate. If people populate or use the entire area of ​​the planet for farming, then nature, of course, will not withstand such a load.

    History of protected natural areas

    Already in ancient times, people kept untouched certain areas of the territory in which they lived. People's faith in gods made them tremble before sacred places. There was no need to even protect such areas; the people themselves treated these sacred territories with care, believing in something mysterious.

    In the era of feudalism, the lands of the nobility came first in terms of inviolability. The possessions were guarded. In such territories, hunting was prohibited, or even simply visiting other people's forests or other biotope was prohibited.

    In the nineteenth century, the Industrial Revolution made people think seriously about preserving natural resources for future generations. Protected areas are being created in Europe. The first of the specially protected natural areas were natural monuments. Ancient beech forests and some attractions, such as unusual geological objects, were preserved.

    In Russia, the first protected areas were organized at the end of the 19th century. They were not yet state owned.

    What is a protected area

    These are areas of land or water where human economic activity is partially or completely prohibited. How does the abbreviation stand for? As "specially protected natural areas".

    Types of protected areas according to IUCN

    Nowadays there are about 105,000 specially protected natural areas on the planet. For such a number of objects, classification is necessary. The International Union for Conservation of Nature has identified the following types of protected areas:

    1. Strict nature reserve. The security of such a territory is especially strict; all economic activities are prohibited. Visit only with a document permitting you to be on the site. The nature of this territory is the most holistic.
    2. National Park. It is divided into areas with strict security and areas where tourist routes are laid.
    3. Natural monument. An unusual, well-known natural site is being protected.
    4. Managed nature reserve. The state takes care of the conservation of species of living organisms and biotopes for their habitat. A person introduces activities to help in fairly rapid reproduction and maintenance of offspring.
    5. Protected marine and territorial landscapes. Recreational facilities are preserved.
    6. Protected areas with monitoring of resource consumption. It is possible to use natural resources if the activity does not cause major changes to the site.

    Types of protected areas according to the law of the Russian Federation

    In the Russian Federation a simpler classification is used. Types of protected areas in Russia:

    1. State nature reserve. The strictest security regime is maintained. Visit only for the purpose of conservation work or education in the area.
    2. National Park. It is divided into ecological zones based on the possibility of using natural resources. Ecotourism has been developed in some areas. There are work areas for national park staff. There may be areas for recreation for the population, as well as for overnight stays for visitors passing the tourist route.
    3. Natural Park. It is created to preserve ecosystems in conditions of mass recreation of the population. New methods of nature conservation are being developed.
    4. State nature reserve. Natural resources are not only preserved, but also restored. The reserve is actively working to restore the former natural wealth of the area. Ecotourism possible.
    5. Natural monument. Significant natural or man-made natural complex. Unique education.
    6. Dendrological parks and botanical gardens. Collections of plant species are created in the territories in order to preserve the species diversity of the planet and replenish lost species of land.

    Wrangel Island

    The UNESCO World Heritage Sites include 8 sites located on the territory of the Russian Federation. One of these protected areas is the Wrangel Island Nature Reserve.

    The protected area is located in Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. This is the northernmost of all protected natural areas in Russia. The protected area consists of two islands (Wrangel and Herald) and the adjacent water area. The area of ​​protected areas is more than two million hectares.

    The reserve was organized in 1976 to preserve typical and unique flora and fauna. Nature, due to the location of the islands far from the mainland and due to the harsh climate, is preserved almost untouched. Scientists come to the site to study local ecosystems. Thanks to the creation of the reserve, such rare animals as polar bear, walrus Great amount endemic species live in this area.

    The islands are home to local people. It has the right to use Natural resources, but to a strictly limited extent.

    Lake Baikal

    The most valuable lake in the world is also a World Natural Heritage Site. The PA data system is the largest reservoir of clean fresh water.

    Huge number endemic species surprises scientists. More than half of the animals and plants growing here are found only on Lake Baikal. There are about a thousand endemic species in total. Of these, 27 species of fish. The Baikal omul and golomyanka are well known. All nematodes living in the lake are endemic. The water in Baikal is purified by the crustacean epishura, which also lives only in this lake.

    It makes up 80% of the biomass of plankton of animal origin.

    Baikal was included in the World Natural Heritage List in 1996. The Baikal Nature Reserve itself was founded in 1969.

    The UNESCO World Heritage Site “Lake Baikal” consists of 8 protected areas located directly next to the famous lake. Many scientists are confident that Baikal is expanding every year, increasing its water area due to the drift of lithospheric plates.

    Kronotsky Reserve

    Another example of a protected area is the Kronotsky State Natural Biosphere Reserve. It is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Volcanoes of Kamchatka.

    Moreover, this protected area is a biosphere reserve. UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere Program identifies protected areas around the world that are almost untouched by human activity. The state is obliged to preserve a self-regulating natural system if the object is located on its territory.

    The Kronotsky Nature Reserve is one of the earliest in Russia. In 1882, the Sable Nature Reserve was located on this territory. Kronotsky State Reserve was created in 1934. In addition to the territory with numerous volcanoes, hot springs and geysers, the Kronotsky Nature Reserve includes a significant area of ​​water.

    Currently, tourism is actively developing in the Kronotsky Nature Reserve. Visiting him was not allowed at all times.

    Kedrovaya Pad Nature Reserve

    Another example of a protected area in Russia is the Kedrovaya Pad Nature Reserve. This is the first nature reserve in the Far East. He is also one of the oldest in Russia. The Far Eastern leopard lives here, a rare subspecies of leopards whose numbers have declined in the past. Now it is in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, has the status of “endangered”.

    The reserve itself was created for the conservation and research of liana coniferous-deciduous forests. The massifs are not disturbed by anthropogenic influence. There are many endemic species here.

    Losiny Ostrov National Park

    One of the very first in Russia. Founded in 1983 on the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region.

    Includes 5 zones: reserved (access is closed), specially protected (visit with permission), protection of historical and cultural monuments (visits are allowed), recreational (occupies more than half the area, free visit) and economic (ensures the operation of the park).

    Legislation of the Russian Federation

    The Federal Law on Protected Natural Areas (1995) states that protected areas must have federal, regional or local significance. Nature reserves and national parks always have federal significance.

    Any reserve, national park, natural park and natural monument must have a protection zone. It additionally protects the object from destructive anthropogenic influence. The boundaries of protected areas, as well as the boundaries of the protective zone, are determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Anyone can visit the protected zone. However, she is also under guard.

    The lands of protected areas are a national property. It is prohibited to build houses, roads, or cultivate land on federal sites.

    To create protected areas government reserves new lands. Further, such lands are declared protected areas. In this case, the law prohibits future cultivation of the land in this area.

    Protected areas are an important component of our planet. Such territories preserve priceless wealth for subsequent generations. The balance of the biosphere is maintained and the gene pool of living organisms is protected. The inanimate nature of such territories is also preserved: valuable water resources, geological formations.

    Specially protected natural areas have not only environmental significance, but also scientific, as well as environmental and educational significance. It is at such sites that the most educational tourism for nature lovers is organized.

    The world's population is growing at an ever faster pace. Humanity needs to think more actively about maintaining nature and take a more responsible approach to preserving natural resources. Every person should think about this and contribute to maintaining the health of the planet.

    TASS DOSSIER. September 29 - October 1, 2017 in Sochi ( Krasnodar region) the All-Russian Forum on Specially Protected Areas will be held.

    It is held by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation and is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the system of Russian nature reserves. It will become one of the most important events of the Year of Ecology in Russia.

    History of Russian nature conservation

    The first state reserve in Russia was created in 1917 on the northeastern shore of Lake Baikal. Expeditions led by Georgy Doppelmair in 1913-1915 revealed that fur hunters had almost completely exterminated the sable population in these areas.

    By the decision of the Irkutsk Governor-General Alexander Piltz in May 1916, it was decided to ban any hunting in parts of the Barguzin district. By decree of the tsarist government of January 11, 1917 (December 29, 1916, old style), the Barguzinsky Sable Reserve was created. Its first director was Konstantin Zabelin. Currently, the reserve is part of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Reserved Podlemorye" together with the Transbaikal National Park.

    On September 16, 1921, the decree “On the protection of natural monuments, gardens and parks” was signed, which entrusted the People’s Commissariat of Education with the task of creating nature reserves and national parks. They prohibited hunting, fishing and other use of natural resources. In the 1920-1930s, about a hundred reserves were created on the territory of the RSFSR; their tasks were no longer limited to restoring the population of game animals - the reserves became full-fledged scientific institutions for the study and conservation of nature.

    Many of the reserves were destroyed or deprived of protection during the Great Patriotic War, as well as during the post-war industrial restoration period - until 1953. Since the mid-1950s, more than 70 nature reserves have been recreated or organized for the first time in the RSFSR, including modern Russia, since 1992, - 28.

    Specially protected natural areas

    By the 1970s, protected areas appeared in the USSR with different statuses: nature reserves, micro-reserves, reserves (hunting, botanical, etc.), national and natural parks, biological stations, natural landscapes, resort areas, etc.

    In the late 1970s, biologists Nikolai Reimers and Felix Shtilmark proposed the creation of a unified legislative regime - specially protected natural areas (SPNA). November 27, 1989 The Supreme Council The USSR adopted a decree “On urgent measures for the ecological recovery of the country,” in which the Union government was instructed to create a system of protected areas. Due to the collapse of the USSR, these plans were not realized.

    Russian law on protected areas

    The Russian law on protected areas was signed by Russian President Boris Yeltsin on March 14, 1995. According to the document, protected areas are objects of national heritage. These can be areas of land, water surface and air space above them, where natural complexes and objects of special environmental, scientific, cultural, recreational and health significance are located. Economic activity is partially or completely prohibited on them, and changing the intended purpose of land plots is prohibited or made more difficult.

    The law provides for six categories of protected areas of federal significance:

    • state natural reserves (including biosphere reserves) - they are completely prohibited economic activity(except in certain specified cases);
    • national parks - they may have areas where, for example, recreational activities are permitted;
    • natural parks - they distinguish separate zones of ecological, cultural or recreational significance, and the remaining natural resources are only limited in civil circulation;
    • state nature reserves - can have a different profile, for example, for the conservation of natural landscapes or the restoration of certain species of plants and animals;
    • natural monuments - local complexes where any activity that could lead to a violation of their integrity is prohibited;
    • dendrological parks and botanical gardens.

    The document stipulates that protected natural areas of regional and local significance, including other types (for example, medical resorts, historical monuments), can also be created. The law introduces criminal liability for violating the regime of protected areas, etc.

    PAs in Russia, statistics

    In total, according to the information and analytical system "Specially Protected Natural Territories of Russia", there are 13 thousand 32 protected areas in the Russian Federation, of which 304 are federal, 12 thousand 728 are regional and local. In addition, 3 thousand 138 protected areas (mainly natural monuments of regional and local significance) are considered lost or reorganized.

    The total area of ​​Russian protected areas is 1 million 950 thousand square meters. km or about 11% of the entire territory of the Russian Federation. The largest of the 107 Russian federal reserves is the Great Arctic State Nature Reserve (organized in 1993) - its area is 42 thousand square meters. km.

    A number of protected areas are included in the list of objects world heritage UNESCO: Putorana, Pechoro-Ilychevsky, Sikhote-Alin reserves, national park"Yugyd va" (Komi Republic), Lena Pillars natural park (Yakutia), Wrangel Island, etc.

    In the 2017 budget of the Russian Federation, 130.3 billion rubles were allocated for the needs of protected areas and wildlife conservation.

    On the territory of the Russian Federation, all natural lands are subject to protection, regardless of their purpose. But there are territories that are protected especially carefully.

    These include:

    1. Land plots on which the cultural, natural or historical heritage of specially protected areas (SPAs) is located.
    2. Lands and fauna of specially protected natural areas (SPNA).

    What is the difference?

    PAs are lands that have some value, be it historical, cultural or natural.

    Lands of specially protected natural areas (SPNA) are, in fact, a type of protected area. These are mineral deposits that contain rich natural value.

    Why allocate a ZOO

    Due to the fact that there are natural areas where many grow rare plants or there are unique animals, it was decided to take them under special control.

    Due to the threat of mass destruction of vegetation or animals in such places, hunting, agricultural activities, and even more so deforestation and the construction of residential buildings are prohibited. The concept of specially protected natural areas includes not only land, but also water bodies and airspace.

    Reserved natural land: description

    A specially protected natural area is not only land, but also bodies of water, and even the air space above them, where there are unique natural objects that need protection.

    Such areas are a national property and cannot be sold to a private person or leased.

    All activities on these lands, with the exception of the study, preservation and enhancement of specimens located there, are prohibited. For the normal functioning of life, a specially protected natural area presupposes the absence, even within reach, of harmful emissions, a ban on construction industrial plants. All activities that negatively affect the natural objects of protected areas are prohibited.

    The boundaries of protected lands are necessarily marked with special signs.

    Types of specially protected natural areas

    WITH various features natural objects, their status and the presence of erected buildings on the territory, protected areas are divided into certain types and categories.

    1. Natural State Parks.
    2. Natural untouched reserves.
    3. Monuments of living nature.
    4. National parks.
    5. Arboretums and botanical gardens.
    6. Medical and health resorts.

    In a certain area, local government decrees may establish other categories of specially protected natural areas - this is a kind of subtype of the basis of the territory, distinguished by certain characteristics.

    Regardless of the status of the land (all-Russian or local), the rules for its use do not differ.

    Specially protected natural areas of Russia are subject to preservation and enhancement. All activities carried out on these lands are permitted only subject to this requirement.

    Pristine reserve

    The reserve is a specially protected natural area, which is distinguished by its pristine nature. Everything here has not been touched by human hands and is in the same condition as Mother Nature created.

    For land to become a nature reserve, it must meet a number of requirements:

    • To be as little affected by civilization as possible.
    • Have unique plants and rare species of animals on your territory.
    • Earths are self-regulating and not subject to self-destruction.
    • They have a rare landscape.

    It is the reserves that are a traditional species and are designated as specially protected natural areas of Russia as an example of pristineness and originality.

    As of 2000, 99 protected areas were designated in the Russian Federation. Scientific research, educational and environmental work are carried out on their territory.

    Natural monuments

    These are unique natural objects that cannot be recreated through human efforts.

    Such natural objects may be under federal or regional jurisdiction. It all depends on the value of the natural monument.

    As a rule, such objects are classified as regional assets. They are essentially the pride of the region where they are located.

    Today, there are 28 such unique corners of nature of federal significance; they occupy an area of ​​more than 19 thousand hectares.

    There are much more regional unique natural areas, and they are divided into types:

    1. Biological, including interesting plants and animals.
    2. Hydrological are peculiar reservoirs and rare aquatic plants and animals.
    3. Geological - includes unique lands.
    4. Complex - corners of nature that combine two or more types of rare natural objects.

    Nature reserves

    Natural reserves are specially protected natural areas where endangered plants and animals are subject to preservation and restoration.

    It happens that land is declared a natural reserve, but it is leased to a private person. In this case, the issue of withdrawal or abandonment of the lease is decided, taking into account what activities are carried out by the owner in the given territory.

    Wildlife sanctuaries as specially protected natural areas have different meanings:

    1. Landscape - created for restoration
    2. Biological - in their territories, biologists are trying to preserve and increase endangered animals and plants.
    3. Paleontological - fossil objects are especially protected here.
    4. Hydrological - based on the conservation of reservoirs, lakes and water bodies.

    National parks

    This meaning includes the concept of lands with special natural, aesthetic or cultural value. used for scientific observations, and also organize cultural recreation for people.

    The entire world community has recognized the enormous benefits of creating such protected lands.

    There are three in the Russian Federation national parks included in the World cultural heritage. Two of them - Transbaikalsky and Pribaikalsky - are also included in the special protected zone of Lake Baikal.

    Arboretums and botanical gardens

    IN Lately Arboretums are actively increasing and expanding. This is due to the development of resort areas and the emergence of an increasing number of health institutions operating in environmentally friendly conditions.

    Botanical gardens are dedicated to the conservation of rare and endangered plant species. In addition, various experiments are carried out there aimed at protecting endangered species.

    Arboretums are used for educational purposes. On their territory they conduct educational excursions, telling and showing people all kinds of strange trees, shrubs and herbs.

    In addition to educational tasks, arboretums pursue the goal of breeding and preserving all the beauty of Russian nature that can only be captured in a given area.

    As you can see, there are many protected lands, they all have different names, but the goals of specially protected natural areas are almost the same - preservation and enhancement of natural objects, observation of the natural course of events, scientific and educational activities.

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