Properties and description of fragrant tea with osmanthus. Fragrant osmanthus: what it is, what it smells like, beneficial properties of Osmanthus plant

Osmanthus (Osmanthus fragrans)- a small, evergreen, subtropical species of tree that reaches two meters in height in its natural environment.
The leaves are bright green, glossy. It blooms in spring and summer, the flowers are very fragrant, medium-sized, creamy white in color; when the flower fades, it becomes golden in color. Although, under favorable conditions, it can bloom throughout the year. Moderate growth rate, small size, attractive appearance and a strong, gardenia-like aroma of flowers. All this makes Osmanthus an ideal plant for growing in room conditions.

Osmanthus comes from China. The plant has been growing in this country for a couple of thousand years; the Chinese consider Osmanthus one of their ten favorite flowers.

It is a symbol of traditional romantic love and is used in ancient wedding ceremonies in Taiwan. Following customs, the bride is obliged to bring Osmanthus and pomegranate, which she grew, to the created family with my own hands in a pot.

The Chinese associate many legends with Osmanthus, because its flowers, in addition to all of the above, are a symbol of the Moon Festival, which is celebrated in September - it is during this period that the fragrant Osmanthus begins to bloom profusely, and flowering can last until spring.

Osmanthus – care:


Osmanthus is a lover of bright, diffused light, and is often grown in western and eastern windows. It can also develop near northern windows, but the plant will not receive enough light, especially in winter. When grown on a south window, the plant is shaded from the direct solar radiation, translucent paper or fabric is used for this.


From spring to autumn period The preferred temperature for Osmanthus is +23-27°C. In autumn, the temperature in which the plant is kept drops slightly. In winter, it is better to provide the plant with a temperature in the region of +18-20°C, but this is not a mandatory procedure.


Watering Osmanthus is carried out from spring to autumn, watering abundantly. For irrigation use soft, settled water. Moderate watering in autumn and winter. It is impossible for the substrate to dry out, because this will lead to the death of the plant's roots.


Osmanthus loves high air humidity. The plant needs daily spraying, the leaves are washed with warm water once a week, it will be useful to have a warm shower every week.


From spring to autumn, fertilizing is applied every second week in the form of organic and complete mineral fertilizer, this is done one by one.


A young plant is replanted every year, an adult - once every three years. Young Osmanthus develops rather slowly, but then picks up the pace. For young plant A suitable substrate consists of one part turf soil, part leaves, 0.5 part humus, and part sand. For an adult plant, you can increase the part of the leaf soil. The bottom of the pot provides good drainage.


Osmanthus is propagated in a common way - by semi-lignified or lignified cuttings up to fifteen centimeters in length, which are taken in July and planted in the substrate to form roots. Seeds are propagated less frequently, often in the spring - sown immediately in open ground or in a seedling box.

Some features:

Osmanthus is grown in single or small group planting in a park or garden. There is usually no need for pruning; only dry and damaged branches are removed and pruned in April. hedge. A trimmed plant does not bloom profusely.

Osmanthus – diseases and pests:

It is affected by viral spotting, which affects the leaves, and spots form on them. The affected leaf is torn off and destroyed. Honey mushroom causes rotting of the roots, such a plant is removed. Of the pests, Osmanthus is affected by scale insects; in this case, treatment is carried out with an anticoccidal drug.

- a genus of evergreen shrubs and trees that belongs to the Olive family.

In total, there are at least 30 species of osmanthus, but only one is grown indoors - “osmanthus varifolia”.

When you decide to grow this plant at home, you need to take into account that it will require a cool room to maintain it.

And so, caring for osmanthus is quite simple.

Moreover, osmanthus is used as a basis for various medicinal infusions and decoctions, and its flowers give tea a special aroma.

Location and lighting

Osmanthus prefers bright light. Can withstand small amounts of sunlight without problems.


It is very important to keep osmanthus at home at a temperature no higher than 20 degrees, and at night it should not be higher than 15 degrees and not drop to minus.


Osmanthus does not like excess moisture, so water it moderately, even in summer no more than 3 times a week. Water only when the top layer of soil is thoroughly dry. In winter, watering is practically stopped altogether.

The exception is young plants. For the first 2 years of osmanthus's life, it requires generous watering, which helps to form a strong root system. You only need to spray the plant occasionally.

Osmanthus fertilizer

Fertilizing is applied 2 times in each month of spring and summer. Liquid fertilizer is suitable for indoor plants. It is applied diluted with water for irrigation.

Transplantation and propagation

Young osmanthuses are replanted at home every year in the spring. Over time, the growth of osmanthus slows down greatly and then transplants are carried out no more than once every 5-6 years.

Osmanthus is propagated by cuttings. To do this, cut off a stem cutting approximately 10-15 cm long and plant it for rooting in a container with a sand-peat mixture. Then the future osmanthus is covered with film or a glass container to create greenhouse conditions.

Constantly water and ventilate. When the cutting takes root, it is transplanted into a pot.

Pests and their control

Pest infestation most often occurs due to improper care. The most common "undesirable" the inhabitants of osmanthus are

Came into the culture of European gardening from the mountainous regions of Nepal, China, India and Japan.

In these countries the plant can be found at altitudes of more than 3500 m above sea level. This tree-like shrub will perfectly complement winter Garden, and during the flowering period it will saturate the room with a pleasant aroma.

Botanical description

(lat. Osmanthus) belongs to the family Maslinov(lat. Oleacea). In the culture of home floriculture you can find the species - Osmanthus fragrant(lat. Osmanthus fragrans).

Life form osmanthus- tree or shrub. Its leaves are leathery, large, reaching a length of up to 10 cm, dark green, obovate in shape.

The stems are gray-brown in color and become woody over time.

From June to August osmanthus begins the flowering period, which is accompanied by the appearance of corymbose inflorescences with small white flowers. During this period, osmanthus enchants with its pleasant sweetish aroma all who contemplate its beauty.

In room conditions osmanthus grows short. At the same time, flowering indoors is much longer and more abundant than in conditions open ground. The plant requires regular pruning in the spring to form the crown of the required shape.

This plant very unpretentious and can be kept in dynamic conditions environment, but a warm attitude towards him and a little more care guarantee the presence in home garden beautiful looking plant.

Lighting and temperature

unpretentious to lighting, but reacts very positively to the presence large quantity diffused light.

You can place a pot with a plant in the southern, southeastern and western parts of the house or room.

Temperature for osmanthus it is suitable at +20 +25 °C. In winter, the plant can feel free in cool conditions and easily adapts to temperatures of +6 +8 ° C.

Humidity and watering

Humidity for osmanthus it has a second meaning after temperature. Indicators of 35-65% are excellent for normal growth and development of the plant. On very hot days, closer to evening, it is recommended to spray osmanthus with soft warm water.

Watering should be done regularly and abundantly. Stagnation of water in the tray or waterlogging is not a problem for osmanthus, especially when there is good drainage at the bottom of the pot.

Watering osmanthus in winter, it should be reduced as the temperature drops.

Soil and fertilizer

The soil for osmanthus it must have the quality of good permeability to water, have a slightly acidic reaction, be of medium fertility and medium-heavy consistency. The plant is replanted as it grows. Containers for this purpose are chosen to be deep and spacious.

For the earthen mixture take:

  • turf soil (2 parts);
  • leaf soil (1 part);
  • sand (1 part);
  • perlite (1 part).

Used as a loosening agent and soil moisture regulator. When watered abundantly, the granules of this material absorb excess water.

And during the period of active drying of the soil, moisture returns to the soil. This way you can be sure that during periods that are too hot, the plant will have a small supply of water.

Fertilize osmanthus mainly with complex mineral concentrates. Doses are used two to three times less than recommended and during the growing season they are applied along with watering. Once every 5-6 weeks will be enough for osmanthus.


Reproduce osmanthus predominantly vegetative way using semi-lignified cuttings. Such planting material can be obtained with each new pruning of the plant.

Cuttings soak for several hours in Epin solution. After this, they are planted in moist sandy soil or create mini-greenhouse conditions. Temperature and humidity are maintained at +25 °C and 50%.

In a few weeks, young cuttings will get stronger and stretch out a little. They can be kept in this mode for up to two months. After this period, young osmanthus plants can be transplanted into separate pots and cared for in the same way as adult plants.

Diseases and pests

Quite resistant to pests and diseases. This tree is more likely to show signs or symptoms associated with gross violations of the rules of care.

So it is possible observe darkening of the tips of the leaves or their partial shedding. This occurs when the soil is constantly waterlogged. If the veins on the leaf blades change color, which also applies to the leaves themselves, then this sign may indicate a lack of minerals in the soil.

Overall, osmanthus is a very rewarding plant, especially when it receives a little more gardener attention.

And for those who like to know more, we suggest you watch the video about osmanthus

Osmanthus fragrant, Osmanthus, Osmanthus fragrant, Tea or Fragrant olive(Osmanthus fragrans)- a genus of evergreen deciduous flowering plants of the Olive family (Oleaceae).

A small, evergreen, subtropical tree, reaching 1.5-2 m in natural conditions.

This plant is still little known in Russia, but in China it has been grown for several thousand years and is valued for its wonderful aroma, beauty and beneficial features. The Chinese call the plant kinmokusei and consider it one of their favorite flowers.

If this extraordinary Chinese flower settles in your home, it will definitely bring you happiness and love. A cup of aromatic tea with osmanthus flowers will improve your health and lift your spirits.

The foliage is bright green and glossy. It blooms in spring and summer with very fragrant, medium-sized, creamy-white flowers, which, as they fade, acquire a golden hue. Although, under favorable conditions, flowering can continue all year. The sweet aroma of flowers is so strong that you begin to smell the scent long before you see the flower itself.

Moderate growth rates, small size, attractive appearance and strong, like gardenia, with notes of apricot, aroma of flowers, makes Osmanthus an ideal plant for growing indoors.

Osmanthus prefers bright diffuse light, suitable for growing near western and eastern windows. It can grow near a north window, but the plant may not have enough light, especially in winter, and flowering will be weak.

The plant requires high air humidity.

Osmanthus tolerates formative pruning quite well. Although, even without intervention, the plant forms a beautiful crown of the correct shape.

Landing: The seeds are soaked for a day in warm water with the addition of stimulants. Sow in light neutral airy soil, deepened to 1 cm (approximate substrate: coconut soil 60% or peat soil + 20% sand + 20% vermiculite), moisturize, cover with film and place for germination in a warm, bright place. The germination period is from 1 to 5 months, be patient. Constant humidity must be maintained throughout. Seedlings dive into separate containers at the stage of 2-4 true leaves.

If you hear something exotic, oriental or slightly ironic in this word, then your intuition did not disappoint. The emblem of Chinese Hangzhou, the osmanthus flower enjoys well-deserved fame in Japan. There it is also called “tea olive”, widely used as a means for natural flavoring of this favorite drink. Fragrant osmanthus jam is served as a delicacy. Osmanthus grows mainly in Asia and is a flowering shrub.

If everything is more or less clear with exoticism, then the touch of light irony that our people will catch in the name was introduced (unconsciously or intentionally?) thanks to main value any flower - its aroma. But first, a little about the variety of colors.

Amber is more valuable

Four-fingered, collected in inflorescences, on long thin stalks, osmanthus flowers have a reddish, silvery-white or bright yellow color. It is the latter type that is most widespread, which is not surprising: like the bright orange carrot, it contains a record amount of carotenoids. This means it has the most excellent qualities. Among which the incomparable aroma leads.

If you pay attention to perfumes containing osmanthus, their price will certainly catch your eye. And this is no coincidence: only expensive perfume compositions contain precious osmanthus absolute.

And you can be sure of the sophistication and quality of such a scent. "Queen Sheba" and the incomparable "Laila" or guarantee for that.

What is so attractive and remarkable about the aroma of osmanthus? And what does irony have to do with it?!


Before you is an amazing “living” still life: on a carved napkin made of natural suede there is a bouquet of violets and a crystal bowl of fruit. Imagine the most ripe and fragrant apricot, filled with all the generosity of the southern sun. You easily break the fruit into halves, drops of juice appear near the velvety skin. One of them suddenly breaks and falls on a napkin. But you don’t notice, you continue to taste the fruits: blue plums coated with a matte coating, rosy peaches. The sweet, fragrant juice constantly escapes from the fingers, and now the entire napkin has become stained. The characteristic smell of suede is forever intertwined with the fruity one, and this, hand on heart, is so wonderful!

When you meet osmanthus, this is the picture that will pop up in your memory.

The East will not hide!

In addition to its main meaning, osmanthus in perfumes serves to enhance the fruity beginning, and can also impart a sensual suede shade to floral and oriental compositions.

The East, which has been treating itself to osmanthus tea since ancient times, showering newlyweds with fragrant tea olive, extracting precious absolute from its amber flowers, willingly shares its fragrant secrets with the West.

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