Tabernemontana or Ervatamia. Proper care

Tabernemontana or Ervatamia. Proper care.

Tabernaemontana is an evergreen flowering bush arnica of the Kutrov family (Apocynaceae), which is native to the tropical and subtropical regions of America and Africa, as well as in South-East Asia. The plant grows mainly in the coastal zone.

This complex name was assigned to the plant by the German physicist and botanist J. T. von Bergzabern, who lived in the 16th century, and called it own name, translated into Latin. In the Russian interpretation, this can literally sound like a mountain tavern or mountain monastery.

Tabernemontana in room conditions grows up to 1.5 m in height. The leaves are green, glossy, leathery and oblong. The tips of the leaves are pointed, and the length of the leaf depends on the species and can be 7-20 cm in length and 3-5 cm in width. The diameter of the flowers is up to 4 cm, the color can be cream and white, double. Tabernemontana blooms throughout the year. Sometimes there are so many flowers on it that the plant looks like a flowering oleander bush. For this reason it is called "East Indian Oleander". The aroma of the flowers is very persistent, reminiscent of the smell of jasmine, the aroma is especially intensified at night.

Tabernemontana is often confused with gardenia. Their leaves are really very similar. But as soon as the flowers bloom, the differences immediately become noticeable - the flowers of tabernemontana look like bells with corrugated petals, while those of gardenia are more like those of a rose.


Requires a lot of light, tolerates direct Sun rays. Windows with western and eastern orientation are well suited for growing. In the south, shading is required only in summer from the midday sun. After winter, get used to the sun gradually.
It can grow in partial shade, but flowering will be weak.


Tabernemontana is a fairly heat-loving plant; the optimal temperature is +18-23°C. In summer it feels good on the balcony or in the garden in the fresh air. In winter, tabernemontana can tolerate temperatures of at least 15°C.
In summer, the plant can be taken out open balcony or into the garden when the threat of nighttime cold snaps has passed. Afraid of drafts.

Watering and air humidity.

Watering is moderate in summer, more limited in winter - the soil in the upper layers should dry out well.
It is sensitive to waterlogging, so it is better to spray it once again than to water it. Bottom watering can be used. Water with warm, settled water.

Tabernemontana needs high air humidity, although it can tolerate dry air in city apartments, but the plant still needs to be sprayed periodically. Spraying is carried out with settled water so that there are no stains on the leaves.

Rest period.

During this period, it is necessary to transfer the plant to a cool room with natural light- reduce watering, spraying and fertilizing, perhaps remove some of the buds and allow the plant to enter a state of shallow dormancy until spring. If in the autumn-winter period the room is warm, but there is little light, then organize artificial additional lighting and continue normal care. In this case, the plant will not stop blooming in winter. This is especially valuable because most house flowers are at rest at this time.


Tabernemontana has the pleasant ability to form a beautiful crown without additional formative pruning. With uniform lighting, the crown develops symmetrically according to the pattern 2-4-8, etc. Pruning may only be necessary for rare specimens grown from not very high-quality cuttings. Pruning is also done to preserve compact size plants.
Pruning is best done in spring and summer, using a sharp tool.


In the spring-summer period, tabernemontana is fed 2 times a month with fertilizers for flowering plants. indoor plants.


Requires constant replanting into a larger pot. If the pot is cramped, it may stop growing or turn yellow. If necessary, you can replant several times per season. Transplantation is carried out by transshipment: damaged roots become sick, and accidentally broken shoots spoil the shape of the crown.

Tabernemontana is quite tolerant of soil acidity; in nature it grows on both slightly alkaline and slightly acidic soils, on loam and sand. In indoor conditions, the following mixture is suitable: 1 part peat, 1 part leaf soil, 1 part humus, 1 part sand, 1 part perlite (or vermiculite). Drainage is required. You can use purchased peat-based soil with a pH close to neutral or slightly acidic, and be sure to dilute it with vermiculite and sand; you can also use fine expanded clay (about 2-3 mm).


Tabernemontana can be propagated at any time of the year. To do this, cut off semi-lignified apical cuttings 8-10 cm long. The milky sap protruding from the cut should be washed off with warm water. running water to avoid blockage of the plant’s blood vessels. For better rooting, cuttings can be treated with root formation stimulants (Kornevin, Heteroauxin, Zircon). The cuttings are planted in small pots, covered with a transparent bag or glass jar and kept at a temperature of at least +22°C, regularly ventilated. The roots appear after a month or a little later. After the roots have entwined a lump of earth, the plant should be transferred to a pot bigger size. Tabernemontana develops quite quickly and can bloom soon after rooting.

Diseases and pests.

The most common disease is chlorosis. Acidification of the substrate, treatment with iron chelate or iron sulfate, introduction of microelements.

The most common pests spider mite and scale insects.

Features of cultivation.

Sometimes tiny white droplets appear on the underside of the leaves, then dry out and turn yellow. These are secretions from leaf glands and have nothing to do with pests. These droplets appear when there is excessive watering and a sharp change in temperature, but they do not harm the plant at all.

In rooms with high temperature and low air humidity, one can observe “gluing” and the subsequent falling of buds that never blossomed.

Periods of rapid growth and then calm are very pronounced.

Young plants need careful care - regular watering, spraying, fertilizing. They grow quite quickly, developing new shoots that do not pinch off during the first two to three years.

Possible problems:

Flowers quickly fade and fall off. Tabernemontana lacks strength. If the plant is young and has a lot of buds, you can remove some. If the plant is mature, it may not be getting enough light.

The leaves are turning yellow. Tabernemontana is prone to chlorosis. Treat the plant leaf by leaf with a solution of microelements.

Leaf perforation. With excessive watering or high air humidity (close to 100%), for example, when rooting a cutting in a greenhouse, shaped holes may appear on the leaves, both at the edges of the leaf and in the center.

If you are looking for a beautiful evergreen or frequently flowering houseplant, then be sure to pay attention to Tabernemontana. This unusual name hides a beautiful shrub native to Asian countries and the Pacific Islands. At home, this exotic does not require special care, so even beginning gardeners will like it.

Botanical description of the plant

Tabernemontana is an ornamental tree-like shrub belonging to the Kutrov family. It is found in Sri Lanka, Singapore, Thailand, India, tropical regions of Africa, South and Central America, where it is popular as an outdoor shrub in coastal areas.

Homemade tabernemontana has an attractive appearance. It looks like a shrub or low tree with big amount thin branches. Its height usually does not exceed 1–1.5 m. The stem of a young specimen is quite fragile; as it matures, it becomes woody and covered with light bark. Oval-shaped, light green leaves (8–10 cm) with sharp ends are attached to it using short, thick petioles. If you try them by touch, you can feel dense bulges between the veins.

Did you know?The unusual name was given to the flower by the botanist Bergsabern from Germany, who used the Latin version of his own name.

In spring and summer, snow-white spiral-shaped flowers with double petals appear, 3–15 pieces per inflorescence. When blooming, the plant fills the room with a wonderful aroma, which is confused with jasmine. The end of flowering is marked by the appearance of greenish fruits with juicy orange pulp.

Tabernemontana lives for more than 7 years, and with proper care it can bloom all year round with short pauses.

Main types

Today, several varieties of this beautiful bushy tree are grown at home. Outwardly they are very similar to each other, but there are also small differences:

Conditions for growing at home

Many gardeners like Tabernemontana not only because of its lush, elegant appearance. This plant is unpretentious in everyday life and does not require much time to care for it. The first step is to provide him comfortable conditions for development.


The best option for tabernemontana there will be a place on the eastern or western windowsills: there is enough light for the normal development of the plant, but direct rays do not fall on it during the midday heat.

Important!Theoretically, tabernemontanaMaybeIt can also live in partial shade, but it is unlikely to bloom in this case. After all, she needs at least 4–5 hours a day for the buds to appear. But if you provide it with sufficient artificial lighting, flowers will appear even in December.


All plants love fresh air, so tabernemontana feels great in the warm season on the balcony or in the shade of the garden. However, do not allow drafts, and also avoid moving the pot while the buds are forming: the flower may react negatively to this.


Tabernemontana is a heat-loving indoor plant. In summer, it feels great at normal room temperatures, and in winter it is advisable to maintain the temperature at +18...+20 ºС, but not less than +15 ºС.

Did you know?From Latin “tabernemontana” is translated as “mountain monastery”.

Air humidity

Tabernemontana, coming from a tropical climate, needs high humidity. The following techniques will help ensure this:

  • spraying with a fine spray bottle at least 2 times a week in summer and 1 time a week in winter;
  • regular use of a humidifier;
  • periodic rinsing under a warm shower;
  • wiping with a damp cloth or sponge.

Home care

Having ensured the proper location for the tabernemontana, pay attention to the features of caring for it.

Read more about caring for other decorative flowering indoor plants:


The plant loves humidity, but is afraid of excessive dampness. To ensure proper watering, use the following recommendations:

  • in summer, moderate watering is needed, once every 2–3 days, as soon as the top layer of soil dries;
  • if it costs too much hot weather, then you can moisturize more often;
  • In winter, the amount of water is greatly reduced. In cold weather, you should water the flower only after the soil in the flowerpot is half dry.

Important!The plant may suffer from moisture getting on the leaves, so it is better to water at the root.

For watering, you should use rain or regular settled water so that the tabernemontana is not damaged by hard salts. The temperature of the liquid should not be lower than room temperature.

Top dressing

A healthy tabernemontana can bloom for 7–8 months, but for this it needs the strength that the plant receives during feeding, so during flowering every 2 weeks, apply fertilizers with potassium and phosphorus for flowering plants(“Agrecol”, “Activin”), periodically alternating them with organic matter. The flower prefers to receive fertilizer in liquid form during watering.


To form a beautiful crown on a tabernemontana, it is enough to provide it with uniform lighting; in this case, you can do without pruning.

Did you know?IN alternative medicine infusions of tabernemontana leaves are used in remedies for eye diseases.

If you still want to shape it to your taste, then it is better to do this in spring or summer. Use a sharp tool for this, and be sure to treat the cut areas with charcoal.

Unlike pruning the crown, replanting has great importance for the normal development of the plant, especially young ones. Tabernemontana is replanted at least once a year, and during the period of active growth - once every six months. It is better to do this at the end of winter - beginning of spring before flowering.
For a new pot for plants, choose a pot with a diameter 3–4 cm larger than the previous one. Then take care of the drainage at the bottom. The soil is no less important. To prepare it, it is better to take slightly acidic soil consisting of:

  • leaf soil;
  • humus;
  • coarse sand;
  • peat

Important!Loose soil is important for tabernemontana, so be sure to add perlite or coconut briquettes to the mixture for better water and oxygen permeability.

If you don’t have time to prepare the mixture yourself, you can use purchased substrates “Lemon” and “Azalea”, mixing them 1:1 and diluting them with sand or perlite.

The transplant itself must be carried out extremely carefully, because it has fragile roots, so in this case they use the transshipment method, preserving the earthen lump intact. For a month and a half after this, the plant needs to be taken care of: reduce the volume of water when watering, temporarily stop feeding. Such measures are necessary to prevent the roots from rotting if there are breaks somewhere.


The beautiful tabernemontana attracts attention with its snow-white flowers with glossy leaves, so be prepared that flower growers you know will definitely ask you for “baby”. So it doesn’t hurt to learn how to propagate this plant correctly.

By layering

This method is used in May-June. The process looks like this:

  1. Water the flower well the day before so that its stems and branches are filled with water.
  2. For the future plant, prepare a pot with a mixture of sand and peat. The soil level should be 1.5–2 cm below the edge of the container.
  3. Now it's time to make layering by tilting the long stem of the plant. Make sure that the fold is at the leaf petiole, but 10–12 cm further than the end of the stem.
  4. Such a bend should not break it, but pinching it will provoke the development of new roots in this very area, so the bend must be fixed in the new pot, buried 3-4 cm. If necessary, you can use a U-shaped wire.
  5. Then compact the soil and water it well.
  6. Place both pots (with the mother plant and the future “baby”) on one tray so as not to damage them in the future.
  7. As soon as the cuttings have their own sprouts and leaf buds, you can separate it from the main bush and grow it as an independent plant.

Did you know?In India and Sri Lanka, tabernemontana is called the flower of love.


It is convenient to propagate tabernemontana using cuttings:

  1. First, select the apical or stem semi-lignified area, on which 2–3 internodes are located.
  2. Cut the stalk diagonally. If cut from a stem, then the upper cut is made above the node with the buds.
  3. The juice that appears on the cuttings is washed off with warm water.
  4. Next, you need to nourish the future seedling with the help of root stimulants (“Kornevina”, “Zircona”), soaking them in the preparations for a day.
  5. Now you need to wait for the roots to appear. To do this, the cuttings are left in water with added coal or immersed in a mixture of sand, peat, and sphagnum moss.
  6. Then the container with the cuttings needs to be covered with film to create a greenhouse effect.
  7. On average, it takes up to a month for roots to appear, after which the plant can be planted in a prepared pot.

Difficulties in growing

Most often, tabernemontana owners face the following problems:

  1. Tabernemontana leaves often turn yellow. This is the first sign of chlorosis. The plant can be cured by replanting it in a slightly acidic substrate or treating the existing soil with iron sulfate along with an increase in the amount of fertilizing.
  2. Spots that resemble wet spots occasionally appear on the leaves of the plant, which dry out over time and turn into holes. They arise as a result of uneven watering (at first they did not moisten the soil for a long time, and then they filled it too much and did not remove the remaining water from the pan). To prevent this from happening, try to water the tabernemontana evenly and regularly.
  3. From time to time, light compactions and pimples are found at the bottom of the leaf. Many gardeners mistake them for pests. In fact, it is the plant's sap that comes to the surface when it is overwatered, so reduce the amount of water and the problem will go away. A similar effect can also be caused by a sudden change in room temperature.
  4. Sometimes tabernemontana suffers from scale insects. These armored insects can be found on the underside of leaves, in the axils and even on the stems. They get rid of them by washing with soapy water or treating with insecticides (“Aktellik”, “Fitoverm”).
  5. Tabernemontana can be attacked by spider mites. Because of them, the leaves of the plant turn yellow and are entangled in a thin sticky web. To get rid of pests, you must first remove the affected leaves, and then treat with an infusion of onion peels (100 g of peels per 5 liters of water, let it brew for 5 days) or insecticides (Fitoverm, Neoron).

Important! If unopened buds stick together and fall off, it means the air is too dry for the plant. Increase the frequency of spraying, and then the humidity will increase.

Tabernemontana will appeal to lovers of exotic indoor plants who do not have a lot of time to care for.
The main thing is to choose the right location for the flower and provide it with minimal care, then tabernemontana will decorate any home with its lush “outfit” of glossy leaves and snow-white flowers, and its pleasant aroma will complement the atmosphere of home comfort.

Flowering evergreen shrub tabernemontana(Tabernaemontana) belongs to the cucumber family (Apocynaceae). It is native to the subtropical and tropical regions of Africa, America and Southeast Asia. This shrub prefers to grow in coastal areas.

This plant was given such a very difficult name by the German J. T. von Bergzabern, who was a botanist and physicist and lived in the 16th century. He called him by his name, which he translated into Latin. If we literally translate this name into Russian, it will sound like “mountain monastery” or “mountain tavern”.

When grown at home, such a shrub can reach 150 centimeters in height. Green, leathery, shiny, pointed leaves have an oblong shape. The length of the leaf plate can vary from 7 to 20 centimeters (depending on the type), and the width - from 3 to 5 centimeters. Terry fragrant flowers can reach 4 centimeters in diameter. They can be painted white or cream. Flowering lasts all year round.

This plant is often confused with. The fact is that their foliage is similar in appearance. However, these plants can be easily distinguished from each other during the flowering period. So, in tabernemontana they look similar to small roses, and in gardenia they look like bells, and their petals are corrugated.


Bright lighting is necessary, but it must be diffused. It is recommended to place it on east or west windows.


Loves warmth. The most suitable temperature for keeping such a plant is from 18 to 25 degrees. IN summer time It is recommended to take it outside if possible (in the garden, on the balcony). In winter, the air temperature in the room where this tree is located should not fall below 15 degrees. Does not tolerate drafts.


High humidity is necessary, but tabernemontana can also adapt to the dry air of city apartments, but in any case it is necessary to systematically moisten the foliage with a sprayer. For this, well-settled water is used. You should also remember that it is better to spray this plant more often than to water it.

How to water

Reacts negatively to overwatering. In summer, watering should be moderate, and in winter - sparingly.

Top dressing

Fertilizing is carried out in spring and summer once every 2 weeks. To do this, use fertilizer for flowering indoor plants.

Features of transplantation

While the plant is young, it must be replanted frequently (up to several times a year). An adult specimen is subjected to this procedure once every 2 or 3 years. A suitable substrate must be loose and permeable. To prepare the soil mixture, combine humus and leaf soil, peat, perlite and sand, which should be taken in equal proportions. Don't forget to make a good drainage layer at the bottom of the container. Both slightly acidic and slightly alkaline soil are suitable for planting.

Reproduction methods

This plant can be propagated at any time. Trim the apical cutting, which should be semi-lignified and its length should be from 8 to 10 centimeters. Rinse the cut under running lukewarm water to remove the milky juice, as it clogs the vessels of the tabernemontana. To make roots appear faster, treat with a product that stimulates their growth (Heteroauxin, Kornevin). Planting is done in a small container, and the cutting should be covered with a plastic bag or glass jar on top. Place in a warm place (about 22 degrees) and do not forget to ventilate systematically. Rooting will occur in about 4 weeks or later. When the roots no longer fit in the pot, the plant needs to be transferred to a larger container. The development of such a plant is relatively rapid, and flowering can begin some time after the roots appear.

Pests and diseases

Most often it suffers from chlorosis. To avoid this, treatments with iron sulfate or iron chelate are needed, and it is also necessary to acidify the substrate and add trace elements.

It can settle on a tree either.

It happens that small whitish droplets form on the reverse surface, which dry out over time and become yellowish. This is a natural process of releasing substances from leaf glands. They can form as a result of waterlogging of the soil or a sharp change in temperature. They do not harm the tree.

If the room is too hot and the humidity is low, the buds may stick together and die without opening.

Video review

Main types

Tabernaemontana divaricata

This evergreen, highly branched plant is represented by trees and shrubs. There are large dark green, shiny leaves that are located opposite. They can reach from 15 to 20 centimeters in length and have an oblong shape with pointed tips. On the underside of the leaf blade, transverse veins are clearly visible. The location of the branches is almost horizontal. Terry or simple flowers, painted in White color, have a five-petalled corolla, with the petals slightly curved in a spiral. The smell is quite persistent and similar to the aroma of jasmine. At the same time, the aroma becomes stronger at night. The fruit has a pod-like shape. Its outer part can be wrinkled or smooth and dark green in color, sometimes light dots can be seen on the surface. The juicy pulp is orange in color.

Tabernaemontana elegans

This compact evergreen tree is highly branched. Outwardly, it is similar to Tabernemontana divaricata, but it is slightly smaller in size. Its flowers are not so fragrant, but this species is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and resistance to frost and direct rays of the sun.

Tabernaemontana coronaria

This evergreen tree is highly branched. Glossy oval leaves with pointed tips are colored rich green. Their length can vary from 6 to 12 centimeters, and width - from 5 to 8 centimeters. The leaf blade is convex between the veins, which are clearly visible on the underside, which has a lighter color. The formation of flower buds occurs at the tops of the stems. At the same time, 2 lateral growth buds wake up. By the beginning of the flowering period, 2 small leaves appear from such buds. And when flowering ends, the stems begin to grow intensively. After 2, 3 or 4 internodes, flower buds are formed again and the branches bifurcate. The inflorescence bears 3–15 buds, which open gradually. Small (diameter 3–5 centimeters) semi-double flowers have delicate petals that are corrugated along the edge. They are distinguished by an exquisite and delicate smell, while it is strongest in recently opened flowers.

Tabernemontana is a magnificent plant with fragrant, fragrant flowers. You can admire tabernemontana endlessly: the flowering of an adult plant evokes vivid aesthetic emotions, and the unique aroma gives a feeling of . Belongs to the family. The leaves are glossy, bright green when young and lighter when mature. The flowers are double and simple, with a corrugated edge, with a diameter of 3 to 5 cm, white, cream or yellow flowers depending on the variety. Variegated varieties with a bright marble pattern on the leaves are also known.

Tabernemontana is sometimes confused with. They are indeed very similar, but they belong to different families. Gardenia belongs to the madder family and is a much more capricious plant than tabernemontana. But this beauty also has some quirks.

Tabernemontana care

Tabernemontana loves spraying and sunlight. Blooms easily from cuttings during vegetative propagation. Blooms throughout the year with short breaks. – once every 2 years, drainage and replacement of the top layer of soil in the spring are required. Loves loosening the soil. Regular watering 1-2 times a week. It easily loses leaf turgor due to lack of moisture, but with timely watering it recovers well. Responds well to spring and summer fertilizing with fertilizers for flowering plants and artificial lighting in winter.

Well formed: responds to pruning by the appearance of new shoots in early spring. It quickly and actively grows foliage and can languish for a very long time when the buds open.

Soil for tabernemontana

As a true representative of the Kutrov family, Tabernemontana is demanding in terms of the content of iron chelates in it. Therefore, the soil must be slightly acidic, with the addition of well-washed river sand. You can take ready-made soil “Azalea”, “Lemon” or make it yourself with the addition of leaf soil, peat, sand, and if available, add finely chopped sphagnum.

Why do tabernemontana leaves turn yellow?

In tabernemontana, the absorption of iron by leaves is difficult, so the plant is prone to bright yellowing of the entire leaves or their edges. To avoid this, it is necessary to regularly fertilize the leaves with iron chelate or water with citric acid. Usually dilute 1-2 g per 1 liter of water. Regular feeding of the leaves with preparations such as “Emerald”, “Iron Chelate”, and the addition of citric acid when watering will also help.

Tabernemontana diseases

In addition to chlorosis, tabernemontana can also suffer from other diseases and be attacked by pests. So you can find dry tips of leaves on the plant - this is. The death of some leaves or the appearance of holes on the leaves is also characteristic of tabernemontana. The main thing is that this process does not appear on new emerging leaves, but on old ones this is considered the norm.

Among the pests, the most common are aphids, spider mites and scale insects. Preventive measures against these problems are: warm shower Once a month, regular spraying of leaves, and added to the collection of house plants. To combat unpleasant insects, it is best to use the drug “Golden Spark” in sticks, which are applied directly to the soil of the pot according to the instructions.

Attention! The inclusions produced by the leaves on the lower part of the leaves are characteristic of plants of the Kutrov family and are not pests.

Reproduction of Tabernemontana

Tabernemontana is easy to propagate vegetatively. Its cuttings take root well and without problems in any season. Seed propagation is not recommended, because a plant grown from seeds does not flower for a long time.

Propagation of Tabernemontana by cuttings

Cuttings ( vegetative propagation) is possible throughout the year, but is best done in early spring. Non-lignified stems of 10 to 20 cm in size are cut with a sharp tool. Rinse the lower part of the stem well to remove any milky juice, dry it slightly and place in freshly boiled water cooled to 20 °C.

Remove excess leaves; larger leaves can be pruned to reduce photosynthesis and facilitate the appearance of callus (plant tissue that forms at the cut site and promotes wound healing). The approximate period for the appearance of the first roots after callus is from 3 weeks to 1.5 months. The use of stimulants such as “Kornevin” or “Heteroauxin” can speed up this process, but even without them, roots appear quite easily. Sometimes the tip of the cut may rot, it is necessary to control the process and in this case you need to update the cut, add half a tablet of activated carbon to the water.

Plant cuttings with roots 3-5 mm long in pots with a diameter of 5 cm or more with mandatory drainage. Next, select pots according to the volume of the root system.

Propagation of Tabernemontana by seeds

If you are lucky enough to get hold of tabernemontana seeds, do not rush to rejoice. Seeds are large, from 1 cm in size, black or Brown, sprout quite easily. Grow quickly up to certain point. It is not possible to obtain flowering from a specimen grown in this way for more than 5 years; therefore, experimenting with growing tabernemontana at home is not recommended.

Photos provided

Probably one of common problems When growing tabernemontana, yellowing of the leaves is a problem. This is the so-called chlorosis. You can and should fight chlorosis! In this article I will tell you about my experience in dealing with chlorosis.

Tabernemontana came to me through a small cutting. The cutting was beautiful, the leaves on the cutting were green, leathery and glossy. Just a doll!

After living with me for a month in a glass, it was transferred to a square pot.

At first she liked it in a pot in a new land (peat + perlite + compost).

She began to actively grow and develop new branches and leaves.

Then it even produced a peduncle, but since it was autumn and there were temperature changes on the balcony, and the heating was turned on, the peduncle fell off.

At the beginning of winter, my young tabernemontana began to have problems with the leaves, namely chlorosis.

All the new growth looked deplorable: the leaves began to turn yellow.

I decided that there was not enough food in the ground and transplanted my Tabernemonata, which was beginning to chlorose, into a larger pot. The earthen substrate was replaced with a new one (the composition is the same as the previous one).

Tabernemontana did not get any better.

This is what the chlorotic leaves looked like.

They write on the Internet that the soil needs to be slightly acidified. I acidified it with diluted citric acid and sprayed it with iron preparations, but there was no effect.

And then, talking with my good friend, a flower lover, I received advice to “urgently replant” in new land, which is sold at Metro, just take not the universal one, but strictly “for ficuses”. This is the advice I received))

To be honest, I was skeptical about this idea. Metrovskaya land... ugh! I saw this land while walking through the flower section of the supermarket. The ground was heavy; this package could have killed you. Someone else tore the bag open and you could see the contents: stone-like, knocked down, with sand. “Well, what good can grow in such land!?” – I thought. But since I needed to do something with the plant and I had no other ideas, I once again transplanted the tabernemontana into this new land for ficuses.

It must be said that this was land that was different from the peat substrates that are sold everywhere. She was BLACK!)

And after transplanting to new land, the process began. The leaves started falling off!!! And catastrophically! I thought that I would lose the plant, and I wouldn’t even have chlorotic tabernemonata for 3-5 days!))

Having dropped some of its leaves, tabernemontana began to produce new leaves after two weeks. And what do you think? GREEN! Beautiful leaves! Just as healthy as they were when buying the cuttings.

The photo shows that new, healthy leaves are growing next to the old chlorotic leaves of tabernemontana.

And even a flower stalk appeared.

This photo clearly shows the new glossy foliage and a couple of older chlorotic leaves for comparison.

So, what conclusion did I draw? First of all, and probably this is the only reason for tabernemontana chlorosis - incorrectly selected substrate. Despite everything, the soil, although heavy, did not look sour, helped the tabernochka overcome leaf chlorosis. So if your leaves become chlorotic, change the soil to new one.

P.S. I wish I knew what kind of land I had and where I could get it again! There is no more land like this in the Metro! I bought a universal one, from the same company “Aro” - it’s completely “not the same!”, solid peat.

Over time, the Tabernemontane pot became small and the problem again became what to replant into, what soil. I planted it in heavy garden soil, added sand, but judging by the growth of the plant, tabernemontana doesn’t need very rich soil either.

So I’m looking for a new land for my tabernacle...)

Victoria Didenko


I have exactly the same problem. At least throw away the capricious beauty, I don’t know what to do!



The land is not suitable. This is the only reason!


Sasha Krym

In such branches I use the “magic mixture” fertilizer, which contains a high concentration of magnesium and iron and plus calcium, which helps the absorption of minerals. Organo-mineral fertilizer. A good helper against chlorosis. One of the causes of chlorosis is overflow and imbalance of minerals



Sasha, thanks for the info!



I brought my tabernemontana to complete leaf fall and drying out of part of the stem, read this material and transplanted my stump into a universal soil based on chernozem with sand. As a result, the root plant sprouted two new stems, and a bud awoke on the stump. It's all about the ground. Thanks for the useful advice


Same problem, and then the edges become torn!



I read a lot about the effect of torn leaves, but nothing helps!


Elena Ermolina

Oh! Thank you for the diagnosis and treatment! Both lemon and iron were also passed. Now you can’t look at my two without tears..... Tomorrow in the SC for ficus soil.



Torn leaves are caused by unsystematic watering. Will explain. Tabernemontana must always be kept in moist soil. I had the same problem with leaves. Its OK now. What about chlorosis? I don’t know if I need to select the soil. And it is blooming now. And it throws out all the new buds. And the leaves are chlorotic, I’m afraid to fall over, in case the flowers and buds drop. TERA-VITA was recommended



thanks for the detailed information


Elena E

About 2.5 months ago I bought a tabernemontana and, on the advice of the breeder, immediately transplanted it into acidic soil for azaleas. It began to grow very quickly, but new leaves appeared white-green, and when they grew older they turned yellow. They turned yellow evenly, without streaks. On the Internet I found symptoms of mineral starvation of plants and diagnosed nitrogen starvation in mine. I transplanted it into an expensive universal substrate with medium acidity and immediately after transplantation I watered it with Agricola solution for ficuses. Then I found on the net that it was impossible to fertilize them after transplanting and I was scared, but in vain: in a week and a half, the tabernemontana collected juices, became emerald green and put out a peduncle! It’s a pity the photos aren’t attached here, I can’t show you.



And if the leaves turn yellow, but at the same time it blooms... then what should we do?
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