Topic: description of changes in nature as a result of human economic activity using an example. How human activity changes nature


Human influence on nature can be direct and indirect. Direct impact anthropogenic factors occur, for example, when plowing virgin lands, constructing hydraulic structures, when laying highways and other communications. In many cases, such changes irreversibly destroy the familiar landscape, transforming nature.

The indirect impact of civilization on the environment is also widespread. An example is the active combustion of fuel during production activities. In this case, the person himself does not directly interact with biological organisms, but fuel combustion products enter the environment, leading to air pollution and negatively affecting plants and animals.

Man, in his activities, very often changes nature, unconsciously, without wanting it. Even an ordinary walk in the forest or a country picnic in nature can be destructive for plants and living organisms. People trample grass, pick flowers, and step on small insects. The worst thing is when garbage remains uncollected at a picnic or tourist stop site, which not only spoils the appearance of the area, but also has a detrimental effect on nature.

Purposeful human activities have a much larger impact on nature. A civilization requires the cultivation of vast tracts of land to survive. By cultivating fields to grow cereals, people make changes to nature that are long-term and often irreversible. Agricultural activities can completely change the ecology of large areas. At the same time, the structure of the soil changes and some species of plants and animals are displaced.

In the nai to a greater extent The human impact on nature is felt where population density is high, for example, in large cities and their environs. Every day people have to resolve issues related to the provision of energy and food, disposal and waste products. And most often such problems are solved at the expense of nature and to the detriment of it. An example is the colossal size of household waste dumps that are set up on the outskirts of megacities.

The human impact on nature can also be positive. For example, to preserve rare and endangered species of plants and animals, nature conservation areas, nature reserves, sanctuaries and national parks are organized in individual states. Economic activity here is, as a rule, prohibited, but effective preventive measures to preserve natural diversity are carried out quite widely.

Never before in the entire history of our planet has its population been as large as it is now. Human impact on nature has spanned the entire globe, from the Arctic to distant Antarctica. As the population grows, it requires more and more natural resources.
World consumption of fuel and mineral raw materials leads to irreparable depletion of natural resources. The growth of mining is increasingly exacerbating the need for mineral wealth. Experts believe that in the middle of the 21st century. humanity will use up reserves of all metals, and the mining of lead, zinc, tin, gold and silver will cease in the coming decades.
People are increasingly concerned about the deterioration of nature, especially its pollution and impoverishment, and the depletion of natural resources. Scientists are especially concerned about the state of the atmosphere, in which the oxygen content decreases, but the amount of carbon dioxide and dust increases. The atmosphere transmits the sun's rays (light and heat) well, but due to the increase in carbon dioxide content, it does not transmit the earth's heat into outer space. Climate warming could lead to melting ice in the Arctic and Antarctica and rising sea levels, which could lead to flooding of densely populated plains. The area of ​​equatorial forests, the main supplier of oxygen to the atmosphere, has been destroyed by 40% and reduced.
There is a depletion of nature. Many species of animals and plants are endangered. The main reason for extinction is the destruction of their habitats, for example, unreasonable drainage of swamps, deforestation, in addition, excessive hunting, etc.
Along with the pollution of surface waters, atmospheric air and soil, the pollution of the World Ocean, the reduction of its biological wealth, including the pollution of the continental shelf, where fish spawn and grow, are of great concern.
Assess the state of nature in your area. What changes in it do you consider harmful? Name the plants and animals that you would list in the Red Book of your area. It has become clear that the Earth’s natural resources are limited and it is necessary to take into account the possibilities for humanity to satisfy them, protect the atmosphere, forests, wisely use land resources and etc. Not only each of us, all of humanity depends on nature and its condition. The natural world is in balance, and human activities must be such as not to disturb the complex relationships in nature. Current practices in the use of natural resources must be changed. The United Nations has proposed a way to use natural resources that would not only meet the needs of the current population, but also preserve the planet for life in the future. It is necessary to create new nature reserves and national parks, reduce the amount of industrial and household waste, and use natural resources more wisely. Respect for nature should become everyone's rule.
The need for international cooperation in the use of nature and its conservation. Integrity geographic envelope requires consistency and unification of efforts in the use of nature and its protection. The need for international cooperation has become more acute due to the deteriorating state of nature around the globe.
The total area of ​​protected areas (reserves, national parks, sanctuaries, reserves) exceeds 4.5 million km, which is 3% of the land area. Among the reserves, complex or biosphere reserves stand out, which began to be created in 1975 by decision of the UN. The total number of such reserves is more than 300. They are located in all natural areas ah within 76 countries. The number of protected areas is increasing throughout the world. So, in the 60s. XX century approximately 200 national parks were created, and by the 70s. there were 1204 national parks in the world, and after another 10 years there were more than 2000.
New Zealand has the most national parks (10). They make up 13.6% of the entire country's territory. This is the highest figure in the world.

Egorov Ivan

Man has always used the environment mainly as a source of resources, but for a very long time his activities did not have a noticeable impact on the biosphere. Only at the end of the last century, changes in the biosphere under the influence economic activity attracted the attention of scientists. In the first half of this century, these changes increased and have now hit human civilization like an avalanche. In an effort to improve his living conditions, a person constantly increases the pace of material production, without thinking about the consequences. With this approach, most of the resources taken from nature are returned to it in the form of waste, often toxic or unsuitable for disposal. This poses a threat to both the existence of the biosphere and man himself.



Project topic: Changes in nature under the influence of human economic activity.

Rationale for choosing the topic:I chose the topic of the project due to the fact that when studying economic sectors in the course of Russian geography, I seriously thought about the problem of relationships in different types of human economic activity. After all, man has always used the environment mainly as a source of resources, without caring about the consequences this may have.

In the first half of this century, these changes increased and have now hit human civilization like an avalanche. It just shouldn't be like this!!! This poses a threat to both the existence of the biosphere and man himself.

I decided to study more this question. The more I studied different sources of information, the more I realized that this topic requires the special attention of all humanity. This convinced me that I had chosen the topic of my project correctly.

Goals and objectives:

  1. Study of different points of view about the current state of the natural environment.
  2. Studying additional literature about the main sources of biosphere pollution.
  3. Ways of protection environment from pollution.

Project work plan:

I. Introduction.
II. Main part

1. Current state natural environment.
2. The atmosphere is the outer shell of the biosphere. Air pollution.
3. Soil is an important component of the biosphere. Soil pollution.
4. Water is the basis of life processes in the biosphere. Pollution of natural waters.
5. Radiation in the biosphere

III. Conclusion.

Information sources:

1. E. A. Kriksunov, V.V. Pasechnik, A.P. Sidorin “Ecology” Publishing house “Drofa” 1995

2. G. A. Bogdanovsky “Chemical ecology” Moscow University Publishing House 1994

3. N.A. Agadzhanyan, V.I. Torshin “Human Ecology” MMP “Ecocenter”, KRUK 1994

  1. Introduction.

Man has always used the environment mainly as a source of resources, but for a very long time his activities did not have a noticeable impact on the biosphere. Only at the end of the last century, changes in the biosphere under the influence of economic activity attracted the attention of scientists. In the first half of this century, these changes increased and have now hit human civilization like an avalanche. In an effort to improve his living conditions, a person constantly increases the pace of material production, without thinking about the consequences. With this approach, most of the resources taken from nature are returned to it in the form of waste, often toxic or unsuitable for disposal. This poses a threat to both the existence of the biosphere and man himself.

  1. Main part.
  1. Current state of the natural environment.

Let us consider some features of the current state of the biosphere and the processes occurring in it.

The global processes of formation and movement of living matter in the biosphere are connected and accompanied by the circulation of huge masses of matter and energy. Unlike purely geological processes biogeochemical cycles involving living matter have a significantly higher intensity, speed and amount of substance involved in circulation.

As already mentioned, with the advent and development of humanity, the process of evolution has noticeably changed. On early stages civilization, cutting down and burning forests for agriculture, grazing livestock, fishing and hunting wild animals, wars devastated entire regions, led to the destruction of plant communities, and the extermination of certain animal species. As civilization developed, especially rapidly after the industrial revolution of the end of the Middle Ages, humanity gained ever greater power, an ever greater ability to involve and use huge masses of matter - both organic, living, and mineral, inert - to meet its growing needs.

Population growth and the expanding development of agriculture, industry, construction, and transport have caused massive destruction of forests in Europe, North America, Livestock grazing on a large scale led to the death of forests and grass cover, erosion (destruction) of the soil layer ( middle Asia, North Africa, southern Europe and the USA). Dozens of animal species have been exterminated in Europe, America, and Africa.

Scientists suggest that soil depletion on the territory of the ancient Central American Mayan state as a result of slash-and-burn agriculture was one of the reasons for the death of this highly developed civilization. Similarly in Ancient Greece Vast forests disappeared as a result of deforestation and excessive grazing. This increased soil erosion and led to the destruction soil cover on many mountain slopes, increased the aridity of the climate and worsened agricultural conditions.

Construction and operation industrial enterprises, mining led to serious disturbances of natural landscapes, pollution of soil, water, and air with various wastes.

Real shifts in biosphere processes began in the 20th century. as a result of the next industrial revolution. The rapid development of energy, mechanical engineering, chemistry, and transport has led to the fact that human activity has become comparable in scale to the natural energy and material processes occurring in the biosphere. The intensity of human energy consumption and material resources is growing in proportion to the population and even outpacing its growth.

Warning about the possible consequences of man's expanding invasion of nature, half a century ago, Academician V. I. Vernadsky wrote: “Man is becoming a geological force capable of changing the face of the Earth.” This warning was prophetically justified. The consequences of anthropogenic (man-made) activities are manifested in the depletion of natural resources, pollution of the biosphere with industrial waste, destruction of natural ecosystems, changes in the structure of the Earth's surface, and climate change. Anthropogenic impacts lead to disruption of almost all natural biogeochemical cycles.

As a result of the combustion of various fuels, about 20 billion tons of carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere annually and a corresponding amount of oxygen is absorbed. Natural reserve of CO 2 in the atmosphere is about 50,000 billion tons. This value fluctuates and depends, in particular, on volcanic activity. However, anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide exceed natural ones and currently account for a large share of its total. An increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, accompanied by an increase in the amount of aerosol (small particles of dust, soot, suspended solutions of certain chemical compounds), can lead to noticeable climate changes and, accordingly, to a disruption of the equilibrium relationships that have developed over millions of years in the biosphere.

The result of a violation of the transparency of the atmosphere, and therefore the heat balance, may be the occurrence of the “greenhouse effect,” that is, an increase in the average temperature of the atmosphere by several degrees. This can cause the melting of glaciers in the polar regions, an increase in the level of the World Ocean, changes in its salinity, temperature, global climate disturbances, flooding of coastal lowlands and many other adverse consequences.

The release of industrial gases into the atmosphere, including compounds such as carbon monoxide CO (carbon monoxide), oxides of nitrogen, sulfur, ammonia and other pollutants, leads to inhibition of the vital activity of plants and animals, metabolic disorders, poisoning and death of living organisms.

Uncontrolled influence on the climate, coupled with irrational agricultural practices, can lead to a significant decrease in soil fertility and large fluctuations in crop yields. According to UN experts, in last years fluctuations in agricultural production exceeded 1%. But a decrease in food production by even 1% can lead to the death of tens of millions of people from starvation.

Forests on our planet are declining catastrophically. Unsustainable deforestation and fires have led to the fact that in many places that were once completely covered with forests, to date they have survived only on 10-30% of the territory. Africa's tropical forest area has decreased by 70% South America- by 60%, in China only 8% of the territory is covered with forest.

Pollution of the natural environment.

The appearance of new components in the natural environment caused by human activity or some grandiose natural phenomena(for example, volcanic activity) are characterized by the term pollution. In general, pollution is the presence in the environment harmful substances that disrupt the functioning of ecological systems or their individual elements and reduce the quality of the environment from the point of view of human habitation or economic activity. This term characterizes all bodies, substances, phenomena, processes that this place, but not at the time and not in the quantity that is natural for nature, appear in the environment and can bring its systems out of balance.

The environmental effects of polluting agents can manifest themselves in different ways; it can affect either individual organisms (manifest at the organismal level), or populations, biocenoses, ecosystems and even the biosphere as a whole.

At the organismal level, there may be a violation of certain physiological functions of organisms, changes in their behavior, a decrease in the rate of growth and development, and a decrease in resistance to the effects of other unfavorable environmental factors.

At the population level, pollution can cause changes in their numbers and biomass, fertility, mortality, changes in structure, annual migration cycles and a number of other functional properties.

At the biocenotic level, pollution affects the structure and functions of communities. The same pollutants have different effects on different components of communities. Accordingly, the quantitative relationships in the biocenosis change, up to the complete disappearance of some forms and the appearance of others. The spatial structure of communities changes, chains of decomposition (detritus) begin to predominate over pasture ones, and death begins to prevail over production. Ultimately, ecosystems degrade, deteriorate as elements of the human environment, reduce their positive role in the formation of the biosphere, and depreciate in economic terms.

There are natural and anthropogenic pollution. Natural pollution occurs as a result of natural causes - volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, catastrophic floods and fires. Anthropogenic pollution is the result of human activity.

Currently general power Sources of anthropogenic pollution in many cases exceed the power of natural ones. Thus, natural sources of nitric oxide emit 30 million tons of nitrogen per year, and anthropogenic sources - 35-50 million tons; sulfur dioxide, respectively, about 30 million tons and more than 150 million tons. As a result of human activity, almost 10 times more lead enters the biosphere than through natural pollution.

Pollutants resulting from human activities and their impact on the environment are very diverse. These include: compounds of carbon, sulfur, nitrogen, heavy metals, various organic substances, artificially created materials, radioactive elements and much more.

Thus, according to experts, about 10 million tons of oil enter the ocean annually. Oil on water forms a thin film that prevents gas exchange between water and air. As oil settles to the bottom, it enters bottom sediments, where it disrupts the natural life processes of bottom animals and microorganisms. In addition to oil, there has been a significant increase in the release of domestic and industrial wastewater into the ocean, containing, in particular, such dangerous pollutants as lead, mercury, and arsenic, which have a strong toxic effect. Background concentrations of such substances in many places have already been exceeded tens of times.

Each pollutant has a certain negative impact on nature, so their release into the environment must be strictly controlled. The legislation establishes “for each pollutant a maximum permissible discharge (MPD) and a maximum permissible concentration (MP K) in the natural environment.

Maximum permissible discharge (MPD) is the mass of a pollutant emitted by individual sources per unit of time, the excess of which leads to adverse consequences in the environment or is dangerous to human health. Maximum permissible concentration (MPC) is understood as the amount of a harmful substance in the environment that does not have a negative impact on human health or his offspring with permanent or temporary contact with it. Currently, when determining MPCs, not only the degree of influence of pollutants on human health is taken into account, but also their impact on animals, plants, fungi, microorganisms, as well as on the natural community as a whole.

Special environmental monitoring (surveillance) services monitor compliance with established MPC and MPC standards for harmful substances. Such services have been created in all regions of the country. Their role is especially important in large cities, near chemical production, nuclear power plants and other industrial facilities. Monitoring services have the right to take measures provided for by law, up to and including suspension of production and any work, if environmental protection standards are violated.

In addition to environmental pollution, anthropogenic impact is expressed in the depletion of natural resources of the biosphere. The huge scale of natural resource use has led to significant changes in landscapes in some regions (for example, in the coalfields). If at the dawn of civilization a person used only about 20 chemical elements for his needs, at the beginning of the 20th century he used 60, but now more than 100 - almost the entire periodic table. About 100 billion tons of ore, fuel, and mineral fertilizers are mined (extracted from the geosphere) annually.

The rapid increase in demand for fuel, metals, minerals and their extraction has led to the depletion of these resources. Thus, according to experts, if current rates of production and consumption are maintained, proven oil reserves will be exhausted in 30 years, gas - in 50 years, coal - in 200. A similar situation has developed not only with energy resources, but also with metals (depletion of aluminum reserves is expected in 500-600 years, iron - 250 years, zinc - 25 years, lead - 20 years) and mineral resources, such as asbestos, mica, graphite, sulfur.

This is far from a complete picture ecological situation on our planet at the present time. Even individual successes in environmental protection activities cannot noticeably change the overall course of the process of the harmful influence of civilization on the state of the biosphere.

2. The atmosphere is the outer shell of the biosphere. Air pollution.

The mass of our planet's atmosphere is negligible - only one millionth the mass of the Earth. However, its role in the natural processes of the biosphere is enormous. The presence of an atmosphere around the globe determines the general thermal regime of the surface of our planet and protects it from harmful cosmic and ultraviolet radiation. Atmospheric circulation affects local climatic conditions, and through them - on the regime of rivers, soil and vegetation cover and on the processes of relief formation.

Modern gas composition atmosphere is the result of the long historical development of the globe. It is mainly a gas mixture of two components - nitrogen (78.09%) and oxygen (20.95%). Normally, it also contains argon (0.93%), carbon dioxide (0.03%) and small amounts of inert gases (neon, helium, krypton, xenon), ammonia, methane, ozone, sulfur dioxide and other gases. Along with gases, the atmosphere contains solid particles coming from the surface of the Earth (for example, products of combustion, volcanic activity, soil particles) and from space (cosmic dust), as well as various products of plant, animal or microbial origin. In addition, water vapor plays an important role in the atmosphere.

The three gases that make up the atmosphere are of greatest importance for various ecosystems: oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen. These gases are involved in major biogeochemical cycles.

Oxygen plays a vital role in the life of most living organisms on our planet. Everyone needs it to breathe. Oxygen was not always included in the composition earth's atmosphere. It appeared as a result of the vital activity of photosynthetic organisms. Under the influence ultraviolet rays it turned into ozone. As ozone accumulated, an ozone layer formed in the upper atmosphere. The ozone layer, like a screen, reliably protects the Earth's surface from ultraviolet radiation, which is fatal to living organisms.

The modern atmosphere contains barely a twentieth of the oxygen available on our planet. The main reserves of oxygen are concentrated in carbonates, organic matter and iron oxides; some of the oxygen is dissolved in water. In the atmosphere, there appears to be an approximate balance between the production of oxygen through photosynthesis and its consumption by living organisms. But in Lately There is a danger that as a result of human activity, oxygen reserves in the atmosphere may decrease. Particularly dangerous is the destruction of the ozone layer, which has been observed in recent years. Most scientists attribute this to human activity.

The oxygen cycle in the biosphere is unusually complex, since it reacts with a large number of organic and inorganic substances, as well as hydrogen, combining with which oxygen forms water.

Carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide) is used in the process of photosynthesis to form organic matter. It is thanks to this process that the carbon cycle in the biosphere closes. Like oxygen, carbon is part of soils, plants, animals, and participates in various mechanisms of the cycle of substances in nature. The carbon dioxide content in the air we breathe is approximately the same in different parts of the planet. The exception is large cities, where the content of this gas in the air is higher than normal.

Some fluctuations in the carbon dioxide content in the air of an area depend on the time of day, season of the year, and vegetation biomass. At the same time, studies show that since the beginning of the century, the average content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, although slowly, has been constantly increasing. Scientists attribute this process mainly to human activity.

Nitrogen is an essential biogenic element, since it is part of proteins and nucleic acids. The atmosphere is an inexhaustible reservoir of nitrogen, but the majority of living organisms cannot directly use this nitrogen: it must first be bound in the form of chemical compounds.

Partial nitrogen comes from the atmosphere into ecosystems in the form of nitrogen oxide, which is formed under the influence of electrical discharges during thunderstorms. However, the bulk of nitrogen enters water and soil as a result of its biological fixation. There are several species of bacteria and blue-green algae (fortunately quite numerous) that are capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen. As a result of their activity, as well as due to the decomposition of organic residues in the soil, autotrophic plants are able to absorb the necessary nitrogen.

The nitrogen cycle is closely related to the carbon cycle. Although the nitrogen cycle is more complex than the carbon cycle, it tends to occur more quickly.

Other components of air do not participate in biochemical cycles, but the presence of large amounts of pollutants in the atmosphere can lead to serious disruptions in these cycles.

Air pollution. Various negative changes in the Earth's atmosphere are associated mainly with changes in the concentration of minor components of atmospheric air.

There are two main sources of air pollution: natural and anthropogenic. Natural sources include volcanoes, dust storms, weathering, forest fires, and decomposition processes of plants and animals.

The main anthropogenic sources of air pollution include enterprises of the fuel and energy complex, transport, and various machine-building enterprises.

According to scientists (1990s), every year in the world as a result of human activity, 25.5 billion tons of carbon oxides, 190 million tons of sulfur oxides, 65 million tons of nitrogen oxides, 1.4 million tons of chlorofluorocarbons (freons), organic lead compounds, hydrocarbons, including carcinogenic ones (causing cancer).

In addition to gaseous pollutants, large amounts of particulate matter are released into the atmosphere. This is dust, soot and soot. Pollution of the natural environment with heavy metals poses a great danger. Lead, cadmium, mercury, copper, nickel, zinc, chromium, and vanadium have become almost constant components of the air in industrial centers. The problem of lead air pollution is particularly acute.

Global air pollution affects the state of natural ecosystems, especially the green cover of our planet. One of the most visual indicators of the state of the biosphere is forests and their health.

Acid rain, caused mainly by sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, causes enormous damage to forest biocenoses. It has been established that coniferous species suffer from acid rain to a greater extent than broad-leaved species.

Only in our country total area forests affected industrial emissions, reached 1 million hectares. A significant factor in forest degradation in recent years is environmental pollution with radionuclides. Thus, as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, 2.1 million hectares of forests were damaged.

Green spaces in industrial cities, whose atmosphere contains large amounts of pollutants, suffer especially hard.

The air environmental problem of ozone layer depletion, including the appearance of ozone holes over Antarctica and the Arctic, is associated with the excessive use of freons in production and everyday life.

3. Soil is an important component of the biosphere. Soil pollution.

Soil is the top layer of land, formed under the influence of plants, animals, microorganisms and climate from the parent rocks on which it is located. This is an important and complex component of the biosphere, closely connected with its other parts.

The following main components interact in complex ways in soil:

Mineral particles (sand, clay), water, air;

Detritus - dead organic matter, remains of the vital activity of plants and animals;

Many living organisms - from detritivores to decomposers, decomposing detritus to humus.

Thus, soil is a bioinert system based on the dynamic interaction between mineral components, detritus, detritivores and soil organisms.

Soils go through several stages in their development and formation. Young soils are usually the result of weathering of parent rocks or transport of sediment deposits (eg alluvium). Microorganisms, pioneer plants - lichens, mosses, grasses, and small animals - settle on these substrates. Gradually, other species of plants and animals are introduced, the composition of the biocenosis becomes more complex, and a whole series of relationships arises between the mineral substrate and living organisms. As a result, mature soil is formed, the properties of which depend on the original parent rock and climate.

The process of soil development ends when equilibrium is achieved, matching the soil with the vegetation cover and climate, that is, a state of menopause occurs. Thus, the changes in soil that occur during the process of its formation resemble successional changes in ecosystems.

Each soil type corresponds certain types plant communities. Thus, pine forests, as a rule, grow on light sandy soils, while spruce forests prefer heavier and nutrient-rich loamy soils.

Soil is like a living organism within which various complex processes take place. In order to maintain the soil in good condition, it is necessary to know the nature of the metabolic processes of all its components.

Surface layers of soil usually contain many remains of plant and animal organisms, the decomposition of which leads to the formation of humus. The amount of humus determines the fertility of the soil.

The soil is home to a great variety of different living organisms - edaphobionts, forming a complex food detrital network: bacteria, microfungi, algae, protozoa, mollusks, arthropods and their larvae, earthworms and many others. All these organisms are playing huge role in the formation of soil and changes in its physical and chemical characteristics.

Plants absorb essential minerals from the soil, but after the death of plant organisms, the removed elements return to the soil. Soil organisms gradually process all organic residues. Thus, under natural conditions there is a constant cycle of substances in the soil.

In artificial agrocenoses, such a cycle is disrupted, since people withdraw a significant part of agricultural products, using them for their own needs. Due to the non-participation of this part of the production in the cycle, the soil becomes infertile. To avoid this and increase soil fertility in artificial agrocenoses, people introduce organic and mineral fertilizers.

Soil pollution. Under normal natural conditions, all processes occurring in the soil are in balance. But often people are to blame for disturbing the equilibrium state of the soil. As a result of the development of human economic activity, pollution occurs, changes in the composition of the soil and even its destruction. Currently, there is less than one hectare of arable land for every inhabitant of our planet. And these small areas continue to shrink due to inept human economic activities.

Huge areas of fertile land are destroyed during mining operations and during the construction of enterprises and cities. Destruction of forests and natural grass cover, repeated plowing of the land without following the rules of agricultural technology leads to soil erosion - destruction and washing away of the fertile layer by water and wind (Fig. 58). Erosion has now become a worldwide evil. It is estimated that over the last century alone, 2 billion hectares of fertile land for active agricultural use have been lost on the planet as a result of water and wind erosion.

One of the consequences of increased human production activity is intensive soil pollution. The main soil pollutants are metals and their compounds, radioactive elements, as well as fertilizers and pesticides used in agriculture.

The most dangerous soil pollutants include mercury and its compounds. Mercury enters the environment with pesticides and industrial waste containing metallic mercury and its various compounds.

Soil contamination with lead is even more widespread and dangerous. It is known that when one ton of lead is smelted, up to 25 kg of lead is released into the environment with waste. Lead compounds are used as additives in gasoline, so motor vehicles are a serious source of lead pollution. Lead is especially high in soils along major highways.

Near large centers of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, soils are contaminated with iron, copper, zinc, manganese, nickel, aluminum and other metals. In many places their concentration is tens of times higher than the maximum permissible concentration.

Radioactive elements can enter the soil and accumulate in it as a result of fallout from atomic explosions or during the disposal of liquid and solid waste from industrial enterprises, nuclear power plants or research institutions related to the study and use of atomic energy. Radioactive substances from soils enter plants, then into the bodies of animals and humans, and accumulate in them.

Significant impact on chemical composition soils is influenced by modern agriculture, which widely uses fertilizers and various chemical substances to combat pests, weeds and plant diseases. Currently, the amount of substances involved in the cycle during agricultural activities is approximately the same as during industrial production. At the same time, the production and use of fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture increases every year. Their inept and uncontrolled use leads to disruption of the cycle of substances in the biosphere.

Particularly dangerous are persistent organic compounds used as pesticides. They accumulate in soil, water, and bottom sediments of reservoirs. But the most important thing is that they are included in environmental food chains, pass from soil and water to plants, then to animals, and ultimately enter the human body with food.

4. Water is the basis of life processes in the biosphere. Pollution of natural waters.

Water is the most common inorganic compound on our planet. Water is the basis of all life processes, the only source of oxygen in the main driving process on Earth - photosynthesis. Water is present throughout the biosphere: not only in reservoirs, but also in the air, in the soil, and in all living beings. The latter contain up to 80-90% water in their biomass. Loss of 10 - 20% of water by living organisms leads to their death.

IN natural state water is never free of impurities. Various gases and salts are dissolved in it, and there are suspended solid particles. 1 liter of fresh water can contain up to 1 g of salts.

Most of the water is concentrated in the seas and oceans. Fresh waters account for only 2%. Most of the fresh water (85%) is concentrated in the ice of the polar zones and glaciers. The renewal of fresh water occurs as a result of the water cycle.

With the advent of life on Earth, the water cycle became relatively complex, since more complex processes associated with the vital activity of living organisms were added to the simple phenomenon of physical evaporation (the transformation of water into steam). In addition, the role of man, as he develops, becomes more and more significant in this cycle.

The water cycle in the biosphere occurs as follows. Water falls to the Earth's surface in the form of precipitation formed from atmospheric water vapor. Specific part precipitation evaporates directly from the surface, returning to the atmosphere as water vapor. The other part penetrates the soil, is absorbed by the roots of plants and then, passing through the plants, evaporates through the process of transpiration. The third part seeps into the deep layers of the subsoil to waterproof horizons, replenishing groundwater. The fourth part in the form of surface, river and underground runoff flows into reservoirs, from where it also evaporates into the atmosphere. Finally, some is used by animals and consumed by humans for their needs. All water that evaporates and returns to the atmosphere condenses and falls out again as precipitation.

Thus, one of the main ways of the water cycle - transpiration, that is, biological evaporation, is carried out by plants, supporting their vital functions. The amount of water released as a result of transpiration depends on the type of plants, the type of plant communities, their biomass, climatic factors, time of year and other conditions.

The intensity of transpiration and the mass of water evaporating during this process can reach very significant values. In communities such as forests (with large phytomass and leaf surface) or swamps (with a water-saturated moss surface), transpiration in general is quite comparable to the evaporation of open bodies of water (ocean) and often even exceeds it. On average for plant communities temperate climate transpiration ranges from 2000 to 6000 m of water per year.

The amount of total evaporation (from the soil, from the surface of plants and through transpiration) depends on the physiological characteristics of plants and their biomass, and therefore serves as an indirect indicator of the life activity and productivity of communities. Vegetation as a whole acts as a huge evaporator, significantly influencing the climate of the area. The vegetation cover of landscapes, especially forests and swamps, also has enormous water-protection and water-regulating importance, softening changes in runoff (floods), promoting moisture retention, and preventing drying out and erosion of soils.

Pollution of natural waters. Pollution of water bodies is understood as a decrease in their biosphere functions and economic significance as a result of the entry of harmful substances into them.

One of the main water pollutants is oil and petroleum products. Oil can enter water as a result of natural seeps in areas where it occurs. But the main sources of pollution are associated with human activity: oil production, transportation, refining and use of oil as fuel and industrial raw materials.

Among industrial products, toxic synthetic substances occupy a special place in their negative impact on the aquatic environment and living organisms. They are increasingly used in industry, transport, and household services. The concentration of these compounds in wastewater is usually 5-15 mg/l with a MPC of 0.1 mg/l. These substances can form a layer of foam in reservoirs, which is especially noticeable on rapids, riffles, and sluices. The ability to foam in these substances appears already at a concentration of 1-2 mg/l.

Other pollutants include metals (for example, mercury, lead, zinc, copper, chromium, tin, manganese), radioactive elements, pesticides coming from agricultural fields, and runoff from livestock farms. Mercury, lead and their compounds pose a slight danger to the aquatic environment from metals.

Expanded production (without treatment facilities) and the use of pesticides in fields lead to severe pollution of water bodies with harmful compounds. Pollution of the aquatic environment occurs as a result of the direct introduction of pesticides during the treatment of reservoirs for pest control, the entry into reservoirs of water flowing from the surface of treated agricultural land, when waste from manufacturing enterprises is discharged into reservoirs, as well as as a result of losses during transportation, storage and partly from atmospheric precipitation.

Along with pesticides, agricultural runoff contains a significant amount of fertilizer residues (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) applied to the fields. In addition, large amounts of organic nitrogen and phosphorus compounds come from livestock farms and sewage. An increase in the concentration of nutrients in the soil leads to a disruption of the biological balance in the reservoir.

Initially, the number of microscopic algae in such a reservoir sharply increases. With increase food base the number of crustaceans, fish and other aquatic organisms increases. Then a huge number of organisms die off. It leads to the consumption of all oxygen reserves contained in the water and the accumulation of hydrogen sulfide. The situation in the reservoir changes so much that it becomes unsuitable for the existence of any form of organisms. The reservoir is gradually “dying.”

One type of water pollution is thermal pollution. Power plants and industrial enterprises often discharge heated water into a reservoir. This leads to an increase in the water temperature in it. With increasing temperature in a reservoir, the amount of oxygen decreases, the toxicity of water pollutants increases, and the biological balance is disrupted.

In contaminated water, as the temperature rises, pathogenic microorganisms and viruses begin to multiply rapidly. Once in drinking water, they can cause outbreaks of various diseases.

In a number of regions, groundwater was an important source of fresh water. Previously, they were considered the purest. But currently, as a result of human economic activities, many sources of groundwater are also subject to pollution. Often this contamination is so great that the water from them has become undrinkable.

Humanity consumes huge amounts of fresh water for its needs. Its main consumers are industry and agriculture. The most water-intensive industries are mining, steel, chemicals, petrochemicals, pulp and paper, and food processing. They consume up to 70% of all water spent in industry. The main consumer of fresh water is agriculture: 60-80% of all fresh water is used for its needs.

IN modern conditions Human needs for water for municipal and domestic needs are greatly increasing. The volume of water consumed for these purposes depends on the region and standard of living, ranging from 3 to 700 liters per person. In Moscow, for example, there are about 650 liters per resident, which is one of the highest rates in the world.

From the analysis of water use over the past 5-6 decades, it follows that the annual increase in irreversible water consumption, in which used water is irretrievably lost to nature, is 4-5%. Prospective calculations show that if such rates of consumption are maintained and taking into account population growth and production volumes, by 2100 humanity may exhaust all fresh water reserves.

Already at present, not only territories that have been deprived by nature are experiencing a lack of fresh water. water resources, but also many regions that until recently were considered prosperous in this regard. Currently, the need for fresh water is not met in 20% of urban and 75% rural population planets.

Human intervention in natural processes has affected even large rivers (such as the Volga, Don, Dnieper), changing towards a decrease in the volumes of transported water masses (river flow). Water used in agriculture is mostly spent on evaporation and the formation of plant biomass and, therefore, is not returned to rivers. Already, in the most populated areas of the country, river flow has decreased by 8%, and in rivers such as the Don, Terek, and Ural - by 11-20%. The fate of the Aral Sea is very dramatic, which essentially ceased to exist due to excessive water intake from the Syr Darya and Amu Darya rivers for irrigation.

Limited fresh water supplies are being further reduced due to pollution. The main danger is wastewater (industrial, agricultural and domestic), since a significant part of the used water is returned to water basins in the form of wastewater.

5. Radiation in the biosphere.

Radiation pollution has a significant difference from others. Radioactive nuclides are nuclei of unstable chemical elements that emit charged particles and short-wavelength electromagnetic radiation. It is these particles and radiation that enter the human body that destroy cells, as a result of which various diseases can arise, including radiation.

There are natural sources of radioactivity everywhere in the biosphere, and humans, like all living organisms, have always been exposed to natural radiation. External exposure occurs due to radiation cosmic origin and radioactive nuclides in the environment. Internal radiation is created by radioactive elements entering the human body with air, water and food.

To quantitatively characterize the impact of radiation on a person, units are used - the biological equivalent of a roentgen (rem) or sievert (Sv): 1 Sv = 100 rem. Because radioactive radiation can cause serious changes in the body, every person should know its permissible doses.

As a result of internal and external radiation, a person receives an average dose of 0.1 rem over the course of a year and, therefore, about 7 rem over the course of his entire life. At these doses, radiation does not harm humans. However, there are areas where the annual dose is higher than average. For example, people living in high mountain areas can receive a dose several times higher due to cosmic radiation. Large doses of radiation can occur in areas where the content of natural radioactive sources is high. For example, in Brazil (200 km from Sao Paulo) there is a hill where the annual dose is 25 rem. This area is uninhabited.

The greatest danger is posed by radioactive contamination of the biosphere as a result of human activity. Currently, radioactive elements are widely used in various fields. Negligence in the storage and transportation of these elements leads to serious radioactive contamination. Radioactive contamination of the biosphere is associated, for example, with the testing of atomic weapons.

In the second half of this century, nuclear power plants, icebreakers, and submarines with nuclear installations began to be put into operation. During normal operation of nuclear energy and industrial facilities, environmental pollution with radioactive nuclides is a negligible fraction of the natural background. A different situation arises during accidents at nuclear facilities.

Thus, during the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, only about 5% was released into the environment. nuclear fuels But this led to exposure of many people, large areas were so contaminated that they became hazardous to health. This required the relocation of thousands of residents from contaminated areas. An increase in radiation as a result of radioactive fallout was noted hundreds and thousands of kilometers from the accident site.

Currently, the problem of warehousing and storing radioactive waste from the military industry and nuclear power plants is becoming increasingly acute. Every year they pose an increasing danger to the environment. Thus, the use of nuclear energy has posed new serious problems for humanity.

6. Ecological problems of the biosphere.

Human economic activity, becoming more and more global in nature, begins to have a very noticeable impact on the processes occurring in the biosphere. You have already learned about some of the results of human activity and their impact on the biosphere. Fortunately, to a certain level, the biosphere is capable of self-regulation, which allows us to minimize the negative consequences of human activity. But there is a limit when the biosphere is no longer able to maintain equilibrium. Irreversible processes begin that lead to environmental disasters. Humanity has already encountered them in a number of regions of the planet.

Humanity has significantly changed the course of a number of processes in the biosphere, including the biochemical cycle and migration of a number of elements. Currently, although slowly, a qualitative and quantitative restructuring of the entire biosphere of the planet is taking place. A number of complex environmental problems of the biosphere have already arisen that need to be resolved in the near future.

"Greenhouse effect". According to the latest data from scientists, in the 80s. The average air temperature in the northern hemisphere has increased compared to the end of the 19th century. by 0.5-0.6 "C. This leads to excessive absorption of the Earth's thermal radiation by air. Obviously, a certain role in the creation of the so-called " greenhouse effect“The heat released from thermal power plants and nuclear power plants also plays a role.

Climate warming can lead to intensive melting of glaciers and rising sea levels. The changes that may occur as a result are simply difficult to predict.

This problem could be solved by reducing carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere and establishing balance in the carbon cycle.

Depletion of the ozone layer. In recent years, scientists have become increasingly concerned about the depletion of the atmosphere's ozone layer, which acts as a protective shield against ultraviolet radiation. This process occurs especially quickly over the poles of the planet, where so-called ozone holes have appeared. The danger is that ultraviolet radiation is harmful to living organisms.

The main reason for the depletion of the ozone layer is the use by people of chlorofluorocarbons (freons), widely used in production and everyday life as refrigerants, foaming agents, and solvents. aerosols. Freons intensively destroy ozone. They themselves collapse very slowly, over 50-200 years. In 1990, the world produced more than 1,300 thousand tons of ozone-depleting substances.

Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, oxygen molecules (O 2 ) break down into free atoms, which in turn can join with other oxygen molecules to form ozone (O3). Free oxygen atoms can also react with ozone molecules to form two oxygen molecules. Thus, an equilibrium is established and maintained between oxygen and ozone.

However, pollutants such as freons catalyze (accelerate) the process of ozone decomposition, disturbing the balance between it and oxygen towards a decrease in ozone concentration.

Given the danger looming over the planet, the international community has taken the first step towards solving this problem. An international agreement was signed according to which the production of freons in the world should be reduced by approximately 50% by 1999.

Mass deforestation is one of the most important global environmental problems of our time.

You already know that forest communities play a critical role in the normal functioning of natural ecosystems. They absorb atmospheric pollution of anthropogenic origin, protect the soil from erosion, regulate the normal flow of surface water, prevent a decrease in groundwater levels and siltation of rivers, canals and reservoirs.

A decrease in forest area disrupts the oxygen and carbon cycle in the biosphere.

Despite the fact that the catastrophic consequences of deforestation are already widely known, their destruction continues. Currently, the total forest area on the planet is about 42 million km2 2 , but it decreases by 2% annually. Tropical rainforests are being destroyed especially intensively in Asia, Africa, America and some other regions of the world. Thus, in Africa, forests previously occupied about 60% of its territory, but now they occupy only about 17%. Forest areas in our country have also decreased significantly.

Deforestation entails the death of their richest flora and fauna. Man is depleting the appearance of his planet.

However, it seems that humanity is already aware that its existence on the planet is inextricably linked with the life and well-being of forest ecosystems. The serious warnings of scientists, sounded in declarations of the United Nations and other international organizations, began to resonate. In recent years, work on artificial afforestation and the organization of highly productive forest plantations has begun to be successfully carried out in many countries around the world.

Waste production. Industrial and agricultural waste has become a serious environmental problem. You already know the harm they cause to the environment. Currently, attempts are being made to reduce the amount of waste that pollutes the environment. For this purpose, complex filters are developed and installed, and expensive treatment facilities and settling tanks are built. But practice shows that although they reduce the risk of pollution, they still do not solve the problem. It is known that even with the most advanced treatment, including biological treatment, all dissolved minerals and up to 10% of organic pollutants remain in treated wastewater. Waters of this quality can only become suitable for consumption after repeated dilution with clean water.

Calculations show that 2,200 km are spent on all types of water use 3 water per year. Almost 20% of the world's freshwater resources are spent on wastewater dilution. Calculations for 2000 show that even if treatment covers all wastewater, it will still take 30-35 thousand km to dilute it 3 fresh water. This means that the world's total river flow resources will be close to exhaustion. But in many areas such resources are already in acute shortage,

Obviously, a solution to the problem is possible through the development and implementation of completely new, closed-loop, waste-free technologies. When using them, water will not be discharged, but will be reused in a closed cycle. All by-products will not be thrown away as waste, but will be subject to deep processing. This will create conditions for receiving additional necessary for a person products and protect the environment.

Agriculture. In agricultural production, it is important to strictly follow the rules of agricultural technology and monitor fertilizer application rates. Because chemicals Control of pests and weeds lead to significant disturbances in the ecological balance; ways to overcome this crisis are being sought in several directions.

Work is underway to develop plant varieties that are resistant to agricultural pests and diseases: selective bacterial and viral preparations are being created that affect, for example, only insect pests. Ways and methods are being sought biological control, that is, a search is underway for a hydroelectric power station and the reproduction of natural enemies that destroy harmful insects. Highly selective drugs are being developed from a number of hormones, antihormones and other substances that can act on the biochemical systems of certain types of insects and do not have a noticeable effect on other types of insects or other organisms.

Energy production. Very complex environmental problems are associated with energy production at thermal power plants. The need for energy is one of the basic life needs of a person. Energy is needed not only for the normal activities of modern, complexly organized human society, but also for the simple physical existence of everyone human body. Currently, electricity is mainly produced at hydroelectric power plants, thermal and nuclear power plants.

At first glance, hydroelectric power plants are environmentally friendly clean enterprises that do not harm nature. This has been thought for many decades. In our country, many largest hydroelectric power stations have been built on great rivers. It has now become clear that this construction has caused great damage to both nature and people.

First of all, the construction of dams on large lowland rivers leads to the flooding of vast areas into reservoirs. This is due to relocation large number people and loss of grazing lands.

Secondly, by blocking the river, the dam creates insurmountable obstacles on the migration routes of anadromous and semi-anadromous fish that rise to spawn in the upper reaches of rivers.

Thirdly, water in storage facilities stagnates, its flow slows down, which affects the lives of all living creatures living in the river and near the river.

Fourthly, local water rise affects groundwater, leads to flooding, waterlogging, coastal erosion and landslides.

This list of negative consequences of the construction of hydroelectric power stations on lowland rivers can be continued. Large high-rise dams on mountain rivers also pose dangers, especially in areas with high seismicity. In world practice, there are several cases where the breach of such dams led to enormous destruction and the death of hundreds and thousands of people.

From an environmental point of view, nuclear power plants are the cleanest among other currently operating energy complexes. The dangers of radioactive waste are fully recognized, and therefore both the design and operational standards of nuclear power plants provide for reliable isolation from the environment of at least 99.999% of all resulting radioactive waste.

It should be taken into account that the actual volumes of radioactive waste are relatively small. For a standard nuclear power unit with a capacity of 1 million kW, this is 3 - 4 m per year. It is clear that a cubic meter of even a very harmful and dangerous substance is still easier to handle than a million cubic meters of simply harmful and dangerous substances, such as, for example, waste from thermal power plants , which almost entirely enter the environment.

Not everyone knows that coal has slight natural radioactivity. Since a thermal power plant burns huge volumes of fuel, its total radioactive emissions are higher than those of a nuclear power plant. But this factor is secondary in comparison with the main disaster from installing fossil fuels on nature and people - emissions of chemical compounds into the atmosphere that are combustion products.

Although nuclear power plants are more environmentally friendly than simple power plants, they pose a greater potential danger in the event of serious reactor accidents. We were convinced of this by the example of the Chernobyl disaster. Thus, the energy sector poses seemingly insoluble environmental problems. The search for a solution to the problem is being carried out in several directions.

Scientists are developing new safe reactors for nuclear power plants. The second direction is related to the use of non-traditional renewable energy sources. This is primarily the energy of the Sun and wind, the heat of the earth's interior, the thermal and mechanical energy of the ocean. In many countries, including ours, not only experienced, but also industrial installations on these energy sources. They are still relatively low-power. But many scientists believe that they have a great future.

  1. Conclusion.
  1. Due to the increasing scale of anthropogenic impact (human economic activity), especially in the last century, the balance in the biosphere is being disrupted, which can lead to irreversible processes and raise the question of the possibility of life on the planet. This is due to the development of industry, energy, transport, agriculture and other types of human activity without taking into account the capabilities of the Earth's biosphere. Already, humanity is facing serious environmental problems that require immediate solutions.
  2. The main trends in changes in nature under the influence of human economic activity are predominantly negative. Environmental problems associated with the depletion and irrational use of natural resources are significantly increasing. Russia suffers from wastewater discharges, the Volga is extremely polluted,Don, Neva, Pechora, Ob and many other rivers.
    There is a great danger from radioactive contamination in the areas of the Chernobyl disaster zone (Bryansk region), the Urals ( Chelyabinsk region) and New
    Earth. The threat of radioactive contamination in the regions where nuclear “burial grounds” are planned to be located (Krasnoyarsk Territory) is increasing.
  3. At the same time, it should be noted that in general the environmental situation in Russia has been improving in recent years. This, however, is explained not so much by the solution of environmental problems, but byeconomic

    Project objectives: Studying different points of view about the current state of the natural environment. 2. Study of additional literature about the main sources of biosphere pollution. 3. Ways to protect the environment from pollution.

    Plan: I. Introduction. II. Main part 1. Current state of the natural environment. 2. The atmosphere is the outer shell of the biosphere. Air pollution. 3. Soil is an important component of the biosphere. Soil pollution. 4. Water is the basis of life processes in the biosphere. Pollution of natural waters. 5. Radiation in the biosphere 6. Environmental problems of the biosphere. III. Conclusion. Application.

    Sources of information: 1. E. A. Kriksunov, V.V. Pasechnik, A.P. Sidorin “Ecology” Publishing house “Drofa” 1995 2. G. A. Bogdanovsky “Chemical ecology” Moscow University Publishing House 1994 3. N.A. Agadzhanyan, V.I. Torshin “Human Ecology” MMP “Ecocenter”, KRUK 1994 4.

    Introduction The modern world is characterized by extraordinary complexity and contradictory events; it is riddled with opposing trends, full of complex alternatives, anxieties and hopes. The end of the 20th century is characterized by a powerful breakthrough in the development of scientific and technological progress, the growth of social contradictions, a sharp demographic explosion, and the deterioration of the natural environment around humans. What does the coming century bring us - new problems or a cloudless future? What will humanity be like in 150, 200 years? Will a person, with his mind and will, be able to save himself and our planet from the numerous threats hanging over it? These questions undoubtedly concern many people. The future of the biosphere has become the subject of close attention of representatives of many branches of scientific knowledge.

    Human influence on the ecology of agricultural areas Coverage of large areas by anthropogenic loads, sometimes almost 100%; Low forest cover and small areas meadow-steppe areas; The predominance of certain types of pollution in soil, water and soils associated with fertilizers. Agricultural areas vary greatly in natural conditions, types of land use and degree of development. Nevertheless, their environmental problems have much in common. This is due to the following circumstances:

    Human influence on the ecology of agricultural areas Dramatic changes in the natural environment of agricultural areas are due to the fact that solid, liquid and dissolved runoff on land areas is disturbed. Deforestation increases soil loss, solid waste rivers, leads to siltation of reservoirs. Active migration of elements along slopes, their rapid entry into reservoirs with a simultaneous reduction in runoff leads to severe pollution of surface waters. This pollution can be toxic, since hazardous elements such as cadmium, mercury, strontium, lead, and zinc are among the most mobile in most types of soil. Obtaining high yields is currently impossible without the use of various pesticides for plant protection - pesticides, the consumption of which exceeds 4 million tons/year. However, now their use is declining due to the adaptation of many pests to them, the death of soil microorganisms, and infection vegetable crops and the accumulation of toxic substances in surface waters, bottom sediments of reservoirs, animal and human organisms.

    Environmental problems of cities Environmental problems of cities are associated with excessive concentration of population, transport and industrial enterprises in small areas, with the formation of anthropogenic landscapes that are very far from a state of ecological balance. For the period 1949 - 1989. the population of large cities increased 4 times. Over large cities, the atmosphere contains 10 times more aerosols and 25 times more gases. High concentrations of aerosols and gases lead to increased pollution, fog and smog. Cities consume 10 or more times more water per person than rural areas, and water pollution reaches catastrophic proportions. Wastewater volumes reach 1 m² per day per person. Therefore, almost all large cities experience a shortage of water resources.

    Reference information from a specialist... The most polluted cities in Russia: according to the state of the air basin - Moscow, Bratsk, Magnitogorsk, Novokuznetsk, Norilsk, Sterlitamak, Ulan-Ude; for the largest total emissions of industrial waste for the year - Lipetsk, Omsk, Khabarovsk, Kazan, Voronezh. For every resident of Russia annually: 42 tons of rock mass are mined, of which 13 tons go to dumps; gas and dust emissions amount to 0.48 tons; burning fossil fuels releases 3.5 tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere; 184 tons of polluted water are discharged into water bodies.

    Human influence on the sustainability of ecosystems. Man, through his economic activities, greatly simplifies ecological systems, destroying or infringing species that are evolutionarily adapted to exist in these conditions. An example of this is the environmental problems of forests: poaching of animals, deforestation, forest fires. By exploring new territories, he destroys ecological niches and habitats for many species, destroying ecological systems and reducing species diversity. A person is often main reason introduction of species alien to ecosystems, causing disruption of natural ecosystems and displacement of many species. Hunters select and kill the best representatives of the species, thus creating the conditions for negative selection.

    Action to combat negative impacts

Lesson 67-68 . Subject: Changing nature under the influence of economicactivitiesperson.Environmental problems of continents and oceans. Practical work 12 "Studying
main types of environmental pollution
environment and establishing sources of their entry"
C spruce :- to form in students a general understanding of the environmental problems of the Earth;

- deepen and systematize knowledge about types of pollutionenvironment and main sources of pollution;

Systematize students’ knowledge about environmental crises and the current environmental situation;- form practicalability to characterize different kinds pollution, compare pollution levelsenvironment in different regions; - improve skillsand skills to work with different sources geographical knowledge, analyzeand systematize the necessary information.
Equipment : diagrams, atlases, textbooks, notebooks for practical work on printed pagebasis, contour maps.
Basic Concepts : environment, pollution, global problems of humanity, ecological situation, anthropogenic impact.
Lesson type : expansion of knowledge, skills and abilities.
During the classes
I . Organizing time
II. Updating basic knowledge and skills
What is a natural complex?

Remember what types of human economic activity most influence the natural complexes of the Earth.

What happens to a natural complex when one of its naturalcomponents will undergo changes e ?
How does the anthropogenic complex differ from the natural one?
What does the science of ecology study?
What role does the science of geography play in environmental protection?
Why did the emergence and development of this science occur in the 9th–20th centuries?
III. Motivation for educational and cognitive activities .

We are all inhabitants of one planet, we breathe the air of one atmosphere, and the shores of the continents are washed by the waters of one World Ocean.In the second half of the twentieth century, in the era of rapid development of science and technology, the development of new natural resources, human influence on nature is widespread. People,Having created powerful mechanisms, they began to change not only natural s complexes, but also the circulation of substances, energy flows, chemical composition geographer And h Yes shells. This influence can be compared in scale and powerwith natural processes that cover the entire planet. Modern scale studying natural resources and methods of their use do not allow conservation t sustainable balance in nature. Let's define the main types of environmental pollutionenvironment and sources of their entry.
IV. Learning new material 1. Disturbance of natural balance
Industry on the planet has become the third largest source of energy after e energy of the Sun and the bowels of the earth, while carbon dioxide per year in stands out more into the air than all active volcanoes.During transportation and refining of oil, it enters water 85-100 timesmore than seeps through cracks from the depths of the Earth. As a result of this nowAlmost the entire World Ocean is covered with a thin film, under which, due to a lack of oxygen living organisms die. Regulating water flows on a planetary scalehas led to the fact that reservoirs now contain about 6 thousand km3 of water -three times more than in all the rivers of the world.
th With technology, man began to recycle even what was indestructible to this daythe shell of the Earth - the lithosphere. During mining, it creates artificial mountains and depressions - waste heaps and quarries, which are tall and deepreach several hundred meters. These are actually new, man-made landforms.Man has changed the cycles of virtually all metals existing in nature. e . Metals accumulate in the air, soil, plants, water, and enterinto food and then into the human body. Exceeding a certain concentration And Well, metals cause irreparable harm to all living things.According to experts, a person has significantly changed and mastered about 60% of the ri torii sushi. The natural appearance of some natural areas can be observedonly in nature reserves. The result of the economic-transformative activity flatness human is the emergence of anthropogenic landscapes - significantly changed natural complexes . Analysis of this scheme:

2. Main types of environmental pollution Mechanical - contamination with solid objects, containers,waste items that accumulate on the earth's surface. Chemical - pollution with substances and compounds of artificial origin,which interact with natural substances and disrupt the cycle of substances andenergy.Biological - distribution of organisms resulting from life know d e I those human diseases (new types of animal diseases, bacteria and viruses, cockroaches, ratsand etc.).Radiation - occurs during testing nuclear weapons, disposal of radioactive waste, accidents and disasters at nuclear power plants and othersnuclear powered facilities.

- Name the main sources of pollution: enter the data in your notebooks.

3. Anthropogenic environmental crises , How This is clear from their name; they are associated with human activity. According to scientists, the modern environmental crisis began inXIXcentury, but its noticeable manifestations occurred at the beginning of the twentieth century.

- Are these pollutants known to you? Analyze this diagram and draw it in your notebook.

Presentation on the topic: “Anthropogenic environmental crises” - students make a logical summary as they watch the presentation.
V. Consolidation of the studied material
Carrying out practical work 12 “Studying the main types pollution environment and identifying the sources of their entry.” I recommend e tsyause notebooks for practical work on printed materials
basis. In the absence of such notebooks, it is proposed to complete the following tasks:
1. Identify the main sources for each type of environmental pollution
Bring specific examples for each “pair” “source of pollution - type of pollution”.
3. Build a diagram “Ways to solve environmental pollution problems
yay environment."
4. Fill out the diagram “Interaction between nature and man.”
Man to nature, Nature to man
VI. Lesson summary – final word from the teacher

Natural resources in all their diversity are vital for humans;

Environmental crises are divided into natural and anthropogenic in origin;

The modern environmental crisis is more anthropogenic; its scale has become global.
VII. Homework
Work through the paragraph...
Prepare reports " round table" on the topic "Environmental problems
continents and oceans."Analyze this scheme, what types of pollutants are you familiar with and can they be avoided?

Beginning of the form

End of form

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