Pepper fertilizer for a generous harvest. How to feed peppers during fruiting What is the best way to feed peppers

Every inhabitant of country beds needs reverent care, Bell pepper- not an exception. The culinary favorite is regularly fertilized, surrounded by attention, and with proper care, the plant will delight with juicy fruits.

Before you start growing peppers, for a positive result, it is advisable to study the care manual and find out the answers to the questions: how to fertilize peppers, how to protect against possible diseases and protect against frequent pest infestations?

Why and what types of pepper should be fertilized?

The diversity of this class of plants is surprising - each subspecies has taste nuances and requires special care.

Among the representatives of the variety are especially popular:

  1. Sweetredpepper, which has universal culinary opportunities. To make the fruit fleshy , regularly feed the bushes with a mixture of cow dung and more water.
  2. Bulgarianpepper- Another well-known member of the family, for the growth of which they use eggshells, ash and yeast as fertilizer.
  3. ExoticChile also needs special fertilizers. Hot pepper well perceives ash infusions, thanks to their use in a duet with regular watering, they get a rich harvest.
  4. roompepper light especially fastidious, for the yield of small sharp fruits, mineral-based mixtures are used ("Nitrofoska", "Mortar").

If the plant does not grow well, it is necessary to completely revise the previous feeding technology, fertilize in a different way.

Effects improper care can be deplorable, which is why they begin care procedures for maturation and successful growth at the initial stage of planting, deal with seeds before sowing.

When is the best time to fertilize peppers?

Usually, soil preparation procedure is carried out in the fall. The ground covers are loosened approximately 25 cm deep. For successful sowing, the soil is pre-fertilized with ready-made compost mixed with ash.

We must not forget about regular watering - the vegetable is demanding on moist soil. At right choice fertilizers already in August - September, juicy fruits of pepper will ripen on the beds.

Root top dressing of peppers

Rules for growing peppers in greenhouses:

  • Sprouts are fertilized every 14 days, dissolving organic and mineral substances in water.
  • Before fertilizing the soil, the plants are watered with barely warm water.
  • Top dressing alternate, the first week to use organic mixtures, after - mineral.
  • Having fertilized the soil, the soil is loosened a little.
  • Nitrogen fertilizer variations are not used too often, such top dressing will make a lush green handsome man out of the future cous, but such pepper will produce meager fruits.

Organic top dressing and types of fertilizers

Any organic matter will be a good top dressing for fruit-bearing plants. The peculiarity of the fertilizer lies in the ecological component of each component, top dressing is operated without chemicals and a variety of additives.

For the improved condition of peppers are used:

  1. cow dung (mullein) , which strengthens the immunity of the plant, protecting it from diseases.
  2. bird droppings, rich in vitamins useful substances.
  3. , to which pepper has a special sympathy, because the substance is a rich source of potassium.
  4. Nettle infusion, a budget and effective option, because nettle has large resources of calcium and vitamins of groups A, B.

bird droppings

Nettle infusion

In addition, as an organic top dressing, eggshell, peat, or other, no less interesting, natural components.

Mineral top dressing

A well-known substance with a mineral component is iodine, which has a great vitamin potential.

Action of iodine:

  • increases productivity;
  • increases the amount of vitamin C in the vitamin composition of the plant;
  • positively affects the quality of fruits, improves taste and taste;
  • affects the size of the products.

There are advantages scientific explanation, because iodine improves the complex process of assimilation of nitrogen compounds. Thanks to the action of nitrogen, the immunity of the plant is greatly increased, making it resistant and not allowing diseases to affect it.

Complex top dressing

The next type of fertilizer is classified according to several parameters; in terms of composition, such top dressing can be double and triple.

According to the method of production is divided into:

  1. complex, combining two or three elements;
  2. combined;
  3. mixed.

Complex fertilizers are also great for eggplant, tomatoes, however, it is better to use other mixtures for peppers. For example, fertilize with " Blank sheet» , which has a huge number of variations of combinations of useful components.

For good fruiting, variations of mixing components are used:

  • mullein infusion with superphosphate;
  • 2 teaspoons of urea, superphosphate per 15 liters of water;
  • 100 g yeast, 50 g sugar per 10 liters of water.

Urea requires careful use. Excess fertilizer will negatively affect the germination of seedlings. You can neutralize the bad effects of the vitamin composition with the help of an additional layer of soil, the use of potassium.

Use to fertilize peppers better after planting in the ground. Top dressing will positively affect the condition of young seedlings, increasing their survival rate.

foliar top dressing

The essence of foliar fertilizer is spraying the ground part of the plant. Thanks to a simple procedure, pepper absorbs useful trace elements through neat leaves and stems.

The constant attacks of ants often interfere with the development of the plant. Sweet will help and sugar.

For insect repellant you need:

  1. Take 1 glass of acid solution.
  2. Add a tablespoon of sugar to the boric liquid.
  3. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  4. Pour the nest with the resulting mixture.

The method is used if the location of the ant nest is well known.

If it is not known where they live, then the following method is used:

  1. In a separate container, mix 3 tablespoons of water and 1 tablespoon of boric acid.
  2. Add 1 tablespoon of sugar to the mixture, as well as a little honey or jam.
  3. Mix all ingredients.
  4. Pour the resulting product into nylon lids.
  5. Place traps near the places where the ants move.

To improve the effect, a thin blade of grass is placed on the edge of the lid, which will be a bridge to simplify the movements of insects.

How to feed seedlings of peppers?

The first feeding is done on the early stages pepper growth before the leaves have appeared. It is often not worth taking extra care, but it is advisable to fertilize the seedlings several times.

Fertilize urea and superphosphate- necessary and sought-after ingredients for the plant. Sold in any specialized store.

Also needs such feeding. A mixture for fertilizing young seedlings is prepared simply - diluted in 10 liters of water 8 g of urea or 27 g of superphosphate. Plant water adjusted, trying not to overdo it with the liquid.

How to fertilize peppers after planting in open ground?

A capricious fruit needs high level humidity, so a piece of land is chosen with a high water-holding capacity. The soil has been prepared since autumn, removing the plant surpluses of the previous vegetables, carefully digging up the soil.

In fresh organic top dressing seedlings do not need. In addition, pepper is susceptible to excess nitrogen in the ground, so it should not be planted in a site with fresh manure. In spring, loosen the soil slightly, adding a little phosphoric and potash fertilizers .

How to fertilize peppers for the ovary?

The second dressing has a natural character.

It is necessary to alternate mineral and organic fertilizers.

To create the perfect fertilizer for pepper plantations, you need:

  1. 100 liters of water;
  2. a glass of urea;
  3. a bucket of last year's manure;
  4. 2 kg of bird droppings.

In a separate container, pour all the components with a generous amount of water, mix gently, let the mixture brew for a week. Use half a bucket of fertilizer per square of soil.

Top dressing during flowering, fruit set and fruiting

The key to good flowering lies in a sufficient amount of potassium in the soil. To do this, carry out special ones using urea.

To stimulate the development of ovaries, apply:

  • MKH "EuroChem";
  • Ecohuminate;
  • Toppers;
  • Novalon.

Dry fertilizers are used, gently pouring a little mixture under each bush. After the procedure, the pepper must be watered with warm water.

Summer residents do not always understand whether they should fertilize peppers during the fruiting period, although signs possible diseases affect the visual characteristics of the fetus. Pepper should be large, smooth, without any spots and dots.

Feeding is used for accelerating the maturation process. For this, they often use superphosphate, potassium salt and a small amount of organic additives (manure, droppings).

Features of feeding peppers at home

Neat representatives of the indoor garden need reverent care, because decorative pepper is practically no different from the "big brother" growing in the garden. Care does not take much time and physical resources.

To grow indoor pepper on the windowsill follow the rules:

  1. Water the plant only with warm water, you can not be zealous with this procedure (2-3 times a week).
  2. The soil should always be slightly damp.
  3. Spray peppers in a pot regularly to avoid the appearance of spider mites.
  4. You can not deprive the plant of sunlight, because of its lack, the leaves will begin to fall.

By adhering to these simple rules, you can very quickly acquire a beautiful pet.

Fertilizer peppers folk remedies

Popular for feeding honey water

Kira Stoletova

Pepper is a very demanding crop. An important condition its cultivation is growth stimulation on different stages plant development. For this purpose, fertilizers are used. Feeding pepper with folk remedies is suitable for gardeners who do not want to oversaturate vegetables with chemicals.

Fertilization Rules

To properly fertilize, you need to know some rules:

  • funds are applied only under the root, they should not fall on the leaves and stems, otherwise they must be washed off with clean water;
  • in cool summers, when the culture lacks sunlight, it is necessary to provide it with such an element as potassium;
  • it is worth monitoring the amount of funds contributed, an excess of nitrogen leads to a strong increase in green mass to the detriment of the formation of ovaries;
  • for the preparation of solutions, only warm (at least 20 ° C) settled water is used;
  • fertilizers are applied after watering - this contributes to the uniform distribution of the product into the ground and prevents burns of sensitive roots;
  • types of dressings alternate with each other;
  • after using stimulants, the soil is loosened.

When and how to feed

Fertilizers for pepper are applied at different stages of cultivation. It is very important to observe the timing of top dressing.

Soil preparation

It depends on how well the soil mixture is prepared, how the plants will feel in the future. Before planting the seed, special attention should be paid to the composition of the soil. Some gardeners buy special mixes, others make their own. To do this, use the following components:

  • Earth;
  • river sand;
  • humus.

All substances are taken in equal proportions. Then fertilize with a small amount wood ash.

The second time they feed the soil when they make holes for planting peppers in a permanent place. For this purpose, 1/3 cup of ash is mixed with 0.5 shovels of humus, and added to each well. Plentifully watered.

Seedling feeding

To grow a good harvest, you must first take care of the quality of the seedlings.

After germination, when the plants already have true leaves, you can apply fertilizer for the first time. At this stage, substances containing nitrogen and potassium will be useful. Otherwise, the seedlings may stretch out too much and become frail.

The second top dressing is carried out 2 weeks after the previous one. The composition of substances must also include components with such an element as phosphorus. If in soil mix humus was added, then nitrogen is superfluous with the second fertilizer.

Top dressing of adult plants

If pepper is grown in a greenhouse, then for the first time it is fertilized after two weeks. In the open field - after 15-20 days. During this time, the seedlings will have time to take root and grow stronger. Stimulants during this period are necessary for enhanced plant growth.

The next top dressing is carried out during the setting of the buds. Useful at this stage of development will be products containing potassium. The third time fertilizers are applied after the ripening of the first fruits. They are collected and then folk remedies are used.

What to feed

There are many organic substances that contain the elements necessary for sweet peppers. Especially the culture needs nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.

bird droppings

The product is a good source of nitrogen. It is used as part of the infusion, which is prepared as follows: 2 parts of water are added to 1 part of the substance, mixed and left for 2-3 days for fermentation. Before use, dilute with water in a ratio of 1:10. top dressing bird droppings effective on early stages development of seedlings, as well as for adult plants in order to build up tops.

wood ash

Ash is used for pepper as a source of potassium and phosphorus. In addition to them, the ash contains many other useful micro and macro elements. An organic product is obtained by burning wood, plant residues, tops, weeds. Do not allow debris, plastic, polyethylene to get into it.

On the basis of the ashes, such an infusion is prepared:

  • 1 st. l. substances;
  • 2 liters of hot water;
  • insist day;
  • strain before use.

Wood ash contributes to the strengthening and development of culture. The fruits acquire a good taste.


It is used as a growth stimulant for seedlings in the form of an infusion, which is prepared in this way:

Insist for two weeks. Shake every day 2 times. The finished concentrate is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2 and 2 tbsp. l. wood ash. The fertilizer has an odor fresh manure. Can be stored for 2 months in a dark cool place.

banana skin

With the help of this substance, the earth is saturated with potassium, with a shortage of which nitrogen is poorly absorbed. You can fertilize pepper using this tool: 2-3 peels are poured with water in a three-liter jar, insisted for 3 days. The liquid during this time will be saturated with potassium. You can also dry the skin, crush it into a powder and apply it in this form to the soil.


Means prepared on the basis of the substance have a whole complex of vitamins. You can feed the culture with this infusion:

  • shell of 3 eggs;
  • 3 l warm water;
  • cover loosely with a lid;
  • leave for 3 days.

The readiness of the liquid for use is determined by the turbidity of the water. The solution acquires an unpleasant odor.

onion peel

Provides plants with many elements, and also has disinfecting characteristics. An infusion of this substance is used as a fertilizer. It is prepared like this:

  • 20 g of onion peel;
  • 4 liters of water;
  • insist 4 days:
  • strain before use.


The tool is of great benefit to peppers: it stimulates growth, increases yield, improves the taste of fruits. Also has antiseptic properties. Based on the substance, the following fertilizer is prepared:

  • 1-2 drops of iodine;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 100 ml whey.


They are a source of phosphorus, nitrogen and other useful elements. Yeast stimulates crop growth, activates metabolic processes in the soil, promotes the development of a strong root system, and increases productivity. You can feed the plants with the following means:

  • 1 g dry or 50 g fresh yeast;
  • 1 liter of warm water;
  • 1 tsp Sahara.

Before using the solution, it is diluted with 5 liters of warm water. Apply no more than 2 times per season.

Folk remedies in feeding pepper are widely used. They provide the culture with the necessary substances during the growing period of seedlings, as well as during the growing season. It is worth observing the condition of plants in order to understand what elements they require.

Do not over-saturate the soil with fertilizers, as this can harm the vegetable. Given the timing of fertilizing, and following all the rules, you can achieve high yields.

To grow a good pepper crop, you need to properly fertilize. What to feed the plants? This question is asked by novice farmers. For normal growth, seedlings need mineral and organic matter, which in normal ground lacks. They are introduced at different stages of pepper growth, both when leaves appear, and just before planting in the ground. If you apply the right fertilizers in the right rows, the seedlings will take root, and the harvest of peppers in the summer will be plentiful.

Basic rules for feeding peppers

If the pepper is poorly fertilized, you are unlikely to have to expect a generous harvest. Therefore, it is very important not only to choose high-quality mixtures, but also to do all these procedures correctly. What rules are recommended to be observed, first of all:

  • It is advisable to feed once every two weeks. At the same time, organic and mineral components must certainly be diluted in warm settled water;
  • it is noteworthy that at first the plants are watered and only after that it is possible to feed them with fertilizers;
  • at the end of the procedure for feeding the substrate, the soil must be slightly loosened;
  • it is very important to bring different kinds top dressing, alternating them.

Remember, with nitrogen-type fertilizers, in no case should you overdo it. If the substrate is saturated with them excessively, the greenery will begin to develop too actively, but the ovaries on the stems of the plants will not form in time.

Diagnosis of pepper when fertilizing

Plants, like people, can suffer from a shortage or an overabundance of a particular substance. Timely diagnosis will help you grow healthy sweet peppers, providing the plant with excellent care.

  • Pepper does not bloom - exclude fertilizers containing nitrogen.
  • The leaves are curling - the pepper lacks potassium.
  • Leaves gray color on the lower side - lack of nitrogen.
  • Leaves purple on the lower side - lack of phosphorus.

How and how to feed the pepper after landing in the ground

Before thinking about how to feed the pepper after planting in the ground, the seedlings need to be fertilized two more times before transplanting - this will harden the plants.

The best option for a second top dressing would be mineral composition: ammonium nitrate(0.5 g), superphosphate (3 g), potassium (2 g), dissolve the ingredients in a liter of water. Top dressing is carried out two weeks after the first.

The third top dressing is carried out a week before transplanting into open ground, you can use the same composition, but increase the amount of potassium to 8 grams. After transplanting the seedlings to the beds, at least two weeks should pass before you can start feeding peppers in the open field.

Top dressing of pepper, during flowering

A sufficient amount of potassium in the soil is the key to good flowering of peppers and the formation of an ovary. Therefore, top dressing of pepper during flowering is carried out with potash fertilizers (dry potassium, urea): 1 teaspoon per bucket of water. natural fertilizers, such as nettle infusion, also have a fruitful effect on peppers. Dear reader! To download all images and articles on this site, disable AdBlock. Top dressing of peppers during flowering It is possible to feed peppers in a greenhouse during flowering with organic mineral fertilizer Ecohuminate or Dachnik to stimulate the development of ovaries. Apply them in a dry form, pouring the amount indicated on the package under each bush. After such fertilizer, watering of pepper is mandatory. The introduction of organic matter improves soil structure, increases fertility, and helps fight pests. To prepare top dressing, a bucket of young leaves is collected and poured cold water for a week and a half until it starts to ferment and the leaves sink to the bottom. After that, filter, and water with tincture every 10 days. During flowering, it is popular to feed pepper in a greenhouse with mullein (diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 2) and urea (25 g per 10 l. cold water) or mineral fertilizers. In a bucket of water, dilute 1 tablespoon of superphosphate, and 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate.

Top dressing during the fruiting period of pepper

You can determine if the bushes need to be fed during fruit ripening by appearance the peppers themselves. If the fruits are even and strong, and ripening is fast, then the plants most likely do not require feeding. Fertilizers should be applied in order to speed up the ripening process and make it more uniform. In this case, superphosphate and potassium salt are used. Such top dressing is carried out only after the first fruits have already ripened. You can also apply organic fertilizers, such as manure or chicken manure. Potassium-phosphorus fertilizers or solutions with urea are suitable as mineral supplements.

Feeding peppers with organic fertilizers

Since simple organic matter (in the form of manure, chicken manure) is not very useful for culture, and mineral fertilizers are likely to affect the health of a summer resident, and they are also not cheap, people have created a lot of recipes that are more accessible and useful fertilizers for sweet pepper.

Among these folk remedies can be distinguished:

  • brewing sleeping black tea. For the preparation of fertilizer, only large-leaf black tea is suitable for brewing, 200 grams of such tea leaves are poured with three liters of cold water and left to infuse for a week. Top dressing of this kind contains a lot of useful substances: magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium and sodium.
  • in shell chicken eggs also contains a lot of useful trace elements, there is calcium, and phosphates, and magnesium. The shell must be ground into a fine powder, then it is filled with a three-liter jar by about half, the rest of the volume is supplemented with water. AT dark place store this composition until a characteristic sulfuric odor appears, after which the fertilizer is ready for use. Such a composition must be used during the period of fruit setting and development.
  • Chicken manure can be used to fertilize pepper only in dissolved form, dry manure can severely burn the stems and roots of plants. Dilute litter with water in a ratio of 1:20, the bushes are simply watered with this mixture.
  • Young nettles will also be an excellent source of trace elements. To prepare top dressing, cut greens should be poured with water and placed in a warm place. After a couple of days, the grass will begin to settle to the bottom of the container, which means that the fertilizer has already fermented and can be used. For greater efficiency, purchased microelements can be added to the nettle solution, the composition can be used every 10 days.

Fertilizing pepper with mineral fertilizers

For those who find it difficult to make the organic composition of fertilizers, you can use ready-made preparations, for example, complex fertilizer "Sudarushka". At 10 l. a tablespoon of the suspension is diluted with water, and the resulting solution is applied under the root of the plants at the rate of 1 liter. on a bush In order not to harm the root system, the soil is moistened before fertilizing, as is the case with organic matter. You can replace "sudarushka" with nitrophoska or urea by dissolving 40 g of fertilizer in 10 liters. water, and using this composition for 1 bed.

You can fertilize peppers by first fertilizing with organic matter, and the second with mineral fertilizers. Each time after fertilizing, the soil in the garden should be loosened as soon as it dries out a little. Peppers bloom almost all the time until autumn, but as soon as young peppers grow up to 5-8 cm, the feeding tactics need to be changed.

Additional feeding of pepper

Feeding is carried out in this way:

  • If the bushes grow well but bloom poorly, stop feeding the plants with nitrogen, but add superphosphates with water.
  • If the pepper leaves begin to curl, you need to add potash fertilizers to the soil. The acquisition of dull gray leaves on the underside indicates a lack of nitrogen fertilizers in the soil.
  • During the growing season, peppers may need spraying bushes, as the plant absorbs fertilizer faster. Don't overdo it with fertilizers. This is not the case when the more the better. Especially it is impossible to abuse slurry, this can lead to loss of fertility.

When feeding pepper, it is necessary to take into account which fertilizer is intended for what, what it affects and what can happen in case of an overdose:

Can't be abused organic fertilizers just before planting the pepper. Most of them are included in the predecessors.

The full dose of phosphorus and potassium minerals is applied in the fall under plowing, then at the time of sowing and with top dressing during the growing season.

A part of nitrogen fertilizers is applied before sowing and with top dressing, or the entire norm during the growing season.

Nitrogen fertilizers have a productive effect on the number of ovaries and fruit size, and an excess of this fertilizer can lead to a delay in ripening and a decrease in plant immunity to diseases. A lack of nitrogen leads to a loss of pepper fertility and to the oppression of the plant itself.

If the soil is required amount phosphorus, the rate of fruit ripening will increase, and the roots of the bushes will be strong. A lack of phosphorus causes the leaves to turn purple.

Potassium contributes to the balancing of vitamins and carotenes, and this, in turn, improves the cellular structure of the fruit and positively affects the brightness of the color. A lack of potassium leads to reddening of the edges of the leaves.

Magnesium deficiency leads to curling and yellowing of the foliage.

Before introducing fertilizers, it is advisable to conduct a special soil analysis in order to know for sure what additives the plant needs.

Summing up, we can say that feeding pepper and its seedlings with fertilizers has great importance for a rich crop of vegetables. It is important to introduce fertilizers in a rationed and according to the scheme, without abusing or overfeeding the crop. A plant that was properly cared for, fertilized and fed on time, will surely thank you with good growth and useful juicy fruits.

Sweet bell pepper, this is what they call this nightshade culture in our country, a wonderful vegetable that can be eaten raw and cooked from it first and second courses. All of them are very piquant, with a pleasant aftertaste, so growing such a vegetable is not so easy in your summer cottage.

How to properly care for the plant so that the fruits are born juicy and large?

Features of care during flowering

On the video - how to feed the pepper during flowering:

The main condition for getting good harvest and in order to avoid fungal diseases, the stem of the plant should dry out by night, and at night it remains absolutely dry. That is, you need to water in advance so that the moisture has time to evaporate.

It is necessary to feed the plant regularly during the set of flowers and growth, the following ingredients are the most useful for it:

You can purchase combined fertilizers, which already include all of the listed elements, or you can feed yourself in turn with each of them.

Features of flowering

On the video - spraying pepper:

A little about pests

You can make an infusion of ash, for example, take a liter of warm water in a glass, insist it, strain it, and spray the lower parts of the leaves with this solution from a spray bottle. This tool is absolutely safe for humans, but helps to get rid of malicious pests. We also recommend that you read our article, which will tell you.

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