Agricultural practices that improve plant life. Structure and diversity of angiosperms What function does it perform?

57. Fill out the diagram.
Organs of angiosperms:
Vegetative - root, shoot;
Generative - flower, fruit with seeds.

58. Having completed laboratory work“Structure of seeds of dicotyledonous plants” (see p. 93 of the textbook), label the parts of a bean seed in the picture.

59. Complete the laboratory work “Structure of the grain of wheat” (see p. 94 of the textbook). Label the parts of a wheat grain in the picture.

1 - pericarp fused with the seed coat;
2 - endosperm;
3 - cotyledons;
4 - kidney;
5 - stem;
6 - spine;
7 - embryo;
Conclusion: The embryo contains many organs. Embryonic root, stalk, bud and cotyledons.

60. Fill out the table “Comparison of seeds of dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous plants.”

61. Compare the parts of a seed and a sprout. Show with arrows on the diagram from which parts of the seed the corresponding parts of the seedling developed.

Conclusion: The embryo is the rudiment of the future plant. Each organ of the embryo is very important; the organs of the future plant develop from it.

62. Look at the pictures. Indicate the type of root systems of the plants shown.
1 - rod;
2 - fibrous.

63. After completing the laboratory work “Tap and fibrous root systems” (see p. 97 of the textbook), fill out the table.

Conclusion: In dicotyledons root system rod-like, and fibrous in monocots.

64. What agricultural technique is shown in the figure? For what purpose is it used?
More tubers, more lateral roots are created during hilling. And there is more harvest. Hilling is very beneficial for plants.

65. Consider the image of a longitudinal section of a young root. Indicate which parts of the root are indicated by numbers.
1- root cap;
2 - division zone;
3 - growth zone;
4 - suction zone;
5 - holding area;
6 - root hairs.

After completing the laboratory work “Root cap and root hairs” (see p. 101 of the textbook), indicate what is indicated by numbers.

1 - shell;
2 - vacuole;
3 - peephole;
4 - root cap.

66.Compare the structure of onion skin cells and root hairs shown in the figure. Connect the identical parts of these cells with arrows.

Conclusion: They have similar features: ocellus, vacuoles, cytoplasm and membrane.

67. Fill out the table “Relationship between the structure of root zones and the functions they perform.”

Conclusion: The root has many zones, and each zone does its own job.

68. Look at the picture. What agricultural practice is shown on it? For what purpose is it used?
Picking - pinching off the tip of the root when planting young plants using a pointed peg - peaks.

69. Fill out the table “Modifications of roots.”

70. Complete the definition.
A shoot is a stem with buds located on it.

71. Label the parts of the shoot indicated in the pictures.

1 - apical;
2 - axillary;
3 - internode.

72. Having completed the laboratory work “Structure of the kidneys. Location of buds on the stem” (see p. 109 of the textbook), sketch the location of the buds on the stem.
1 - next;
2 - opposite.

Label the parts of the kidneys in the picture. Indicate which of them is vegetative and which is generative.

1 - kidney scales;
2 - leaves;
3 - kidney;
4 - stem.
Conclusion: in a generative bud, the bud is larger.

73. What devices help the kidneys withstand unfavorable conditions?
Kidney scales.

74. Finish filling out the diagrams.
Types of kidneys by structure: Vegetative and generative.
Types of buds by location on the stem: Regular, opposite and whorled.
Structure of vegetative buds: Bud scales, leaves conceived. , bud and stem.
Structure of generative buds: Bud scales, leaves are conceived, bud, stem is conceived.

75. Look at the drawing. Compare the structure of the bud and shoot. Connect with arrows the corresponding parts of the bud and shoot.

Conclusion: Each organ of the bud grows and becomes an organ of the future plant.

76. Look at the drawing. Label what kind of leaves these are based on the way they are attached to the stem and what their parts are.

77. Look at the drawing. Write down separately the numbers that indicate simple leaves and compound leaves.
Simple leaves: 1, 4, 6, 8, 7.
Compound leaves: 2, 3, 5.

78. Look at the drawing. Determine what type of venation these leaves have.

79. Complete the laboratory work “Simple and compound leaves, their veining and leaf arrangement” (see p. 115 student), fill out the table.

80. Look at the drawing. What does it show? Sign what is indicated by numbers.

Stomata with surrounding skin cells.
1 - Guard cell;
2 - Stomatal fissure;
3 - Chloroplast;
4 - skin cells.

81. After completing the laboratory work “Structure of the skin of a leaf” (see pp. 116-117 of the textbook), make drawings and captions for them.
Conclusion: the composition of the leaf skin includes the stomatal fissure, skin cells, chloroplast, and intercellular space.

82. The figure shows a cross section of a sheet. After completing the laboratory work " Cellular structure sheet" (see pp. 118-119 of the textbook), make signatures.

83. The picture shows a light and a shadow leaf. What structural features are characteristic of each of them?
1 – light sheet
2 – shadow leaf.
The shade leaves are thinner and have a darker green color.
Light leaves have a lighter color.

84. Indicate which plants are shown in the picture and what their modified leaves are turned into.

85. Look at the drawing. Indicate the types of stems according to the direction of growth.

86. In the picture, label the layers on the trunk of a cut tree.

87. In the picture, look at the cross section of the branch. Label its main parts.

88. Fill out the table.

89. Having completed laboratory work " Internal structure tree branches" (see pp. 128-129 of the textbook), make drawings and captions for them.

90. After completing the laboratory work “Structure of a tuber” (see pp. 131-132 of the textbook), in the figure, connect the tuber section with the cross section of the stem with arrows. Label the corresponding layers in the picture.

Conclusion: in both pictures the structure is the same, although they look different.

91. Complete the laboratory work “Structure of the onion” (see p. 133 of the textbook). In the picture, label its main parts.

1 – scales
2 – modified leaves
3 – kidneys
4 – bottom
5 – adventitious roots
Conclusion: onions have a fairly simple structure, these are: scales, modified leaves, buds, bottom, adventitious roots.

92. Fill out the table “Functions of modified shoots.”

93. In the picture, label the names of the parts of the flower.

94. In the picture, compare cherry and tulip flowers. Label their main parts. What are the similarities in the structure of these flowers? What is the difference?

Conclusion: the first flower has a double perianth, and the second one has a simple one.

95. After completing the laboratory work “Structure of a flower” (see p. 138 of the textbook), sketch the parts of the flower and label their names.

Flower formula Ch5 L5 T∞ P1

96. Compare the cabbage and viola flowers in the picture. What is their difference? Write what these flowers are called.

In the correct one you can draw several planes of symmetry, but in the incorrect one - only one.

97. Fill in the missing words.
Flowers that have both stamens and pistils are called bisexual.
A flower that has only stamens is called staminate, and a flower that has only pistils is called pistillate.
If a plant develops both staminate and pistillate flowers, it is called monoecious.
If staminate flowers are located on some plants, and pistillate flowers are located on others, then such plants are called dioecious.

98. Fill out the table “Features of the structure of inflorescences.”

99. Complete the laboratory work “Inflorescences” (see p. 141 of the textbook).

Conclusion: biological significance inflorescences is that small, often inconspicuous flowers collected together

100. Finish filling out the “Classification of Fruits” diagram.
1) dry – single-seeded, multi-seeded;
2) succulent – ​​single-seeded, multi-seeded.

101. Complete the laboratory work “Classification of fruits” (see p. 146 of the textbook). Based on the results of your work, fill out the table.

102. Fill out the table.

103. Solve crossword number 4.

57. Fill out the diagram.

Organs of angiosperms:

  • Vegetative - root, shoot;
  • Generative - flower, fruit with seeds.

58. After completing the laboratory work “Structure of seeds of dicotyledonous plants” (see p. 93 of the textbook), label the parts of a bean seed in the picture.

59. Complete the laboratory work “Structure of the grain of wheat” (see p. 94 of the textbook). Label the parts of a wheat grain in the picture.

1 - pericarp fused with the seed coat;
2 - endosperm;
3 - cotyledons;
4 - kidney;
5 - stem;
6 - spine;
7 - embryo;

Conclusion: The embryo contains many organs. Embryonic root, stalk, bud and cotyledons.

60. Fill out the table “Comparison of seeds of dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous plants.”

61. Compare the parts of a seed and a sprout. Show with arrows on the diagram from which parts of the seed the corresponding parts of the seedling developed.

Conclusion: The embryo is the rudiment of the future plant. Each organ of the embryo is very important; the organs of the future plant develop from it.

62. Look at the pictures. Indicate the type of root systems of the plants shown.

1 - rod;
2 - fibrous.

63. After completing the laboratory work “Tap and fibrous root systems” (see p. 97 of the textbook), fill out the table.

Conclusion: In dicotyledons the root system is taprooted, while in monocotyledons it is fibrous.

64. What agricultural technique is shown in the figure? For what purpose is it used?

Answer: More tubers, more lateral roots are created during hilling. And there is more harvest. Hilling is very beneficial for plants.

65. Consider the image of a longitudinal section of a young root. Indicate which parts of the root are indicated by numbers.

1- root cap;
2 - division zone;
3 - growth zone;
4 - suction zone;
5 - holding area;
6 - root hairs.

  • After completing the laboratory work “Root cap and root hairs” (see p. 101 of the textbook), indicate what is indicated by numbers.

1 - shell;
2 - vacuole;
3 - peephole;
4 - root cap.

66. Compare the structure of onion skin cells and root hairs shown in the figure. Connect the identical parts of these cells with arrows.

Conclusion: They have similar features: ocellus, vacuoles, cytoplasm and membrane.

67. Fill out the table “Relationship between the structure of root zones and the functions they perform.”

Conclusion: The root has many zones, and each zone does its own job.

68. Look at the picture. What agricultural practice is shown on it? For what purpose is it used?

Answer: Picking - pinching off the tip of the root when planting young plants using a pointed peg - peaks.

69. Fill out the table “Modifications of roots.”

70. Complete the definition.

They call it an escape stem with buds located on it.

71. Label the parts of the shoot indicated in the pictures.

1 - apical;
2 - axillary;
3 - internode.

72. Having completed the laboratory work “Structure of the kidneys. Location of buds on the stem” (see p. 109 of the textbook), sketch the location of the buds on the stem.

1 - next;
2 - opposite.

  • Label the parts of the kidneys in the picture. Indicate which of them is vegetative and which is generative.

1 - kidney scales;
2 - leaves;
3 - kidney;
4 - stem.

Conclusion: in a generative bud, the bud is larger.

73. What devices help the kidneys withstand unfavorable conditions?

Answer: Kidney scales.

74. Finish filling out the diagrams.

Types of kidneys by structure: Vegetative and generative.
Types of buds by location on the stem: Regular, opposite and whorled.
Structure of vegetative buds: Bud scales, leaves conceived. , bud and stem.
Structure of generative buds: Bud scales, leaves conceived, bud, stem conceived.

75. Look at the drawing. Compare the structure of the bud and shoot. Connect with arrows the corresponding parts of the bud and shoot.

Conclusion: Each bud organ grows and becomes an organ of the future plant.

76. Look at the drawing. Label what kind of leaves these are based on the way they are attached to the stem and what their parts are.

77. Look at the drawing. Write down separately the numbers that indicate simple leaves and compound leaves.

Simple leaves: 1, 4, 6, 8, 7.
Compound leaves: 2, 3, 5.

78. Look at the drawing. Determine what type of venation these leaves have.

79. Complete the laboratory work “Simple and compound leaves, their veining and leaf arrangement” (see p. 115 student), fill out the table.

80. Look at the drawing. What does it show? Sign what is indicated by numbers.

Stomata with surrounding skin cells.

1 - Guard cell;
2 - Stomatal fissure;
3 - Chloroplast;
4 - skin cells.

81. After completing the laboratory work “Structure of the skin of a leaf” (see pp. 116-117 of the textbook), make drawings and captions for them.

Conclusion: the composition of the leaf skin includes the stomatal fissure, skin cells, chloroplast, intercellular space.

82. The figure shows a cross section of a sheet. After completing the laboratory work “Cellular structure of a leaf” (see pp. 118-119 of the textbook), make signatures.

83. The picture shows a light and a shadow leaf. What structural features are characteristic of each of them?

1 - light sheet
2 - shadow leaf.

The shade leaves are thinner and have a darker green color.
U light leaves the color is lighter.

84. Indicate which plants are shown in the picture and what their modified leaves are turned into.

85. Look at the drawing. Indicate the types of stems according to the direction of growth.

86. In the picture, label the layers on the trunk of a cut tree.

87. In the picture, look at the cross section of the branch. Label its main parts.

88. Fill out the table.

89. After completing the laboratory work “Internal structure of a tree branch” (see pp. 128-129 of the textbook), make drawings and captions for them.

90. After completing the laboratory work “Structure of a tuber” (see pp. 131-132 of the textbook), in the figure, connect the tuber section with the cross section of the stem with arrows. Label the corresponding layers in the picture.

Conclusion: In both pictures the structure is the same, although they look different.

91. Complete the laboratory work “Structure of the onion” (see p. 133 of the textbook). In the picture, label its main parts.

1 - scales
2 - modified leaves
3 - kidneys
4 - bottom
5 - adventitious roots

Conclusion: onions have a rather simple structure, these are: scales, modified leaves, buds, bottom, adventitious roots.

92. Fill out the table “Functions of modified shoots.”

93. In the picture, label the names of the parts of the flower.

94. In the picture, compare cherry and tulip flowers. Label their main parts. What are the similarities in the structure of these flowers? What is the difference?

Conclusion: The first flower has a double perianth, while the second has a single perianth.

95. After completing the laboratory work “Structure of a flower” (see p. 138 of the textbook), sketch the parts of the flower and label their names.

Flower formula Ch5 L5 T∞ P1

96. Compare the cabbage and viola flowers in the picture. What is their difference? Write what these flowers are called.

In the correct one, several planes of symmetry can be drawn, but in the incorrect one, only one.

97. Fill in the missing words.

  • Flowers that have both stamens and pistils are called bisexual.
  • A flower having only stamens is called staminate, while a flower having only pistils is called pistillate.
  • If a plant develops both staminate and pistillate flowers, then it is called monoecious.
  • If staminate flowers are located on some plants, and pistillate flowers on others, then such plants are called dioecious.

98. Fill out the table “Features of the structure of inflorescences.”

99. Complete the laboratory work “Inflorescences” (see p. 141 of the textbook).

Conclusion: the biological significance of inflorescences is that small, often inconspicuous flowers collected together

100. Finish filling out the “Classification of Fruits” diagram.


1) dry - single-seeded, multi-seeded;
2) succulent - single-seeded, multi-seeded.

101. Complete the laboratory work “Classification of fruits” (see p. 146 of the textbook). Based on the results of your work, fill out the table.

102. Fill out the table.

103. Solve crossword number 4.

4. Multicellular formation from which the seed develops.
6. Inner layer of bark.
7. Nutrient tissue developing in plant seeds.
10. Green pigment.
12. The main part of the flower involved in the formation of the fruit.
13. Stem with leaves and buds located on it.
14. Cells of conductive tissue of wood.
15. Vegetative organ higher plants, serving to fix in the substrate, absorb water and substances dissolved in it from it.
16. Layer of educational tissue cells of a woody stem.

1. A plant organ that develops from an ovule.
2. Part of a plant shoot on which a leaf, bud, and sometimes adventitious roots are formed.
3. Part of the pestle.
4. Parts of the seed, in the koto, located outside the cambium.
8. central part stem.
9. Cover tissue consisting of dead cells.
11. Leaves of the corolla of the flower.

12. After completing the laboratory work “Root cap and root hairs” (see p. 18 of the textbook), indicate what is indicated by numbers.

Lab: Root Cap and Root Hairs

1. Examine the root of a radish or wheat sprout with the naked eye, and then with a magnifying glass. Find the root cap at the end of the spine.

Consider the root of the wheat germ.

2. Pay attention to the part of the root above the root cap. Find outgrowths in the form of a fluff - root hairs. Read it in the textbook. what structure and meaning they have.

Root hairs are short, thin outgrowths of the outer root cell. The plant needs them in order to significantly increase the absorption surface of the root. The root, which has a larger absorption surface, is able to obtain from the soil large quantity water with nutrients dissolved in it, and therefore provide the plant with better food and growth.

Root hairs have the following structure: under the cell membrane there is cytoplasm, a nucleus, a vacuole with cell sap and colorless plates. The length of root hairs rarely exceeds 10 mm.

3. Place the spine on a glass slide in a drop of water tinted with ink and examine it under a microscope. Compare what you saw under the microscope with the picture in the textbook, sketch and label it.

4. What do the structures of root hairs and onion skin cells have in common? What explains the difference in their shape?

Let's look at the root hair and onion skin cells under a microscope:

Both the root hair and the onion skin cell have a membrane, a vacuole, a nucleus and cytoplasm. But the root hair still has plastids, and the onion skin cells have membrane pores.

The root hair has a more elongated shape compared to the onion skin cell, since the purpose of the root hair is to absorb water and minerals dissolved in it from the soil. For a larger suction volume, the largest possible surface area of ​​the root hair shell is required. Elongated shape allows you to create a large suction surface.

Compare the structure of onion skin cells and root hairs,shown in the figure. Connect the identical parts of these cells with arrows.


Plant cells have a similar structure, and their differences are explained by the functions that certain cells perform.

13. Fill out the table “Relationship between the structure of root zones and the functions they perform.”

Root zone name

What tissue is it formed from?

What function does it perform?

Root cap

cover tissue protects the root tip from damage by solid soil particles.
Division zone Educational fabric

Root cell division.

Growth zone

Educational fabric In this zone, the cells elongate, causing the root to grow in length.
Suction zone Educational tissue, covering tissue

Absorption of water and dissolved nutrients from the soil

Venue area

Cover fabric, conductive fabrics, mechanical fabric, base fabric.

Conducts water with nutrients dissolved in it from the root tip further up to the stem.


Depending on the tasks performed, each of the root zones has its own special structure.

14. Look at the drawing. What agricultural practice is shown on it? For what purpose is it used? Have you ever used it?

The figure shows the picking method - pinching off the tip of the root when planting young plants. This method allows you to increase the number of adventitious roots in a plant and make the root system more powerful and branched.

Such a powerful root system is capable of absorbing the maximum amount of water from the soil with minerals dissolved in it, that is, the plant becomes stronger and healthier.

I saw my grandmother pick up tomato seedlings and bell peppers before planting them in the ground. She says that after diving, the plant bushes will be stronger and more resilient.

We all care for our plants using various methods and agricultural practices and most often do not think about their purpose. After all, this is how they have always done it. But each technique has its own purpose. Let's look at the meaning today and correct application techniques to create good conditions for plant growth.

Agricultural practices: Thinning

This technique provides the plant with an area where it can grow freely, feed, and no one will disturb it. Plants of such families as: nightshade (tomatoes, peppers, potatoes), pumpkin (cucumber, zucchini) and cabbage need to be planted immediately freely, no more than 2-3 seeds in one container, then when planting in the ground, plant one at a time.

To protect plants from mechanical damage, from damage by insects and diseases, when planting in the ground, you can plant two or three plants together, at a distance of 5 cm from each other. Then after a few weeks, you need to leave only one, the strongest one. Delete the rest.

Beets, carrots, radishes and other root vegetables, as well as onions and garlic, need to be thinned out more than once until the distance between them is optimal. You need to start this agricultural technique every time the leaves of neighboring plants overlap each other tightly, blocking them from light.

Remember that plant thinning does not end when planting it in the ground. As it grows, you need to remove yellow and dried leaves from the plant. Leaves that are located too close to the ground, as they can cause infection with various diseases, such as late blight.

Don’t be afraid to thin out the plants, you improve the living conditions of the remaining ones. They get room to grow, good nutrition and begin to grow faster.

Agricultural practices: Loosening

An agricultural technique that destroys the crust on the surface of the earth. It most often forms after watering or rain. The crust does not allow air to reach the roots, as a result they develop slowly and function poorly, and this leads to the fact that the plant does not receive additional nutrients, dissolved in water, which the roots, during normal development, must absorb from the ground.

In addition, without oxygen, beneficial microorganisms die, which decompose organic matter into elements assimilated by the plant. The crust also forms voids through which water evaporates faster. As a result, the earth quickly dries out, and cracks appear in the soil in which pests settle.

With the help of loosening you break up the crust and cracks. Bring air to the roots. It’s not for nothing that loosening is also called dry watering.

After each watering and rain, it is necessary to loosen the soil. Each type of plant has its own loosening depth. For plants with shallow roots, at the very beginning you need to loosen

a depth of 15-20 cm, and then as it grows no deeper than 2-3 cm. But for plants with deep roots, the first loosening is shallow, and subsequent ones are deeper.


I think the meaning of this agricultural technique is clear: provide the plant with water. Best used for watering rainwater. To do this, place barrels throughout the area. But if there is no rainwater, then it can be replaced with tap water. The only thing you need to do is defend it so that the chlorine evaporates.

Any water must be heated before watering. Its temperature should be the same as environment. Cold or hot water Plants cannot be watered.

It is necessary to water rarely, but abundantly. Frequent and small watering will not bring results. Firstly, the water will only be in the surface layer of the soil and will evaporate quickly. Secondly, such watering promotes the formation of surface roots, since the roots will be drawn to the water.

Mulch will help retain moisture in the soil. For mulching, straw, fallen leaves, tree bark, and mown grass (lawn) are used. any organic remains. The mulch is laid out between the rows in a layer of 8-10 cm. Mulch retains moisture, and also protects the soil from overheating and prevents weeds from growing.


Weeding is the fight against weeds. Weeds fight with plants for light, food, water, and space. They are more adapted to their surrounding conditions and wake up earlier than cultivated plants. Therefore, you need to start fighting them early, before your plants germinate, so that they do not oppress still weak seedlings.

Before sowing, you can treat the area with herbicides. When the plants have already sprouted, use hand weeding. It is best to remove weeds at the beginning of their growth, when they are still small and weak. As they grow, they spread quickly and suppress the growth of cultivated plants.


This technique promotes the formation of strong roots in plants. The stronger the roots, the better the nutrition. During hilling, the stem is covered with earth and this makes the plants more resistant to strong wind. This technique also protects the plant from insect pests. Since they lay eggs at the base of the stem, and the mounds formed as a result of hilling, they are not allowed to do this.

In potatoes and similar crops, hilling promotes the formation large quantity tubers, i.e. increases plant productivity by 15%.

In root crops, hilling does not allow the plant to emerge from the ground, i.e. the tops of the root vegetables do not turn green.

This agricultural technique must be used carefully, without damaging the stems of the plants. And also carry out only on damp soil. Since dry soil does not lead to the formation of roots, and can burn the roots.

Agricultural practices: Stepping

Pinching is the removal of shoots that form between the leaf and the stem. This technique is used to increase plant productivity. Since no fruits are formed on the stepsons, they also need nutrition, like the whole plant.

The stepsons are removed when 2-3 leaves have formed on them. It is better to carefully break them rather than cut them off, leaving a small stump.

In addition to the shoots of the plant, you can also remove the upper clusters, especially if there are a lot of them, so that fruits can form on the lower ones.

In pumpkin plants (watermelon, pumpkin, melon, zucchini), excess shoots are removed both on the side and main shoots, leaving only 4-5 fruits, no more.

Agricultural techniques: Pinching

This technique helps the plant form fruits faster. To do this, the top of the plant is pinched, i.e. the upper point of growth, so that all nutrients go to the fruits. You can pinch the tops of the main and side shoots. Pinching is most often used for the nightshade and squash plant families. Pumpkin plants are pinched when 5-6 leaves have formed on the stem. As a result, side shoots will form, on which female flowers will form. As soon as 2-3 fruits have formed on the shoots, pinch off the top.

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