Alcohol in Khmao is sold until. Sales hours of alcoholic beverages in Russia

A strict restriction on the sale of alcohol to persons under the age of 18, that is, minors, was also established. As for the dispensing time for alcoholic beverages, this regime may vary depending on established rules local authorities.

The problem of alcoholism is extremely relevant for Russia. In order to depopulate alcohol and reduce the volume of its consumption in our country, legislative acts were approved regulating the sale of alcohol-containing products. Based on the current law, the documents of any organization whose specific activities are related to alcohol circulation specify the rules for the sale of alcohol.

Time for the sale of alcohol in Moscow and the Moscow region in 2020

In Russia, the rules for the retail sale of alcohol and alcohol-containing products are established by federal legislation. Moscow, the Moscow region and other regions have the right to adjust these norms in the direction of tightening, for example, to reduce the time for the sale of alcohol.

The prevailing opinion is that in large shopping centers, such as Auchan, Perekrestok, Bristol, Magnit, Lenta, etc., night sales of alcohol are allowed, which is contrary to reality. All organizations involved in the circulation of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products are required to obey and comply with the law.

Alcohol sales times in Moscow

The capital was subject to regular changes in the timing of alcohol sales. In 2010, implement the sale alcoholic drinks allowed from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. In 2011, the time for selling alcohol in Moscow decreased by three hours. The time frame from which alcohol is not sold today is from 11 pm to 8 am for Moscow residents. For residents of the Moscow region, stricter limits apply: sales are allowed from 11 am to 9 pm and, accordingly, prohibited from 21.00 to 11.00. For the period of 2020, the time frame for selling alcohol in Moscow and the Moscow region is from 08.00 to 23.00.

A ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages at night is a state-level measure to combat bad habit. Alcohol sales times in Moscow and other cities Russian Federation regulated by the legislation of the country relevant in the current year. The authors of the laws claim that this measure has a positive effect on the crime rate and the level of alcohol consumption per person. Despite positive side the law on regulating the production and sale of alcohol-containing products, temporary restrictions on the sale of alcohol in Moscow and other cities of Russia vary and bring inconvenience to the population of the country.

Sales hours for alcoholic beverages in Russia

For selling alcohol during prohibited hours, the enterprise will pay a fine of 50-100 thousand rubles, and its manager - 5-10 thousand rubles. The responsibility of citizens is not provided :). Almost immediately after the changes in the law, a semi-legal industry for the purchase and sale of alcohol at night appeared, making it possible to circumvent the ban. I wrote about the most common methods earlier.

This means that at retail points of sale (shops and supermarkets) in Russia, alcohol is sold to adult citizens from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. local time, but only if the administration of the federal subject has not introduced more stringent restrictions.

Time of sale of alcohol in Moscow and the Moscow region or until what time can you buy alcohol in a store

The rule establishing the hours for the sale of alcohol at the federal level also introduces an exception to this rule. Thus, a ban on the sale of alcohol from 23 pm to 8 am next day local time does not apply to public catering - cafes and restaurants, as well as to duty-free shops of the “duty free” type.

In the Moscow region, Law No. 40/2012-OZ was adopted on April 27, 2012 “On the retail sale of alcoholic beverages in the Moscow region.” According to Article 2 of this law, Moscow regional Duma has the right to introduce restrictions on the sale of alcohol, including a complete ban on the sale of alcohol to the public. However, currently there is no rule regarding the time of sale of alcohol in the regional law.

From what time and until what time do they sell alcohol in Russia?

Some regions went further and expanded the list on which days alcohol is not sold. For many, this is the Holiday of the city (village, municipal association). In Buryatia there is the national Surkharban. In Dagestan there is fasting and the holy month of Ramadan for Muslims. In Vladimir region- Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, celebrated on July 8th.

The federal law N 171 gives local authorities the right not only to limit the time of sale of alcohol during the day, but also to introduce completely alcohol-free days. They are usually timed to coincide with children's and youth holidays and some national celebrations. In all regions of the country, the list of days when such a ban is in effect:

Until what time do they sell alcohol in Moscow?

The sale of alcoholic beverages in Russia is limited in time, and Until what time do they sell alcohol in Moscow?, is of interest to both Muscovites and guests of the capital. Let's figure out how the sale of alcohol is regulated, what powers local authorities have to limit time, and where time limits do not apply.

Fantasy at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (and Moscow as a city of federal significance - as well as St. Petersburg and Sevastopol - is not just a city, but a separate entity at the level of a region or republic) can run wild. For example, in the Belgorod region it is prohibited to sell alcohol from 22 to 9 o’clock (Belgorod region law No. 33 of 05/03/2006), in the Moscow region - from 21 to 11 (Moscow region law No. 40/2012-OZ of 04/27/2012), in Arkhangelsk - from 21 to 10 am (Law of the Arkhangelsk Region No. 182-14-OZ of June 28, 2010).

Time of ban and start of alcohol sales in Russia in 2020

In crowded places, the sale of alcohol stops two hours before the event. The resumption of trading begins no earlier than one hour after the end of public meetings. The restriction applies to the location of the social and cultural event and the surrounding areas.

  • Market areas for retail and wholesale trade;
  • Military and strategic facilities;
  • Sports facilities, especially during competitions;
  • Railway, bus stations, airports and other passenger transportation enterprises;
  • Production facilities, especially those associated with hazardous production;
  • Venues for public events with at least 100 participants;
  • Territories adjacent to kindergartens, schools and other educational institutions;
  • Hospitals, clinics, health resorts, sanatoriums and other medical and health institutions.

All about alcohol

The time for the sale of alcohol in Moscow, according to the above law, is set from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. The time for the sale of alcohol in the Moscow region, according to the decision of the Moscow City Duma of December 24, 2014, has been expanded and set for a period coinciding with the city of Moscow. The same restrictions apply to the sale of alcohol in the Moscow region.

To have a general idea of ​​the timing of the ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages in various regions of Russia, we can provide a list of the largest regions with temporary restrictions on the sale of alcohol established by local leadership. See in detail from what time it is prohibited to sell alcohol in regions, districts, territories, cities and districts.

Time for the sale of alcohol in Moscow and the Moscow region

Special requirements apply to the sale of alcohol in the Russian Federation. In particular, Federal Law No. 171-FZ “On government regulation alcohol market" establishes a ban on the sale of alcohol during certain hours. This requirement concerns not only alcohol sellers, but also alcohol consumers. Due to the fact that, according to paragraph 5 of Article 16 of Law No. 171-FZ, regional authorities have the right to set different times for the sale of alcohol, many people are confused. What is the time of sale of alcohol in Moscow, and what is it in the Moscow region - we dispel all questions for business and citizens!

At the same time, the article in question gives the right to regional authorities to establish different times for the sale of alcohol in a specific area. Thus, Law No. 171-FZ establishes a federal ban on the sale of alcohol from 11 pm to 8 am the next day. Regional authorities have the right to increase the period of prohibition of alcohol sales for their region established by federal legislation on their own.

05 Aug 2018 3164

To combat alcoholism, Russian deputies introduced a ban on the night sale of alcoholic beverages in stores. The authors of the law claim that the restriction has reduced the crime rate and alcohol consumption per person. But at the same time, the innovation caused a lot of trouble for ordinary citizens, since the hours for the sale of alcohol in different regions of the Russian Federation differ.

Paragraph 5 of Article 16 of the Federal Law of November 22, 1995 N 171-FZ (as amended on November 2, 2013) “On state regulation of the production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on limiting the consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products” establishes the following restrictions: “Retail sales of alcoholic beverages are not permitted from 11 p.m. to 8 a.m. local time, with the exception of retail sales of alcoholic beverages carried out by organizations and retail sales of beer and beer drinks, cider, poiret, mead, carried out by individual entrepreneurs, when such organizations and individual entrepreneurs provide catering services, as well as retail sales of alcoholic beverages carried out by duty-free shops.

Organs state power subjects of the Russian Federation have the right to establish additional restrictions on the time, conditions and places of retail sale of alcoholic beverages, including a complete ban on the retail sale of alcoholic beverages.”

This means that at retail points of sale (shops and supermarkets) in Russia, alcohol is sold to adult citizens from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. local time, but only if the administration of the federal subject has not introduced more stringent restrictions.

For example, as of April 2014, the hours for the sale of alcohol in Moscow coincide with the nationwide ones - you cannot buy alcohol after 23:00 and before 8:00 in the morning. But in the Moscow region there is a more stringent restriction - stores do not have the right to sell alcoholic beverages from 21:00 to 11:00. In St. Petersburg, alcohol can be purchased from 11:00 to 22:00, in Novorossiysk - from 9:00 to 22:00. Therefore, from what hours alcohol is sold in your city, it is better to check with local authorities or the administration of stores that sell alcohol in the region.

The restrictions do not apply to public catering establishments (cafes, bars) and duty-free shops (Duty Free at airports and train stations), where alcohol is sold around the clock. Until January 1, 2013, the night sale of beer and drinks with a strength of up to 5 degrees was allowed, but now their retail sale at “inappropriate” hours is also prohibited.

For selling alcohol during prohibited hours, the enterprise will pay a fine of 50-100 thousand rubles, and its manager - 5-10 thousand rubles. Citizens are not held liable :)

Interestingly, legislation now allows local administrations to introduce a complete ban on the sale of alcohol. In the Vladimir region, on December 31, 2013, by official decree, the governor banned the sale of alcoholic beverages whose strength exceeds 16.5%. That is, only wine and beer should have remained on the shelves.

But the population did not share the initiative of their leader. On January 9, 2014, the ban was lifted; the “semi-prohibition law” lasted only 10 days. Then officials explained that an error had crept into the text of the resolution. Initially, it was planned to limit only the night sale of alcohol from 21:00 to 9:00, but they forgot to add this phrase, effectively introducing a complete ban on the sale of strong alcohol just before the New Year and Christmas.

The ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages at night is a state-level measure to combat the addiction. The time for the sale of alcohol in Moscow and other cities of the Russian Federation is regulated by the legislation of the country relevant in the current year. The authors of the laws claim that this measure has a positive effect on the crime rate and the level of alcohol consumption per person. Despite the positive side of the law on regulating the production and sale of alcohol-containing products, temporary restrictions on the sale of alcohol in Moscow and other Russian cities vary and bring inconvenience to the country's population.

Law banning the sale of alcoholic beverages

According to the fifth paragraph of Art. 15 of the Federal legislation, the sale of alcohol-containing products is prohibited at night. The established time frame is a nine-hour ban from 11 pm to 8 am. State authorities have the right to introduce changes to the established law, increasing the time for the sale of alcohol in the capital and other cities of Russia. The problem lies in establishing different periods of time until and from when alcohol is sold in Moscow, the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and Novorossiysk. The law also specifies places where the sale of alcoholic beverages is prohibited or permitted during the late evening period. According to the law, the ban on the sale of alcohol in Moscow does not apply to public catering establishments that are allowed to sell alcoholic beverages during opening hours government institution. The law establishes not only the time frame for when alcohol is sold, but also a list of alcohol-containing drinks permitted for sale.

Sales time in Moscow

The capital was subject to regular changes in the timing of alcohol sales. In 2010, the sale of alcoholic beverages was allowed from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. In 2011, the time for selling alcohol in Moscow decreased by three hours. The time frame from which alcohol is not sold today is from 11 pm to 8 am for Moscow residents. For residents of the Moscow region, stricter limits apply: sales are allowed from 11 am to 9 pm and, accordingly, prohibited from 21.00 to 11.00. For the period of 2016, the time frame for selling alcohol in Moscow and the Moscow region is from 08.00 to 23.00.

Where sales are permitted and prohibited

The authorities have clarified the law, according to which some catering establishments can sell alcohol. The main condition of sale is the presence of a license. Such establishments include:

  • cafe;
  • bars;
  • restaurants
  • duty free shops;
  • night clubs.

Citizens of the Russian Federation are allowed to consume alcoholic beverages only on the premises of establishments. According to the law on the permitted time for the sale of alcohol in Moscow, establishments that are prohibited from selling alcoholic beverages include:

Consequences of the law

During the period of existence and operation of the law, there have been no significant changes in the number of sales of alcoholic beverages; residents of the Russian Federation continue to buy alcohol at the permitted time.

The government of the country gives regional authorities the authority to establish a complete ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages of a certain strength, excluding the sale of products exceeding the permitted level. Only wine and beer may remain on store shelves in some regions or cities. These changes took place in the Vladimir region, where the ban lasted about ten days, as residents of the region became indignant at the established law.

Selling alcohol during prohibited hours is punishable by a fine of 50,000 to 100,000 rubles for the seller and from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles for the manager.

Persons who purchased alcohol are not responsible.

Countries with temporary restrictions on the sale of alcohol

The decision to introduce temporary restrictions on the sale of alcohol has been brewing in the government for a long time. Initially, they affected the sale of strong drinks, and since 2013 they have extended to the sale of beer and weak wines.

Established rules

The basic rules governing how long beer can be sold are established at the federal level. The law stipulates that any alcoholic beverages cannot be sold between 11 pm and 8 am. Moreover, in each specific region, local authorities can change the established period in such a way as to extend the period during which it is prohibited to sell alcohol.

For example, in Moscow, all-Russian standards apply, but in Belgorod, buyers can purchase alcoholic beverages only from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. The most stringent restrictions are set in Arkhangelsk - alcohol is not sold from 21 to 10 o'clock, in the Moscow region - from 21 to 11 o'clock.

Accepted Exceptions

Many people are wondering whether they can drink alcohol in establishments specially designed for this at night? Does it make sense to go to bars, restaurants, pubs in the evening? Before getting ready for a night out, it is better to check in advance how long beer and other alcoholic drinks are sold in Russia.

The established standards apply to retail trade. For catering establishments, slightly different rules are established. Legal entities can sell strong alcohol around the clock, and for selling beer, low alcohol drinks, mead is enough to be an entrepreneur.

Also, the laws do not apply to duty free shops opened at airports. There you can buy any alcohol around the clock. However, only air passengers can take advantage of this right.

Age limits

But it’s not enough to know how long beer is sold; you also need to remember about other restrictions. In addition to the permitted hours for selling this low-alcohol drink, the seller must also remember the age restrictions. Beer can only be sold to adults. That is, in Russia only those who are over 18 years old can buy this intoxicating drink. But vodka and similar strong alcohol are sold only after 21 years of age. If a seller refuses to sell a low-alcohol drink to a person who is already 18 but has not yet turned 21, then his actions are unlawful.

At the same time, the rules for selling beer stipulate that a seller who decides to sell any alcohol to a teenager under 18 years of age risks being fined. In addition, administrative sanctions await the store owner who improperly explained the provisions of the law to employees. If you can get away with a fine at the first time, regular violations threaten the store owner with criminal liability.

Violations can be avoided if buyers are asked for a passport. It must be remembered that many young people may look older than their years.

Nonalcoholic beer

The rules for the sale of alcoholic beverages in force on the territory of the Russian Federation apply to all weak and strong alcoholic beverages. At the same time, many are interested in how things stand with non-alcoholic beer. Is it possible to buy it at night, and will this drink be sold to minors?

When figuring out how much non-alcoholic beer is sold for, one must be guided by the fact that all food products that contain more than 0.5% ethyl alcohol are classified as alcoholic. If the label indicates that the beer contains less than 0.5%, then it is not subject to laws restricting the circulation of alcoholic beverages.

That is, you can buy and sell it at any time of the day.

Capital nuances

Residents of Moscow and the Moscow region are faced with the fact that they have installed different rules for the sale of alcohol. Thus, in the capital you can freely buy alcohol until 23:00. Those who did not have time to do this can go to stores for alcohol as early as 8 am. When figuring out how long beer is sold in Moscow, you need to focus on federal standards.

But the leadership of the Moscow region took a different path. In the Moscow region, everyone must purchase alcoholic beverages before 21:00. After this time the ban is already in effect. Those who like to go to the store early in the morning will also be disappointed - the sale of alcohol is allowed only after 11 am. Of course, if you wish, you can go to the capital to buy beer, but it is better to purchase it in advance.

General prohibitions

Retail sale of any drinks, including low-alcohol drinks, is prohibited, regardless of time, near medical, children's and sports facilities, and in cultural organizations. In the latter case, an exception is made for established buffets or other food outlets at the specified establishments. The sale of alcoholic beverages at military facilities, as well as in the adjacent territory, is prohibited.

You cannot sell beer (as well as stronger drinks) in all establishments that are not considered stationary retail outlets. These include tents, stalls, and kiosks.

Also, the law on trade rules prohibits the sale of any alcoholic beverages in places where there is a large gathering of citizens and there is an increased danger from transport. Such objects include train stations and airports. But exceptions are made for duty-free shops and bars/cafes operating at these facilities.

Alternative Paths

It is unlikely that anyone will be surprised to learn that the Russian people have found an opportunity to circumvent the adopted law. The most simple option is the advance purchase of alcohol. In this case, there will be no need for you to even find out how long beer is sold until, because you will buy everything in advance. But for many, this option is not suitable, since the thought that they want something intoxicating comes just at the moment when sales are already prohibited.

Another rather banal and simple option is to go to any bar. You can buy beer there at any time as long as it is open. But many people think this is too expensive a way to purchase alcohol.

There is another option that allows you to forget about how it should work retail. These are online alcohol stores. They work without restrictions around the clock and are ready to bring the selected alcohol to your home. They manage to circumvent the law in the following way. According to the documents, the transfer of alcohol at night is not a sale, but a temporary lease on security. If by the morning the client does not return the alcohol brought to him, then the money immediately goes into the income of the online store. Of course, the cost of alcohol is higher than in the nearest supermarket, but this does not stop many.

In fact, it turned out that the introduction of restrictions on the sale of alcohol gave rise to the emergence of middlemen who profit from lovers of nightly libations. Although, on the other hand, after the introduction of these restrictions, the number of accidents committed while drunk and domestic crimes significantly decreased.

This section of the legislation determines that retail sales of alcohol in Russia are permissible from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. Accordingly, retail sale of alcoholic beverages is prohibited between 11 p.m. and 8 p.m. The specified requirements apply taking into account local time in each subject of the Russian Federation.

Additional restrictions on the sale of alcohol

When planning, for example, to organize a point for the retail sale of alcoholic beverages, it is necessary to take into account the additional provisions set out in paragraph 5 of Article 16 of the law on the sale of alcohol. In particular, it gives the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation the right to establish their own restrictions on the retail sale of alcohol that do not contradict federal law. Such restrictions may relate to the time, place and conditions of sale of alcoholic beverages. Wherein additional conditions can be as strict as desired, up to a complete ban on the sale of alcohol. Therefore, before taking any steps towards organizing a business in this area, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with local legislation.

After what time they don't sell alcohol

The problem of alcoholism is extremely relevant for Russia. In order to depopulate alcohol and reduce the volume of its consumption in our country, legislative acts were approved regulating the sale of alcohol-containing products. Based on the current law, the documents of any organization whose specific activities are related to alcohol circulation specify the rules for the sale of alcohol.

From when and until when can you buy alcohol? Why in different regions different opening hours for wine departments? What determines the timing of the ban on the sale of alcohol, and which area is the most strict in this regard? Let's look at the main restrictive rules that relate to the circulation of alcohol-containing products.

What the Legislation says

The law banning the sale of alcohol is based on the requirements of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation, introduced on November 22, 1995 (No. 171-FZ). Moreover, all alcoholic products without exception fall under the established regulations.

The definition of “alcohol-containing products” includes drinks in which the ethanol concentration is 0.5% or higher. That is, this includes cider, mead, low-alcohol cocktails, and beer.

A strict restriction on the sale of alcohol to persons under the age of 18, that is, minors, was also established. As for the dispensing time for alcoholic beverages, this regime may vary depending on the established rules of local authorities.

On what days is the sale of alcohol prohibited?

It must be remembered that the current Law of the Russian Federation establishes strict ban for the release of alcohol on some holidays. Days prohibiting the sale of alcohol are valid throughout Russia and are not subject to change.

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Local authorities can only add their own regional holidays to the list of “forbidden” days.

So, on what days is it prohibited to sell alcohol? Let us remind you that this rule is the same for all regions and regions:

  1. May 25: Last call day.
  2. June 1: Children's Day.
  3. June 12: Russia Day.
  4. June 27: Youth Day.
  5. September 1: Knowledge Day and first bell.
  6. September 11: International Temperance Day.

There are also dates that may change. These are the days of the last proms in schools. In these holidays Alcohol is prohibited from being sold in all supermarkets, stores, shops and other places selling alcohol.

Established alcohol dispensing times

According to the adopted government decree, it will not be possible to sell alcohol at night without breaking the law. This ban is established for a temporary period from 23 pm to 8 am. But the time frame may be adjusted depending on the opinion of regional authorities.

Moscow and Moscow region

In the capital, there is a time period established by the General Law that prohibits the sale of alcohol from 11 p.m. to 8 a.m. According to the resolution of the Moscow City Duma (the decree came into force on December 24, 2014), the time for the sale of alcohol-containing products in the Moscow region coincides with the restrictive framework in force in Moscow. These restrictions also apply to cities in the Moscow region.

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St. Petersburg and region

The northern capital of Russia turned out to be more strict regarding the sale of alcohol. Here you can buy it only from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. This resolution has been in effect since January 2014. The St. Petersburg region has softened only the morning hours and allowed alcohol to be sold not from 11, but from 9 o’clock in the morning. The evening ban begins the same as in St. Petersburg, from 22:00.

Regional laws

To determine after what time alcohol is not sold in the regions of our vast homeland, you need to have a general idea of ​​the time limiting the sale of alcohol in the largest regions of the Russian Federation. The following table will help with this.

Weekend sales prohibited

(alcohol is only allowed to be sold here two hours a day)

There is a widespread myth among the people that some large retail chains and supermarkets owned by private individuals common law not written. Such as:

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And in other large retailers, alcohol can be purchased around the clock. But this is simply an unjustified fabrication. Any trade company, operating on the territory of the Russian Federation, is obliged to strictly follow established federal requirements and local orders.

Alcohol sales hours do not depend on scale trading network. All stores are subject to Russian laws.

Responsibility for breaking the law

But many entrepreneurs live by the principle that if there are rules, they can be broken. The law is strict and harsh towards such persons. For violation of the adopted resolution on the time of dispensing of alcoholic beverages, even by a minute from the designated time frame, the following penalties are provided:

  1. For a trade organization: - rubles.
  2. For the head of the enterprise: 5,000 rubles.

This law also applies to trade through various Internet platforms. Although it is almost impossible to track how much alcohol was sold on the Internet. Therefore, the Russian Federation has completely banned the sale of alcohol in the virtual world.

If the fact of sale and operation of alcohol online sales is revealed, the owner of the IP address bears the penalty. He will have to pay a large fine of up to 1 million rubles. When official The amount of the fine is one ruble.

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Where can you buy alcohol at night?

But you can still buy the coveted alcohol at night. To do this you will have to go to a cafe, bar or restaurant. In such establishments, the sale of alcoholic beverages at night is permitted. True, with one caveat. You will have to drink alcohol while sitting civilly at the table of an entertainment establishment. They won't let you take it outside.

At night, you can also buy alcohol in Duty Free shops. These retail outlets are located at customs checkpoints and airports.

How are things in other countries?

Not only Russia is concerned about the growth of alcoholism and crimes occurring due to intoxication. A number of developed foreign countries have also introduced strict restrictions on the sale of alcoholic beverages. Which? Let's find out.

Sale of alcohol is prohibited on Sunday

There is no sale of alcohol on Sunday

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on Saturday and Sunday, the sale of alcohol is allowed only in large shopping centers

What conclusions do we have?

All the implemented strict temporary restrictions on the sale of alcoholic beverages are intended, if not to resolve, then at least to reduce the most acute problem - alcoholism. But are there any results? Statistics show that alcohol sales have not decreased, but the demand for alcohol has been redistributed.

Drink lovers are now simply purchasing the coveted liquid for future use during the daytime. Although narcologists talk about a decrease in the number of people seeking help as a result of alcohol abuse.

Time will tell whether such restrictive measures will have the expected effect. After all, the approved time frames are only a small part of the system of measures aimed at combating drunkenness.

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All materials are posted and prepared for educational and non-commercial purposes by site visitors. All information provided is subject to mandatory consultation with the attending physician.

From what time and until what time do they sell alcohol in Russia. Hours and days of alcohol sales

Relations in the field of alcohol in Russia, from mass production to transportation of alcoholic products, are regulated by Federal Law of the Russian Federation Federal Law N 171. The latest changes made on July 3, 2016 determined how long alcohol can be sold. Article 16 addresses the issues of retail sale of alcohol and general rules alcohol sales.

According to this law, all products containing alcohol more than 0.5% are considered alcoholic. Thus, the law covers not only strong alcohol (cognac, vodka, whiskey), but low-alcohol drinks, including beer, wine, and cocktails in cans.

In addition, the law limits the age at which you can start drinking alcohol. In Russia this is no earlier than 18 years of age. Moreover, when selling, the seller may ask the buyer for a document confirming how old he is. Sometimes 21 years old is incorrectly indicated. This misconception came from abroad. In the USA and some European countries This particular age was chosen as the permissive age.

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Alcohol sales times: “How long do they sell alcohol?”

The law limits not only the place of sale and the age of consumption. For some time now, the Russian Federation has also limited the time for the sale of alcohol. There are established hours for the sale of alcohol at night. Throughout the country, alcohol is not sold from 11:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. local time.

Restrictions on the sale of alcohol in the regions: “After what time do they not sell alcohol?”

The powers vested in local authorities by Federal Law No. 171 deserve special attention from both sellers and buyers of alcoholic beverages. Each region can set its own regime for how many hours alcohol can be sold. It should not contradict the main prohibition, but it can be stricter. Based on this, in many republics and regions, the time of sale of alcohol corresponds to issues of national and social policy, religious and cultural specifics.

So, one of the most illustrative examples The policy of the regional legislative power is the Republic of Chechnya. The Muslim country has introduced an almost absolute ban on the sale of alcohol. Low-strength drinks, including beer, are subject to a nationwide restriction from 11:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. But other drinks are more difficult to buy. The sale of strong and alcoholic beverages is allowed for only 2 hours a day - from 8:00 to 10:00 am. This concession is made for visitors and tourists. Apparently this policy is bearing fruit. Chechnya has been ranked among the top three most sober regions of the country for several years now.

The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is among the regions with strict anti-alcohol policies. Alcohol is prohibited from sale from 20:00 to 14:00, that is, within 18 hours. In addition, at 103 populated areas In Yakutia, the sale of alcohol is prohibited, that is, a “prohibition law” has been introduced. Such measures led to a decrease in alcohol retail outlets by 1.5 times. Statistics are silent on how much shadow sales of prohibited goods have increased. But the sobriety rating eloquently places Yakutia in 70th place out of 85 possible.

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Selling alcohol at night is not encouraged in other regions. In Chukotka you cannot sell alcohol from 20:00 to 12:00, in Transbaikalia - from 20:00 to 11:00, and in Dagestan - from 20:00 to 10:00, in the Pskov region - from 21:00 to 11: 00. The maximum until what time alcohol is sold in all regions of the Russian Federation is 23:00.

In only four regions, the authorities left the restrictions established by the Federal Law and did not tighten them. These are the Republic of Kalmykia, the Republic of Mari El, Kemerovo and Kursk regions. In 19 regions, the time from what time and until what time alcohol is sold coincides with the federal ban, but restrictive measures are possible on dates and places of sale.

Alcohol ban days

Federal Law N 171 gives local authorities the right not only to limit the time of alcohol sales during the day, but also to introduce completely alcohol-free days. They are usually timed to coincide with children's and youth holidays and some national celebrations. In all regions of the country, the list of days when such a ban is in effect:

  • end days school year (last calls, rulers);
  • June 23 - dates of proms and balls;
  • June 1 - Children's Day;
  • June 27 is a youth holiday;
  • September 1 - beginning of the school year;
  • September 11 is Sobriety Day.

Some regions went further and expanded the list on which days alcohol is not sold. For many, this is the Holiday of the city (village, municipal association). In Buryatia there is the national Surkharban. In Dagestan there is fasting and the holy month of Ramadan for Muslims. In the Vladimir region - Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, celebrated on July 8.

One of the most impressive lists in the Perm region. You won't find any alcohol on sale these days:

  • May 1 - Spring and Labor Festival;
  • May 9 - Victory Day;
  • May 28 - Border Guard Day;
  • June 12 - Russia Day;
  • August 2 is Airborne Forces Day.

Day of sobriety. Since what year has the tradition started?

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This is only at first glance a young holiday. In fact, it is over 100 years old. The first meeting of active public to popularize a sober lifestyle took place in 1911. The holiday was officially recognized by the Russian Orthodox Church in 1914. The date was not chosen by chance. It was combined with the day of the Beheading (death) of John the Baptist. This is very symbolic since the baptizer of Christ was executed during an orgy on the orders of the drunken king Herod. By linking these dates, the Holy Synod emphasizes the harm caused by alcohol.

Destroyed Soviet power As a relic of the tsar, the temperance initiative was revived in modern times only in 2005.

Terms of sale. From what time do they sell alcohol?

As part of the fight against alcohol consumption in the Russian Federation, a bill was adopted to prevent the sale of drinks containing alcohol during the night. The authors who proposed the bill are convinced that the ban on selling alcohol at night not only had an impact on reducing the crime rate, but also reduced the amount of alcohol consumed per individual.

Although the introduction of the law brought a lot positive points, but at the same time it added a lot of trouble to ordinary people due to the fact that in different regions of Russia the time frame allowing for the sale of alcoholic beverages differs significantly. At the same time, it must be said that it is impossible to sell alcoholic beverages at night in cafes and bars, and even more so in stores that carry out duty-free trade. They are usually located on the territory of airports and train stations.

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Where, when, and from what hours can you sell alcoholic beverages?

In various countries there have been repeated attempts to completely ban alcohol, the so-called prohibition law. This contributed to the emergence of the illegal distribution of home-made alcohol, which led to an increase in violations of laws and an increase in mortality among the population consuming alcoholic beverages.

The adopted law restricting the sale of alcohol in various constituent entities of the Russian Federation stipulates the ability to set the time for prohibiting the sale independently, but within the accepted time. Many people wonder from what time and until what hours stores sell alcoholic beverages legally.

The Federal Law, Article 16, paragraph 5, “On state regulation of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol...”, states that it is prohibited to sell alcohol from 11 pm to 8 am local time throughout the country. Also, the adopted law allows the administrative management to completely prohibit the sale of alcohol, as well as change the time frame, reducing the time for selling products. A striking example are the cities and regions:

  1. Selling alcohol in Moscow from 23:00 to 8:00 is illegal.
  2. In the Moscow region, the sale of alcohol is prohibited from 21:00 to 11:00.
  3. In St. Petersburg, the prohibition on the sale of alcohol is valid from 22:00 to 11:00.
  4. In the Astrakhan and Pskov regions, purchase alcoholic drink possible from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
  5. In Yakutia, purchasing alcohol is prohibited from 20:00 to 14:00.
  6. Terms of sale in the Chechen Republic are characterized by a strict ban, allowing the purchase of alcohol for two hours a day from 8 am to 10:00 am.
  7. In the Kirov region, the ban on purchasing alcohol from 23:00 to 10 am is tightened on weekends (the ban is valid after 17:00).
  8. If you are in the Ulyanovsk region, purchasing alcohol is impossible after 20:00 to 8:00 and on weekends.
  9. In Saratov, the ban on the sale of alcohol is valid from 10 pm to 10 am.
  10. Within the Tula region, the sale of alcohol is possible from 14 to 22 hours.

At what age can you buy alcohol?

Perhaps one of the most common misconceptions about the sale of alcohol is the statement that sales are prohibited to citizens under 21 years of age. Many shops and various drinking establishments refuse to purchase alcohol if you are under 21 years of age. The myth about the existence of this age limit appeared in Russia from American films. In the United States of America, there is indeed an age limit that does not allow Americans under the age of 21 to purchase alcohol throughout the United States.

At what age can you really buy alcohol? If the buyer has reached the age of 18, and there is a desire to buy an alcoholic drink, but the cashier at the store refuses, citing doubts about the buyer’s age, and asks to show a passport, you need to know that the cashier has the right to get acquainted with the identity document, and the buyer has the right refuse, but then they will probably refuse to purchase.

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The sale of alcohol in the Russian Federation is possible by following the Federal Law “On state regulation of the production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products.” It answers the question at what age can you purchase alcohol? It says that the sale of alcohol to persons under the age of majority is prohibited. In the Russian Federation, an adult citizen is, in accordance with Article 21, paragraph 1 of the Civil Code, a person who has reached the age of 18 years. In this regard, the seller’s refusal to sell alcohol due to under 21 years of age is unreasonable and illegal.

The list of documents confirming identity and age, the presence of which will allow you to buy alcohol, consists of:

  • Passports of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • Foreign passport.
  • Military ID.
  • Seaman's passports.
  • Temporary identity card (if you don’t have a passport)

It is worth noting that a driver’s license is not included in the list of documents that can confirm identity, so the seller has the right to refuse sale upon presentation of a driver’s license.

What led to these restrictions?

Statistics recent years indicates that an unfavorable situation has arisen related to alcohol consumption. The volume of alcohol consumed per resident of the country has increased several times compared to the beginning of the 20th century. At the same time, the main problem that needs to be solved is that excessive alcohol consumption occurs at an increasingly younger age of citizens, representing the problem of adolescent alcoholism. This serves as the main motivating condition for deputies to promote initiatives and laws introducing various restrictions and bans on the sale of alcohol at certain times.

Opinions on this matter are divided. Some believe that the measures taken to ban the night sale of alcohol will force residents of the country to drink alcohol in smaller quantities. The opinion of opponents is that the ban will not affect statistics, since those who want to drink alcohol will not be stopped by the ban, but will be forced to purchase alcohol in large quantities. This may lead to aggravation of the current situation by the fact that alcohol-dependent citizens will not be able to control themselves and will take all the purchased alcohol at once. Which can lead to alcohol poisoning, with severe intoxication.

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From what time and until what time do they sell alcohol in Russia?

In our country, the existing law on the sale of alcohol in retail outlets operating in the territories of regions, districts, rural settlements. Corresponding amendments have been made to the document recently, namely in 2014, 2015, 2016.

General rules and summary table

At the end of November 1995, Federal Law No. 171 “On state regulation of the production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on limiting the consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products” came into force. For more than 20 years, the necessary amendments were made to the legislative document, the last of which was approved in 2011, in July.

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Today, in accordance with Article 16 of Chapter II of Federal Law 171, standards for the sale of strong alcoholic beverages have been established in the country, regulating how much, at what time, who and where is allowed to sell alcoholic beverages and what is prohibited, in particular: time for sale alcohol retail in trading enterprises.

Today, all stores that sell alcoholic beverages do not sell them at night and in the evening hours. Changes made to the law in July 2016 established a lower limit, that is, until how much alcohol retail outlets sell.

The sales time does not depend on the day, i.e. it doesn’t matter when you want to buy alcohol, on weekdays or weekends. However, there are also limitations, which we will discuss below.

For convenience, we have included all the data on what time and until what time alcohol is not sold in the summary table, depending on the city in which you want to buy alcohol:

On Friday, the same trading rules apply, defining the scope for the sale of alcohol, as other weekdays and weekends.

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In Moscow in 2017, you cannot buy alcohol from eleven o’clock in the evening until eight in the morning. In the Moscow region, a different sales regime for high-strength drinks has been established: from twenty-one to eleven o’clock in the morning.

In St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg), alcohol is sold from eleven in the morning until ten in the evening, and in the Leningrad region it is not sold from ten in the evening until nine in the morning.

For Crimea, since 2015, rules banning the sale of alcoholic beverages at night have also been in effect:

There are also some rules in Crimea:

  • The sale of alcohol is permitted in indoor cafes and restaurants equipped with at least six tables (24 seats). However, it is prohibited to sell alcohol to take away.
  • Legal entities are allowed to sell any alcohol, individual entrepreneurs - beer, cider and mead.
  • At retail outlets located in residential buildings and kiosks are prohibited from selling from 22.00 to 11.00.
  • It is also interesting that in Simferopol a stricter restriction was changed, when it was impossible to buy alcohol after 17.00.

In addition, age limits have been established for the retail sale of strong alcoholic beverages and cigarettes. They should absolutely not be sold to teenagers under eighteen years of age.

Days prohibiting the sale of alcohol (day of sobriety)

As can be seen from the table, regions at the local level have the right, within the framework of legislation, to set their own restrictions on the sale of vodka, wine, beer and other alcoholic products. Consequently, alcohol is not sold in the regions on Sundays, holidays associated with school events and calendar holidays.

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The sale of alcohol is prohibited or significantly limited:

  • on sites intended for public recreation;
  • beaches;
  • close to religious and cultural sites(museums, temples);
  • stations for refueling vehicles;
  • in markets, train stations, subways, airports.

Sale of alcohol without restrictions

IN regulatory document There are no time limits for the sale of low-alcohol drinks, including beer, red and white wine. Unlike drinks that have a high strength, they can be bought at any time of the day or night.

Strong alcohol is permitted for sale in cafes and restaurants that have a license to sell them. However, drinking them is possible directly within the walls of a public catering establishment; it is prohibited to take alcohol outside its boundaries.


According to current regulations, it is illegal to sell alcoholic beverages at night in any commercial establishments, but unfortunately, not all sellers comply with government regulations. In this case, a system of fines has been prepared for organizations and managers of trade enterprises that do not comply with the law.

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Punishments legalized by the rules are applied as follows:

  1. the director bears personal liability, determined in the amount of rubles;
  2. the retail outlet is fined in the amount of several rubles.

Buying alcohol online

It is very difficult to control the sale of strong alcoholic beverages on the Internet, to whom and at what time they were sold. But if the fact is established and proven, the site is blocked, and the owner of the IP address faces a fine of up to one million rubles.

Officials who violated current legislation are individually liable according to the law. For them, the fine is set at one ruble.

Motives that led to restrictions on the sale of alcohol

Amendments to the current legislation were made on the basis of statistical data that recorded the unfavorable situation associated with drinking alcoholic beverages. Statistics show a significant increase in alcohol sales per capita over lately, especially among minors.

The second reason that prompted the addition of new amendments to the law regarding the timing of the sale of alcoholic beverages is the increase in offenses committed by juvenile offenders under the influence of alcohol-containing beverages.

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These measures are forced and taken in order to prevent the development of alcoholism.

Experience of foreign countries

In general, strong alcohol is not sold to young people under 18 years of age. For example, in Australia, Brazil, countries Western Europe. In the United States of America, alcoholic beverages are not sold to young people under the age of 21, in Iceland and Japan - under 20 years of age. IN South Korea It is legal to buy alcohol from the age of 19.

Legislative law

The main legislative documents regulating the rules of trade in alcohol in the capital are determined:

  • Decree of the Moscow government of December 28, 2005 No. 1069-PP. Appendix No. 2 specifies additional restrictions and requirements for the sale of alcohol;
  • Law No. 40/dated April 27, 2012 “On the retail sale of alcoholic beverages in the Moscow region.”

After what time do they stop selling alcohol?

It is prohibited to sell alcoholic beverages from 22.00 to 10.00. This ban is set for night time and morning hours. Probably so that there is no overdose at night and so that you don’t get a hangover in the morning. But you can buy it in restaurants and cafes, it is allowed.

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In our region, it is prohibited to sell alcoholic beverages from 23.00 pm to 8.00 am.

But in Vladivostok it is prohibited to sell alcohol from 22.00 pm to 9.00 am.

Each region has a different time limit for banning the sale of alcohol.

Although there are many violations of this ban on the part of sellers, many shops are open at night and the police constantly come with checks at night, but sellers manage to sell alcohol quietly.

Therefore, for some this law is written, but for others it is not.

I think that more stringent measures need to be taken against violators.

It is prohibited to sell alcohol from 10 pm to 8 am.

But in fact, if you really want to drink, you can easily find a place where alcoholic drinks are sold around the clock.

For example, in our village there are several such stalls where at night, through the window, you can buy and drink a hundred grams.

Local authorities turn a blind eye to these laws, since the owners of these stores pay them a certain amount of money, although sometimes, for the sake of decency, they make several night raids, but that’s where it all ends.

In our city they do not sell beer and alcoholic drinks from 22.00 to 10.00, and everywhere, even in 24-hour supermarkets, but you can buy it in a bar at any time. The ban does not apply to restaurant establishments.

By law, alcohol is not sold from 22.00 to 10.00. But tell me where it operates. How many times have I seen tents selling alcohol to drunks without any problems. And about provincial cities- I’m generally silent.

In theory, alcohol cannot be sold from 22.00 to 10.00. But in practice, it turns out that the population who wants to drink and cunning sellers still find ways to get what they want when it is prohibited.

In Ukraine they sell it both day and night, there is one eatery that is open around the clock and at night I go for beer or vodka when I’m drinking ahoto.

By law they stop selling alcohol. But there will always be those who, for the sake of profit, are ready to break the laws and sell alcohol at this time.

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