Barboskins are the main characters. All about the Barboskins

The animated series “Barboskins” appeared on screens in 2011 and has been delighting young viewers and their parents for 10 seasons. It is produced by the Russian animation studio Melnitsa. The duration of one episode is 5-6 minutes. Already from the title it is clear that the cartoon is about the life of a wonderful family of dogs, the Barboskins.

Producers: Sergey Selyanov, Anton Zlatopolsky, Alexander Boyarsky

Directors of the animated series: Elena Galdobina, Darina Shmidt, Ekaterina Salabay, and others.

Artists: Alesya Barsukova, Lyudmila Steblyanko.

Screenwriters: Darina Shmidt, Fedor Dmitriev, Elena Galdobina.

Each episode of the cartoon is a short and instructive story about the life of this funny family. They have everything exactly like people. They quarrel and make up, relax and play together, love and respect each other very much. The Barboskin family consists of a mother, father, grandfather, two sisters and three brothers. Let's get to know the characters and those whose voices they speak.

  • Mother. Kind, sympathetic, loving her children immensely. He will always find the right words to explain something. A wonderful housewife, she cooks very tasty food. In her dreams, Barboskina’s mother has a career as an actress. She even had experience filming commercials. She has a pleasant voice thanks to the voice acting by Irina Goryacheva.

  • Dad. Like any head of the family, a real hard worker, he always has his computer with him. Works from morning to evening. At the same time, he manages to devote time to his beloved children. For boys he is an example for imitation; for girls - a real protector. Dad is strict, but at the same time he will not punish in vain. This character is voiced by Oleg Kulikovich.

  • Grandfather. Dad's father. Used to be a sailor. He has a cheerful disposition and is always in a great mood. Sea battle is one of my favorite games. Voice acting by Vadim Bochanov.

  • Rose. The eldest of the children in the family. The beautiful blonde, like her mother, sees herself as an actress in the future. The mind is not her strongest side, but she is very kind, knows how and loves to do needlework. She knits and sews wonderfully. One of my favorite activities is dancing. Rosa has problems with singing, but she fights with it. Like most girls, she loves cosmetics and clothes. Timokha is the object of her sighs. Voiced by Rosa Maria Tsvetkova.

  • Buddy. He was the second in the family. A real mischief maker and joker. Deuces are frequent guests in his diary. This doesn’t upset my friend at all, because he dreams of becoming a football player. Arshafkin is his idol. He likes to tease his younger brother Gena in a kind way. He also loves computer games, he holds in special esteem " hound dog" This character is voiced by Elena Shulman.

  • Gena. The middle child of the Barboskins. Mind is his strong point. She just loves to learn and is constantly doing scientific experiments and experiments in her room. At the same time, he is very focused and does not like to be distracted. Upset because of his older brother's bad grades. Always ready to help everyone with their lessons. Dreaming Nobel Prize. He is voiced by Mikhail Chernyak.

  • Lisa. The youngest girl in the family. Burr and other speech defects - its distinctive feature. She constantly sneaks around, which is why she often has problems with her brothers and sister. At the same time, she is a very responsible and brave girl. Loves to play doctor and sculpt with clay. Singer Zhanna Kiska is Lisa’s idol. She tries to imitate her, but she doesn’t succeed due to the lack of a voice. Lisa always keeps order. Sweets are her weakness; she cannot live without them. Speaks in the voice of Ekaterina Gorokhovskaya.

  • Baby. The youngest, funny and sweet in the family. Kindness is his main quality, so he gets upset when someone quarrels. He loves sweets and plays pranks. To avoid being scolded, he says that his stuffed bunny is to blame for everything. He is always very interested in the activities of his older brothers and sisters, which irritates them. “Luntik” is Baby’s favorite cartoon. Attends kindergarten. He is voiced by Ksenia Brzhesovskaya.

  • Timokha. Minor character, friend of Rose and Druzhka. Lives next door to the Barboskins. Loves computer games and sports. In love with Rose, but too timid to admit it. Voiced by Maxim Sergeev.

The creators of the animated series, using the example of how members of the Barboskin family communicate with each other, show kids how best to behave in different situations. life situations and show young viewers the value family relations. From watching the episodes, children can conclude that lying is not the best skill, but helping relatives and friends can and should be done.

It should be noted that often the conversations of the Barboskins do not sound like in a children's cartoon. This was done because it makes it easier for kids to perceive what the authors want to convey to them.

On various sites you can find negative reviews from parents who believe that this cartoon promotes hooliganism, deception, and sneaking, but the fact remains that the number of fans of the Barboskins, both among children and adults, is only increasing. We can say with confidence that this is a kind and instructive animated series.

Rose. One of the main characters of "The Barboskins". She loves to take care of herself, is a fashionista, follows her latest trends, and every time she tries to change the image of her sister, who is not so willing to take care of her appearance. Rose's main advantage is her self-confidence and beauty. She is not devoted to her studies, but is confident that her appearance and well-groomed appearance will help her in everything. Although her grades are high, she is not stupid, the main thing in Rosa’s life is entertainment, she plays sports and loves to sew. She has many fans, sometimes difficult relationships with her brothers and sisters, but she is always ready to help if necessary.

Lisa. Another cartoon character. Lisa is smart, she has well-developed intuition, she is always learning something new, loves to teach and is a little arrogant. She constantly changes her interests and preferences, strives to be able to do everything, to be the first, to be proud that at home with her brothers and sisters she always remains the eldest. He loves sweets and wants to outdo his sister Rose in everything. She hides it well, but is very worried about her younger ones, tries to be correct and successful due to her knowledge.

Baby- the youngest. This character is the youngest, he requires care for himself, wants to cope with all the tasks and requests of his parents on an equal basis with other brothers and sisters. But due to his small age, he still doesn’t understand many things, although he tries very hard, he is responsible and likes to reason like an adult. Kindness, justice and honesty are the main qualities of the Kid.

Buddy- oldest. Animated series character - embodiment modern teenager. He is more interested in sports than studies, which he does not do with all his dedication. He puts more effort into football and computer games, pranks and ideas, which he encourages his younger brothers and sisters to do. My friend is a little lazy, it’s difficult to get him to clean or study, much less be obedient and calm.

Genamiddle child in the Barboskin family. He is very smart and quick-witted, he is engaged in experiments and studies, he is developed and resourceful in bad weather. But, unfortunately, doing homework and extra tasks completely protected him from walks, pranks, sports and entertainment. His brothers and sisters always turn to Gene for advice if they have done something wrong.

Timokha- Druzhka's neighbor and friend. The character is friends with the eldest child of the Barboskin family, so he is a frequent guest in their house. He is in love with the beautiful Rose, but, alas, almost unrequitedly. He is the same as his friend - he loves sports and games, does not devote much to study and knowledge, but is cheerful and takes care of his youngest child - Baby.

Among the characters in the animated series Barboskina, you can easily find a hero that your child will love, because each member of the cheerful family has a different character and different hobbies. The smart guy Gena, all immersed in science, the fashionista Rose, the noisy Druzhok, the mischievous Lisa and their younger brother Baby. The adventures of brothers and sisters take place in our days, Baraboskin boys love computer games, girls love fashion and much more - everything is like real modern children.

Like any children, they commit pranks, make mistakes, offend each other, but the main thing is that at the end of each episode of the animated series Barboskina, the culprit of the next adventure understands what he was wrong about and makes amends, which, of course, serves as a good and kind an example for young viewers.

Animated series Barboskins. Heroes and characters: cartoon and reality

The five heroes from the Barboskin family are very different. But the behavior of each of them can be characterized by several types of psyche, which are clearly visible in the characters of the animated series Barboskina, making them lively and believable.

Coquette Rose constantly thinks about fashion. Her main concern is Nice dress and wonderful appearance. Rose doesn’t like to study, but she loves to watch TV series about love. She loves attention and cannot live a day without compliments. Rose strives to prove to everyone that she is the most beautiful girl, and if anyone starts to doubt this, Rose gets very upset.

The character of Rose reflects the essence of the one whom system-vector psychology calls the owner of the cutaneous-visual bundle of vectors. This type of psyche instills in its owner very specific desires. If you notice that your child looks like this cute, but slightly superficial heroine from the animated series Barboskina, then it’s time to develop your daughter’s character traits deeper than an interest in the external beauty of things.

Parents of a child are able to raise from a little person who is interested in fashion and beauty, a subtle, sensitive nature, able to empathize, not afraid of life’s difficulties, not burdened by any other fears. The properties of the vector must be developed towards the depth of perception: from joy for beautiful objects to positive emotions from sensory experiences.

The vector of development of such children should be directed from external appearance to internal content. You can learn to see the depth behind the external beauty of objects with the help of empathy, which is easy to evoke in a visual child. A heightened sense of perception is manifested in everything; the external beauty of objects is most clearly perceived by viewers, but they also feel other people’s emotions just as strongly, thanks to which sympathy easily awakens in the soul at the sight of the corresponding scenes.

Visual people love the world through their eyes. Their emotional states depends on what it looks like the world- beautiful and bright or gray and dull. A visual child must be given the opportunity to realize his sense of beauty in painting. You can start by simply drawing your small world, rooms, walls, thus embodying their ability to bring brightness and color to life. And this will be a wonderful impetus for the development of the viewer’s talents.

Another hero of the animated series Barboskins is Druzhok. Active, noisy, he loves to kick the ball and, like Rosa, does not like to learn lessons, is not particularly worried about the correctness of his actions, and can easily shift the blame onto another family member and take advantage of the situation for his own benefit.

A friend is an example of how a child with a skin vector grows up. The main thing for him is movement and his own benefit. In addition, Buddy from the animated series Barboskiny loves to compete and be the first in everything, although not necessarily in an honest way. These properties determine all his behavior, so you should not be surprised if your child does the same. This means that the skin vector is also present in it and you need to find out how to develop it correctly.

System-vector psychology suggests why it is so important to teach an undisciplined skinner to obey. At the same time, it makes no sense to focus on conscience, but it is necessary to clearly show what benefits he will have from this. Learn your lessons well - go play a ball on the street. Finish the quarter on good grades- receive the desired gift as a reward. The main thing in dealing with a skin child is the appropriate motivation that will interest him.

Disobedience and pranks of a skin tomboy can be regulated by choosing the right punishment. A ban on walking or limiting the time spent at the computer will work great. A person with a skin vector has an internal perception of prohibition and limitation, so he will easily understand the language in which you want to convey to him his mistakes, and will learn to obey you. And just like the diligent hero Gena from the animated series Barboskina, he will be able to achieve excellent results in his studies.

Gena, as we have already found out, loves study, various sciences and constantly conducts some kind of research and experiments. He is not interested in games and pranks, but he loves to teach his careless brothers and sisters, giving them lectures and trying to instill in them a love of knowledge.

Gene reflects the character of a person with an anal vector. It seems that such a child is ideal and the least problematic. But even here, parents need to be very careful so that from an obedient and golden boy they do not turn the baby into a gloomy stubborn person prone to cruelty.

What do you need to know about a child who looks like Gena from the Barboskina animated series? It is necessary to understand that he is meticulous and slow by nature, so he always needs time to slowly express his thoughts, time to slowly finish the work he has begun. Haste has a very bad effect on a child with an anal vector. It cannot be rushed or interrupted, otherwise it causes stupor, a desire to start all over again and ultimately leads to stubbornness and many other negative consequences.

Animated series Barboskins - Amenable to education

The heroes of the Barboskins cartoon series, like the heroes of any other good cartoon, at the end of each episode, realize their mistakes and correct themselves. In order for a child, looking at the Barboskins, to also have the opportunity to understand when he is doing badly and what needs to be corrected, he needs to be helped by setting the right tasks for him, applying the right measures of punishment and reward, treating the baby according to his vector set and nothing else.
The bright personalities of the main characters of the animated series Barboskiny will help you see certain vectors in your children, and the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan will help you understand which of them is imperfect, in what ways, and will give accurate recommendations for development. And let all behavior problems remain only in cartoons.

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What are the names of the characters from the cartoon "Barboskiny"?

    My daughter loves watching cartoons, including Barboskins. A very interesting idea: the main characters are dogs and they are all different.

    Gena loves to study.

    My friend, on the contrary, doesn’t like school, he’s crazy about football

    Rose is blonde with two ponytails.

    Lisa often sings.

    The baby is the smallest.

    Along with the cartoons Fixiki and Luntik, my child loves in his free time to watch the animated children's series Barboskins, where all five dog children with their parents, endowed with human qualities, live a friendly, funny life.

    So, who is it? Main characters in the cartoon Barboskiny?

    Rose- the eldest in the Barboskin family, a beauty, blonde, loves to paint her nails, do beautiful hairstyles and dress up.

    She has a fan - Timofey or Timokha,

    who sits with the youngest member of the Barboskin family - As a kid.

    The baby is the youngest in the family, kind child. My child also adopted his favorite Wow, pooh.

    Buddy- is the eldest son in a dog family, is a poor student, loves football and computer games.

    Gena or Genka- the smartest in the family, wears glasses, is overweight, constantly experiments, sometimes unsuccessfully.

    Lisa- this is the youngest red-haired daughter in the Barboskin family, she loves to sing, although she does not speak the sound R.

    There is also a mother in the footage,

    and grandfather,

    who rarely appear on camera.

    The names of the main characters of the cartoon Barboskina are probably heard by all parents who have small children.

    The names of the main characters are:

    Rosa is the eldest girl in the Barboskin family, a terrible fashionista.

    Gena is a chubby boy with glasses, an inventor.

    My friend is a football boy.

    Lisa is a red-haired, smart girl, the fourth child in the family.

    The baby is the smallest in the Barboskin family.

    Timokha is a neighbor of the Barboskin family and loves Rosa very much.

    This is our favorite modern cradle. A the names of the characters from Barboskina, in the following way:

    1. Rose is a very cute dog who dreams of a romantic ball.
    2. Lisa is Rose's younger sister. She is constantly looking for herself and her talents, now she is a singer, now a sculptor, now she plays the trumpet, now she is trying to cook something delicious for everyone.
    3. Gena is the eldest of the boys. The smartest puppy in the family, he constantly conducts various experiments and tries to invent something for himself and leave a significant contribution to science.
    4. My friend is an athlete doggie. He loves training and sports and dreams of becoming a coach.
    5. The baby is the smallest puppy in the Barboskin family, but smart and quick-witted.
    6. Babroskin's mother, a musician, enjoys playing the violin and is simply a very caring mother of her puppies.
    7. Papa Barboskin - good family man, who constantly has heart-to-heart conversations with his puppies.
    8. Timokha is Lisa’s secret admirer, he’s deeply in love with her and just good friend families.
    9. Grandfather Barboskin is a nimble sailor who once served on a ship.

    The cartoon is drawn very high quality and beautifully, so it is a pleasure to watch, whether for a child or an adult.

    My daughter loves this cartoon, so I have already learned all its characters.

    And so the main characters:

    Rose is the eldest daughter, beautiful, but not always smart. Blonde in one word.

    Gena is the second child. He is passionate about science and is constantly trying to invent something. Fat and with glasses.

    My friend is the third child in the family. Athlete, football player. He is cool about studying.

    Lisa is the fourth child. Red-haired, short, burr. Dreams of becoming a pop singer.

    The baby is the youngest child. Curious, spontaneous.

    There are also mom and dad who work and are rarely at home.

    Grandfather sometimes comes to visit.

    Timokha is Druzhka's friend, secretly in love with Rosa.

    The main characters are Rose, Buddy, Gena, Lisa, Baby. a very nice cartoon, the last episode of which was released in December 2015, whether there will be a continuation is unknown. But there are a lot of seasons, so you can have time to enjoy it.

    This is our favorite Russian animated series, it also has a very positive theme song and kind characters. The main characters are brothers and sisters from a large canine family: dad, mom and 5 children:

    Gena - bespectacled, plump, the smartest, future scientist;

    Friend - he is easy to recognize by his perky character and the phrase “Nail in my sneakers!”, loves football;

    Rose is a beautiful blonde, older sister;

    Lisa is red-haired, has a slight burr, and loves to sing;

    The baby is the smallest dog, his favorite phrase is Wow, Wow.

    Another character is Timokha's neighbor - Druzhka's friend and loves Rosa.

    Two girls and three boys - this is the number of children in the Barboskin family

    Everyone's name is as follows: Rose, Buddy, Gena, Lisa, Baby

    In addition to children, there are also adults - Dad, Mom and Grandfather

    Children love the cartoon, so it's not surprising that it's popular.

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